Undertale: The Ultimate Route | The Completionist

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Finish it is the best review this game can get from the completionist, considering "Complete it" Would go against the game's morals of leaving the characters be once you get the pacifist ending to live happy lives.

It was a great review, and definitely worth the wait.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 75 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bane_of_BILLEXE πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I will say that this was a really good review. I love the ending where Jirard speaks about how the game itself is pretty much the antithesis to Completing a game, as it shows with getting you the worst ending of the game. I think the completionist's rating of finish it really fits with this game, especially with how different the endings are that it would be too depressing to actually do a complete run.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Mario64fan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Oh man, I was beaming with happiness after watching this review. It was everything I could have asked for from the completionist team.

And the way they ended it with stressing that the best way to play the game is on your own terms. Just perfect!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/siliril πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I saw the runtime for the video and knew there was gonna be something different from the typical Completionist review, and boy, does this episode deliver, both to fans of Undertale and to his own.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aLumberjackJack πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 26 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ugh. They cookie cutter stole this from ProJirard the Finishest. Completely bull.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MattChap πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Chocolate2890 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

I do wish there is a 3rd way out by feeling like a completionist without feeling like a horrible person.

As it stands though I kinda need my soul.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Vinnyboiler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video and review.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Xsizter πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 25 2016 πŸ—«︎ replies
yes you all the remix music in this episode provided by the album determination available on Bandcamp now links are in the description below warning this entire episode is a spoiler for the pure undertale experience proceed at your own risk but we prefer if you played undertale on your own first enjoy the show and relax bud it's Friday you made it all right there's the undertale episode remember yeah I know no mess up so the Internet's gonna come get you okay right sure I know we're gonna do undertale we're gonna do it right okay here we go hey everyone and welcome back to with a brick what just can't add it pretty hard a thought you don't want to start them like this this is the undertale episode after all it'd be nice I know I got this I do this every week this is my job hey everyone and welcome [Β __Β ] stop what are you doing what Dwan to tell you to get through to this sad dog then a freaking dog Alec's replacement over the dog oh my god dog is that get the starter of you start the review start it no fine I'm leaving okay your own animal sorry I do this alright anyways you're gonna hate them anyway why don't we numbs video to the normal kid turn no you're gonna hate it or not mom can't put it off this guy's star white we start white sweetie from where I'm standing undertale is the epitome of a runaway hit no one especially not creator toby fox had any idea you would become this universally loved and the people who hate it will probably never understand why so the question is what is so special about undertale the first thing everybody brings up is its similarity to the 1994 shigesato Itoi cult classic earthbound and interestingly enough that connection actually does date back to undertale inception the first anyone ever heard of the game was in a pose from back in early 2013 in the PK Hat format starmen.net whoa whoa where Toby Fox who was better known as radiation at the time was joking about an earthbound romhack he was making called under bound - or not don't believe everything you read on the Internet kids looking to create a game with non-traditional mechanics which also effectively used video games as a storytelling medium the next we heard of undertale was when a demo debuted in May of 2013 on a fangamer live stream it was so successful that a public demo followed a few weeks later and a week or two after that a modest Kickstarter was launched for $5,000 worth of development funds but apparently the Internet chose under jail for greatness pretty early on since by the time it ended that Kickstarter hit its goal ten times over for a grand total of almost 2,400 people giving a total of 51,000 dollars that a lot of dollars from there the game took over two years to finish but when it finally came out it did so to almost universal acclaim already the game has practically been elevated from cult status to mainstream hit and the dedication of its fanbase is so overwhelming a lot of people on the Internet myself included are scared to even go near it