March 2013 Special Blog with Bobby Conner and Paul Keith Davis

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you hello everyone and welcome to this special edition of the voice of the bride webinar we've really enjoyed bringing these webinars to you you know I promised before we're bringing the word just the way we believe we're not holding back we're teaching the word and I'm very happy to have with me my very good friend a special guest Bobbie Connor good we're delighted to be here excited about being here that's awesome that's just awesome I you know if anybody is bold and sharing the truth is body and so we thought we'd do a little special webinar this one's not live but we're taping it just before our skin of the Spirit and Bobby's going to speak into the region and into the people that are here but I thought we'd do a little history I think a lot of you be interested in some of the really supernatural things that happen over the course of our friendship and things that have gone on around us and they were going to talk about the cloud of witnesses we're going to stay on the theme of what I've been talking about during the course of these these lessons and the more I do it the more I feel like there is a revelation that's coming so I I appreciate that so Bobby when I met you you were the pastor of First Baptist Church Bullard Texas First Baptist Church Miller Texas you know it's pretty amazing many years ago I'll tell you what happened to me the Lord said I'm sick and tired of my people hearing about miracles and not seeing them so I said to him what do you mean to do about it and he told me he said Lisa / secular building take out a full-page newspaper ad take out an ad on television and invite invite people to come see a demonstration of God's power oh man that was a that was something else we did that in the weeks went by and finally the Friday night got there for the people to come and sound back behind a little platform on the stage and we're in a secular arena and so I pull the curtain back to see how things were going and the whole room was packed with people sitting there like this not like this I jerked the curtain to knife up Oh Lord what am I going to do and here's what he said he said ah you're gonna look real foolish if I don't show up and don't you ever forget him and so that's when I realized this was not one thing about us and stepped out and blind eyes something cancers the size of cantaloupes fell off for people and the Lord spoke to me that Noddy said if you stay like a child you never get to where you think you know what you're doing always be transparent and give me the glory I'll use you I still true today yeah I think that's a great lesson for those of you many of the folks watching my um may have come up in a conservative background but when I met Bobby he had just gotten the holy spirit in about 1991 yes yes and we met in 1991 turns out we were actually the same meeting in January of 1991 a mighty warriors conference with Benny Hinn's church and Bobby was there we didn't know each other but the Lord told me to go on a trip to Israel and and Benny Hinn put one on and I went and the first time I saw Bobby Conner was literally on the Sea of Galilee while he was preaching we had a little one these boats you know that goes out across the sea of galilee and and i had met some people that were in this church but I had not yet met Bobby and he was preaching and his words seemed more alive than anyone I've ever heard he was talking about the the demoniac of Ghaderi right across the Sea of Galilee and I remember thinking many he's saying that as if he was there that they had happened and I remember being taken by that you were wearing a white t-shirt and something Zuba Zuba whatever they thought that's an unusual looking man we finally met and it was a divine connection and I went to Bobby's Church in December of 1991 and that's really kind of where the story starts we began to talk about William Branham as a talent some of the great fathers you had just got in the Holy Spirit and we're just moving and profound revelatory anointing you won't just share a little bit about that the Lord really began to move prophetically and he show us things from the Word of God and it would unveil the Word of God to us people ask me they go what happened to you when you got filled with the Holy Ghost an insatiable hunger for the word of God and the word began to leap off the pages as life not just a story and so that's that's what's happened and I'll tell you what we've been preaching 44 years and we've averaged speaking five times a week and I'm more excited about the Word of God today than I've ever been in my life I'm telling you if you want to really get involved in the things of God get into the Word of God I'm kind of stunned and a little saddened that people especially Karris Mattox and spirit-filled people are shallow in the Word of God and I'm telling you guys if God's going to use this to the dimension he wants to use this we got to go deeper in the Word of God Psalms 42 said deep is calling to the deep this is not a time to stay superficial that's what I love about white dome industry you're digging into the deep things of God this is not a time to just kind of have fluff we got to have the solid strongly to the Word of God so you agree that everything that's going to be revealed is being revealed now yes III believe prior to now it has not been revealed and I believe God hid some things from us for us it did proverbs 25:2 it says God it's the glory of God to conceal the matter and the honor of kings to search it out I believe that too I believe these mysteries are about to be apprehended I remember that when I went to your church by the UH you probably don't remember this but you called me up and I got about six feet from Bobby and I could literally feel the tangible presence that's the first time I literally physically felt the anointing on that level then you began to tell me things that went on my childhood is that something you always had Bobby or is that something that was activated when you got the Holy Spirit III really received a prophetic anointing in my mother's womb much like Jeremiah 1 Jeremiah 1 for said before you came out of your mother's belly I knew you before you were birthed I called you in or danger and said I think that's what happened to me honestly but then when the Holy Spirit came it released it in a functional way in a way that we could use it for the glory of God I saw you myself point to people and tell them secrets of the heart even even information names whatever talk about that a little bit how that develop with you yeah like I said well in my mother's Wilma I believe I got this prophetic anointing and when I was a child the Lord opened the heavens to me I could see into the heavens I could see angels and I'm a little five-year-old kid from Texas so they looked like burning horses honestly they look like horses with their Mane and their tails on fire running across to heaven and but if st. gellick beings but I didn't have a grid for it and uh but all my life I've had the prophetic anointing I believe I got converted genuinely converted in the fall of 1968 and they're not that the Lord