MARK 16:1-8 (PASTOR TONY CLARK) 04/21/2019

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[Music] so we have a we have an Easter message resurrection message so turn with me in your Bibles to mark chapter 16 we're gonna look at the resurrection from mark's perspective Mark's perspective is really Peters perspective you know he received his gospel from Peter himself and so this is the Gospel according to mark looking at the resurrection from that perspective and Father we pray that your Holy Spirit would teach us lead us and guide us into all truth oh god I pray that your self in our hearts open up our ears to receive with meekness the implanted word which is able to save our souls do a work by your spirit today in Jesus name Amen mark chapter 16 looking at verses 1 through 8 the title of this message is rockin and rollin on Resurrection Sunday rockin and rollin on Resurrection Sunday or Resurrection Day now let me give you the background see Jesus was just crucified right around April 6 ad 32 and he was buried and now some of the women were going to the tomb to bring spices and anoint what they thought was a dead body of Jesus this is no different than how people bring flowers to a grave today but they had no problem you know going there but here's the thing one big problem that they had was there was a huge rock that covered the tomb that needed to be rolled away in order for them to get to the body of Jesus to anoint it let's see how they dealt with this dilemma look what it says there in verses 1 and 2 says now when the sabbath was passed Mary Magdalene Mary the mother of James and Salome II bought spices that they might come and anoint him very early in the morning on the first day of the week that came to the tomb when the Sun had risen now we have to understand that these women were coming to the tomb depressed they will come and hurt let down that their leader their Messiah their Lord that they have been with for the last three and a half years was dead they loved Jesus with all of their heart soul mind and strength they were not expecting to see the tomb empty or to see Jesus alive but I love the heart and the diligence of these women how verse 2 says that they came to the tomb notice he gives a time period very early in the morning these women are giving us an example a beautiful example of how to deal with tragedy and disappointment win not if but when it comes our way instead of sitting in our homes depressed and shutting everyone out of your life do what these women did they salt the Lord Jesus notice very early in the morning proverbs chapter 8 and verse 17 according to the old King James says I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me Psalm 63 verse 1 says O Lord you are my God early will I seek you Jesus will first show himself to these women because they sought him very early in the morning and maybe you're here and you too are dealing with a death either the death of a loved one the death of a marriage of a friendship the death of your finances just do what these women did and seek Jesus very early in the morning in prayer and in Bible reading and watch and see how he will be the lifter of your head and how he will appear in your life like these women are about to find out here all these women were remarkable women they were the last ones at the cross and the first ones at the tomb they will we used to be the first ones to take the good news of the resurrection simply because they were there you can look around our church and everyone who is serving either on the cameras of the sound system who are serving up here on the worship team or in the cafe who are serving in the children's ministry or the youth ministry or they're greeting you in the parking lot or in the Welcome Center hey these people are used by God simply simply because they were there it is still true that the greatest ability is availability are you available are you too busy with life for God to use you did you know that the abilities the gifts and things that you have have been given to you number one to bring glory to God to service people did you know when you get to heaven God it's not gonna say no okay now how how many hours did you put in on the job or the Lord's gonna say how many activities that you or the myriad of activities you ran your kids to oh it's still true today only what you do for Christ will last I'm not saying that you cannot rent your kids around or whatever like that but let me just tell you these people these women were used because they were they're the people that you see around here being used by God because they were there the greatest ability is availability and the question is are you available for God to use you look at your life right now look at what you're doing right now for Christ if I was the go around point said what you're doing for Christ what you're doing for Christ I'm talking about what you're doing for Christ in the local church don't give me this I'm I serve on my job what you better but what are you doing forgotten his people in the local church if I were to point to you would you try to hide in front of somebody's head in front of you so I don't see you know how he's doing school these women we use because they were there let's continue on look what it says in verses 3 & 4 and they said among themselves who were rolling away the stone from the door of the tomb for us but when they looked up they saw that the stone had been rolled away for it was very large now in Biblical tombs they in biblical times should I say they would roll a large stone in front of tombs and seal it with wax they didn't put people six feet under like we like to do today and in this particular time and especially in this particular case the Roman soldier what place the Emperor's ring in the wax and he was cyllid and and no one could break that seal unless it was given the orders were given by the Emperor now there were also guards guarding the tomb of Jesus to make sure that the disciples didn't come to try to steal the body at night oh this was at the request of the religious leaders according to Matthew 27 and verses 62 to 66 all of these women had all of these obstacles in their way but just like 1st Corinthians 13 and verse 7 said that love bears all things it believes all things it hopes all things it endures all things in other words these women love Jesus so much that they were