for fear of being swallowed up by a horde of rabid perfectionists whose understanding and love of the game will always be better than yours not to mention there is a lot of weird fan art and I mean a lot who it's also had what I imagined to be a pretty unfortunate effect on Toby Fox's life by transforming him into a reclusive legend similar to Scott Cawthon a five nights at freddy's Fame who's not so much being antisocial as he is hiding from thousands of people who are probably looking at his game much more closely than he ever did himself on the one hand I want to be cynical about an overhyped game it creates millions of people waiting to say it's awesome no matter what awful problems it has but I'd be an idiot to say that now because undertale is actually really clean and really good yeah and luckily it seems like for the most part people are realizing that in fact it might even be over realizing it I've seen firsthand the way people in this industry talk about the possibility is meeting Toby Fox these days and it makes me feel for what his inbox must look like every morning when we started our blind playthrough out super beer Bros a few months ago we had no idea what was in store but the game quickly won us over and I instantly got excited for the episode I was eventually going to get to do and now that I am I'm surprised to how hard it was for me to talk about this game in terms of actual completion I kind of don't even want to go over it now that I have to write so now you out there asking what kind of game is this anyway what could possibly stop you from wanting to make a video about a game you absolutely love honestly I don't know if we'll ever be able to fully express that to you but we're determined to try here's another spoiler warning we're just about to give away the plot this is all too much for you maybe just go watch some anime undertale story works from several different angles before you can change the whole outcome by making some absolutely sweeping choices the gist of it is this a long time ago there was a war between humans and monsters the humans won and the monsters were sealed underground behind an almost unbreakable magic barrier the monsters have started to get used to a human free lifestyle they're closed off Little Kingdom but in general the land feels sad and twisted like everyone who lives there is totally depressed and wigged out fast forward to the Year twenty eckstein and we hear stories of people possibly even children climbing to the top of a mysterious mount Abbot never to be seen again one of these kids is you the as-yet-unnamed general protagonist who climbs to the top alone only to find a giant hole after going to get a closer look you fall in and wait to find yourself among the old ruins in the underground kingdom of the monsters sounds like the beginning of a classic JRPG so far right but from the very first interaction you have with flowey a sweet little nihilistic flower who literally tries to kill you for its own amusement you begin to realize that nothing is as it seems and the Toby Fox was extremely successful at making each monster you encounter feel like an individual with its own motivations and feelings plus the game gives you the option of handling all fights without the use of violence which has a major effect in the way you interact with the world and story you finally end up being told along the way you meet a colorful cast of characters like toriel the soft-spoken goat mom who knows more than she lets on papyrus the well-intentioned and extremely doofy garden training spaghetti chef sans his brother the soft-spoken skeleton who knows more than he lets on wonder what he's thinking behind that smug little face hopefully it's about taking some joke lust Oh God toriel teaches you how to solve puzzles and survive in the land of monsters as you journey to make your escape but you eventually realize she's also trying to keep you from leaving her sight so you don't face the wrath of King a skort dreamer see a score needs 7 human souls to break the barrier and freeze people and he already has 6 and not only is he sending undying the head of his Royal Guard after you but you're heading right into his hands yourself because that's the only way out not exactly looking good for you along the way you also meet alphas the anxious royal scientist and her gradings crazed robot invention meta ton and they and everyone else you meet app all these great little nuggets of meaty postmodern dialogue that really adds some weight to all the silly proceedings because you interact with characters almost exclusively through the battle screen even when you're talking it out with them and either murdering them or convincing them to let you spare their lives the mechanics are actually inseparable from the storytelling games like earthbound and Bioshock reach levels of this but only the last few years have games like undertale and the Stanley parable truly taking Games's art into the next phase where not only are people making games about games and how they relate to our lives but also there's now an audience for them undertale story is a perfect blend of simple plot and effective use of theming the story is easy to follow and the characters where their motivations on their sleeves so that utter tails deeper messages about whether or not traditional JRPG game mechanics are morally correct or triumphing over your own insecurities in the face of unfairness shines through all the more