save me said I'm gonna send y'all around the whole world with the gospel so he's been very very faithful and uh so I got converted in the Baptist denomination and so I told the Baptist preachers I said I can see into the heavens and I can hear what people say and think and all they go that can't be good and then finally the Lord told me said no it's a gift from me and I want you to use it for my glory and many times what you say to somebody that's a secret of their heart just reveals to them how much God loves them and I I was in a Florida the other day and I the meeting had gone quite long and it's about a 14 or 15 year old girl there and her mom had made her stay through the whole meeting and she was you know you can understand she achieved was just aggravated that she'd been in the meeting all the time and probably missing one of her television programs or something so I walked by after the the meeting was just ending she was old and so I said to her I said honey I'll show you how much God loves you if I touch your hair it'll turn gold and she was brown Haiti that she could be and she goes my hair won't turn go I said well it will when I touch it because God wants to show you how much he loves you and so she I said can I touch your hair and she said yeah and I got her hair and I've got it on screen I got it on a photograph on my phone and I pulled a few strands of her hair it turned his goal is everything and when I showed it to her she squealed and screamed and just begin to ball ball and Scarlet God loved her that much that's what signs and wonders do it convinces the people that God does have a plan and a purpose and that in genuinely love see I saw the picture today we talked about this and I saw myself where he's holding her hair and you can see we return goal and you know the Bible says that that if a stranger or an unbeliever were to come into our meetings and the secrets of the heart of reveal would they not fall on their faces and say surely God is in this place and we've we've got to get back to the Bible we've got to get our standard back to that place we're not seeing people fall on their faces and worship God because of the words of knowledge we've got now I I believe in every expression I believe all the ministers of God are trying to help people but I believe there's another standard like what Bobby's talking about where we can discern the thoughts of the heart and really tell the secrets and touch people on a very deep level after 1991 you know at least we were connected we did a lot of meetings I went to my very first Morningstar meeting you were there yes in 1992 and we went to Rick Joyner's house after that became friends with Rick in 1993 and 94 we had a lot of get-togethers a lot of conferences but May of 1994 things kind of changed for Bobby and for us for us as well that was when we both met Bob Jones yes Bob Jones 1994 I'll tell you how this happened I went into a trance and I saw a huge rock a gigantic rock hurling through the space and coming to earth and the Lord said you see that and I said yes and he said it's a sign that his kingdom is coming to earth call Bob Jones and he'll tell you I never met Bob I'd seen Bob twice in a vision and once on a video and a country and western singer Ricky Skaggs the friend of ours he gave me Bob's number so I called Bob was living in Shipley Florida at that time I was living in Texas so I called this number and it rang eight or nine times I've just about to hang it up and Bob Jones answers the phone he goes hello and I go this is Bobby Conner and he said I know who you are you've seen it did me that was his first words out of his mouth I said yes I did but you tell me what I saw he said you saw that rock coming through the space I said yes I did he said to me you know what it means don't you I said I do and I said what you tell me and he said it meant the Dominion of God was coming to earth so that's when I knew that God was joining us together and so back then there was quite a bit of controversy concerning Bob and the supernatural and so I asked the Lord Jesus about it I said Lord tell me about Bob Jones and here's what he said he said it's straight out he said he's my friend and he is he's a friend of the Lord and I don't think there's a higher compliment that you could pay a person than being a friend of the Lord you know that kind of reminds me you know there's been a lot of maligning that's taking place for a lot of people a lot of Ministers and you know what God puts his treasures in earthen vessels none of us are perfect no none of us get through this thing completely you know perfect but I remember when you and I first were talking about some of these great men of God like William Branham and Amy Allen you had an experience about that time you just tell it about the brother hey Allen I'll tell you I'm just going to be as honest as I know how I preached before our church at Southern Methodist Church I had preached what I'd read in a brothers book concerning hey Alan and I preached about what what the man had written about him dying alcoholic and all of this and the Lord came to me Jesus came to me and he said just out front he said you lied about my serving aaand I said no Lord I didn't lie and the Lord said to me when he said when you stand before me in heaven you're gonna find out that a a Alan died righteous and he told me all the plot and all the scheme that was behind the death of Al and etc and all those and I said it publicly and while you talk about receive some criticism about it and then all these years unfolded and then the truth came out you know it's amazing how many of us just believe something because we read it you know maybe you've read something about William Branham and you take a position I've had a number of people come to me and and say well you know I don't listen to William Branham because he got off and I and so I would ask specifically what message did you listen to that you didn't agree with most of them had not ever listened to a single message most people that I had make that statement to me had never even listened to one message much less even knew the reasons that they didn't believe the management ministry well that's that's tragic that's just tragic that we're that way today but God's restoring that he is restoring the mantles um we're gonna go back to 1994 in a minute but what do you think about these Mantle's are these great men and women I believe they're accessible for us today if we'll seek the Lord and a position ourself for an upgrade from God what do you think we have to do to qualify purity purity and hunger and I think character is very important there's a little bit of a message going around today about maybe we call it hyper grace you know I know you've run into it I've run into it some you know I think that's a dangerous thing I'm very stunned about it I'm all for the grace of God all of us anything we have from God we have because of his marvelous grace I know his mercies are new every day but there's a perverting grace being presented now that's going to release a contamination I believe throughout the body of Christ it's going to be almost eerie for here's the kind of grace that I'm holding o to Titus 2:11 says