Mary Poppins for Adults

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Siobhan is legitimately a good singer. I think that’s the first time we’ve heard that from her!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Xeynon 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2018 🗫︎ replies

This might be my favorite one in a long time, and not just because of Siobahn's singing (which is great).

"I had a flavored condom."

"I had Grant's leftovers."

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Dec 20 2018 🗫︎ replies
- What do you guys want to do for lunch? - I don't know, candy? (Mary Poppins theme music) - Good morning, I'm the new nanny. - Mary Poppins you came! - Indeed, now where are my charges? - Duh, we're right here! - Oh, I'm sorry, I thought that I would be looking after some children? - Oh, I wrote that. We need help Mary Poppins. - We're terrible at adulting. - Adulting? - Yeah, you know, doing grown-up stuff. Like going to the doctor, cooking, paying taxes. - Cars. - Cars? Just the concept of cars? Right, yes I do see that you do need my help. So, ah let's start with some tidying. ♪ There's cleaning to be done but we can have some fun, ♪ ♪ Why are you still sitting there not doing anything? ♪ - Oh we don't clean. - You don't clean? - No, we're grown-ups. There's no one forcing us to do mundane life things, so we don't. - How did all this fit in there? - Good little girls don't go through other people's things. - I'm not a girl. - If you won't clean, let's start with something else. When was the last time any of you went to the dentist? (clicking sounds) ♪See your dentist once a year and you will have no fear ♪ - Where do I find a dentist? - Oh your insurance provider should have a list of the... - Is there a difference between a preferred provider and a participating provider? - Practically perfect plan participants provide people plenty... - Oh, I got frustrated and started watching this. - (laughing) - Well, did you at least eat anything today? - I had, um, three cookies? - I had a flavored condom. - I had Grant's left-overs. - Okay, so why don't I teach you all how to make yourselves a balanced dinner? ♪ A simple cup of rice, ♪ What are you looking for now? - I'm looking to see if there's like cereal or something I can eat instead of cooking. - Like a Think Thin? - Making cereal doesn't count as cooking. - Cooking is boring! - Lots of adult things are boring, you do them anyway. I mean, you don't enjoy paying your power bill, do you? You do pay your power bill, don't you? ♪LADWP it powers you and me, hello! ♪ (laughing) I'm making all these up on the spot, it's quite impressive. - You can't swing into a river on a rope. - No way! - It never works. - What is wrong with you? - Well, ♪ Mary Poppins you know we, ♪ ♪ - Lack accountability, when you grow up, ♪ - Ally, get out of my bag! - There's someone in here!
Channel: CollegeHumor
Views: 2,269,741
Rating: 4.8133507 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, kids, mary poppins, useless, mad skills, cleaning, singing, accents, bored, nursery rhymes, grant o’brien, ally beardsley, paul robalino, siobhan thompson, hardly working, parody, r rated mary poppins, swearing mary poppins, im not good at adult shit
Id: zd2xn5U6e-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 9sec (189 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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