Deadpool Marvel Champions Review - Hero Spotlight

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so Deadpool's a lot stronger than I thought he was going to be let's talk about [Music] that hello and welcome to Nelson ol over cards today we're going to take a deep dive look at one of the newest heroes in Marvel Champions which is Deadpool I keep calling him Daredevil and I will not edit it out for the rest of this video so if I say Daredevil know that I mean Deadpool but anyways Deadpool is a crazy powerful hero we're going to talk about why we're going to talk about his hero his cards some of the basic cards that we like to run and there's a lot of them we'll talk a little bit more about basic when we get there because I did a couple of tests we're going to talk about the aspects we're going to rank those in terms of his least to best in and then we're going to talk about like overall thoughts now this is going to be primarily a solo review one hero dared Daredevil jeez Deadpool is the only Hero on the table however we will at the end of of the video have some multiplayer thoughts where we dive we talk a little bit more about how he would function in a multiplayer game if you want to jump ahead to any of these sections or come back to any of them there will be time stamps in the video so you can do so at your leisure anyways let's talk about his alter ego Wade Wilson this is where the funest begins which is not a word but we're going to keep it in there because Wade would be proud funest and power starts right here on his alter ego side he has the highest recovery stat of anybody in the game at 8 recovery which is incredibly powerful and also it's going to be incredibly good once we learn a little bit more about his gimmick which is on his hero side all about dying quote dying his alter ego ability is also really good it's called Break the fourth wall you can discard a card from your hand to search your deck for a Deadpool events and add it to your hand being able to fish out exactly what you need the exact solution to the problem that you are being presented with can be incredibly powerful and he has some of the best Solutions in the game with his events so this break the fourth wall ability is going to be used many many times while we are talking about Alter Ego he does have an alter ego support which is the chimy changa truck this actually may be my favorite support in the entire game just because of what it does to the recovery basic activation it's the two cost support it says after any identity performs the recover action you get to ready that identity now this is really cool for solo because you can get them back up to full health as long as you haven't modified his health any or anything so if you're at one Health and you'll be at one Health and alter you go very frequently with Deadpool you can heal up all the way back up to full health of 9 HP then you can ready and then you know thwart attack or do whatever you want with your activation however the reason I like this game is the fact that it says any identity so this could be any player in that multiplayer game so if you are in hero form you don't need to recover but you're teammate does you can get a quotee free recovery out of this I love to see the recovery support here and I hope that we do get to see uh more ways to kind of uh incentivize recovering because I do think that I'm doing I'm not doing as much as recovering and I think it's a fun design space to explore so I I'm I like it I like it so much I love the chimmy chunka truck but let's talk about his hero side so on his hero side he has a 200 200 100 stat line but but you do ignore the zeros so it's a 221 styline which is not the greatest but uh he he fine he's he's he's fine uh he has a hand size of five and his ability here is what's going to make him so incredibly powerful this is called the regenerating degenerate and it says when you would be defeated you instead set your HP dial to one change to alter ego form and add an acceleration token to the main scheme now this is super crazy especially when you can then heal all the way back up to full and if you have the chimy ch truck you get to ready you can go right at it again what this means is you can basically ignore defense for a lot of scenarios and we'll talk a little bit about the overall scenarios and where he's going to struggle and where he's going to thrive later in the video it's probably going to be in our overall thoughts section but it makes him incredibly powerful because there's so many villains you just don't have to worry about damage that's pretty great the last thing I'm going to say about this ability before we flip into um talking about his cards is is I will normally take a big hit flip down and then we have all of his alter ego support so the chimy changa truck the healing any of your mutant supports he's a mutant so you can trigger all of those incredible Alter Ego mutant supports as well as break that fourth wall go grab another card and then let's talk about the cards for what he can grab he's got a lot of really interesting cards the first one we're going to talk about is called metan knowledge it says when an encounter card is revealed cancel all of its effects and discard it take one damage for each icon um in the card's boost area this is pretty nice however usually when we're in the step of the villain phase where we're resolving in counter cards I'm already in alter ego and this is a hero response and so very infrequently am I actually able to uh trigger this so I it's a good card however most of the time when we're revealing encounter cards we're an alter ego especially if we're playing like that Rush push damage