Lesson: "Let your women keep silent in the churches"

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today's lesson let your women keep silent in the churches there's a lot of controversy in our world today in regards to women preachers and what we need to ask ourselves is what does the Bible have to say about this subject now there are many women who preach and teaching out there in times such as George Myers Juanita Bynum Paula white and others who have taken an authoritative role as the head over their prospective congregations now in order for us to understand the role that God has placed on the woman we need to go to the Bible for the answer to this question first allow me to stress that there were many women in the Bible that did some wonderful and I mean some marvelous things and I am in no way discrediting the role that those particular woman played at that particular time however I am saying that the Bible gives us the answer to the role of women today in worship how does God expect the woman to conduct herself in the church today allow us to examine 1st Corinthians 14 and beginning in verse number 33 1st Corinthians 14 beginning in verse number 33 the Bible tells us for God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all the churches of the saints let your women keep silent in the churches for they are not permitted to speak but they are to be submissive as the law also says and if they want to learn something let them ask their own husbands at home for it is shameful for women to speak in the church now from reading the inspired words of Paul to the Corinthian church Paul says them clear and precise things here now this command comes right in the middle of a command dealing specifically with tongue speaking and to blow this up to a universal law that no woman my open her mouth and the church services is simply contrary to all reasoning now I want you ought to think about this if that was true then women could not sing as we all are commend the sing in the New Testament Ephesians 5 verse 19 the Bible commands speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs sing and making melody in your heart to the Lord now this type of speaking here and Ephesians 5:19 is referring to singing that everyone is command to do even the women because this is a part of worship however notice verse 33 again Paul said for God is not the author of confusion but of peace as in all the churches of the saints therefore you know this tells us that God has order and he is not the author of confusion this is why God has instituted order in the churches and he has given commands as to what he expects to be done in the church and one of those commands that goddess instituted is found in verse number 34 what the Bible tells us let your women keep sounding the churches for they're not permitted to speak but they ought to be submissive as the law also says now the Greek word for speak here carries the definition of a woman not permitted to preach or to other words to talk Webster dictionary defines the word speak as to say something in order to convey information utter a word speak or make an audience of speech rather before audience therefore first Corinthians 14:34 commands for the woman not to speak preach or talk in assembly now she can't sing because we're all commanded sing according to Ephesians chapter 5 verse 19 but not preach now notice the plurality of the word churches here in verse 34 now someone may ask why would he bring that up because I've heard so many people go to this scripture and say that this was only directed to the church at Corinth and no other Church and that's it now I know some of you have heard the same argument or you may have heard arguments similar to that one but there is something seriously wrong with that reasoning number one Paul told Timothy a parallel thought to what he wrote to the Corinthian church and first Timothy chapter 2 beginning in verse number 11 notice what Paul said to Timothy Paul said let a woman learn in silence with all subjection now Paul was instructing this young evangelist on what he needed to preach and teach as he evangelized and Paul command that Timothy preach and teach that women in the church are not to have authority over the man but to be in silence now how else would we know this how do we know that Paul was teaching Timothy to instruct this to the church and these matters and not just only the church at Corinth and Paul himself taught this everywhere notice with me 1st Corinthians chapter 4 verse 17 Paul would say for this reason I was tempted to do who is my beloved and faithful son in the Lord who will remind you of my ways in Christ as I teach everywhere in every church therefore this command was not just directed to the church at Corinth Paul preached that a woman is to be in silence in all churches of the saints therefore for one to substantiate a reason argument you must of necessity prove that Paul only taught this to the church at Corinth which can't be true because 1st Corinthians 4 verse 17 disagrees with that notion and then that the instructions Paul had given to Timothy to teach that a woman is to learn and silence with all subjection span Ettore and if one decides to overlook these instructions they are being wise in their own eyes and we are commanded to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path do not be wise in your own eyes feel the Lord and depart from evil proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 through 7 now another argument people used to justify women preachers is to turn to women like miriam they turn to women like deborah esther ruth philips for daughters who prophesied and they