Matter Compilation: Crash Course Kids

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the world the whole universe is made up of stuff and we call this stuff matter but what does all of this mean what is matter what's the difference between the matter that makes up wood and the matter that makes up water and why does it matter yeah see you later there let's see if we can answer these questions and we'll start with the simplest ones what is matter and what are particles you might have heard that everything is made of matter and that's true you soccer balls iPads even your pet fluffy all made of matters so that's interesting but what is matter exactly the scientific answer is matter is anything that has weight and takes up space you already know about weight right that's just how heavy something is like if you ever been to a doctor's office the first thing they do is have you stand on the scale so they can measure how much you weigh as for taking up space another way of thinking about it is that all matter has volume it simply fills the area it's in when you pour water into a glass for example the water's volume is the amount of space that it takes up in the glass so all matter has volume and weight but it sure doesn't all look the same well that's because matter comes in different forms or States liquids are a state of matter that I'm sure you're familiar with if you've ever poured yourself a drink while trying to watch TV you might have noticed that liquids take up space because once the space inside your glass is full got right on the carpet sorry mom you also know that water has weight if you carry a water bottle as you drink from it it gets lighter because you're removing water from it solids are matter too of course probably the most obvious kind rocks are solid and so is ice which is just solid water soccer balls are solid iPads your pet fluffy and every single guy in one direction and just like rocks all those things have weight and take up space now you know what's weird sometimes matter can't be seen or felt but it's there like the air we breathe air is an example of gas the third main state of matter and I probably know what you're thinking how do we know air or any gas really is there if we can't see it well we can prove it by doing an experiment science hmm let's start by asking the question is air matter because if it is it should take up space and have weight right to see if air takes up space look it I can easily drop an empty balloon into this little box but a full one won't fit that's because the air that fills the space inside the balloon is bigger than the space inside the box now does air have weight let's try something else take two empty balloons and tape them to the ends of a meter stick then we'll hang the meter stick on a string so that it's perfectly balanced now let's see what happens if we blow up just one of the balloons and put it back on our meter stick check it out the end with the full balloon sinks it weighs more than the empty balloon because the air gives it extra weight the balloon full of air will always weigh more than the empty one because air is matter in matter has weight and takes up space whether it's a liquid a solid or a gas so listen the next time someone tells you that something doesn't matter you can tell them to their face that technically everything is matter and tell them Sabrina said so you ever hear someone say you look like a million bucks well you do but you also look like a million particles let me explain you and I are both made of matter I don't mean we matter like we're important even though of course we are I mean we actually are matter matter as you know is anything that has weight and takes up space and we did a whole video about it but what is matter made of it's made of particles so you as a big thing a matter are made of particles the device you're watching this on is made of particles your dog is made of particles you get the idea particles are so tiny though you can't see them just picture them as super small balls pack together to form an object and how an object looks and behaves which we call its properties has a lot to do with those tiny particles that it's made of let's take a look you know that most matter comes in three states solid liquid or gas particles in a solid are packed so tight that they don't move and they keep you from moving through it like a brick wall now don't try running through a brick wall just trust me on this but in a liquid there's more space between the particles that extra room between them allows them to slide around that's why you can stick an object into or through a liquid like dropping a straw in a glass of soda or wading through a pool of water and there is so much space between the constantly moving particles in a gas that you can move around in them easily in fact when you walk from one side of the room to the other you've walked through a bunch of gases that make up air but if something is a solid will it always stay a solid is a liquid always a liquid do gases ever become non gases to find out if matter can change States let's find examples of when objects properties change then we can figure out what's happening to their particles here's one a candle it's solid right made of wax but when you light the candle the packed particles loosen up and the wax begins to melt liquid wax so a solid can become a liquid now here's another let's say you've got a pot of water on the stove if you heat a liquid up its particles will move around so fast that they can't hold on to each other when that happens all of the particles fly apart and become a gas like the steam you see when you boil water so a liquid can become a gas okay one more how about a forest on a really cold night or even on your front lawn when it's cold enough water vapor a gas in the air turns into tiny crystals of frost which you see on trees or grass the free-floating