the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared unto all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously godly in this present world looking for the Blessed hope and worse appearing of our great God and Savior I want grace that produces purity I don't want to grace it and gives a license to live loose absolutely I'm the same way and I won't I don't make any bones about I want some of the anointings if you will the expressions of God's heart that rested on other people unfulfilled commissions and I'm hoping the Lord will look with us on us with grace in favor and let us carry forward some of those back to 1994 I'm gonna share my my side of a story I want you to finish today but one of the most extraordinary things I've ever seen spiritually up until that point at least happened on this first meeting that we had with Bob Jones Bobby and Carolyn and picked us up with Bob and viola at the airport and so we had our very first dinner the six office together and and Bob was sitting across the table with a chicken breast in one hand a steak knife and the other talking about living below God's best some of you probably have heard me share that story so the very next day my job Bobby had asked me if I would drive Bob from Tyler which is where we were staying in hotel down to Bullard which was 8 or 10 miles and for the meetings and I said I would so the next morning I picked Bob up we go to Bobby's house the ladies had to go inside for a moment so I'm sitting in the driver's seat of the van and Bob is in the passenger seat and there was this awkward silence now that I know Bob that's really unusual because there's rarely sirens yeah he's always sharing revelation and so you know the only thing I could think of was to share a dream I had so I said I had the strangest dream last night and literally I was only making conversation I had no idea it was going to be something that happened that night and so he said tell me the dream I said well in the dream I'm standing on the bank of a river and I see this serpent swimming across the river all I can see is the head and I said to me and ov into the river behind the serpent he said yep I know what that is he said that's me and Bobby and that was the first I had any indication you know this had any real meaning and he said keep going I said well these two men swam up behind the serpent and just as he got to the other side they grabbed him around the head and the serpent began to spin and I could see these two men going over and under the water then I finally saw a sword come up out of the water and one of them's hand and and the sword came down on the head of the serpent in the Serpent's body stretched out like a board and fell on top of a tree and when it the weight of the serpent fell and the roots of the tree were exposed and we opened up the belly of the other of the serpent and all these people came out and Bob says I know exactly what that means and I'm like somebody does you know and and there's other parts out that I won't share but so he's in that night we went to the service and Bobby and Bob of sharing and I'll let you pick it up from there is that one though though well what happened was Sharon and all of a sudden the anointing found you actually said there's witches yeah releasing a curse against right as we speak that's exactly instantaneously everybody went in there session nobody coached us nobody was cheerleading everybody went in intercession then Mickey Robison came over and said there's a Jewish man here and he feels like he has a dance from the Lord and so we said sure and he and while this is going on Bob walks over to me and he says this is your dream and he began to dance and he took the sword and held it straight up in the air and he brought it down in a symbolic gesture and when he did something happened yeah that's right oh we were in this meeting and boy the witches were operating and I saw that they were about to offer a sacrifice a blood sacrifice to try to stop and still make that meeting and we declared it and then more like you said the brother the Jewish brother was in a battle cry with the sword and man when he brought the sword down they were shrieking and it's own film the witches running out of there and I'm telling you that was then the Holy Ghost came yeah and to tell you the end of the story you know that that happened then we had a prayer line Bob was standing next to me on to my to my right and a lot of young ladies were coming by getting free of witchcraft and he leans up to me and he said this is the other part of your dream I said what do you mean by that he says when we cut the head that serpent it broke the curse of the family tree yeah and a lot of these people that were getting delivered were under generational curses and they were instantaneously being sent free a lot of healings that's right and then you go to somebody the police came and got you after that's exactly right after that the Chief of Police from that city came to my office that he said I've got a situation I came handle and uh he's very capable of handling situations I said what is it he said there's a person down here that I had some reports about that was Celtic and witchcraft said so I went just going to search your house and here's what he told me he said Bobby I walked in there and had a search warrant and he said I asked the lady permission to search a certain room in the house and she said no you can't search there and he told me out of his own mouth he said there was a house cat curled on a pedestal there and he said I was gonna search the house you know he said I walked up to where this house cat was and he told me out of his own mouth the police chief said this cat rose up and he said a lion could have made more noise in this cat he said he jerked out his 9-millimeter and told the woman said I'm about to make a lot of noise in this room but he said I backed out of there he said he said something of fear gripped him he said and he came to me say can you help me I said yes we can see the Bible says God gives us power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the work of the enemy says the God of peace will crush Satan under our feet shortly I'll tell you what the people better do we better get ready for deliverance because there is a confrontation between light and darkness but we're fighting from victory not for victory but that was amazing we go down there and I'll tell you what the power of God and the power of darkness cannot coexist and light always wins right that's exactly right well after that which was a pretty amazing meeting introduction now saying we've had several meetings and in 1994 we began to doing conferences with a certain ministry and I'm gonna share this part about Bobby Bobby's always had my back always but in 1994 Bob had not yet been publicly restored but he was sending prophetic messages on something that was happening in the conference and one of the leaders and I was the mouthpiece how was the messenger and one of them one of the major leaders really confronted me really challenged me on that because he had an issue with bobbin and he and I were kind of going back and forth and Bobby steps in and pretty much resolved the issue he