Marine Reacts to WH40K Legion of The Damned Part 2 (By Arch)

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marine reacts to the legion of the damned part two by arch as always i'm gonna be leaving a link to the original video channel down in the description below so go and make sure they check them out so just real quick uh i know in the first kind of part uh there's a little bit of a tangent and i ended up confusing them a little bit with the firehawk but just from what i do remember my biggest thing was finding out what their actual origin is now as far as from what what i've been seeing in the comments is that no one really knows for sure but the highly uh theory that has the most evidence behind it it's supposed to be that they're supposed to be created by the emperor and that they're his demons in a sense and yeah i mean hoping he mentions that i don't think that one has been mentioned so far in this video um i don't think it was mentioned in the first half but curious to know more about them um also along the lines of who is probably like the worst like what was the um has been their best biggest enemy so to speak right i mean have they fought in everybody to tyrants i mean obviously i would assume orcs eldar um or jukhari i mean but i feel like i don't know i should be curious to kind of see like if the legion of the damned was ever at any point overwhelmed with the force that they would try to go up against um you know just kind of throwing that out there um so without talking too much more let's go ahead and get to the actual video but before we do don't forget to like subscribe really does help me a lot hit that notification bell right there you get notified every time i do upload sometimes i'll play it twice a day not working on them whenever i can and then releasing them at some point the next day so that way there's always at least one video coming out that you can enjoy after work at your leisure i'm still kind of working on this little section of the intro but we'll see how it goes in any case let's go ahead and see what the legion of the damn part two has in store for us and as we all know the four chaos gods have their own little servants in fact they've created their own little pantheons consisting of course of demons most of which are essentially mindless beings they are simply parts of a greater whole you could say that a bloodletter for example is merely a sliver of corn rather than an individual being in fact they are warp predators they are technically speaking individual entities but they have no mind off their own so to say they're not capable of complex thinking they are beings of emotion and instinct at best and then you have stuff like the greater demons which are capable of well at least to a certain degree individual thinking planning etc although they are still mostly driven by instinct it's just that they can plan out things far more effectively so if their primary instinct is for example to murder a buttload of people it will be able to plan out set up and execute a scenario in which it murders a buttload of people as for the complexity of said plans well they depend at least in part upon the deity in question corn for example is rarely going to be beating all that much around the bush while on the other hand zinch well he enjoys a good old-fashioned conspiracy theory and will weave webs of intrigue so deep and confusing even the guy who started it barely knows what's going on and then of course there's their favored servants the demon princess now again these are probably the most independent of all of these god servants they still remain corpus mentis although they have been heavily all right so just a quick thing about that part about the demon prince as well what's the hierarchy as far as demons go i mean i would assume like how he's kind of explaining to here you got the ones that are just completely i guess not smart and just go based off the instances you got the ones who can he mentioned can kind of plan now and but still kind of instinct right maybe like a in today's world the predatory animal um that's actually a bad comparison but in any case and then you got the i mean next you mentioned the demon prince i mean unless there's only like a few levels but if there's any trap a hierarchy you know obviously with the their respective chaos god being at the very top uh be very curious to know about that influenced by their chosen deity which means that again their goal is probably going to align with said deity but the means they utilize to get to said goal might vary quite considerably now that doesn't necessarily mean that a worshiper of corn might suddenly put into plan zinction level schemes or anything but they will almost certainly be capable of a bit more subtlety than a greater demon and i bring this up because now let's have a look at the legion of the damned with all of that in mind is it not possible that the belief in the god emperor has a well god might have created an entity in the warp that is the god emperor now it does not necessarily have to be the emperor at all in fact it could be an entity entirely actually the person who i saw wrote uh the three theories of how the legion of the damn were created actually mentioned this being the third one and being the one that has the most evidence um so it might have some validity to it and also is that the emperor being a god i think it was supposed to be considered like being the fifth god that kind of how we mentioned here so yeah i thought i felt like that would be the most concrete origin story fairly separate from the actual emperor however considering what we know about the warp it certainly wouldn't be a stretch to suggest that such an entity exists though it also has to be mentioned that this is a somewhat unique circumstance technically speaking the emperor isn't dead but he also isn't far from it and at this point he mostly exists as a psychic being operating the astronomicon and hell we're not even entirely sure if he is aware of what he is actually doing we don't know if anybody's had any