Mark's Flight to Savannah, Georgia

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[Music] there's headset there in front of you can grab that and we'll grab the door I'm going to get things started well a couple checks real quick like and check all my lights make sure they all light up we'll get some a/c going here in just a moment okay we're gonna start so I gotta just press the start button here on this this one okay and off we go I'm gonna introduce fuel at 12% throw the light off I can hear it yeah I can see it in a white line [Music] I see going what your models mm battery recharge right engine [Music] I'd get it a little closer to see him yeah yep you put that sit on all right all right you got me it's running my daughter told me last night she's a dad don't touch anything all the charts for mayhem which is good okay if you look out across the top of the wing I'm going to do the lift up but there it was okay traffic Turkey 2-0 doin runnin runnin left across one fun way to three hey traffic bunny 5 - is there one here for four mile final do three warning check our stall system check it's gonna be a pusher it's gonna push the stick over here next okay I can sort taxi out and get all my uniform cortex just degree staple generators of leader four of us 400 pounds of fuel a little father connect never likes it up there and money dear one uniform one mile final two tree Gainesville [Applause] Hey okay you comfy oh yeah cancel treasurer turkey to zero to one run now turning left face run play dead three games them need a water or anything you let me know I can grab them I appreciate that here I'm good right now so here's the chart there's where we are on it right we're just taxiing out to run white 2 3 have you been to this Airport before I have not been here before stamp said the FBO and that was really nice there's really cool it's pretty cool get another Turkey to 0-2 and Romeo turning final runway 10 three games on okay so got a guy just coming in to land now well Cherokee hazel traffic mooney there one uniform clear tea tree breaks like the chatter a little bit yeah yeah the runways get a little bit of a slope to it that it's cooler is that yeah it's somewhat unusual I would you see it on occasion death so 196 miles down to Savannah understand Isaac nautical mile yeah okay just get out of the way it's gonna work out Wow Gainesville traffic compared three Ninth Circuit departing runway two three exiting to the southeast on the throttles up a little bit off would you a while v1 rotate laughter coming up I think how quiet it gets oh yeah that you just it is leaves the sound behind you little does like takeoff checks down real quick here before it going Atlanta premiere 3 9 0 Gulf Mike after hearing a nurturer go fight win front foot one seven three six one seven three six Circle Mike okay trivia tree energy golf micro contact to mount somebody games order forecasting 3232 Savannah the direct Anthony direct Colliers direct climb and maintain 7,000 types by level 100 0 10 minutes Kendrick death has Rick Collier up to seven thousand and one nine zero the finals are coupling there both Mike Rebecca's directing a hit record at this time maintain them come Kendrick Collier 7,000 sir got my okay I got a fine it'll show me at that point in his 935 six-30 Jolly Roger clear signal to exciting them I'll take that the orange point $3 approach to seven will conduct our 16.3 de jour Julian okay that's it buddy awesome oh yeah that's pretty it's pretty quiet you know once once buildings up and let the brakes go all that sound just kind of stays behind him because it all happens pretty quickly I'm gonna circuit Savannah called up here and then a breakout 5k flight follow dialog III Romeo Roger break our resistor me just maintain VFR before you traffic to for miles Shelby's found altitude indicates a treat now I will look out for that uh 7000 repeat that Romeo think he's are gonna pull his prison pull the power back here to make sure we don't over speed okay little very easily over speed of course surplus of a stable of 250 knots below 10,000 feet yeah kind of hazy today a little bit okay yeah all right come here zero go flying climb and maintain one zero thousand heads out ten thousand circle imagine one zero seven contact approach 24 points yeah set the altitude selector we see that on your screen in front of you there is blue ten thousand the upper right corner okay that's it so that's the altitude I have selected the airplane is gonna climb to that altitude you're here here we'll go with Mike Hong tackle into Center one three four point two v10 34 Tuesday up like a day Atlanta premiere three Ninth Circuit off mic 8,000 climate ten thousand between Michael and here on the main site level one manner hero flight level one nine zero zero fine so off we go right 24:42 leave final one nine zero four one one thousand 'evil banking climate enemy care for loud independent right now out of eleven thousand seven foot every care for tea for 76 country ticket 44 76 atleta