ignore defense strategy however this has come in really clutch especially if we're going up against situations or scenarios that aren't as nice to us and maybe they deal out indirect damage and we're not playing that fast and loose flip down with one HP play style but it only goes uphill from here next up we have the Deadpool's katanas these are two cost restricted weapons and he has two of these says you can take one damage to deal two damage with piercing really easy damage uh we normally don't care about our as our health as long as this doesn't kill us we should be fine and even if it does kill us I've actually used this where I had one hit point use the katanas deal two damage flip over heal do all of my stuff break the fourth wall flip back up because that does not take our once per turn flip so it's a lot of flexibility the katanas are nice especially because Deadpool is going to want to be throwing a ton of big chunks of damage and so this is his solution to tough you can take a damage Pierce two damage and you're off to the races at that point it also combos really well with his arm to the teeth upgrade this is I think I how do I want to say this I I'm really happy with how they Incorporated the break the fourth wall mechanic that Deadpool is kind of known for in this game because arm to the teeth says that whenever you play the card you search your collection for a weapon upgrade from any aspect and attach it face down here this means that you can go basically into your box and anything that you have not played you or anything that's in that box you can grab and put it face down then as an action you can swap the card here with a weapon you control so he does have those katanas you can swap that out you can swap it into a Sonic rifle from if you're playing aggression you have easy access to confuse if you want to grab hand cannons because maybe you're doing some more basic attacking I really enjoy Sonic rifle that's probably my normal go-to weapon that I choose with this because I really like confusing him because I'm going to be an alter ego fairly frequently now most of the villain activations come when we're in hero farm but that does protect against the advance honestly there's a ton of good options here um the last one I want to mention here is laser s lightsaber laser swords whatever one gets me around the IP issues um where from the new pool aspect and so now you can start just swinging lights L light laser swords around uh a lot of fun options I'm actually really curious so let me know in the comments what your favorite thing to grab with this uh arm to the teeth ability is cuz it's fun it's fun all righty let's move on to I think one of his best cards in the game which is maximum effort and this is where it starts to get a little crazy this is a zeroc cost attack event that says you can take damage equal to the amount of health so basically however much health you have you can take that much damage and deal that much damage to an enemy this is for zero cost so right off the bat you could take nine damage kill yourself and uh flip down and have all that usually what I'm doing if I have nine health I go eight damage with maximum effort so it's a one effective cost for eight damage which is crazy on its own and then I have the villain hit me and then I get to do all my Alter Ego stuff incredibly powerful on its own but we're going to talk about the shenanigans that we can get in with aspect and basic cards here in a second because it does not have a limit you can take as much damage as you want and this means that if you up your health you can take a dumb amount of damage and deal a stupid amount back Yoo is his thwart card which is very similar to maximum effort basically the same thing except it costs one and it says you can take damage and remove threat equal to the amount of damage that you take so this has helped especially to clear some side schemes one of the things that I've really enjoyed doing is if I get a s scheme in my opening hand I can play that I can then use my my break forth wall ability tutor a yooo take damage and immediately clear the side scheme I'm thinking specialized training some of these with higher threat caps and you can immediately start with that Boon on the table and all you have to do is mulligan for the Sid scheme so Yoo I think of as more of an early game card um there are a lot of villains in this game where maximum effort and then the next card that we're going to talk about uh can win in two turns so with that said um a lot of villains you don't even need Yoo but it is nice to set up especially for some of those longer slugs now the rest of his kit kind of plays off the acceleration tokens on the main remember we're adding those acceleration tokens every single time we get defeated or the amount of damage that he's taken I talked about this next card so the uh maximum effort and his three cost event called this card is fire have such a great symbiotic relationship it's incredibly powerful and probably why he's one of the best heroes in the game so this is a three cost aent that is effectively a better gamma slam so you uh deal damage equal to the amount of damage you sustained so if you're sitting at not raising your health at all you're sitting there at eight damage because you've played a maximum effort you've taken the eight damage you've dealt that then you can play this card is fire for an additional eight damage because you sustained eight now again if we keep raising our health the more that we sustain the more that this card deals back uh in Solo that's a a lot of damage all righty his signature Ally is called cable this is a three cost one two three and he gets a plus