March 2024 Top Twitch Clips

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Dude, spending all that time practicing parrying seems to be working. I forgot about-- Yo, this is so sick! Yo, this is such a guy video game. This is such a guy game. Not to be confused with The Guy Game, which is illegal to own, so not that game. If you know, you know. Don't-- not that one. This one's fine though. This is me running from upstairs to downstairs when Tina's like, babe I'm horny. Oh this-- [This is combat data stored on holographic memory, typically located in the left hand.] Oh this guy definitely does the stranger. He has so many to choose from. 3D photo frame? What is that? Display that uses stealth camouflage technology to refract light. It'll take more than a girly magazine to get the attention of the emotion-suppressed cyborgs. Is this just like a distraction item? (laughs) Hell yeah! Women, women, women! Hey, happy women's month, dude. Women! [RPG!] Did he say RPG? Yep, sure did. Oh damn, all right. Jeez. Chat, think of all the glizzies you could hold and eat with all those hands, or throw knives I guess. That's what I was going to say next, was throwing knives. [So you've got some kind of disguise lined up, right? Yep, all set. Hope so. You'd be little conspicuous just walking the streets. Relax Kev, I'll blend right in.] (laughs) What the frick? (laughs) Oh I don't like the little hands. (laughs) Fricking t-rex-looking ass. [A ninja? Cowabunga! Go ninja, go ninja!] (laughs) Fricking-- okay. Thanks, kid. Come on, man. You just got your legs. You f-- oh buddy, (laughs) come on. Just fricking walk away. Eepy stealth kill? Nope. I know I'm supposed to have empathy or whatever, but I thought I could still kill him. Hold on. (laughs) Can I do it this way? Oh I guess I can. (laughs) I just fricking dropped a tree on him. I didn't mean to do that man, I'm sorry. (laughs) Yo, frick that guy especially. I dropped a tree on him. [Free will is a myth. Religion is a joke. We are all pawns, controlled by something greater. Memes: the DNA of the soul.] Yeah! [They are the culture. They are everything we pass on. Expose someone to anger long enough, they will learn to hate.] Oh shit, a cat! Let's go! Meow? Hey, leave the cat alone. Hey, there's a cat. Shut up. Aww. [Wind blows, rain falls, and the strong prey upon the weak. Sam tells me you see your weapon as a tool.] I'm just staring at this guy with the cat. Ah. You can juggle them up. [I'm sorry sir, our business hours for the day have ended.] Frick you. [If you do not comply, I will need to contact local law enforcement.] I just want everyone to know that that was not a real woman. She was a robot. I do still love and support all women. Happy International women's month. Uh she, she was a cyborg. You guys ever see Austin Powers? She was a fembot. I was defending myself. She had a gun. We go in stealth mode? Is that what it wants me to do? Don't worry, I'm a pro. The sombrero is on top of the barrel. (laughs) Does that mean it goes on top of the box as well? Hold on. I'm just wasting items now for this. Uh. (laughs) Oh shit, your kids are here. Oh shit-- (laughs) Took fricking two kids, wham! You guys ever have kids and they're just annoying, and you take both of them and just slam them together shut them up? You probably shouldn't do that. You'll end up in jail but... it's probably crossed your mind. You know, I really hate when Metal Gear gets political. I remember the good old days when Metal Gear wasn't political. What the frick, dude. When did it go woke? Fricking liked this game and then it went woke. Jesus Christ. Bro, Hideo Kajima voted for Biden. (laughs) Fricking idiot. Oh! Oh this looks like a boss fight against Butterbean. What the frick are you guys doing? Can I get to them? Hold on. Oh no, it's an invisible wall. What is he-- is he just vibing? Oh yeah. He's just kind of like, like shadow boxing. All right. Um I guess we could do this, which might be kind of rude, but kind of funny. Greg Miller. I really hope I don't need these for this fight. Uh hold on, hold on. Uhh frick yourself. What the f-- There you go. Hey. Oh yeah? Oh okay bye. (laughs) How is he so thick, dude? Look at his ass. Look at those thighs. What do you mean? For a casual playthrough this has been a blast. I might, since we're close to the end of the game, I might do the Sam DLC. I don't give a shit about the dog, I'll be honest. As he's dying there. I, I mean I love the dog. He's great. [America's wanted this war for years. The patriots, they knew war was good for the economy. Four years later, their legacy lingers on. The memes.] (laughs) What the frick? The memes! [Try University of Texas.] Hey, he was a longhorn. [I'm not one of those beltway pansies.] Those pants are hanging on for their life dude, they're so tight. [--with my bare hands. (screams)] (laughs) [Don't f*ck with this.] What the frick? [(cheers)] Who's applauding? What? Who's cheering? No, don't bleed on my poncho. Oh is this the meme? Is this-- well one of the me-- it is! (laughs) He's such a Chad. All right we did 6.4 damage. Almost half. This is me December 1st after no nut November, beating my dick, dude. No mercy. Oh my God, he's so veiny. [Nano machines, son. They harden in response to physical trauma.] (laughs) All right I need to-- I think I need to move. How did I do that the one time I did it on stream on accident? I moved up? All right that's good. Oh, oh I just use the left stick. You fricking idiot. Uh oh. Nope. We're good. Oh Jesus! [This can't be happening. Ryden? Ryden!] Fricking Armstrong jump scare. Armstrong came at me like Freddy Fazbear when you frick up in FNAF. I wasn't expecting it, dude. Holy shit. White man jump scare. Frick, all right. Oh it's Sid from Toy Story, but he got a red shirt instead of a black shirt. All right let's go. Bop bop. You spent-- you gave me a $100 b-- Are you for real? The first customer? It was $10, you frick. You-- fricking eat my ass. All right level five, not too shabby. We're closed?! You couldn't wait till tomorrow to get your pasta and your flour? Bitch. Couldn't find narvalo coffee dark roast. Frick off. Yeah, an eight pack of eggs. I don't think I-- I mean they sell eight pack of eggs. I feel like I've seen them before, but obviously I feel like people-- a 50? I'm kidding, I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Oh I have to do it. Oh my God. Okay, never mind. It's not worth the joke, it's not worth the joke. You look really cute. [I'm an adult virgin.] How-- no I'm not. She's right here, I'm not a virgin. Tell them I'm not a virgin. [Tina: Confirmed.] Wait, confirmed I am or I'm not? [T: You're not. We're married.] Oh we're married. It's, it's not old floor milk, dude. It's, it's, it is on the floor and it is milk and it's probably a little toasty in here, so it might-- the, the, the, the curds add flavor. You don't like your milk with pulp? What are you, a pussy? (laughs) The market is average? Well the products here are above average. You know what? These are the finest quality-- Dude, we got floor milk in there. What else could you possibly want? Che-- all right, okay, now I'm starting to see a problem. This-- bro, you're just poor! Get out of here, you broke frick. Okay, maybe it's starting to become a problem. You know what? Let me just order this and try to re-- oh boy. (laughs) Let's restock here, since I can breathe. Uh we'll charge $6 for the peanut butter. It's a little bit extra because I open every single thing of peanut butter and I shove my finger in it to increase the value. I open it, I put my finger in, I go "my germs," and then I close it, as an homage to the guy from Scary Movie 2. But just like a Willy Wonka golden ticket, one of them, I put my wiener in it. You can tell because uh, it doesn't go all the way down. In fact it it like, barely penetrates the surface. That's the one I put my wiener in. You know what? I'm actually going to buy this spotlight to see the size of this and what we can do with it. Oh that is-- huh. Can I place this? How do I-- wait. Oh it's a literal light! I thought it was a little thing where you spotlight items on sale. Holy shit, I'm a fricking idiot. This kind of looks like a little man wearing a hat. This almost looks like a Minecraft character, like those-- he's wearing the boots. There's his arms, there's his legs. He's got a big ass head for some reason, and he's wearing a helmet. This is Steve. Get out of here. I'm probably going to get-- well thank, thank God shipping's only $2, cuz I keep doing these small orders. You put the fridge on the spotlight? Are you-- why? Also this spotlight must be made of like Wolverine's claws cuz it did not, it did not shatter. Chat, this is like you, and this is like anxiety, depression, bills. This is just life on top of you. Just cuz I'm in a mood. You know what? Here's 51 pennies. Frick you. (laughs) I don't know why I did that. Oh hey, hey! Fricko, a line's building up, all right? Speed it up! I pay you in exposure, I expect better. How's Ray Mart? Pretty good so far. We got uh, Cutie McHots in there. No one look. (sniffs) All right. She wants the other cereal, okay. Did that say crispy chibi cereal? What? Oh we can't sell this. Sorry not here, not here. We don't vibe with that. What is wrong with your hair? Did you eat the crispy chibi cereal? What the frick? Does your cashier have feet? Huh. No, he has two peg legs. He doesn't like talking about it. Terrible accident, terrible accident. He's not going anywhere. Fefe. Hi, can I speak to your manager? Oh yeah, let