clearly it's a complete package and every working part comes together and fills me with determination let's take a look at some of those details now ah the termination I get that reference thanks that's that's for that that's a common phrase they using this yes game when there's a determination heavy phrases get ready he'll determine get ready for some some phrases now while this game couldn't be farther from the traditional 16-bit RPG it doesn't take too many crazy risks when it comes to presentation instead it does exactly what you'd expect and it it's SuperDuper well the sprite work is masterful funny and endearing and the individuality of the characters shines through in their dialogue as much as in their simple and weird designs look at naps the blue the very socially anxious ghosts great look great dialogue great song perfect and the same goes for the color palette seems authentic enough red first glance sure but something about the muted tones or the slightly sickly hues tips everything over from odd to memorable and extremely evocative I will always remember toriel and her weird purple smock in house and it's not just because we murdered her in cold blood on accident sorry but yeah I'm sorry dad I'm reminding me of that awful memory I'm going to segue into talking about the soundtrack because damn Toby you killed it with the songs Toby it's like I'm always humming something to myself and trying to figure out which Final Fantasy it's from and then it's just always from undertale Toby how did you do that what is that about the point is the game cuts absolutely no corners sure it came out a little later than originally set at what on Kickstarter but does anyone really care when it turns out this good someone always cares bro really instant gratification still wins out over quality most of the time yeah my dude damn that's too real dude right after all this intellectual discourse I bet you didn't think the first thing I'd say is that the coolest thing about under Tales battle system is that it's a fusion between turn-based RPGs like bravely default or Dragon Quest and bullet-hell shooters like Raiden our geometry Wars a little red heart is tied to the kids HP and by moving it around in the small square on the battle screen you can literally dodge enemy attacks in real time so so so addicting and fun I can't believe nobody thought of this before I mean maybe they did good job whoever Toby or what it's good it's good well wherever the idea came from undertale definitely elevates it off the charts by giving every single enemy completely unique attacks that do everything from dynamically changing the size of the box you can move around in to subjecting you to wave after wave of flexing Myr horse bicep in general this game doesn't deviate from the formula too much except you can also just decide not to fight anyone if you want this sentient mold here seems like too good of a guy to take down like that right no problem just talk to him a little bit and convince him not to fight by making every battle of moral choice it connects your emotions to the mechanics of the game and then uses them as a gateway drug causing you to start looking for deeper meaning in places you never considered before like item descriptions are in the menu so earlier I said on our first playthrough we killed the goat mother known as tutorial right regardless of whether or not you reload your game save or not undertale remember stuff like that and does not let you forget it either and the more you deviate from a straight unbroken playthrough with no breaks and the more choices you make the game continues to change slightly until your experience feels significantly real and unique to you it's a great example of how a relatively small game can create this illusion of infinite depth with a handful of awesomely written little acknowledgments of your personal impact on the game world take note game designers Toby it also changes the pacing of the game a bit and even though the game's only a few hours long already and grinding is totally optional it still feels like it flies by because it never hits that repetitive stride more hardcore games might you by the time the kid finally gets to a score in the barrier alphys has already told the kid they cannot pass through the barrier with a human soul alone there has to be a monster soul too which is why now no matter whether you've been good or bad this whole time you have to take as for his life he even destroys the mercy option on screen and also toriel as his ex-wife which means she was once the queen crazy the fight is a little challenging sure but it's not so much difficult as it is sad and in this version of the story no matter what happens or who kills them be it you flower or himself a score ends up dead then flowey calls everyone an idiot absorbs all six of a scores human souls and then the game crashes literally the game just alt f4 crashes you load it up again and something's not quite right now is your place to your save file with his and when you hold it up and try and get yours back he destroys it and the fight with Photoshop flowey begins maybe it's because he's absorbing all those Souls but Photoshop flowey looks more realistic than any other character in undertale and unlike any other fight in the game this one ditches RPG McKay's completely for a straight-up bullet-hell showdown flowey reveals his own control over the game save and reload functions by abusing them in real time