pretty much kind of took it on his shoulders and that was the end of that I've always appreciated that about Bobby and I remember we were in a certain city and in another state I want to name the state and a lady that was had witchcraft was in the meeting and I had said something in the meeting that really offended her and I was talking about the spirit of Balaam people using an actual anointing to release curses and and she came to the service the next day to confront me but but she got Bobby instead do you remember that I do remember that yeah I came out in the lot in the four-year and all I heard Bobby says was you better get right with God that's true ninth in July of 1994 you and Carolyn Bob and viola and Rick Joyner were at our home and on the on the same morning every one of us woke up with a revelation that God was going to do something in Pensacola scrap what you just share with that yeah the Lord began to say he was going to ring a bell he was going to send a lot and he was going to have a real move in Pensacola in that region and uh we we had it Bob Jones had it you had it we even took a journey remember we drove around looking for the spot and I'll tell you what God did that didn't he and you'll remember we went right back to your church right after that and part of the word was that God was going to release repentance leading to righteousness leading to power evangelist that's true that was actually prophesied right from your church about the Brownsville outpouring about the Pensacola we didn't help rounds brown we didn't know it was gonna be Brownsville we didn't all we knew was Pensacola and and sure enough I think it could have been a lot more than it was but but that was the theme of it was the thing that was a track it ran on yeah it was it was an awakening some people believe that it fulfilled a prophecy from William Branham when he said in 1955 that you know the revival had was ending and it may be 40 years for the Holy Spirit really came back with power and that may or may not be true but it may be something to that you know who knows why don't you tell that deal if you if you don't mind when we were there at a lodge and we'd been to Bob said there's three other guys that's supposed to be here yeah this was January of actually started in the fall of 1995 Bobby was a witness to all this but in the fall of 1995 Bob Jones calls me up and he said I just had a revelation and I saw the date January 16th but he said I had no idea what it means I said I know exactly what it means January 16th was the date that William Branham stood up in 1956 and said that revival was over America had turned down her opportunity and and so we knew that the next January 16th would've been 40 years to the day so he calls up Rick Rick Joyner sets up a meeting and Ravin falls invitation-only meeting on January 10th 1996 I got another phone call from Bob he said I just had another vision he calls it the television it's like the Lord was standing behind a bank counter cashing checks that we were going to cash checks on heaven and he said I saw two men in this vision he saw three men and I was one half of them buddy he saw two other men and he and he said these men are supposed to go to the meeting and Raven foster Rick says who are they he said I don't know he said where they from I don't know he said they just got to be in the meeting so January 16th 1996 we're meeting in Raven Falls at Harry and Louise pizzelles lodge and and Bob kept saying all morning we can't start the meeting to these two men show up and Rick says there everybody's here this invited nobody else is coming he said well two men are gonna come we break for lunch nothing had happened we come back after lunch and I'm sharing the story just like I am now about why we're there while we're there On January 16 1996 40 years to the day and about that time the door opens and two men walk in pop says there they are and so these two men had been on a missionary journey driving up from Florida to New York visiting churches were turn turned around on the way back and just on a whim decided to stop by Moravian Falls to see who was there and they walked right into our meeting so they sit down and begin to share the story again and about halfway through I said in 1956 William Bynum said America turn down our opportunity one of the men raised his hand a 77 year old man by the name of Rick Hirsch key and he said I was in that meeting we were stunned we were stunned this man was in the meeting in 56 and God had him in our little Lodge up in Moravian falls in North Carolina on the on the anniversary 40th anniversary and and so we felt like it was significant tell me a little bit about what brother Kirksey said here's what he said he said I was in that meeting he said the day before that meeting we were in peeing whole Hospital wings that's what he said after the word came out of brother Brennan's mouth that the American turned down their thing said that all the power left they couldn't do anything but that's poor that's pretty uh you kids ready John G Lakes that's the last I saw he was mentored by John G Lake for 18 months it was a pretty amazing fulfillment pretty amazing fulfillment I makes me believe we're gonna pick back up with a revival left yeah I don't have any doubt about it and right after that we began meeting at heavy meetings at Morningstar in fact the very same year and in one of the meetings I'll tell my side of it then Bobby can share the real meat of it we we were all living in a not living but staying in a house called Kevin's house had about fourteen fifteen bedrooms and all the leadership team and worship team would stay in this house have her meals together every morning it was Bob's you know modus operandi to come to the breakfast table with revelation we had no no agenda for the day until we had breakfast and got revelation and so everybody was supposed to bring revelation every night I would beg God give me something so I can come to the table with at least a little something and so that morning I go to the breakfast table and Bob was already in there and Bob says I had the strangest thing happened to me last night he said I was on my way up to heaven and I looked and an angel was coming down from heaven he said we stopped and Bob said I asked the angel where are you going he said I'm going to carry this and I'll let Bobby tell what it was to - Bobby Connor and he said so Bobby Connor had a visitation last night so I'm thinking to myself all right I'm gonna find out this guy's a prophet because he told me that long before Bobby came out of his bedroom and sure enough a few minutes later you come out yes I come out to join the team that for breakfast and that night uh so I'm sit down and they're getting some coffee and I said man had the strangest visitation last night I'm in bed my wife is sleeping beside me and so I wake up during the night and I have this sensation to go relieve myself and so I'm in the urine I'm in the bathroom standing in front of the journals so help me and all of a sudden this mighty angel there's a mirror there a full-length mirror across shoot this mighty angel appeared behind me with a spear in his hand the spear of Phineas and he says here take