successful contact with him the latest point of contact we know of for the relative certain would be during the beast arises where the eldar tried to talk to him by charging his goddamn throne room and killing his praetorians eldar [ __ ] diplomacy ugh anyways they could not establish any kind of psychic connection to him or indeed get anything out of him despite being very very close to his throne room they could also not speak to him psychically from a distance although they were at the point relatively speaking quite close and we're talking relatively in terms of psychic powers here which means within the same goddamn solar system we have of course also the ginormous [ __ ] that was gillaman wandering into the throne room and then coming out a few hours later telling nobody what happened my personal theory is that gilman wandered in there saw his father and just broke down that is my take on it i don't think the emperor spoke to him at all i think he knew that his father was basically dead after what do you all think about that do you think maybe he did speak with him do you think maybe kind of like he said right here like he saw him and just wants to kind of be like hey put him out of his misery so he's not in this form but obviously you know it's not going to really go down if if the emperor does that i think there's a video by major kill as well this uh mentions what happens if the emperor would or die so should probably check it that out pretty soon but let me let me know down down in the comments below what do you think actually happened maybe he did talk to him maybe maybe he warned him about something maybe he told him secrets maybe he told him what happened to the lost legions i would very much like to know although i do realize now that a lot of people have been saying as well as far as those two lost legions it's more of a well see there's two things behind it and just so just a quick tangent so one of them was the marketing strategy and it was supposed to be just so people can um kind of create their own i believe it was for the tabletop from what i remember being told um and two people have mentioned at certain points i don't remember the exact details but it had to do with sanguinis or something and something with horus and there was something along the lines of that they that they're supposed to be like when they all meet up apparently there's like all these seats for them but there's two i don't know if they call it a a pillar or two that were just empty and that apparently there's probably most likely something really horrible that happened in that i think it was saying saint guinness is the one that people said that he didn't want his chapter legion or keeping my time frames mixed up that he didn't want them to happen like what happened to the other two that were lost because it's definitely seeming like obviously they were taken out by space marines i felt like that was a whole tangent um but just putting that there this point but he couldn't actually kill him either he couldn't put him out of his suffering because he was necessary which is why gilman has been reintroducing the idea of science and progress into the imperium i might do an entire video on this at some point but i don't think they communicated at all at least that is my theory now with that in mind could a being like the emperor which at this point exists more like a psychic being than as a corporeal creature possibly be connected to the warp entity known as the emperor or hell could he actually have been absorbing this belief and becoming the god emperor considering how much the emperor knows about the warp i would say that is far from unlikely although again absolutely no presidents exist of that and hell i don't even think you could necessarily make a logical argument based of how the warp works but again tis the warp it does whatever the warp does but to return to the point i still do believe that the idea of the emperor being a god although not necessarily the emperor confusing i know but the warp entity told the god emperor would almost certainly have access to a fair bit of godly powers now he's not going to be anywhere near as powerful as korn nergal zintroslanesh because these beings have existed for far longer and the basis for their power is also far more primal far more common because even if worship of the god emperor naturally considering it is a state-enforced religion is rather common within the imperium it is not as common as getting really really angry or getting a boner but he is still actively worshipped by billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon billions upon [ __ ] billions so he is definitely going to have some powers now let's return to the idea of motivation for the chaos gods because you can discuss a lot whether or not the chaos gods are actually sentient beings and to be honest they're almost certainly not in our understanding of the word corn is as far removed from our sensibilities in our understanding of sentience as we are to ants but what we do know is that these entities are at the very least interested in increasing their own powers now whether or not they do this because they know it's going to increase their power or because it is a instinct or hell even just an aspect of their very being we don't know but corn feeding off violence and anger etc wishes to spread violence and anger sanesh feels of debauchery and therefore wishes to produce larger quantities of dragon dildos nurgle would like more people to get the flu and zinc wishes to spread communism therefore it would be natural to assume that the being we refer to as the god emperor would also wish to spread his own influence and power so first we have to identify what actually spreads slash increases his power well being the god emperor obviously spreading the worship and maintaining the worship of the god emperor is going to spread it secondly the god emperor could perhaps be referred to as a being of order now back way way back in the day there was actually okay so the way it's been described at this point