particles in the gas join together and form a solid around the plants so a gas can become a solid but my favorite example of a state of change The Wizard of Oz definitely remember when the Wicked Witch of the West melts at the end she totally goes from a solid to a liquid okay but seriously what does all of this mean an object made of matter can change its properties when it changes States and remember it doesn't make a difference which state of matter an object is in solid liquid or gas it still always matter to sum up matter is everywhere matter is made of particles therefore particles are everywhere so like I always say never trust a particle they make up everything so now that we have an idea of what matter is we have to ask more questions like how to figure out what kind of matter something is made out of and how we can figure out what an object is just by having measurements and making simple observations well let's take a closer look hey guys remember what it was like in preschool if you don't remember here's a reminder it was way easier playing with colored blocks learning shapes those were the days good times but here's a fun fact when you were learning how to put all those yellow blocks in a line or stuffing square shaped blocks through a square hole you are also learning something very fundamental and that is how to judge an object's properties but what do we mean when we talk about the properties of stuff well let's start with this the stuff that makes up everything is called matter doesn't make any difference if it's a tiny grain of sand or all of the air that surrounds the earth everything is made of matter and a property of matter is just any characteristic that we can list about it like how it looks feels or act for example my characteristics include having black hair wearing glasses having some wicked awesome nerd cred and well you get the idea properties of matter are also things that we can observe this means that they have differences that are big enough to notice for instance I'm currently observing that my desk is messier than it was five seconds ago and to round it out properties of matter are also able to be measured that is we can compare objects to each other but instead of just looking at them and getting a general idea of how they compare we measure them by using tools that give us values or numbers now let's put all of these ideas to work by demonstrating how we can find a few basic properties of a simple object let me grab my measuring tape okay okay look I know I was just talking about how fun it was to play with blocks but let me be clear I am not playing with these blocks this is science people now let's start with a couple of questions one what properties does this block have well there are some properties that we can observe but we can't really measure or describe them with numbers like this blocks color or what it's made of or even the fact that it holds its shape which makes it a solid so a better question to ask might be what can we observe and measure about this block let's start with the big one here length length is just a distance of something from end to end and this locks length is eight and a half centimeters width meanwhile is the distance of something from scientists and its width is eight and a half centimeters height that's an easy one it's the distance of an object from its bottom to its top not to mention a major factor in being able to play basketball successfully and the height of this block is nine centimeters so length width and height are some of the most commonly used properties but there are a lot of others too for instance our block is also an object shaped like a box that takes up space that is it fills up the space it's in we call that space the blocks volume we can measure the volume of this block using math based on the measurements that I just made but we can also get a more general idea of its volume by making other observations like the medium block easily fits into the bigger block so we know that the medium block has less volume than the bigger block but there's no way the medium block is fitting into the little block so we know that the medium block has more volume than this small block finally weight is another measurable property of matter what just tells us how heavy an object is when you go to a doctor's office and they ask you to stand on a scale they're using that scale to measure your weight got it good so all matter has properties and properties our observable measurable characteristics that we can use to tell them apart and we got to know some of the most common and useful properties that we can put a value or number on like length width height volume and weight so hey blocks not just for little kids also super handy for doing science have you ever gotten up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and stumble out of bed and then smash and then after that oh well that has happened to me in fact just last night got up went to get some water and kick something really hard and now my toe hurts so bear with me but if you're at all like me having this happen to you likely brought a few things to your mind like one turning on the lights would probably have been a good idea - what did I trip over and three who left it bare the second of these questions is pretty important because it's a question that's the essence of so much science and that is what is this thing no matter what that thing is I can tell you that it's made up of matter and all matter has properties specific characteristics that separate it from other kinds of matter if you remember from the last episode properties are things we can observe and measure things like an object's length width height and volume but how can we use these kinds of properties to identify an object I am so glad you asked because we're going to do a little investigation together so today we're going to solve