October 2022 Top Twitch Clips

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No brakes. Woo woo. Is that how the comp for October is gonna start? This is the first game of October. If that's how the comp starts, I'm gonna be a little sad. Anyway Rue is currently being seen by Moonbury's local witch doctor. (Ray singing 'Witch Doctor') It'll be some time before she returns. This is wild. This kind of reminds me of like a mini game in a time management game. [Music] Doctor DDR-- yo featheredcrusader, thank you for the 20 gifted subs dude, a big 20. Imagine you're at a f**kin hospital, and it's like, oh doctor my body hurts, I don't know where. And the doctor's like, I'll be right back, leaves the room, comes back with the plastic PS2 DDR dance mat, and they're just like, okay I'm trying to figure it out, uh okay it looks like your neck hurts, okay uhhhh does your arm hurt here, your shoulder? That's actually what healthcare is like across the world. That's why it's free. Uh you don't pay for it, but you know you gotta-- the doctor has to do a DDR song and he'll figure it out. Uh I don't know if there's like a penalty for going to bed late in this game, so I'm just gonna kind of look around see if there's anything else. I know it's late so I don't expect anything to be open, but might as well keep looking. (laughs) Dude, right on cue. (laughs) Okay, 2 A.M. It is uh, 2 A.M is the time. All right and now we wait for someone to be sick. [Ambient game music] Anybody sick? Anybody? [Music] All right. Oh I can't get with the nun? This game sucks. I can't get with the GILF either? Don't play this game. Don't play this trash. I can't fuck the cat? (slams fist on desk) Dude, play Stardew instead. It looks like the uh, it looks like Minecraft Steve but upside-down. (laughs) Someone flipped Steve vertically, 180 degrees. Who's a good Riley? That was a suggestive camera angle. That was not what I wanted at all and I feel like I got screwed. Let's not talk about it chat. Hold on, here we go. Let me max out the volume here chat, it's coming. The best intro in video games. Let's see, uh full boot. [PS1 start-up jingle] YEEEAHHH Really doesn't get any better than that. [What about Cooper?] What about fuckin Coomer? That's me dude. (slams nut button repeatedly) Oh my God, this guy got obliterated! What the fuck. [That's disgusting.] (laughs) [This guy's been eviscerated.] Yeah I guess! [You're not gonna believe this. He was attacked by some kind of dinosaur!] [Ho hoooo!] (laughs) [This isn't a joke you idiot. We were just attacked by a big ass lizard.] Ho hoooo! Cool, all right uh, I guess I don't need that number anymore so I'm gonna delete it. We need to make our way back to the lounge-- (screams) What the fuck do I do here? God the pistol is so bad. Is he dead? He fucking played dead?! Are you kidding me? Yo fuck this game. Are you fucking kidding me? You can't push it further? I want to die in real life. Why would you not be able to just push it a little further, why can't you just do that? Cool, cool. So here's, here's-- do you think I have to push the one on the bottom up? Oh, I have to right, and then move the other one to the side, and then that should work? Oh look chat look, a box dick. Hell yeah dude, box penis! Who the fuck is screaming fore? Who the fuck-- [Light: Oh look at that replay] [the game screaming fore repeatedly] Yo the cut wasn't that good, what the fuck just happened? [Lt: We had a 14 angle replay on--] [Twig: I was a mashing buttons dude.] [T: Yeah if you can get the right angle off the wall dude I think you can make it.] [L: Dude, speaking of kissing homies it's kind of a shame that we're playing this the day after National Boyfriend Day.] Yeah. [T: Oh my God, was it National Boyfriend Day yesterday?] It was. Tina hung out with her boyfriend while I just stood upstairs and played games, it was nice. Yeah he's pretty cool, he bought me a game. (laughs) This is just a Sunday-- oh fuck I just went into the goddamn bus. This is a Sunday dr-- oh I'm between two cars. What is happening? Okay this is going great. Who picked this map? I fucking, I hit it again. I hit it again. [L: Twig, are your anal beads configured or no?] Dude my anal beads are in my fucking intestines. That's why they're not working well. It's gonna be a close one. Oh no, you have no chance Twig. He has three mushrooms and a red shell. You need a star. Here we go. Oh, oh, okay not all three. Ohhhh, oh he got it! He went over the line but he got it. [T: The fucking momentum saved him dude.] That was wild. [What what's that toad making the Yoshi sound?] Oh my God look at the fuckin-- [L: Here it is, here it is.] (laughs) [Shiz: Shit, dessert already? I haven't even eaten dinner.] You fucking-- Uh oh. Uh oh. What happened? I got-- Did you guys get communication error? [L: Yep, "you've been disconnected from Ray."] Oh great. Did I hit my desk so hard it unsynced the game? [T: I think so, probably.] The other day we listened to the PlayStation 1 intro. Now we gotta listen to another good one, the PlayStation 2 intro. Not as good as PlayStation 1, but still pretty good. Oh! Pull up m-- oh how'd that get there? Oh wow that's weird. That's a, that must be a glitch. Man well I guess since it's there I'll pick that code name. Wild. Uh you know, while we're talking about it, subscribe on YouTube and Twitch. Why, why not? Man that's crazy. Stop it. Unh. Stop. Leave her alone. (laughs) [Play the hostess, won't you darling?] Yeah. Busted. Busted, oh shit. Oh no. God damn it, it's like I wasn't hidden at all. Bro! Oh there we go. So what was that, five rockets? [screams] (laughs) Fucking same. Yeah gold medals you get for just like finishing the level, it feels like. Platinum metals are the hard ones. [You look like you needed the rest. I don't recall getting much rest at all James.] Because we were fucking! Right. Can I stun him? (laughs) Yeah, you can. Okay. You fucking hurting women? Not on my watch. [You saved my life, how would I repay you? If I live through this I'll need a large sake and one hell of a massage.] Shouldn't you like-- wait what? It's like I'm playing Ride to Hell. Frag out! That did not go very far at all. Why did I throw that like a child? I can't see anything. I didn't throw that as much as it just fell out of my hand. [A decryptor, to hack computers, keypads, elevator controls, etc etc. And finally, the Q worm. Q, there's a lady present.] (laughs) Shut the fuck up. Is this guy blind-firing a sniper rifle? Yo what a Chad! Is he gonna do it again? Yo, look at this guy! What a Chad dude. Didn't work, but he looked cool. Uh yeah about that door that wasn't-- I got bad news uhhh, kiss me? (laughs) Did I just go in a circle to the same door? I thought I went in a circle. It was a different door. Ah fuck! Shit! Oh this looks important. All right let me get way the fuck over here. (laughs) Okay. I tried to stand back, but you need to be closer to use it. The laser doesn't have that much range. Uh (laughs) Dude I-- this poor guy, I'm bullying him throughout this whole playthrough. (laughs) Uh do I just go under this door? No okay. I was like, gotta try, gotta try. No you can't, you can't, you can't limbo the laser unfortunately. Fucking Pierce Brosnan is just like here we go! It fuckin explodes in his face. Chat, we're not saving the dog this time. Sorry, deal with it. No I'm kidding. Can you fucking imagine being a monster and not saving the dog? Can you imagine? [What are you buying?] Oh do you know-- [What are you buying? What are you buying? What are you buying? What are you selling? What are you buying? What are you buying?] Alright, what am I buying? Close enough. Actually, double headshot-- what do you mean?! I lost health cause she grabbed me? All right, I disagree. Oh right it's RB. [Wait Follow Me Wait Follow Me Wait Follow Me Wait Follow Me Wait Follow Me Wait Follow Me Wait... Follow Me] Ashley, move. Ashley, move away from there. Let's go! Oh fuck! (laughs) Oh shit! (laughs) Yo she got fucked. Yo, she got scooped. Uh, please blow up. Whenever you're ready. Whenever you're ready, dynamite. Whenever you're ready. Take your time, just whenever you're ready, just need you to blow up. It's on a fuse so it should blow up eventually. Should have just shot it. I should have just shot it. Okay. Anyway. Oh shit, what the fuck? Oh I guess I got the ones up there-- That kind of scarred the shit out of me. I didn't expect it to be raining birds dude. Oh, you think I could do this with the pistol? Hold on, hold on. Two for three is not bad, right? Two for three, not too shabby. Oh he's uh-- I'm like why isn't he coming down? He can't. My man is stuck up there. Salvador, this is why you get bullied. There you go, there's uh... Assignment Ada or whatever. [Women.] He said the Resident Evil 6 line! [I hate to break it out to you but Salazar is dead.] I didn't realize he said that in RE4. That's a classic Leon line. Newyorkwankies with the 5,000 bits-- I gotta flip the fish, hold on. Flip has been fished. No. Fish has been flipped. The flip has been fished, whoops. What does that mean to be fished, like fished out of the water? Slapped with the fish? We may never know. Oh Jesus Christ, like a member of Slipknot just ran at me. Play Wait and Bleed. (laughs) (laughs) Those guys were uh, getting electrocuted