Mario Party but it's Secret Santa

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it's that time of year again welcome everyone to literally any second past September and before January or in other words Christmas bring up the Christmas lights the eggnog the jolly Christmas album from Frank Sinatra available on not sponsored by the way this is the season of generosity and of course you're all thinking selfish what the does this have to do with Mario Party well in this game of Mario party I have gathered my friends together to embody the spirit of Christmas each of us takes on the role of secret Santa and draws the name of one of the other three players in the game as a secret santa your job is to ensure that the player you drew wins the game that's it aside from that the Only Rule we made is that just as the three wise men did in the year of Our Lord zero A.D we must also always path towards that bright and shining star and hey if you find this video entertaining you could always provide me with the Christmas present of your own and hit that subscribe button November May August no matter what month it is it's always fine to celebrate great Christmas in the instance that potentially gets me more subscribers I was explaining to my chat about what the secret Santa is and someone said so basically whoever Drew my name has the easiest job I'm just like bro guys literally like right this second my alarm rang for my laundry can I just put my laundry in the washer real quick yeah I'm uh very quickly turn your controller to the right take the joystick and yeah I got you bro I got you bro two seconds two seconds all right well wait we'll wait for him and then we'll start up who the hell starts laundry before playing Mario Party that's like playing to eat in the middle of a movie in theaters I just watched the [ __ ] out of those clothes I was a little bit more than two seconds of the thing I think we should disqualify him for lying but anyways guys it's the start of November do you guys hear that it's Maria Carryout in the distance singing All I want for Christmas is you run for your lives we lost her wait this video is sponsored by yahaha studios I've talked about these guys before and I'm once again here to show off yahaha Studios a new ugc Will Smith's show us what that means creation platform for 3D multiplayer interactive experience now do you have any experience coding or any server knowledge whatsoever neither do I and I majored in computer science for two and a half years but with yahaha none of that matters you me pickles the hamster here anyone can create and publish their own virtual experiences even if you know nothing about coding so guess what yahaha hosts regular live sessions for its passionate Community to help budding creators just like you to enhance their skills in this field on Twitch and YouTube links to those in that old description down there now guys I already know what I said it was easy to use yeah haha but even I wasn't convinced that making my own creation and it was that simple until I took a moment to pull up the oh wait I already made something wow that's what I call fun and simple way to build the greatest video game of all time they will call me the Michelangelo of gaming and you my friend can be my Leonardo da Vinci of gaming when you get yahaha Studios today so click the link in the description or scan this very enticing QR code to check out yahaha and start making your dream games for free thank you yahaha Studios for sponsoring the video oh some things you said shut up yeah something's never changed huh well who wants to say it guys who wants to say the line everybody in chat there it is that's the line that's the funny line put that a t-shirt man I'm pretty sure the person who got Evie has her secret Santa just knew from the start they would lose the burn Nation Rises all right if Vern can get a 10 I can get a 10 too what bro see what I mean he's great at throwing [Music] oh wait how do you throw in this one I'm pretty sure there's a time limit [Music] no I'm gonna be first with you guys I'm crazy fellas first place in the first mini game yeah baby baby okay there's an eight I guess I will go ahead and pay my way in oh I send this a different direction if I go this way will you established that we kind of have to go towards the star that means you have Brent that's confirmed you have Brent then the first thing in my head was that I just run to the Bowser and lose a bunch of coins that's why I was going through my head however that does make it seem like if I would have Brent though impressive let's see capernius's play if he does a four he is a monster this is gonna be a big brain flight [Music] wait that means I'm about to hit the oh no is this a me surface me Hyrule moment high enough all right so who's the happiest here come on shout aloud how happy you are I'm getting the star right now all right it's Brett [Music] hold left right I think he's purposely doing because he wants to lose it's match isn't it yeah okay he's bro he's throwing guys no I'm genuinely confused are we supposed to mess or not you already figured it out we've played this before this is so neck and neck I don't know what I'm doing wait what if we just no one popped it wait what wait did we tie oh wow I promise you I still don't know if I did it right or not if this was a was a game of Among Us I would have absolutely no information and vote to skip to spamming my chat right now I wonder what could possibly be yo why are my rules so bad bro why don't you land on that before Brent yeah why did you lay on that before Oh