turn to others however if you examinees story carefully of these women not one of them preached in a public setting well let's examine a few when Miriam prophesied it was to all the women that went out after her as the ship 15 and verse 20 if Miriam preached to men where is it in the tents Deborah was a prophetess of the hill country of Ephraim however there is no indication that she publicly preached God's Word to a multitude of people but if you read the story carefully the Israelites came to her for judgment Judges chapter 4 verse 5 there was no evidence that Deborah delivered speeches to the people as did Jeremiah and Isaiah Esther was the Queen and Ruth became the wife of Boaz and both of these women were not preachers please go back and read the stories now of course we need to be reminded that what took place in the Old Testament is really not the question but rather what the New Testament reveals since we today are not subject to the laws of Moses but we are subject to the laws of Christ well someone else has said what about Phillips four daughters who prophesied not surely these women preached in front of men and had authority over them remember in Joel chapter 2 and verse 28 the Bible tells us and it shall come to pass after that I will pour my spirit on all flesh your sons and your daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions it says your sons and your daughters shall prophesy now Philips four daughters they were women that indeed fulfill this prophecy that was spoken by the Prophet Joel but we know that this is not referring to them preaching and having authority over the man because the Bible teaches against them having that type of authority remember 1st Corinthians 14:33 2:35 1st Timothy chapter 2 11 and 12 now when we examine the word prophecy that word carries the idea of foretelling events to speak under inspiration and Philip's for daughter daughters indeed prophesy however one thing we know for sure according to scripture is that they did not speak or preach in the Assembly of the Saints because we can't find the evidence in the acts of the apostles well someone else has said what about priscilla and aquila surely these two women were preachers I've heard so many people tell me in the religious community that acrylic was a woman and therefore she and Priscilla were preachers of the gospel now there is something seriously wrong with that argument when examining Acts chapter 18 and beginning in verse number one I want you ought to notice what the Bible tells us about a crawler ax 18 verse number 1 the Bible says after these things Paul departed from Athens and went to Corinth and when he found a certain Jew named aquila born in Pontus who had recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to depart from Rome and he came to them now Akula might sound like a woman's name to most people but careful examination of Scripture tell us that acrylic was a man and his wife's name was Priscilla therefore these two were not women they were husband and wife then we read about a crow in Brazil again actually up to 18 who when they heard Apollo's in the synagogue who spoke and taught things accurately concerning Christ but only knew the baptism of John verse 25 they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately acts 18 verse 26 nowhere in the text friends does it tell us that Priscilla taught or preached boldly in the synagogue or anywhere else also when a curly and Priscilla took a part of the side and taught him this was not worship they took him aside and taught him the way of God more accurately therefore number one there is no proof that a cruller was a woman when the Bible tells us that he was Priscilla's husband and two there is also no proof that Priscilla preached in the church and had authority over the man she merely assisted her husband and teaching Apollo's the way of the Lord more accurately there were many women that did is in the church and in the Bible as they assisted them and their husbands but they were not preachers and having authority over the men another notion I've heard people put forth is found in Matthew chapter 28 and verse number 1 through 10 they used this as evidence that Jesus commissioned the women who came to the tomb to unknown his body as evangelist but I want you to notice what Jesus said here in verse 10 he says go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee and there they was they would see me they were sent to bear message to his disciples not to preach nothing more nothing less one final argument that I've heard people try to use to support women preachers and that a woman can be an apostle today is found in the book of Romans 16 in verse 7 however the first thing I like for us to get established is who did the Lord choose to be apostles notice with me Matthew chapter 10 and beginning in verse number one now the Bible records there and when he had called his twelve disciples to him he gave them power over unclean spirits to cast them out and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease now the names of the Twelve Apostles of these first taemin who's called Peter and Andrew his brother James the son of Zebedee and John his brother Philip and Bartholomew Thomas and Matthew the tax collector James the son of Alphaeus and lobbyists whose surname was thaddaeus simon the canaanite and judas iscariot who also betrayed him now the Bible has named these men these Twelve Apostles then of course Judas failed by transgression according to Acts chapter 1 of verse 25 and then the Apostles put forth two men Joseph and Matthias and noticeably Acts chapter one in verse 24 the Bible tells us and they proposed to Joseph