Can i win after WAITING 15 seconds? | Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

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I am no longer in the 5000s which means I cannot be waiting 10 seconds at the start of every single race I have to wait 15. have fun racing everyone are there any coins back here for me because I have to wait 15 seconds and I have nothing to do no coins that I can grab in the time limit the important thing is I have to keep moving or uh Nintendo's gonna disconnect me and sometimes they disconnect me anyway but that's 15 seconds so let's get going this is uh not really much of a comeback track except if I get the bullet if I get the bullet then I can do some extending so we're gonna see what item I get here okay got some coins coins are extremely important they're so underrated for uh making comebacks or or just in general like I think people often underestimate the power of being at 10 coins but you go way way way faster with 10 coins oops I forgot you don't get an item when you do that okay well I'm playing from the back with no item that is just dandy there's the bullet hmm I don't know how long I should save this though there is an extension on this track it's not amazing and uh it's at the finish line so oh okay well we'll just use it there uh so that's just the backup bullet Strat use it to save you [Music] okay uh these are some terrible items I was hoping for at least like a mushroom there's like a shortcut right here but I am in sixth place which is a great spot to be at the end of lap two see if I can snipe somebody with that I think I got somebody oh that's a piranha plan I thought it was fire for some reason but but no that's good that gets me ahead of people a little bit more safely than otherwise because it can break items for you oh I'm in first place with two mushrooms ah it's like a dodgeable okay I should not have mushroomed there you know why because I probably would have still been in the invincibility frames uh if I had not okay I'm in third place I'm gonna go for second place also go for an item first place is a mushroom goodbye goodbye it is over oh that red shell went for that person come on come on ah what what first place crashed into the wall no way that's how I win the very first race shortcad already has a win so let's try another cat never mind I tried to get the three coins at the back and lakitu actually picked me up and said no so I guess I'm just playing this with zero coins which means oh these are so difficult to get I'm gonna have to go out of my way to get some coins because otherwise this comeback will be impossible like coins do a lot items also do a lot the thing is items don't do much in comparison when you're on the Boost panel section so right here my mushrooms just just gonna use them instead of the Boost panels and then when I have the chance to grab the Boost panels I will go for it because otherwise like I you're already going so fast during that section that there's no point in using items and this is a Bullet Bill extension so if you use it right near the end of that glider you can actually get your bullet to last longer than usual it's not the greatest extension but it did get me way back into it more mushrooms I'm gonna go around I don't know how the Golden's gonna interact with the shortcut whoa everybody died okay I'm in seventh oh that banana almost hit me I'm so scared I'm going way around and I almost fell off I'm gonna use this mushroom oh I have a boo I kind of okay I'm gonna use the mushroom now and then just boo I do not want the shock to get me oh I can Red Shell you oh and I dodged the shock what okay I I don't have this win yet because there's people behind me that Dodge the truck as well all I have is a coin there's nothing I can are you kidding me please fail the shortcut someone uh I failed okay okay all right I mean they kind of handed me the win and I just completely goofed it up at the end come on Seventh Place I was in I was in first for so long I feel like every time we get Sydney Sprints I do really well I'm not like good on this track or anything I just feel like this is a long track so these challenges like give me time to figure it out it also gets picked a lot so it's not like other people don't like it and I'm just better like it's people like this track I honestly think this is the best city track I do kind of like it it's but I don't practice it because it is a city track and I I don't really like city tracks that was the sketchy shortcut of all time but we are right back in it I'm very close to everybody see if we can hit anyone with his bomb [Music] all right I don't think I got anybody all right mushrooms at this section pretty good I can take a shortcut right here uh very important for this shortcut to go up with the air and then use your mushroom otherwise you can very easily go somewhere you did not expect take a little shroom cut right here you can do that shroomless but it's very hard and I would not risk it in such a sensitive Challenge and what I mean by that is like I kind of have to do a lot of things perfect in order to not lose oh I'm in first what when did that happen let's get rid of that green shell don't hit the wall don't hit the wall yes [Music] oh no one's even close to me this is amazing [Music] I just always win on Sydney's friends this is just my track I'm not even Australian you got big blue on mirror mode let's see if I can make all these shortcuts happen but first we need to make sure we're at 10 coins all right uh seven is enough you don't need to go for this next coin section right there you can just take the inside path and get the coins later [Music] about to use those mushrooms okay so we have a star we'll take this shortcut I just need to take all the shortcuts that I showed in my shortcut video just to show that I yes I do know how to do them in regular races I don't just figure it out for the shortcut video oh can't use a bullet here because I'm gonna do this shortcut oh the banana and then this shortcut here also can't use the bullet for that and then we have a glider uh section coming up well a cannon so I'm not gonna use the bullet there it's like no time to use the bullet oh I messed up let's use the bullet so that's kind of a wasted bullet but I do have the shock oh no okay I'll wait for people to get out of their Dodge items I'll just use it right here Kane come on give me something good star and golden this is not what I needed yeah at least we have an item coming up here and we'll go off the ramp right here oh that was really bad foreign that was the worst shortcut of my life I blame mirror mode honestly and let's see how many people we can pass here oh get out of the way oh I beat the inkling because I was