that's full Bernice for that joke alone I had to I'm sorry buddy okay so now we know that Nick isn't vernius's you already unless he's trying to trip us up that could be the case yeah because Mario Party really makes you think that deeply yeah sure bird is is this why you never win [Music] crazy Cutters oh dude this is one of my favorites and now we get it come on man wait do I do this legitimately I I've got lag on my screen there's like a little bit of latency this is a bit I do a heart no joke actually I don't know if the dream doesn't look like I have I do have input there's the eye it's not like input I'm getting the eye well yeah dude I'm cutting the eye I cut the aisle and the chain for all this [ __ ] oh yeah wow you got a chain pretty Advanced what what you won oh you gave the change hop a clean shave and he was very thankful for it I tried my hardest to throw that oh more throwing yay I hate this one bro this one sucks how are we like actually close I think they're also throwing for each other come on touch the boat there we go perfect break yes yes this is so stupid yo a team with vernius and Evie is Unstoppable at losing this is crazy foreign money let's go whoever's my secret Santa is in shambles right now I imagine wait you're not y'all know what I'ma do with this [ __ ] never give me a number are you wanna randomly generate one do it give me a Riddim it's 20. hey baby go for like if we're still sticking with the whole random shtick I guess I may as well just like press this button and see what happens I never would have guessed this is so sad this is so sad Alexa please play Mariah Carey's All I Want For Christmas Evie can I tell you a secret her name is actually Mariah not Maria it's the same thing man that's like saying vernais his name is verdeus no it's vernaeus wait how do I throw in this one don't hit us yeah just don't hit us yeah okay I'm fine with being down here though you guys can go ahead and win I'm fine no stop stop no stop and we need to see how the coins distribute now that I threw oh my God we got 22. oh and stubble let's go okay like Nick's right next to the star again whoever is his secret Santa is about to be really happy like me hey it's all at Nick's fault he plugged up you are so sexy holy crap yeah you know I am that you guys just want to close your eyes and just shoot I'm actually gay we're gonna see who dies first [Music] Nick has his eyes it sounds like somebody died Nick had his eyes open what a cowardly player let's try to open my eyes then yeah open your eyes okay chances I would be broken here wait I just unintentionally landed on it [ __ ] do it prank do it take my star away it's all yours wait I have an idea oh that's an idea because now I want to get myself darn Nation okay as long as it's not me then I mean I'm gonna Press Start and then go to the bathroom you guys have fun oh all right good luck guys good luck you got this you got this you guys are crazy at the game what if I push Evie towards it [Laughter] this is the optimal plate the optimal plate nothing could have been better here oh my God the cntc next really does stand for cringe it stands for clever oh the melon space the melon space let's go here yeah oh no no no no no no no no no no no no dude I would have laughed if it was a star if that's a star that would have been huge bro why does anime food look so good shut up wow this is the gameplay we were looking for hey yo can I some of your pizza [Laughter] were you guys making out this is a rated G game please stop all right wait I could change the game fellas I need a two I need to get a two oh that'd be so sexy so high if I got a two yeah baby watch this blow up completely in his face there's no way come on baby we got this yeah bubbles I'm preparing my tears foreign how many twos am I getting what the can you just get a damn star to stop like just leaving us hanging here even if I was your Secret Santa if I'm not your Secret Santa says get the damn star you've been there the whole game oh joy well I guess Nick doesn't have movement options also Nick might be muted because he'll be reacting to this at this moment if he was yo I was talking the whole time and I was like why is I figured that out because I figured as soon as I like put this over you'd react but you didn't now it's time you can react no no let's go me and Evie it's the loss let's go baby I kind of don't want to win but I do kind of want to make Nick win if I'm being honest if only both of us are trying this way oh my God this is great game play here I'm smashing my a button right now smashing the a button like you're all smashing the like button now oh hey look at that no they they have to win we might be here for just a bit so you guys be ready to hold on to your I hate Evie here we all know Nick the C does stand for Carrie after all I'm here to carry you the whole damn way buddy I somehow managed to carry you the whole way man this is a dumb position I'm in actually I could stall just a little bit [Music] oh wait what do I have a curse dice Evie did that to you oh Evie did it oh I hate that guy okay no way bro of course it's always next time I don't want it oh 30 seconds oh yeah yeah I think you got me guys oh no I don't miss what the [ __ ] wait I can just miss a thing oh the glove the dice oh yeah like I don't think I have nothing fit oh [ __ ] now I should have focused on the warp block ah but I know Customs here uh word Block's on the right side bottom right no that's that's not it I hate you I hate you I could throw away my star yeah Brandon do it you know what I will do it let's do it burn