apparently. "It's a penis on the map"? Dude, if your penis looks like that seek help. Seek help immediately. I-- oh fuckin cool cutscene. Hey guys, I can't access the ladder. Cool cutscene into a fucking Quick Time Event dude. I got jerked around three times there. That was unfortunate. There's, (laughs) there's the outfit. Oh and if you aim at her, she puts the, she puts the-- (laughs) Ma'am were you using a urinal? Wait, why is there toilet paper in here? Who's taking a dump in the urinal? Was she taking a dump in the urinal? All right this house is weird, I don't like it here dude. I'm out of here. [Jeremy: Perfect.] (laughs) Why is Tingle's thing just "I'm gay"? What the fuck? Oh what the fuck is that? What is that demon? [Chilled: I think it's angry.] Yeah, at fucking you, it's pointing at you. [C: No no no no no no no oh wow, he's dead.] Oh my god. Yo it locks on. That was-- Jesus. You guys ready for pong? [C: Wait why do you have a sword?] I don't know, I can't get out of here. Oh I just killed myself. I don't want to talk about it. I uh, I threw a sword in the wall and then killed myself. Good. I'm going for the gun. Okay, don't jump in the hole. [J: That hole was deadly.] That was, we all jumped into the black hole. Oh I'm fucking dead. [J singing Arabian Nights] (laughs) [J: I got hit in the head with a cooked chicken!] You did! A little martyrdom action there. [J: Thank you Chilled.] [C: It's okay, anything for a fan.] [J: I waited in line for hours.] He's a way of the people-- oh OH I caught the grenade! We caught each other's grenade! [Max: We caught each other's grenades, no way.] I went to go pick up the armor, but I picked up your shit instead. Dude, you with the face and holding that duck. [Max: Come here, I want your signature. I'm a huge fan, please. Mister Chaos, I need to dox you. Your Youtube videos they make me--] (laughs) He shot you between the legs, or between the legs and the body shield. [C: You had two muskets?] [M: I grabbed another one and I said fuck it bro.] [J: You better see what's in there, Platy. That was my life's goal.] Oh shit. [M: Hey hold on one second, one second--] (screams) (laughs) [C: You got too much to work with--] Oh believe me, I don't. I need every fucking centimeter I can get. I fucking hit you out of the air. That was sick. All right, see ya. Oh. (screams) Do you want to hear about religion, or as I call it RAYligion? [M: Don't tell me about Framerate Merch, don't tell me about Frame--] Let me tell you about frameratemerch.com. Let me tell you about frameratemerch.com. Let me tell you about all the-- (screams) I'm fine. Anyway were's my book, where's-- I gotta tell you more about frameratemerch.com. [C: I don't think I ever win this one, cause I'm an idiot.] [C: That's your three.] That is my three. Bop. Two. Ohhh. [M: Yep the peripheral. OHHH NO] [C: Oh my God, I suck ass at this one.] [J: Yeah that's a tough one dude.] How did you-- (laughs) [c: Nicely done.] All right guys um, huh. Are you gonna stay there the whole fucking 46 seconds. There's no chance you're gonna stay there for the next 40 seconds. Are you fucking kidding me. [Chilled and Max bickering about moving] [M: Oh Lord have mercy.] [C: Stick to your color.] Whoa hey hey hey, I don't see color. I just like the color yellow, because I love piss! All right there's no way it'll be fucking purple slash pink three times in a row right? [J: Oh dude, dude this game.] What the fuck! That's not poggers, fuck you Chuck. [C: Wait, white's gone.] [J: I know which one I'd avoid.] There's no way it'd be four times in a row right, there's no shot. Oh my God! Bro. Start! Ohhh I tried to go faster. I tried to go faster, yeah I paid the price. We were neck and neck so I tried to release as fast as possible. [C: Oh I gotta wait for this one.] Yeah yeah, you're good, you're good, you're good. I have to do some like silly stuff to try and catch up. You need to like have a stroke for me to have a chance. What the-- [M: That is what's going on, ladies and gentlemen.] Oh my God, there's no way you just-- oh my God. Oh my God. Oh an invite from Chris Melberger, I hit the wrong fuckin-- I just put my fuckin Switch to sleep. Fuckin idiot. Good Start. Let's get uh, let's get something lucky here. Donkey Kong, please and thank you. Now I just need a four. Fuckin end my life, in-game. [Greg: Nooo!] [Chris: See ya.] [G: Father help.] (laughs) Oh shit no, I mashed the button too many times because I was laughing at "father help." [Sami: Let's go!] Uh getting 31 coins on that double uh, the double coin game helped a lot. Unlucky my ass! [G: Oh, oh yeah I'll take it.] [C: You get a star and you get a star--] What the