YouTube, hello. Welcome to the stream. We are
playing What the Golf today. We are starting uh, playing some of the sub goals we've hit, and
I'm excited. I've been meaning to play this for a while, and I'm glad we're finally
getting around to it. A lot of people recommended this in the Discord as well
for the um, game suggestions tab. A lot of, a lot of good buzz around this game. Are
we ready? Are we ready for some golf? [Applause] (claps) Thank you, thank you. Can we get some mashed
potatoes in chat? Hopefully you know the meme. [Mashed potatoes!] Nice. Cool cats, all right. Do
we swing the club? Okay. Oh there's toasters here, and bananas. All right, okay. Yeah, it
begins now, right? (laughs) Okay. All right, okay. We are golfing the man.
All right nice. Just up and over. Okay. (laughs) What the frick? Whee. Welcome
to the golf lab. [What the golf~] Hello, ball. What are you doing here? The golf lab is closed.
Bro, I don't know. I'm just going. Wholesome joke. Ah the experiment, too many. Too, too many. Wait.
Oh am I-- oh am I the hole? Oh, no I'm-- what the frick am I? Oh a little weiner dog! Let's go. I
missed. Hole in one, thanks. Ohhkay. Oh oh! Oh uh. Do I-- did-- does one have to hit it? Just
one? Yeah, okay. I'm the c-- oh did I just kill him? Hold on, can I knock him off? Hold on,
can I-- get out of here. Get out of here. Oh shit. (laughs) Oh there he goes. Get fricked.
Am I the remote? I'm the whole couch, okay. Um. Yep. (laughs) Oh there's more challenges. I got
to do this in par now? Oh that's interesting. Oh shit. So then what's the final one? What
is this? Oh this is-- what is hit the flag? Oh there's like more mini games. Oh. That's
it right there. Oh! You frick, you turned. I went over it. Can you fricking-- I hate this
guy. Are you serious? That's got to be it. Jesus Christ. Well now I got to go back and try the
other ones at least. Get 100 hot dogs from the vendor. That was great. That-- I just fell
right off. Defeat the Frog King? Wait. YouTube frogs, I'm coming to defeat your king. Oh!
Well there he go-- (laughs) Frog off. Oh I'm-- (laughs) I thought I was the desk.
I'm the chair, okay. (laughs) Chairy-o, dude. Uhhh. Ah! Hit it, hit it, hit it. This
is like, almost like Warioware but with golf. (laughs) It's the fricking power bar.
(laughs) Unboxing. That's a different game, silly. Moving day. Oh do I have to get
all the, all the items in? Okay. Oh wait, am I-- (laughs) Okay, my moving truck is
moving. I need to bring the house over, hold on. All packed up. The house is upside down,
but don't worry about it. Living room golf. Ooh I got a coffee maker. Oh are these all different
areas? Uh. Oh my God. Okay. B-- (laughs) Love a game that just writes balls in all caps.
Bad blue balls. Yeah, preach. (laughs) Cowabunga. Uh the the flag's going to move,
isn't it? What if I go here to try and cut it off. All right I had the right idea.
(laughs) Uh. Oh it jumps. There we go. Uh is that a fricking Mario block? This literally
is Mario. This is so good, this is so funny. It's a-me. Wahoo. Oh. (laughs) It's fricking
Donkey Kong but with the frog. Hup! Donkey golf. This is my kind of game, dude. Bread
is a collectible? Oh is this Flappy Bird? Oh frick. You guys remember when Flappy Bird took
over the world, and then the developer of the game is like I got to take this app down, I'm like
super depressed or like suicidal or something? It's like Jesus Christ. Oh look at this bird!