not going to allow these obstacles to keep them from Jesus you've heard me say many times I'm I'm concerned about America's version of Christianity I always wonder about us here in America and I question our love and commitment to Jesus and here are these women here at the tomb realizing that a large rock was in front of them a Roman seal sealing the tomb guards guarding the tomb but their love for Jesus jumped over these obstacles because they were going to get to Jesus one way or another or as we'd say by hook or by crook they were going to get to Jesus for most for most people these obstacles such as the weather kids activities laziness and a myriad of other things would have kept us from even leaving the house all together let alone going to the tomb looking at a large rock and wondering how is going to be moved but love indoors all things oh I love how verse 4 says when they looked up they saw that the stone had already been rolled away I believe that the Lord wants to roll away some stones in our lives as well notice how the very thing that they were worried about was already done for them so Jesus wants to roll away some stones out of our lives such as the stone of worry oh Jesus was showing these women that he could take away anything that they were worried about what about you today what are you worried about today the safety of your children your marriage lasting your finances enduring Jesus is able to roll away the stone of worry if you allow him to for others you need Jesus to roll away the stone of unbelief you just don't believe that Jesus can roll away this stone out of your life because this stone you're dealing with is too heavy the bills are piling up and you're sinking under the weight of them it may be too heavy for you like this stone was for these women but not for God in Matthew chapter 19 and verse 26 it says with men it is impossible but with God all things are possible there are some of you who need the stone the fear rode away for you you're afraid of your health failing you know I'm going to admit this is a concern of mine all my life I've been athlete and a good one at that I never did smoke drink or do drugs because I wanted to be the best at what I could do I will practice for hours on whatever sport I tried to be the best at and I went after it to be the best at it I didn't play to come in second place you heard me say many times second place is the first loser I don't do second I win it's what I do I play to win and so you know as when I became a Christian I had to you know I had to pipe that down a little bit cuz I want to come off arrogant but on the inside I was still just I was still saying second place is the first loser I was going after but I was very kind with it now but my mother who was battling dementia she had some many strokes and as I began to a few years ago began to march through my 50s I start noticing some things mentally and I'm not as sharp as I used to be now mind you I've never been this age before so I don't know what it is to be this age I it's not like I got a reference to say okay at this age you're gonna start thinking no so I mean this is everything because you have to understand what I do is all dependent upon memory and verses and memorizing that that was that was my thing entire verses and chapters memorized and everything is dealing with memory so if memory is gone so the stone of fear the fear of health failing my mother is dealing with it I'm a descendant of hers and so it's a concern of my son noticing a few years ago I said hmm and each year to tick off I said hmm so that's a little different and so it's a it's I need got to roll away this stone a father's his social security will it be there for you will it be there for you for others you're afraid that your husband or your wife getting out of the military this is why wives this is why you convince that man that we need to move closer to my family once you get out because family provides a little safety net for you if something breaks off then you can just family is right there to catch you and and you used to that check see for you as a woman you know everything is about security and it's about security and and and so there's a fear of getting out of the military you sure you don't want to re-enlist you sure they won't let you stay in long are you like I've been in 20-some years how much longer you you want me to you want them to put me out there was but see that's that's just that fear that that safety net of Uncle Sam is about to be gone and as you can see from these verses no matter what stone you need rode away Jesus is able and watch this phrase and willing to do it like he did in the lives of these women look what he said there in verses 5 through 7 when entering the tomb they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe sitting on the right side and they were alarmed but he said to them do not be alarmed you seek Jesus of Nazareth who was crucified he is risen he is not here here see the place where they laid him but go tell his disciples and Peter that he is going before you into Galilee there you will see him as he said to you now the women went into the tomb and saw an angel that told them not to be afraid that jesus is alive he is risen Luke 24 and verse 4 tells us that there were two angel but mark focuses on the one who was the main speaker Peter or should I say please understand that the stone was rolled away not to let Jesus out but to let the women in and this angel also gives us the cure to fear in verse six notice he said do not be alarmed or this Greek word I couldn't pass it up is not on the screen this at the bay oh it's an amazing Greek word it means to be amazed to be alarmed to be astonished to be out of one senses do not be alarmed this is why he said because he is risen Oh see this is what sets Christianity apart from all other religions and Jesus from all other religious leaders our founder is not dead he is alive without the resurrection Jesus will be no better than any other religious leaders who ever came along says some cute things and died but the resurrection says Jesus apart or here's a couple of verses that's not on the screen in first Corinthians 15:17 it says if if if the resurrection didn't take place we're still in our sins then verse 19 of that same chapter said if there's no resurrection will all men most to be pitied why because we're going