fuck! This game sucks! I hate this game! Dude what the fuck! (laughs) [J: Oh this is not what I thought it was.] No it's not the other one, I know what you're thinking of. No it's something else. [C: We pushing through?] Yeah we're just we're just going. Fuck it, who cares. Oh actually we get stunned longer than I thought. Whoops my bad. Oh my God we're throwing. We're throwing. We suck. Oh my God, we're throwing, we're throwing, we're throwing, we're throwing. We're throwing so hard, get us out of here, okay. Actually no no, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going, we're going. [C: Extra speed] Extra speed, extra speed, speed up, we're speed demons. Oh we suck. Hey no like, Bowser Revolution, or anything please. No, don't. Listen. [M: I would fucking be about this 100% yeah.] No how about the Bowser, how about just give your coins to Bowser. I fucking want to scream. I want to scream. Change places with Max and I. [M: That would be sick.] Oh my fucking God. Fucking SHIT. [M: I'm very far away now. Where the fuck am I?] AH. [M: Oh you're I'm on the same spot as you Ray?] You fuckin dick! [M: I'm taking money from the bit jar. I'm taking money from the jar.] How's your other jar doing by the way? [M: Oh it's doing so good.] Yeah, is it still like filled to the brim, like overflowing? [M: Uh yeah yeah yeah, we're-- it's going for a good cause.] Nice dude, how's Rainbow Dash doing in there, is it still in one piece? Oh we're talking about different jars. [M: Wait what are you talking about?] Nothing, what are you talking about? I thought we had this connection. Don't worry about it. [C: Are you guys doing something into a jar?] No, no, are you? [M: The unicorn Rainbow Dash?] First of all, it's a pony, you savage. Did you see the sink, I only used one plate one cup, your favorite? I'm not a psycho, it's just easier. I'm a little bit of a psycho. I missed you too. [Tina: You're gonna lose.] I'm trying. We did it! We won! [T: I'm so proud of you!] [C: No, you have The Fast and the Furious, the first one. Too Fast, Too Furious. Then you have the Fast and Furious: Tokyo Drift.] Yeah I'm out at that point. [C: They dropped the "the" and now it's just Fast and Furious. And then they're like, ah this is very confusing, let's just drop the "Furious". We're Fast Five. Then, we brought back the Furious-- Fast and Furious 6. Then we dropped the "fast", we're back at Furious 7. Then we said fuck the naming convention, The Fate of the Furious. And that was really long for a billboard, so they just called it literally F9.] [J: And I'm telling you if the next one is not Fast-10 Your Seatbelt, I don't know what the point is.] This is so funny. [C: No, they're going back to the fast convention, so our last time was Fast Five, we're now on Fast X.] That was the funniest thing in the world to me, and I don't know why because I know that's all true. None of that was made up. Oh I thought we were gonna hit that. Whoa, who's standbying, who's standbying? Stop paddling me so hard, you're hitting the internet. Uh oh, yeah no shit the connection's unstable. [J: This is why you dongle.] [C: Nice hit, nice hit.] Okay we're gonna get it right here, they're gonna get hit. We're going up, we're going up. Oh that was close, that was close. I'm gonna blame that on the lag. Chilled was standbying. [C: I'm a dongled up man, I'm all plugged in.] He decided to torrent a movie while we were uh fucking playing that minigame. [C: Bro, I wanted to see Black Adam--] [Matt: But also Ray is gonna-- he can afford another star now.] Hey, if you steal from me and I win the game-- okay, letting God decide. Fuck you, God. Religion's so dumb. It's so dumb, he doesn't even fucking exist, what do you mean? (laughs) [C: Honestly whoever's god this is, I kind of like him.] [M: Time for a classic Matt 10, ignoring everything Chilled just said.] (laughs) Holy fuck. It came back. Hey uh, whoever got last has to go back to Achievement Hunter. Sorry, Chilled. (laughs) [C: Please don't make me.] All right third place. [J: Matt gets his wish.] Finally, all those years later. I would like to join my friends on the upper part of the cake. [M: Just climb the cake.] Please. Oh my fucking GOD. [C: Bite his dick, Birdo.] Bro I'm gonna get fifth! That's how bad I'm doing. [C: Good luck gamers.] Good luck to you too. (laughs) [J: I didn't even know that was a thing.] [C: I didn't see my car charging up. I think we're in trouble.] [C: Designated Survivor, or no? I was thinking about maybe watching that, but it's like one of those like CBS or ABC shows where it's like ah it takes 40 episodes to get anything good, and they won't shoot people because it's