center welcome call the maintain flight level treat 3-0 be defined by approach were you just doing that on your own hi they wanted the best for years down and if you see this cloud deck coming up here yeah so we should shoot right through that but be a little bit clearer above that's me checking the oxygen supply okay they're 44 76 you can do some normal feet there we go yeah guys tell how fast you're moving would you break through that letter that's our stick that's like the best view yeah clapping through 15,000 feet now Wow yeah we've been there for six on it's all under one more note hopefully I get a nice view of the coast yeah welcome massacre committed feet zero one one three zero one one thing seven twelve hundred eleven thousand five one four thousand two hundred Atlanta sinners mama maintain flight level two three zero maintain three zero zero not the greater so we're gonna get run along the Georgia South Carolina border okay down Savannah okay that's kind of a different way that you would travel by car to go to span you got to go through Atlanta go to Atlanta you go down to make it and it's got a cross over and go to the echo that way we're going over the ground 329 2442 contact for approach 1 1 ain't funny a teenage Delta 24:42 name would you select the news you like to do out of the acceleration so the client so would you select as they're out here blank ready to copy okay go ahead Zerg oh boy reserves off like this two new frustrating into Savannah so you are now cleared to Savannah via direct a lot intersection that Lima Oscar tango tango Sierra in Savannah vor then dress the field ok director plots Savannah enter the field turn off mic okay so let me put that in Sicard 44 76 contact atlanta center 1 2 5 point 6 you watch how that helps us hitter what you eat plate 1 get it what do you want sir got my good day - inna Road Atlanta premier 397 off my flight level 1 9 0 - better runner so would you select the new altitude the airplane will do nothing because you haven't told it how you want it to get to the new out ok so you need to be you need to select one of the boats and then one of the boats would be vertical to be where you dial in the vertical speed it would be pitch where you set a pitch ro would be flight level change where you pick an airspeed option old climbing climber design header spoon squad 7 1 1 7 so right now if we 14,000 seed selectors that flight level 1 9 0 I can run the altitude selector all over the place sure every I won't do anything ok budgeting tentative Ronald a little bit here couldn't want to exceed nine 300k twenty knots indicated so we're going for 24 knots over the ground Wow yeah this trips gonna into soon dad is 21 minutes yeah so the 9930 to defend me the Jedi to arrival maintain three one zero not the reserves all the speed-up Wookiee out cemeteries are one three 145 miles away from Savannah and Wow [Applause] this is great I never dreamed when we did the merit badge think about 39 years ago then how would we do with this I mean at that point I was 33 right yeah that's awesome and it's so funny because you know so many people I mean by a vision for a long time was like looking through at this windshield had ice on it yeah bit layer of ice yeah so I can see colors and things like that but no real definition of branding so to get the transplant and it's not perfect now and it's you know it's still I still could never get a driver's license ranked that but there's so much more capability than I had before and I just wanted to realize this dream this is this is incredible oh that's all hand I'm telling you this is that's awesome so what did you lost your eyesight after nineteen to turn at what age I was really that was from burns at that point and it was not until I was 37 years old that I got a diagnosis of really what was what was going on and I mean I had probably 17 different cornea operations and by the time I was 10 years old and the corneas would always reject and so nobody ever knew why and then when I was I was like I said I was 37 almost 38 years old and I decided I thought you know I suppose see what's available and if there any news any new things going on and so I went to Emory hospital in Atlanta and they're a teaching hospitals so they're really kind of cutting edge on some of the stuff that's happening and they said within five minutes they gave me the diagnosis that I had never gotten in 37 years Wow and they said also there's probably a way we can improve your vision you know though we went for it and it was a success it was a success yes you know some people would think well you did walked out of there with 20/20 so it's not a success but anything greater than what I had before you know I can I do a lot of things up close and one core back to fine yeah so lyrics anyway buying on 11 pounds let me come in my iPhone you know I never thought I'd be able to do that and ever thought of you'll read an eyeful you know but I you know I still find ways to adapt to things spray so for the for the viewers