Markiplier Tries to Keep Up with a Professional Chef | Back-to-Back Chef | Bon Appétit

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Just bring Miz Cracker back and call it a day.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/craftybast 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I found the edgelord vibe super annoying.

Not sure if he became self aware of it or if he was given some notes by his team, but the warm apology at the end truly rescued him.

👍︎︎ 72 👤︎︎ u/liaisons_dangereuses 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

When do we get Ms. Cracker back?

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/SpiffyShindigs 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

I was expecting another Ninja debacle, but he seemed genuine. Especially towards the end.

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/Other_Vader 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

The bite of 87

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Doctadalton 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

I really wish they’d stop doing random YouTube personalities, they’re always super annoying.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/whateverwhatever1235 📅︎︎ Jan 14 2020 🗫︎ replies

1) "Who can't figure out how to read the numbers?"

Carla's reaction looks like she is about to spill some tea there.

2) Markiplier is... Not bad. Definitely the best of all the Youtubers. It also helped that he is clearly putting a rein over his more theatrical persona.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Font-street 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

This dude is so cringey.

I admire Carla for her patience. She must be an amazing mother!

👍︎︎ 23 👤︎︎ u/DietWaterIsLife 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies

Man if we’re gonna keep with youtubers can we just have Safiya Nygaard? I feel like she’d be humble and respectful while still being goofy and hilarious and making genuine effort like she does with most things