me go get him. Give me one second, I'll go get him. All right whatever you say to him, you say to me. He's going to stand up to me. All right? What do you want to say to him? The manager is here now. Now what? One of your employees, Ray, was very rude to me. Um. That's what he thinks about it. Now what, bitch? What are you going to do? Ray, my boyfriend got me this game after catching one of your streams of it. We discovered I do have the right kind of autism for this. (laughs) Hell yeah, hell yeah. You got the sorting things and making everything look nice in a supermarket-tism. Hell yeah, love that for you. Have I noticed what brand the TP is? No. Oh. Doudou. Oh that's-- I know it's supposed to be a mole or some shit, but boy. You're riding a line. Um. Um. Thanks. Going to go grab my cheese now. Anyway. I think for next Wednesday I'm going to see if uh, Chibi, Nagzz, and Matt want to do Dokapon again, and then I could do this again on Tuesday for example. I'm going to fricking fire you! What are those? Dude, you don't mix the pasta with the fricking cereal. This fricking guy, dude. This guy. Oh good, now the pasta's in the back. Don't hide your shame. Bruh. I don't know-- like maybe I can move the shelf? I don't know. Let me try moving the shelf. This is going to break everything. Are you free? Oh he-- yeah, he gets stuck on the shelf. Oh no, but he's stuck again. And now I can't put the shelf back. Oh you son of a bitch. It's over here now. Oh he get-- oh he wants to put it on the shelf so he's following where the shelf is. I can't place the shelf cuz you're-- I can't place the shelf because he walks where I want to place the shelf, so he blocks it. I literally have to like put it here, swing it over here! Holy shit. All right hey maybe they'll fix that. And he's still stuck. I'm going to put you down. God damn it. All right hey you're, you're fired. I'll rehire you tomorrow. Frick you. [It's tracking the opponent's movement.] Oh he has dig, that's right. Ooh okay so I can't, I can't do that strategy. I have to just actually hit a hydro pump. Uh okay. Well we got some chances. Let's see how much this does, out of curiosity. Oh never mind, I hit him in the-- wow. I kind of clicked that as a meme. I didn't think that would work. Uhhh. Oh it is so jover dude, you're fricked. I did not think that would work. Please crit. All right. Very close. So I think he's going to-- I think he's going to hyper beam here, so I think we need to dodge a hyper beam. Um or he might go for ancient power. I think we lose here, unfortunately. Oh we need a low roll. That did 41 last time. [Hang on, earthquake!] Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh! Ohhh! OH MY GOD! YES! YES! YESS! YESSS! OHHH! OH MY GOD! YES! YESSSSSSSS! It's done! Oh and this thing's four times weak to grass. Uh I don't think it's going to kill, but let's see. That-- he's four times weak and that did half. But hey, we just need damage right now. Honestly, I'm going to be relying a lot on fricking Ursaring and Misdreavus. Will this two-shot? It did 91. I need to do 92. Oh my God, Ledian got a kill. (claps) Ledian got a kill. Anything is possible. Uh I took a picture of it, (laughs) because I still can't believe I did it. Unrelated, you guys remember the fricking rectangle from Sports Story? What a goddamn train wreck of a game. Never forget the rectangle. Print it out and put it on the fridge? The rectangle or the, or my dub? We actually might might be okay. I'm not sure if we're going to survive a thunderbolt, to be honest. Can we get another flinch? Okay, if we live this we're okay, but I don't know if we will. No! Oh wait, that did 76. Frick! We lose. Unless he low rolls. Oh! Please. Living on two, let's go! They don't even have items! Let's go! (slide whistles) Wow. And a crit. Oh my f-- wait, hold on. This is actually good. And she got the flinch. The fight's over, but. (slide whistles) [The heated action continues.] I guess whirlpool. I can still keep it in so Vaporeon can kill it, unless you want to flinch me a third time. I got a move off, let's go bro! Fricking, I missed. See you next Tuesday, bitch! Frick! I wonder if this does have explosion. I don't think he's going to explode if it's the last Pokemon. Please. (screams into pillow) Hey guys, we lose. [Whoops, that missed.] Oh, well we don't lose yet. Hold on. How are we not done yet? Oh my fricking god! This should be over. Now we lose. [There's the attack.] I can't believe we're going to lose and it's out of my control. There's literally nothing I can do. I'm doing everything I can, but it's just, the game says no. Oh yeah, you got-- you want to get a crit? Get me out of here? You want to crit? Oh my God! Thank you! There's a God! I'm so sorry I yelled at you. We need a, we need a high roll here. Like we need a, we need a crit I think actually. Oh no, frick. Hey, maybe he'll miss hyper beam. That's what we have to wish for right now. Oh wait. Please don't flinch, please don't flinch. Please don't flinch, please don't flinch. Please don't flinch. OH! We did it! It's done! You know, I shouldn't have done that cuz he might have had a focus band. We did it! It's all over! YESS! Finally! Season two, I got my revenge for real. 5 months in the making or whatever. We're done! Frick this game! I hate you! I did it for Matt. Hopefully he'll be here soon. Frick this game! Frick you! Oh wait. [screenshot noises] Okay, I got one. One of those is fine. YEAH! I got the Doduo Game Boy which is what this was all about. And that's it, you just unlock the Game Boy. I have not. I've never seen this map before. [Zen: I don't know what you're talking about.] Okay. Why are the doors so big? What the frick? I'm concerned. [Z: That's awesome.] (laughs) All right. Oh. [scraping noise] Oh Jesus! Oh-- I'm in the backrooms. Hey, are you in-- Hey, you too? They were trying to make this bridge-- [Z: Frick.] Where are you going? [Z: Frick out of here.] Oh she's going that way. [Chilled: Oh I don't trust parkour--] Oh, no. Oh no. I see the problem, I see the problem, I see the problem. [C: You don't have to run fast, you just have to run faster than the person behind you.] Is he still looking? Oh Chilled, he's coming, he's coming, he's coming. Oh Chilled, he's coming! [C: Certified coomer! Uh oh.] I got to manage stamina for these jumps. [C: I don't think I got-- wait.] [Froot: There's an imposter outside.] What do you mean? Oh shit, there is! Wait, which one's the real Froot? Oh no, it's not this one! (laughs) [everyone screaming] Well. You'll never guess who pulled the lever. [Haruka: Wow, Zen did it again.] I promise you, it's not me. [H: I told you. What did I tell you, Ray?] I'm coming back! I'm in the backrooms. (laughs) [C: Oh you're right, okay. Yeah, I think we should probably get out of here.] Yeah, we're good to go. [Z: Where's over there?] Uh in that room to the right. No, you're not supposed to look at him. That's bad. No Zen, that's-- [Z: Exactly.] No that's-- what are you doing? No-- [Z: Look-- Never mind.] Time to go. [Z: Yeah, time to go.] [siren noise] Hey, do you know what that siren is by chance? We think it's Kruz, but we don't know. [H: Oh I think someone activated a shy guy.] Yeah, who's to say? Who's to say? Who's to say? We got to go. Start the ship. You know what? Here, hold that just in case I die. [H: Wait, I heard a thumping sound.] Yeah, it's the thing I'm holding, it's the thing I'm holding. All right I'm going to roll it. [Ironmouse: Okay.] Uh. Op! I can explain. (laughs) I got teleport-- it's a-- I'm going to go. [Z: You almost made me talk my fricking food.] (laughs) I'm so sorry. It's a whole thing. I'll send you the clip. I didn't-- I-- enjoy your food. [Z: Get the frick out.] I'm so sorry. (laughs) I don't know what you were doing. I-- my, my grandma called and you were staring at me, and I'm like I don't know what's about to happen. [IM laughs] Abuelas, you know. You know what I'm saying? [IM: Yup--] OH! (screams) [IM: Holy shit!] I don't know what that was. [IM: What was that?] I don't know what that was. Oh wait, it's storming. Wait, did you bring him here? Was that you? [IM: No! I swear!] Oh I thought that was the whole joke, you were bringing him over. [IM: No no, I saw you in the corner. I was like oh my God, is, is it him or is it an imposter?] No no no, it was me. Oh watch the, watch the lightning, watch the light-- Oh jesus! We're good, we're good. [H: Oh my God, is that Geega from Vshojo here to play with us? That's crazy.] [Geega: Yeah, in my minion suit.] I like the minion drip. [G: Thank you.] Say banana. [G: Ba-nana.] Oh my God, it's like they're here. [H: Oh my god, an actual minion.] Yeah, it's Kevin the minion. [F: A whoopie cushion!] Oh hell yeah. All right I'm, I'm going to roll this. [F: This is a good-- okay, okay.] Yeah uh, good luck I guess. [F: Oh, oh!] Oh. [F: What did that do?] Oh! (laughs) [F: (screams)] [Kruz: Ray? What the frick happened?] I rolled the dice, but it killed me. [Z: What's up?] You going to go for the perfume bottle? [H: Oh my God! (speaking Spanish)] Don't appropriate my language. Oh! Frick-- I saw it. God damn it! I fricking knew it. I knew it, dude. I fricking--I was going to run away, but then she came in and started speaking Spanish. I got distracted. Oh! Pull the lever! Pull the lever! [H: Well well well, Zen. How does karma treat you, man?] How the turntables. [H: Karma tastes delicious, you fricking--] Oh he's on-- he's over there on that wall. Oh Jesus! (screams) Oh I shit my pants. Oh there is dookie in my pants. Okay. Oh