one th plus one attack for every single acceleration token on the main scheme up to a four five so plus three to each one of the stats so yeah that's really good now cable again a lot of the times Deadpool wins faster than Cable's going to put his Effectiveness out so I I'm try I've been trying to figure out how I want to frame this conversation and frame this video because I think for any standard villain in the game or 95% of the standard villains in the game outside of Maximum effort and this card is fire you do not need any of his other cards to win you just don't um now I've played some of the harder matchups against thanoses Venom golins magnetos and so now I'm talking cable pulls his weight here because these are longer fights you have to be a little careful care F there's indirect damage so you can't just go fast and loose now cable on the other hand if we're placing a ton of acceleration tokens and we done so smartly if you get him out there three cost for 15 damage is incredibly powerful if you use cards to heal him he's going to be someone who wants to stay out on the table just because of how high of an impact he has so cable is really good and pretty pretty much only needed for a lot of these higher um longer higher tier longer fight villains he has a resource card in his Kate called Montage this has one wild resource and it generates one additional resources per acceleration up to a total of four resources so if you have three acceleration tokens on the main scheme now Cable's doing crazy stuff montage is a four resource card and yeah I mean it's you can play a Nick with it you can play um you know Professor X usually a lot of the time I have one acceleration token on the main scheme by the end of my first turn or I'm Sorry by the start of my second turn so I've taken the attack I've placed an acceleration and so right there montage is already a vibranium from Black Panther it's a double wild and every single wild resource on top of that gets better now he only has one of these in his kit and so it's a little bit harder to trigger than the vibranium but still a very very good resource card because it leans into what Deadpool is trying to do he has a card called exhausting personality which just theme 10 out of 10 it's a zeroc cost card and you get to choose to either place an acceleration token on the main scheme to stun and confuse the villain um and I would just say that I may take this option in many games even if my kit didn't resol or revolve around putting acceleration tokens on the main I think that this is probably a decent trade-off for many Heroes now when Deadpool wants those acceleration tokens on the main then this is even better but that's not it the other option here is you can exhaust a player's identity so this could be your own or another players and they get to draw cards equal to the number of acceleration tokens on the main scheme I just played a game with Magneto where I had 11 acceleration tokens on the main scheme so I drew exhausting personality I exhausted myself and I had 11 more cards it's good I mean it's really really strong I also really like it in a multiplayer setting and I guess I'm kind of trickling in some of my multiplayer thoughts into the solo reviews so sorry um but in the in the multiplayer setting if you have someone out there who really needs like card draw I'm thinking hulks I'm thinking uh Drax has pretty good card draw probably at this time in the game but your hulks you're uh anyone who wants card draws I guess that's anybody in the game um but anyone that wants card draws that doesn't necessarily love their basic activation exhaust draw a ton of cards your friends are going to like you that all is chaos and everything about it is chaotic adding the accelerations to the main scheme is very dangerous however he has a fix in his kit with it ain't over now this is a one cost upgrade that says it increases the threshold of the main scheme for two by or for two for each acceleration token on the main scheme so now you don't really have to worry too too much about scheming out only on acceleration tokens now you'll probably hit that if you don't ever look at the main scheme again right but every acceleration token raises that cap by two and so now you're looking at if you have five acceleration tokens you're adding six threat per player on the main which is going to be most however it an over increases that threshold by 10 so now you have a lot more wiggle room and you can go grab the yoos or anything to take those take that uh main scheme down uh maybe every other turn or so but it can still be an issue um and it ain't over just just it's it's a it's a breath of relief right you have a little bit more of a head room if you are going for those longer games or if you're in a multiplayer game um this is this is an excellent card that's his kit and he can win pretty much with only his kit we're going to talk about basic cards but his ability to go find exactly what event he needs he can find thwarting he can find damage he can find uh exhausting personality for card draw he can find an and that to me means that I mean he he is he's one of the best heroes in the game uh let's talk about the cost curve cost curve is skewed a little bit high it's a 1.91 per card it does not affect him as much because his alter ego ability is able to pull any of his events and a lot of his events are going to be zero or one cost and so since you have this option you can pull either your lower cost cards uh to balance out the higher cost cards in your hand or um if you have only low cost cards you can pull out this card as fire and you can kind of craft your hand to fit the cost curve of the present