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/teddy_vedder 📅︎︎ Jan 13 2020 🗫︎ replies
why do I need to spank these Tomatoes I don't get it I want you to just release the juices begin Amir juices hey guys it's Karla I'm here in the bon appetit Test Kitchen this morning with markiplier who you can see on a heist with markiplier and today we are going to make eggs in purgatory oh and we're gonna see if Mark can follow along with me through verbal instructions only you said oh like you don't know what eggs no never heard of that no how would you rate yourself as a cook scrappy okay I like that so this is really easy you know I'm like a living recipe and if you do it I say everything's gonna be great wait what if mine's better than yours do I get your job I will be that would actually be the best possible out that would make me feel truly that I had done my job well okay okay great so on a count of three we're just gonna turn around and start cooking ready yes one two three okay so mark you see the eggs I do you see the tomatoes I do so when those guys get together that's gonna be the purgatory part but the first thing that we have to do is just smash these garlic cloves using the like the broad flat side of the knife got it kind of just I'm Way ahead of you way ahead Joey yeah your is this one of those under-promise over-deliver situations I know how to smash things straight please so once they're smashed the skins should kind of just like pop right off mmm well what if the skins have been smashed into the smash well then you got to pull them out all right you have to do some disentangling so there's a bowl behind the eggs if you want to just drop your garlic peels or any why would you put that in the big bowl it's a trash Bowl you didn't say that okay so now you have some beautiful leaves of rainbow Swiss chard on this baking Shack way back up a second there what well it's Swiss chard but we call it rainbow Swiss chard when the stems are different colors so like I have a white stemmed one and a yellow stemmed one and a redstone one okay okay so what we're gonna do I just want you to cut the leaf away from the stem so put a leaf on your cutting board and then use your knife to just cut like where the leafy part meets the stem uh-huh up to the top so you'll end up making kind of like a v-shaped cut I'm making rhubarb exactly exactly I think that might be related in fact okay all of them cut all the leaves away all three so cut yeah do the other ones so keep your stem on your board leave off to the side what color stems did you have I had red and I had yellow and I had white Oh perfect okay so we're exactly match they made mirror images I would be really shocked if they gave me different ingredient I know I would it would be really off-brand okay so then just flip them around we're gonna start from the thicker part of the like whatever the bottom part of the stem and just cut the little ends off which might be a little dry toss those into the trash Bowl good and then I want you to just line these guys up side-by-side wow you really whacked that than you to smithereens I did so now I'm lining them up together all three side by side by side and then just cut crosswise pretty thinly I want these to be like an eighth of an inch an eighth of an inch so we're gonna go all the way up to the other end there's two ends to everything do you Carla the top of the leaf though actually to be the end meh I don't know except in my show a highsmith markiplier which has 31 ends really yeah actually is it like choose-your-own-adventure I'm not legally allowed to say that oh I am not bound by such restrictions let's move over to our hot plate take the lid off of this pan turn the power on and then we're gonna turn this up to smithereens yeah go to like 325 so that will be the little readout in the bottom I can read I see nobody confused because there's two sets of numbers yeah ones building up who can't figure out which numbers go into which I'm not legally allowed to say so then there's a adorable little cup of olive oil get that into your pan this is adorable though isn't it just adorable all right garlic into the pan all right look into the pan and then I'm gonna pick my whole cutting board up and I'm just gonna scrape all these Swiss chard stab this right in there too good sizzle mine was a better sizzle really yeah I heard nothing well that's because your ears aren't finely tuned to the art of cooking it I grabbed your wooden spoon give everybody a toss and stir toss and stir and then a nice generous amount of salt and pepper wait wait put salt wait all right now there's a black plastic pepper grinder so you can just hit it with some paps how many turns tap too late okay and then right next to that is a bowl of kosher salt and I would say like two big pinches I already put mine in but what's more all right so now if you have a little brown egg that's perfect add the tomatoes all of them all of them just dump them in this dump event that doesn't seem right that's right and then add the chili flakes added some of these tomatoes are gonna their skins are gonna split right away how are you to toss them or stir them whatever you're more comfortable I'm a tosser talk to me about the tomatoes beautiful Christine never seen better really yeah what are they actually doing I was lifting the pan off too long and it lost a lot of heat okay so with the pan on the heat yes have any of your skin split started to startin to a couple here and there yeah let's cover this pot uh-huh because we want to make like saucy things happen saucy things so they're gonna hang out for a second and we can move on to let's crack some eggs so the idea here is we're gonna crack the egg into the small ball and then if we don't if we don't break our yolk then then it can go into the measuring cup I will not break it you okay great so we're this so one at a time crack into the small ball I might I might break it yup you just don't know and then your shell can go in the trap I'm not gonna break in oak I'm getting a very amazing tomato facial over here this team is good directly into my nose yeah well it no it my steam scared me it knows to stay away okay you're competitive no I'm just getting that right now oh yeah all right four eggs in the measuring cup yep great let's raise the lid over here and just let me know what you described what's happening I'm seeing the face of God in my dish it's just so beautiful I'm weeping tears of joy that's a very emotional reaction to it if you looked at it it