How hard are the staff ghosts in Mario Kart Wii?

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in Mario Kart Wii every track has an expert staff Ghost in This challenge I tried to beat these ghosts with the same vehicle and character that they used but I only got one attempt at each track here's how it went alright here we go so I actually don't know what the time to beat is but the expert staff ghost uses Luigi with the mock bike so we're gonna see if we can beat that in one try also using Luigi mountain bike and if we can't tough luck move on to the next one if we can great um I'm gonna go for a bit of a nerfed version of the shortcut here just because I don't think they're gonna be going for anything crazy you know what though I'm using mock bike I mean I'll go for the the full version now [Music] oh that was pretty clean okay let's try a little something new here all right we got 115.7 fast staff goes to the period so let's see do we beat the fast staff goes we beat it all right so we beat it by four seconds so for MooMoo Meadows we have to use Baby Daisy and the bullet bike which I'm pretty sure the world record here uses the spear so the bullet bike is going to be like the polar opposite of that just because I think the bullet bike has the best drift in the game so putting it on a spear track is going to be interesting combination for sure [Music] oh ah might mess things up it's getting greedy there see if I can get the low trick I cannot okay this might be bad see what happens [Music] my only prediction is that I'm probably not gonna be rainbow road because I remember for years I couldn't beat it I was I mean I was stunned you know and I'm only getting one try at each track so I'm not gonna go for the you know the card shortcut on Rainbow Road okay we got a 125 332 this is probably gonna be pretty close I'm a little bit nervous but let's see what we got here [Music] oh nice all right so it looks like we beat this guy by 0.57 I mean super close there not even a second all right well hey I will take it the next track mushroom Gorge we are using Toadette and the mini Beast so I don't feel comfortable with this vehicle enough to get Gap jump on my first try so I'm probably just gonna do the little grass cut that the staff ghost does and I'm driving very very basic right now I just I haven't used this vehicle on this track in time trials in forever I mean really I don't know if I ever have this an orange Mt a little snaking action going here 39 seconds that's actually pretty good that's uh on track for 17 minutes so happy about that yeah it's not I'm scared I'm playing real safe here I don't want to mess anything up maybe if if I just beat him time after time after time maybe I'll start going for some riskier stuff [Music] oh that's probably good that's probably ideal get that orange Mt there I'm curious to see what time I'm gonna get because it's definitely it's gonna be a 150 something but I didn't see what my last lap time was I'm not going for Gap jump and I'm not using oh shoot I missed it I'm not using a vehicle I'm really used to so this is definitely throwing me off as far as times go but uh yeah we're good 156.9 so I did see I'm pretty sure the expert staff ghost on this track has 201 but let's see and 201 we're good next track gonna be toads Factory using toad of course with the Blue Falcon so I'm actually kind of nervous about this one because I mean I pretty much never time trial on Toad's Factory I don't know what any of the strats are and I never use the Blue Falcon game so I am curious to see I guess I'll use this here um oh it feels like this thing has a really bad Drift actually for some reason I thought it's drift oh man I thought this drift was a lot better than this oh okay oh that worked out okay oh my gosh I'm on track to lose right now okay I did see the expert staff ghost as a 205 so get you know this thing's mini turbo is not good I thought it was a lot better than this and it's just pretty bad let's see if I can improve from last lap because last lap was kind of rough I can't be getting 43s every lap or else I won't beat the staff ghost s oh that's bad oh no not 43.9 yeah I think I might have lost this one unless I get like a 30 something which I don't know what lap times are for this track but I probably can't get one uh [Music] you know what I gotta just go for it oh yeah it's over I didn't even I didn't even unlock the expert staff ghost so just for anybody curious the expert staff goes time is a 205.593 yeah so I would have had to honestly that's pretty that's pretty impressive for Nintendo staff ghost okay so this is take two on Mario circuit I accidentally chose the wrong vehicle and funny thing I burned out the first time too so that's nice anyway we're using Mario and the Sprinter that is what the expert staff ghost uses Sprinter is such a cool looking vehicle looks like an F1 car so it's a shame that it's really not that good for anything the mini turbo is not that good The Drift is it's whatever I guess 34.0 [Music] that's uh that's not good enough [Music] we want to get go for a 129. I don't think we're gonna get that with the Sprinter but man can dream right okay 30.9 oh man I know I should be snaking there but the mini turbo on this thing's so low I don't know if it's even worth it [Music] 135.8 okay and there's my