the mystery of what did Sabrina trip over in the middle of the night and we'll do this by examining the properties of said mystery object which I happen to have right here hidden under the cloth but before we start our investigation did you know that there are different kinds of units that can be used to measure things you can measure in feet or pounds or gallons if you wanted I guess you could also measure in jellybeans but that would take a long time so we'll just go ahead and use the international standard units also known as the metric system you might know these units as meters grams and liters and the markings on my measuring tape here divided a meter into 100 smaller pieces of equal size each of these is a centimeter one hundredths of a meter okay now back to this mystery object feeling around it's got nice straight sides and two sides are larger than the other two that means we're dealing with a rectangle here now let's give those sides of measure looks like it's about 23 centimeters wide about 30 centimeters tall and about five centimeters high so we have some measurement that's a good start but it's not enough to tell us what this thing is so let's measure another property its mass to do this we need a different tool a scale and we'll use a different unit to in the metric system the unit of mass is called a gram a paperclip has a mass of about a gram whatever this is is kind of heavy it's almost three thousand grams so here we have an object that is pretty heavy hard smooth and rectangular let's see what other objects do I know of that fit that description tennis racket nope it's not my socks or my stuffed panda and we've already ruled out my tablet oh I know it's my science book I was doing a little reading last night and put it on the floor before I turned the lights out so we've been able to identify a mystery object by observing and measuring its properties we used units in the metric system to put values on properties such as grams for mass and centimeters for length width and height and those numbers gave us enough clues to solve the mystery of what I kicked in the dark so remember when it comes to measuring think metric and when it comes to identifying objects ticket tip from me avoid identifying them with your toe okay so now that we know a bit more about matter and properties of matter let's look at how matter can change let's look at how coal can change into diamonds one note though it takes a lot like a lot to change coal into diamonds you can't make something from nothing I mean if you could you'd see me surrounded by an unlimited supply of Harry Potter books and Jolly Ranchers right now but what you can do is take some stuff and change it to create what's basically brand new stuff well I can't but material scientists can last time we talked about how scientists can improve existing materials by altering their properties like turning glass into super extra hard Gorilla Glass but they can also create new materials so today we'll find out how and why scientists can make materials with whatever properties they want but first let's do some review we all remember what a material is right material is an object made of matter all materials have properties a property is a distinguishing quality of a material like its color shape size or weight and material scientists study the properties and uses of different materials and invent completely new ones think of a material that we use all of the time like rubber or plastic chances are at some point in history it might not have existed until a material scientist invented it and more often than not materials are made to solve a specific problem let's take a look at a real-life material that's made by scientists to have the properties that they wanted in order to solve a problem this is a diamond sparkly these are also diamonds in fact in a lot of ways these diamonds seem to be pretty similar they're both materials or objects made of matter but one of these materials was made naturally deep inside of the earth the other was made in a lab that's right we can grow diamonds in a lab well maybe not you and me.we but material scientists can and do make them natural diamonds are formed deep in the earth far below the surface this part of the earth is super hot there's also a ton of pressure there with the weight of all of that rock above pressing down this combination of high temperature and high pressure pushes atoms of the element carbon together to form diamond crystals their hardness and sparkly nests are two of the main properties of diamonds that make them different from other forms of carbon like graphite or cold so when people want diamonds do they drilled down into our planet and start picking up their favorites um no diamonds are cool and all but that would be a lot of work the diamonds that we see on jewelry and such are the ones that have been brought closer to Earth's surface by violent volcanic eruptions a long time ago this means there's a limited supply of diamonds in the world which is a problem because diamonds are not only pretty they're also really useful namely diamonds are some of the hardest substances on the planet so they're super handy for cutting through or polishing surface that would break almost anything else tiny diamonds are actually used in some kinds of saws and drills that can cut through rock and even concrete but since natural diamonds are so rare they're also really expensive so a bunch of clever scientists figured out a way to make their own diamonds without having to spend weeks drilling into the earth one process for making diamonds in a lab is called high pressure high temperature or HP HT for short this process basically tries to replicate what's happening deep within the earth using just a key natural material called graphite scientists place graphite a soft gray form of carbon and the stuff that you can find in your number-two pencil