FIRE IN THE HOLE! | Baltimore to Blow the Key Bridge Off MV Dali

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on today's episode of what's going on with shipping it's time to blow the bridge off the dolly I'm your host salmer kagano welcome to today's episode so word comes in from the unified command Authority in Baltimore that the US Army Corps of Engineers along with the Salvage teams have a plan in place to use control detonations to remove the large Bridge section that is hanging off the port side the left side of the motor vessel Dolly into the federal Channel we're going to take a look at this operation talk about the Salvage to date and provide some background on what to expect when they blow the bridge off the motor vessel Dolly if you're new to the channel hey take a moment subscribe to the channel and hit the Bell so you be alerted about new videos as they come out the Army Corps of Engineers came out with this where they're talking about how they're going to remove this section as you see in the photograph there this is off the left side the port side of motor vessel Dolly and they are saying that the safest and swiftest method to remove this bridge piece is by making Precision Cuts in the steel and then using small charges to detonate it so that the bridge section will actually fold off the dolly and fall into the water and they're using industry standards to do this now what you're going to see is basically a series of small little Puffs off of it it'll sound like fireworks not going to be a big explosion and you'll see the bridge structure just kind of fold in and collapse on itself and the Army Corps provided an animation about about that but before we go into that let's take a look at what's going on with Dolly right now so this is an image of Dolly from a few days ago the section that they're going to do the control detonation is in the red there that's off the port side of the vessel the left side of the ship when looking forward you're actually looking down the length of Dolly from the East toward the west the section to the starboard side to the right side of the vessel when looking forward that's the section in yellow and that section has been removed I also want to highlight one key thing here notice how far down by the bow dolly is she's kind of lower forward then back AF and this has to do with probably the weight of the bridge pushing on the bow into the mud now when they remove this weight off Dolly she should come back up however there could be damage to the hull which involves flooding which may require pumping out may require some ballasting issues remember there's also a a natural gas pipeline that's under the mud here so they have to be careful about removing the vessel going across it so all those factors are going to be at play here image from above over the bow of the dolly first note the amount of containers that been removed about 100 and 83 containers have been offloaded from Dolly on those forward sections now not all the containers have gotten off some of them are pinned and crushed underneath the bridge but many of the forward containers were removed and this helped open up the working area so that they can remove elements of the bridge but also they don't want to damage the containers that could potentially be hurt in a bridge control detonation here you see the weeks 55 uh excuse me 533 in action this is the crane that was removing the large Bridge section off the starboard side that section in yellow I had there before these photographs by the way come from uh Chesapeake Bay dead rise uh Marine photography so I'm going to have their website down in the show notes below and talk a little bit about them at the end of the video if you don't follow them on Instagram you should just amazing photographs he's been able to put out here about the Salvage you know dead rise is doing great still photography don't forget our buddies over at minor and mullet Captain Andy and his crew have been doing live videos but they caught a lot of the Salvage work as it was ongoing here you see that weeks 533 Crane in action lifting off large sections of the bridge off the starboard side uh you can see those sections coming off and those sections are loaded onto barges and then they are sent down to tradeo Atlantic for Salvage this Photograph comes from unified command it shows you the bridge section on which they're going to do the control detonations you'll notice on this section orange markings numbers this is where the charges and the cuts are going to be made to allow that bridge to collapse so you can see a lot of the prep work being done here the scale of the damage to the bow of Dolly is significant this indicates massive structural uh damage to the ship the the structural Integrity of the vessel is compromised you can see that gouge on the bow this is just on the starboard side of the vessel we really haven't been able to see the port side of the vessel because the bridge is still on it you have this large concrete pillar that came from the pier they struck so this ship is not going anywhere fast even when it's freed and moved from the channel there's going to have to be significant repairs done to the ship for fear that the bow could be compromised so this is the video released by the US Army Corps of Engineers I will have the connection to it they've got an audio that goes with it but I'm going to just talk over it so they have analyzed this structure the problem is this structure fell in one large Trust piece and if you cut this piece the problem is it's going to snap like a rubber band and collapse what they need to do is make multiple cuts at the same time and then be able to lift it off they can't do that there's not a crane really around that can lift this off in one piece plus it's structurally damaged so instead they have analyzed it and what they're going to do is make a series of cuts on the bridge uh make these stress cuts and then insert explosives into the structure they will wrap it up up and then execute a control detonation and