Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage | Allen Bailey | Church of Christ Sermon

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it's down 10 minutes after 8:00 I'll plan to be through our quarter till 9:30 five minutes let's keep going extra sailed aboard tonight we're going to be preaching about marriage divorce and remarriage when you take a good hard look at Matthew 19 1 through 12 you will see the Word of God addressed in a situation a marriage divorce and remarriage when you take a look at Matthew 5 31 to 32 you see it addressing again marriage divorce and remarriage the remotes are talking about here they will be discussing we have we need to fully understand Malachi the second chapter verse 16 God hates divorce and I want to invited every come up with any conclusion other than the fact God hates it I do not know any of you that have been divorced maybe there's a lot of you I don't know it doesn't matter i forth my lesson goes tonight it is one of very much important and that is some of this you need to make sure if you've been divorced and remarried you need to make sure that your divorce and remarriage is according to scripture that's what you need to make sure in order to go to heaven you must be according to scripture if say for example the man is divorce and a woman marries him it may be her first marriage his second marriage and the fact is if he's wrong she's wrong because he had no right to remarry and she had no right to marry him so I'm just telling you right up front we're not going to really beat around the bush here today I will give you some of my personal preferences and some of my personal guidelines that are separate and apart from a scripture by that I mean it's not a book chapter verse it's not a description let me give you one for an example I do not perform weddings for anyone who does not do premarital counseling it is so important that we'll have premarital cows I do not have to do the premarital counseling but if today you do not have premarital counseling don't ask me to do your wedding because the answer is no all right that's real good way to just kind of get people knowing don't call Adams do not do premarital counseling I'm not going to do flame the simple because over half of the marriages in America and in divorce premarital counseling should be a must that's only a personal choice that's what I mean bookshop converse there's no very type of condemning doing that but I'm simply not going to do it the second thing is very important this is the person to choice of mine and I've had brothers out on like that other web don't do it I'm going to do and that is I don't usually perform weddings who love somebody's been divorced and going to remember it even if I think it's the scriptural one you may say what are you kidding me no I'm not kidding the reason is unless I absolutely know a situation is 100% right then a mess at home isn't right knowing it and I'm just undoing this I absolutely know therefore if you default my love I say no now that I don't doubt if you've got the cause you can remarry I do believe without any doubt at all that a man or a woman can divorce their spouse for adultery and remarry without committing adultery I have no doubt about that but the fact is I don't have to be the one who performs wedding I have been very honest with you those things can sometimes make people mad but sorry hey it's me that's my choice that's my preference I'm not saying it wrong and good I'm just saying I don't want any part of helping you to do it because here's what happens intentionally or even unintentionally many people polish their story I bet that happened over and over and over again well my husband did this and did that and finally just got divorced and they tell you the whole story you well well I really hate those circumstances are not they are that's still not reason to divorce and remarry well then the next time they tell they may leave it out a little bit of it out and they may polish it a little bit and it's done that Sam quite so rough and tough and it is polished and it sounded more doable and then somebody eventually they get it polished enough to where maybe that must be alright I've been called in before to meetings and holding meetings and sometimes they want a cup of coffee which usually means I want to talk to the preacher and we go there we have a talk I said I listened to them talk about it and then they get completely through telling me exactly how right they are and I rolled out of the person near Bob their husband of the wife whatever the situation is and they say that all the earth to is there and thank you for that pal no no that's pretty much a clean clear-cut deal I say it's not the way you've always told it they would have been that's it have you ever told it differently and you modified it in Polish have you changed anything because that sounds pretty clear-cut you know what people don't like to be asked that but you know what I want them to go to heaven and I don't want there to be any food that's going on I listen listen for me to say this is okay doesn't mean it's okay I'm being Amish for me to say is wrong doesn't mean that's wrong I'm going to tell you that to the best of my boot company what the Bible says and to your ability you didn't make sure because heaven is too beautiful to miss and held us too horrible to go to so therefore I'm being very upfront with you tonight we're cutting right to the chase and that is if you're divorced and you're remarried you need to look in the scriptures make absolutely sure that I didn't embellishing thing I stretch anything out of proportion I didn't do one thing that's different from what the Bible said to do I did everything I