this you'll need it and so I thought boy I talked to myself I was at an appropriate place for a visitation like that just to be honest and so I tell him that I said this this thing and see that's what Bob Bob had met that angel is Bob was going up the angel was coming down to release this dismantle and so uh people they go what is a spear Phineas I think it's a holy jealousy of God and so you need to study there in the Book of Numbers concerning Phineas and and his act of a valor that stopped the plague of God against the stop the evil that was going on and the retaliation and things so it's pretty amazing you know I believe it has direct a new Talbot New Testament relevance because they were Israel was laying with the mobile yes under the leadership of Balaam Balaam was the one that had somehow instituted this this sin that caused the plague to be released in Israel and the Bible says in the New Testament yeah that the spirit of Balaam is alive and well Jude tells us that the book of Revelation says that many hold to the teachings of Balaam which is to lie with the world to much of the church's lying with the world that's true and so what I believe was given to bob was the spear Phineas which was the jealousy of God if you'll remember the Israelite man went into a tent to lay with the MOBOTIX woman the plague is taking place in thousands are dying and Phineas goes in and he drives the spear through him and her both and God says because you've done this I'm gonna reward you with a perpetual covenant of peace because you were jealous for me with my jealousy and as a person that's known Bobbi from then till now I can tell you the jealousy of God is on his life and you know it's something I believe you can release I want to be jealous for God and I want our people you know Watchers and listeners to be jealous for the Lord with a godly jealousy right that's what we're try to say to people who Keith is holiness is not optional it's an absolute necessity if we're going to ascend into the hill of the Lord the Bible says who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord then it answers it he that hath clean hands and a pure heart and I and I don't know how that we can continue to present this smutty grace that does not call us out to holiness it is imperative that we have a holy heart if we're going to the Bible saw psalm 66:18 it says if i regard iniquity in my heart the Lord won't hear me it cuts off our communication channel with God so it's imperative we have a clean heart absolutely I believe that you know you said something today when we were talking that this next outpouring is going to be different from the other ones it'll be present that's right that's exactly right for a couple of decades now the body of Christ has been hard after the power of God and that's okay that that's okay but there's something much better than the power of God and that's the authority of God and what we've been looking for is his power and he's gonna show us his presence and in his presence we get his authority and uh I think Luke 10:19 shows us that authority is much better than power and that's a great verse it says behold I give you power to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and there's two words for power one is one is he said I give you authority to negate the devil's ability so we better learn that because the devil is going to show himself revelations 12:12 says The Devil's come down he's exceedingly fierce because he understands he's got it short when did it work in so he's pulled out all stops during these days I believe that I believe that well you know with the amount of time we have left let's talk about the subject that I've been sharing with the guys watching the webinar unless the cloud witness I had promised the people that I would share exactly what I believe yeah reservations and there's been amazing response from the people in course you know it says in Hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 therefore since we have so great a cloud of witnesses and I've taught you the folks the testifiers is what it means testify are surrounding us let us lay aside every encumbrance and the sin which so easily entangles us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us I know that you've had multiple encounters with the cloud of witnesses once you share your first mine ok like we've talked about Moravian falls North Carolina a man asked my wife years ago mid early 90s and said do you think if I built a cabin Bobby would come and stay she said that's a question you'll have to ask Bobby so ask me and I asked the Lord in the Lord said yes so the man built a cabin and this is that he finally got it constructed this is the first night were there to dedicate the cabin and no houses were built in it was just a little that's the only thing was up in that region right there then on that side of the mountain so we're there dedicating the cabin I've got him by the hand and then we're praying and you hear strong footsteps walking were the only two people in the cabin here strong footsteps walking up the stairs behind me he squeezed my hands so tight he said I've got to go home had enough I said yes and boy I'll tell you what now he's uh he's gone and I'm sitting there by myself in this cabin and it's a fires crackling I hear noise out on the front porch and so I go out to see who's there because I'm supposed to be by myself and that's when those Moravian angels were there but I'll tell you what I want all of heavens help we can get this is absolutely true there was 14 to 18 angels there and they were they were dressed like pilgrims the first question out of their mouths was this what took you so long you know they have been without a commission till from the Moravians back in the 1700s they had occupied that land but I know this that God is sending this heavens help then another time when I had an experience with a cloud of witnesses I'm in Tyler Texas you can do okay talk about the other okay so you're wide awake by the way you want to we know transient in there and so the idea is that what they started we are to finish that's exactly right that's exactly what they they asked me what took you so long and they were talking about the Commission and come to take up the mantle can I just be on again way before Morningstar way before a rick joyner raid before I ever heard anything about Raven Falls North Carolina and pastor in Texas and the Lord visits with me and says go to Hearn hook Germany and go to sins endorsed grave I carried my TV camera I'd go to Hearn hook Germany never heard iron didn't know a thing about Zinzendorf he said go to herrnhut take your camera and it's five o'clock in the morning it's still dark and I'm I go to sins endorser grave it's a concrete vault and the Lord said film this I'm filming it's grainy dark and I'm I'm filming this thing then the Lord said because said on that fence a rock fence so I go settlement rock fence remember it's about 5:30 in the morning now and I hear your steps coming somebody walking and I look coming up the trail it's an old man and he's got a cap on in the coat and he comes to I'm over there filming the Lord said film this I'm filming it with a TV camera and the little