what you'll see is a series of these small little explosions and then that will cause the bridge to fall off the dolly and into the water alongside then you could remove Dolly while at the same time picking up the much smaller pieces from the water do the cuts on the section that's still in the water and open up the Federal Channel and pull Dolly to a dock in Baltimore for off loading and damage assessment now I made that sound very easy it is not it is extremely complicated and hazardous element uh the crew of The Vessel is still going to be on board they're still on board this is an operating vessel there's still refrigerated containers the Machinery needs to be operating when the explosion takes place the ship's crew will hunker down uh there's no real big Dam you know danger here of shrapnel flying but the crew will get below uh remember these ships are being shot at on a routine basis out in the midle Middle East in the Red Sea by the houthi and we haven't seen a lot of casualties three dead several wounded uh so This Crew will be able to hunker down they're going to have containers between them and a lot of Steel they'll be perfectly safe once the explosion takes place then they're going to reassess figure out what the right move is some of the debris may be up against Dolly they may have to remove some of the bridge before they could pull Dolly out they were hoping to get it out by May 10th that may have been optimistic Mystic because of weather issues over the past weekend so we may not see her moved on the 10th however once the bridge is destroyed off the port side you can expect to see movement pretty quick lastly I want to talk just a little bit about some of these great photographs that was done by dead rise I can't tell you how much I enjoy the photography that is coming out by this here's the Lyn Moran one of many tugboats that are in operation in and around the area the number of craft that are operating are are dozens and dead rise has been able to get out and just get these really great images of it but probably the best ones are those of the cruise Mark got a chance to write out with the Coast Guard the other day doing a crew change on one of the buoy tenders that's out there if you want an unsung role for the Coast Guard it's maintaining the Aida navigation and the crews on the buoy tenders who have been planting buoys to Mark these new channels that are opening are really doing a great job out there and then great images of the Salvage Crews that are out there uh just want to again recommend if you have the opportunity go out and uh check uh dead rise out it it's a great site uh I'll have the website so you can take a look at it they're on Instagram just really amazing uh the CHP Bay is is one of America's really Untold beautiful sites I used to live up in Maryland I used to get out in the bay I used to do this I used to go out on chesak Bay log canoes and race them so it was always a lot of fun so I I want to take that opportunity and tout Mark and especially with the unified commands doing too a lot of imagery coming out on this they're are really progressing at a great rate so we can expect to see a lot of excitement coming out of this site here in the next few days uh last thing I want to talk about which I think is a really important thing because we don't emphasize this enough either is that during the Salvage operation UniFi command was able to recover the last of the six missing people this is obviously crucial for the family members involved uh closure is extremely important uh you know a lot of people ask why was this put aside it wasn't put aside one of the issues is that that in a in a recovery operation I've been a firefighter for 25 years now is when you're doing a recovery operation lots of it is going hand inand with the Salvage and that operation and don't think for a minute just because it wasn't being talked about that the the the search for this last of the six missing uh Bridge workers was was not important I I mean it it's tragic I mean the loss of six lives should should be first and foremost in our thoughts that this happened it is amazing that we only lost six people if this had happened during the day in rush hour we could have been talking about dozens if not hundreds of people so it is great for the family members that uh we're getting a little bit of closure at this point and hats off to the unified command to uh the the the the US Coast Guard Army Corps of Engineers uh Department of Maryland Don John uh uh resolv Marine scansa Moran uh weeks uh Chapman I I can't name all the groups that are out there there is a lot going on here and again you know I was a Critic of of the unified command uh Authority I thought that they really needed to put one person in charge but I think behind the scenes there is one person in charge who's running this and my hats off to the captain of the port uh Captain McConnell who's been running a lot of this behind the scenes this is an amazing Endeavor the fact that we're seeing ships move and we're seeing a salvage operation of this speed and and magnet ude is is a amazing accomplishment I hope you enjoyed today's episode if you did hey take a moment subscribe to the channel and hit the button so be alerted about new videos as they come out give it a thumbs up share it across social media and if you can support the page how do you do that you hit the super thanks button down below or head on over to patreon become a monthly or yearly subscriber or more importantly head over to dead rise Marine photography and don't forget uh cat Mandy over at the minorcan mullet uh theyve been doing a great job in photographing and following this event and really documenting what's been happening until our next video this out signing off
Channel: What is Going on With Shipping?
Views: 445,232
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Id: 0Z2jxCHC2mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 5sec (725 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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