i mean i understand that the emperor didn't want people to believe in gods because uh he wanted them to get weaker and then hopefully later on be able to take them out right now in this case though if they're worshiping since i mean obviously the worship in him as a god or at least like a big majority chunk um i mean it's technically a good thing because now it's making uh the emperor a lot stronger and obviously it's not gonna be as strong as the uh uh four chaos guys just because as he mentioned they've been around for a much longer time and they're very more uh i believe he's the word he said was primal like you know anger or uh though there was change other being um rod decay and then obviously uh sexual desires from slantish but yeah i mean in this case scenario it seems like actually worshiping the emperor might actually be a good thing but with every good thing there's also always a negative actually a chaos god of order not the god emperor but an actual chaos god of order he was essentially the chaos god of fascism everything was to be ordered and proper and anything and everything that would go against the order of things would therefore have to be stamped out in the most ruthless manner possible not the nicest of things and honestly i do believe that the emperor himself would probably deviate from that description due to the simple fact that once we read about the god emperor it seems like he was genuinely interested in maintaining the human race that seems to be his core goal and ideology therefore i would probably say that you can't really classify him as a god of order since that would be naturally very oppressive and the emperor never really had a big track record of doing that during the great crusade or well you know he did have to do it occasionally because occupied planets and all but most of the time people enjoyed a far greater level of freedom during the great crusade than they do in modern 40k for example and of course it is entirely possible that the goddamn pro the being we know as the god emperor is so different from the actual emperor that he has turned into this deity but i would consider that to be a little bit of a stretch and i think the only real thing we know is that he wishes to maintain the imperium because obviously that's where all of the worship is coming from so he wishes to keep that alive and he wishes to increase said worship so how do we go about spreading the idea of the god emperor as an actual deity well miracle sounds like a pretty good start like for example certain angelic apparitions that might be something or perhaps an army of vengeful spirits demons you might even say intervening in moments where everything seems lost you know where it's going to have by far the biggest level of psychological impact and additionally here's an interesting little thing before it's any further now what's the quantity of them being able to come to come in uh force of like is there only maybe like 500 that can come in at one time is there or like if they if one of them dies i believe they it was said that they turned into like ash or something so like the body disappears now do more end up coming in its place um kind of just kind of how the whole process goes down and how how many are out to the air we of course know what demons are and most people within the imperium has at least a basic understanding in that they don't know how the warp works but they know the warp is bad and chaos is bad therefore demons must be bad and here's why that's irrelevant when the legion of the damned appears and saves somebody's butts within days the people who have been saved remember almost nothing about the incident now i would pause it that that is because if you look upon this critically and non-religiously which you know there is a danger that they might do this starts looking an awful lot like a demonic incursion doesn't it a bunch of dudes covered in literal hellfire pop out of the ether in bursts of sulphur and start murdering everything within reach while disobeying pretty much every single law of the physical universe and then when all the bad people are gone they simply just poof disappear in another burst of sulfur just a tad bit suspicious and of course since the god emperor doesn't have demons wink wink it's best if his loyal subjects don't remember too much about his demons which of course means that the legion of the damned are those very same demons they appear as adept as astartes because they are the emperor's avenging angels everyone knows about the adept as astartes they are a common figure in imperial mythos in their history very few have ever seen them but everyone has heard the stories they appear in the imperium's darkest hours they cannot be killed they slay without pause they are superhuman saviors but at the same time they are also figures of dread if you don't behave the emperor's angels will come for you and now when you come to think about it that sounds exactly like the legion of the dam doesn't it they slay without pause they're certainly scary to look upon and they always arrive in the nick of time i was gonna say i wonder what kind of tactics they would use but i mean obviously if you can't like harry just mentioned that they can't really die and they have essentially unlimited ammo with no reloading you don't really need tactics um but as far as the people not really remembering seeing them now is this an effect from the actual legion itself or is it an effect from the emperor that is using his psycho abilities in order to do this i mean i feel like it probably may be a mixture of both uh i don't know most as if they are bound by certain rules or instincts you might say but arch if this is the case why aren't the legion of the damned popping up all over the place you might ask because if them saving the imperium is what's going to grow their power obviously they would do it wherever and whenever they can i'm going to take a quick guess before he says it um i'm going to say it's probably dealing because i mean that you know when he said the wink wink and these