around talking about a resurrection there was no resurrection but I'm here to tell you that was a resurrection I've been to the tomb it's still empty I was at tomb just last year it's still empty there's no bones no dust no no what no residue is empty because our founder is alive and guess where he lives he can live in our hearts how you know you you know he's alive I know my redeemer lives that the hymn writer said because I spoke to him this morning that's how I know he dwells in me Oh Ephesians 3:17 says that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith or I have to pause and just ask you this Christ in your heart today you would know that crisis in your heart because your life will be totally different when crisis in it you've heard me say many times you can't have an encounter with the creator of the universe and remain the same you cannot this is how it should be if you can't say this then you're not born again watch this this was my life before Christ Christ came in it and this is my life now if there is no change between here and here you're not born again you're judging me you better believe it yep yes I am because the Bible says if any man be in Christ he's a new creation old things are passed away behold all things become new not some all things become new if I told you I ate all of the cookies out of the cookie jar are there any cookies left no there's no cookies left because I ate them all and because they're cookie you better believe I ate them they're all gone all things have become new have that happened in your life are all things new in your life all things oh I used to have such a potty mouth oh my girlfriend who was now my wife for 30-some years she said oh you have such a filthy mouth before where I was a Christian I mean I was in the Marine Corps I mean you know that's right that's how we talked that's how we talked back on the block back home you know just how we talking I just I'm just a filthy little little little potty mouth here within one week of the septum Christ he cleaned my mouth right up and if one slipped out I was like what was that and it wasn't French excuse my friend there was no friend that was English and bad English at that all things become new crisis in us the hope of glory the Bible says first John 4:18 says there's no fear in love but perfect love cast out all fear watch this next phrase because fear involves torment but he who fears has not been made perfect in love are you afraid and tormented that your spouse is going to leave you maybe you got married and you didn't get a chance to have a career and you're afraid that he's gonna leave and leave you and how will you take care of yourself and how will you survive and all this sort of stuff know that Jesus is with you He is risen Hebrews 7:25 said that he ever lives to make intercession for you he will see you through this goes for whatever it is that is bringing fear into your lives are you freer and tormented that you're gonna lose your job He is risen he got you that job he didn't get you another one did we forget that Matthew 28 verse 18 jesus said all power and authority has been given unto me in heaven and in her on earth did we forget that and that Jesus is the one who lives in us they got you that job you get you something else oh I love verse 7 I love how the angel tells the women in verse 7 to go tell his disciples - and Peter - oh now for you English students you understand that a - it almost it's like a pause don't just keep reading pause and and meditate on what's being said notice he said go tell his disciples pause the disciples okay okay and Peter pause again now why is Peter separated in between the dashes why is it that God wants us to focus on Peter well see you have to understand in general chapter 20 if something took place okay John's version of the resurrection said that Mary Mary went to the tomb and saw that it was empty and so she you know an angel told you know hey go to the tell the disciples he's not here he's risen so so so all of a sudden she gets there and she tells Peter and John said they've taken away the Lord I don't know where they took him it says that John remember is John's Gospel Peter and John started running and then why did John have to throw in that he outran Peter didn't want to show how Peter is he's lost a step he didn't know he's out of shape white that he's fleet-footed and John was just showing it just bragging about his athletic ability why did he put in there that he outran Peter oh let me suggest to you that both of them took off running and as they were running Peter thought about what he did how he denied the Lord three times he denied that he even knew the Lord oh the last did now the Bible says he began to curse in the swear see you think he was saying some curse words no in this day the curse and us where he was saying may I be eternally condemned if I know that man he hasn't been restored yet that doesn't occur to John chapter 21 so he's running and he's thought about guilt filled his heart and his mind and said how can I face them how can I go to him over what I did see this is a word for all of us who just like Peter have made a mess out of our lives maybe Satan has been whispering in your ears how can you call yourself a Christian how can you say that you are follower of Jesus Christ when you have done this or you have done that how are you going to show your face at church especially today and if you're here and you feel like this and you feel this way this verse is for you tell us disciples - and put your name there put your name there go tell my disciples - and Tony put your name there that I will go before him in Galilee and there he will see me just like I said notice that oh we have a tendency of overlooking keyphrases notice notice the inner verse seven the angel said there you will see me eight speaking of Jesus reminding them of what Jesus said as he said to you on another gospel he tells us very plainly that the angel said when he saw the women he said why are you seeking the living among the dead in other words what are you doing here he told you to go to Galilee and you will see him so what you're doing here and this is a subtle rebuild whether you believe it or not he said you know he says there you will see him as he said to you in other words you don't live what he said see when angels hear truth that's all they know is truth