Special Guest Pastor Tony Clark

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Psalm chapter 1 as you know this is the psalm of David you know David wrote approximately 75 percent of the Psalms and you had other authors you had ASA you have a bunch of other folks even Moses wrote one Psalm 90 and and so these are some great songs the songs were the hymn book for the nation of Israel and they will take these particular songs and put music to them and and these are great great song they incredible whatever it is you're going through in life you can find a psalm that will meet you right there and it's just good to be able to go through the psalm so we're gonna look at Psalm 1 for those of you who love titles is how to live a blessed life how to live a blessed life we think that this blessed life is something that is automatic and I believe that David is going to show us some things here he's going to show us those who are blessed some things that they do and some things that they don't do and there's some things he's going to talk about the first part is negative and the second part will be positive and he's going to share some things with us and you're gonna see whether you're living the blessed life or not and I believe that I'm so glad David you pinned this Psalm and God put it upon his heart to do it look what he says there in verse one we're gonna we're going to look at this Psalm we're gonna pick it apart and we're gonna dissect it and we're gonna have some fun notice it says blessed is the man stop right there so you thought we were gonna read some more did you bless it is the man sure is the Hebrew word for blessed it means happiness it means contentment or almost has a similar meaning to in the New Testament that that the blood the Beatitudes in Psalm five you know blessed is demand and blah-blah-blah-blah-blah almost have the same meaning in the New Testament material sister it's the Greek word it means happiness or contentment or in Ephesians 1:3 when it says talks about the blessed man this man that we blessed and blessed in heavenly places that's eulogia is where we get our English word eulogy from it means to speak well loved but here the Hebrew word is a sure it means happiness or contentment so happy or content is the man who does what notice who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly the first thing we see is that the blessed man he's not walking in the counsel of the ungodly let's just back it up a little bit the blessed man is walking it said the Adam walked with God in the cool of the day Enoch walked with God and was not for God took him Abraham God said walk before me and be blameless we see that they're walking David yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil for you are with me we're talking about the walk the Christian life is a walk sure it's a run we run too but walk speaks of a continuous action it's not like we are walking then we sit down for a minute no it's weeks of continuous action it means progress you're walking some ways weeks of purpose you're going somewhere the Bible talks about this walk sure walk and not grow weary in Isaiah and walk before me be blameless in Amos walk humbly with your God and we see constantly we're encouraged to walk with God but there's a certain way so walk humbly with your God you can't walk with God and be cocky and be arrogant you can't bring pride into the presence of God you gotta walk before him humbly humbly with your God so it's talking about the walk the even in the New Testament it speaks of a walk for we walk by faith and not by sight do you always got to see it are you spiritually from Missouri the show-me state well you just always got to see it but the Bible talks about us walking walk by faith and not by sight we we this Christian life is just that it is a walk the Bible says walk in the spirit and you should not fear fulfill the lust of the flesh it's a walk Wow through the scripture walk a walk so the question is how was your walk how would you walk with the Lord today how would you evaluate your own walks the Bible says in proverbs 20 verse 6 every man will proclaim each his own goodness if I were to ask you how you'll walk with the Lord you're lied to me and tell me it's all good when you know it's not good you oh yeah my walk with the Lord is great how's your walk if you want to live a blessed life your walk has to be right blessed is the man oh how happy and content Oh Paul reminded us Paul said in Ephesians 4 as you were Philippians 4 he says 4:11 he says I have learned how to be content I learned how to be a base I learned how to abound he says contentment it's something that's learned and so if if this Hebrew word Asher means happiness or contentment when we walk with the Lord there's a happiness and there's a contentment that we have was walking with the Lord and so blessed is the man who walks watch this who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly or we have to talk about this especially in today's time that we living in what counsel are you walking in right now nowadays we fail to realize that hey people know more about Freud and Maslow and Jung more than they know Peter James and John nowadays even in the church we hear people talking about you got to get in touch with your inner child and all kind of mess like that and you know more about that hey let me tell you something psychology came along in 1934 as an alternative to Christianity because you got to realize the soul is God's business the original definition of psychology is the study of the soul but the etymology of that word changed to the study of human behavior no the real definitions the study of the soul the soul is God's business the Lord is my shepherd I shall not want he makes me to lie down in green pastures he leads me beside the still waters he restores my soul the soul is God's business and man has tried to take it to make it his business but the soul the psyche that's God's business God is the one Davis said that restores my soul oh poor David and poor Isaiah and Ezekiel who didn't have psychology or