This is my house. I'm not a penguin. I'm not-- okay. Didn't say you were, man. Fricking Angry
Birds! (laughs) Angry birdy. Okay just nudge, get a little closer. Little
closer, little closer. Wham! Well that was just unfortunate. Uh. (laughs) I did not-- that was
not how that was supposed to go, but we'll take it. All right. All right what do we
unlock? Oh question block, or exclamation block, so they don't get sued. That's smart. Little
bit of curve. We got to Bend It Like Beckham. Okay, little more Bending It Like Beckham. There
we go. Big fan. Oh this jabroni thinks he can stop me? Oh joke's on him, all right? I'm going
to kick it right at him, and he's going to dive out of the way cuz he's a goddamn fool. (laughs)
It is I who is the fool. Why is-- does he not move? He doesn't even move! He just shakes
violently. I suck. (laughs) All right. Okay. Are you for real? You ginger frick, get out of
the way. Oh my God. Uh. Was I close? How do we do this? Do a little bait over here, then this way,
and then-- Oh! You suck! You suck! I'm the best! Oh wait, I'm a rolling chair. Are they going to
kick me? Oh the ball's on the chair, okay. Yes. Okay. Good attempt, idiot. Oh all right. See
you later, losers. I got a jetpack. Yeah, get out of here. (laughs) Rocket League. Oh now
I'm the-- oh I have to control them to-- oh I see, I see. Oh God, oh God. Please, no. Okay.
Oh, oh this is bad. Um. There goes the ball. (laughs) Revenge of the ball. Oh my God, I'm
fighting the kids. Ayy. Yeah, where you hiding? You can't hide from me. (laughs) Ball wins. Ball
is life. What they don't tell you is there's a family of four in this car. And they're having the
worst road trip ever. Let's go around. And tap it in. I missed! Or did I? It was a trick shot all
along. That's exactly what I planned. In there. I'm closing chat, I'm closing chat. I've minimized
chat. All right it's like you're not even there. I'm playing by myself, I'm playing by myself. Oh
my God, where'd they go? It's just me and you, YouTube frogs. Just me and you. I'm going to--
okay. Now I can't, I can't close out the YouTube frogs. Everyone's laughing at me. I'm just going
to turn my monitor off actually. If I do this... Will this work, a chain? All right well that car
is long gone. I'm tempted to go in the windmill. I'm going to go for the flag now. Sorry Holland. Is
that where all the windmills are at, Holland? Tom? Yeah, that's where Tom lives, Tom Holland. He's
the king of Holland. Jesus Christ guys, read a book. Uh oh. No! Fu-- Oh and that-- see you later,
kid. (laughs) Fricking bye. Do this, double back. All right. Me taking my driver's test,
by the way. [I'm about to bust.] Hank, I literally blew up. Par five. That's going to
be a par zero for me, dog. All right I'm going to hit that barrel and hit the flag. I am not doing
the second half of that sentence. (laughs) Uh. Are you for real? Okay. Oh! J-- (laughs)
Oh okay, all right. I missed it. I missed it again. Three t-- missed. Okay. Let's line
it up. Nope. There we go, first try. (laughs) I did not expect that speed boost. We're going
to arc it down, it's going to be sick. That's not going to work that way. Okay, just kidding,
not sick at all. Oh dude, perfect. Oh I'm the planet. Okay. (laughs) Wait, wait. There
we go. Hit the flag. Oh boy. Kobe. (laughs) It's like a game of Bill-ards. Okay.
Just took a nice little tour of the battle arena there. Golf note 26.
Obviously I'm not a golfer. Is that, is that loss? Anger? It's not
Thursday. Oh no. It's QWOP. Sports! It is me, the athlete. I went-- (laughs) Got to go back, I went past it. I'm speed,
I am speed. Are you for real? Damn it. Swan dive. (laughs) I-- Thank you, thank you.
Professional diver. Hup! Oh Jesus. Mark Nutt. Mark Nutt. Mark Nutt. Marcus Nutt.
Mark Nutt? Mark Nutt. Nice. Ohoho! Let's go! Complete the level in 11 seconds. I'll only
need three. Kobe. Oh wait, never mind. No, I'm firing myself, never mind. I'm stuck on
the-- I'm fricking the dummy. Okay well. If I wasn't having intercourse with a-- Ohh. I'm
going to assume the other one's up there? All right. A hup. Hup, hup. Oh it was down here. You
son of a bitch. If I just drove to the right. Chat, you're never getting those 10 seconds back.
I'm so sorry. What is this? Oh is this a bowling alley-- (gasps) Are we going to bowl? I fricking
love bowling. Cousin! (laughs) Would you like to-- okay. Oh right, I have to watch his momentum
of the ball. Okay. Oh we're playing Wii sports, or Wii Sports Resort I think. Oh it's a bomb.
