Margin Call (2011) Official HD Trailer Debut

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mr. Dale these are extraordinary times as you very well must know I don't understand the majority of this floor is being let go today Eric um very sorry I was working on something but they wouldn't let me finish it so take a look at be careful yellow I need you guys to come back up here wait a sec just trust me okay I need you guys back here now wait a minute what am I looking at it this figure here whoa is that it gets ugly the horror does that figure right looks pretty right to me there are eight trillion dollars of paper around the world relying on that equation we were wrong no you mean you were wrong sir if those assets decreased by just 25% that loss would be greater than the current market capitalization of this entire company how long would it take to clear that from our books you cannot be doing what you're thinking of doing sell at all today you're selling something that you know has no value so that we may survive there are three ways to make a living in this business the first is smarter or cheat look at these people wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen you're a very important piece of this puzzle are you in on this I can't tell you that people are gonna say some very nasty things about what we do here today we're going down and you damn well know it'll be together I'm not sure that I do know that the ground is shifting below our feet remember this day boys remember this day
Channel: Movieclips Trailers
Views: 1,578,595
Rating: 4.8772192 out of 5
Keywords: margin call, margin call trailer, margin call HD, margin call HD trailer, comic-con, comicon, comic, con, 2011, HD, trailer, movie, clips, movieclips, Zachary Quinto, Kevin Spacey, Michael Nardelli, Carla Gugino, Stanley Tucci
Id: IjZ-ke1kJrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 28sec (148 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2011
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