someone's couch to lie on to talk to about their problems they went to God David said God is the one who restores my soul I know many of you you can't go to a higher learning of education without studying psychology that's just how the world is the world has just duped us and now what used to be an alternative to Christianity is now the norm now you go to Christian University then you study psychology and now they're saying you can marry the two together and that I just say the devil's alive you can't marry the two together I don't care what they say I'm gonna stick to the world just blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly everyone is walking according to some counsel this is why I'm so thankful for Calvary chapel's that we're gonna teach the whole Council of God this is what acts 20 verses 27 and 28 says Paul says I am free from the blood of all men for I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God and if God's Word is God's Word from Genesis to Revelation then we're gonna teach it all they said God's Word is anoying it from Genesis to the maps to the back of the book amen so we see that the blessed man to live a blessed life we're not gonna walk in the counsel of the ungodly hey when trouble comes your way and it will come your way who do you go to for counsel who do you go to for counsel and whoever you're listening to that's what you're walking in you're walking in that counsel oh I know what I'm saying that's not popular with a lot of folks but you know since when I'm gonna say that which is popular I'm gonna say that which is biblical and the soul is God's business and there are many of you that are walking in the counsel of the ungodly you have no clue what the Bible says but you have a clue of what Sigmund Freud had to say about stuff and he was a pervert oh just look up up to history about how little boys didn't like him his mother and all kind of where he was a pervert for it was a pervert look it up look the history up today he's revered he was a pervert to come up with some of those thoughts and ideas and things I know you got a a and B out of the class I know you did but still so blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly you cannot be walking in the ways of God oh you cannot have a great walk with the Lord if you're walking in the council the ungodly notice that what else he says nor stands in the path of sinners nor sits in the seat of the scornful I want you to watch this he's walking standing and sitting he's walking in the counsel of the ungodly that wasn't enough he's going to stand in the path of sinners and then he will sit in the seat of the scornful there's a couple of people that reminds me of this one is Peter we always picking on Peter Peter gonna get us when we get to heaven man you always dogging me down there you know I'm saying you did stupid things for us to the dog you on you know we're gonna have that kind of safe home when we get up there but he says who walks not in the counsel of God nor stands in the path of sinners so if you're walking in the counsel of the ungodly you will stand in the path of sinners it gives the connotation of sinners trying to come to the Lord and you're in the pathway you're gonna keep them from coming we supposed to be the ones who walking with God and showing them the way this is the way walk in it this is the way to get to God and we're standing in the path of sinners and if that's not good enough we gonna sit in the seat of the scornful those who are mocking God we sit and we we don't mind God but we just kind of laugh with them and they're mocking God but in saying jokes and inappropriate things and we we don't rebuke them we don't lovingly review we just we don't want to offend anybody and that's the big thing today we're just ridiculous as over society everybody so touchy touchy so no I'm offended get over yourself I just called you a mess everybody just touchy-touchy moody and Butchie everybody is so sensitive can be offended but you can offend the Christian all day long and nobody cares about that and I get on them about that say oh I'm offended too we all gonna be offended just didn't be offended together some this world is a mess it needs the Lord we know that but we cannot walk in the counsel of the ungodly and stand in the path of sinners or sit in the sea that's going for like I said it reminds me of Peter when Jesus was arrested and they were doing their thing with Jesus it said that Peter kind of he just kind of went to where they were and he just kind of stood there and then next you know we read that wasn't like in John 18 then another gospel it says that he was sitting among the enemies of God by the fire and that's when they begin to say oh well you're not with him Peter warming himself by the enemies fire we cannot warm ourselves by the enemy's fire and not expect to get burned and they said yeah you weren't with him womanís up by the enemy's fire that's why it was by a fire that Jesus had to restore Peter because it was that a fire that he denied him here he is sitting among them more minutes are you hanging out with the people who are mocking God are you trying to be warmed and get fulfillment by the world's fires we cannot walk in the counsels ungodly and stand in the path of sinners and next thing you know we're sitting in the seat of this car for the other person who reminds me of his lot it says in Genesis 13 it said that lot looked and he saw that the fields were green and he looked at and he saw Sodom and the fields were green and he said that it was like Egypt we know Egypt is a picture or a type of the world and then next thing you know the Bible says in Genesis 13 then he he pitched his tent towards Sodom oh he's getting closer first he looked then he pitched his tent then next thing you know we find him sitting in the gates to sit in the gates at that time mean that you're one of the judges of the city Oh first you just start off with just looking then if you know he got a little closer he pitched his tent the next thing you know we see him in Sodom as one of the judges sitting