Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage, what does the Bible say?

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[Music] marriage divorce every marriage is one the most complicated subjects in the Brotherhood but it's only complicated o--'s who don't want to heed the basic teaching on this subject if we would just understand and accept the fact that we were created by God that marriage is an institution designed by God that God has the right to tell us what two people can enter into a marriage that is male and female and how marriage can be dissolved God is the author of marriage according to Genesis chapter 2 and verse number 24 however jesus said therefore what God has joined together let not man put asunder or separate Matthew 19 and verse number 6 now Jesus and giving his commandment on this subject he makes it really plain he gives only one reason for divorce and that is adultery in matthew 19:9 jesus said and I say to you whoever divorces his wife except for sexual immorality and marries another commits adultery and whoever marries her who is divorced commits adultery Jesus gives only one reason for dissolving of marriage and that is adultery in other words men if your wife goes out and have sexual relations with another man or another woman these days Jesus gives you the license to put her away to divorce her women if your husband goes out and have sexual relations with another woman or another man beasts taste Jesus gives you the license to put him away to divorce him now we know that God hates divorce Malachi 2:16 tells us for the Lord God of Israel says that he hates divorce for it covers one's garments with violence says the Lord of hosts therefore take heed pay attention to your spirit that you do not deal treacherously God Hey divorce he detested and if you're on the brink of divorce or your divorce was for unscripted reasons God will rather that you work things out be willing to forgive each other and strengthen yourselves in the Lord nonetheless if you can't work it out Jesus did give only one exception to dissolve the marriage and that's adultery but what is adultery how is adultery define adultery is sexual intercourse of a man with a married woman other than his own spouse or sexual intercourse of a woman with a married man other than her own husband it is having sexual relations with anyone other than one's husband or wife it is illicit sexual relations with someone other than one's married partner and did you know that you can commit adultery on your spouse and still be married to them because adultery in marriage is a sexual sin now I need to address some things that many about brethren they don't dive too deep into in regards to this subject number one God never designed divorce to be an easy way out what someone says what do you mean by the Bryant since God hates divorce Malachi 2:16 he's not gonna make it easy for the marriage to be dissolved ok let's say that a woman has substantiated evidence that her husband has committed adultery on her in other words she has proof that her husband has gone outside of the marriage and had an affair on her now allow me to add this a gut feeling is not substantiated evidence your friend or family members seeing your husband talking to another woman uh-uh it's not substantiated evidence wait a minute he came home late from work one day and oh now you feel in your heart that he's cheating no that's not substantiated evidence substantiating evidence would be what we find in John chapter 8 around verse number four what the scribes and Pharisees what the Jesus said teacher this woman was caught in adultery listen to it in the very act it is a sexual sin and if he's caught in the very act of sex that's substantiated evidence or he's had a child with another woman while you two are still married and the DNA confirms that he's the father that's substantiated evidence or he has admitted to you openly that he had an affair on you while you two are still married these and I'm sure they're more would serve as proof as evidence of his infidelity divorce is not an easy way out of marriage you have to have proof you have to have evidence and not just some good feeling in addition if your spouse kisses another person in a passionate way if that's not to sit adultery it's sinful and the Bible commands that passion for someone other than your spouse should be put to death come on chapter 3 verse number 5 however it is not grounds for adultery it can lead to adultery but it's not adultery if your spouse is watching porn or lusting for what he sees on the screen it's sinful Matthew chapter 5 verse 28 but it's not grounds for divorce it can lead to the physical act of adultery but it's not grounds for divorce again adultery is sexual intercourse that is having physical sexual contact with someone other than your spouse now please take heed to this because this is very important you know millions of people mess their lives up early on when they are young and some older people not understanding that marriage is a lifetime commitment that marriage is an institution designed by God and it must be taken seriously let's say that a woman has evidence that her husband has committed adultery on her I mean she has proof and not just some accusations so she has purpose in our mind to put her husband away to divorce him now listen if she goes out and have sex with another man before her divorce is finalized and a divorce on an average can take between three to twenty-four months depending on whether it is contested or uncontested nonetheless women listen if you have evidence that your husband committed adultery on you and you plan to put him away to divorce him and during the 3 to 24 month time period before your divorce is finalized you go out and have sexual relations with another man while your divorce is processing you have also