I-- okay. Jesus! God, get away from me. All right this goddamn tampon made me shit my pants. Great. Hold on guys, I'm a gamer. I got this, I got this. I got this. I got this. Don't bring the dog with you, you stupid son of a bitch. Frick! I'm so stupid! Damn it! No Kruz, don't do it. Ah! No! (laughs) No! [Z: What were you up to?] [Maddy: Oh I hear them already.] You hear what? [Snoozy: Hello?] Hey. Oh I'm on the other side of this door, or wall. All right I'm teleporting. Am I-- is this a different one? Sure isn't. I'm teleporting again. [M: Have fun.] Oh! Are you fricking kidding me?! [Tina: (laughs) Hey babe.] Frick! Bro, come on! There's another door here we haven't been to. [M: Okay.] [S: Oh, hey Ray?] Yo yo. [S: There's-- Oh my God. There's a little guy.] Don't worry ladies, your hero has arrived. [M: All right let's watch this happen. Oh well, this is going to go well.] Ow! Oh! [T: Ray died.] I hit that thing fricking six times! What do you mean? I hit it like a 100 times! I'm here to make sure it's not-- oh no, I forgot I put this mod on. Where's the gun? I'm taking the ammo. [S: (cackles) I have the gun!] We have too much-- [T: I have a bullet. I have a bullet.] Uh actually it's called a shell. [T: ...Okay.] (laughs) [T: I got a gun too.] Uh I got two. I'm flexing, you can't see. Got two guns right here. [T: Okay, but where are the guns?] What the frick?! [T: Oh my God. Holy shit! (laughs)] Oh it's Titan by the way, I don't think I-- I'm not sure if I said that. [M: Woo Tit-an, let's go.] [S: Big Tit-an fan.] [M: Big Tit-an fan. Although if I tried to walk up this many stairs--] [gunshot] What the frick?! [T: Did you just kill Ray again?] Safety my ass! [S: Um. I truly did not mean to!] [M: What happened? What happened here?] I'm an incel. [S: I don't know!] [M: This looks a little suspicious. You were found at the scene of the crime with a gun in your hand.] [S: Someone just--] [M: What do you have to say for yourself?] [S: Put me down, put me down. I don't deserve to be alive. Ray? RAY! (screams)] Y'all hear something? Oh this is bad. Oh! OH! [M: (laughs) You good? You good, bestie?] Yeah, I shitted a little bit but we're good. [T: Sorry you lost your shovel again.] You know it's, it's, it's fine. [T: Toast their ass.] What's up? [T: It's you? Okay.] It's me. Maddy-- you going to shoot him? You found a shell? [T: Yeah.] All right. [M: Oh let's go.] Let's go, Tina. [M: Let's go lesbians.] You sure the safety's off? [T: Yes.] [M: Please don't shoot me on accident.] [T: Somebody stand by the controller just in case.] [M: Okay, I'm here, I got you.] [T: Are they coming down?] I got your back-up. [M: Um I thought they were.] Hey hey hey, whoa, hey hey hey hey. [T: I don't see him on the thing.] Oh they're here, they're here. Snoozy's here. She's here. [T: Is that her?] Yes. Nice! Nice! How's it feel? [M: That was awesome.] All right we can go. Oh here I am. Oh there's my model. Oh the back says kick me by the way, I don't know if I ever saw-- showed you guys that. It says kick me on the back. This is what I look like. [T: All right. Where the-- what the frick happened to Ray and Snoozy?] [M: Oh my God. Don't play this game with me. Don't play this, don't play this game with me!] She doesn't know. (laughs) She doesn't know. [M: Don't you dare. Don't, don't play this game. Ray, I swear to God. I swear to God. [T: Uhhh I don't think that's him.] [M: I don't think that's Ray!] What, no one wants to be my friend? Look at my, look how happy my face is. I'm so friendly. [S: Oh my God, Jesus fricking Christ.] Oh you have the sign, kill it. (groans in disgust) You got it. He-- you're so close. See? I don't know why you moaned while you did it, but good job. {S: Don't-- Oh my god, please not you too. Everyone says that!] I mean you were hitting it and you're like (moans). I'm like all right dude. I'm proud of you though. Hey, way to go. [S: Thank you.] Way to go. Round of applause for conquering your fear. What are you investigating? [T: Um how cute you are.] [S: Awww.] [T: Levels of cuteness un, unseen before.] Nice. Can you find out why uh, like the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch with that? [T: I was going to say the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch!] (laughs) [T: But I tried to be cute instead.] Chat, I didn't notice this. Hold on, let me get away from them so you can hear, while they do their thing. I uh, I've only picked up this angry bird a couple of times, chat, the boink thing. Look what it says in the top righthand corner. I literally just noticed this. You never saw it because it's behind my facecam. You hit alt F4 for free robux. (laughs) That's so funny. [T: He fricking is gaslighting me live on stream? You little piss boy! Look, you dropped your fricking wiener. Hey! Hey!] [M: During women's month?] [T: Hey!] What happened? What's up? [M: We're witnessing divorce live on stream, live on stream.] [S: Tell me to do it.] [T: Leave me alone. I just wanted us to have fun. Oh my God! Every time you hit me the wiener flashes in my face!] (laughs) The wiener-- [laughs] The wiener is like jammed in your chest. [M: It's like sticking straight out.] [T: It fricking flashes and wiggles in my face every time I get hit. Stop it! Critical injury-- I can't walk. Look how fast I can walk. I'm in pain!] Ah! Fricking-- I see you've teleported me again. I'll uh, go get my stuff. I farted again. Maddy's absolutely going to pick up the shovel and just fricking shove it up my ass. That's what's going to happen. I already know. [M: Yeah?] Did you get my stuff? Thanks. They grabbed it, they got everything. All right. Welp. Time to go back in. Chat, if I find an Uno card-- Never mind. (laughs) Just gotta-- Use it as a weapon if someone gets-- No. Just gets a little too close for-- Hey, that's close enough. Yeah, now you have a weapon. Frick. [T: Absolute dickhead. I see you on the monitor, Raymond.] Oh. (laughs) I thought you ran out in rage. So. Oh hey hey! Whoa, hey hey! Hey! [T: Get him! Get him! Hey, you want to start this shit, buddy? You want to see where this ride goes?] Yeah, where are we going? [T: Get him, Maddy! What are you doing? You're letting me die! I'm talking shit, you need to hit him! It doesn't work if someone's not hitting him!] (laughs) [T: Where'd he go?] [M: Where'd he go? I have the high ground, Anakin.] [T: I'm going to disarm him. Where was he? I'm going to grab his shovel. I'm going to kill him with his own weapon!] Oh frick! No, I fricked up! I fricked up! I fricked up! No, wait. Wait-- (laughs) [T: Let me in! Let me in!] Hey, it's a mess. [T: I know it won't be too bad, but one, I don't want to put my laundry away--] Yep. [T: --and two like, for some reason the idea of having to bring that stuff down from the attic just like seems like the worst idea.] We'll be fine. [T: Do you want to put our Christmas-- oh!] [M: Oh.] Maddy, they're fake! They're fake! [M: Uh huh. Uh huh.] They're fake! Oh. I found Freddy. [Light: You found Freddy?] [Glasses: Found who?] Uh yeah. [G: You found who?] He's stuck in a wall, but I found Freddy I think. He's right here. [G: Oh. Oh hey man.] [Jamie: Okay, that was almost bad, huh?] [G: Dude, I just see his leg.] Yeah. Yo, nobody look. (sucking noises) Oh! No! Oh I went through the door! He got me through the door! He got me through the door! Wait, no! I was sucking his toes! I probably should have waited till my stamina came back at least, you fricking idiot. You moron. Oh my fricking god! Teleport me, teleport me, teleport me, teleport me, teleport me. Ah! I can't spin. Oh shit. Hey, you're not my wife. You're not my wife, you're not my wife. You're pushing the coilhead. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! We should go, we should go. [J: Wait, wait, wait! Damn bro.] [G: Don't leave without Jamie.] All right we can go. [L: Jamie's here, Jamie's here.] Let's go. [G: Yeah, Jamie's here.] [T: You don't have a walkie-talkie?] [J: I don't.] [T: Okay, I'll just relay everything people are saying.] [Imagine if Ninja got a lower taper fade playing on the walkie] (laughs) [G: Dude, imagine.] Could you imagine, over? (laughs) [L: Maybe Jamie does have her fricking talkie, over.] (laughs) [L: Oh hey, fricko.] Hold on. What's up, motherfricker? Hey, hey, that's my Freddy! Eat my ass! I got him. Don't worry, I got him. [L: Good job, good job.] Anyway I got Freddy back. [J: Oh there's a thumper! Ray, there's a thumper.] Oh wait, hold on. [L: Where you at, boy?] [J: You got this, you got this, you got this.] What's up, pussy? Let's go! [J: Okay, let's go!] Okay, I am out of ammo though. I am out of ammo. [T: There's another one! There's another one! No, open the door!] Where's the other one? [T: Uh right through that way.] And that's how it's done, chat. That's how you get by. That teleporter's for gigachads only. Yo, froggy chair? Let's go. Uh-oh. This gigachad might have locked himself in. I uh-- chat, I'm officially locked in. [T: Hey.] Hi my wife. Uno reverse card? [G: All right there's a few places to wander around. There's nothing downstairs. Everything now is upstairs.] Jesus. Oh. Huh. Hold on, chat. [J: Oh! I did not even see it. Did not even see it.] What happened? [J: Did Ray kill me or something? What just happened?] RIP. [G: Did you kill her?] No, I was um-- I didn't kill her. I mean it was a fart mine, how did I kill her? [G: I don't know.] [J: Did Ray kill me?] [G: Oh. Hey Jamie.] [Gael: Oh this is a nothing burger room.] Yeah, there's nothing in here. [Gael: I do hear voices this way. Hey, Light.] [L: Yeah, I hear Jamie.] [J: