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someone reminded me I once said greed is good now it seems it's legal because everybody's drinking the same kool-aid [Music] now I've been considered a pretty smart guy and maybe I was in prison too long one watch one mobile phone but sometimes it's the only place to stay sane and look out through those bars and say is everybody out there nuts was one of the biggest names on Wall Street before he went to prison for insider trading name doesn't mean anything anymore if it weren't for people who took risks where would we be in this world my daughter hasn't spoken to me in years and you know it I never knew my dad as a peaceful person that'll always scare me [Applause] I know it sounds crazy but people change [Applause] who you think he is Jake he'll hurt us why don't you start calling me Gordon I'll be part of the family business yeah my attention when you don't know what you're doing it's a fatal mr. warm someone's your own on sugar they took of my life and when I got out who's waiting for me nobody it's about doing the right thing it's about the game [Music] I did tell you Jake I did warn you it's easy to get in it's hard to get out she's a threat absolutely you [Music] mr. Dale these are extraordinary times as you very well must know I don't understand the majority of this floor is being let go today [Music] Eric I'm very sorry I was working on something but they wouldn't let me finish it so take a look at it be careful yeah though I need you guys to come back up here wait is it just trust me okay I need you guys back here now wait a minute what am I looking at it this figure here whoa is that butt gets ugly the Hara does that figure right looks pretty right to me there are eight trillion dollars of paper around the world relying on that equation well we were wrong no you mean you were wrong sir if those assets decreased by just 25% that loss would be greater than the current market capitalization of this entire company how long would it take to clear that for now books you cannot be doing what you're thinking of doing sell it all today you're selling something that you know has no value so that we may survive there are three ways to make a living in this business the first is smarter or cheat look at these people wandering around with absolutely no idea what's about to happen you're a very important piece as puzzled are you in on this I can't tell you that people are gonna say some very nasty things about what we do here today we're going down and you damn well know it we'll be together I'm not sure that I do know that the ground is shifting below our feet remember this day boys remember this day [Music] [Music] from the director of platoon the next battle is in the greatest jungle of them all wall street 18 by at all something big is going down I want you to fill out the missing picture mr. Gekko that's not exactly what I do or you can trade your honor lose my license that's inside information or power you're not inside you are outside I want you with me buddy with your golden trade your peace of mind just the beginning pal if any trouble does arise you are on your own the trail does stop with you for a piece of the action 100 million dollars money all it takes is a little inside information I don't care where now you get it I think you owe me and you can trade everything you believe in you can't but you're too blind to see it for everything you've ever wanted I got a strange call from the SEC this is heavy but why do you need to wreck this company cut this back up all right Michael Douglas Charlie Sheen Daryl Hannah Martin issue and Oliver Stone film Wall Street you Michael how are you I found something really interesting the whole housing market is propped up on these bad loans they will fail the housing market is rock solid that's a time bomb so Mike burry who gets his hair cut at Supercuts and doesn't wear shoes knows more than Alan Greenspan dr. Mike burry yes he does you know what I pissed off American people we're getting screwed by the big banks and I am getting madder and madder it's unbelievable then this guy walks into my office and says there's some shady stuff going down by the banks we're having a big old party a few outsiders saw where no one else could the whole world economy might collapse I'm sure the world's banks have more descent of the greed you're wrong no one's paying attention the bank's got greedy and we can profit off of their stupidity you want to bet against the bank's to think we're either high or having a stroke [Music] kind of brilliant fraud has never ever worked eventually things go south when the hell did we forget all that [Applause] [Music] how come the banks let this happen it's fueled by stupidity but that's not stupidity that's fraud tell me the difference between stupid and illegal and I'll have my wife's brother arrested [Music] [Applause] [Music] you have any idea what you just did you just bet against the American economy they feel wrong you can lose it all the banks and defrauded the American people now we can kick away the team okay here we go [Music] we target strippers it's bad loans you need no cash rich not going to be able to refinance on all my loans what do you mean all year long my five houses in the conduct you you [Music] my name is Jordan Belfort the year I turned 26 I mean 49 million dollars which really pissed me off because it was three shy of a million a week making a name for ourselves nobody knows if the stock is gonna go up down sideways or in circles you know what guys you guys know okay Z it's a fake every four gauzy it's a Y Z it's a woodsy fairy dust it was all this legal absolutely not we were making more money than we know what to do with we don't work for you man yeah my money take boobs [Music] f.b.eye any kind of booze you might want off the bureau forbids us to drink [Music] I would have been like that how does this actually work is a big money sign they get launched at the tide they stick this is their gift okay they're built to be thrown like a lawn dart stop thank you for safety safety is first I don't want to get a bad reputation [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] you
Channel: LangeKapital
Views: 672,009
Rating: 4.8907819 out of 5
Keywords: finance, wall street, movies, finanzen, bรถrse, filme, the big short, wolf of wall street, margin call, money, geld, aktien, stocks, stockmarket
Id: joXxJHEs85U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 09 2018
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