committed adultery and would not be free to divorce your husband now you may ask why because you did the exact same thing he did you cheated in the marriage your divorce was not finalized and you could not lawfully put him away for adultery but then you would say he did it first wait a minute you get a second your divorce would not be approved it would not be honored by God because you also cheated you committed adultery in the marriage and this applies to the men too if you go out and have sexual relations before your divorce is finalized then you could not divorce your wife or commit adultery on you when you did the exact same thing she did it by committing adultery in the marriage but I know there's some who are hearing this who will say you know what I completely did and I understand so allow me to give you another example that a marriage must be completed for it to be honored by God just like a divorce is to be completed finalized in order for it to be honored by God today a man and woman decides to be married let's say in September the wedding is prepared is done the day is here and she's walking down the aisle but before her soon-to-be husband could say I do he drops dead or before he says I do she has a change of mind and leaves him at the altar question are they married is the wedding finalized of course not and why aren't they married because the marriage was not completed and therefore God would not recognize them as ever being married there's a famous actress by the name of Audrey Hepburn who was to marry a man named James Hansen in the early 1950s she called me to him love at first sight but after having her wedding dress fitted the date was set she decided the marriage will not work because the demands of both of their careers so they never married although they were scheduled to be married she changed her mind and God never recognized them as ever being married the same applies to divorce think about it if you have purpose in your mind to divorce your spouse and before the divorce is finalized you have a change of mind and forgive them you don't have to go get married again because you are still married and would only have to dismiss the divorce proceedings no before my wife and I became Christians we were married when we were in the world now God recognized our marriage we were in the world and once we became Christians my wife and I did not have to get married again the church accepted our marriage because they understood that God recognized our marriage so since God recognize our mesh when we were in the world I want you to think about this now why would he not recognize adultery unscriptural marriages and unscripted divorces in the world so if a woman is married and she is in the process of getting a divorce and she goes out and have sexual relations with a man before her divorce is finalized she has committed adultery just like her husband has in the sight of God because they are still married and her divorce will not be recognized by God you know another thing I'd like for us to discuss is that God does not recognize all marriages as being lawful just because you are married does not mean that God recognized your marriage as being lawful for instance in mark chapter 6 verse 17 the Bible tells us for Herod himself has sent and laid hold of John and bound him in prison for the sake of Herodias his brother Philips wife listen to it now for he had married her because John has said to Herod it is not lawful for you to have your brother's wife John had told Herod that it is not lawful it is not authorized by God for you to have your brother Philips wife although he married her you see the government in which Herod Lea it recognized Herod as being married to her odious but God did not recognize it as being lawful listen you may be married to someone and if you divorce your spouse for any reason itself the one reason Jesus gave in matthew 19:9 and you married again you are currently living in adultery and all go to state has recognized your marriage God has not recognized it as being lawful therefore God does not recognize all marriages as being lawful and allow me to add this while we're passing through here baptism does not wash away an adulterous marriage because some people believe that once you are baptized then Tiz 'm will wash away an adulterous marriage and you can remain in that union now let me spending you why this can't be true before John was put in prison he was baptizing people in the river Jordan as they were coming to him confessing their sins March chapter 3 verses 1 through 4 if baptism washes away adulterous marriages are unlawful marriages the only thing John had to do was tell Herod and Herodias to meet him at the jordan river so he can baptize them and then their marriage which was not lawful and unlawful in the sight of God but all of a sudden be lawful in the sight of God and they can remain in that marriage you see John didn't do that John toe Herod it is not lawful for you to have your brother Philips wife and he lost his head for it and for rebuking Hera for all the other evils which Herod had done Luke chapter 3 and verse 19 tells us baptism does not wash away adulterous marriages also Jesus disciples were baptized during the same time John was baptizing remember Herod wanted to kill Jesus Luke 13 verse 31 and it's quite obvious that Jesus knew what was in man for he knew all men john 2 and verse 25 therefore jesus knew that Herod was in adultery in an unlawful marriage with Herodias if baptism washed away adulterous marriage listen to this now the only thing Jesus had to do was to offer baptism to Herod and Herodias and then that which was which was unlawful would I become lawful in the sight of God Jesus didn't do that again baptism does not wash away unlawful marriages so that you can remain in the sin also divorce is not an easy way out of