I'm going to kill Ray.] Am I not good enough? [J: Not even in game.] Oh Tina's a narc, Tina's a narc, Tina's a narc. [J: Do we have a shovel?] [L: Uh oh.] [Gael: Wait, what's happening?] [L: Mimic, mimic, it's a mimic.] It's Goku! (laughs) [Gael: You get away from me! Sir!] (laughs) No one wants to be Goku's friend, what the frick? Oh I can pull up your stream and see what you're doing while we wait. [Shen: Yeah, you can. I'm so fricked, dude.] I'm seeing all your fricking-- you can't even get down the goddamn fricking thing. (laughs) [S: There we go. Wait, did I--] Right there in that building to your right. Yeah, you got it, you got it. Okay. Perfect. We're cooking now, we're cooking. [S: I forgot. I don't have a parcel.] You didn't go to the Pokémart to get it? [Shen laughs] All right well we'll pull, we'll pull up the stream again. All right make your way back up. You got to go back to where you just were. [S: Why are there so many different Pokemon in this grass? What the frick?] I cannot catch this Roselia. I'm now leech seeded. I might fricking die. Roselia, get in the ball. Hold, hold on. I got, I got two more Pokeballs. (laughs) I might have to kill it or it kills me. [S: Gamble on it. Come on, Ray.] I, I have to gamble and attack here. I think I have to t-wave. Hold on, chat. To try and uh-- I'm confused though is the problem. I hit myself in confusion, dude! I hit myself in confusion! [S: Are you dead?] Uhh I think I am dead. Hold on. No, I have to catch it now or I'm dead. I'm dead. We lose. (laughs) Oh weird, it had ember. Good start, huh? [S: What a great start.] I guess it didn't matter in the end. What happened? What just happened? [S: I don't even know. I should not have done that.] I think you got crit. [S: I think um--] No, not my fricking-- what-- Plusle. [S: Both of my Pokemon have died to crits now. (laughs)] That's the game we play. I can go Hariyama. Hey, who would you like to lose less, Suicune or? [S: Suicune I would, I would like to keep.] Okay, I guess we're going to fricking let it fly. It is what it is. We're faster! Please kill. Please kill! Let's go! [S: Let's go.] All right I need to heal, I need to heal. I just got dragon raged. [Shen gasps] Are you serious?! Hey uh, your Heracross is dead. [S: Noo. Okay headbutt. Oh flinch!] Oh Ursaring, huge. Huge. We're fine. Oh we have thick fat, we're fine, we're fine. We have thick fat, we're good. [S: Please don't crit, please don't crit, please-- Oh. I'm good. I won.] I might need one more turn. [S: I keep forgetting to put on set mode. Not like it matters--] We're outta there dude. We did it, we got a badge! [S: Yay!] We got a badge. Let's go! We've done the unthinkable. [S: Yeah, that's what I thought.] Oh this Sandshrew does not want to get caught? Is that what I'm seeing right now? Okay, we're going to do this right now? I just ran away. I hit the wrong button and I ran away. I ran away. I ran away. I ran away. I ran away. I ran away! (slams door) Frick! [S: Well. It wasn't mine in any way so.] I'm in fricking hell right now. I can't catch anything to save my life. I couldn't catch Covid if I started licking doorknobs. Oh my God. Oh actually s-- oh wait, sandstorm's going to chip him down, not me. Actually this might be beneficial. But now we're kind of on a timer. I've done the unthinkable. I've done the-- I've caught a poke-- chat, I caught a Pokemon. (claps) Let's go. [S: That's so cool.] Electrike could be good but uh, not now. But Jynx or sorry-- fricking-- [S: I just overleveled my fricking Bayleef.] Did you save beforehand? [S: No.] All right we can't use it. [S: You can't use Dodrio.] Can't use Dodrio. You might have just fricked us. You might have just fricked us. All right put it away. [S: No, I'm sorry!] Put it away. Fricking fat fingered the goddamn rare candy. All right put it away. That's why I told you to save beforehand. All right well. We're fine, we're fine. [S: Chat, this is-- If I don't wake up tomorrow, you know what happened.] You think I'm going to fly to Germany to suffocate you with your pillow? [S: Yeah.] You're right, fricking lock the doors, bitch. (laughs) [S: Chat, what the frick do I do?] What do you-- what's going on with you? (laughs) Fricking pull up your stream, it's a Magikarp. (laughs) I thought you were in serious trouble. I'm like oh shit, she's fighting like Kyogre. Oh my God. All right anyway back to the Shuckle show. I got pranked, dude. Yeah all you get-- um you just get a free Eevee. Well you're supposed to get a free Eevee. I don't know what we're going to get though. [Shen screams] What did you get? Oh it's still an Eevee. Oh no, I got a Hoothoot, frick. What did you get? I'm going to pull up your stream cuz you're not answering, and that's concerning. Frick off. Frick-- I hate this fricking game! Are you serious? I get a Hoothoot and she gets a fricking Celebi? Yo, frick women's month, dude. When's men's month? God damn it. All right remember if you go to the-- I guess you don't know this-- but if you go all the way to the top um, there's a little girl next to some tables. If you go to the vending machine uh, you can buy three drinks. If you give her one of each of the drinks, she will give you a random TM. I got absorb, good. [S: Oh. I didn't know that.] Okay. Roar, not great. (sighs) Chat, I'm dying over here bro. Chat, I am not doing well mentally. I'm getting donowalled. Hello? [S: Hey, so when's the Minecraft playthrough?] Oh I got to go. Oh okay sorry uh, I went through a tunnel and we got disconnected. Um wow, Discord's kind of broken today. Uh I guess I'll try joining back in? Hold on. Uh. I went through a tunnel, what'd you say? Sorry. [S: Uh nothing, don't worry about it.] Okay cool, thanks. Do, do your-- [S: He has a Grimer.] Do your-- are-- did you load the randomizer or did you load the, the, the normal ROM? You loaded the normal ROM, didn't you? You loaded the normal ROM! Hey, you should restart. [Shen cackles] Bitch can't read a map, can't read text. And she gets a Celebi? I got a Hoothoot! [S: And then I have to fight the guy up top to get the uh, the key. Role play?] Yeah. Oh hey hey, we're live right now. [S: (To the tune of Let's play) Rooole play.] Uh. Are you-- did you just-- are you kidding me right now? Are you out of your fricking mind right now? You know what? Frick you. Figure out the maze on your own. I'll wait. I will wait for you. I will wait. Yeah, you're lashing out. Don't lash out at me. [S: No, I'm fricking laughing. (laughs) This is my old special hell. Are you fricking kidding me?] You got it. Nice. She's cooking. I'm a little behind. I actually don't know if you're cooking but. Okay, let's go. [S: No.] Nope, do it again. You were so close. [S: No! (laughs) (screams) I hate it here!] You are living every child's nightmare from the early 2000s or whenever this game came out. [S: This is a fricking nightmare!] There you go, you got it. See? And then once you go to Pewter, you want to make your way to the top right, and there should be like a little cut thing you need to cut to go in, like a little path. [S: Um top right?] Yeah, let me see where you're at. Hold on. [S: You said in Pewter, right?] That's the top left. [Shen laughs] Jesus Christ. You're just like my wife. Thankfully I have 10 years of experience with this. Yeah hey, put your hands up, make the fricking L with your hands, and you can tell which side is left. Jesus Christ! What moves do you have? [S: Wait, I'm sorry. Is one of Ray's tags beta hetero? (laughs)] Yeah, that's what I am. It's actually from a Resident Evil game. A, a not very well-known Resident Evil game called Resident Evil Survivor. In one of the uh, one of the notes or documents you pick up, I was reading it and they were-- I forgot how it came, what like it meant to the story-- but it said the word beta hetero. And I'm like oh that's just me. So uh, that's my tag. [S: What the frick is conversation 2?] Conversion, not conversation. He talks to you, is the move. You got to talk back. [S: God I fricking wish someone would.] (laughs) Look at this big boy uh, Tina got me from Japan. [S: Okay, you said 35? Oh it's Rowlett! I'll show chat.] He's perfect. My favorite starter. [S: He's so cute!] Do we think he bounces? Not really. Okay well, now we know. All right I'm back. [S: (Yippee soundbite)] (laughs) Did you have that ready the whole time? [S: (laughs) Yes.] Oh nice, very professional. I love it. [S: You know-- you want to hear something else?] I don't know, maybe. Let's see, let's hear it. [You know what that means: fish.] Was that the thing you were talking about the last time we played? [S: Yeah. (laughs) Oh!] Is that good, like you, you beat it? Did you beat him? What happened? Please answer. What happened? I can't look yet, I'm in the-- [Shen screams] Oh dude, that means she beat it. No issues. [S: Suicune!] Oh my God, Hariyama's gone? You lost your Suicune? Oh you're fricking-- it is so jover. [S: I got mirror coated!] Yep, yep. That'll happen. Guys, I can use a water Pokemon now. Let's go. [S: (cries) Suicune! (cries)] What happened? No. [S: Magnitude 9.] Oh you live those, you live those, you live-- No! I didn't even get a chance to use Glalie! Frick! Oh wait, you could have just gone to Meganium. You resist that, and you're grass. [S: I know.] Eh, you live and you learn. [Moments later.] Okay. It's all right. You're getting that, you're getting that health back. [S: It knows blizzard! (screams) No, don't hit yourself!] Don't do it. [Shen screams] No! Come on! Not my Dodrio, Shen! Not my literal baby! What are you