There's one pin right here? Are you serious? Oh. (laughs) All right well never mind. He heard
me, he heard me. Bowling pins. Moo? Huh? Wait, can I just do this? (laughs) Knock over the
Kingpin. All right. Frog, you're going down. Hup! Oh I'm a, I'm a rug. Ah that is
way off. Okay. Sorry Aladdin, I'm not going to be in the sequel. That was way
right. Yikes. That went all the way to What the Golf 2. Time to choke. Oh what's over here? Golf
note 32. Sometimes you play golf and sometimes, well, golf plays you. That is, that is very true.
Putt four balls. Easy. Let's go. (laughs) I missed with all of them! What do you mean? (laughs) Hey,
I'm in the middle of an important game here. Meep moop. (laughs) Complete the level in 12 seconds.
All right stallion, Jesus Christ. Think everyone can last that long? I guess we'll play the
secret place. Am I going to be the tent? Nope, thought I was the tent. Oh my-- it's Super Hot!
It's fricking Super Hot! Super. Hot. This is really funny. I love when games implement
shit from other like games, other indie games. (laughs) Real time. Oh-- (laughs) I had a
second to react. Book it! Oh! (laughs) Noo. For some reason I thought I was going to bounce more
on that wall. (laughs) Ray, you have to avoid the bullets, you fricking idiot. Are we thinking
with portals? We are! Listen to the music! It sounds all sciencey and shit. I'm a little
Companion Cube or Companion Square thing. Okay. This is wonderful. That one. Oh, oh God. Guys.
G-guys? The flag calls to me. We're so close! Oh my gun's in the way. Oh the-- (laughs) This
strategy doesn't work cuz the gun's in the way. Oh. I don't think that's how that was supposed to
work, but we'll, (laughs) we'll take it. Hello, I'm birdie. Why are you here? Oh I don't
know. Oh it like gives you stats. Halfway done. Reverse Plinko, or reverse Peggle. This
is just Peggle. (laughs) Golf note number 69. People must know the hole truth. Oh that's weird,
there's a typo. They forgot the W. Oh. Oh my God, I'm bread! Oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh no! (laughs)
Almost fricking went right past that. Pizza! There it is. Uh. Oh what the frick? It's-- oh
it's first person. Oh this is this is weird. First person golf! Forgot the cars moved.
(laughs) Forgot the cars activate if you touch them. Reach goal but don't hurt the cats.
Easy. Uh actually, maybe not ea-- there's sh-- oh God. I'm so sorry. It's a joke, please. Fail?
What happened? Did they run away? (laughs) Mew. Hey man. You're free. I don't know if that's what
he wanted. Oh. You're also free. Oh no. I'm just going to finish the hole and pretend that didn't
happen. Par four. (laughs) What the-- All right. I guess that's if you're not paying attention.
Hey, thank you for the thousand bits and the, the swift kick of the nards. I appreciate that.
Golf note number 72. Someday we will all laugh at this. Dude, if it's a day that ends in
y chat's going to laugh at me. Par three, huh? (laughs) There's no shot. I just swung
the club wildly. All right well. Is this a Meatboy level? This is a Meatboy level. Oh
moist? Oh don't put moist, not in all caps, not in all caps on the screen. Oh I control
the flag now. (laughs) I'm on my way! I missed. Yeah. That was nice, little sing along. A
bird! There's a bird. Hey man. Welcome to the concert. Want to hear a joke? I do. What
is orange and sounds like a parrot? If I get over there I can't wait to hear it. A carrot.
(laugsh) All right what do we got over here? Oh. It's Guitar Hero, dude. Yeah. Is this song
copyrighted? Man, I hope not. I'll find out when I upload it tonight. Remember: no stairway. (laughs)
Ooh it's getting dark and spooky. Oh great, stealth golf? I'm so good at stealth, chat. I'll
get by no problem. Oh wait, you just get shot at. Oh shit. Okay well, I didn't even-- good.
Great. (laughs) 1984 strokes. (laughs) Okay. I want to fricking-- my wife's sleeping, I can't
scream. Oh this is funny. (laughs) Nice dude, nice. Go go go go go go go go go go go
go go! Oh I was not in the spotlight. Are you serious? (laughs) Just fricking go in a
circle at spawn. Got him. You guys are fired. That was a hitman. Target eliminated. What the
frick? Oh these are like these enemies in um, in Mario. Oh yeah, Mario Odyssey. This is
the Dudunsparce? Yeah, where's, where's Spencer? Who are you? Bring it around town.