who are watching this bark to my right mark and I meant look at mouthy way to the care amount of a one-night and mark is a music producer love my videos and wanted to produce some original music for me he had some ideas and he did that and then we had another viewer in collaboration with mark put together a video and thought my channel it's titled why do I fly let me show you and Mark did the musical score on that which is fantastic it's got to be one of my favorite very well of my stuff and now we have a new score in the works yes yeah I think it's gonna be exciting yeah yeah so mark has arranged for us ticket tour of the Gulf Stream factory where they built the Gulfstream corporate jets so we are in route down to Savannah before lunch and then adults 22 artists that I maintain above a 100 year old not a bad way to spend a weekday that's right yeah well but I'm glad we put it together I am see the timing actually worked out well for me good your you've got a lot going so oh we've been cradled in c-46s SP the tonight to arrival we do a published feed out cookie I've covered a few zero one three four mild temperatures hold like sample asleep Oh we flew up in a Cirrus yesterday to Rockford to pick up here oh wow but I maintain one one 11,000 make enough committed man the mile cemetery actually sent the backseat of that thing literally but was it comfortable it was it was actually very comfortable is it I've heard a lot about this yeah I thought three Niner zero Golf Mike brought a lot and it made a 1-1 11 thousand seven outs of your three zero one four ok lot C 11 thousands here one for Zurich off-mike okay so yeah think about the Cirrus is that of course look me in the back we might have been a little tailing overall it was it was surprisingly comfortable so I can go and I can enter 11,000 feet on my mms okay I can put it next to lots and execute it so that all of a sudden creates this lots point at 11,000 feet now I can select be damned but the 99 I can put my outfit duties lecture to 11,000 feet and the airplane will grab a 3-degree glide slope to intercept okay and cross lots at 11,000 feet it's a very very powerful flight management system yeah if it seems to be really it's gonna handles a lot of things it does it very smoothly yeah it's really it's it runs a lot of bigger airplanes so yeah front of the little premiers not a problem for a tech and single pilot makes it really nice sure takes a lot of the workload of what it's like you've got a lot of ease of flying there right now I just I just make it look easy now it's yeah so they say about flying hours of tranquility punctuated by seconds of sheer terror yeah my dad was telling me a story about him flying once he did something that wasn't all that great hey I had to look up my face he said yeah he goes it was utter stupidity you got me into it but you're skilled again what is it they say there are old pilots of bold pilots but there are no edible license right that's right have you ever had to pee and fly this plane at this altitude Delta ninety nine thirty point back November 3 9 zeros off-mike got back throw one three two points matter 5032 9205 see you today Jacksonville premiere three Ninth Circuit off mic but level one under Sir don't like stayin out 200 three zero one four good afternoon [Applause] Romeo one five five three one three approaches runway 2 8 runway one hundred years and that whole short operation in effect in effect no disturbance like Charlie close with the secular Charlie to the contract under for misanthrope you register fertile land runway one nine drops right into where we're going okay I got a rental car set up we'll run into town grab some lunch and then head back for the three o'clock to any particular place you want to go for a plunge now there's a couple of places I know Danny this park kind of walk around see what uh okay have you been in Savannah just recently a spider fact about six weeks ago okay yeah it did was about car and I said after this all their mortgages that again yeah sure but you can actually tell us where you'd like to go you got a got a place you like we went to a place it was kind of down at the I think it's the market area they're going for like a McLaren blonde at 11 there no I do lots at 11:30 off-mike thank you there was a place called Belfort that we went there are a lot of great places down there - they're down there right on the river yeah yeah Table five one ten minutes snow were miles credible Jackson sinner Delta 2041 with you passing 8.7% debe 2041 five in nineteen by the hope that'll be your final head welcome Delta 2041 climbed a two to zero for a final one of my Instagram viewers messaged me this morning and said that he used to work for Gulf Stream hello said we're gonna love the to our man so we're burning 770 pounds of fuel aside doc come down here took my performance fuel management and so 1534 sign so that's about 225 gallons an hour the part is it good Tilly sit well pretty Jets aren't very fuel-efficient yeah mike papac's oh