killing and resetting the poor kid over and over and generally tripping everybody out but eventually he goes down and then depending on who you killed or spared you will get one of between 12 to 25 different endings sorry just it's okay stating it now yeah then the credits roll and boom you did it you finally finished your first playthrough of undertale now to do it again like 25 more times hey we're for Resident Evil 2 don't worry you'll be fine come on let's go don't you even compare these two games kind of though right whatever technically maybe I yes whatever now I know I kind of breezed past it but like I said there's a bunch of different variables having to do with choices the kid makes and who's dead and who's alive that impact exactly which ending you will get and as you can see from all this crazy footage I actually did go back and meticulously record every last variation but I'm not going to list them all here instead I'll toss a link to the wiki a page in the description and you can check them all out there the one thing we did not do was hack the game but if those things become available without hacking we'll show you how to do that stuff - rape of you man aside from that there's a few other cool nuggets I don't want to miss before move on firstly when you find the shopkeepers caddy and bratty you'll discover a weird item they're selling called the mystery key buying it gets you access to the house right next to knacks the bloops and reading the diaries inside reveals that it used to belong to more positive ghosts named haps to blue perhaps the blook wanted to have a body real bad so one day alpha showed up to his human fan club meeting and revealed plans for his new invention implying that haps the blue he is in fact in mettaton which is a fun extra tidbit that's not definitely necessary but also really cool there's also two secret bosses in the game one is glide whose accessible in Snowden if you walk around near the mysterious door for a few minutes depending on the number of monsters you've killed he's pretty funny but I also never had any problem beating him so don't bother unless you're really curious you just need to XP the other is so sorry a weird baby elephant looking art-student that appears only if you read the sign in the art club room while your system clock reads October 10th at a p.m. in the hot land again not a super tough fight but he does have his little Doodlebug cronies on the side so don't underestimate them or you'll die when you shouldn't have that's it for now be warned that's it for now and hint for me the idea of a game with this many little moving parts and special interactions is extremely stressful and imagining all those slightly different playthroughs and a little recordings needed to capture definitely made me have a panic attack a little bit but also and felt like it was kind of on purpose too right obviously undertale has some sort of big idea it's trying to get across but giving everything straight and trying to exhaust every last lead over and over and repetitive playthroughs made me wonder if we were ever going to be able to fully comprehend it as a whole and honestly I'm totally fine with that except for an experience it's supposed to be something like an escape I found myself making a lot of blind choices just to sort of find out what happens I don't want to spoil anything so I never looked it up but let me just say playing like that isn't very fun especially when I know I have to somewhat discover every last bit of it and eventually yeah once we felt we've gotten the most out of the story we turn to a guide to help us mop up the rest the endings boring as it was still the plusses for my first playthrough of the game very much outweighed my minuses from the next 25 times and I can't really knock it true it has been a pain in the butt but I wouldn't say do what I did as much as I would say play around a little bit and just see what fun surprises you might discover trust me you'll have a way better time undertale is a great video game is it a masterpiece possibly is it an untouchable god game with so much girth you can ever fully kill it certainly some people feel that way I know it I even get it I think but in terms of this review I really got to say depends on you yeah I felt that too but even after it was all over and I had time to digest everything I'd seen I still think about undertale a little bit every day the point is the game is more about the feelings that you have while you're playing it than doing things a certain way and who want to tell you what you want from the game yeah so with that in mind guys we give this game our completionist rating of play it let's you you you you yes you know I've got this weird feeling that everybody already knows about undertale so let's kind of focus on what flowey says at the end of the game is killing really necessary huh get back to the end without killing a single thing huh interesting last time through we weren't exactly sure how killing affected the game but now that we are the path seems pretty clear time to do a pacifist run baby pacifist like what the babies put in there what oh never mind dude that's a pacifier never mind I thought we were talking about pacifiers right yep baby stuff yep yeah whoa something weird is going on here isn't it yeah whatever here's another spoiler warning we're just about to give away more plot if this is all too much for you I'll say it again you might have a better time