you know mainstream television, so I didn't know.] You just want to see people get shot? You can watch like Band of Brothers, people get shot in that. [J: Or just look out the window in most cities.] Yeah we're in America dude just fuckin, Jesus Christ. [C: Well you know, I just want the scene on the television, you know just--] Uh yeah, the news. [C: Like you trust the news, okay, come on.] Dude you know me, Fox News and that's it baby, that's all I trust. (laughs) Dude some guy said Biden has ligma so fucking sucks for him dude. I can't believe it. Is it always, is it J? How do I move stuff on my toolbar? Oh here we go. Oh I do get a pickaxe okay. Oh dude chat look, your mom's in this game oH gotcha! Bro! Damn dude. Alright we're almost out of energy. All right cool, I got what I needed though. Oh dude look at my energy: 69/420? It was meant to be. It was meant to be. Fat cows! Oh my God, their fucking jank movement. (laughs) Early access game by the way. Can I pet him? Oh, can I pet him? Early access game by the way. Who's this guy? I'm gonna come. I'm gonna come my pants. Look at him, dude! Are you kidding? Do you know what the cool thing about this telescope is? It's uh, it's really cool because when someone gives an opinion that nobody asks for this is the kind of telescope you need to find who the fuck asked. "Ray this is what I think about the game you're playing" Oh let me look through this telescope...yeah uh nobody fucking asked! Thanks! Babe, there's a fuckin shiba in this game. There's a shiba! Taco the shiba! It's very fluffy, that's got to be a male shiba. She's making bread? Dude she's cute too, what the fuck? Her name's Everest, Eva for short. Dude can I can I Mount Everest? If you know what I'm saying chat. Got him. Uh wait what? Wait, where is he? Wait he didn't come down. Wait what do you mean? I can't shoot him! He's, he's up here! Uhh what do we do? Maybe we go to the left. Huh. Hey Krauser, you-- oh All right we got him, way to go everybody. We got him. Well done, you all saw it. I killed him good. Where the fuck did they come from-- oh I threw a grenade. [explosion] (laughs) Okay, the game did not like that. Okay, hey no more grenades with the mod on, I'm sorry. I feel like a normal person doesn't sway this much. It's uh, very uh, very egregious. A's across the board huh? Like, let me use my facecam for example. You guys, when you walk or even when you're running, is it like this? This is what the camera is like, oh my God, just looking everywhere. Panting left and right. Oh Jesus fucking Christ. Is that what it's like? Because that's what it's like in this game. [She just wants to get out of here Claire, and she needs our help. Ugh. Men.] OH! She said the opposite! I love this game! This game's great! I take it back! He said the thing. How do I get around this? [Laser noise] What fucking noise was that, why did that sound like a ray gun from Call of Duty? What the fuck was that? Hello-- What? Also why was it base-- bro this fucking game. Okay. Anyway. Oh hey I see it. Oh there's two. Oh these are like the, I don't know what they're-- could you-- can you fucking relax? Dude this fuc-- Leon there's two! Jesus who made this game? Fucking get another job. (laughs) You know to his credit, Steve's 18. he's an 18 year old dude. He's an 18 year old kid. That makes sense. He's 18. Hey he falls in love with her, okay? This all is, makes sense, it's in character yeah. This reminds me of the original Tomb Raider, when you have to like line up a jump, but it's very precise. Slide to the left. (bam) Slide to the right. (bam) Crisscross. (bam bam) Crisscross. (bam bam) Cha cha real smooth. (cha cha music) All right Light, what you do there is just put the music over the clip, but not too long because I don't want to get DMCA'd, and it'll be funny. Hold on I want to get it. This is gonna get me killed. This is the best I can do. There's no dog around. It's the meme. Okay anyway. (laughs) What the fuck? I just kicked it in the head. Holy shit, can I do it again? Was it not dead? Why did I kick him in the head? I guess he wasn't-- that was rude, that was fuckin-- (laughs) Holy shit. I'm ready. Oh my God I-- oh shit I'm beating the shit out of this-- ohh fuck. Damn, fucking bonked his head in. Jesus. Aw it's a little cat! How'd the cat get in there? What the fuck? Oh man, maybe it killed the enemy. Maybe it killed the, killed one of the weird monster kids in here. I'm sure it's fine. Nope it didn't, all right. Okay, oh and then crow, it might be the first black key. Okay so it's-- hold on uh pelican. Okay, okay, okay, okay. LET'S GO! I'm the smartest man alive! Yes! What's the music? Why is