(laughs) Just barely tapped that one. [Music] (laughs) That, that is not how you're supposed to do
that at all. Simple trigonometry or whatever the frick Hanzo says now. Oh it's backwards. (laughs)
That's funny. Oh! Jesus. All right my bad, dude. I think it's over here. I think I lost it though.
Yeah, frick. Is it-- what do you mean? What, what do you mean? Did I just get-- it's behind
the tree. Are you for real? And I fricking fell off. Oh wait, I can just do this. Oh look at
the drift! Look at the drift! Skrrt. I missed. Honk. Why am I always just a nut hair off? Oh. (laughs) All right. That is not what
I expected was coming. Just like earlier, there was a family four in here but they flew out
in the first jump and they're all dead, in game. I'm taking the shortcut. Let's go! Uh we're not
going to take the shortcut this time cuz we're big pussies. Beat the-- am I a turtle? Are you-- what
do you mean? Oh is he stopping for food? Oh he's like stopping, okay. He's taking a nap. Cut the
corner! Come on, turtle mobile, come on! Let's go! Come on. Last-- oh no-- last turn, last turn. He's
going to take another nap. Don't do it. No, no! He's in the way. I'm so close. Can you get a good
boost from the explosions? This is, this is not going to work. As expected. Oh that hit him right
head on. There we go, okay. That's not too bad. Oh this is awful. I don't know why I didn't, didn't
adjust. You stupid idiot. That was real bad. Shit. This is hard. That is not a lot of strokes. I mean
it is, but this course is a long course. Oh my God Ray, more to the left, you chode. We may be here
a while. What if I go backwards? All right had to try. (laughs) Hey what if there-- you know--
what what if there was a flag there? You never know. Tina is still sleeping. Let's go. Let's
go but in all lower case. Oh. I'm Jeremy. Yeah! (laughs) I didn't make the jump. Oh I did, I
did. Oh just-- hello? Please, please? Just-- okay, I'll back up into it. That works. Oh wait, can
I like jump? Oh. (laughs) What the frick? I've never had to jump before. All right well, you can
do tricks on the bike. [Baaawk.] Hey guys, there's a chicken on screen. Beat the sheep, okay. Oh no,
I'm panicking, I'm panicking. He's too fast. He's too fast. He's too fast. I'm bad, I'm bad. Frick.
What am I looking at? Oh okay, we're just the red bouncy balls. Oh boy. Okay. Someone get in,
someone, anyone. Just-- okay. Oh we got one in. Okay, I think I just killed that man. Oh the FBI.
Oh my God, was there a murder here? Did someone to kill a horse? This is the beach area. I wonder
if we-- (laughs) Okay. Do you think this takes, takes us where I think it takes us? Oh it looks
like it sure does, gamers. There we go. We got it. Survive for 15 seconds. Okay. I was reading
and I got pelted in the face. Oh 21 seconds, dude. 21. I just walked off the map. (laughs)
Idiot. Oh-- oh. I don't think that's how that works. I don't go outside though, so I don't know
for sure. Oh crab. I don't think this is golf? No, it's golf. Look, there's a flag pole and I'm a
golf ball. Oh look, a rainbow flag. For the gays! Just saying chat, it's a shame this game went
woke. I was enjoying this game, but it went woke, dude. Yikes. Fricking disgusting. Oh mixed drinks?
Are we have a party? Oh are they mixed? Put the boot on your head. Entertain the, the guests as,
as boothead. Chill in the shade for a bit. Clean the dance floor, okay. Turn on the music. Can I
still dance? Crab party, dude! It's high noon. I'm a banjo. (laughs) Okay. I'm playing uh-- oh
Jesus, what's the fricking game with the guy in the pot. Get over it, Getting Over It. I'm playing
Getting Over It with a banjo. Oh first person again. Bang. What? I love when even the game is
confused at what's going on. Are you for real? Oh! Oh my God, I'm drifting a
horse. I'm drifting a horse! Please, please! First try. Wait, what am I? Oh
I'm the train. Spencer, I'm the train. How do I stop? Huh. Did I do it? Save the
blue giraffe. I got you, buddy. Here we-- What the frick was that? Oh-- Oh. (laughs) I'm so
sorry, I was so confused by the flip. Oh. Oh hey, money. Okay, all right. Guys? You're fine, walk
it off. Okay you're-- oh oh oh. Oh we're good, we're fine. Save it. Salvage it. Oh my God, you're
so close. Oh! Is that Miss Charlie? Miss Charlie, you want to say hi? Little Charlie cameo.