marriage it's a whole lot harder to get a divorce according to the Bible then many people think another error that makes it hard or to get a divorce is that you can be the cause a contributor of your wife's infidelity men did you know that you can cause your wife to fall into the arms of another man so when we say how the Brian Matthew 5 verses 31 to 32 Jesus makes this quite clear Jesus would say furthermore it has been said whoever divorces his wife let him give her a certificate of divorce verse 32 but I say to you that whoever divorces his wife for any reason except sexual immorality here it is causes her to commit adultery and who have a marriage a woman who is divorced commits adultery according to Jesus not me not you not your preacher not your mama not your daddy the government or anyone else jesus said if you divorce your spouse for any reason except sexual immorality you caused her to commit adultery and you would be guilty of contributing to her infidelity you can't put your wife away for any reason I said what Jesus said which would be sexual immorality or adultery now do we see how hard it is according to the Bible to get a divorce you know there's a second reason that makes it hard to get a divorce and many men are affected by this reason than women are but I've heard a few cases where the woman is affected by this just like the husband is but let's deal with the man been affected by this reason the wife is always saying no to sis every time a husband asks for set she's always saying no no no and this is all the time and there's nothing wrong with her physically nothing wrong with her mentally emotionally nor psychologically listen women do you mean I hear this but this is a clear violation of first Corinthians chapter 7 verses 3 through 5 notice what the Bible tells us here let the husband render to his wife the affection due her and likewise also the wife to her husband the wife does not have authority over her own body but the husband does and likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does verse five do not deprive one another except with consent for a time that you may give yourselves to fasting and prayer and come together again so that Satan does not tempt you because of your lack of self-control verse five specifically commands that the husband and wife are not to deprive one another that word deprived that means to call someone not to possess something and since the context is referring to the wife and husband's bodies in marriage we are not to deprive one another sexually now I'm not talking about your wife is sick or the manner of woman is with her or she has surgery and so on I'm talking about when the wife or the husband deliberately deprived each other sexually all the time for no good reason and it's not consensual I mean they probably each other for months and months at a time and I've heard in some cases years at a time scripturally you can't do this and why because Satan would tip you because of your lack of self-control and how to stay in temp you because of your lack of self-control you start watching porn magazines you start watching porn on the internet going to strip clubs old girlfriend an old boyfriend start to come around and you show interest maybe a Mama's baby daddy's co-workers desperate secretaries sisters in the church preachers elders and deacons who prey on weak and vulnerable sisters I can go on and on and over this and when you start looking other places to gratify your sexual appetite I can assure you the more you look the more you will find what you're looking for in the arms of another person and you tell me if I'm lying see you know I'm not lying and I know I'm not lying because it happens in the world and unfortunately it happens in the church you experience something like that right now or you know someone who is so to the wise and to the husbands we cannot deprive one another sexually and as yourself this question honestly can you divorce your spouse for committing adultery on you when you deliberately deprive them of their scripture rights to your body do you really believe that God will honor your divorce if you willfully withheld sense from your spouse and in some cases withheld sense so you can be with another man and the men will want to be another woman but when your husband is weak because he can't maintain self-control and he goes out and cheat do you cry adultery when you have contributed to his sin now you want a divorce I tell you that God will not honor that type of deception what does Romans chapter 12 verse 9 tell us let love be without hypocrisy uphold what is evil cling to what is good now do we see can we understand that you can be a contributor of your spouse infidelity when my wife and I were pregnant with our twin boys I had to wait I had to have some self-control during the last trimester of my wife's pregnancy and until she bounced back until she recovered after pregnancy I couldn't say since my wife is preoccupied with this pregnancy here I'm gonna go out and show my Roy your Oaks and have sex with as many women as I possibly can uh-uh I had to have self-control during that time and it was some six to eight weeks and it could be longer in some cases nonetheless I had to exercise self-control and men you have to exercise self-control so if our wives are sick we have to exercise self-control if she's tired from a long day at work whether she works in the field that is if she has an outside job out of the home or she is a stay-at-home mom if she's not in the mood men we have to exercise self-control find something else to do it - your wife recovers from being so tired go fishing play golf cut the watch the car do something until she recovers from being so tired and I know where to add this I want you to think about this now can I cheat on my wife and not tell her what I did and it be pleasing to