the music picking up? Wh-- what do you mean? [Spooky scary skeletons music] Jesus Christ. Fuck. (laughs) We're good. Hey, that scared me. Shout to null by the way. Okay, but what if I put the ball in there? Okay you can't, had to try. Had to, had to try. Jesus! (screams) Fuck! Oh! There's something in that one. There was uh, there was something in that locker. Got it, thank you for the key. Who the fuck is this guy? This looks like the main character from Deadly Premonition. [Hold it.] (laughs) [Wait, I'm not here to fight.] [My name is Harry Mason; I'm in town on vacation.] "Ray, if you're a woman enjoyer so much how come you aren't wearing a wife pleaser?" Oh, joke's on you Kevin, you son of a bitch! You son of a bitch! I am! I am wearing a wife pleaser, you-- I got you bitch! I got you! Kevin doubting me, this fucking guy. Hey listen, we figured out the puzzle all right? I blew my load figuring out that puzzle, not grabbing the map. Listen chat, I can't have the looks and the brains all right, that just wouldn't be fair. (screams) I forgot his swinging motion. I for-- I'm gonna hit this enemy. It's got a big dumpy. I don't know why he does that. Why is that his, why is that his form? Do you think I need to hit it with a weapon? Oh does that mean you get to see my big dumpy? Hold on chat. Just gotta line up the shot. Hold on guys, this is a quick lock. I can't seem to line it up. Break. Oh maybe there wasn't, maybe I'm making that up. Nope. Harry. Ark. Ark. Thompson. Just kill me. I don't know what the fuck he was aiming at. I think he was trying to aim at the guy in front of him, or I'm sorry above him, and not the guy in front of him. That was good, that was a good attempt. Oh are you waiting your turn to ride this? All right I guess I'll queue up behind you. You have the fast pass, or? He's got a knife. Just like most Disney adults, if you try to cut them in line they'll stab you. Kick you right in the nards. Dude I'm, I'm fucking cracked today I'm unst-- Alright I'm good. I'm good. This nurse is about to hit the sickest, she's gonna hit it so hard. She's gonna fucking hit it dude she's charging it up. Yep, all right cool thanks. Oh Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck? I'm getting dragged into the fridge. Huh. That's a death huh? Okay. I don't know what I did wrong, but don't do that. Completing the above quest will lock you into one of the plus endings, good or bad. Oh because right, Sybil was in bad plus I see. Wow so there's literally only two things and I fucked them both up. God damn it. Oh! Look at this big guy! I didn't notice this last time, look at him. Look at the duck, or the the goose rather. Look at the goose. There's a duck. There's birds everywhere, this game rules. Hey uh, PC modders, for the steam version of this game, before you do anything else can you remodel that headband to be the Ninja headband. Maybe add the blue wig as well? Can we make that happen? Just an idea, just throwing it out there. Then, second you can do Naruto. But first the Ninja headband, it's more iconic. (laughs) Midair. Oh I did it again fuck, I killed him too quickly, I didn't loot the items. He, I didn't see him dab. I know he got hit in the air. Imagine the last thing you do is get hit in the air it's just like oh, I'm dead. He's still stunned. Stop kicking me in the chest, why does that keep happening? Oh he's got one. Hey, fight him. Fight the shield guy. Keep hitting this guy in the fucking pecker. I'm just obliterating his nut sack. (laughs) There you go. This guy has no balls, just kill-- there we go, all right. You know I think maybe lighting him on a fire would have been more compassionate, I don't know if that's the right word, but holy fuck. A fate worse than death. I guess I could just do like this? Oh what the fuck? What, why did you go for th-- okay well that didn't work out at all. Why didn't they go for the-- okay. Why didn't they do the, the thing I wanted him to do? They went the wrong way. Are we using a missile on one guy? Oh shit I'm steering! We're good. Me on my way to the bedroom when Tina says she's horny. Tina, I'm on my way! Tina wait I gotta navigate the fucking Grand Cannon, Canyon even. Oh he threw it through the door, I see. Just let it be known, I'm still a world-renowned woman lover. She had a gun all right? She had a gun, all right? Got him. [Soap, keep us covered, we're moving up.] You want me to do what? (laughs) Oh, thanks for the thumbs up. Oh shit! He had a bat uh, I panicked. Listen bro, we said Special Forces. What are you gonna charge with a bat for? Hello? Okay, she had a gun all right? Don't give me shit. Look. Oh she was throwing the gun