in the gates with them no wonder he lost his testimony no no wonder when the Lord told him to get everybody out and he went to his son in laws and and they thought he was just joking they said he's just joking and when we try to warm ourselves by the enemy's fire the very people that God has called us to reach we find what they would just look at us as a joke you just you you playin right are you serious about this Jesus thing dude you were just with us at the bar and now you're trying to tell us see this is what happens we can't live a blessed life by walking in the counsel of the ungodly nor standing in the path of sinners and nor sit in the seat of the scornful but I want you to notice something notice the conjunction but in verse two meaning that what he is about to say is in direct contrast to what he just said but his delight is in the law of the Lord so deliver bless life you're not gonna walk in the counsel of the ungodly you're not gonna stand in the path of sinners you're not gonna sit in to see that the scornful but your delight is in the law of the Lord I love that I love it because it reminds me of what job said in job 23 verse 12 when job said I desire your word more than my necessary food job said I would rather sit and delight in the Word of God then eating not just any food notice he says my necessary food that's fruits and veggies and nuts and berries that stuff y'all like to eat out here you know gonna get some real food you come on back where we are we get some good ribs and some mashed potatoes and you know some stuffing gonna stick to your bones you know y'all look at that and say who is a gluten free and all that kind of stuff where's the fat freedmen you the skinny menu you kidding me we go to a place and we throw down so he said I desire your word more than my necessary food he said I would rather sit and feast upon the Word of God then I would to eat those things that are necessary for my physical body I would rather take care of the spiritual man more so than I would take care of the physical man this is what he delights in what do you delight to do oh you may say I delight to work out okay it's great that's good but do you desire that more than you desired the Word of God do you desire you put anything else in that sentence do you desire that more than the Word of God because they look a blessed life your delight will be know it notice in the law of God and notice how often he meditates on and notice and he in his law he meditates day and night the word meditate there that Hebrew word is a word that that talks about when a cow chews the cud when the child kal choose to cut is choosing you know and eating and ensuring and and then it swallows it and then throughout the day it barks it back up and chews on it some more make sure it gets all the nutrients and nuggets it needs to get out of that whatever it is he's eating grass or whatever so this is how it is notice meditate on the Word of God day and night long boobs no I'm not a morning person well you need to become one the reason why is because notice if it gives the connotation of when they kal choose to cut and then he's chewing it and then box it up throughout the day and chews on it some more hey that would mean you have to feast in the morning in order for you to barf it back up later on in the day and chew on it a little bit more some people said well you know I I'm a night person I like to just read at night and you know that's good that's good but if you want to live the blessed life the blessed life the man who is blessed who meditates on the Word of God day at night it's not just day it's not just night it's not an either/or but it's a bow fan day and night so this is we find this throughout the throughout the scriptures or we see this several times throughout the Word of God and David said in Psalm 63 verse 1 he talked about Oh Lord you're my god early shall I seek you in psalm 119 147 and 148 it says in the night watches I meditate on your word and early I meditate on your word the same thing is said in Isaiah 26 verse 9 the same thing talking about meditating on the Word of God day and night it's there this book of the law Joshua 1:8 9 this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate therein day and night it's it's throughout the Word of God that this is how we should meditate oh when is it that the children of Israel gathered the manna early in the morning so if you're not a morning person you need to become one because see it's nothing like getting the Word of God before you leave out for the day I just wonder I just wonder I just wonder watch this Satan came to Jesus in Matthew 4 and Luke 4 he came to Jesus to tempt him we know those three temptations he came to him on and I want you to notice each time that Jesus stabbed him with the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God he quoted Deuteronomy 6 13 Deuteronomy 6 10 Deuteronomy 8:3 notice that's chapters 6 through 8 of the book of Deuteronomy a small portion of Scripture a couple of chapters and so I suggest to you that those were two chapters said Jesus was meditating on early and when he met Satan that day he was able to use the word boom and it is written it is written it is written and he had victory and it says that after third time say dad to go and I wonder how many times we were defeated throughout the day that God wanted to give us victory if we took the time to meditate on the word before we left I wonder how many times we would have been victorious but we end up being defeated by Satan for that day because we never did get in the word because we say we're not a morning person I wonder if God wants to give us that word that we need and I guarantee you the word you meditate on in the morning will be the very thing that you would use to defeat Satan throughout the day already happening with Jesus why wouldn't happen with us so you need to become a morning person and then how is it oh my goodness we then average American watches 17 hours of TV a day and we have all those images and things and mess and drama and and humor that's