doing? No! [S: Are you kidding me?] You could have switched when you were confused because you got the le-- It doesn't matter. [S: I didn't know it had blizzard!] You know what? That's fair, you didn't know that. [S: Raticate, okay.] This is not going to kill, I think. It's going to need two? Yeah. Ooh buddy! [S: Okay, I'm done.] Okay. I'm in a-- [S: Um.] This is a tough one, chat. [S: Hey what's uh-- hey, what's going on here?] I could risk the surf and maybe kill? That does more than half. Or I could try to switch. Chat, we're going to let it fly, dude. It is what it is. [S: Am I about to lose my Claydol?] No you're not, baby. Let's go! [S: Yeah, let's go! Printed out Achievement Hunter logo. (laughs)] Oh that's sick. Let's go. [S: Every person at Achievement Hunter at the time, cut out, pasted on the front. That includes you.] Oh hell yeah. Dude, was I your favorite lad? Answer carefully cuz I will end, I will leave the call. [S: Yes, you were my favorite--] Gavin. Wrong answer. It's got to be Gavin. Come on, dude. The English guy? Dude, I should be third! What? Are you serious? Me? [S: No, it was Gavin.] I fricking told you, chat! I fricking told you! [S: (cackles) It was Gavin, Michael, and then you.] Yeah, I know. It's the hot one, the angry one, and then the minority hire. All right? I know my order. I know my order, dude. [S: We're done, yay.] What's uh, what's let's play in German? [S: Um. I don't know if there's like really-- Lass uns spielen?] Oh dude, we should have rebranded to that instead. [S: Um. I just don't-- I-- there's just nothing that sounds good in a direct translation to "let's play."] That's fair. [S: I'm thinking now. You've got me in--] Oh I got you, I got you pondering. I'm back on Cinnabar, by the way. [S: Lass uns spielen~] (laughs) That's why it didn't sound good, you didn't do the fricking thing. [S: No, it sounds so bad, dude. Got to do a cover of Gavin like-- (British accent) Oi, it's been Gavin.] (laughs) Say Micoo in German. [S: Micoo. (laughs) (in German accent) Oh Michel~] (laughs) Dude, I should learn another language. This is rad. The furries' wet dream. [S: Do you know what that means, and a good way to say that? Weißt du was das bedeutet? Fisch!] (laughs) Is there no German word for fish? [S: Fish is fisch.] Oh I'm so sorry. I-- stupid question. Fish is fish. Fish is fish. (laughs) [S: Well fish is fisch except that there's an extra c in there.] Oh dude, put the-- Tina, I got a shirt idea! Tina, fish is fisch! Oh wait, there's a car. Hey man. Uhh I'll pump your gas. Where is your thingy? Oh do I have to-- oh it's right there. I'm fricking blind. Sorry, it's my first, it's my first day. Oh wow, that is hard to see. Wait, did I not buy the fuel? Wait. Oh it's got to get delivered! Wait, I have no fuel. I'm sorry, wait. I didn't grab my fuel. Idiot. Oh it's so far away. Hey man. You didn't-- I didn't put-- He'll be fine. Uh, oh and it tells you how much gas you have at the bottom. All right. I let go fricking immediately. Hold on, let me try again. Wait wait wait, let me try again, let me try again. I'm still trying to learn the-- don't get in the fricking car. You're going to make it to there and run out of gas. Hey, just make a U-turn. The-- God damn it. All right. I know I'm not doing particularly well, but I'm kind of fricking with this. All right. This is going to be the one. All right don't blow it, don't blow it, don't blow it. Come on. Don't blow it. I'm not going to boost. Let's go! Three achievements. I'm about to come, dude. Who is he? Yeah, hold on. I'm almost done. The frick was that? It gave me a heart attack! What is happening? There's a ghost, fricking Santa Claus is up there? All right this game rules. What-- (laughs) This fricking ghost, it's just-- (guitar noises) What is he doing? Fricking leave me alone, I'm working! Yo, what's up Fefe? Why does this look like the gas station from Twin Peaks? Maybe it is. I've never seen Twin Peaks. The only Twin Peaks I like are titties. Oops. Almost broke this thing on my desk dabbing. Hate when that happens. Hold on. Hey chat, when I retire-- uh it will happen, and then there'll be no more Ray content, and everything you've known for the past however many years of your life will come to a screeching halt-- the only consistency in your life has been me and my content, whether it be at Achievement Hunter or Twitch, going to be taken from you one day, never to return. Hey, getting settled in yet? I'm working on it. I still need to finish decorating and stuff. Ah decorating is a job that's never done. Sure, you can be satisfied with how your place looks for a bit, but the satisfaction never lasts. You'll find new things to throw on the shelves-- True. Uh hello. Oh good morning, Chorus. What's the, the Snick? Uh you know Nickelodeon? Uh at night it was called Snick. It was like shows for teenagers, but you're only 23, so you might have missed that when you were a kid. But Snick was great. There's also Nick at Nite, and that's the end of the bit. Good afternoon ma'am, or sir or uh-- Neither, I'm not a girl or boy. Oh that's cool, I didn't know you could do that. But what's the not girl or boy version of ma'am and sir? I don't know actually. That's okay, I'll make one up. Have a good rest of your day, smirm. (laughs) Smirm. Maybe keep workshopping it. Yo, any smirms in the chat? Like I said uh, this is the first time we're doing this. If you want me to do this more um-- I don't want to do it too much where it gets like-- [Hello there.] I found her. I found her! I found her! Let's go. [slams nut button repeatedly] Yes! Oh my god. Oh cuz it penetrated. Oh that is really good. The boss fight's over already. (laughs) I'm like what's happening? The cannon penetrated and did so much damage. Oh if I could double up on the cannon, oh frick. Oh hey Mom. Soap bar, move faster but you'll be slippery. Revengeance, that's the sword-- that's J-- that's Sam's sword. That's Jetstream Sam's sword. I understand the reference now. Also her tits are getting bigger. Ohhh my God? Okay. Oh wait, is that guy's name Chunks? I got an accidental achievement. I think the guy following us, his name is Chunks. Okay, the game does not like when Chunks gets hit by that. Uhhh. Okay bye. Who the frick-- Was that-- Is she helping? Use this? I don't know what that is. A rocket launcher? Oh my God, from like-- are you serious? Just like, (laughs) it's just like fricking Resident Evil. Hey I-- dude, I beat the game! Ayy! (claps) And I got a bonus floor. All right did it in three runs. Obviously you play more and more, but we finished a run in three, in three goes. And then I had her, her other costume? Her other costume is Ashley from Resident Evil 4. Oh my god. (laughs) [Tina :Oh so we want to go to the chest.] Yeah and uh, follow that-- that gives you the most optimal route, that glowing path. [T: (motorboat noise) That's me at a chest. Okay.] Oh motorboat, I get it. [T: Do I have to like click the score-- oh I have to get out of the-- I'm so sorry.] Bro, what are we, playing with a child? Fricking move! [Cotton: Oh my God, be nice.] Bro. [Chibi: Can someone plug her controller in? Sorry.] [T: Oh my master, my master has finally arrived. This space is now yours.] I've been here the whole time. [T: Shut up.] (laughs) [Cttn: Ray, get away form me! Oh Tina, I need this. (laughs)] [Matt: Oh bro, I am like locked in.] [Cttn: Dude, this sucks. I have such a small area. Are you kidding? Matt, get the frick out of here!] [C: Ray! Ray has the monopoly!] [T: Ray has the entire left side of the map.] [C: Ray has a monopoly.] [M: Cotton erase, erase that one. Erase that one please.] [Cttn: I can't erase dude, you're stuck in the corner.] [T: Can I jump?] No, stay in your fricking, stay on your side. [Cttn: You're done, you're done buddy.] [M: Cotton, I always wanted to hang out. I didn't think I'd be trapped when we hung out.] [Cttn: Dude, I'm trapped too, so we're just stuck here hanging out.] [C: Ray, you're so selfish.] Dude, it's a man's world. You guys are just living in it, what can I say? This is Biden's America. [Cttn: Ray, what the frick? 210? All right, all right.] [M: Wait, can we fill in the ones that I missed please? Yeah you know, that makes nothing but sense. You should have done it.] (laughs) Ohh my God. You went flying. [M: I fricking died, dude. Oh dude, I'm at a different crypt.] All right can I get a two? Poggers. [Cttn: Frick you, frick you, frick you.] Uh sorry. You got to go through Tina first, bitch. [Cotton growling and barking] [M: Did it actually open? I thought you needed 40.] I got, I got like 100 from you. [M: Oh you got it from from killing me. Damn it.] I took yours. [T: You mugged him and then murdered him.] [M: The old M&M, I get it.] (laughs) The old, old M&M. [T: Do you guys think the green one's sexy or?] No, I like the yellow one. [C: Oh the brown one! The brown one! The brown one!] [T: Hey, he's married, he's married.] (laughs) [C: No, no! The brown M&M, the brown M&M with the glasses and shoes! No!] (laughs) Oh okay, all right. For the boy-- Matt, no! Matt, it's not over. It's not over! You fricking-- no! No! The wheels fell off. Okay, here we go. Nice. [Cttn: Matt, stop.] You're in her head, you're in her head. [C: Come on Cotton, I believe.] [Cttn: Bro, come on. It's not fair. You grew up playing this game, that's not fair. Dude, you have the advantage.] [M: How old do you think I am? What the frick?] Cotton, you could bring it back. Oh she's, she's throwing, she's throwing. It's over. It's so over. [M: I understand.] [Cttn: No no no, you