smarter you know what let's try to make this more consistent I'm gonna go with the faster vehicle I'll go with the ink Striker at this point I'm convinced people pick Sky High Sunday just because I'm in the room and they know I'm not gonna like it but on the bright side My Ink Striker is gonna help me out here because I have the fastest speed stat in the game on this vehicle not on this entire combo but the ink Striker has the fastest uh speed stat in the game on anti-gravity I'm at Fifth on Sky High Sunday that's actually really good it's impossible to make a comeback on this track usually you just have to avoid getting hits and you'll be doing better than everybody all right there goes all my protection as well what stay on the track please see what I'm talking about that's the problem with Sky High Sunday you know what the problem is I think I need more speed so we're gonna grab this item here let's grab one coin right there and uh chain the star right here so mushroom Gorge is nice because you can do the Gap jump and make up a lot of time because of it although I am getting to the level where people in the room kind of know how to gap jump so it's not going to be quite as easy but we're gonna give this a shot right here [Music] there we go oh what kidding me that's so dumb let's see if we can do this this is redemption for something dumb happening to me I missed the trick oh this vehicle's too fast for mini turbos [Music] that box interacting with this track oh I dodged this rock with a shock that is incredible that's oh I just messed up but yeah that is like having two shocks except one of them didn't take up an item slot all right let's do this thought that was so sketch again but I have a shock is this item smuggling okay we'll just chain it right here he's trying to hit me because I have the shock oh goodbye goodbye oh no I lost a red shell from crashing into them if nobody Gap jumps I have this in the bag Super bounce right here never mind I forgot about blue shell oh wait wait a minute wait a minute yes that was an incredible race I knew I could do it on mushroom Gorge this is one of the top tracks I did not want to get because this is an extremely fast track and Wario's handling is not good so ah these these turns so if I end up in the off-road I can't accelerate either and like I'm not amazing at this track Like I can totally do this in theory but this is going to be extremely hard and I kind of have to play Perfect here okay I messed that and I'm all the way over here okay I'm happy with this place given that this was not meant to be all right DK summit's gonna be a really tough one there is the double shortcut of course but it doesn't matter because everyone can take it shroomless and it's hard to get coins to try and make this comeback like if I get coins on this track often it's by taking a very sub-optimal line I'm just gonna use this I'm not even gonna try and worry about optimal item strategy anymore because 15 seconds that is such a long time like I I just need to I just need to get in front as fast as I can let's do that single mushroom uh this is not good okay let's do the double shortcut right here oh I messed that up all right we're gonna do what I always do which is fall off all right bullet right here again just using the bullet as soon as I get it and hoping for the best I guess I didn't have to because I was gonna get only one item right here but we got single mushroom oh this is not good but I am in seventh and there is a blue shell so there's still hope this race just get up here yes so scared the blue shot was gonna hit me and I'm gonna go around here for a double item box [Music] four mushrooms that's pretty good all right grab me some coins oh I'm I'm thankful I went to the right because someone started throwing fire oh sketch sketch nope this works this works [Music] save one mushroom I have a coin in my last lot come on I just need nobody to hit me I'm saving this mushroom spam spam Sam yes yes I can't believe I made the comeback that was such a horrible race so even though I'm starting in first place which is terrible news for me because it means I start with zero coins instead of uh some more coins like up to five I do get to grab those coins at the back to begin with so I'm already at seven coins right at the start no no it's okay there's an item set coming right up here but why someone why would you bag this hard on mushroom Gorge there's no point unless you're making a video like an item here yes all right perfect alignment for the shortcut no sketchy business here and I actually I should burn this because there's another item set coming up so soon oh nice nice nice nice and I can finish this off before the item perfect timing can I get mushrooms yes I'm gonna pull it right here Oh shot Dodge wow we double dodging this bullet train okay so the Bull's gonna drop me off all a little bit I use it slightly at the wrong time yeah so it dropped me off right that's perfect I'm in first place with the golden mushroom so yeah if you use the bullet right there I don't think it extends but the reason you want to use it there is because it drops you off right before you can take uh the Gap jump shortcut look at my lead this is insane oh can I get two Wings in a row that would be crazy foreign can do about my lead the only thing is shock Dodge and someone has to be with a shortcut no I just I just got a giant lead on mushroom Gorge that felt incredible every single thing went my way this game would be so much better if it was just always like that Singapore Speedway I don't know if there are any strats I can do on this course grab a coin right there oh I've only got one coin oh this sucks bullet immediately of course where are you go there's there's a soccer field there ever even knew about that all right come on drop me drop me that was so dumb uh I mean I pretty much use the bullet as soon as I could but I don't know maybe I didn't maybe now I know better but like how often are you gonna get a bullet on the first set that's honestly that's useless information can you even get a bullet that early like if you're not bagging that hard [Music] I thought I barely dodged it I have to get back in this this is horrible this is a horrible race I've messed up a few times and then I got bombed that is not the way to win with 15 seconds you do not have any leeway to be making mistakes like that thank goodness I got the item oh this is pretty good it's pretty good I'm gonna go down for another item set and the upper path is faster but if I have a golden mushroom then I really think it doesn't matter star there's some stuff around so figured I might as well activate this and stay safe oh this is really nice [Music] so I can be Invincible while passing