just watching some anime so as you know a pacifist run implies that nobody dies which is awesome for storytelling purposes but also means that in the case of undertale you have to do extra side missions and quests as well in this case papyrus and Undine survived their boss fight encounters and now you have to go on a date or a hangout session with them take papyrus out on a date and even though he wears a dope outfit there's plenty of spaghetti to be had he'll decide you're a little too into him and he'll leave you with his phone number next if you're not a murderer papyrus encourages you to meet him and Undine to hang out and then immediately ditches you to force you become better friends if everything works out you learn a little bit more about what makes Undine tick and she'll eventually call you later to help her to deliver a certain letter but this is not before she tries to kill you like she's turning you down for a good 15 20 minutes and then she decides to be your friend it's a great great die comedy kind of thing the letter is for alphys and it seems like it might be a love note because one's Alfa's reads it and mistakenly believes it was the kid who wrote it she immediately asks you on a date to the garbage dump where she reveals her once important role as a scientist has been reduced to her lying about her interest and sitting around watching anime all the time undyne overhears and they have a tough reconciliation he'll Undine whether you think enemies real or not and boom you're all set see in the final level bro and amazed the hell was that since nobody ever dies in your pacifists rum the idea talking to everyone instead becomes very appealing and when you do this games absolutely excellent writing totally shines through remember how cute onion San was the dogs who got freaked out by dogs that pet other dogs Timmy's that one Tammy in the wall all of it is wonderful and funny and perfect and it's amazing how vibrant everybody gets when you don't resort to terrible violence the graphics and the music are also great but for whatever reason I feel like I'm being redundant if I try and explain that to you anymore than I already have so let's get out of this segment getting bored because you're never fighting a lot of the mechanics on undertale become useless on the pacifist run in fact pretty much everything in the game besides the healing items becomes totally useless so you have to focus your attention elsewhere mostly you have to convince every single character in the game not to fight you and as the game goes on it gets really awesome because every new monster you find is like its own little mini puzzle yeah unless your game probably would just let you hit run away and be done with it but undertale manages to completely remove the battle system from its RPG and have the battles remain absolutely compelling because now instead of their attacks you're often fighting the monsters depression or their various insecurities and as a result of forging a personal connection with these monsters you'd normally just crush under your boot it feels totally worth it every single time well except maybe flowey yeah Bobby's an [Β __Β ] dude so after setting alphys on the brutal path to personal betterment but pirates suggest you maybe go check out her true lab which you can find right underneath your regular lab and basically it's just an awesome lure dump when the monsters realize that only Souls could destroy the barrier alphys was given the task of finding out how to get a monster's soul to stay alive after the monster dies just like a human's does she discovered her solution in a uniquely human force known as determination and it worked great for a while dead monsters were injected with the determination and while they would briefly come back to life as normal their weak monster bodies couldn't keep their form like a human's can and they melted away in mushy amalgamate chimeras alphas couldn't admit her mistake and never went back to work in the lab again but not before running some experiments on a golden flower which was sprinkled with the ashes of Ezreal as Goran toriel's recently to see son who was killed when he tried to return his dead human friend to their village and everyone there assumed he had just killed her but because the flower fused with only a tiny part of his soul when alphas treated the seed with determination he came back to life as flowey but no longer had feelings and instead gained the ability to save and load you're actually stuck down in the true lab with no power while you read all this I want to collect all the keys in that lab you meet alphys and she thanks you for finally giving her the courage to go public with all her weird experiments it's kind of cute but it's also extremely sad back in Asgard chamber since you've been a pacifist this time toriel steps in before you can fight him and stops the bloodshed then all your other friends arrive including all the monsters you've spared and things are looking pretty good for once that is until flowey shows up captures everyone and shows you how powerful he really is imagine Bill Murray and Groundhog Day and how after we living everything so many times he's totally mastered it that's flowey right now and then he soaks up everyone's souls and uses it to return to his normal goatman form everyone lends their power to yours and eventually you end up taking all your friends souls back by using all the info you got from getting to know them