zip tip time from before and I accidentally picked the zip zip and I don't think that beats the expert staff ghost sad thing had I not burnt out probably would have beaten it that's only two seconds difference the burnout plus using a mushroom just because I freaked out that probably costed me a good three four seconds because I missed out on the shortcut so for coconut Maul we have Princess Daisy on the Wild Wing oh that's too early oh dude I'm messing these up okay honestly though I mean at least that that puts a little extra challenge in right so out of all the vehicles out of all the carts I would say the wild wing probably the best one for most situations there's there's a couple tracks where I think the uh the flame flyer takes it and maybe even some of the mini Beast takes it but I think as for cards it's hard to beat the wildlings super good mini turbos super good trips um you know it's basically the mock bike but the cart 47 second left that's that's pretty abysmal but we had a rough start we were uh burning out [Music] so let's see oh okay that's all right that's all right we're still alive oh oh my gosh yeah I don't know I keep making stupid mistakes uh all right let's let's get into the Zone here I'm done losing these Nintendo ghosts I'm ready to to win oh my gosh okay Wolverine we'll win next race it's fine next race is DK Summit I don't even think they go for the single on DK Summit so that should be pretty free to win um I sure hope it is because if not I mean if I don't win DK Summit am I going to win anywhere so I think this is as good as gone my actual flame Runner time on Coconut Mall I think already finished like several seconds ago I think I have like a 203 so okay that just adds I was going to say insult to injury I guess it adds injury to injury because you're hitting me with a car again 226.9 so oh my gosh that is terrible look at lap two 51 that's like 10 seconds off 10 seconds off of like a decent regular record oh my and the thing is I wasn't even given that bad of a vehicle I was given a wild wing wait oh my gosh I didn't even unlock the expert staff ghost I barely even beat the regular one well for anybody who's curious the regular staff ghost gets a two 13.3 with the wild wing and Daisy I'm sick of losing on these flower cup tracks I'm gonna win this one so it's Donkey Kong I've really gotta learn that timing I should have it down right now anyway it is Donkey Kong on the flame runner for DK Summit [Music] um I'm debating on whether or not I should go for the double I don't think I'm going to you know what we'll see how things go I might go for the double I might not we're gonna have to see how this all plays out I'm definitely going for the single that's one thing for sure that might be the worst single that anybody's ever taken without falling off but it's okay because it is still a shortcut and it still saves time and I don't want to hit a shy guy I almost always do when I play this track um that doesn't seem good okay 50.3 the expert staff ghost okay I'm on track to lose by a lot so let's let's improve [Music] honestly not even gonna take the single here because that way I get the uh Ultra Mini turbo which flame flyer lasts a pretty long time good mini turbo stats oh I don't want to hit these guys there's a lot of time it's like hitting a banana pretty much okay 44.1 that saves a bunch of time for my first lap obviously because I had the burnout on that one so I'm curious just to see I'm not going to do the math in my head I want to see what this is going to be I want to be surprised here see if we can pull off something cool or if I'm losing to my fourth staff ghost in a row oh what the heck that was interesting I got like Fast falling kind of physics there okay perfect no dude that's exactly what I didn't want to happen I was so close had I not hit that uh that what's the name shy guy I would have been fine and I'm just gonna spoil it right now I'm looking at the the website here I did not beat the expert staff ghost where is Goldmine things are gonna change but TK Summit as you can see he beats me with the wee Wheel by four seconds that's embarrassing we've got Wario on Wario's gold mine with the flame flyer I've got a feeling we're gonna see the flame flyer a lot I feel like Nintendo you know the staff knew that was one of the better carts in the game and I mean hey they were right even nowaday I'm pretty sure it's the flame player that's got the world record on Rainbow Road and for cart world records for cart players I'm pretty sure this has more World Records than most the other cards maybe the wild one out does it gotta take this way really let's get through there I just realized I still got all three mushrooms I haven't used any of them yet okay missed that might as well use one here [Music] 43.3 okay I've got to be going for more mini turbos here I'm not snaking at all and I think that's actually losing me time oh dude instant regret that just that just cost me the race I bet but hey still gonna see what I can get see if I even beat the regular staff because probably not oh my God was close might as well have just fallen off thinking about going for glitch lap three but I the saddest part is I'll go for glitch right now I don't know how to do it without a shroom so I'm not gonna make it yeah even if I did make the glitch I