Displays of the Future Age: Millennial Power

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hello everyone paul keith davis here with another word for the moment video blog filming here from amy's prayer room uh we'll get to alabama probably in the next couple of weeks and we'll do some filming from there from our studio but anyway this is the best we have for now um i just want to take 30 seconds and express a word of thanks and appreciation from all of you that have written to us and with words of encouragement and even testimonies we've gotten some beautiful testimonies from people that have been delivered and healed and we appreciate that very much we've had great meetings in california over the last few weeks and uh thanks to those of you that support us and help us do what we do got a very important message today the lord has really over the last um you know 10 days or so emphasized a message to me it's not going to be something you haven't heard before but it's going to be from a different perspective perhaps but i know it's the emphasis of the holy spirit for right now several years ago i had an experience where i was taken into the realm of the spirit and i was shown a timeline from an elevated point of view those of you that are intercessors and move in revelatory realms you understand what i mean but i was looking at the timeline of the last approximately 500 years from an elevated point of view and i saw four expressions of breakthrough four expressions of breakthrough the first one came in the days of martin luther and i saw this demonstration of the spirit that broke through the realms of darkness and changed the face of christianity with the message of the just shall live by faith and i watched the leaders of that day kind of scrambling to build a container to carry the anointing and they looked to the past to build a model to carry the anointing then i saw a second expression of breakthrough during the days of john wesley and i saw this release of truth that changed the face of christianity again with the message of sanctification by the washing of the water of the world other things but that was the main message and i saw the leaders of that day look to the past to build a container a model for carrying that anointing that structure then i saw a third breakthrough anointing to change the face of christianity once again and it was the azusa street you know william j seymour and the the outpouring of the spirit at the turn of the 20th century and i saw even the leaders of that day looking to the past to find a model a container something to carry forward the anointing then i saw one final expression of outpouring one final breakthrough of the of the spirit to change the face of christianity one final time to bring us into the consummation of the ages it's the one that you and i have been waiting on this the one that we've been prepared for and i saw this breaker anointing release from the realm of the spirit into the earth and it was hebrews chapter 6 and verse 5 the tasting of the good word of god and the powers of the age to come and when i was watching this from an elevated point of view looking at time from god's perspective i saw the leaders of our day you know looking to build something to carry this tremendous anointing and i saw the leaders of our day have the tendency to turn to the past to look to build a model for what's coming and i heard a voice come booming out of heaven you must not do that very authoritatively you must not do that for the model for what's coming cannot be found in the past but in the future from the age to come and i saw prophetic leaders forerunner leaders of our day looking over into the age to come the millennial age to see the model of that age to bring it back to begin to demonstrate something in our day that will be carried forward right into the age to come the tasting of the good word of god and the powers of the age to come and that's where we are and i wanted to emphasize one part of that mainly i it's both word and power but the the good word of god and the power of the age to come but over the last couple of weeks we've had some meetings and and i'm very thankful to the lord for the good things that have happened i am i'm so thankful for every report of people that have been delivered or set free or encouraged or all the things we've heard but i have felt a holy discontentment for the lack of power i just i don't know how to express that you know on the one hand i'm thankful lord because if the lord didn't show up and help us it would be a disaster i mean you know if the lord didn't anoint us if he didn't help us uh things would be very ugly but he's helped us at least bring a good message to help prepare the people but after the last couple of meetings i've just felt this um urgency you know the discontentment i believe is holy that there must be a greater demonstration of power and so over the last couple of weeks well about 10 days or so i've just really been looking into these scriptures you know very familiar passages about the kingdom the lord jesus himself you know when he was anointed at the jordan river he was the word of god and the spirit descended as the appearance of a dove the word and the spirit were re united and the father said this is my beloved son and he goes straightway into the wilderness to be tempted but excuse me by the devil for 40 40 days and he comes out of the wilderness and the very first message that he brings is repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand that's what i'm hearing that's what i'm hearing right repent let's repent from dead works and all the models and formulas and strategies of men that we have tried to to initiate to bring in the kingdom repent and let's look over into the future let's become prophetic let's have revelatory insight to see the model from the age to come for the kingdom of heaven is at hand you know this passage in john i've often quoted if you watch me very much you've heard me quote this scripture but i could quote it but i'm going to read it verbatim john 18 36 my kingdom is not of this world my kingdom is not of this world if my kingdom were of this world then my servants would be fighting so that i would not be handed over to the jews but as it is my kingdom is not of this realm you know we're we want to influence culture absolutely we want to win the loss we want to demonstrate the kingdom but we have to also understand the kingdom of heaven is not of this realm satan's kingdom is to steal kill and destroy god's kingdom is righteousness peace and joy in the holy ghost it's an unseen realm we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are unseen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are unseen are eternal we are three that we are multidim we are not limited to the three-dimensional realm we are multi-dimensional which means we have access to the unseen realm the realm of faith the realm of the supernatural so here is the message the core message that i'm delivering today the message i'm hearing in my heart is this that that the kingdom of heaven does not consist in word only but also in power paul said so in first thessalonians chapter 1 verse 5 our gospel or the gospel of the kingdom does not come in word only but also in power and in the holy spirit with full conviction it's one and there's two things you know we can it's not just words first corinthians 4 20 the kingdom of heaven is not word only but also in