next you repeatedly refused to fight back against Azrael even when he grows into a giant winged demon until he's reminded of his first human friend from back lane who's a kid and he lets everyone go the kid finally reveals to Azrael that their real name is frisk and one he walks off everyone decides it's finally time to go back to the surface but before you do you can go back to the entire world map and every single character now has new dialogue celebrating the new status quo you can even go back to the very first area where you originally first met flowey and find Azrael there who has some nice things to say but also decides to not rejoin society above ground just yet that doesn't stop everyone else though and the final scenes of the game are the whole crew looking out at the Sun for the first time in forever and you get to decide whether to live with toriel happily ever after or go back to the surface and live happily ever after both endings which are super beautiful and happy what a beautiful story what a beautiful world and what a beautiful game I think it might be the best game ever I agree hell yeah you know it just before you're all finished out there's one last challenge in the pacifist ending as the credits begin to roll up it then cuts to Azrael whose demonic as ever and then jokingly challenges you with the special thanks Kickstarter backer credits and suddenly the whole screen turns into one giant dodging game it's very tough to get down in fact when they get to the end of this you're gonna find out how many times I ended up doing this but in the end once you've done it you'll have unlocked the mysterious door and snowed in which houses a couple of dogs and a computer they use to write the game it's not the most satisfying bonus ever but it also feels kind of tied to the Kickstarter stuff which is already kind of tacked on anyway that no way affects our love of the game also at the end of the game when you talk to sands reset without savings you can talk to a couple more times and eventually after giving you a secret code for just time travelers you'll get the key to his room mostly it's just fun sand stuff but if you grab the key from his drawer you get access to another weird workshop room which seems to hold some secret to some much deeper lore but I'll leave that stuff to better qualified theorists also now that you know the kid's name is frisk you wouldn't be a very curious person if you don't try starting a new game with that name for if you do you'll end up in hard mode now hard mode is basically just a remix of the ruins section of the game with some more to come possibly someday not really because it seems like a joke of course when the annoying dog announces the end of the game during the final fight with toriel portal gets pretty incensed about it ruining a moment and the dog is big about whether more of it it's ever going to come I hope so though because damn this game is amazing you learnt know every last thing about it me too hashtag all these hashtag kickflip hashtag Christ err first off I want to be clear this game can basically do no wrong at this point but if we're talking about challenges we face other than the Kickstarter credits the biggest thing we struggled with is ourselves yeah see this game actually uses its mechanics to serve its larger themes and because Alex and I spent our childhood playing Final Fantasy earthbound Dragon Quest the idea of letting a monster live because it's unfair really mess with our instincts it was hard to stop trying to play every jrpg ever and start playing undertale it was worth it though what a satisfying ending and nobody even had to die nothing's ever gonna be bad again what could possibly ever happen quite literally under deal has restored my faith in humanity it's just a lesson we all needed finally everyone can't be friends just like us and like you and your friends all of us to all of you be nice ok ok in the genocide run you kill everyone and everyone's afraid of you except the pyres who believes me no matter what but you kill him anyway flowey literally begs you to just leave the game as it is happy and wrapped up but you just do it anyway you'd even have to strike down a kid in cold blood if Undine didn't step in and stop you and then you kill Undine too you know what's worse than that you know it's worse than everything to justify your behavior they give you this really messed up perverted serial killer personality and it legitimately makes you feel awful anyways we'll see how that pans out later I feel like I've already done this or something just go to presentation I don't even care anymore killing people makes the music worse way worse like you start to feel crazy and warped and sick and evil empty towns empty villages less friendly menus the game is less pretty when you're evil and it gets less and less fun as you go you literally have to watch your character getting excited to murder people over and over and over again and practically no one ever even stands a chance it's impressive and really it's the little things that get you look at this hot land sign normally it lights up in roles but since no one's around because they're fearing for their own safety it leaves you feeling like you're wandering around Disneyland after the apocalypse damn rip Mickey rip goofy rip papyrus don't get that real out of your dog rip Sora oh my god Kingdom Hearts is never coming the one silver lining to the genocide run is that you finally