could to make my marriage be like it should be I was not out of place my spouse was unfaithful and I divorced her for if you did that god bless you always well you did what the Lord said to do anything short of that I'd be a little bit shaky for you two young men young ladies in our group to all of you they're singles and never been married I want to be physical age this lesson is really good for you because you're on that side yeah we married the first time that's kind of nice you have opportunity now to know before I marry I'm going to make sure that whoever I marry is going to help me go to heaven they're going to help me go to heaven they're going to really work with me and they're done being in this talk we'll send more know we want to church and I know know they're not being in that I mean they love the Lord like you love the Lord it's gonna be really really a good thing they won't have to go to heaven you're on that side of it and you make sure before you say I do you later man whoo that's it will you marry me you make sure that he's going to help you go to heaven you have the full confidence because once you're married you follow two God's rules governing marriage and there's a lot more than I'm talking about not tonight I'm not even with just barely mention first Corinthians 7 that's where maybe next year or another year which study first trip in seven so see there are certain choices that I make individually they kind of irritate people but I tell you what I do that because I want to do things with the teetotal 107 clear conscience and I want to know if I help you marry somebody I've got an absolutely no it's correct and if I don't have 100% knowledge that's correct I'm just choosing not to and if you choose to marry if you long as you follow Matthew not denied it's fine but I have a choice whether to do it perform that wedding or not okay now now that I've got you shot a system out of the way will it look more of this less marriage divorce and remarriage there's four verses we're going to look at and then we're going to build on this here in a moment but before we do I want to let a little bit of a groundwork and that is this right here marriage is for life now when everybody doesn't stand when you marry you don't marry that if it doesn't work I'll get somebody else no you don't do that I've heard people say that if it a working forget about it wrong you know just get somebody else you are baptized believer when you marry you marry for life there's a sanctity of marriage when God has seen marriage in Genesis 2nd chapter and when he found Adam that he created Adam from the dust of the ground and he made him a wife out of his side you know what was beautiful he made the first home husband a wife Adam and Eve believe me what Natomas Steve as our modern-day go that's another day another topic I'd be more than happy to talk about it one day its man Marin woman all right woman Marin man okay man Marin man that's a going to hell offense woman where Marin women are going to hell defense I could care less what the United States allows and this legal system allows will tell you what what you are concerned about is what's it the Lord that's where it is now listen when you marry you marry a child of God a child of God a samaritan child of god you know i won't perform a wedding here comes another i won't perform a wedding for a child of god to marry a child of the devil do you blame me do you blame me for that i will not perform a wedding don't ask Alan hey I'm going to marry some out of this a Catholic Methodist Pentecostal what don't bother don't don't work up a situation so you can get mad at Milford I'm telling you now don't call and ask that I'm not going to do it I don't perform a child of God Meredith childhood if I told you that all right now that we've got that out of the way there are some people that will and I said to them it's not a right or role particularly but it's an expedient matter if they're not going to be converted and don't marry them with the idea of changing them that does please work believe me I do enough I do a lot of premarital counseling I do quite a bit of marriage counseling I do quite a bit unfortunately a post marriage counseling so all that is biblically based it's not secular counseling it is biblical based counseling that's all that I really care about do it okay now you're married for life I want you to look with me and I'm going to turn with you and I'm printed from the King James Version so if you're reading in a different version obviously it's going to read slightly different but it will convey the same message I am quite confident at Romans the seventh chapter verse two and three the Bible said for the woman which hath an husband is bound with alone her husband so long as he liveth but if the husband be dead she's listening the Lord for a husband so then Hills while her husband liveth she be married to another man she should be called an adulteress but if her husband be dead she is free from that law so she is no adulteress though she be married to another man it is fine for a widow or would it work to remarry as long as did you read it you married only in the Lord that is a baptized believer you marry only in the Lord that is a time whereby everything is fine to remarry it's not right to marry a Christian who the winner or would work - Mara one is not a New Testament Christian I'm telling you what Christian men and women when you marry you marry a New Testament Christian a child of God now if you matter and you marry for life and when your spouse dies you are at freedom to marry first within the seventh chapter number 39 will follow with a very similar message of what we just read and it's going to illustrate it and said