guy shuffles up to Zinzendorf grave takes his cap off and apparently his prig head he's a hair head down like that and he's there for maybe three minutes puts his cap back on and he's shuffling the Lord said film this he's shuffling off of a trail and the Sun comes up and just burns him out of the film you know the the Rising Sun so I said Lord what about scene he said I've seen I've sent you here to resurrect this ministry the the Moravian ministry and so I hadn't heard of the Moravian ministry had never heard a thing about Zinzendorf didn't know a thing about Moravian falls and then through the process of God I was told a moved to Moravian falls and they got the land of Moravian falls in on my birthday and deeded to Jesus Christ back in the 1700s you can go to winston-salem North Carolina and see the the handwritten of surveyors notes Wow November 29th no yeah I got it on my birthday and Isaac Paul's birthday right that's exactly right inside yeah my grandson Isaac Paul was born on Bobby's birthday that's amazing it is Kansans and orphan case some of you don't know was it's said to be the rich young ruler who said users wealth to create a community of people that prayed non-stop 100 years twenty four-hour-a-day prayer for 100 years and so in Moravian falls they carried that mental that mandate and prayed for many many years right there in Moravian folson and I've had angelic visitations there as well and as I know Bobbie has so the Moravians were there it's almost as if they've been waiting they were waiting their commission was what took you so long and uh there is that there's a portal there that the Moravians opened a portal in heaven and uh very accessible just so people know we're talking about something in scriptural it says in Hebrews 11 verse 39 all of these talking about the cloud of witnesses the great champions described in Hebrews 11 all of these having gained approval or obtained a testimony through their faith did not receive what was promised because God had provided something better for us so that apart from us they're not they're made perfect that's right so so therefore you know they're not made perfect in other words they need us to fulfill the promise for themselves to be perfect they're they're a cheering us on interceding for us doing everything they can to see that we succeed so that they'll get their full reward you believe that's what the Lord was referring to when he said in John 4 the those who sow and those who reap rejoice together I believe so and it says it talks about reaping where we bestowed no labor and we can come in and pick up the fruit that they had sown for in that something I believe that well that's pretty amazing I mean that's a pretty amazing encounter I'll be that that's I know Bobby I know that's real I know that he wouldn't tell a story of his life depending on it so that means that if that one instant happens how many others are there out there yeah I remember before we go to the one in England but I remember when I was teaching some of the great fathers of the faith we did honoring the father series every time I would talk about one of the men or women they would show up and there were multiple witnesses it would see a gallon come in the meeting when I was talking about him are you know and some people said all that snicker man see ya can you give me your response to that huh-uh there's always going to be gainsayers and they say errs but I tell you what I'm not gonna get be tripped up on all of their disbelief I want us to believe Jesus said remember John 11:40 Jesus said did I not say to you that if you would believe you would see and skepticism says I'm not gonna believe it till I see it and Jesus said right the opposite believe it in order to see it but I'll tell you what if it's in the Bible I'm going after ya I am going after it I don't know about you but I don't want another forty years around the mountain somebody needs to ascertain and and lay hold of the promises God has given us and it looks like in the Bible everything about the kingdom should expand and not decrease so if those guys like hey Alan and William Brannan and and a John G Lake if they had that measure of anointing that that is evident on their line we ought to be a way ahead of that so I'm telling you we've got to get hungry for God I'm I tell you what God's been doing he's been Fanning the flame of discontentment within the hearts of the saints so we won't settle for less than what God wants to get us and he's stirring our hunger it as much say something he said something I lost my thought had to do with with these Mantle's and had to do with with what you just said in John John 11 but yeah anyway I'll come back to it later I was on necromancy the Bible says that those in him though you die yeah in other words a Christian is not dead yeah only a sinners did I believe I believe that their spirit is born again of the Spirit of God and they live in a tabernacle or a tent of flesh and when that flesh is laid down they live on and that's why we have yeah I was preaching the other day and I died just tell it in the language I've got for I was preaching of the day and I move my hands like that and I'd hit hit a thin thing that felt like saran wrap you know what and I do like that and I could feel it and I said Lord what is that and he called it a membrane he said it's a membrane between this world and the spirit world and he told me said it's thinner now than it's ever been and he said you can push your way through it and so I think we ought to push our way through it - have you ever been in a service and the Lord just pulled back the curtain I have described it for our guys I've been in the service were you'd be just doing the best you knew how to follow the Holy Spirit and you know you'll just know there's something there there's just there's something you can fill it there but you you don't have a Liberty to a you can't say anything because you can't say anything till it's pull back and then all of a sudden it's like a the canopy goes back like this and you can see the secrets of people's hearts you can see the plots the plans of the enemy you can see the divine blessings of God that's coming to people the Holy Spirit came to me once and he said to me scoot over I want to see any push my eyes aside just like that and that's when it happened when he did that I could see I could see your brother black shirt then I could see your esophagus I could see you lung so I could see your heart and I can see your spirit man and but he did he came in he pushed my eyes aside and that's that's kind of what happens when that surveil is removed you you see everything like it really is and I'll tell you what we've learned how to pull and and pull covers and facades over a life but when that veil is pulled back there's no facade there's no there's no veil nothing is hidden nothing is hidden and we see the good the bad and we see the plans of God and the plans of the devil Hebrews 4:13 says that all things are open and laid bare before the eyes of him with whom we have to do I remember William Branham being asked towards the end of his life what was his greatest gift and they expected him to say the gift of healing well what they call