have some incentive to try out all the weapons and while that's not much at least we get to say that undertale does not skimp on the weapons battle is based around timing your button presses with the indicator on the screen and each weapon has its own sort of pattern and to fulfil the genocide prophecy you have to kill everyone and I mean everyone every zone every character they all have a number that you have to kill at each save point you know the area is clear when you've engaged in a battle and little no one showed up it's pretty fun stuff actually but it's not as fun when you have to kill innocent creatures yeah the game suggesting that being a decent person is the right thing to do makes you feel much worse about killing everything it gives you perspective on the generally much more nihilistic kill everything logic of most video games and I don't even think I'm being unfair Mario kills everything even the Angry Birds kill everything right and because of that undertale never allows killing to feel fun it legit makes you feel like a bad person check out how much worse it feels when papyrus sets up a bunch of puzzles for you and you just walk past them because all your character thinks about and cares about is killing and you know you're about to kill again and even when you kill papyrus he even forgives you and you still kill him in cold blood awful this game is awful it makes you feel awful I feel awful right now this feels like I had a burrito and it's tearing apart my inside like I tried Kentucky Fried chicken's Nashville oh my god that is the worst get me out now I do want to add that you can at any time decide to switch from a pacifist run to a neutral run or from a genocide run to a neutral run in fact that's the main reason why there's so many different endings because you can just jump out from any point but with genocide one could argue there's two different endings but the results are the same outcome by the time you arrive at as Gore's house things are totally messed up you're rummaging through his house stealing knives and thinking in the evil voice like you'd been there before also flowey begins to talk with you he talks about how saving and loading slowly turned him into a killer too and brights any viewers out there watching this right now that didn't have the guts to do the genocide run themselves but when he realizes that you mean to kill him too he runs away in hides then you run into sands who's really kind of in that not mad just disappointed mood and really once he reveals himself as a timeline guardian who lives outside of time and save states he's kind of the real final boss of the game he's absolutely the hardest fight it'll probably take you a few hours to get the timing down and since he remembers every time you die and reload he gets pretty dang good at roasting you too also if like us you started to really feel awful about murdering everyone you loved sans also has the dirtiest trick of all about halfway through the fight he appeals to whatever good there is in you and promises to pretend like this never happened if you hug it out and let bygones be bygones except once he hugs you he instantly kills you and begs you to never reload not to mention it says get dunked on the screen cool he says you dude not that I blame you really but Dan that's a dirty ass trick especially in the middle of a really hard boss fight then you move to kill ΓΆzgΓΌr but flowey finishes the job for you in a last-ditch attempt at getting your best graces before losing his nerve and begging for his life in the grossest most sniveling manner possible you butcher him until there's literally nothing left you monster but then there comes the biggest twist of all what if I told you that the Fallen human that you named at the beginning of the game isn't the protagonist at all but rather the childhood friend of Azrael dreamer and what if I told you this character is the ending representation of you and your will within the game separate from frisk which obviously judging by all the awful stuff you just did gives them the power to control other people and use them as mindless killing machines canonically this character is called Chara but really it should just have your name on it because the final reveal is that not only is your own will responsible for all the death but that it also has a mind of its own which is why regardless of whether or not you chose to join forces and permanently erase the world it finally kills you there's a jump-scare the game crashes and brings you back to the desktop and that's it the game's over you reload it and undertale is just a black screen and howling wind god dammit however I realize we're not all monsters who want to find out everything that happens no matter the cost so if undying sacrifice actually does affect you so much that you decide to abandon your genocide run you can also get the Alpha sending where alphas leads all the monsters from hotland in the core to safety and becomes their ruler which is great for her because it finally gives her a reason to better herself but it's not great for us because now we just murdered half the kingdom for no reason and that's lame but then it gets even worse if you reload the game after you finish your genocide run and watch the howling black for about 10 minutes char will appear to you again and offer to reload the world in exchange for your soul which finally gives you access to the soulless pacifist and genocide runs which are