everybody here this is really good I almost got back spammed third place ah I'm really happy with that after all the mistakes I made what can we do on choco Mountain there's a pretty set path on this one so uh there's like okay check this out check this out guys shortcuts yeah that that saves almost no time there's just like not much to do on this track oh bullet uh use this quick so there's a bullet extension if I use it right about now but this golden is not ending and okay there we go there we go I'm actually back in this already this is insane so that is the one thing you can do on choco Mountain lap one lap two watch how long this bullet goes isn't that crazy that's absolutely insane I'm in sixth place I was so far behind I'm already in sixth place at the beginning of lap two and I can finish burning this golden before the next item set which is really great that person used their Bullet at the wrong spot slowed down but it's okay I'm right back up to speed from the glider single mushroom that's not really gonna help like hitting people yeah I I mean I can only gain a few positions with that I'm trying to win here oh no I hit the person with the piranha plant I should have activated this oh yes that was crazy it's right here all right I'm Gonna Save this this is such a good item to have in the spot it's gonna be hard for people to hit me and I can hit other people watch this watch this oh the Birdo slowed down okay very smart very smart but I'm gonna back these [Applause] what what no I was having such a good race and I got destroyed by the bat I cannot believe that just happened okay the blue shell yes all right well I'm not gonna pass for his place but can I still get second get second yes choco mountain is a bagging track hey buddy a lot of people bagging on this track I'm gonna come back for all these coins and then go forward again and this is wasting a lot of time 15 16 17 18. I waited 18 seconds but it probably won't matter because this is such a great bagging track and we have a double item set coming up right here all right decent items [Music] oh shock that's beautiful all right I'm still so far behind though I'll probably have to use this I can't be too strategic with it way too far behind to try and pull off something Fancy with this so we're just gonna use it nice give me all your mushrooms this is amazing this is amazing [Music] for better alignment [Music] get me around here I'm in second place first place is so far up there all right hmm I'll just save this [Music] I'll save it for when someone's gonna hit me or I can steal first place's item because I'm guaranteed to hit first place with us and then throw a red shell oh I couldn't get a double item I did that way too late wait it's lagging it's not giving me my item okay at least a Dodge a red shot with that and and oh I didn't get the Boost no this I I should have definitely won this race here are you something crazy bull too crazy all right we still got second place oh I made such a big mistake by not getting my Boost there I'm gonna have to hope that everyone here sucks at Rainbow Road because you can't really make a comeback on this track on the bright side though there is the Canon section and there's something really quirky about this canning all right so there's a few cannons like this where because I there's an item set right here you actually get insanely good items because the item system in this game works uh by distance based like how far are you from first place and that determines how good your items are going to be and the further you are away the better for your items so a Canon launches you extremely quickly right so right at that section you get an item box when everyone is really far away so often at that section even if you're only in second place you can still get an insanely good item just because of the Canon so since I'm pretty much not going to be in first place the whole race then that gives me really good chances of good items at that section so here we're in ninth you can perhaps get a better than Ninth Place okay yeah that's pretty good I typically do not expect to get these items in nine maybe in like 11th or 12. oh this is really scary ah just use the bullet it's a curvy section right here it's a really good time to use the bullet all right that dropped me off real quick okay at least I got one mushroom use out of that but that was really unfortunate because I'm in a spot where I may not get Triple mushrooms again and I'm gonna use that star because someone had triple greens next to me you gotta play really defensive in this game you can't just hope no one hits you because of lag and they could just hit you anyway what not much I can do with this I really needed a bullet [Music] come on come on come on no one hit me too bad and we can still do this and maybe even Red Shell somebody no I held right Neil Bowser City doesn't really have shortcuts well that means it's that one right there so I'm gonna focus on coins and the thing on this track is even though there are no shortcuts you can still make a comeback because this entire section at the end here yes I got a golden mushroom smart steering smart steering so I can actually use a golden mushroom to get through the Section relatively quickly with smart steering and then this bullet can do the final section really well as well however we're just gonna have to use it because unfortunately um I just use the golden mushroom during that section so uh let's oh it's going for a really long time okay that's nice that's nice um I'm gonna keep using the gold in here what we got a bullet yes right here past as many people as I can so you want to pass people so it doesn't drop you off too early because if the bullet passes too many people it will just stop no how are you that good how can one person be that good at Mario Karts but okay you see what I mean I passed a lot of people with that bullet because uh it can take a section that's really curvy and slippery better than anyone else okay so we're really in it I'm really close to the to the rest of the pack I'm gonna have to hold that out for defense oh no I cracked on the Tanooki Mario's invincibility frames come on good item uh I'm just gonna use this have this out as defense I'm I'm in second place this is really good I'm not going to Red show first place because I can probably just get in first anyway right this is a good item to have I'm just gonna hold it are you kidding me oh thank you thank you I got defense [Music] oh no I had that I so had wait what I still got first you guys suck
Channel: Shortcat
Views: 217,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3uNY7h24VhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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