away. Okay maybe I was in the wrong. Well why would you hold a fucking gun if you want to get shot? [Spanish in-game] Did he just say watch for squirters? I mean that's good life advice if you're with a woman. You know, maybe wear goggles or something, but I don't know how that really applies in this situation. But okay. I'm like finger banging the right trigger right now, I don't know what to do. Uh, Price my gun is jammed hold on. How about now? Uhh maybe this one? My gun doesn't shoot! I don't know what to do. Hold on. Can you kill both of them? Chat I promise you, I swear to God, I was hitting the right trigger like it owed me money. Okay? I have no idea why it wouldn't shoot. I don't know-- it's this, it's the right trigger. I've been pressing it all game, all right? I know what it is, don't give me that shit. Okay? All right? Fuck you. Oh wrong button hold on. Dad, I'm coming, hold on. Gotta match your speed. Gotta match your speed. I think when I got out of the car, it hit his car, or truck, and it lost all momentum. Diego, look I'm a worm. Diego, I'm a slug. I'm Soap the slug. Diego, I'm a sl-- (laughs) Come on. It didn't even break the glass. Oh hey, it's this shotgun, okay. [Hallway's clear.] Was it, Soap? I guess the hallway was clear. I guess I wasn't lying. Oh wait can I go into the truck? Nope, I'm gonna assume that's not gonna work. What, did you fucking hear my thoughts? Okay. (laughs) The guy from inside the building shot through the building. Come on. Bro. Jesus Christ, his helmet. There we go, fucking Christ. All that for a rocket to the fucking face? [I see you. Let's get the lay of the land. We nearly there? Not too far, hangar is this way. Stay close. Check.] Hey, this game is 70 dollars. Hey, I got it. [I need you with me guys; I can't do this by myself.] Oh-- you-- okay. You, fuck you. You dare turn your back to me? Ow. You dare turn your back to me? [Looks like we're clear.] Yo the riot shield is sick. Bro the riot shield in Modern Warfare-- oh. Okay maybe the riot shield's not that good. (laughs) I got it, don't worry. I'm hooked. Catch me father! Okay, well that was the end of that bit. Yeah I'm ready-- I just wanna dolphin dive off the top of the building, all right? Can you blame me? All right so let's see what we didn't get. Center-- okay. Right-- all right. What did I get? All right well stream's over. See you guys on Friday. See you guys on Friday. It's over dude. Please don't miss. You're a beast, you're a beast! Okay. DOLEEEE! "This ROM seems easy"? Uh what the fuck, because I win it's easy? Hey fuck you, this is the hardest ROM ever made. Oh Ray's doing well, easiest game ever made. Give me some credit, you chode. Well fuckin, you know what? Hey hey fuck you. Yeah fuck you I can do that too! How about that! Yeah, we're both gonna die! Yeah fuck you! Oh you want to do it again? Trade one, all right fuckin show me Pidgeotto. Kek kek kek. What's the point of fucking living? Yes. Oh I should have probably took the item off. Whoops. Kek. All right what are we starting this run with, what might be my last run of the day. Oh my fucking-- what do I even say? It gets worse every time. Oh ew! Oh the two things I want, and they're so low it's nine combined. I love IVs. No one look at that. Light blur that out. Blur that out in the edit. Just blur out the IVs. "I hope your day off is just okay" Oh that's fucking rude. I uh, hope you piss your pants tonight in your dreams. I hope you see a toilet and you let it rip, and you wake up in a puddle. How about that, how about that? Oh a shiny! All right I guess I-- you can barely tell it's shiny, but I guess I'll fucking grab it. Oh this is where if you come back you find like a kind of a secret boss or hidden boss. That's the real horror. That's an actual jumpscare. Wow I fuckin hate this. So what happens if I uh-- Ohhh. Stream's over. Fuckin see ya on Saturday. Bye. I think that's good enough. I'm gonna give uh, give myself a couple more steps here. I'm sorry, I got distracted. What happened, I blacked out? Excuse me Just gonna Good! I have two moms, how progressive! (laughs) OH-- fucking Christ (laughs) What do you mean? Mommy no. Yo stick that foot under here. (horrible licking sounds) Who's the real creeper now? It's me. Wait wait, there's a door, there's a door. There's a door. Is this the wrong way? I'm, I'm fucking about to sink in the come. I'm gonna sink in the come! Oh, oh hey guys. Pig! (laughs) Hey guys, I saw a life bar and I just punched. That-- my bad. Third person. [Did you say something?] Oh, I said third person. I'm sorry I'll keep that in. My bad. Hey buddy. (kissy noise) [Jesus Christ.] Oh sorry Ethan, it was