wouldn't win which is a whole new level of sad but it is what it is gotta finish I'm gonna make myself finish but I'm not gonna make you all watch it so I ended with a time of 2 41. I did not unlock the expert staff ghost I don't even think I beat the regular staff ghost this might be the worst time I have ever gotten on a track I lost to okay the regular staff ghost using the wee wheel and the Wario bike beat me by over 20 seconds I'm looking forward to this one we have Daisy on the mock bike as you can all see we are on Daisy circuit which is uh do you know pretty simple track and I've got a little bit of practice here obviously this one should be easier than some of the cart ones that I absolutely bombed on Oreo's gold mine was an absolute embarrassment I tried to do the glitch and I couldn't even do the glitch the ultra shortcut that skips the whole app so I didn't actually see what the time was that they got but I've got a feeling I'm gonna do just fine here [Music] all right [Music] all right 137.201 oh yeah we absolutely floored it beating the Nintendo staff ghost by almost four seconds which hey I'm pretty happy with that so next up we have Koopa Troopa on the jet bubble for Koopa Cape another inside drift bike not a good one but I I think I should be okay so let's see what happens it's definitely going to be better for me than carts I'm just generally pretty spooked by carts I use them sometimes just for fun but I mean I've been using flame Runner and Mach bike most of my time playing this game anyhow jet bubble should be good oh wait I should have done the waterfall cut at the end it's okay it's okay the grass question fine okay so I'm actually going to do this shortcut I think I did the other one last laugh so that sets me up for one of those and all right I don't want to hit that thing [Music] oh my gosh almost fell off there fun fact for anyone who doesn't know but the world record does not trick on that ramp there I always thought it did I recently watched it and it does not and I personally I can see why it might be better for the flame Runner but jetbubble kind of need all the speed I can get so I'm gonna be tricking on lots of stuff anything I can and don't fail to trick on I will trick them let's go for this I haven't oh my gosh okay should still be okay right and did we beat the Koopa Cape expert staff ghost we did all right not by a lot just a couple seconds technically not even a couple seconds like 1.9 but we beat it nonetheless so next up we have the sneakster with Diddy Kong for Maple Tree Way okay that's pretty bad um this is also one of my worst tracks in the entire game so I'm gonna be curious to see how this plays out because I do get to use an inside drift bike and I think I think that's good don't get me wrong but when it's the sneakster and it's Maple Tree Way [Music] I get a little worried oh my gosh dude it ate my drift yeah I was gonna say if I can get the respawn boost I might be all right but uh I didn't get the respawn boost and I do not think I'll be all right what can I say one of my worst tracks in the game so wasn't expecting anything too amazing [Music] well I don't know what the staff ghost time is I've got a feeling it's uh probably gonna be beating me by several seconds just because not only did I burn out in the beginning but I then fell off the track and uh that's that's rough you know burning out and then also falling off that was interesting probably not optimal but it's kind of cool and we're finishing up with a 242.1 yeah had I not burnt out and also fallen off this probably wouldn't be that bad but that's okay this next one is Grumble Volcano with Dry Bowser and the spear I don't know how the spear is going to be on this track I'm a little worried about that but it is Grumble Volcano and it is an inside drift bike and I like that I'm also not going to do the glitch or The Rock off I feel like those would give me two big an advantage um and it wouldn't really be fair I want it to be a challenge you know and spear on Grumble Volcano it's a challenge so let's not skip a bunch of the track um maybe this uh okay you know what that's uh accentuate these things [Music] I'm going to take the upward path I I just had to slow down so much to take the no I gotta slow down to take this track at all man yeah this is a rough vehicle here I think I'm just gonna sort of this oh all right 207.4 what does the expert staff ghost gets and the expert staff goes to gets to 11. all right yeah we did good here We Beat It by 4.4 roughly the next track dry dry ruins we have Yoshi on the sneakster we are using the sneakster once again and I remember when I was younger struggling so much to beat this staff ghost I specifically remember the shroom spot was in the inside the little Temple area where they usually people usually do the wall glitch instead I'll just do it they just shroom here cut off all the dirt and they don't gotta worry about it and I used to fail wall glitch all the time still do so that's that was my substitute see if I can get the uh shroomless sand cut here oh pretty close all right got a 307 Pace not bad we have 7.8 which I don't know that miter might not be beating the staff ghost let's see [Music] I'm gonna go for this again and voila I mean still not terrible probably still saving time for not doing it at all that lap