power the power part is the part i'm wanting to emphasize right now the demonstration of the spirit and of power first corinthians chapter 2. paul said i don't come with persuasive words of men's wisdom nor superiority of speech but in demonstration of the spirit i have a sense of urgency i have a sense of longing you know to see the power the real i know you do too i realize that i'm talking to people that are that are feeling the same way i realize that but i feel like there is a crossroad that we have come to where we can contend and begin to see a greater demonstration of the spirit and power the spirit and power of elijah everything that we do from this point forward will be to prepare a people for the coming of the lord and the age to come for the coming of the lord and the everything we do everything even the winning of the lost the demonstration of power the healing of the sick will be to prepare a people for the coming of the lord and for the age to come a twofold mandate that's why it's the tasting of the good word of god and the powers of the age to come when the lord began his ministry after coming out of the wilderness the bible says he went about teaching in their synagogues proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom word and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease for he looked upon the people like sheep without a shepherd and he felt compassion two-fold two tracts these two tracts a word and power you know truth and love because all power works through love those are the tracks that this thing will run on truth and love word and power he went about teaching in their synagogues proclaiming that's the word part the gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease for he saw the people like sheep without a shepherd that's john that's matthew chapter 9. you know matthew chapter 10 you know the disciples have are being sent out to demonstrate the kingdom i'm going to read it to you we could quote it also but as you go forth preaching the kingdom of heaven is at hand heal the sick raise the dead cleanse the leper cast out demons freely you have received freely a fourfold demonstration of the kingdom proclaiming the kingdom the word with power heal the sick cast out demons cleanse a leper raise the dead raise the dead yes we're going to do that before this thing is over that is the powers of the age to come the good word of god and the powers of the age to come jesus was the perfect model he went forth with word and power what i love it says he healed all manner of sickness and all manner of disease there was nothing too difficult for him there was no case that was too hard and we've seen this we've seen this demonstrated in the prior generation just a few years ago there were some of those that moved in great power you know william brownham in different ones that had this incredible mantle of word and power on their life to demonstrate the kingdom declaring the kingdom of heaven is at hand we can't have just words without power and there's been a there's been a we're a little low on the power part we've got a lot of words we've got a lot of video clips we've got a lot of blogs a lot of webinars let's bring up the power that's kind of where i feel like i am right now we need more power luke chapter 10 verses 8 9 says almost the same thing whatever city you enter in and they receive you eat what is set before you heal those in it who are sick and say to them the kingdom of god has come near to you if you cast out demons by the spirit of god the kingdom of heaven is at hand that's the kingdom the kingdom is power the kingdom is pulling from the unseen realm i love this you know this message that i heard of catherine coolman all the way back in 1990 one of her last messages to a huge congregation of people i think it was a full gospel businessmen's meeting or something but she said he'll give you power you know how animated she was he'll give you power so that you think you can stand alone arrayed against all the forces of hell not because of your own strength but because you're drawing on unseen resources that's where we are friends we've got to draw on the unseen resources of power the last breakthrough the one that's going to bring us right up to the return of the lord and make no mistake about it he's returning you absolutely can write that down it's happening and the lord is returning we're being prepared for that now our job our mandate our responsibility is to prepare a people for the coming of the lord and to demonstrate the powers of the age to come to prepare people for the millennial reign of christ the lord these governments that we see around us right now this are the devil's governments the lord is going to pull them down he's going to judge them revelation 17 18 19 and 20 make it profoundly clear that these systems of this world are going to be judged and eradicated then the lord is going to bring his government to the earth a theocratic government where he rules planet earth and righteousness peace and joy and there's no sickness in that kingdom and there's no oppression of the devil in that kingdom that's why we are demonstrating tasting the good word of god and tasting the powers of that age to begin to cast out devils with authority and to heal the sick and even raise the dead in this hour that is the message of the kingdom for the kingdom of god is not eating and drinking romans 14 17 but righteousness peace and joy in the holy spirit already quoted matthew chapter nine he went about you know proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom healing all manner of sickness and all manner of disease i've got so many scriptures here but i'm i'm going to kind of wind it down now it says in john chapter 3 and verse 5 i do want to include this one truly truly i say to you unless one is born of water and of spirit he cannot enter the kingdom of god but when you have been born of the spirit when the seed of god abides in you you have access to the kingdom realm and the resources of the kingdom the word of the kingdom there is a new there is a fresh word the mysteries of the kingdom to be revealed today that's the word but it will be affirmed and vindicated with the powers of the age to come so what's my final point my final point is let's contend for the power let's begin to pray earnestly for power to heal all manner of sickness we are desperate for a healing revival i i can't hardly bear to go to another meeting to see people inner sick and leave sick i you know we've had a few testimonies of healings but i want it to be the exception when they're not healed this incredible display of power where the lord demonstrates himself through his bride and through his sons to manifest the kingdom of god on the earth so lord i bless everyone that's watching i pray that you would give us a holy provocation to contend for the good word of god and the powers of the age to come lord i pray all these people will join their hearts with me right now to ask you for this final breaker anointing that breaks us through into that hebrews chapter 6 and verse 5 display of the kingdom of god the good word of god and the powers of the age to come grant that lord i ask in the name of the lord jesus christ amen and amen
Channel: WhiteDove Ministries with Paul Keith and Amy Davis
Views: 11,408
Rating: 4.9675851 out of 5
Id: HwGcf2Qgygs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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