a joke. I wasn't really gonna kiss him, you freak. Let me make sure this is the right key, and then I'll reload my checkpoint. Oh my, look at my wobbles okay. (laughs) Is this is how you walk when you're okay? Yeah maybe third person's not that bad. Uh okay, I just chose the wrong key. Oh my God. He's still holding the knife too. I'm coming to the door! I used the wrong key! God damn Ethan. What a goober. Isn't mommy walking around now? (sniffing noises) What happened, I blacked out. Oh you know what, before I forget. [What are you buying? Just something an old friend of mine used to say.] He said the thing. He said the thing. [Right everyone, it's almost time to begin your journeys in the Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet games.] Hopefully audio's okay. [You'll get to catch Pokemon.] Whoa whoa whoa hey you can catch Pokemon in this game? Let's go! Oh my god did you fucking see the windmill? Good fucking God. Good God. Jesus. Holy fuck. [Oh wow could this be a Pokemon egg? Apparently eggs can sometimes be found during picnics.] What do you mean they could be found? Like an egg just appeared-- did you steal a baby? What does that mean? Did Pooper go and just steal a baby? Are we abducting children? [And now the moment we've been waiting for: sandwich time.] (laughs) You know, that that is what I've been waiting for. Thank God they finally added sandwiches. You're like-- [Tina: I promise it's not this orange in real life.] You're the same skin color as the KEKW guy, [T: I know.] Dude make the KEKW face. (laughs) [T: Is that it?] Kind of, you just need a mustache. Dude, Tina W. KEKTINA. Oh, Spike Voxer? Aw dude like a touchdown? Hold on. What a dumb fucking bit. [Applause] Alright, I'm gonna go deep, I'm gonna catch it, I'm gonna do a little run a juke, and then I'm gonna spike it. All right you ready? One-man football team. American football team. All right first you gotta take the hike all right? All right you gotta drop back. You gotta throw. Okay hold on, hold on. You gotta catch the ball, you gotta juke, you gotta do a spin move, you gotta dive for the touchdown, and then you fuckin got it-- seven points baby! [Applause] And that's the end of the bit. Did you hear BTS is on hiatus? Yeah they gotta go do their military service, as a massive K-pop fan I knew all about it, because I love BTS. I hope they don't come back with BTSD, if you know what I'm saying. Uh a lot of people have made that joke, so I don't, I don't take credit for that. That is the most common joke, but you could pretend I came up with that. This is what this horny bitch sent me, hold on. Hold on one second. [Sea shanty playing in background] Look at this shit. Get out of here. Look at this! Look what she sent me! What the-- what do you want me to do with this? What do you want me to do with amongSek? You know what bro, hold on. 40 bones? Yo chump change. Chump change for number 51. Chump change. All right gamers, we're in there. Install that bad boy. Install it. Gifted a sub to Chilledchaos-- why does my friend not support me on stream. What the fuck? Why is he not subbed to me? You know, you know what, you fuck-- you know. You see this? This is your fucking fault Chilled. Yeah that's your fault. [Chilled: I have sent you all game invites.] Oh shit. Fuck. Oh shit. Fuck. Fuck, shit. Hey what's going on. [Tina: I don't remember the lipstick I'm wearing, I'm sorry. It's a L'Oreal something, I got it at CVS.] L'Oreal? Like the L'Oreal kids shampoo? Is that the same brand? [T: Yeah but they do more than--] I didn't know that. [T: You thought that was all they did?] I thought they just did, I thought they just did shampoo. Maybe not just kids-- No More Tears. Yo chat, why are you sad just take the L'Oreal shampoo and just spray it in your fucking face. No More Tears dude! (Thanks for watching! ♡)
Channel: Ray Narvaez Jr
Views: 268,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ray, Narvaez, BrownMan, B1GnBr0wN, Achievement, Hunter, Rooster, Teeth, Twitch, Livestream, FrameRate, Merch, October, 2022, Top Twitch Clips, Clip, Clips, Highlights, Potion, Permit, Dino, Crisis, Nintendo, 64, N64, Games, With, Friends, James, Bond, 007, Nightfire, Resident, Evil, RE 4, HD, Project, Duck, Game, Mario, Party, Superstars, Coral, Island, Early, Access, The, Darkside, Chronicles, Silent, Hill, A Plague Tale, Plague, Tale, Requiem, Call, Of, Duty, Modern, Warfare, II, COD, MW, Pokémon, Pokemon, Emerald, Rogue, Village, Shadows Of Rose
Id: ZIDhUsxHaws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 40sec (3760 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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