Nation you guys want to see me lose a star there's no way I'll show you you can't time the Bowser one yeah that's what you think Brent but I'm crazy I'm crazy oh why is Evie have a hundred coins why did this happen it's I've been just accumulating coins over this whole time but it's a good thing I'm gonna hit this number two right here so I can like that yo this is Evie's best performance in multiple Mario Party games shut up okay vernius okay that was on me are you ready to make that jump you can make that jumper news you can make that okay well please oh [ __ ] go around again no shut up no it kind of want to just beat Nick don't I [ __ ] you Evie wait someone in my chat saying that too is it lakitu or lakitu likito bro like it to it sounds dumb like it too sounds like the most white bread pronunciation you can imagine now I have to visit toad I mean I guess I mean Toadette I mean I guess I have no stars so if I got one it's not the end of the world let's go we got this round two buzzer okay okay I think I got it this time I think I've mastered exactly where I need to get it [Music] I can't yo what the hell shut up Nick no I'm really trying oh why am I so bad Shut up man this is the very nice strawberry [Music] bro tie it tight okay I'll tie it there we go there I tied it for us oh wait no they got one more wait I want to throw my coins to you so I don't get the star but that means if you throw I get all the coins okay how about this hear me out hear me out let's just do one coin wait a second this is actually the best possible thing all right let's comment oh my God it's possible to tie this you play exactly the same yeah yeah you better hope that Nick hits one or else you're actually bone now I know you guys won't believe me but that was Giga calculated by me I had to throw like crazy um I'm gonna hit this star and then hit the exclamation point again RI holy goddamn huh I wonder how we're all gonna play this game yes exactly so I'm gonna try to go yeah this is kind of how I play bowling too you know what happens if you go all the way to the right but you only do like one I'm very curious Bernie can you try that just like a one just do a one I'm very curious yeah just a one no way oh trying to get it what what okay I'll take the free w I actually don't know why I did that I don't know what my plan was last turn there are a lot of things can happen in this oh geez oh geez oh geez what moves are we gonna make who threw the least mini games is what I'm wondering why me oh so don't hit the boo I don't want you getting booed I want you to get Bowser to lose a star oh okay I mean like yeah yeah let's both team up Brent yeah sure you go ahead and get let me lose that star please and thank you how do I transfer it to you from Bowser to you so I'm wondering or from you to Nick or from Nick to Vern how do I transfer it to somebody yeah all right you slipped it even you just slipped it right there buddy I had an idea I don't know anymore man I'm the game I'm very very oh my God he's third place he could get a star from this oh my God if you got another star that would have been hilarious leave me alone okay Bowser nice thank you appreciate it now let's see if I can actually hit this stuff maybe you're guaranteed the Bowser star now Evie you want the secret I was gonna tell you the secret secret okay so it's this final mini game oh my God it's me versus everybody oh this is I'm at shambles I wish that it almost didn't happen because no yeah we gotta win this game so who wants to give me some nice extra coins right you seem to all really want those coins who are you gonna kill me [Laughter] I had vernius I had bread oh well oh my God oh wait we got a ton of event bonus oh wait I have no idea who got this oh wait between me and verdeus oh no wait wait what where's the most coins he even has the most coins no he's crazy he's crazy okay I think Evie won right go I think ev1 then I'm pretty sure I actually win because if you had the most coins right yeah if you had the most coins yeah yeah yeah yeah oh burn you freaking Frick why don't you get more cool wait wait remember I spent coins on a star wait my play of Evie losing a star actually made through made it full my first nice play at the last turn one then it actually worked then huh even when he loses he wins no yes my cursed eyes play actually worked wow you know what I'll take this I get two dubs in a row baby you mean I got the dog a cow come on show me the coins let's go and find out let's see let's see it it won oh my God it was that last mini game it literally came down to that damn it that's crazy it was the 1v3 oh my God yes wow and just like normal regardless of how we're playing it the results of Mario Party just come down to bonus stars and luck honestly they'll be very funny if we ended the video with Mariah Carey saying all I want for Christmas is you get down
Channel: Sophist
Views: 284,910
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sophist, SophisticatedEevee, Mario Party, superstars, super stars, mario party superstars, king of skill mario party, mario party superstars all minigames, mario party superstars gameplay, mario party superstars all characters, mario party superstars all boards, mario party alpharad, mario party superstars dlc, mario party superstars online, mario party superstars new game mode, mario party challenge, mario party raid boss, tcnick3 mario party
Id: 2EP7YQnvWp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 17sec (1217 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 28 2022
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