called comedy shows and movies we got all this stuff and we go to bed on that but what will happen if the last thing we meditated on at night is the Word of God and the first thing we wake up to is the Word of God you will live a blessed life and your walk with God will be a blessed one he tells us right here and notice now he's gonna describe it a little bit more but his delight is in the law of the Lord in his law does he meditate day and night oh he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water oh really so the blessed man the one who meditates on the Word of God and now he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water you got to understand that is a unique tree a tree planted by the rivers of water has a way of allowing its roots to go down deep the roots of a tree planted by the rivers of water will go down deep and it will grab onto a rock and it will wrap itself around that rock and the stability of that tree it we'll be shaken but not moved and that's how we will be when we're meditating on the Word of God and I we will be like that tree and we reach our roots down and grab onto the rock and you know from first corinthians 10:4 that rock is Christ and grab on to that rock all the winds will come but we won't be moved we will be as solid as a rock because that's why our roots are that's what happens our roots go down because we're meditate day and night on the Word of God and the more we know them the more we love them and it goes down and grabs that rock and we are stable sturdy like a tree planted by the rivers the Warren I love how it says that and notice it says and brings forth its fruit in its season oh yeah yeah I don't know nothing about seasons out here y'all just got paradise weather year-round you know I was hating on you guys last winter when I had to get out and shovel some snow away and people were saying I was sipping on haterade and I was just you know I just hated you guys out here for that it's just gift forth his fruit in his season the Bible says that he that God wants our lives to be fruitful and that he wants us to bear not just fruit but much fruit and that our fruit should remained but notice it's his bestest fruit in his season our lives go through seasons so often we don't understand the season that we're in and through sin we can allow a blizzard and a winter time to come in our lives where God seems distant he seems cold to us Minh it may not be said it could be sin that brings the winter time but it could be a winter time God has allowed not because of sin but he's saying can you trust me in the winter time when it seems like I'm distant and cold can you still trust me but so often we bring winter in our lives because of sin but not all and not in all cases then there is fall that we experience where things are falling off our lives there are people and things and attitudes that God will allow to fall from our lives and oh it all can be a beautiful thing well for us it can you know back where we are it's like all of a sudden the leaves stars changes it's like overnight God takes out a paintbrush and just starts painting these colors and it's just amazing thing I I send y'all a picture you know so you can you know and so fall can be beautiful but at the same time that there's things and people falling out of our lives because they're no good for us and sometimes people look at fall as as a negative thing and fall doesn't always have to be a negative thing it can be a beautiful thing because there are some things in our lives that are not like Christ and God will allow them to fall off like leaves fall into the ground oh there are some of you that are in springtime springtime it's when things begin to grow and things are sprouting in your life and you just walk in with God you understand in the Lord and how things work and things are grown that's a beautiful thing where things are grown in your life then there's summer where things are hot and God wants us to be hot on fire for him and sometimes we can allow mess in our lives and next thing you know all of a sudden it's a short summer and fall starts coming in winter but you got to understand the season that you're in do you know the season that you're in the Bible says in 2nd Peter 5:8 it says humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and he will exalt you in due season there's a season in our lives where when it comes to promotion and exaltation and all those sorts of things God has a season by which he will exalt us and so often we get frustrated because it's not our season and we get envious because as someone else's season it's not just season Psalm 75 and six and seven says exaltation or promotion neither comes from the east or from the west from the south it comes from the Lord he exhausts one and put another down God is the one that's going to exalt you don't don't try to exalt yourself James 4:10 says humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up God is the one who exalts God is the one who lifts up it's just not your season and so we see that the blessed man he understands the season that he's in who brings forth his fruit in this season and notice whose leaves also shall not wither you know God never wants our lives on the leaves in our lives to ever wither he never wants that oh he will allow it but he never wants it well you know I stumble and fall all the time God God doesn't want you to stumble and fall all the time uh in 2nd Peter 1 verses 8 through 10 God says he wants us to neither be barren nor unfruitful and then in verse 10 he says that it that if we do these things we shall never stumble God doesn't want us to stumble God doesn't want us to be barren and unfruitful he wants our life to be fruitful we're connected to God who is life and he wants us to be alive he wants our lives to be alive and so do you understand the season that you're in because when we're in that season leave I leave shall not wither and notice he says and whatever he does shall prosper oh wow whatever he does when we are delighting ourselves in the law of the Lord we meditating on the