now we're starters down those two tunnels for the top and descent yep ground in the Yaak light baths start down we'll get a little arc that's gonna come into this picture there it is okay yeah and that indicates where we are gonna where where we gonna get where we going where we are going to hit our select and help okay so that should eventually settle on lots okay so that's where we want to hit 11,000 feet already planetary formation dromio some 15.3 silhouette observation with one nine zero at wonder of the ability of wonder a glass up to 5000 some church to ladder the point one three out twitter three zero one three hello Jenna special approaches are going to exactly one underneath this whole short operations in effect bird advisors in effect those women sexually turning clothes piece especially Charlie to advice it into contact information Romeo devil 2041 convicted Elena's Center 18.1 get Anthony so 41 one Scituate 41 hey wait Delta two four zero trick please self-detonate Sena maintains bottle of two zero zero Delta 2 0 0 del chromaticity so golf tests that must be a Gulfstream yeah out doing some testing obviously I would imagine their facilities pretty big down here I would I would think that it's yeah yeah pretty massive see all the Gulf Stream is lined up from there okay I don't know what it is a finalist simply planned right I've got a test facility pretty neat I've heard before I don't know if this is true but I've heard that they have like working contents of everything that they build and they can troubleshoot anything if you know if somebody gets into a bad thing it might go button by button through it yeah that's what I've heard as well yeah pretty incredible right that's what 60 million gets ya yes it is at a backlog thousand feet to go ducks se you can enter next please yo yo yo Derek please please now one one-thousand two men out till another three zero one three let's correct the pattern these eleven thousand three thorough in every three zero one three take offense taken I got it all that 11,000 it please and it was his verify 3 0 1 1 4 7 5 13 13 13 Roger thanks going to city picture 713 thumping what's yourself Java 1350 jeddak lot of 18th lot of up to 3 0 level of juicers drones up 13 every 300 he'll go on fight context of an approach 1 to 5 point 325 fries I got my good day tell Joe 353 turn right - right - small spin I approach for beard 3 minutes are golf Mike Eve 11,000 foot Romeo the Chimera 390 Revell Mike's a lot ProCharger expect efficient approach on ye late fly heading zero-niner-zero runway 2 8 and 0 nines are on the headings are got my prime here's your golf Mike to set the maintain five oh not the 5000 sir got my okay run yq8 actually works out okay cuz we'll roll out right by the FBI okay let's give you a few more minutes flying time yeah yeah so I can enter any visual approach to runway to eight at the FMS and it will give me if I think you have the airport site ten o'clock a letter proton oh it's very helpful for us are cleared this approach only one minor context - our one-one-niner point one today the original j19 such a tower when I kill my mama dog one zero fight TURN RIGHT pretty amazing how quickly good condition - here's your call sign on the radio oh yeah you know yep absolutely testify Bravo kilo the term must hitting at u-70 the gosh if you're following is 11 o'clock and four miles at 2900 drama killer okay go go yeah I can do step up 350 325 miles up there still yeah Airport yeah and to get higher up so far up will kill oh here the airport in sight 11 o'clock 11 o'clock a 1-0 mom Bravo kilo we have the airport to testify Bravo Aquila Roger the Gulfstream shouldn't be any factors four miles ahead of you caution wake turbulence make straight inter only one matter Johnson Wagner was played at one property line still just 353 contact Expo Center on one 32.9 or two good day those are the 353 good day skyline Creek in the whiskey TURN RIGHT heading on one four zero Duff 1-0 flight shirt right on course insert doubled reflect your quite so direct that's the vein on zero for gay ten to seven no we'll pick them up my plan on there okay thought once your plate pushes us or both top up your flight scout Lane treat kilo whiskey so that approach thank online 63-kilo whiskey Savannah verse 63 the airport is out there market not one o'clock okay kind of difficult ways out there I Trini Luis sweet eight one seven approach Rogers to an altimeter three zero one to pick a lane three kilo whiskey advise we have some an airport and safe one o'clock and one one mold inside skyline 3 kilowatts get Roger make straightener all my one-niner contacts about us our one-one-niner point one today dog one zero play contact Beaufort approach on one two three point seven dog 1-0 play contact befit approach one sheet 3.7 tickets on that one - 3.7 4.1 girl I still have one zero played affirmative Beaufort approach one two three point seven I know but if I push my three point seven four here's your golf Mike Sesenta maintain shoes um mm