God can you cheat on your wife or women can you cheat on your husband and not tell him and it be pleasing to God surely you can't first quit this chapter 7 verse 4 remember the Bible tells us the wife does not have authority over her own body but the husband does and likewise the husband does not have authority over his own body but the wife does my body sexually belongs to my wife and her body sexually belongs to me can a man take his body and give it to another woman when his body sexually according to the Bible is the authority of his wife no he can't do that can a woman take her body and give it to another man when her body sexually according to the Bible is the authority of her husband no absolutely not therefore you can't cheat you can't commit adultery and not tell your body does not belong to you sexually it belongs to your spouse the one you became one with in marriage genesis 2:24 matthew 19:5 ephesians 631 so when you cheat and you don't tell you have built up a lie in your marriage that is not good God is not pleased and back what you have done we're displease the Lord 2nd Samuel chapter 11 verse 27 now I tell you the many who may disagree with this probably the ones that have gone out and cheated and don't want to tell listen you have to suffer the consequences of your actions someone who said oh why should I tell because God did not tell you men then go out and cheat on your wife and women God did not tell you to go out and commit adultery on your husband now do we see how hard it is to resolve a marriage according to the Bible there is another thought of most people early thought broadly people what she don't know won't hurt what do you don't know won't hurt that's the world talking god knows right Hebrews 4:13 and there's no creature hidden from his sight but all things are naked and open to the eyes of him to whom we must give account Psalms 94 8 you have set our iniquities before you our secret sins in the light of your countenance Jeremiah 1617 God said for my eyes are on all their ways they are not hidden from my face nor is their iniquity hidden from my eyes and Numbers chapter 32 and verse 23 oh my my my the Bible tells us and be sure your sin will find you out your sin will not Mike but it will that's what the Bible says find you up I've seen many times when brethren is sin found them out in the church listen don't you think your sin won't find you out remember Joseph in Genesis chapter 39 verse 7 his master's wife cast longing eyes at him and she said lie with me and what does the Bible tell us Joseph did Judas 39 verse 89 the Bible tells us but he refused and said his master's wife look my master does not know what is with me in the house and he has committed all that he has to my hand there is no one greater in his house than I know has he kept back anything from me but you why because you are his wife then Joseph said how then can I do this great wickedness and sin against God what was that great wickedness to have sex with another man's wife Joseph said having sex with another man's wife is a great wickedness against God not only would you be sitting against God but you would be violating your marriage vows and your wife or your husband women have a right to know James 5:16 confess your trespass to one another and pray for another that you may be healed and this healing here is referring to you being healed from your sin the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much you need more first John 1 verse 9 if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness you have to tell your spouse and suffer the consequences of your actions again God didn't tell you to commit adultery on your wife men and women God didn't tell you to go out and cheat on your husband and God is faithful that he would forgive us about sins but we have to do the right thing and think about this suppose you can't try to the STD you don't feel that your wife has a right to know before you lay down and have sexual relations with her again and if the shoe was on the other foot and you were the faithful one in the marriage and your wife went out and contracted a sexually transmitted disease from another man would you want to know would you want to know surely you would and if I were to add this men if your wife decides to forgive you for coming adultery on her and she needs time to heal from the hurt that you caused her don't you run the first Corinthians chapter 7 verse 4 and 5 talking about oh she's depriving me no you can't use that you best to exercise some self-control during that time because she has every right to heal from the hurt that you caused just as if she was healing from a surgery or having a child you best to exercise self-control so in closing what do we learn that marriage is an institution designed by God from the beginning Genesis 2:24 that Jesus only gives us one reason for divorce and that is adultery matthew 19:9 that God hates divorce Malachi 2 and verse 16 that God never designed divorce to be an easy way out and you can be a contributor of your spouse infidelity if you fall in any of these categories and you've married again on scripturally or you're cheating on your wife or your husband right now and you are married you are currently in adultery and we need to sever that relationship someone has said but God will forgive me wouldn't he God is a forgiving God in his isn't he brother Melbourne he'll forgive me of my sins of adultery wouldn't he sure he would there's not a sin that God would not forgive you for if you repent however you can't continue in sin that grace may abound god forbids rubbish uh persist verse 1 and 2 how shall we who have died to sin live any longer in it in other words you can't remain in adultery ask God to forgive you of adultery and then return back to it because every time you are having sex with someone that you are not