cob or sailors whose surname was Justus and Matthias and they prayed and said you O Lord who knows the hearts of all show which of these two you have chosen to take part in this ministry and Apostleship by which Judas by transgression fell that he might go to his own place and they cast forth their Lots and a lot fellow Matthias and he was numbered with the eleven apostles so now we have 12 men again not one woman then there was Paul of course the last of the apostles who was born out of due time and called to be an apostle by the Lord first Corinthians 15 and verse 8 and that's it friend it doesn't matter what books you've read it doesn't matter what your preacher has told you but your mother your father your uncle niece nephew or friend the Bible has given us the names of the Apostles recorded in Scripture and your name my name is not one and while we're on the subject of apostles before we examine Romans 16 verse 7 do you know that those who claim to be apostles today and have that type of power should be able to raise the dead oh yeah notice with me Matthew chapter 10 and verse number seven the Bible says Matthew 10 verse number 7 as you go preach saying the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick cleanse the lepers raise the dead cast out demons freely you have received freely give in other words you can't come to me and tell me that you can't raise a dead person from the dead because that dead person has a lack of faith friend friend a dead corpse has no faith is your job to freely raise him from the dead as Jesus said freely you have received freely give and please allow me to add a footnote here there is no such thing as casting out demons today in Zechariah chapter 13 verses 1 and 2 Zechariah foretold of Jesus coming into the world and he said that the Lord would cause the unclean spirits to depart from the land friends this prophecy has been fulfilled there are no unclean spirits terrorizing a person's body today so all of you who have been bamboozled by these preachers into thinking that demons are open taking human bodies today don't believe it it is a lack of biblical understanding there is no such thing as demons overtaking a person's body today now let's examine Romans 16 and verse 7 and the claim that a woman can be an apostle no Romans 16 verse number seven power right Greek Andronicus and Junia my countrymen and my fellow prisoners who are of note among the Apostles who also were in Christ before me when reading the scriptures the name Junior is suggested by some to be a woman but Julie is somewhat like our English name gene is either masculine or feminine therefore the coupling of both of these names here signifies that both were men but nevertheless let's say that junior was a woman she could not be an apostle in the sense of the twelve and Paul because she is not named to be an apostle when we read in the latter part of verse seven Paul mentioned that a dronicus and junior were his countrymen meaning that they were more unlikely his real kinfolk and secondly he said that they were of note among the Apostles which only means that they were well recognized and favorably known among the Apostles and that's it that's all they weren't apostles finally Paul would also tell us why women are not to incise authority over the man religiously 1st Timothy chapter 2 and verse 13 the Bible tells us for Adam was formed first then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived fell into transgression nevertheless she would be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith love and holiness with self-control now if she jumps in their pulpit and starts tossing throw it over the man well friends she has no self-control and she is violating God's will when she do so so for all you women who claim that God has given you authority over the man to preach in a pulpit we need to bind them Paul or white Joyce Myers and others I suppose that you could preach anywhere you like in your own congregations because what you're doing is not the will of God and according to the Bible God did not call you to be a preacher in the churches of the saints and have authority over the man but to be in silence I pray that this study has given you all some insight as to why God did not call a woman to preach or have authority over the man but to be in silent now one other note I'd like to add before I close we are not referring to women teaching of the women because Titus 2 verse 4 commands that the age of women teach the younger women to be sober to love their husbands to love their children to be discreet chaste keepers at home good obedient to their own husband's that the Word of God be not blasphemed we're not referring to women teaching children Paul would say of Timothy when I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you which dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and I am persuaded is in you also 2nd Timothy chapter 1 and verse 5 it is quite obvious from the text that Timothy's mother and grandmother taught him as a young boy but remember friends this was not worship now I pray that God would open your understanding to his will for your lives and that you can see that God did not give a woman the authority to preach and teach and the pulpits to have that type of authority over the man and as I close relationship the 4 in verse 16 the Bible tells us how about therefore become your enemy because I tell you the truth Oh Oh
Channel: Church of Christ in Hiram
Views: 50,225
Rating: 4.192389 out of 5
Keywords: church, faith, Apostles
Id: XMldBm7zJpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 23 2011
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