Mario Party but we're Trapped in PRISON

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Mario party but this time we had a stupid idea to the surprise of nobody what if we divide the board Yoshi's chopped clowns into two separate Nations and declared that only two players can be present on either side at any given time two warring parties fighting to the nailed to keep Toadette on their own sides and Bowser vanished until the oh so unlucky hits the exclamation point never calculated hit from a certain point of view you want to visit a new nation you need a war blockchain Visa someone to take your place now you might be thinking to yourself and can't be that simple it's that simple subscribe button press you know what I mean just do it it's very easy to do all right guys but before I do literally anything else I've got to ask you an important question you're a gamer right really it was kind of shot in the dark but I just had a feeling you know but I figured someone like you would be interested in meeting a good friend of mine Opera GX or sponsored by the way now you see 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I've lost weight as you can see okay I really don't want to go on the second island okay that works have fun so face you don't understand next turn I roll a three and I switch back to my side all right minigame bro I never win I never win this one too it's just a good thing the star got swapped let's change things up oh what's going on here that's it that's a neat change as soon as you interesting bro wait you disconnected me yeah yeah you respected here that's a strategy first [Music] going on the right side okay whoa I just had to whisper it I've got a big difference I'm gonna pay three not two but wow he's gonna lose one of the whole game because of that Western Point like nobody's gonna get nobody's gonna go through here it's just a butterfly effect that butterfly is gonna cause you to tie wait actually walrus is like actually the worst hitbox here [Music] geez oh what I'm throwing my aim go off editor don't show that please yeah don't show that to me either no yeah that was definitely so bad for me oh the focus but Focus yes perfect [Applause] let's go they get nothing wait if you want to make a pact the same island this may work together Bernie is I was thinking the same we should we should make a nation together and I guess we kind of have to in retaliation shoulders bro all right now I roll the three and now we switch things up with God close all right considering the guys are gonna steal my coins very soon I feel like I need to make a Mad Dash my name doesn't realize though is that he just has the illusion of choice right now yeah Nations at War yeah we start right first all right now we just we just won the game yeah it's okay bernius I forgive you for your errors wow if anyone have to spam this nation we just built man I can't believe you lost the people who literally have L's on their forehead now who do I take it I'm not a backstabber I'm a front stabber you're stabbing something as all that matters I mean it gets one more question okay but Vernia smells you always smell yeah let's sew the seeds of descent within them yeah how about you take a shower please not above six please burn firing ah he gets the first oh okay I'm lying he doesn't get any Star because he's four oh I'm playing this badly yeah me too oh wait wait no I'm sexy dance as well wait and my assistant well time to drain Birdo try let's go if anything that's what she would do to you what what okay well that works what do you mean damn why don't you want us to see Bernice oh but he wants to use a warp is that why yeah he wants to use this you want to leave us you want to leave me versus yeah I want to leave you you were mean that's too big survived energy energy so hard hey I like money do we both could have gotten the money that's the thing Bernie you didn't have to do that that's the first video game hey you know you this is what happens when you suck a dessert island with the only naked version of the same island and literally nobody else there let's go Evie why'd you switch from Wario bro Waluigi has zero cake compared to him bro is that is that the stat you look at when you pick a fighting in character oh fight all right that's your turn now you died oh they suck for me bro okay [Applause] no no oh damn that hurts a lot to see oh let's go boys I'm just gonna show you that I can win myself he's looking at me he's thinking about healthy look you have to be trolling to lose this oh oh cool oh cool yeah you stay on that side with vernius over there I'm sure it's working out just nicely this is so hard the Vern Nation will strike okay the Nations fight once again we can do this approve the bad matching allegations right now [Music] okay hold on we got I just want them to Sarah waluigi's cake but now I was like what cake bro he's got a he's got a biscuit at best all right steal from them like decline option for this why would you decline yeah why would you decline but who do I steal from now obviously bernius right the guy with the least amount of coins very good thinking honestly I kind of agree with that but like why do you think I wanted to spend this nation we held together with sticks wait wait the melon space the melon space Oh [Music] see when bernius prospers I Prosper bro I'm glad you're trying to recover from from the black male and thievery you committed upon me Nick burn yes name one time I've done either of those remember in the beginning this chair when you agreed that they should steal my coins listen Bernie She Gotta stop living in the past bro okay the past was 10 seconds ago how freaking much of a loser do you have to be like throw a cursed eyes at somebody unwarranted you guys get third and fourth in this game like first or second come on it's so easy where are the Shadows yeah that's what I'm thinking where where is where is the ice cream why is it no food here I know yeah we're starving oh hey he uses he uses custom nice uh actually Evie I was gonna use it anyway so it was a waste from urine no that's the perfect amount of coins too but so be it all right time to make this lesson Israel I have a suggestion if you take from bernius you might not be less anymore are you serious it's time 10. yeah oh hell yeah oh that's okay okay did I get Koopa you just got it again I am the number one fan and supporter of the First Nation I kicked you out of a bird Nation Nick if I could I would oh that sounds like a good song it says prompt weapon can like only walk that walk right there more embarrassing than what I did so um holy crap was that double coins well I hope you guys liked having Stars while you had the time I hope you enjoyed those Stars I'm remembering my mystery line video vernius pushed me to the edge that was crazy are you serious Brad what's this literally everybody in my chat is unanimously spamming Nick there's not even a single okay because it's a sophisticated Society is a group of people that watch you Evie so they're all free I'll give you a chance if you can answer my question I'll steal from burn yourself with that dude