should give it to me. You should give--] There's not enough time. [M: Uh please, I am in a relationship.] [T: Let's see if there is time.] [Cttn: No, that's not--] (laughs) See if there is time. Way to go, Matt. For the fellas. [Cttn: That's not the only thing that wiggles.] [M: You're fricking flying over there, Togemon.] [T: Like toes or?] Ayo? [Cttn: I didn't know you were into that, but yeah yeah, we can make that happen.] It's the most common fetish. It's like a 50/50. [Cttn: Is it actually? No.] Foot fetish? I think so. [C: I don't think it's that common.] [Cttn: You're pulling that out of your fricking ass--] No that would be scat, that's a different one. No, I think feet's number one. [T: I heard that it is the most common, but I don't know if it's just the most common search or like the most popular--] [C: I think it's the most popular weird one. Like, like different?] [T: No, I think the most common-- like love would probably be the first.] Did you say love? Is love a fetish? (laughs) [T: It is the way I do it.] (laughs) [Cttn: Trying to get some of that. Yeah, frick you. (spits)] Ooh my mouth was open. [C: Alliance.] [Nagzz: Yo alliance.] [Cttn: There's no alliance here.] [M: Uh bro, could you guys stop moving the chest as soon as I get even remotely near it?] (laughs) [T: Men. I haven't even been in the same hemisphere as the chest.] [C: What's a hemisphere?] [Cttn: Yeah same.] [M: Where's the her-osphere? Come on.] True. Matt's an ally. Based, based. (laughs) [Cttn: The her-osphere. Bro, that was so good.] Oh my god. [Chibi screaming at Nagzz] Do it, dude. [C: Dodge, dodge, dodge!] Can you dodge? [Cttn: Can you go-- can you shoot through a mountain?] We're going to find out. [C: No, I'm I live these. You can't shoot--] We're going to find out. [C: There's no way a manmade laser can blast through a thing. I live these. I'm just going to-- look at it.] [T: Chibi's going to have 20/20 vision.] [N: She just lived those.] [C: Yeah, he missed.] [N: Alliance.] (laughs) [M: You were evaporated. Hey Chibi, good to see you.] [Cttn: Come on, Chibi. Chibi you got to win, you got to win buddy. Come on buddy.] [C: Don't talk me. Girls make me nervous, please stop.] [Cttn: Oh sorry. Clear comms please.] Nagzz, get out of here. Hey Chibi. [Chibi screams] [N: Oh my god.] [M: He just walked up and intimidated--] [C: He just breathed in my face and I smelled his upper lip. Bad, horrible, it smelled like achievements.] (laughs) I just said hi, dude. All right so just roll into each other. Just make sure you see where you're at. This is like the Mario Party mini game. You're just trying to roll each other off. [Cotton screaming] (laughs) Just went over there to-- [Cttn: This game sucks, this game sucks, this game sucks.] [C: Ray!] You know what, my wife? You deserve it, my queen. [T: Aw I love you.] I just want to touch a titty tonight so. [Cttn: That was cute.] Thanks man. [T: I won! Oh what?] No, no, it's not over yet. There's multiple-- oh my God, Chibi! Oh my God. (laughs) [M: It's all back to the-- I'm going to be a cactus.] [C: Ayo? Where'd he go? Wait, Matt? Hello? Matt? Wait Tina, did you see that?] [T: I didn't.] [C: Wait, hello Matt?] Did you guys see when Matt turned into a cactus? Funniest shit I ever saw. [M: Yo, I'm cactus Matt!] (laughs) [C: Here you go, Matt.] [M: Chibi, did you see I was cactus Matt? Did you see it?] (laughs) [M: Oh they didn't hurt me though. It just took my keys. That's fine.] [Cttn: I don't have any health. Um.] [C: No health?] (laughs) Is that the Megamind meme? Hey uh, just just give it to me. I'll just put in my own mouth. It's fine. [Cttn: What?] [M: You got to move the mask first.] (laughs) Yeah. [Cttn: Wait is this-- I can't tell if this is lined up or not. Is this lined up?] No, you're a little to the left. [Cttn: Do you have any final words?] Uh let's play? [N: Let's-- yes! Yes! That was awesome. That was awesome.] (laughs) [T: You guys remember-- those of you who used to watch Ray's old content-- when he'd always say "got em."] Got em. Got em. [C: Just blaze.] [Cttn: Who's Ray?] Oh yeah, you're so fricking cool. Remember when you like screamed when I said let's play? [Cttn: No. What?] [M: That doesn't sound like me.] [Cttn: That's so weird.] (laughs) That doesn't sound like me. [Cttn: Bro has amnesia.] [M: To be fair, I screamed as well but it was internal.] That's fair. [C: Moonball.] (laughs) Fricking-- [M: Don't do this to me.] Matt was in a fricking war zone, all right? [M: Yeah dude, that, that like actually is traumatizing to me. You need to fricking chill out, okay?] [T: It's not the same thing. Chili's is superior.] Nah, it's the same shit. [N: It's, it's not the same.] [M: Dude, Applebee's-- if I really, if I really need to clean out my colon, Applebee's is my go to.] (laughs) [T: I don't remember Applebee's adding the triple dipper to their menu so.] [M: If I need a hard refresh, let's go to Applebee's, dude.] [C: Their garlic boneless wings are good.] [T: Anybody like the chicken wonton tacos at Applebee's?] [C: I've never had them.] [T: They're good.] [N: Yo, Chili's is just, to me, is number one. Like Chili's is the best. I love it.] [M: Chili's is pretty good.] I thought your partner would be number one, but I guess number two is not bad. [N: I based the purchase of my house around Chili's.] No you didn't. You're, you're full of shit. [N: I absolutely did.] You're fricking out of your mind. [C: You're a loser.] [N: I'm not even kidding. I had to make sure, I had to fricking make sure.] [C: Matt! Matt!] [M: There's a fricking zombie Chibi, I'm trying to help you. Watch out, a zombie.] [C: Matt, you missed. Oh the tree. Aw.] [N: Two things I needed for this house: an ice machine in the fridge, and a Chili's near--] Wait, you could just buy any fridge. [M: You can buy a new fridge, yeah.] [N: It's not the same, it's not the same.] What do you mean? [N: It's not the same.] [T: What do you get at Chili's?] [N: All my life I never had ice from the refrigerator. I go to someone's house to try to get ice in the cup, and they'd be like oh sorry the ice machine's broken. Never!] (laughs) [everyone bickering] Shoot me. [C: I'm not going to shoot you.] Yeah, coward. [C: All right.] You're going to miss. [C: Wait, you want me to shoot you?] You're going to miss. (laughs) [T: That was good.] I didn't realize what you were doing at first. I'm like who's she aiming at? And then I understood very quickly. That was funny, that was good. [M: I'll be right back too.] [T: Get pineapple! Oh frick, he left. The guy who pierced my nose was named Pineapple.] He was. He was like a big Samoan guy, right? [T: He was.] He pierced you and uh, Maddy's nose. [T: Mhm. That was probably the gayest thing I've done, besides like sex with women.] Yeah. You know in the order of uh, sex with women and a septum piercing, yeah I think that's a good one two. Tina, what do you think the gayest thing I've done is? [T: Um.] [N: Oh I got to hear this.] I'm pretty straight. [T: You're turbo straight.] Yeah I, I love bobs and vagine. For sure. [T: Oh I'm sure like you and Justin have done something homoerotic together.] Oh my friend of 30 years roughly? Yeah, probably. [N: Did you give him 30 pumps?] (laughs) Yeah, every year for his birthday I give him another one. [N: (laughs) Every year one pump, bro.] Oh no, Chibi and I had the same idea. She, she's, she's just better. She's better! I'm stunned forever! (screams) Men! [C: I got s-- Don't go under that railing, you get stuck. Oh my God.] I'm a little, I'm a little sneaky boy. Oh shit, she does. [M: Yeah, good luck.] [Cttn: You're done.] [T: I'm about to bust.] [M: I'm about to bust.] [Cttn: I'm about to bust!] Which way am I going? I'm going this way. [Cttn: No no no, come here. Hey buddy.] No! No! [M: Ray, live.] [Chibi screams] Frick you, bitch! Men! Men! [Cttn: I'm gonna lose my mind. Whatever.] [M: Uh deserved.] [Cttn: What do you mean deserved?] [M: You killed me, deserved.] [Cttn: Aw sorry, I can't hear you from (echoes) fourth place. Sorry.] (laughs) So you can pick it up and you can rotate it, just so you know. It's not like a slide puzzle. [Cttn: Hehe. Yeah, I can drop it down too.] [M: Oh shit.] Tina has the Chili's menu as her wallpaper. (laughs) True. [T: Oh was that comment about did you work there to me?] Yeah, because you knew, you know the menu very well. Babe, just having a goof. [T: I just read, babe.] From these mini games, no you fricking do not. [T: How do you rotate?] See? (laughs) [T: Oh there we go. Couldn't have planned that better if we tried.] [Cttn: Yippee, yippee, hooray. Time to do it with a laser--] [T: Oh my god.] [Cttn: What is happening?] You just hold-- just keep mashing right trigger and maybe you'll get some points, maybe you won't. [T: Use the force. General Grievous or whatever.] No, he, (laughs) he says general Kenobi, you stupid bitch. [Cttn: Uh excuse me, do not call her that. Thank you.] I love my wife so much. She, she's doing that on purpose cuz she knows it's wrong. (laughs) [T: That's going to get some great interaction.] It is. [C: Hey.] Hey. [C: What's that behind you?] Uh happy women's month. [C: No!] [Cttn: Happy women's month, everybody.] [T: You guys must be so far ahead.] No no no no, happy women's month, happy women's month. [C: Ray!] Matt, what the frick? [N: Oh God, what's going on over there?] You son of a bitch! I'm trying to be an ally. (laughs) I only have nine shots right now. This is concer-- that guy's holding a bucket? What the frick? Bu-cket. This dude's going to bonk me with a bucket. Get out