Word of God day and night we shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that gives forth this fruit in this season who leaves also shall not wither and whatever we do is gonna prosper oh please don't look at prosperity only in a financial sense it's not what he's referring to it can include that but it's not what he's referring to because you remember I quoted Joshua 1:8 9 I didn't finish the quote says this book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate therein day and night that thou mayest do it according to all that is written there and for then you'll make your way prosperous and then you will have good success the person who is prospering has good success is the person that meditates day and night on the Word of God day and night on the word you guys out here you're just you're in the midst of what we call Calvary layer we don't have k-wave back there that we can just tune in to and and hear the electronic seminary going over the airwaves oh we got radio Christian radio station and you know I happen to be on that radio station but it's me and there's a couple of national people but we don't have Gateway we don't have a plethora you guys are out here in the midst of we're teaching this is the teaching capital of the world there's no other place on the planet that has a plethora of churches teach in verse by verse chapter by chapter book by book from Genesis to Revelation there's nowhere else on the planet that is like this and you guys in the midst of it so you have no excuse the Bible said to whom much is given much is required you have no excuse for not meditating day and night on the Word of God oh you could soon you get in your car and deal with this horrible traffic that's out there oh you got to do the turn on you can listen to two or three studies cuz you're gonna be in traffic waiting bumper-to-bumper for two or three hours I don't envy you guys for that I can tell you that I was told hey take care I wouldn't have to get there today I'd say oh boy let me leave early and somebody thank me out because I got here in 40 minutes but I was I was ready for that traffic traffic is horrible I than y'all can't drive to Darden in and out no no blinker turn signal what we call turn your blinker or whatever y'all call that thing y'all don't use it you know whatever it is there's dirt and it seemed like the more expensive the car the less they use it the next thing I'm behind the next thing they're doing this and I'm like do you know y'all gonna help me move my religion out here I do what was that move you just did who I struggle with y'all some time out here with that traffic and he says he shall bring forth his fruit in his season whatever he does shall prosper and they needs about the contrast the ungodly the ungodly are not so meaning they're not like the righteous but are like the chaff which the wind drives away that's a very interesting analogy what they would do and you've been taught well so you've heard these things what they would do is they will you know get that fork and they were tossed a wheat in the air and the chaff will keep blowing and nothing but we will fall down and they will keep doing it over and over again to all they have is wheat on the chaff blew away when you meditate on the Word of God and now you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water who bring forth his fruit in his season whose leaf also shall not with and whatever you will do will prosper but here's the thing you will not be like the ungodly the ungodly are like chaff that the wind drives away they are driven away by every wind and doctrine and movement and teaching they're blown away and when you don't meditate on the Word of God day and night you will be blown away just like everyone else is blown away by every wind or doctrine to come into the church back where we're from it's not like you here because you have k-wave back where we from people think that they're they're telling me something good when they say oh I just listen to Christian radio all day long I'm like where is your discernment some of that some of that mess is some mess and you listening to it you don't have any filters what what's right or wrong because you don't meditate they don't meditate on the Word of God and they're like the chaff that the wind blows away just like it talks about me theses 4:14 that they're carried away by every wind or doctrine and when people and there are certain churches whatever wind of doctrine that blows into the church that church follows it those are people that are not being taught the Word of God like you guys are Calvary chapel's we just stay the course we stay the course I'm not up late Saturday night oh god what do you want me to teach your people tomorrow how about just pick up where I left off last week that's what I'm gonna teach you the whole Council of God what words other churches they you know it's a topical different topic every week or a six week series or all this kind of stuff we're just gonna stay the course and those churches whatever rolls through the church they found themselves blowing right along with it because they're not a church that's based upon the Word of God individuals or just like that when you're not in the word meditating day and night you will be blown by every wind of doctrine you'll be coming up in the church talking about some holy laughter and some weird goofy stuff that's floating through the church you can always tell these churches just let something just let something blow through the church and next you know you just sit back then just sit back and watch next you know they're talking that same talk yeah you know you just gotta claim it I ain't claiming that you play I'm not sick you sick take some medicine nyquil of benadryl you're sick you got a cold coming cold I ain't claiming it oh I get weary of that stuff I get weary of it but that's how the ungodly they're driven away like the wind is this therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous there are two types of judgment thou shalt take place for believers those of us who