I get a choice I recently bought my mom a Pokemon plushie as a presence for Mother's Day what did I get her and I'll give you a hint this is a this is a Pokemon that's appeared in a movie that's where she would have seen it and that's why I got her this Pokemon so you got three chances can they like guess what your mom called it though because it's very likely she's just called it Pikachu they're one billion Pokemon Man actually there is an under 1 000 Evie nope y'all want more Jigglypuff what'd you say Jigglypuff [Music] yeah okay what was it funny Brent haha it was Teddy Ursa I would not have gotten that you should call him somewhere dude I like your mom every time you talk about her she has great taste well actually she gave birth yes wait you're not finished burning us does that connect I had a I had to ruin his head what do you mean what do you mean where's the star what's on the left oh oh vernius hasn't used any of his warps I'm waiting you know what vernius what I will wait with you yeah [Music] vernius does he have that dog in him I mean my items I'm gonna do my own advice that'll be so damn funny yes all right huge and thus the Nations have changed oh my God oh my gosh that was awesome yes holy crap Perfection hello veronius welcome to the welcome to the side of the board regardless we still Stand Together hi it's like I'm getting back with my ex or something like that and literally just like go down to my basement grab some snacks and come back and then we still win this game right I am playing the game as it's intended all right so I think 15 seconds is a good time to start yep and now we're already winning because this game is very well designed Bernice Choice are you serious not not Brent you have you have him okay is that not red please don't be red Bowser oh bro Bowser I permit you to take my star that was stolen now it's my turn to Hyrule give me up terrible bernius yeah okay what reason is there to take for me outside this fight you always say yourself that the reason Brent always wins is because we're at each other's Throne so now you the opportunity to take from him when he's only two coins winning from you which so coins would make a big difference or you could be spiteful and take from me when it literally has no impact and if anything will hurt you 10 seconds I only locked out because it was the most illogical play ever that's why okay it's physiological Bernie please take me back bro I miss you wow all that discussion for seven coins [ __ ] I was the final feelings in-game [Music] and in real life please please bro now I beat the zero Stars allegation I'm gonna jump on every single one of you guys's heads bro you know I think anyone who loses this game is actually very going earlier but we're currently curling Evie if out if it was me on this island you swap I would have still not take it from you as long as you don't get a one or a two bro yeah I was about to say like you're safe here Brett because I'm rolling a two or one wow [Music] how about this how about game show what's my last name if you guess my last name I won't steal from you nine eight seven bro it's me two one Johnson why don't they from Nick bro what's up so close I'm not kidding oh there's no shot I'm getting a nine or a ten and there's no show me 9 or 10. I'm not getting another time I'm not getting nine or ten oh come on come on in this context this sucks did I get that why haven't I gotten anything oh I got one never mind oh my god um this moment guys watch right here as I game what there's no way [Music] [Laughter] wait wait Brett and Edie Brandy I have to ask yeah which one of you is the bigger threat to me oh Brett is obviously any defense bread wait why do you even want to pick from Evie you're on the same island bro because you're a meanie head and you call me becoming an idiot stupid Island buddies are we winning I don't know who's winning right now I'm not working I'm not looking I'm not alone my my pupping was perfect I was pumping those balloons like crazy you heard me wait what did I get if I get the Flop told me to cry [Music] hey dungeon Duos damn it's so easy it's so even all right platform man let's go okay wait stop it for me oh they fumble they're bad Evie they're bad they are so bad they're so trashy we're here oh yeah I don't see anyone near the Finish yeah he's got you excited you [ __ ] Bowser IES if you steal this stuff bro bro I will gladly lose out on this R if it kills him I think it's horrible for Nick oh why is nothing going for me this game bro no wonder you're relishing about one victory with zero Stars make it so good no way oh my gosh no he wants chadstone yeah I get a chance time swap star or item all these are good for me okay oh yeah my impacted now we're at the mall I can't get Nick oh my gosh come on we're on the same Island Seven Ten eight one nine two ten three one [Applause] I was looking outside the screen at least it wasn't me oh wow all right let's do it you guys are so bad all right the corner shot all right who's green who is green I think it was Evie do the editor replay the part where he doesn't shoot with us please you're gonna get the three anyway get it please [Music] wait hello can you guys hear me yeah we can hear you we can hear you no I see the green outlay see the I see the green outline wait Nick can you speak hello yeah I can hear you he has the ability too yeah most people do hey you're really quiet down there in fourth place that's why [Music] do you see how Daisy's right next to Bowser and while he's right next to the Stars come on if it's easy oh yeah oh okay I mean it's better than what it was like oh my God claim your price King if you get a zero maybe you could have seen that coming though okay okay just watch watch that's awesome bro no it does a little bit depends on who gets put in front of the boo here [ __ ] you're right Brian's got to find the boo uh-huh oh I think he just won okay no way no way what a terrible video game don't get a one don't get a one still don't get a one I wanna want to do like a gimmick thing like yeah I can't take it just random oh whatever okay okay here what if I just look forward for you here I'm just looking forward I do not trust this game until it says that I am a superstar Rich literally Rich bonus it's not mine this is like it's third place just give me one star just give me one star oh actually don't know about this one oh I don't know who got this one could have been oh it's you and again let's go last place for Nick Sakura let's go suck my balls nice gimmick yeah yeah good give nickname Amazing Amazing Ideas Nick please do it again no I regret everything uh Hey everybody and uh yeah this was this was awful [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Sophist
Views: 628,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sophisticated eevee, mario party king of skill, mario party vernias, mario party tcnick3, mario party alpharad, mario party choctopus, if you read this you will not get anything there's no reason to bother
Id: GIjJshIqabA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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