back then discernment or word of knowledge ministry and his answer shocked them he said my greatest gift was not the ministry of healing or discerning the circuit of the heart my greatest gift was the ability to step aside so he could step in yeah yeah well I want that don't you I want it bad I want that and there's a there's a people out there that are watching this and I know you want you know there's there's a hunger you know there's a maturity being developed in the remnant I believe that I believe that we're able to talk about these things without without without having the fear of being misunderstood being able to glean what you need to turn yourself to carry these anointings you were told by the Lord to go to England yes I'm in Tyler Texas and the Lord came to me and he said go to go to England and I this is not the right response but I said to him why and he said to me because you're told to so I buy a ticket to London England and by myself no meetings to go to go to London I go to London I get off the plane and I'm agitated I said ok what do you mean to do it he said to me checking at that hotel and I said to him why he said to me in a second time because you're told to I check into a hotel I get the room go in the room there's a brown there's a leather chair against a brown wall and the Lord said to me sit in that chair and I said to him how long will I have to sit here and he said to me till I tell you to get up and I you know I should have been praying in tongues I should have been interceding I wasn't I was holding on to the arms here glaring across at the other wall and I thought if God sent me here he's got something for me and I want him to show it to me I don't know how long I sit there I honestly couldn't tell you that time but I'm sitting there and so help me God the wooden wall opened up beside me sure and Saints ago walked out of that opening and stood in front of me I would almost say they saluted but they didn't they acknowledge and when they when they walked into my vision there when they walked in and they stood in front of me the moment they stand I know everything their life accomplished from the time they died till till they were converted till they died everything about him and one after another after another after another I told people if I could have retained that knowledge man but they would come in the last one that came was Jesus and here's what he said to me you're here because they're there and I said Lord who was that he said it was a great cloud of witnesses and so up I know that they can interchange with this and when they'd stand in front of me there there are all of their life it was a was unfolded before me and here's what the Lord really revealed to the every one of us our lives are intricately woven together none of us get where we're going to go on our own this is a this is a corporate effort it really is and everything is fitly framed together just like the Bible says it is didn't the Lord say to you that they have something to say he said they have something to say and that's when I realized this witness was not just something they saw but it's something they they have to say and so that's when we begin to research the word witness that's what I've been teaching our guys good there's testify yeah witness or testifier means you know you've sworn yes to tell the truth and nothing but the truth yes testify of what you have seen and heard not what hearsay evidence it's a judicial term and so they have something to testify to us about concerning the thankfulness of God is that what you feel like that's exactly right I don't want to deviate off of this but I'm back at that cabin remember that night when the angels came so remember the angels came 14 to 18 I couldn't count them because they could move faster than the mind could count and so finally one group gets quite they're gone this group is quite they're gone and and I'm on the porch by myself again and I thought oh man and so I go back in to the room this is the absolute truth I go back into the room the crackling fire is there I'm sitting in a chair and I'm sitting down on the couch just watching the fire burn a knock came on the door so let my heart jump up into my throat and I said in a squeaky voice come in and a voice bolder stronger richer then any voice could ever be said no you must come out and so help me I go to the front door and I opened the door there stands Jesus Christ the Son of God not a trance not a vision I'm wide awake is and there he stood and he had a bottle in his hand much like a champagne bottle and here's what he said to me he said we're going to have a christening service but you don't know anything about christening that's what he said and he walked right by me walked through the living area down a hall went to the bedroom and before he said a single word he wheeled around and hid the bottle on the wall and burst the bottle and the bottle though all was running down the wall like this and I thought to myself oh my how am I going to explain to the man that built the cabin the first night his walls destroyed I thought it and Jesus rebuked me here's what he said you never have to apologize or attempt to explain what I do and he said look and the hall had turned into a of the world like a war room and Jesus would touch a spot and light up touch a spot it lighted and here's what he said you can only target what I target or you'll become a target and I'll tell you four days every hair on my body stood at like this it looked like I've been electrocuted my wife was in Texas praying oh god give Bobby a visitation I'm going old God don't kill Bobby that's what it was it took a Gulley's I know you and I know that that's nothing but I believe you know I want one of those yeah I've seen the Lord and transcend things but I want to see him in a physical form yeah I really do why do you think he came like that I think I think there's a advancing of the kingdom age and I believe that we've got to go to the next level and that's what he's doing right now he's looking for mature people that has reached the place of maturity and they have understanding enough to give them this this hidden wisdom and I'm telling you that's in the Bible it Paul said I could not would not release this until I found me a people right in understanding that's what he used and now he's releasing this and it's the understanding of knowing his presence so that will understand more about the glorification you know Enoch walked with God until he was not yeah and Elijah was caught up translated what do you think that's all about and how does it how do you feel like it relates to the last days you know member of Matthew 17 Jesus said he talked to some people he talked to those guys and I'm telling you what I believe that uh they still have the ability to come talk to us Matthew 27 says when Jesus was resurrected he emptied the Great the righteous I believe those were believers that only this cloud of witnesses and they walk the streets of Jerusalem appeared to many and and the Bible doesn't say where they went yeah so who's to say they can't continue to do what they did in the first century yeah remember uh there there's these there's experienced he's waiting for us