would be like Raiders of the Lost Mark your face would melt off I would encourage you with the back of your wooden spoon to just smash some of these Tomatoes so that they release their juices we need juiciness it's been some bad tomatoes or yeah not smoother hands oh no but like some pressing and splitting it's bad push him around a little bit take that mm-hmm so and then also lower the heat to a simmer there's a little spoon in the there's like a metal container on your station yes and like look for a little teaspoon I want I want you to taste the tomato sauce purgatory tell me what happened oh wow really I've never tasted something so divine my simmer is like a little it's very active oh it's bubbling over here bubbling away all right so now using the measuring cup we're gonna pour these eggs in but we're gonna pour them in so they go one at a time so with the wooden spoon just like make a little divot where the first one's gonna go it's gonna feel right back in you don't really have to do this but just sort of spoon a little sauce away and then pouring slowly so only one egg at a time drop it in I got you in there before and then do that three more times so all four eggs got it go in and like trying to make it so they're not touching it is easy and obviously we're not breaking any yokes yeah no okay salty guy I want you to salt each egg how much salt does this mean well I mean the eggs didn't really get salted everything else did so just salt your egg okay cool around it and then lid is gonna go on so what temperature are you at Oh 230 you know I just wanted to oh I'm into 32 all right drop the lid on clear off your cutting board and we are going to tear our Swiss chard leaves into smitheroons well like this is gonna be our Swiss chard salad we're gonna tear them yeah Tara manda has some very visceral but this that I appreciate let's dress it now so take the lemon lemon cutter and a half okay and then squeeze into the Swiss chard just use your hand to catch any seeds that might pass through half a lemon might be a lot of force being exerted how do you squeeze a lemon weekly with Polly I do it that comes at the at the merest touch Wow have you sufficiently lemons of course okay now salts more yeah I don't know this didn't get salt yet just cuz everybody else got salt so and then you can just toss this with your hands make sure everybody is seasoned and lemony we actually need to move it along for like I'm not playing and then there's a squeezy bottle with olive oil and then dress with olive oil too how much enough to coat maybe a little bit like about the same amount of lemon juice but we'll taste it do I need to squeeze it as hard as I squeeze the lemon yes if olive oil does not like shoot out of that thing like a volcano it actually shot straight through the bowl I squeezed it too hard mmm okay get your salad out of the way and the saute pan right in front of your cutting board put your salad on your cutting board cutting board eyes are way ahead of you so now hmm wipe off your cutting board and put your dinner plate on your cutting board I now find the big metal spoon in your container behold the eggs in purgatory by lifting the shield off oh and then I want you to scoop out the two most beautiful of these two eggs you guys sure you get under them cuz again runny yolk uh-huh I feel very happy about this and so two eggs with some of the sauce you can take a handful of salad a handful of salad Campo salad off to the side don't cover up all the beautiful things you did all right and then now there's a little adorable basil plant we're just gonna take a couple sprigs and just tear if they're small you don't need to tear them but just tear a couple of basil leaves then put them over the eggs just really had to resist the temptation to yank this whole thing out by the root I really want to thank you for resisting I tear them and put them on what the egg over the eggs little basil on the eggs and on the sauce on the soilless and then there's a different bowl of salt like a very coarse flaky salt yes I know it seemed like a lot of salt we're gonna add a little last little bit of salt just a little little sprinkle on just the eggs just the eggs and the sauce and the sales all right so pick up plate pick going up and then we're gonna turn back around and behold the beauty okay okay three two one behold oh it is beautiful thank you I know right tearing thank you amazing eggs thank you wonderful amazing egg thank you very similar why would it doesn't obviously mine is incredible we don't need to go over there any color or substance look at that tear now it's the best part I get to eat your eggs oh okay cool we'll find out all right if they're heavenly III will say your instructions were fantastic all the way through I was being a jerk oh just as a self-defense Mexico insecure that I couldn't possibly even well imagine I did want to mention the very aggressive tearing of the Swiss chard was very effective in breaking down some of the Swiss chards fibers and you've actually tenderized the chard - not so tender I was thank you for recognizing my yeah um you know sort of destroy the universe approach it really works mm-hmm all right mmm lemonade lemonade delicious mmm great delicious hold on I need to see if your sauce is spicy mm-hmm very sassy not too salty amazingly not too salty but the amount of salt that we added I wasn't being careful with the but yeah you're right mmm I love salt this delicious delicious did not take a lot of work this one's running and also like but just so everyone knows I wasn't joking the whole way through you were lovely oh I was struggling as people could probably see but I make up for my lack of cooking skills with utter confidence but Carla here was amazing with all the instructions really made it easy and fun cooking is fun he was a legally obligated to
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 3,891,366
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, carla lalli music, back to back chef, egg recipe, eggs with tomato, markiplier 2020, markiplier interview, markiplier bon appetit, markiplier cooks, markiplier cooking, back to back, markiplier makes, carla, carla music, carla makes, carla makes eggs in purgatory, eggs in purgatory, carla bon appetit, eggs in purgatory recipe, make eggs in purgatory, how to eggs in purgatory, how to make eggs in purgatory, cooking lessons, kitchen challenge, food, bon appetit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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