in no uncertain terms only in the lord rama ii gave me the right to remarry first friends of seven is going to tighten up just a little bit and say only in the Lord here it is the Bible said the wife is balm of the law is long her husband liveth but her husband be dead she is at liberty to be married she will only in the Lord you know what that means that means only in the Lord I can't paraphrase it and make it any more clear or any more plain nobody has ever asked me only one that means only in the Lord no I always like to say that I can you know why so people have to ask me that listen I don't worry is that that phrase mean only in the Lord I see you know what that phrase means think of water only in the Lord what's so hard about that there's nothing hard about it the fact is people want to twist it and turn it and modify it and put it out of focus and make it look like to read something to the sex only in the Lord means only in the Lord that's not hard to understand when you marry you know her for life that's your saint to get married you marriage with intent home stay married to him or her as long as they live I'm take care of my wife from take care of my husband that's what God's rules are Romans 7 when death occurred that she can remember he can remarry whatever the case may be when their spouse dies your freedom to marry for truth and 7 tightened it up just a little bit by saying only in the Lord don't tell you what I have known many cases where widows and widowers married outside the faith and lost their religious faith now I'm telling you the truth lost their faith as quickly as 90 days because they married some heathen out there someone with the other set of religious values and then they've lost their faith don't tell you what marriage merits for life if you become a widow or widower you can marry whomever you want to Bob said that only in the Lord now listen don't ever soft start that and don't water it down that's what the Bible says so let's say true to it okay now here's what we're going to do we're going to spend the balance of our time looking at these verses here the mark 10 verse 10 and 11 would you please turn with me to mark the tenth chapter verse 10 and verse 11 now you may be kind of tree by what is he going to more 10 more mele you don't hear mark 10 discuss but I know that I need to do this in order to present to you a balanced lesson and I want to have it plain I want there to be practical preaching that's how to preach and I like to do I call it the three P clean practical preaching that's me I want everybody to do exactly what is that I am professing what I am preaching I want to give you book chapter verse from the Bible to support it if it's a the set the Lord if it's an hour an opinion I'm tell you I'm telling you that this is me talking now I'm going to make a distinction because it's very very important in order to go to heaven we've got to walk and we ought never have a good clear picture why did the bus that's the Lord and one of the opinion mark 10 verse 10 and 11 follow me carefully here's what the Word of God says and in the house his disciples asked him again of the same matter you can find out in a few minutes the same matter was marriage of the matter of marriage and divorce but we'll see that another verse verse 11 and he said unto them Jesus is talking whosoever shall put away his wife and marry another committeth adultery against her and if a woman shall put away hit her husband and in marriage another she committeth adultery so therefore and more 10 we should put 10 through 12 here I want to lay that change right now for you to take pictures of this board and people are prone to do it will be correct to lift more includes mark 10 10 twelve okay then you know what mark 10 does that's a very important passage but it's also very unique passage there's no exception given in mark 10 did you notice that it said if a man divorces wife and marry another he commits adultery if a woman divorce her husband marries another commits adultery you know what that means it means just what it said now friends listen mark did not include the except applause this is one of the men improves to show you you gather all that the Bible says on a subject before you draw your conclusion if you don't you girls go ahead promote false doctrine even though you read it out of the Bible because you didn't bring in two other verses they shed a different light very similar to right here he gave them the right to remarry in Romans 7 but a virtue that seven he tightened up a little bit by setting on the Lord so you put these two together you get a clearer picture but let me tell you why Martin's important before you leave more 10 write this down and a lot of you taking notes right now write this down mark 10 is the only case and the only difficult example we have of a woman divorcing her husband I have been asked many many times I know the Bible teacher the man converted wives but had a woman divorce her husband yes she can according to mark the 10th chapter this is the only place you're going to find that now that's important so yes if a husband is unfaithful to the wife she can divorce him for fornication and remarry without committed okay now let's go over to Luke's it's ticking I love the 16th Chuck verse 18 the word of God says the following whose whoever put it the way his wife and marry another committeth adultery and whoever marries her that is put away from her husband committed adultery now listen if math is more 10 10 through 12 and Luke 16 verse 18 if that was all that the Bible said about marriage divorce and remarriage guess what there would be no divorce of remarriages that were Scripture 0 if mark 10 and Luke's that sting or the only