Married couples whose wedding was "objected" by someone shares their story

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married couples whose wedding was objected by someone what is your story and how did the wedding turn out I've been waiting to tell this story again so I'm attending this ultra chill beach wedding in small-town Canada I don't know most anyone because it was my ex step aunts so my brother's family I never see it was fun anyways the bride flew in on a seaplane and all the chairs were set up on the sand anyways the groom is from Trinidad and Tobago Seoul his relatives traveled a long-ass way and had cool accents there was a party before we were all a little bit tipsy so as the ceremony progresses everyone is watching jet in Tyrion shed from the vows then the line comes any reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony speak now nobody expected this the father of the groom gets up flailing and a collective gasp followed by silence overtakes this tiny venue we are all waiting with bated breath but he's just standing there with glassy eyes turns out he was baked as [ __ ] this 70-plus man in a suit and dreads laughs and says no I kid I kid in the whole spirit of the audience cheers up as he sits back down rest of the reception people are going up to him saying good one or scolding him damn good night best wedding I've been to not me but I was performing the ceremony I asked the question as a part of the liturgy and a guy gets up after the question and says yeah I object that's my wife bride's mother is the only one to speak and she says who the [ __ ] is that a aro n sensing that something was amiss I say very calmly ladies and gentlemen please remain in your seats while we conclude this I pull the guy aside and he claims that they got married at 18 she abandoned him and they never divorced he had been trying to get a hold of her and he actually told her that if she didn't at least get a legal divorce he would show up at her wedding she had just ignored it like it would just go away never returned her call basically just walked out at age 19 never returned bride was near 30 so I asked the bride to step aside with parents they say you never divorced him I'm in panic mode as I don't know what to do if she was still married I couldn't marry them the groom comes over ready to fight me the husband any body complete disaster wedding was canceled they married a year later after the divorce went through in a small private ceremony and here's the kicker two years later she just walked out on him I didn't have a traditional church wedding but my husband's mother showed up at the courthouse to yell one last time about how I probably have STIs because I wasn't a virgin how I'd never belong in the family we are different races and how we were rushing things we'd been best friends for 13 years before being together I haven't spoken to her since he's spoken to her twice since both times to tell her she's not welcome in our lives until she apologizes our fourth anniversary is in December this is how my parents had to deal with my dad's mom they didn't speak to her and hid her existence to me and my siblings so well for eight to nine years that when we met her finally we had no clue who she was and thought she was kidding saying she was a grandmother weird night back in the late nineties I was invited to the wedding of a guy I was in the army with he married his girlfriend from uni and his southern Italian speaking Swiss hometown church all very traditional during the ceremony a girl crashes through the door obviously drunk as hell and starts cursing in Italian that the bride cannot get married in white in a church as she is not a virgin sucked a thousand dicks and is not pure the whole audience is stunned and waits for the reaction of the couple or someone in general suddenly the groom's mother stands up and screams at her in thr most vicious voice I ever heard Manila shut the [ __ ] up everyone knows you take it up the ass I've been told that the girl was the groom's highschool girlfriend but he left her as she wanted to wait till marriage my prop from a religious studies course was a priest and officiated weddings from time to time during one wedding that he was officiating there was a leased had up announced his name and title I turns out he was some sort of European royalty the crowd gasps and the Minister swore he could hear the bride's father swear under his breath baron insert underscore name said that he objected to the marriage because he had grave moral concern for the couple's future well-being he claimed the groom was a self abuser and the bride was far too fair for one such as he the groom baron insert underscore name then challenged the soon-to-be groomed to a duel and charge the altar they both produced swords in the groom to be defended his honor by slaying Baron insert underscore name in front of the gathered crowd the somewhat befuddled priest walked over and blessed the corpse to ensure safe passage to the hereafter then continued the wedding without missing a beat the kicker is that the priest didn't know that the wedding was for a group of people heavily involved in the society for creative anachronism but didn't know about the surprise objection thankfully he has a great sense of humor and loved the unique flavor of the wedding I wrote and put together most of the ceremony that my husband and I had at our wedding so there wasn't actually a point at which people were asked if they objected that being said my husband's stepmother at the time objected all over the place she lectured me at the bridal shower said that my future husband was a loser and wouldn't stick around that family is really important to her and she didn't see me as a part of their family at the rehearsal she said I was rude because I didn't include my brother-in-law's girlfriend who I'd never met prior who was not invited and who I did not know was even coming and that I was being [ __ ] about everything she offered money to the groomsmen the night before the wedding to take him to a strip club and find a hooker to sleep with him she told the best man his brother to try and sleep with me that same night he got drunk came to my hotel room and tried to kiss my neck while telling me that he was better for me than my husband would be why my brother-in-law did this is beyond me I told my husband a few months later and I don't think they've ever spoken about it the morning of the wedding her husband my father-in-law asked me why my family was broke and said that his wife the stepmum told him my dad was a loser who couldn't keep a job and that he should be ashamed to show up at my wedding when he couldn't pay for it himself I held my breath through the entire ceremony expecting her to stand up and shout something she and my father-in-law were divorced a couple of years later and my phil has since apologized for all of the stuff he said on her behalf I don't forgive that fat [ __ ] though this reminded me of a story my uncle told me about my parents wedding my mom's stepmother was a grade-a B from hell she made snide comments about my dad's family being a bunch of inbred hillbillies told my dad he'd never be able to give my mom the life my grandfather had given her and told my mom on the eve of her wedding that all men cheat only dramatic [ __ ] make a big deal about it she also insisted that she my grandfather and my grandmother who he cheated on with this awful shrew and eventually left her for share a car most likely so she could shove her happy marriage in my grandmother's face anyway my dad's mom was an absolute Saint seriously the kind of woman who never had a negative word to say about anybody it didn't matter if she hated your guts she'd find one thing to like about you and just gush over that one thing they're all lining up after the wedding for pictures and the photographer says he wants to take some family shots my aunts uncles cousin and grandparents and step-grandma all go up to the front of the church my sweet sweet paternal grandmother takes step [ __ ] by the hand leaves her to the Pew and says this one is just for family you need to wait right here until it's your turn at this point stepmonster burst into tears probably one of the few demonstrations of human emotion in her life and stormed out of the church my uncle said that my grandmother had the biggest smirk on her face and looking at the pictures now I can see it I love that my grandmother was able to take that woman down a few pegs without ever uttering an ugly word to her not my wedding but my parents background my father comes from a deeply Irish Catholic family literally in the history of my family no one has ever II married someone who was not Irish and Catholic until my mother my mother is a Polish German Protestant this did not sit well with my granny my father's mother my father's father loved my mother and never had a problem with them getting married day of the weeding my granny says that she is allergic to dogs she is not but hates them so she says that she is allergic while inside of the church she says that because everyone has dog hair on them she is having an allergic reaction bTW she wasn't puffy swelling having a hard time breathing she insists that she must go to the hospital right now she take my father the groom and my mother's father with her to the hospital she left her own husband behind she took the two people necessary to have the wedding oh and this happened 30 minutes before it was supposed to start my granny goes to the hospital the doctors tell her she isin't having a reaction and they come back they did get married and I'm here she is still pissed that I exist since I was raised Protestant and technically my parents in her eyes were never married because it was in a Protestant Church
Channel: Ask Girl
Views: 270,516
Rating: 4.9053326 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, reddit stories, reddit cringe, best of reddit, top posts of reddit, best stories, top posts of all time, r/, r/askreddit, best of r/, comment awards, reddit comment awards, wedding, objected wedding, objection, funny stories, reddit funny, r/ funny
Id: PG-6hYgpT7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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