Wake Up to the Prophetic Call by Bobby Conner

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so Bobby were blessed to have you you want to come on up or you know you can just hang out I'm sure everyone will be more than happy to hang with you god bless your heart good only ten more to go Wow oh well good morning everybody okay good do you have a nice night yeah I love what the Bible says psalm 118 this is the day the Lord has made I'm going to rejoice and be glad in it it this is the day the Lord has made I'm going to be glad and rejoice in it the reason we put a little emphasis on it is this the Bible says boast not yourself of tomorrow you have no comprehension what one day will bring and then the but the Bible also tells us that a history yesterday is history all the money in the world can't buy back one single second of yesterday it's gone so we've got today had we we need to learn how to live in the now honestly a lot of people are paralyzed by the past oh man if I could lived in branham's day hey Alan you didn't you're living now and then some people are paralyzed by the future somewhere out there a great mighty move of God I want the god of now don't you we need a revival now we need Hebrews 11:1 now that says now faith is substance of things hoped for evidence of things not changed I like your building how did you get did you decorate this or who did that was it already done or did you have anything to do with a team of people it looks really good see how do y'all change the color on the lights do you know is it that's some weird technology see I like that I was thinking about that last night when I got to the hotel that's a great be a great TV studio kind of thing you know and it wouldn't be much to change that oasis - Eagles view ministry and uh so you know can you just move that building down to Texas you know I show the lot to put it on it so it'll be nice that's good the Lord he towing said start predicting the future over television and so uh well that's really true so the first time I told that I said the Lord coming start predicting the future over television Rick Joyner said when I said I guess now and he said I'll have my studio open by two o'clock today and so I said okay so I get there and it's actually actually got open around 240 or something like that so they set up the cameras so I'm there to predict the future on TV before it happens rick has all the timeline on this so I'm sitting there and the guys they turn the camera on five four three two one and the little red light jumps on so I have absolutely nothing to say you know I'm just sitting there then shoot a little like a ticker-tape one across there my spirit and I said Benjamin Netanyahu will be elected prime minister in Israel I said it at - I think maybe around 250 and the world news set it at 6:30 and say that's the way it works prophets are to start predicting what's going to happen instead of just analyzing what's going to happen see the Bible said God won't do a single thing on this planet without first revealing what he's going to do to his servants the prophets so you need the prophets well I don't guess you need the prophets unless you don't want to know what God's going to do if God's going to do anything Amos 3:7 Amos 3:7 said he will not do a single thing on the planet except first revealed what he's going to do to his servants the prophets so I think we need the prophetic if we want to know God's strategy for what's coming the Bible says when God gets ready to do a new thing the way he brings that new thing to earth is he it is initiated by the prophetic utterance that's what it says it says I prove all this to you from the Bible here's a great verse about the prophetic 2nd chronicles 20 20 second chronicles 20 20 says trust the Lord you'll be established believe his prophets and you will prosper and the word prosper means live at God's highest appointed level for your life so I want that don't you I sure do I don't want any ander around not making a real mark on this earth I want to change history don't you say yes I really I really mean that did you know this whole thing is up to us God gave us dominion over this earth I really mean that and he has not extracted he has not withdrawn that offer Genesis 1:26 say it Genesis 1:26 here you find God's original plan say original plan now God is not schizophrenic he's not up there changing his plan when he makes a plan makes a decree that's how it's going to be he's author and finisher not author noobs you ever started a project no man but that's not the way God is God started this project Genesis 1:26 here it is let us make man in her own image and let's give them Kingdom control now that was God's original intent and he's still going to do that I quoted a verse last night during the offering I quoted 2nd chronicles 16:9 and it says the actions of God is this the eyes of God are roving to and fro throughout the whole earth looking for people who who has no agenda but he is whose heart is upright towards him it says in the scriptures when he finds that person he'll fully support all they put their hands to do Wow so you and I if God's looking for that we ought to go hey God don't strain your eyes look right here in Oklahoma City today here we are here we are that Psalms 110 verse 3 Psalms 110 verse 3 it says in the day of his power that's now his troops that's us will volunteer freely so we need to volunteer to the Lord say Lord Here I am send me Here I am use me