thing the Bible said about it I would stand up and I'll shout it to the highest mountain and I'll preach it as long as lot of the popular good there's no marriage in divorce of any kind of remarriage without committing adultery but guess what that's not all the Bible said about it we want to find two other key passages Matthew 5 31 and 32 we're going there now so go ahead and get ahead up and go there and then we'll go to Matthew 19 1 through 12 and spend the balance of our time there or I guess everybody go to Matthew the field chapter now we'll tell you a little bit about Mack see what's going on here we've got approximately 15 more minutes and we can get this done all right we're at Matthew five you're going to see in Matthew 5 Matthew 16:19 7 that is the longest sermon we have recorded by Jesus 95 96 and 97 this is called the Sermon on the Mount for two reasons number one Jesus the multitude was growing so lot so large he went up into a mountain the Sermon on the Mount went up to the mountain to preach and he began to preach his sermon and he could more easily be seen than one and were able to be heard number two it's called the Sermon on the Mount he said there and he talked who knows how many people and I want you to listen with that thought in mind listen to what he said now I'm not gonna be able to read all over Matthew five the whole lesson within itself I'm going to look at zero in all these two verses right here Matthew five 31 and 32 now look at this phrase look for it has been said but I said to you several times in Matthew five you're going to see it has been said but I said to you now I'll go ahead and tell you right now there's a strong difference of opinion on what that contrast means it happens it but I said to you some believe it happened said is a perverted teaching of the Mosaic law but I say unto you is it true a Nitra teaching of the Mosaic law guess what that is wrong and I know people going to see this on YouTube hood you're going to be all over me and what call me call me that's wrong it has been said is part of the law of Moses but I say unto you is the law of Christ that's what it is and we'll be able to support it a little bit tonight but a lot more and further discussion on this particular chapter so when you read it has been said it's the teaching of the Mosaic law and contrast to but I say unto you the law of Christ that's coming okay I know you're thinking oh you bother shooters and thinking how could Jesus be freaking his law while he was alive he'd been violating the most ethical law by teaching another law that's a good question now you want to get answer the good answer that I'm to use in debates if Jesus was preaching the new law but he wasn't binding the new law write it down Jesus preached the new law when he said but I said to you but he did not find the new law all right you're at Matthew five back up one chapter the mathematic through the fourth chapter look with me at verse 23 let's see what was being preached verse 23 of my view for Jesus went about all Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all minor diseases and other people why was Jesus preaching he was preaching the gospel of Kingdom that's why he was freaking right here in Matthew chapter 5 he said it has been I say I'm to you his preaching the gospel of the kingdom he wasn't binding him yet let me ask you if Jesus did not make his will his covenant his Testament bought his a lot would you please pray tell me when he made it you know what Hebrew 9 and 16 said attachment is a force after men are dead you had to make you will hire you the life you made you where were your life when you die that was executed Jesus made his will what is the life when he died on the Calvary the old law was taken away nailed across the knee law came into effect the other day we can learn much more on that now we have Matthew 5 31 32 we've read this it's very very clear and then we're going to connect it with a couple of more passages and then go straight into Matthew 19 but let's go back to Matthew side 31 32 it has been said whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a writing of divorcement that is precisely what did robbery 24 1 3 4 teaches I'm not turn over there and read it times is running away with me here now I've got to spin her up a little bit Deuteronomy 24:1 3 4 it lets me be known if you marry a woman you five seven pins in her put a riding divorcement in her hand send her out of your house guess what this is what Matthew 531 said give her a writing of divorcement rock beside that did round 224 one through four looking up on your own timetable the next verse said but I said unto you Jesus said now what you've been hearing and the way it used to be under the Mosaic law was you give a right of divorcement send you out of your house but I'll tell you the way it's going to be but I say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causes her to commit adultery whosoever shall marry her that is divorced commits adultery listen if you marry anybody anybody in the church at all those divorce for any reason other than fornication you are unscriptural II married understand that you can't twist it you can't turn it you can't make it sound in the different and it better you don't want to face God in that situation that's a good way not to win friends and influence people I assure you now I'm telling you what it is to make it where you can go to heaven you cannot go to heaven living in adultery you can't do it you're married marital life your spouse commits some more morality you can divorce her if your husband medicine morality you can divorce him but that is the only reason Jesus gave why you can force your spouse and remarry the only reason Jesus