information in your hand so that's fine or you can just rush it and you'll be fine if you rush and I know a lot of people don't enjoy rush but Deadpool is the best Rush hero in the game and you can just do that and the cost curve there does not really matter that much especially because of his alter ego ability you're not really looking for much other than his cards let's talk about the basic cards that he really likes now he likes all of the uh mutant support stuff but I'm going to call out a couple here in particular mutant education is a fantastic card it allows you to shuffle two cards from your discard pile or two identity specific cards from your discard pile back into your deck which he can then break the fourth wall and go grab so if you need a this card is fire Shuffle it back in discard a card go grab this card is fire and then deal the eight damage that you need so mutant education is great normally I like running a X mansion alongside of mutant education because what mutant education says is if x- Manion is in play you then get to draw a card I've stopped running X-Mansion in my games mainly because X Manion is slower than Deadpool wants to go so don't necessarily ever really need the healing from X-Mansion it is a fairly expensive card and I don't find myself needing x- Manion as much now I do really like Moira so Moira says whenever you flip from alter you go to Hero form you get to draw a card or you exhaust her and you get to draw a card now this is cool because Deadpool is actually one of the only Heroes that's very can easily and consistently always flip the hero form every single turn he can flip to Hero form and Trigger Moira and so Moira looks kind of like an Avengers mansion in this case because if we're taking a damage we're taking a hit we flip down to alter ego at the start of our next turn we're going to flip up and so the downside quote down side of flipping down to alter ego is you are still stuck with that five hand size Moira gets you that card draw up to six so that's pretty that's pretty nice downtime is a card that I'm actually running a lot with Deadpool and it's a card that I haven't run in a long time so he has a eight recovery downtime gives him plus two recovery so that takes him up to 10 now this is more than the health that he has which we can then up with endurance or the sembi out suit and this is where Deadpool gets his s tier rating so spoiler alert I guess um uh but endurance symbiote suit right there that puts you at plus 14 Health right so or no plus 13 Health uh endurance is plus three symbiot suit is 10 so now if you take all of your damage or you do a maximum effort you're at uh 13 plus 9 23 you can deal 23 damage with a zeroc cost card deal 22 this card is fire deal 22 more so raising Deadpool's health is incredibly powerful because all of his cards deal off of dealing or taking damage or dealing damage equal to that which you have sustained and this is a great way to just increase that threshold so with those cards right there with his kit cards with mutant education with the symbiote suit or endurance those cards those combos of cards right there can beat 80% of the ill in two to three turns if you can get simbi otu down on turn one you can then trigger his break the fourth wall grab the uh maximum effort and deal 18 damage on turn one that's going to take out the majority of stage one stage two of villains even and then you'll take that damage tutor this card is fired do it again there's a video I'll link it here uh I I beat Ronin in two turns standard Ronin but like as I've played more you do have to play a little bit safer but you can do this to almost any villain and so when we're talking about the aspects and spoiler alert he's good in all of them this is all this is just cream this is just adding to what he can already do knowing that I would probably rate him high a tier if his maybe even s tier honestly I would I would rate him really really high if as a additional restriction it says you cannot include aspect cards he would be fine so with that being said let's talk about some of the aspect cards we're going to rate the five aspects now I'm going to include pool here I don't think that's going to be a habit that I do but since Deadpool came with pool I felt like I should probably talk about him um we're going to rate the five in terms of least good in to most effective in and then I'm going to tell you what my favorite is once we do get there um again he's going to be good in all of them in fifth place we're going to put leadership honestly leadership is kind of more than what Deadpool needs leadership is the Ally the money resource it very high money very control and honestly Deadpool just doesn't really need it now I do like leadership a lot if we are running against things with a ton of indirect damage now if we're doing that I'm going to be putting in a lot of High Health allies and so we can spread out some of that indirect damage to those allies which is leadership however this is not a super frequent occurrence that we're running into a ton of indirect damage in our games so leadership in number fifth in the fourth place aspect we're going to go with the pools so I think pool is chaos I'm not a good pool player I haven't really figured out how to play pool so I'm not sure if this fourth place ranking is either my ineptitude or it is actually just way too chaotic for what Deadpool is already trying to do however with like cards like Mulligan or the resource cards because you can really kind of hit that high threshold or the no sustained damage we Deadpool and pool can play a conservative side of the pool as aspect fairly effectively now I think the way that I