Voices of Rocky and Bullwinkle

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like a goofy lucky wife happy seeing the voices of rocky and bullwinkle as well as a host of other character ease along to June Foray and Bill Scott why didn't you tell me before I didn't think you'd believe me I don't but it sure helps the plot think we're talking each other thing were you on the brain surgeon I'm an attorney I'm a public relations man I'm Bullwinkle moose your girl Michael knows my god that's what happens I grew up with you I grew up with you that's what happened why wouldn't you be proud to say this when everybody instead of having a group of strangers or acquaintances you were suddenly among old friends good memories her feelings brought out by old friends and when you're introduced to Bill and June you're among the best memories of cartoons past he's mr. Peabody Sherman and it the wayback could talk it would tell you that it's the way back this man miss miss dog miss beagle is really it was really a kind of a clifton win but he clicked his speech and everything very forward them out and so that's where the mr. peabody voice came from rocky is a no american boy scout and that Tosh is a broken spy we won't say Russian spy yet oh that's chin Chi at a time yeah it still is Bullwinkle of course would be my favorite I guess in large part because that's kind of a character that I would really like to be like somebody who says outrageous things no just react right think it will but it's so dumb you really can't take him you know you really can't take umbrage at what he says what he does because after all he's a moose what do you expect my moose and just where do we find more man on the moon Oh Maureen spaceship Thor yeah funny how that works out this is WBZ n Boston and though as part of our old groms program if heavens on fire featuring kiss yes and this is funny the latest kiss album oh yeah WBZ and that's what he said promoting an appearance in a recent New England animation festival was made simple just placed bill and June in front of any microphone and the character seemed to unfold from the past oh well Nell is so delightfully so clean and so lovely and she's just in love with horse and ugly you really can't say a girl is quite all there who would prefer a horse over Dudley do-right nobody I know starts off it's a great career but nobody I know starts out going I'm gonna grow up and I'm gonna be a good cartoon voice you know how'd you do it push to go well I was a dramatic actress I started radio when I was 12 years old what good thing I was writing a thing and I had no idea about acting here at all Jay starts handing out the parts and I said who's going to who's gonna do Bullwinkle he's sick I thought you were so hope that's how that is how I was assigned and now that's the hard work I did to be cast as as as Bullwinkle moose Crisco wrong hat I think a dividend 1/2 we're just paying respect to those people who gave us so much fun when we were kids they were true fun not fake fun true fun if just like in the the end of an episode of Rocky and Bullwinkle you had to have one of those double titles for your cartoon life that has just passed what would that title be all quiet on the western front or a wheel be back you you
Channel: davidalpert
Views: 843,839
Rating: 4.9513769 out of 5
Keywords: animation, charles laquidara, bill scott, june foray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 3sec (243 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 06 2011
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