authorized to be with you are committing adultery you will have to sever the adulterous relationship if you want to be pleasing to God and if by chance you can't get back with your first spouse after an unscriptural divorce you have to live your life as a eunuch for the kingdom of heaven's sake Matthew chapter 19 verse number 12 that's what Jesus would say listen I know it's hard but if you want to go to heaven if you want to see the face of God you'll be honest with yourself repent of the sin of adultery and then do works befitting repentance I want to add a few more things and then I'll close first there is a misunderstanding regarding Romans chapter 7 verses 1 through 4 many people are confused and believe that these scriptures give a license for an adulterous marriage let's look at it Romans chapter 7 verses 1 through 4 the Bible tells us or do you not know brethren for I speak to those who know the law that the law has the main of a man as long as he lives for the woman who has a husband is bound by law to a husband as long as he lives but if the husband dies she is released from the law of her husband now remember the husband is the head of his wife according to 1st Corinthians chapter 11 in verse number 3 as long as he lives she is to be under his rule and not another man's rule but under his rule her husband's rule as long as he lives verse 3 so then if while her husband lives she marries another man she will be called an adulteress so if her husband is living and she divorce temple unscripted reasons or he divorces her but unscripted reasons and she mares again she would be called an adulteress but if her husband dies this is referring to her still being married to him under his rule when he dies she is free from that law so that she is no adulteress although she has married another man she married another man after her husband died this text is not teaching that you can divorce your spouse on scripturally and then willfully enter into adultery and then when your first spouse dies your first spouse died your adulterous marriage becomes a holy and aside of God this is not how God designed marriage notice verse 4 therefore my brethren you also have become dead to the law through the body of Christ that you may be married to another to him who is raised from the dead that we should bear fruit to God the main point of the test is that the children of Israel have become dead to the law of Moses through the body of Christ so they could not be married to law of Moses and to love Christ at the same time they could not be married to both laws so they die the Mosaic law died and freed the children of Israel to marry the law of Christ now allow me to give you some scripture references that show the death of a spouse freeze the living spouse to marry again Abraham did not marry cateura until Sarah was dead genesis chapter 25 and verse number 1 abraham and sarah was still married when Sarah died it freed Abraham to marry cateura David didn't marry Abigail and turn a ball was dead First Samuel chapter 25 and verse number 40 Abigail and neighbor was still married and when they've all died it freed Abigail to marry again David didn't marry my Sheba until you rowdy Hittite was dead 2nd samuel chapter 11 verse 27 again you ride ahead tight and Bathsheba was still married when your raya died and then it freed Bathsheba to marry again boaz took ruth to be his wife because her husband may law was dead Ruth chapter 4 and verse 13 Ruth and may law was still married and when he died a free roof to marry Boaz in every case God allowed the person to marry again once their spouse was dead there is no scripture allowance for a person to divorce their spouse for any reason willfully put yourself in adultery play a winning game until your first spouse dies and then your marriage that is unholy all of a sudden becomes holy in the sight of God listen God did not design marriage that way there is no such doctrine in the Bible that teaches that way and Matthew chapter 20 and verse 23 beginning we find a woman who was married seven times however each time her husband died she was free to marry again she did not marry the first husband and then divorced him unscriptural II enter into a second marriage then wait till her first husband died and said oh now my marriage to my second husband is lawful because my first husband is dead that is not the teachings of the Bible my wife and I will not be married in heaven jesus said that in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage nonetheless the thrust of the argument is this you can't be married to another person until your spouse who you are currently living with is dead the woman who was married to the first brother did not marry again and to the one she was married to had died Matthew 22 verse 23 and following today you can't be married to a person divorced them for unscriptural reasons enter into a dull job I marry someone else and then once your first vows has died then all of a sudden your adulterous unlawful marriage becomes lawful in the sight of God that is not how God designed marriage have you ever thought about this suppose you died first while living adultery then you've condemned yourself to an eternal hell again god never designed nor purpose for divorce to be an easy way out of marriage here's another important factor regarding divorce I like for us to explore if you are innocent and you have the right to divorce your spouse you not being guilty of any of the aforementioned you can have in your mind all day long that you're gonna put your spouse away but until the divorce papers are signed until they are found and completed you are still married and allow me to add this if your spouse divorces you for committing adultery and if they died after having put you away for adultery that does not free you to marry again because you are no longer married