gave is for immorality fornication from the Greek word porneia when you where where do we get the word pornography from and on and on other day another dollar of discussion even on that Pontifical show you something just to show you that it is not a pervert attention of the moans alcohol okay let's just back up to the previous it has been said but I said to you just back up to verse 27 I told you there were several of them mirror lens back up the one before verse 27 you have heard that it was said of them of old time thou shalt not commit adultery now that is part of the Ten Commandments that's found in Exodus 20 and verse 14 you know what it said there thou shalt not commit country what does this say you've heard it has been said of old time thou shalt not commit adultery you know what I meant thou shalt not commit adultery that's exactly what that meant that is exactly what the most after long talk don't you ever allow yourself or anybody else I here at YouTube land to understand that to be anything different that it has been said is he true and actual teaching of the Mosaic law that's what that is it's a contrast to the upcoming law of Christ that's what we learn from right here in this passage but more I could say but let's go to Matthew 19 now with preliminaries we have laid forth Matthew 19 1 through 12 isn't it rather easy to cover so here we go be with me follow me carefully have any question write it down and we would take off and we will be glad to answer that after we dismiss this evening it came to pass it when Jesus had finished these sands he departed from Galilee and came to the coasts beyond Jordan and great multitudes followed him and He healed them there this gives the backdrop of where Jesus was when he was preaching etc they were attempting him trying to get him to make a blunder all right verse 3 very important thing of our three many religious people today in the church brothers and sisters good men and good women that here's the question they want to know where was it answered verse 3 look at it now verse 3 said have you not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female so I back in verse 3 the Pharisees came unto Him tempting him and said unto Him is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for every cause every called can a man who wins why for every call of Jesus now how do you think Jesus answer that this is huge they tempted him then try to get him to fell falter here they try to get him to fall away drags ruins at miss feet they asked him is it lawful for man put wet life for every call you know why they ask that don't you better accustom to put away their wife for every cause multiple divorces in the Mosaic law many divorces be around to 24 one through four we mentioned earlier he gave two causes are out there so now Jesus had the task of answer that question and I want to show you how you answered it this may be new to you but it's been in the Bible the whole time I just look verse four Jesus answer said have you not read that he will make you at the beginning made them male and female and said for this cause shall a man leave father mother they shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh wherefore they're no more Twain but one flesh while therefore God anointed let not man put asunder you can read back in mosaic back to the patriotic draw in Genesis 2 and 24 Jesus said from the beginning you know the beginning was at Petra article all the days of Adam and Eve and forward for hundreds of years ginsa from the beginning it was not so you couldn't under force your spouse forever calls well you know what they did they popped up with verse 7 and verse 7 they said unto him why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away write it down again Deuteronomy 24:1 3 for that's precisely what the Mosaic law said just like you might be fine that's what has been said you give a riding divorce who put in her hand and sent her out of the house now what Jesus going to say open he answered it look at it again with me never say jesus said Moses because of the hardness of your hearts suffered you to put away your wife but from the beginning it was not so then jesus said it this way I tell you what guys here's a way in Moses because of your hard hearts he allows you to do that but from the patriotic law it wasn't that way Moses and Moses Lall he'll love it because your heart hardness and then in verse nine here it is verse 9 Jesus said and I say unto you whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and whosoever marrieth her which is put away from her death from put away doth commit adultery there is my proof for if you marry someone who had no Scripture Roger America you've committed adultery even if their first first marriage you cannot marry somebody born that's why I'm just scared to marry somebody who's been divorced how afraid they Paul is her short but it sounds better than it is don't marry somebody who's been divorced want to tell a lot of people just for your own soul salvation only from Alan the Bible allows you to Matthew 5 in Matthew 19 you can marry anybody who conscripted divorce on that or married that has scripture divorce or spouse you can marry them I just don't want to be one who performs out man now listen listen carefully the question asked in verse 3 was answered by Jesus three different ways you won't hear this very often and you haven't heard it very often he first accident by the patriarch in law he said from the beginning it was not so nope he won't let you divorce it forever column under the paper law then they said Moses did it why don't one can whenever when Moses be called the hardness of your heart they answered his second time time he told them how Moses allowed