that God wants to give us if we're if we'll pursue him for him one time I would find these experiences in the Bible and I would just I would just I just beg God for him and finally he told me said I would bug him till he'd either give him to me or tell me I couldn't have him and then one day he told me said are you willing to do what they did to get what they got and he should be Moses going up to the burning mountain all the other Hebrews fled remember that and Moses went up into a mountain trembling with the presence of God listen cowards won't get what God wants to give us that's right we got to be bold of heart I believe the coward's throne that's the first ones hated there and so we've got to be and I tell you what I've noticed the devil has a counterfeit for everything God has the legitimate remember Joshua 1:8 be bold brave Burke you're very courageous verse seven and eight and nine they and to the devil has a counterfeit of that God wants you to be bold brave very courageous the devil one should be prideful and arrogant you know and that's the difference in it and I don't want to be prideful and arrogant I wants to be bold and brave very courageous and that comes to the humble of heart so obviously there are two witnesses Zechariah 4 talks about those anointings and whether it be Moses and Elijah or Enoch and Elijah you know it doesn't really matter those anointings are available today would you agree I did the end time I mean see if I can get you to talk about this the you there's a distinction between what John describes in revelation 7 as the great multitude and in the Bride of Christ yes the bride is making herself ready you agree with that how does she make herself ready yeah purity pursuing a divine perfection that's beyond our ability and it's only accessible through death dying to self and yielding except to him so there's a separation yes I do I believe many are called few are chosen and the ones that are chosen of those that fully follow and I'm telling you Revelation in it 3 says behold I stand at the door knock If any man hear my voice and open there I will come in and I will sup with you and you if we get to set with him we get to set with him you know on that same line you were talking about Mount Sinai Moses going up yeah Hebrews chapter 12 verses 21 says so terrible is a sight that Moses said I'm full of fear and trembling but you have come to Mount Zion yea to the city of the Living God to the heavenly Jerusalem to myriads of angels to the General Assembly in the Church of the firstborn who enrolled in heaven to God the judge of all and to the spirits of righteous men made perfect thoughts there's some language in the Bible that is baffling Paul remember he said I was there I wasn't there but I was there watching how you conducted your meetings and I know this that you could be translocation leave me in two places at once i I've had it happen to me this Bob Jones we talked about earlier I was in Canada in Canada with a whole group of pastors having a meal after a meeting and we're sitting there and we're actually eating hot sauce and chips and I was telling Bob Jones stories honestly and I looked down like this and from here down I look like Bob sock quit telling the Bob Jones stores the next day I'm in Canada Bob is in I suppose of Florida and he calls me and he goes I seen you eating them chips and see it turned into that meeting and that's when I began to look like you but I tell you there's some things I don't you can't naturally I tell you that you ask what's keeping us from getting what God wants to give us and it's the natural mind the biggest enemy just walking in the fullness of the Spirit is this thing right here the natural mind cannot and will not receive the things of the Spirit it's foolishness so Mount Zion then you believe that what he's describing it we can have now yes you and I have talked I know numerous occasions that there were things sealed in the days of Daniel yes held in reserve by the Father Revelation chapter 5 but now the Lord has taken the book and broken the seals and he's setting his feet on the land in the scene he's offering it tell me what your experience is about seeing the open book and then we're going to probably have to close ok pray for some people aren't you glad the book is open absolutely I don't want to live in this time when the Bible says blessed are your eyes they say blessed are your ears they hear this is the time we can act we can apprehend the things God has for us and I'm telling you this is the time to seek him for 18 years on the Day of Atonement I have a visitation the one for 2013 it's exactly that I write about this hidden wisdom that's been hidden till this time and it wouldn't be revealed to people right with understanding and and that's what you've been doing going up and down the land sowing the seed of understanding helping people to understand there's so much more than what we're in so much more than we're available to us and what we've received and so now's the time we're going to see things on a whole nother level and God is going to send angels like we've never seen before in our life here in this period of time the Lord told me 2013 would be the time the saints of God learned more about angels and we know a lot those of you watching you need to get Bobby's book you need to get the Shepherd's ride you can go to Bobby Connor org I believe it is correct and contact his ministry I've read the Shepherd rod you need to get it in fact wouldn't hurt to get in the last several years if you really want to get a blueprint of where we are we have like a minute left Bobby would you mind just praying over the people who release the anointing I want to pray Lord Jesus I want to thank you that you've let us come to the kingdom for such a time as this we're excited that we're in the kingdom but we're thrilled that the kingdom isn't us for such a time as this I pray for every person watching I pray for our an anointing that would break every yoke Lord I pray for Psalms 9210 anointing you said that stately grace that you've put upon us will be extended and and amplified and we ask for that you said that we'd be invigorated with power and strengthened with might and I'm asking that for your people but above everything else Lord I'm asking that the eyes of their heart would be flooded with revelatory lot they'd have a grasp and a comprehension of the ways of God lord have your way in the hearts of every one of us in Jesus name Amen amen wonderful Thank You Bobby we love you as always and thank you for joining us and we'll have this up soon and continue with us on the webinars I want to stay with the cloud of witnesses until the Lord says not the next one I'm going to talk about inna on a very personal level so god bless you hope you [Music] you [Music]
Channel: WhiteDove Ministries with Paul Keith and Amy Davis
Views: 47,123
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: paul, keith, davis, bobby, conner, voice, of, the, bride, webinar, whitedove, ministries, march, 2013
Id: QWjAoT0V0_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 35sec (3335 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2013
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