to them you being the guilty spouse can never marry again according to what Jesus said also if they married again after having scripturally put you away for adultery they're living spouse has a right to marry again not you you're not the living spouse another thing I would like for us to address is that first Corinthians chapter 7 verses 17 through 24 is not teaching that one can remain in a simple calling which you were called listen just one chapter up first Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 Paul II just mentioned saying such as fornication idolaters adulterers homosexuals sodomites these covetous drunkards revilers nor extortioners Paul said will inherit the kingdom of God then he said in verse 11 and such were past tense some of you but you were washed but you were sanctified but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God surely that does not sound like Paul was promoting the idea of continuing in a sin or the calling which you were called but what some are advocating is if you're called as a thief you have to stop stealing before you become a Christian you need to repent of that sin listen that's true some are even saying look let's say one was called as a homosexual then they will have to stop they will have to repent from being a homosexual before they come to Christ listen that's true but if you were called to Christ while in adultery this is what some are teaching you can repeat that one time and they return back to adultery that's not what the Bible's teaching because what they are failing to realize is that adultery is a sexual sin each time you lay down and have sexual relations with someone other than your spouse the one that God joined you to in marriage you are committing adultery Paul is not teaching for what to remain in the same calling or the same sin which he was called now do we see how ignorant that sound Paul is not promoting the idea for anyone to remain in sin after they have become a Christian in addition first Corinthians chapter 7 verses 10 through 16 is not giving the deserted Christian license to marry again if the unbelieving spouse departs even in this case brethren if the unbeliever departs or separates your divorce has to be for what Jesus said which is adultery and not for I want to listen to this now and abuse a spouse uh-uh not for and alcohol espouse nope not for an unsupportive spouse or any other reason itself adultery is what jesus said in matthew 19:9 and if there is an abusive spouse or after Holly spouse you can separate from the abuse with the hopes that the abuser would get the proper help but that's not a reason for divorce and then first Corinthians chapter 7 verses 10 through 16 is not promoting the idea for a Christian to willfully marry unbelievable and then when you can't convert them you run to these verses and say hey my unbelieving spouse says the party now I'm free to marry again uh-uh nope you can't do that you're divorced must be for adultery and no other reason this is why the Lord's disciples said if such is the case of the man with his wife it is better not to marry Matthew 19 verse 10 God did not design marriage to be an easy way out since he hates divorce Malachi 2:16 he would not make marriage and easy avenue out finally if you are an innocent spouse when you go file your paperwork because you are the one that have the right to file for divorce the guilty spouse does not have a right to file because they are guilty of adultery and can never marry again so when you go file your paperwork please be sure to make sure your paperwork says adultery because Jesus did not say in matthew 19:9 and i said to you whoever divorces his wife except for irreconcilable differences and marries another commits adultery that's not what Jesus said because irreconcilable differences mean there was a no-fault grounds for divorce in other words no one was guilty if your spouse commits adultery on you your divorce papers need to reflect that and say adultery is my sincere prayer that I presented this lesson as plain as I possibly can and that you would heed the things that God would have you to do change your life if you're in adultery come out of it and do what's right before it's too late if you're cheating on your wife man you need to sever that relationship and come out of it women if you are cheating on your husband you need to stop that sin stop committing adultery come out of it and then you must both of you you must tell the other what you have done if you want to be pleasing to God and as that close Galatians chapter 4 in verse 16 become your enemy because I tell you the truth [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was a question that was posed regarding sets outside of marriage there was this young couple slated to be married on a particular day and the bridesmaids had a bachelorette party for the bride the groomsmen had a bachelor party for the groom now during the bridesmaids bachelorette party they hired a male dancer to entertain them for that evening now during his entertaining them they enticed the bride to engage in sexual relations with the male dancer because they told her this is your last night as a free woman listen this is a true story so she went in and engaged in sexual relations with the male dancer before she was married to her husband and guess what the bridesmaids did they actually had it filmed now you see this type of world we live in pervert it this day they went down the aisle as if nothing happened she went down the owl and met her husband-to-be and said I do now they are married one week later one week later the husband found out what she did and they gave him a copy of the video what type of France were these and once he saw that video oh he was mad he was angry and he went did sweater said I am gonna put you away for a cheating on me you were wrong for what you