and then the answer the third time says but I'm saying to you here's how it's going to be and to my law this is how it's going to be except for fornication the question asks in verse three with answered by Jesus under the paper article all the Mosaic law and the Christian law in distorted oh not hardly the disciples were worked up they were hearing something brand new they had not heard it before and they were a little bit hiked you remember mark 10 it said in the house the disciples asked again of the same matter that's why they were hyped up and here why they said Lord let me look looking rig to you I can read it better than I can bear afraid to say with it Matthew 19 we're gonna read 10 11 and 12 this is trying to calm down the disciple who's getting all hyped up okay his disciples said unto him today we're not guessing one of the disciples is said of his disciples his disciples said in him if the case of the man being so otherwise is not going to marry Lord I'll tell you like it is if what you're saying is the way it's going to be it's better we don't even marry if I can't divorce her from every call like we've always done and you're telling me what Kong and what calls on it just better not matter where they work does she better believe it they will work that they have heard something brand-new won't tell you something if that is what they had been hearing for all this time they wouldn't bother damn in a hole that we used to have been accustomed to it to guess what there was something brand spanking lead and that's what got them hyped up now why did Jesus do Jesus had a choice he could say well hang on guys let me rethink this no no no no he didn't do that here's what Jesus did read on with me Jesus said the following now they said better not to matter right just if that's what it's better not marry jesus said all men cannot receive this saying save they to whom it is given now verse 12 gives you three points that need to be understood this might be a little bit embarrassing but I'll make it less embarrassing for everybody speaker included want you to know these three things written in Matthew 19 verse 12 there are some eunuchs which are so born from their mother's womb there are some babies that are born with a deformity that therefore they were eunuchs at birth they were born that way okay number two and there's some unit which you're made units of men those who made units of men is considered to be those who have violated some sexual violation of the laws of our land and the laws of our land made them eunuchs because of their sexual offence not rape or incest or something of that nature therefore they made a man a eunuch okay number three they're big unit which imagines have unit for the kingdom of heaven's sake he that is able to receive it better and receive it there's some people to choose not to marry that you're the choice they made for and that they go that's you you know what we find here we find the Jews dip back up he didn't stammer he pinched stuttered he didn't buy tonight he didn't hum and hee-haw around he just told him exactly that's the way it's going to be but my dear friends I'm telling you today when you marry if you marry you don't have to marry but if you marry you marry for life and you in dividing this assembly and anybody who sees this video you make sure that your marriage is in line with Scripture and if it's not get out of it he's not worth going to hell over I'm been as honest with you as I possibly can I'm here I want you to go to heaven you want me to have to go to heaven I want you to go to heaven we won't help each other to go you've got to get out of our scripture marriage if you're in a good scripture marriage god bless you and help each other go to heaven it's very important today that you evaluate the teaching that we've shared with you tonight it is biblically based it's been tried has been proven the divorce controversy in the religious world that endless hundreds of people have written on this subject yet many people remain perplexed I don't claim to know all there is to know about the marriage in divorce and remarriage issue but I tell you what I do know I do know a few of the things that God's Word says about it you've got it on the board you've heard it in tonight's lesson so tonight I ask you and I'll beg you please make sure that your marriage fits what the Bible teaches regarding marriage if you're divorced and remarried make sure it fits in the guidelines of Scripture that's the only way possible you can go to heaven regarding your marriage if you're in this assembly tonight and you never obey the gospel oh you don't know what you're missing being a child of God is wonderful because men a child of God in mansion situation where you can say our Father which art in heaven been a child of God the Lord allowed you to the church being a child of God all the men and women across the world to obey the gospel or your brothers and sisters in Christ you have remission of sin it's a great blessing if you go back the gospel you have spiritual challenges in your life we ask you today based on acts 8 and 20 to repent of your sins and have prayer in relationship to James 5 and 16 verse John 1 and teach you the few confession of false god is faithful to forgive you if you've got sin in your life as a baptized believer come forth at this time repent of your sin confess your thoughts we're praying with you will pray for you and God to do his part if your the earth God under his you can fast God and forgive when you do that tonight please come
Channel: Allen Bailey
Views: 17,036
Rating: 4.4807692 out of 5
Id: jGc54iMCF_Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2016
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