of here. Are you-- Bitch! Yeah, happy women's month. Uh oh. What? Uh oh. Uh grenade? Grenade? Grenade? Oh my God, they're all-- oh Jesus Christ. Uh. Chat, I think it's time. I think it's time. Hup. All right where are you, big boy? Oh I missed him. He is home where he belongs. There you go, Francois is where he belongs. Excuse me, birds. Sorry. Money, shells-- oh Jesus! You are faster than I remember. Okay, those guys are both dead. They had not a lot of health, thank God. Never mind, only one's dead. I lied. Okay, that's the end of you. This guy's just watching up here. What the hell are you doing? That's what I thought. (laughs) RE3 didn't have a lot good about it, but it did have the hot dogger. Yeah? Nope. (laughs) Someone's got a case of the Mondays, dude. Oh it's the island dudes. Oh, oh do you see the fricking chainsaw guy going ham in the back? Bro, are you okay? Oh wait, why do you have a double bladed one? What the frick? Hey! What are you doing? Holy shit, he's going sicko mode. Oh wow. Uh. Uh. Are-- did you-- I guess he just had bird health. Are those all-- oh my god. Oh Jesus. All right that might have worked out. Oh but it doesn't work on these guys. Look how many there are. These replace the birds. Uhh do you think this is going to work here? Uhh Kobe? Yeah, all right. Don't, don't-- you fricking-- (laughs) All right. All right you know, I'm, I'm fricking over it. Eat shit. Did it go through the bridge? Did that grenade just go through the bridge? (laughs) Fricking, come on dude! I don't think I threw it off the bridge, but I might have. Hold on. All right here we go again. Did this guy die? Oh I guess this guy died. Oh you know what? There is a hole in here. Do you think I threw it through this gap? That'd actually be kind of impressive and a very Ray move if that, if that's what happened. Shoot the lake, it gives you a free gun? Oh shit, I want a free gun. Bro, I hope it's the Chicago Typewriter. It better be a free gun or we're going to ban you. Oh I got a fish. Ah! Mods, crush that guy's balls. Upload it to Pornhub? That's a funny joke because PornHub is actually banned in Texas, so I cannot do that if I wanted to, even for a joke. Unrelated uh, if you live in Texas and need a VPN, this stream is sponsored by NordVPN. Do you want to watch porn in Texas? Use my link. Cum! Fricking-- (laughs) Fricking-- I lost it. I had it, and I lost it. I sure hope the dog helps me. Oh why'd it go-- oh wait, you're-- Uh. I guess this is ran-- I thought the bosses wouldn't be random. You're not gigante. You're small-ante. All right well. Here we go, here we go again. Ashley, we're going. Leave him. Oh did we just kill ch-- they were all chickens! No, I killed a bunch of chickens! No, they weren't enemies! They were chickens. (laughs) I'm so sorry! I just shot the cart, I didn't know. I didn't know! I'm so sorry! What are you-- dude, you're late. Everybody left, you idiot. You missed the raid. What? Bro. Ashley, can you literally just be anywhere else? I know I put you there, but like frick off. Oh he's dead, never mind. Anyway. The party ended and he's still there. (laughs) Fricking-- He climbs down the ladder. Like that one guy from the TikTok. I would leave him alive. Hold on, let's see if we can get him over here. It's like right here, right? Hold on. All right well that didn't work. (laughs) He just-- It just nudged him out of the way. I did him a favor. Wait, what do you guys have? Do you guys have anything? Oh wait, do you not have a gun? Oh. (laughs) Fricking see you later dude, I guess. Bye. Are they all going to do this? What are you guys doing? You guys can't make the-- stop trying to jump on the-- okay. This is going great. Hey man, join your friends. They're just jumping off. Well this is... (laughs) Um. (laughs) Oh my God, he's invisible. Anyway. The merchant is a fricking chicken. God damn it. Well. Oh hold on, before we wrap up and change games-- Don't worry Ashley, I'm here to save the day. Bababooey. You're safe. Happy women's month. Oh don't I have to like shoot-- I have to shoot the driver here, right? I say knowledge and I forget what this part is. Uh oh. Hey dude. Uh the person-- uh what? He's in-- he's st-- Oh. Uh Ashley? Motherfricker just walked through a wall! Hey! That's illegal. Hey! What do you mean? [Follow me. Wait.] Okay. What? Oh wait, are those guys the knights? What? How did JJ die? What is happening? JJ just died on his own. He has a helmet. I'm hitting the corner. Does anyone know how JJ died? (laughs) Hm. Uh. Are you dead? Uh. (laughs) See you, dude. I guess he's dead. We got him. See ya. That's a rocket launch-- wait, what the frick? You guys all-- you guys all have rocket launchers! What the frick? That guy has dynamite. What do you mean? Okay, this is bad. Uh. All right this is a fricking room, huh? All right get rid of you. Where's the other rocket guy? Oh he's over there, he can't see me. Okay. Oh. I shot it. I'm the GOAT. Okay. Hey man, how's it going? Frick yourself. All right let me get, let me get some space here just in case this doesn't work. Oh right, it takes a while. Shit. Hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Hup! Freeze! Did it work? It didn't! He doesn't care, he doesn't care. He doesn't care! He's-- (laughs) Open! Bababooey. He doesn't care! I kind of missed though. (laughs) Oh dude, epic troll about to happen. All right here we go. Whoop, whoop. Kobe. Holy shit, that was actually a good throw. That only killed one of them. These guys have a lot of health. Uh HandsomeMonkey with the $100 tip. Can we get a 360 flip for the double? Dude, I'll do you one better. I'll double flip it-- whoops-- and I'll make it uh, I'll make him vertical as well. Let's make some space. Boom boom, boom. He's vertical now. Holy shit, look at him standing erect right now. That was so hype, let's go. Look at him go. I didn't even know you could do that. Is that legal? Am I gonna get banned? Yeah, let me, let me save just in case this exclusive thing gets rid of all my power. I go from 2.9 power to .3. It turns into a tickle gun. There's ammo over there too, good. [What are you buying?] From 2.9-- Oh! Sheesh. All right well, that is quite a firepower upgrade. Oh my God. I actually don't know what the TMP usually caps at. It's definitely not that. Yeah, just get everyone out here. Just want to test something out. Does this work by the way? Hold on. Yeah, hey. Oops. I'll give you more space. He fell for it. Oh frick, I fell for it. All right anyway. I forgot that doesn't do anything. Oh there's three. Oh they all came out at once now. Oh this is awkward, oh this is awkward. This is awkward. This is-- okay, just waiting for an opening to shoot. Hup! Okay. Oh I am dead. (laughs) Huh. [Chibi: Can I have a new name?] Ch- Chumpenstein! (laughs) Fricking Chumpenstein. [Nagzz: I love it, dude. Oh man.] Fricking Chumpenstein. [C: It's not that funny!] Yo, can we get a rebrand? Chibidoki is dead; Chumpenstein is here. [C: Can I-- I'm going to, I'm going to tickle you.] Okay, I'm very ticklish. [Chibi screams] Oh it went off! It finally went off! It went off! It finally went off! Yes! It went off! The nitroglycerin went off. Let's go! Let's go, it went off! [N: Holy shit.] It finally happened. [N: I learned in 2017. 2017 I learned.] [C: Why do you have it like bookmarked, like the day you learned?] [N: Cause I learned all these terms like yand-- well yandere, tsundere--] I still don't know what any of those are. [N: I-- yeah, I do. Tsundere is-- well tsundere is when they're like you're uh, I don't like you, baka. Where they like, like them. Baka means idiot.] Yeah? [N: See, I've learned a lot.] [Matt: Wait wait, Chibi I have to ask you. If I give up, do I lose an item?] [C: I think it's random what they do--] I don't know why you just saying baka was so funny to me. [M: I'm not a sushi guy. I can't ingest that shit.] [C: Well it's the only one in town. I live in a cornfield.] (laughs) Yo, doxxed. [M: Did you just happen to like find a fish in the middle of the corn field and you like ah sushi, I'll have it.] [C: It would have tasted better.] [M: (laughs) Damn.] [C: Well I mean like, fish tastes like queef. So it's like hard to enjoy. Like it's a little-- it tastes-- it's queefy. Well it tastes like, you know queef. And it's queefy. Like I had some shrimp tempura, and it tasted like a little squeaky queef.] [M: I think you are describing why I'm not a big sushi guy.] [C: Yeah it's got that, it's got that little-- (gas noise)] You guys ever just taste queef? [C: Dude Matt, you should keep going to that space. That's awesome.] Oh let's do it, let's see. Gold bug! Oh there you go. [M: Yes dude!] Oh, well that was misleading. [N: Actually jebaited.] [M: Everyone just fricking screaming yes.] Well it looked like the money was coming to you. We got excited. [C: My chat is going "let's go."] [M: It did look like the money was coming to me, you're right.] All right here we go. [M: You got this. You can do this.] [N: Show me the fricking sevens. Show me the sevens. Show me the sevens. Show me a seven right in the middle. All right watermelon.] Best I can do is a sword through a watermelon. Oh here we go, all right. [C: Watermelon!] Okay, all right. [N: All right come on. All right. We got our--] Whoa! [N: Whoa, okay. I need something, I need something.] All right you got excellent. [N: Excellent? Excellent. I got it!] [C: Nagzz, Nagzz, I've never seen this.] [N: What is that? You won the-- what's a part-isian?] It's a partisan. (laughs) [N: Oh. What's a partisan?] Why'd you read it like it was a cheese? [Chibi screams] Wow. [M: Wow, that's really cool.] [C: Rob him! Rob him!] [M: That's very, very good.] That's extremely good. [N: I will take that.] All right we got, we got to rob him. [M: Target acquired.] (laughs) Target acquired. Dude, you better fricking get ready to kill Matt. [C: Did Matt just say target acquired?] He did. [N: Bro! It's my gamble schtick.] Surely he won't counter again. Nice. Please. [N: You got it, I think, I think.] Please! [C: He said let's play. He's a fan, he's a fan.] Let's go! [C&N: Fungalore!] [N: That, that I think moves us up, right?] Uh yeah, we need to-- I think we need to kill a couple, but. [M: Yeah, I think there's a few. Yeah, they kind of move around here.] Finally. I did something, I have money! [M: Nice, dude.] Wait, what? Why? No, frick them. [M: Hey, hey, I had nothing. It's fine.] What the frick? [C: Thank you, Ray.] [N: Thanks Ray!] [C: Oh my God, this goes right in the casino.] This is the worst fricking game I've ever played in my life. All right okay, all right. [N: That's big money. 