certify rate for five Brahma kilo looks like we're all the great into one night what a what night that's f5r overkill Oh Roger a context about a shower one-one-niner point 191 one of the two great lights meet so I've got the auto ignition turned on so that now we're on the approach phase if there was ever to be a pickup in the engines they would automatically relight okay but they're pretty unlikely Savannah departure Airport is truly down okay yeah it's around right one nine or less amount of the Parcher radar contact I'm gonna maintain 1-0 tenth of I'm in 10,000 one early sequencing only smother traffic premier zero golf mike turn right heading on one four zero right turn one four zero sir combine Saran approach you can happen in golf test eating with you this information Romeo with request stuff that say they eight eight seven approach which every close mister we need is sent down to like three thousand feet for approximately 15 minutes and then pick up a flight plan and then go back to the same look at issue are at that's a dataset of maintained on earth of down to nine thousand eighty six three whiskey dances on approach good afternoon fly person heading vector for the original approach away one butter to set of maintained on earth oh hey nine thousand heading fix vectors for runway one Niner 6-3 Lipsky Delta don't cut your cheese or a turn right direct smalls writer calls the country Joey okay call test a day you see you needed to sender the 3000 and then you want to what my plan did you want to pick up we have another flight plan with you surfer next generation and we need 15 the parks p3000 okay I got it now I got that state Senate maintain 3000 down to three thousand thanks contest 18 but it's the airport over there now yeah still at 3 o'clock we've kind of been circling around around it yeah we're gonna kind of on a little bit of a write base okay premiers are evolved mic turn right heading all one six-year-old what's sexier on headings are gone we do have the children sir hey guys fermez you're both my cleared mr. pearl might you in if you could destroy the base to follow for chopping blending rumbling one daughter okay cleared the could to a temple square the main sponsor got money autopilot off a half blocks really don't know just how they maintain four thousand four thousand a week you don't this the tough the bad skills that's right like a few of the viewers don't think I can actually hand fly there there you go come here cheer about my contact our one-one-niner point one sir got my good day spent at their prepared through the intercom I just turning final runway Savannah salary number two for the field run the way to a win four Niner zero at four clear the land they're playing runway to eight sir coupling and I work on Thursday the short it's great really what you want 3771 imagine also to run way too late that one more level seven more 63-kilo whiskey a parking but the myristic particular whiskey Roger returned next actually in the Alfa for contact ground pointer 1009 here welcoming every day five hundred and it's our never shutting up them and ever they read for it Wisconsin 3771 runway to Atlanta paneling I'm the one I was good with yeah yeah sir got my cash out there turn off my crew you can turn left on outside people contact ground point nine left on alpha then we'll go to ground sir cup my and then around me around you're only one niner today's the Bravo intersection taxi a Bravo hold further away I will attack you Bravo will hold short turn an immune crap prepare three times our Gulf Michael's clear an alpha to shelter Brethren desert ago Mike's gonna grant taxi to ramp the straight ahead turn around either straight ahead j5 sir got my soo thank ready for departure Oh marks first white spray on a private jet 38 minutes well 212 nautical miles 880 pounds to short one it was so I don't know if you can see all the gulfstream you lined up along here oh yeah okay yeah are all over the point where now those I wonder if they're finished late or they actually hit right I know those are if that's maintenance going on all right you don't look like they might be not new knotted yeah there's a green one there there's some new stuff there too yeah that green is that I was what about you that's just primer yeah that's a primer does Gulfstream make a plane that would be single pilot certifying over they down or everything everything is a pilot yeah that's all we got boys does a blast well how about you take your time get that overhead strap too if you want to grab it you can do that we get this yeah you got it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Premier 1 Driver
Views: 68,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: P1d, avgeek, avporn, private jet, cockpit, pilot, private pilot, jet pilot, SP jet, single pilot jet flight, flying, pilot pov
Id: cvGoLxlD_mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 57sec (3177 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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