did yes she was wrong but my question is on what grounds can t divorce sir listen I know it sounds tough but let's do this from a biblical perspective what grounds do we have to put her away none you see that wait a minute Melvin what do you mean listen she committed a sexual act outside of the marriage they were never married when she committed this sexual act it would be called fornication fornication can be defined as two people engaged in sexual relations without being married that is a definition of fornication adultery is when a married man or married woman engages in sexual relations with someone other than his or her own spouse listen they were not married when she engaged in a sexual relation she fornicated on her boyfriend her fiance but she did not commit adultery on her husband was it wrong yes it was wrong it was wrong it was a sin first Corinthians chapter 6 verses 9 and 10 it was wrong for what she did but he has no grounds to put away because she did not commit the sexual act in the marriage see I know it sounds hard I know it's tough but you have a lot of people in the world who are confused about what I just told you the woman has says all her boyfriend or all her fiance not her husband and therefore she has the right to stay in the marriage he does not have a right to put her away for adultery because adultery was not committed another question that was posed to me and I got a call one day and young man said look I put my wife away for adultery and I said what did she do what evidence what proof do you have he said my wife was in a restaurant and she allowed a man to rub her shoulders and by the man rubbing her shoulders and when I saw it that is adultery and I put her away to tell the young man listen biblically that's not adultery now I'm not saying it's right for her to allow a man to rub her shoulders and massage her in a in a sexual way but that's wrong but that's not adultery so I had to tell the young man you cannot put your wife away for allowing someone to rub her shoulders in a passionate way now I'm not saying it's right it's wrong and that type of activity should not be engaged with with two people that supposed to be married but he can't divorce her for that can be angry and upset and try to get some help or therapy for the two in the marriage but they can't divorce because a man rubbed his wife's shoulders that's not adultery and I'm telling you all this because people are confused about what adultery is adultery is a sexual physical act engaging in sex with someone other than your spouse that's what adultery is shaking hands rubbing hands rubbing shoulders rubbing arms is not considered adultery I pray that it's helped you understand what God considers adultery and what is not the first time Jesus came church they mocked him didn't he the first time he came they spat upon him the first time he came they slapped them they put a crown of thorns on his head they'd invited his garments they cast a loss and they crucified our Lord that happened the first time when he comes the second time Church the Bible says he gonna come this glory Matthew 25 verse 31 he's coming with all not something but all the holy angels does the second time he's going to sit on his throne the second time when we see him we're going to see him in his true power the second time there will be no mocking the second time Church oh no the second time you won't be the month the Lord there will be no spitting on the Lord the second time not the second time because he accomplished that allows you to do it the first time the second time he come back you were not spent on our Lord the second time he comes back you will not be putting a crown of thorns on our Lord's head because he allowed you to do that first time the second time that's not going to happen those days are past when he comes back again there will be no cross caring on our Lord that's not going to happen he's not going to come back the second time that carry the cross in the burdens of the world that's not gonna happen Church the second time he comes back he's not gonna die for Humanity you can forget it when he comes back the second time it's gonna be a whole different arena when the Lord comes back the second time the first time Jesus came the Bible tells in John 3:16 y'all remember for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son see the second time he don't have a given Sun because the Sun accomplished what he's supposed to did the first time so God gave His only begotten Son the first time that whoever believes in him turned 3:16 should not perish but have everlasting life the second time Jesus comes back you know what's going to happen 2nd that's a little chapter 1 verse 8 through 10 tells us in flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know that he's coming back with vengeance on those who do not obey the gospel Church and if you didn't believe before you died oh you don't believe now it's gonna be too late we in church the second time you see the second time when the Lord's return when he returned there will not be no miraculous birth Mary don't have another child end up in another another virgin let's go have Jesus again that's not gonna happen there's not gonna be no shedding of our Lord's blood the second time you can forget that the best thing that we need to do is make sure that we are prepared the second time because the world was not prepared the first time and the world surely is not prepared this time either you
Channel: Church of Christ in Hiram
Views: 13,338
Rating: 4.4796748 out of 5
Keywords: God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, Love, Adultery, Fornication, Sexual Sin, Sin, Baptism, Scriptures, Hebrews 4:13, Matthew 19:9, Malachi 2:16
Id: 0bWHkVaE464
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 30 2018
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