being the uh demons created by the emperor um i'm assuming that it takes a certain amount of his abilities in order to make them happen so he does it at the very last minute and it probably is using his powers while they are i guess quote-unquote activated and that may that may be it i it probably just takes a whole lot of power so he's only going to use it in the dire circumstances well it's the exact same reason why demons aren't popping up all over the place there has to be the correct series of circumstances available for them to manifest themselves even in the relatively brief period the legion of the damned operates the veil between the worlds has to be relatively thin not to the point for a full-on chaos incursion because again here's the thing when demons of chaos pop into the world their primary goal is to spread well chaos because it's a hell of a lot easier for them to achieve their goals if they do so and they don't have to worry about the pr of being demons their supporters are well aware of the fact that they are demons so they wish to stay for a long term establishing portals and even pulling entire planets into the warp to add to their god's domain the legion of the damned however really only wants to hang around for just long enough to wipe out the enemy which means their threshold for appearing is considerably lower they don't need a fully fledged warp rift they only need a weakness through which to pass if this was the case then we would expect to see an increase in legion of the damned activity if the veil between the worlds grew thinner and as so happens we recently had an example of just that with the fall of cadia and the full opening of the eye of terror and the splitting of the galaxy in two chaotic influence grew to a level never before seen and just like chaos influence grew so too did the appearances of the legion of the damned usually the legion appears very very very rarely and yet after the fall of cadia hundreds if not thousands of sightings were reported and bear in mind anyone who's seen them will forget about the incident within hours and days at tops which in all you likelihood means that there are thousands upon thousands of sightings that was simply never recorded as for why the lazy little buggers didn't appear on cadia well mostly bad writing honestly no so even if people do forget about them um the fact that that type of knowledge still gets around uh i mean he did mention that there's probably several thousands of cases where that don't get reported just because obviously if you the people forget about it they obviously can't tell it but i feel like those who have probably mentioned it to somebody else so then they end up mentioning it to somebody else as well and technically since that person didn't see them and only really has the name and probably maybe a description depending on whatever the person tells them i'm assuming that's how kind of the i guess stories of these guys got spread around oh that is the excuse i'm going to go with here i am so [ __ ] disappointed that the fall of cadia one of the most infamous and heavily defended fortress worlds in the imperium was described over the course of something like 20 pages god damn it that was worthy of an entire campaign book in and of itself there should be volumes of lore based upon all of the heroic instances of resistance the cataclysmic tank battles the apocalyptic air duels above the planet the countless fortress cities fighting street by streets ah it should have been so much and it was so little sadly enough but to return to the point this event also carrier still has a fresh right here though this solidifies the theory that they are in fact demons rather than actual fallen or corrupted space marines of some sort because they are everywhere at once now even if we assume that they were a fallen chapter and the fire hawks in particular we would also have to assume that they have to use the good old fashioned spacecraft of the time and usual void travel considering they apparently still possess spaceships however they seem to be traveling way way too god damn quickly the legion of the damned has been recorded to be on quite exactly the opposite sides of the galaxy within hours which is just not possible even the eldar with their web way network can't travel anywhere near that quickly not to mention of course the fact that they appear on planet not in orbit and then drop down via drop pods they literally appear planet side and since there is no teleportation signature accompanying their sudden appearance there is once again no suggestion that they actually appear through any normal means like teleportation or drop pods or transportation or really anything else so no they are in all due likelihood good old fashioned demons which also explains a couple other things like for example that they can take a goddamn super heavy tank crown to the face and simply just shrug it off i'm assuming that it's still considered a theory but there's quite a bit of evidence to really see that there are demons and i wonder what would happen i guess i could kind of see what would happen if they or at least if that word had gotten out somehow but then again if people do forget about it you know but okay so even though there's a lot of evidence it's not a 100 confirmed but then again for me personally i still think that's probably the case that's not normal even for space marines or the fact that when they apparently quote unquote die they do so in a burst of flames when one is finally wounded or destabilized he bursts into flames and fights on with increased vigor for a short period of time before disappearing in a pillar of fire which again suggests that they're not exactly normal though all the way at the end here i will be pointing out one little thing as well jim's workshop has been going back and forth on the quote-unquote true identity of the legend of the damned for absolute ages when they were originally introduced they were kind of a mysterious force then they were more or less confirmed to be fire hawks and then in recent