was bad though oh you know what I'm gonna go for this shortcut Instead This Time that that trick was pretty high we'll see if that saves much time all right let's just go for the wall glitch oh no okay well um on the bright side sneakster's Excel not that bad and I think we had a good enough lead at first to be able to take it home [Music] uh oh dude we hit the early off-road oh my gosh and we unfortunately just barely missed it I definitely got some mixed feelings about this one because I do get to use the mock bike but it's on what I consider to be the hardest track in the game definitely my worst track in the game no no question about it so I don't know the car patterns I don't know the anything I know that that was a safe turn to make and from here on out I'm on my own I don't know any of the timings any of the that junk so we're gonna see how well I do I do know where most of the many they're most the Boost pads are so I should be okay plus we got Peach bonus drift stat um on the Mach bike one of the best drifting vehicles in the game so should be pretty easy to maneuver so long as we don't hit anything because it's acceleration it's not that good oh that's not fair that truck did not touch me come on man okay well thankfully I don't think the mushrooms are that important on this track it is obviously covered in boost panels so if I you know if I keep hitting these I shouldn't have to worry too much about cars what about the mushrooms [Music] okay 42.6 I didn't even see what lap one was like [Music] [Applause] hoping for okay well my my hopes and dreams were just crushed by that car so pretty sure that loses it for us which doesn't surprise me oh man less than a second are you kidding me okay as you can see we have Bowser on the flame Runner finally we get to use the flame runner at the very end which is sad but hey better late than never I'll be pretty disappointed if I lose this one because I mean it's the flame Runner come on I use this vehicle all the time so I'm trying to think I'm not gonna do the shortcut just because I don't think I'm consistent enough at it yet and that's just too big an advantage how should I use this mushroom [Music] I can see seemed like he spawned so high up that it was weird [Music] I'll just use a mushroom here we'll just use them both here why not I'm not sure I'm gonna sort of straight away and didn't have to go worrying about the zipper ramps please foreign 458 not half bad but we beat it just about five and a half seconds I didn't expect to lose many times this challenge honestly I'm a little disappointed because I have and that's the wrong vehicle but one thing I will say is I absolutely expect to lose this one because I have to use the jet setter this is one of my lesser used vehicles in the game it's like the spear if the spear was a cart its drift is abysmal it's mini turbo is terrible um and gonna be honest I don't know why they thought to use this I guess it only made sense to use this one because it looks sort of futuristic maybe like a spaceship I don't know but I'm also not going to be doing the moon jump for two reasons one I feel like that gives me an unfair advantage over the Nintendo staff ghost and two because I'm gonna need these mushrooms to recover when I inevitably do something crazy make a mistake [Music] but if you don't have two paths which I still don't know which is technically faster I always take less but technically the right one's a bit lower so maybe it's better all right so I don't think we're really on Pace to beat it I don't think we're even on Pace to get that close honestly whoever it is that uh set this ghost whatever Nintendo worker you're absolutely cracks man good job your record is one that I will not beat you know what though I will go for this just because yeah okay I figured I might as well because I was already behind by like eight seconds or something I mean that time no moon jump getting a 244. that's impressive that's impressive even if you're a player of the game today not doing moon jump using a cart and getting 244. that's that's I mean I probably couldn't do that not using the jet Setter that's for sure 258 we did get the sub two minute we did unlock the expert staff ghost but as you'll see in just a minute we did not beat it so as you can see 258 244 wasn't even close even without the death I probably still would have lost thank you all so much for watching it's my first time doing a video like this and honestly it was really fun um let me know if you guys liked it and I'll come back and do the Retro tracks all right take care [Music]
Channel: beanzard64
Views: 209,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mkw, wiimmfi, ctgp, custom track, nintendo, custom track grand prix, twd98, emil mkw, hbc, flame runner, mario kart grumble volcano, grumble volcano, wii dry dry ruins, dry dry ruins, wii mushroom gorge, mushroom gorge, dk summit, wario's gold mine, koopa cape, moonview highway, moonview highway mario kart wii, mariokart ds online 2022, mariokart wii offline, mkwii tas glitch, how to lowtrick in mkwii tas, mkwii tas, ctgp records, ctgp alternative records, ctgp kart records
Id: -cdfExNJwLE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 3sec (1803 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 17 2022
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