under intense pressure and heat heavy blocks in the HP HT machine press down on the graphite creating pressure while a zap of electricity creates the high temperature the pressure and temperature start to change the properties of the carbon and boom in just a few days a hard sparkly diamond is created of course jewelers would need to cut it to get that classic diamond look but even in its raw form you can still see that it's clearer and much harder than the original graphite that's how one material lab-grown diamonds went from a form of material with completely different properties to a form with the properties we wanted humans can make materials using basic natural elements like graphite when they really need to solve a specific problem there are also tons of other examples out there of materials that people have created like rubber or plastic or nylon none of those things existed until some intrepid scientists started thinking and fiddling who knows what brand-new material will cook up next diamonds and coal are one thing I think we can all understand them they exist in a solid state and if you hit either of them hard enough they'll break but what if there was something weird something that didn't behave like normal or Newtonian substances shall we talk about Oobleck you know what we haven't talked about in a while things that matter like mass and materials and particles I guess what I mean is things that have to do with matter we've already talked a lot about the different states of matter you know some matter comes in the form of a solid others in a liquid and still others in a gas but are you ready for a question that will bend your brain a little what if there's matter that fits into more than one of these categories is there such a thing if there is what's it like and can I make some maybe in my kitchen before I answer any of these questions let's take a closer look at different states of matter you remember what a solid is it's matter that has a definite size and shape like this desk that I'm sitting at or the clothes that I'm wearing and well all of me I'm a person with a definite size and shape liquid is matter that has a definite size but no definite shape the water in this glass is a liquid it has a definite size but no definite shape like you could say that my desk is desk shaped but there's no such thing as water shaped and the gas is matter that has no definite size or shape the air around me and you is a gas it's not shaped like anything and it's size changes depending on how big the container is that it's in now all solids liquids and gases are materials or objects made of matter and all materials have properties or traits that help identify them like their color or shape or slides or temperature or weight and now that you're properly refreshed on the states of matter I'm going to cheat and answer our big question in a little early or at least part of it yes some materials aren't so easily lumped into just one state of matter these unusual materials can actually act like multiple states of matter right want to meet just such a material then let me introduce you to non-newtonian fluids the none what now non-newtonian fluids are substances that don't behave like we expect them to these fluids might look like one thing but they behave like another so what makes a substance non-newtonian let's find out by making a non-newtonian mixture of our own say hello do Oh Blake believe it or not I didn't make this word up it comes from a book written by dr. Seuss you know the guy who wrote The Cat in the Hat in another book he wrote called Bartholomew in the Oobleck there's a king who gets bored with normal everyday weather so instead he makes sticky stuff fall from the sky that's where like the stuff that we're going to play with today gets its name but the stuff we're talking about is real are you black is a non-newtonian substance with a pretty simple recipe no magical Kings required all you need is about one and a half cups of corn starch about one cup of water a big bowl and a spoon pour the cornstarch into your bowl and slowly add some water keep stirring until the mixture feels kind of like honey in the end it should look like this now grab some of this go in your hand when you squeeze it it'll form a solid ball in your palm but when you unclench your fist and release the pressure it'll slide between your fingers like a liquid all fluids have a property known as viscosity which is basically the rate at which a fluid flows and Newtonian fluids or normal fluids flow at a consistent rate but non-newtonian fluids or non normal fluids flow at a different rate depending on how much force or pressure is applied to them so your public flows at a much slower rate when pressure is applied to it acting like a solid but when the pressure is removed it flows faster and behaves like a liquid good for you Oobleck being normal is overrated right so if an object's viscosity or flow rate is not constant or changes depending on the pressure applied to it it's a non-newtonian fluid which means yes some materials can fit into more than just one state of matter these materials are called non-newtonian fluids and they don't play by your regular rules of matter they'll be a solid sometimes and then a liquid at others matter is weird but it's pretty much everything all around us air water me you it's all matter if you enjoyed this check out the rest of our Channel and subscribe you
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Views: 2,361,655
Rating: 4.6570282 out of 5
Keywords: crash course, crash course kids, kids science, science, matter, physics, kids physics, particles, states, solid, liquid, gas, oobleck, non-newtonian fluids, compilation
Id: wyRy8kowyM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 32sec (1412 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2016
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