writing they have been casting a lot of doubt on the idea that they are the firehawks at the end of the day nobody really knows because games workshop keeps changing their goddamn writing currently at least in my opinion it makes more sense for them to be demons because they're doing [ __ ] that the fire hawks even if they were corrupted simply should not be able to do like traversing the galaxy at the snap of a finger for example even chaos forces who are in direct cooperation with some form of chaotic deity cannot control the tides of the warped to anywhere near that degree and that along with another whole ton of discrepancies like for example the fact that the leaders of the damned appear to be literally invulnerable the fact that they die in a pile of fiery nonsense which would mean that the fire hawks would long since have been extinct since the last counting there were some 200 of them left etc not to mention the fact that their doctrines wildly vary from that of the fire hawks now the fire hawks were as the legion of the damdar quite fond of flames in melter guns but they preferred to deliver their fiery ordnance from orbit in mass scale assaults and they most certainly were not as quote-unquote gentle as the legion of the damned is the legion has been known to go to fairly extreme lengths to guarantee victory in the past but the fire hawks were infamous for their firebombing of entire civilian populations just to make sure of course there's always the possibility of the legion of the damned have been cleaning out some population centers every now and then and simply nobody's noticed but well let's hope not because let's be frank here the average imperial citizen has enough [ __ ] to worry about already without some brimstone ghost kicking down his door and murdering him and his entire family for wrong think but of course at the end of the day they are but peasants and nobody really cares about the peasants so even if they did yeah it's probably fine until next time i've been arch thank you very much for listening and i do hope to see you all again soon have a good day all right let's go ahead and talk about that for a minute now didn't have too much to say because i got a lot of it out during the video but there's two things i really want to hit on one of them being that there's still no concrete solid answer as to where they come from or who exactly they are but obviously the biggest evidence being that they are demons right now second one uh kind of tying in with that a big part of it might be because as he mentioned uh games workshop uh changing the story maybe or trying to retcon things and i'm hoping using that word right i've always heard it but it seems like that's kind of what is happening but also just um i feel like it's being left to our own interpretation just so that that way it's it's more mysterious i don't think there's ever going to be um games workshop coming out with uh something that's just to say this is how they came to be this is who they are this is why this or that i just feel like it's always going to be left up to us just be able to um make our own interpretation that's honestly the best way i can put it um other than that if you have made it this far just know i mean at least channel wise i'm going to be doing a couple uh chapters from the trader legions um and then after that i don't need to start to transition over to the um astra tarum or the imperial guard i'm definitely going to be starting out with the um with the wow god i almost forgot their name the creek i'm going to start out with them uh just because they're the ones that really caught my eye so far as as far as the imperial guard goes so and also just a quick little personal thing about me um this one isn't gonna be military related uh it's more of me when i was coming out of high school um i was into mixed martial arts and had actually thought about doing it professionally for quite some time but then maybe after a few months some sparring matches you know get hit in the face a couple times obviously not that hard i start to realize wow this kind of sucks or this hurts so i mean i ended up joining the marine corps shortly after and tried it again there but just realized you know what i think i'm just going to do it to be able to learn like self-defense for myself and that was pretty much it because imagine if i'm getting hit in the face by someone who's about the same level as me imagine someone at a much higher level uh doing that to you so but yeah that was kind of one of my things i wanted to be a professional mma fighter but i ended up choosing something different yeah still love it though uh specifically more jiu jitsu just it sucks lately just because you can't find a gym at least close by or in my area in general that allows uh sparring with the buddy obviously they said that you can bring your own buddy but i don't have any friends in the general area who currently enjoy doing brazilian jiu jitsu so hopefully one day when everything opens up again but that's gonna go ahead and do it for this video don't forget to like subscribe really it doesn't mean a lot hit that dislike button if you don't like it it helps me for the channel here see what's coming up next check the description down below you're gonna see a list of about five top to bottom is gonna be how i view them until then i'll see you all in the next video bye
Channel: Peachbutt23
Views: 2,177
Rating: 4.9537573 out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, space marines, marine reacts, warhammer 40000, military reacts, warhammer 40k explained, legion of the damned, chaos gods, space marine, warhammer 40k lore, wh40k explain, warhammer explained, military reaction, warhammer lore, 40k lore, Marine Reacts to WH40K Legion of The Damned Part 2 (By Arch), legion of the damned reaction, peachbutt23, weird space marine legions, legion of the damned lore, legion of the damned reactions, wh40k legion of the damned
Id: qM4euWgrjmA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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