when God speaks something is truth that's why many times we interact with angels throughout the scripture and we see him we're like you know and the Angels blown away that mankind hasn't following what Jesus said and they're just like you know didn't he tell you this okay that if he told you this then why are you here if God said he'll never leave us nor forsake us then why is it that we find ourselves lonely the angels are watching according to the Word of God and there I know some time they scratch their heads and really and so this was a little subtle rebuke so you can put your name here put your name right there because all of us at one time or another we've made a mess out of our lives oh I remember I remember the times oh I'm in a mess tradition says that whenever you know because it said before the crows twice that Jesus said that Peter would deny him three times tradition says that whenever people saw Peter they would kind of walk passing kakadudude always reminding him of his failure and that's what people would do they will always remind you of your failures but I'm here to tell you that it's not over for you yet it's just the beginning of a new season with the Lord this is the kind of God we serve the God of the second chance we say it all the time he restores he forgives he sets free oh look what it says there in verse eight so they went out quickly and fled from the tomb and they trembled and were afraid and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid now I want you to notice how these ladies lives were drastically changed because they decided to rise up early and seek the Lord like I mentioned earlier they were the first ones commissioned to tell the good news about the resurrection of Jesus to people now the phrase they said nothing to no one means they said nothing to no one until they first told the disciples like Jesus told them in verse 7 do you see the importance of rising early to seek the Lord he will Commission you as well to take the good news of Jesus Christ to those on your job or the people you come in contact with I know someone that's saying well I'm just not a morning person well maybe this is the reason why you don't have any good news for the people you in contact with instead of good news of Jesus Christ for your family or for the people on the job you have an attitude short fuse and anger but do you want to be like Jesus I thought that was the goal of being a Christian to be christ-like is what it means to be like Jesus well he was a morning person he said how do you know mark 1:35 says now in the morning speaking of Jesus having arisen a long while before daylight he went out and departed to a solitary place and there he prayed now I don't know what is a long while before daylight I don't know whether that's 2:05 a.m. to 43 o'clock I don't know what it is but whatever it was Jesus was up and he was communing with the Father Jesus was a morning person and the father used him to bring salvation to the entire world may we become mourning people or people who seek Jesus very early in the morning like these women did because you never know what God might Commission you to do for him or how he will use you to bring salvation to the world you live in well let me conclude this what rocks are in your life that you need Jesus to roll away for you is it the rock of unbelief the rock of fear the rock of worry no matter what rock is in your life and no matter how heavy it is Jesus is able to roll it away like we see in these verses if you come to him in humility and then brokenness and crying out for mercy and finally if you're here and you have made a mess out of your life like Peter did don't forget what verse 7 says go tell this disciples - and Peter - put your name here because Jesus can't forgive he can restore and he can use you once again don't listen to well-meaning people or to Satan himself hissing it's over for you you blew it now this statement may be true in the eyes of people but not in the eyes of God so remember he is calling you to himself like he did with Peter the question is will you come he is the god of the second chance he's waiting on you the question is will you come oh don't let this be just another time of eggs and chocolate and frilly dresses and patent leather shoes but let it be a time by which your life has radically changed by Jesus Christ if you cannot say this was my life before Christ Christ came in it this is my life now then there's gonna be some people upfront for you to come and get right with God you cannot have an encounter with the creator of the universe and remain the same my life has not been the same watch this watch this since August 26 1985 when I was in Okinawa Japan in the Marine Corps and the marine assign to checked me into the island asked me if I was a Christian began to share Christ with me I remember getting on my knees in that open squad Bay and my look cubical and our door was a little piece of wire and a little sheer curtain and I got on my knees and repented of my sin and accepted Christ and from that moment that moment 34 years ago I've never been the same never been the same I remember the day the moment Christ came into my life if you can't say that you want to make sure that you're right with the Lord you want to make sure that the resurrected Christ is dueling in you you can make sure today he brought you here now my friend brought me here No God use your friend but he softened your heart to get you here man you don't want to leave here the same way you came you came here because there was something about God something about Jesus something about a resurrection that intrigued you enough to come and now you know the resurrected Christ he wants to live in you we just finished thinking about it and there's gonna be some people to pray with you about that father thank you so much for this time in your word minister Lord your word in the hearts of your people softened hearts so the word can go deep in their hearts and bear fruit some 30 some 60 some 100 for Lord change lives today the resurrected Christ may dwell in many hearts today in Jesus name Amen
Channel: calvarynn
Views: 852
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: QF1f-Prjwkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 23sec (2063 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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