are believers we will stand before the Bema seat of Christ that is the judgment seat of Christ Bheema means judgement seat where we will not be judged for our sin or sins that was dealt with on Calvary's cross but will be judged by the deeds the things that we have done in the name of the Lord they will either be wood hay or stubble or gold silver and precious stones notice gold silver and precious stones are things that can endure the fire wood hay and straw or stubble o King James is something that burns were fire and so when we stand before the Lord and we see his face I used to think when I was a Christian when I first got saved I used to think that you know there was a giant conveyor belt and my works went into this junk and went down boom in this big furnace and then what came out let's go to my rewards ah if you remember in the book of Revelation that said that Jesus eyes are like a flame of fire and when we see him face-to-face all those works those things that we did to be seen we did it for our glory they will be burned up and those things that we did for God and for the Lord they will in do and we receive a reward for those Oh first Corinthians 3 13 through 15 talks about those particular things as well and so okay all right my wife said I got five minutes okay all right and then there's the the great white throne judgment which is the judgment of all unbelievers now you said well if the unbelievers are already in hell what they need to be judged for oh they're gonna be judged or why they goin there why they gonna stay there because you have to understand that everyone has eternal life then you said oh boy yeah I was with you to that statement everyone has eternal life it just depended on spend it everyone has he turned life either you're gonna spend it eternally in hell no in eternity in heaven everyone has it see once you you got to understand we are body soul and spirit and if our bodies goes to the ground and our spirit or our souls goes to either heaven or hell dependent upon if we accept the Christ as our Lord and Savior well then Paul tells us absent from the body as present with the Lord so we know when we die even though our bodies will be stressed out horizontal in front of some church or wherever our spirit is gonna go be with the Lord absent from the body present with the Lord well the same thing is true for the unbeliever absent from the body will be present in hell but what about his body at the great white throne judgment he will be reunited with his body his body will be changed to be able to endure hell for all eternity just like at the Bema seat of Christ our bodies will be changed in a moment in the twinkling of the eye our bodies will be changed so we can endure heaven for all eternity this is why he says that the ungodly are not so they're like the chaff which the wind drives away therefore the ungodly shall not stand in the judgment nor sinners in the congregation of the right so there's two different kind of judgments that will take place that's why the Bible says in the book of Revelation the book shall be open it's an old saying but we used to say back in the eighties God is looking and he's booking he knows what we're doing and knows why and in what spirit we're doing it in he knows so he's looking at he's booking no one can say oh God you weren't fair you know you you sending me to hell that's not right I I was good down there and God would just say roll them and the screens was just started and said wasn't that you right there look at the screen Gabriel bring bring it out you know magnify it is that not you that's you right there well see let's see God what happened it is just what it is okay she said I got two minutes okay they're giving me enough time to wrap it up okay all right and in verse six the last verse says for the Lord knows the way of the righteous but the way of the ungodly Shall Perish the Lord knows the way of the righteous you know why because psalm 37:23 says the steps of a righteous men are ordered by the Lord that's how he knows our ways our steps they've been ordered by God but the way of the ungodly Shall Perish shall be unfruitful so let me just wrap it up with this how do we lead a blessed life we lead we leaving a and live a blessed life by not doing something and doing something we live a blessed life by not walking in the counsel of the ungodly nor standing in the path of sinners nor sitting in the seat of the scornful that's what not to do but it's the contrast but his delight is in the law of the Lord and this all does he meditate day and night to live a blessed life we meditate on the Word of God and night and then we will see the fruit of that we will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water that gives forth its fruit in its season whose leaf also shall not wither and whatever he does shall prosper God wants our lives to prosper and we only think okay yeah yeah I can receive that let me my boss can call me in tomorrow and give me a raise he might call you in and fire you what kind of price for him is that because it might open up the door for a better job that God had for you down the road the whole time and he knew you wouldn't leave that job on your own so here it's fire Oh y'all don't want to hear that kind of blessing okay all right all right that would be another message that'd be enough that would be another message but may we as his people be a people that live a blessed life where we're not standing in the way of sinners and keeping people from coming to the Lord warming ourselves by the enemy's fire what we're going to delight ourselves in the law of the Lord and in his law does we we will meditate day you
Channel: Calvary Chapel Chino Valley
Views: 10,139
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Keywords: Calvary Chapel (Organization), Calvary Chapel Chino Valley, CCCV, Pastor David Rosales, Pastor Tony Clark, A Sure Foundation, Jesus Christ (Deity), Christianity (Religion)
Id: HwBJVavOblk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 15 2015
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