50 G's by-- 100K. Okay. Come on, something at the top right now. Let's go. Come on. Nice.] Chance time. [N: Let's go, let's go.] [C: I would like a new shield.] [N: Come on, give her a god item!] [C: Yes, let's go Nagzz! Alliance!] Great, you got it. You got something. [C: Did I get the ticket? I got the ticket. Oh.] (laughs) Get fricked. I'll do this first chat, so we can get the haircuts. [M: That's fair, just see what they are.] Yeah yeah yeah. There was someone who was like I want to see the haircuts before I go to bed so. So do I just do this and she like-- [C: I want to see the disco one.] All right. Ooh I got an afro? I'm grabbing that one. Ooh the geisha and the-- oh never mind. I'm grabbing duck, I'm grabbing the duck! I'm grabbing the duck! I changed my mind. I got the duck. [C: Yay! Oh my god, I love it.] Let's go! I got a duck on my head. [C: Can we get a quack?] Uhh quack. [C: Okay, if you ever-- my mom makes the best uh, like mozzarella and like tomato salad. It's amazing.] [N: I'll be the judge of that. I will try some. I'll be judge of that.] [C: And she makes cucumber salad that is so freaking good.] [N: I want to try that.] She's not good at making kids, so I guess the salad works. [C: Hey, she's got a 50% success rate. One of us is in college. Oh.] [M: Hey, this guy fricking sucks.] You going to give me back my nitroglycerin? Don't do it. I finally got rid of it. Don't do it. He's going to give it right back, isn't he? [N: No way.] You son of a bitch. (laughs) [N: Oh my God.] I just got rid of it! It took 15 hours! [N: No fricking way.] All right well it's back. It's coming from there. All right let's get in there. Oh god. (laughs) Jesus Christ. The power of the Nintendo Switch. We have wonderful rewards prepared-- oh. Oh 140, huh? Okay. [Let's play.] Did she just say let's play? Did you guys hear that? The frick did she say? Miyamoto, you'll be hearing from my lawyers. Oh these are only worth one, oh boy. Okay. Oh I guess I have i-frames when we do that? Oh s-- (laughs) Just spike the ground. I'm sorry, my bad. For some reason I thought there'd be like an invisible wall on the ground, or invisible floor. My bad. Let me in, let me in. Oh wait, I can open the door. Let me in! (hits gong) Let me in! (gong) Let me in! (gong) Ooh is that a lion? Unfortunately you won't be here to see it. Spot, it's playtime. Be a dear and deal with these pesky rodents, won't you, or will you-- excuse me-- will you? It's a spotlight. All right what do we got here? Like spotlion or some shit? I wrote this game. I wrote this game. (laughs) Oh shit it's happening. Okay. Oh baited. Oh frick I-- (laughs) Okay, I thought I was holding further up, my bad. No, all my coins. Imagine dying in this game as an adult. Couldn't be me. [Matt: You can draw in the snow.] [Chibi: I'm making a penis! No, no, the balls.] [M: I'm literally like stuck in the conga dude, help me. Help me. The rhythm has me now. (laughs)] Oh it's Randy. [M: Oh. He's dying.] He's got some toilet paper. [M: Yeah he's, he's dead dude.] [C: Is there, is there a freaking-- what is it called-- you know the nut the squirrel goes for?] Uh Mark? Yeah. [C: What? Wait, what? Markiplier?] No, Mark Nutt, you fake fan. [C: OH! I didn't get it, I didn't get it.] Oh my god, dude. Fricking fake Achievement Hunter fan, dude. Get that, get her out of here. [C: I wish I wasn't an Achievement Hunter fan. I could be in med school or something.] You wouldn't be. You can't even spell med school. Yeah, there's some things you could break for like uh, TP and shit. [C: (gasps) I see gas, I see gas.] Yo, I sure hope it does, chat. Heh. I sure hope it does. Get it? Look at Chibi in the background, chat. She's just standing there in my cutscene. (laughs) You're just standing in the back. (laughs) [M: Nagzz is like menacingly standing-- Yeah fricking Nagzz is going to kill me. He looks like he's going to just stab me.] Yeah, she's just standing-- (laughs) (gasps) Yes! I got chin balls! I have chin balls! Let's go! Yo guys, look at my face. Yo, back out and look at my face. I'm right behind you. [N: Hold on, where are you? (laughs)] You guys like my chin balls? [N: You have chin balls! That's awesome.] [C: Nagzz, I'm a banana! Nagzz, I'm a banana!] [N: Shut the frick up.] I can't afford this, but I kind of want it. [C: Nagzz, look at me.] Are you a banana? [N: Shut the frick up!] (laughs) I didn't realize-- (laughs) I thought you were just, I thought you just had like a yellow shirt on. I didn't realize you went full banana. [C: I'm a banana. You guys uh, eat uh, Clifford The Big Red Dog soup?] No, I'm 34 years old. [M: What?] [C: Okay, I'm 23. I still eat it.] [M: Is it just like tomato or? No, I want to know what the hell you're talking about, cuz this sounds insane.] (laughs) [C: Do you eat Lunchables?] [M: I do have a Lunchable in my fridge.] [C: Thank you, Matt.] Oh my God chat, look at the nut sack go. (laughs) [N: Bro bring that nut sack here and put it in the gravity. Come here.] Oh hell yeah dude. Guys, this is where my pee is stored.] [Tina: It takes two to make a thing go right~] All right chat, so this is what happens when you drown. You just respawn, that's it. [T: Uh oh. Babe, help. Babe. Babe, help! Babe. Babe, can you flip me?] (laughs) With all the like, the RoosterTeeth news, but Tina never wakes me up unless something bad happens. So I was like what happened? And then she told me, I'm like oh okay. Jesus, I thought like the house was on fire. [T: I didn't like wake you up super--] No, you weren't like-- [T: I was just like, babe wake up.] You weren't like, they hit the Pentagon! [T: Yeah.] It was just like, babe wake up. Mind you, it was like 11:30. It wasn't even early. I just don't wake up till fricking 1. [T: (laughs) It was like 11.] Yeah, I was like wake up, you fricking loser. [T: I wanted to wake him up and let him know before I have to leave.] Yeah. [T: Well also like, obviously a lot of people like were messaging me, and I didn't want you to wake up and be like--] What's happening? [T: --Who the frick is-- why are all these people talking to me?] Yeah. [T: --and being like what happened so.] (Ray and Tina together) Wha happen? (laughs) Love that fricking Mario clip-- or Mario-- Mickey clip. You guys remember the other day-- this was probably like a week, maybe two weeks ago at this point-- where I had chat explain to me what a gooner was, cuz I had no idea, because I'm 30, going to be 35 years old, and I'm a boomer. And I'm like oh, gooner is just coomer but different, or whatever? It's the same thing. A coomer is a gooner. I remembered, I remembered today while I was walking past my controller shelf, in uh, in Space Jam the aliens were called the Goon Squad. And I have a controller from the Space Jam movie that says Goon Squad on it. (laughs) And it has it on the back too. See? Space Jam, a New Legacy. So are you really a gooner if you're not part of the Goon Squad? I'm just saying right now, if you're not on the squad, you're not a true gooner. [Maddy: Shit. (laughs) Hi everybody. Big papa pickle. Oh my God, there's so much juice. Oh my God.] I'm not smelling it. I'm not smelling the pickle. There you go. If you want to open it-- [M: Thank you, thank you. All right. Good news you guys, she's huge.] Geez. [M: Okay, crunch of the week.] What is that, like three inches you think? Like two? [M: Okay.] Make sure you do it in the mic. [M: Uh-huh. (pickle cronch and slurp)] Oh the suck noise, dude! Oh bro, I'm getting banned. Jesus. You made some people very happy. [M: It's very good.] There you go. Big papa pickle, highly recommend. [Note: Shoutout to Caro for helping me with Shen's German captions! ♡]
Channel: Ray Narvaez Jr
Views: 201,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ray, Narvaez, BrownMan, B1GnBr0wN, Achievement, Hunter, Rooster, Teeth, Twitch, Livestream, FrameRate, Merch, March, 2024, Top, Clips, Highlights, Metal, Gear, Rising, Revengeance, Supermarket, Simulator, Super, Market, Pokémon, Pokemon, Stadium 2, Rental, Randomizer, Season 2, S2, Fire, Red, Soul, Link, w/, Shen, Shenpai, Rou-Let's, Play, Rou, Let's, Lets, Pummel, Party, Resident, Evil, Resident Evil 4, 2005, Dokapon, Kingdom, Connect, Princess, Peach, Showtime!, South, Park, Snow, Day, Misc, Chibidoki, Chibi, Nagzz21, Nagzz, Axialmatt, Matt, Bragg
Id: WqZXMn3Jpv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 108min 11sec (6491 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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