played it where I just went all in on all of the icons and everything and led I think I still won that game maybe I I don't remember but it was it was wild and so pool I think is a little bit chaotic for an already fairly chaotic hero which is why it's in fourth place going into third place we have protection now the reason that I like protection here is mainly taunt taunt allows you to take a villain attack draw three cards and then this is going to allow you to get your better card sooner you can flip down the alter ego so maybe you did not die quote die in the uh villain phase the villain you know takes you down to three Health you have a taunt you can then play a taunt the villain's going to knock you into Alter Ego you get to draw three cards and so it's just a way to cycle some more cards has different ways to take damage um he doesn't really need the aspect cards but this is just a way to turn what he's already good at into or his his strength into a better strength and so protect protction is in that uh third place and in second place we have Justice now Justice is interesting because Deadpool can thwart really well with his Yoo he has a two thwarts already in his kit however the reason I really like justice is you have yellow cards that help with forart meaning that you do not have to play Yoo if you do not play Yoo you don't have to take damage and you can instead use that damage as a resource for maximum effort so if you have supplemental ways to deal with threat you can then take all of your health and shovel it into maximum efforts and just go with the villain go face with the villain now you also have ways to confuse and so you can play a little bit longer of a game with ju uh with Justice so that helps a little bit with uh some of his you know flipping down into Alter Ego all that stuff but that's uh second place and in the first place aspect which is actually my favorite is aggression so Rush here is King and he can do it in any aspect I honestly have a a rush deck setup I keep you know motioning to the front uh the the the table here because I have a a basic Rush deck set up so he can rush in anything and aggression just helps facilitate rush and I usually don't put too too much stock into Rush however Deadpool can Rush 99% of the villains in this game and he can do it with his basic and aspect cards and his aggression cards just help him do it more consistently and so you get red cards you get all of the basic Rush Staples your drop kicks all of this kind of stuff um actually I don't think you w drop KCK because I don't think you want to something but anyways you have ways to deal and aggression you can rush and you can you can win into two easily three turns and that's why aggression is the top now I I don't I don't know if I dislike rush I don't think I love Rush however I've been having a lot of fun with Deadpool rush and I'm not 100% sure why that may just be be because it's new or that maybe because I'm turning over a new Leaf in my life and I enjoy a rush now I don't know but let's talk about what the community thought they ranked him as his best aspect being pool which maybe I think I'm just missing something with pool I don't get pool it's not my style of play but they had it far in away his best aspect Then followed by aggression then Justice and then so we were kind of the same except for pool pool was completely way out of uh what my ranking had them in but everything else kind of lined up they had them ranked as an S tier and this is where we get to talk about some stuff um I'm going to agree with that now I reserve s tier right now for my top five Heroes I think he is a top five hero in the game actually I'm putting him at second best in the game I'm putting him behind Doctor Strange as the second best hero in the game and I think he can kind of maybe even flirt with that top uh spot even especially in kind of the easier lower tier scenarios he's good he's very good I've played a lot of games with him and his damage output for anything that you're not teching against Deadpool wins games you can you can beat anybody from Red Skull you can beat anybody from uh Galaxy's pretty much just easy with Rush with the combo of Maximum efforts um and this card is fire symbiote suits uh front line specialist which I I meant to mention this in the basic part but we have the new specialized training uh side scheme so we go get Frontline specialist now whenever we take damage we're taking we're getting card draws we get plus Health um which increases our maximum effort and this card is fire abilities um I wanted to stress test him because last time I said that a hero was the best in the game that was Wolverine and that was because I had not played enough games with him I I I didn't log my games I've gotten bad about logging my games again but I think I'm probably around 20 to 25 games with Deadpool and I to stress him the most I literally just finished playing a all basic deck I did not put a single aspect in here and I easily handled Magneto and Venom Goblin um I thought those were going to be the two two uh worst case scenarios Sandman is also pretty tough because he deals that indirect damage and kind of counters him but we can we can beat Sandman Fair fairly easily if we just run Ally heavy but if you play him smart you don't play him super rush strategy now I think Venom Goblin was about four turns is what I beat him Magneto took a lot longer but that's just Magneto but you're able to burst through the S schemes you're able to deal damage and pretty much you play almost a control Style game until you're ready to throw 40 40 damage and you can do that with that we have wins against the hardest villains in expert