Come here, baby. Hi. Hi, gorgeous. Kisses for, kisses for chat. Kisses for chat. And cleaning
up my-- yeah, Miss Riley? Thank you Miss Charlie. Oh big yawn. I love you. What? (laughs) Oh I'm
spitting on it. Patooie. Okay. (laughs) That-- I thought I was going to draw a gun. I thought
this was like a quick draw situation. No dude, I'm spitting loogies. [screams] What the frick
was that? I-- was that the strong man's head? Do you think the developer at this point in the
game just lost their fricking mind? Because I do. Tame the horse. Oh is this just-- okay-- just
stay on the horse? I-- oh! Can I just like keep doing this? Guys, am I taming-- is this what
it's like? Is this how you tame a horse? Yeah, I'll ask Maddy. I'll send her the clip and be like
is this is how you do it? Miss Riley's coming to say hi? Oh my God. You want to be stream dog? Come
here. Did you get caught? Did you get caught, Miss stream dog? Good girl. Hi baby. You want to give
kisses too? Sister kissed them a lot. Probably smells like sister. (kisses) Good girl, good girl.
The rare Riley appearance. This playthrough has everything. Oh it's a rare occurrence? Yeah,
this would be a point in the Minecraft let's play. There you go. That's how you know this
playthrough is a good one. It's dangerous to go alone, so I'll be staying here. Um okay. Is this
when the game gets super weird? And it's like, it was actually an allegory for something else
the whole time? Is this going to be like uh, Bugsnax? Where you're like Bugsnax is a cute game,
and then it, it wasn't. Golf note. It never stops. Oh Jesus. Are those golf balls in like an
aquarium? What the frick? This whole game was actually just a rework of the script for Passion
of the Christ, if you guys haven't noticed. It's all coming together now. The final boss is
actually just going to be Mel Gibson. Excuse me. Uh. All right let's see what this is. Uh. It's
me. Is this-- oh. Oh. Oh my god. Oh this is cool. I can't believe this game has an actual
boss fight. (laughs) This game has an actual final boss. Oh hey, instead of the kids, they're
skeletons. Uh first of all, too spooky. Second all-- second of all, are these the kids I killed
in my objectives? Oh shit, uh oh. Oh no. Save it, save it! I-- oh, oh. It's not over. Frick you.
Frick-- unh. Okay, I'm back. I'm back baby, I'm back. Never give up. There are so many, oh
my God. Frick you, pussy! Uh. Oh the car-- oh Jesus. Oh wait, actually that wasn't too bad.
I didn't hit any barrels somehow. All right I can do cool tricks, I got to remember that. Oh
wait, wait. Oh shit! Oh you just spawn as the vehicle you are. Okay. It's over, it's over. Well
at least that bit's over. (gasps) It's the frog! It's the YouTube-- It's the king of the YouTube
frogs with a monocle and a sweet stache. Wait, what are we doing here? What is this fight? Oh the
fish is pogging, or the frog is pogging. I know my animals. I'm closing the gap, pussy. Uh oh. Uh I'm
going in? Oh. What the-- I'm fricking Spider-Man, dude! I'm a sunflower~ Wait, am I supposed to
hit this? Wait. I went past it. I'm so fricking stupid. I'm a s-sunflower! Got him. Oh. (laughs)
I think we did it. The final hole. Oh this is to the-- this is the thing to the right. Ayy! Dude,
what a game for just a small team, where everyone one made a little bit of everything. And so many
people helped us. Thank you all for helping us. Thanks to all who supported us, really, thank
you. If you enjoyed, you can keep playing. There are more golf experiments to explore. Remember to
check back in once in a while, we might add more golf. Uh what do you want to golf? Let us know.
See you around, and in the Discord. Hell yeah. Golf. (claps) All right um, can I do it again?
Is there-- oh there's multiple. Okay. I have to do it in par 23. We ain't done yet. Uh oh. Uhh
Kobe! Oh. Cat's having a little picnic. Uh 100%? 100%! Let's go! (claps) [Music]