basically the same as they just were except that something's a little bit off about the end because you're possessed by Chara and no matter what you do Chara kills everyone even in the past of ascending and as long as you want to keep playing your same file its tainted forever with these perverted versions of the endings so essentially this game is anti completionist it encourages completionists to stop halfway through and leave the game alone because if you in fact complete this game you will permanently corrupt your save file now sure you can go in and delete system32 and all that fun stuff but it's anti completionist it's anti me it's true that the genocide run has extra grinding but that's not all that makes the toughest playthrough undying and mettaton both get new forms when you fight him and while mettaton neo is basically a joke undyne the undying is one tough customer and sans is probably one of the hardest boss fights I've ever seen yeah and it sucks because the whole time I'm struggling to just barely beat these former friends I feel terrible about it and look this basically means that being the completionist actually forced me to be evil and frankly I'm starting to resent the idea that anyone much less the game itself should ever imply that there's a proper way to play such an open-ended game why did I have to go through this internet tell me why I'm a good dude but you know what screw it maybe I really am evil maybe I should just delete the whole channel mark flip the goddamn switch you alright guys look the cycle stops right now this is what undertale is for us in the end undertale is a game for us and about us s gamers we struggle sometimes with those who are different from us we're afraid of being alive sometimes sometimes we can't even make choices for ourselves but thankfully undertale also offers us some advice regardless of who anyone is always be nice because true evil blackens your soul forever and please try your best to find satisfaction in your own unique experiences and life choices because sometimes wanting to know everything isn't necessarily possible without actually doing something wrong damn right get my throws with 10 to 15 endings this game will keep you looking forever for answers and answers and answers and answers guys look undertale is a game about you and what you think and what you want to think so make sure that as you plant you stay true to that idea and let other people stay true to their idea of what undertale is for them yeah just think for yourselves just think for yourselves with that in mind guys we give this game our completionist rating of finish it that'll time we have for today guys and believe me it was a lot of time put into this freaking Amazonian to do that let us know what your thoughts are in the comments below question of the day have you played undertale and if you have what does undertale mean to you really I take this time to go on Twitter and thank Toby fer and Tammy and everyone who made this this game this game is really a wonderful piece of art that I think is great if you played it already come back to it in like five years it'll be way good again it's good now and I think it's gonna be good then um so thank you guys for watching please if you liked the music you heard today it was off of determination soundtrack by two of my good friends who are youtubers of Ace waters and I always it's like rich rich odd rich it's like see I always pick it up rich odd like Rashad Rashad Mashhad all of the cover music you heard today was a part of the determination soundtrack made by ace waters and Rashad I ruined that niche every time rich had put his name on screen guys want to buy that album I believe it's uh $13 to $30 on Bandcamp right now links in the description below support those guys they were officially endorsed by Toby to make the album and it's awesome it's got a lot of grand I'm taking the Rangers on there too so go support them download the album and thank you today for spending so much time with us now if you would excuse me let's check out this picture of this woman who's stepping on grapes and then she falls as you hurt yourself the classic video it's not so good it's no yeah happy relate to under 10 right now now it excuse me excuse us now Dan now if you would excuse us now if you would excuse us please check out this cover of the dog song from undertale done by something weird mark fill in the weirdest cover of it that you can find on the wind musical instrument now we're using all of that we're using all of it now if you and Excel use me alone you're alone that's it if you would excuse me I would like um you do pay big money send me money for free send it to my gmail why not find me PayPal e free money at the end of this if you're here you got a hundred bucks send it my way I'll take it I'll take it now if you'd excuse me all right stop it we're done
Channel: The Completionist
Views: 1,920,481
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Undertale, completionist, Undertale all endings, undertale ending, undertale review, undertale gameplay, undertale walkthrough, undertale playthrough, undertale routes, undertale secrets, genocide route, pacifist route, Video Game (Industry), Role-playing Video Game (Media Genre), thatonevideogamer, that one video gamer, toby fox undertale, toby fox, the ultimate route
Id: -8gKDRjfKeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2016
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