Sun Facts for Kids!

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hey guys mr. DeMaio and today we're going to learn about the Sun boy you got a son and I've never met him I'm assuming man I'm not talking about that it's the giant red hot ball in outer space your son is a giant red ball and you made him live all by himself in outer space worst dad ever Mahmood dude anyway let's just learn about your son what you've got a son and I've never met him come insulted some guys supposed to be here already oh wait do you hear that whoa the giant orange sorry try again hold on okay go now whoa oops sorry amigo I guess I got a little carried away you know once you get a giant ball of hot gas like me going it's hard to get me to stop whoo I don't blame you man nice to finally meet you so we should I call you well I have a number quite a few names actually in the past I referred to as Sol or the right eye of horus but I'm also known as Sonny the schnoz mr. Sonny butter knows Alexander Salama hands Jimmy no toes and one time as miss Phyllis Levine but that was at a barbecue at Jupiter's house and I try not to bring that up but you can call me Sonny Sonny I like that good name I gotta say man being a giant bowl of hot gas I don't get many opportunities to talk to people actually you're the first person I have ever talked to you must be somebody important yeah I'm actually really important I'm a president of the birds and my fan club which is just me and I'm you I'm president of you and you can call me mr. DeMaio well it's nice to finally meet you hey Sonny wind a little bit did you just say your giant ball of hot gas yeah gas like stinky stinky ate too many Doritos gas yeah not that type of gas you see I'm a star and being a star means that I'm made up of gas but me technically I'm about 70% antigen oh I could totally relate man you see my dad is 50% hydrogen that his mom was born in Italy and she came over on a little baby boat what no man hydrogen is a gas and it makes up most of what I'm made of you know what Sonny I had a bunch of more questions for you but I wrote them all on a piece of paper and actually dropped that piece of paper in a sewer then I went into the sewer and I don't fight a rat for it and the rat won but I do remember one question and I think it's one we're all thinking well go ahead ask do you ever burn the roof of your mouth when you eat pizza come on man on the Sun everybody knows I'm hot and my Center I can reach temperatures higher than 27 million degrees Fahrenheit and I can reach about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit at my surface so I think it'd be kind of hard for pizza to burn the roof of my mouth I'll take that as a yes but for real if you're like 27 million degrees shouldn't the earth be melting by now I mean look how close you are yeah I may look close but I'm actually over 90 million miles away from Earth then why do you look so close well to be honest I look so close because I'm huge go ahead and look at this picture these are the planets that are closest to the Sun Mercury Venus Earth and Mars well let's see how big they are compared to me the Sun Oh whoa the Sun is huge but how big are you exactly I'm the biggest object in our solar system man take your planet Earth for example you could fit 1 million Earth's into the Sun Wow not bad kind of reminds me of the time I fit a million skittles in my mouth huh yeah come on man I doubt you fit a million skittles in your mouth hey sue oh I don't know whether to be grossed out or impressed you should be impressed I gotta say man you are one strange dude I may be strange but I'm also strange huh but I'm just gonna take a guess here I know I get light in my bedroom from my Hello Kitty nightlight but when I'm outside and it's light out who's responsible for that what do you think man come on I'm a giant glowing ball of course I'm responsible for your life but the only difference between my light and the light that comes from your Hello Kitty nightlight is when you hit the switch on your nightlight boom it lights up but the light from me takes 8 minutes to reach Earth so you're telling me the Sun is giving me eight minute old light uh yeah technically yes I mean I wish I had fresh like organic light but it's whatever works anyway lights cool but I can't always like the dark anyway so does the earth even need your heat and light uh yeah all the food you eat on earth stems from sunlight phone on plants without the Sun plants wouldn't exist and without the heat from the Sun the earth would be one giant frozen rock just floating in outer space so without you there's no us yep you need me Wow you're actually more important than I thought anyway a while ago I saw a diagram showing the layers of the earth yeah there was the crust ok mantle outer core yes inner core mm-hmm so I guess what I'm trying to say is do you have any more skittles I think what you're really trying to ask is since the earth has layers does the Sun have layers yeah that's it actually that's the question so um do you yeah the Sun actually has quite a few layers uh here check it out so there you have it just like the earth has layers the Sun has layers to it starts with the core and ends with groans so as you could see there's a whole lot to the Sun oh yeah well I've got this what is that a melted tooks you roll yeah I'm gonna eat it yeah no that's gross don't do there are you deserted didn't you why do you even have that I just figured I had it and you melted it and now would be a good time to eat it since I hate when they get all hard and stuck in my teeth congratulations you just grossed out the center of your solar system so you're at the center of the solar system yep and all the planets in our solar system orbit around you mm-hmm interesting but do you orbit around anything actually yeah I do well Earth and the other planets orbit around me along with the rest of the solar system orbit around the center the Milky Way galaxy so you're just a tiny part of the whole Milky Way that's it hey guess what what I found piece of string okay great so uh let's put the string down and get back to what we were talking about so as I was saying I am just a tiny part of the whole Milky Way galaxy wow that makes me feel so tiny is there anything out there that's bigger than you bigger than me I'm tiny compared to some of the stuff that's out there check out my size compared to some of the planets you know as well as some of the biggest stars in the universe no respect a little would see my class why do I love Google with my my name Michael mobile one wait a second you sound like my dad I'm a giant star how could I be your are you know become over boy okay I'll do it later and call your mother pretty crazy right Wow thanks a lot goes to Christmas past wait what I feel like I really learned the true meaning of Christmas what hey you there fetch me the biggest Christmas goose you can find it's April and you only gave me a quarter well how much is a Christmas goose hey aren't we supposed to be learning about Shh quiet you anyway young lady no boy doesn't matter what can I get for a corner uh it's melted touchy all mmm dinner is served wait what are we talking about chicken parmesan
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Views: 1,355,419
Rating: 4.637949 out of 5
Keywords: sun, solar system, planets, milky way, galaxy, universe, space, lesson, learning, kids, children, fun, school, facts, demaio, the sun
Id: q-QNPfBQylE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 30sec (630 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 10 2016
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