with a basic kit so the fact that he's able to beat those High tier villains with a basic deck he doesn't need any cards outside of the basic and his uh kit cards means that he can be Uber consistent Uber consistent Rush strategy which normally is kind of um only for aggression or maybe some leadership builds but really you don't need any of those cards which means that he is going to be so good and I'm going to rate him at number two in the game um he can tutor the cards he can get exactly what he wants so it's not a random luck of the draw you're drawing into and you can break that fourth wall mutant education hit this card is fire two turns in a row maximum efforts it's it's so good I want to talk about rush I think sometimes Rush can kind of get devalued in power rankings because not all villains can be rushed and you have to have a very specific deck build and it has a little bit of luck to it that is not necessarily the case with Deadpool and while you can play other ways you can go the stun or you can go like the the long control game with Justice you can do that however I think it's going to be less effective so just because Rush is his greatest strength you can play it other ways but I feel like in most situations you're playing a lesser version of a Deadpool deck unfortunately so that's Rush he's good he can beat anybody in the game that's all about the rush I want to talk about more of his kit because it's really freaking cool his acceleration toking gimmick is a lot of fun it's a lot slower than a lot of his burst damage but if you are not going for that burst effect it's a Cooperative game you don't have to rush and you are kind of stressing that it ain't over is a freaking sweet card increase that threshold and then now you have a lot of breathing room and you can use yoos or you can use your Justice cards to clear that main scheme if you go it ain't over plus an under surveillance your threat threshold is incredibly high it's just a lot of fun the arm to the teeth is a freaking sweet card uh being able to go grab a weapon from off aspect so if I'm Injustice you can go grab a Sonic rifle have Sonic rifle every single turn if you want Overkill damage you can go get that hand Cannon you can find solutions to the problem I really like that design space it's really freaking cool uh exhausting personality it is a ton of fun to draw a lot of cards I I mean Deadpool I'm having a lot of fun with they knocked it out of the part with theme I think he is incredibly fun to play and I'm really happy that we got Deadpool let's talk about multiplayer because I think he gets a little bit more balanced because the HP of the villain scales faster than his damage output so like if you have an 18 Health villain in multiplayer that's 36 a 18 Health villain if you get symbiot suit turn on turn one you can kill him in Solo in multiplayer that doesn't really work because of that scaling of the health but he can be the damag person he can be the threat person with Yoo and overwatches I mean that's a lot of threat you can uh play selfishly you can throw acceleration tokens around or you can play very very um supporting the support role because you can have the chimy changa truck you can have people not need to worry about their health too much because they know that they have a free recover with that chimy changa truck you can pass out cards with exhausting personality you can have people who want to have cards and struggle to get those cards just flood their hand with cards like kind of mid late game with exhausting personality zero cost let them draw three let them draw five cards you can do a lot you can cancel anyone's encounter card with meta knowledge so in a multiplayer game usually are I I I I haven't played a ton of multiplayer with Deadpool um so this is a lot of theory crafting and I would love to hear your thoughts on multiplayer Deadpool in the comments um but in multiplayer probably am not taking that hit and dying as much and so especially especially if I know that there's going to be a lot of encounter cards coming and so I can stay and use meta knowledge on the worst card that's coming out I can cancel the the glider I can cancel a Shadows I can cancel those cards and you get so much Tempo with that boost you can play support you can play Super selfish I think Deadpool is going to be a lot of fun in multiplayer my only word of caution is that I would definitely prioritize it ain't over if you are going to be running a lot of the acceleration tokens Shenanigans because um yeah your teammates are going to be a lot happier with you anyways that's my thoughts on Deadpool uh this is a this is a crazy one I'm curious to hear what you all's thoughts are do you enjoy Deadpool do you think that he is one of the best heroes in the game do you think he's not am I if I completely misjudge him let me know in the comments I'd love to have a conversation with youall about that but thanks for hanging out and I appreciate yall we'll do x23 next so if you are curious about that make sure to stick around [Music] peace
Channel: Nelson All Over Cards
Views: 4,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deadpool Marvel Champions, marvel champions, marvel champions review, marvel champions lcg, marvel champions live play, marvel champions playthrough, marvel champions living card game, marvel champions gameplay, marvel champions card game, marvel champions deck build, marvel champiosn next evolution, next evolution, marvel champions next evolution
Id: VSAoTvA7aAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 15sec (2055 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 29 2023
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