now a lot of people think you know Bobby I don't get into any conflict and I don't need that Kingdom now stuff well you go to get out of the church then you're to get out of the church the you you will know one of the things that's going on with the earth about the droughts and the earthquakes and all the shaking it's the earth crying out for us to become who we say we are Romans 8:19 there it is pop that one on the screen Romans 8:19 it said the whole creation is groaning and travailing waiting for us to step into our true identity the manifest sons of God see that the devil don't mind you being a church member sometimes he'll even put you in a church he'll do anything it takes to neutralize you to keep you from seeking the kingdom that's true here it is Romans 8:19 far the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth Amana fest a ssin of the sons of God one translation said the whole creation is groaning and travailing that's that moment before you give birth you believe God's trying to burst something he really wants us to become who we say we are the reveal sons of God on this earth now the devil will fight you he doesn't want you to know who you are I find it so strange heaven God held the devil is asking the saints of God the same question how in the world can God in the devil be syncronised in what they're asking that's pretty strange in it but you better be sure this heaven and hell both are asking you the exact precise same question here it is who do you think you are the devil is going to who do you think you are and God saying who do you think you are see as a person thinks that's how they're going to be see the devil is doing everything he can to convince you how we can worthless you are how disqualified you are had unfit you are for the kingdom and God's trying to do right the opposite he says John 15:5 you didn't he said without him you can't do nothing without him you can't do nothing first time I read that I got mad looky there I am the vine you are the branches he who abides in me and I in him bears much fruit far without me you can't do whew so the first time I read that I got mad I said what I thought how dogmatic without him I can do nothing then I thought to myself I'll settle down you don't understand the word nothing so I got out those Greek books and I started studying the word nothing guess what the word nothing means it means a big fat zero with the vacuum sucked in it it means less than nothing here's your another good verse about making sure your life is counting is Ezekiel said Ezekiel 44 23 Ezekiel 44 23 this is talking to the Zadok priests the people of God and it says one of the one of the jobs and the responsibilities of the Zadok priest is certainly to worship and serve the Lord but it also says were to teach the people of God the vast difference between the profane and the holy the worthwhile and the worthless you can see it and they shall teach my people the difference between the holy and the unholy and calls him to discern between the unclean and the clean one the translation says the per mein and the holy and so I thought wow if my job is to teach the people of God the vast difference between the profane and the holy it would behoove me to study the word profane so I got out the Hebrew books this time I started studying the word profane guess what it means empty worthless no eternal value empty worthless no eternal value so I had that down empty worthless no eternal value then Jesus appeared to me said you know my definition of profane instantly I knew it didn't you know who's going to school when Jesus asked a question don't you so I knew I did not know it so I said no apparently not I don't know your definition of profane he said do you want to know and I said yes do you want to know I knew what the Hebrews said impe worthless no eternal value here's what Jesus says his definition of profane is you ready anything man is doing that God did not initiate he says this ain't be worthless no eternal value we're wasting most of our life on stuff that don't even matter that's why Jesus told us Matthew 6:33 but seek ye first say first wonder what first means first seek first the kingdom did you see that posickey first the kingdom of God in all his righteousness and all these other things these things that we think we're so important will fall into their proper place you believe that say yes well I like it so you think you can ship this building down to Texas or at least all of this that looks good I like that looks good and like we said yeah last night there's going to be a residual anointing from being in this place it's honest to god truth I love impartation I love anointing don't you here's a great verse about impartation Romans 111 says I long to be with you that I might give you something that will help you accomplish what you call to do and then he says in verse 12 this will be good for both of us Romans 1:11 there it is for I long to see you amplified said I heard and so I looked up the word yearning means I'm turned inside out strong strong word for I longed to see you that I might impart to you some spiritual gift so that you may be established next verse verse 12 I like this and it's going to be good for both of us that's what it says there it is that is that we may be mutually strengthened and encouraged and comforted by each other's faith both yours and mine see God's going to help us you believe that you're going to get an impartation rod I'll need it well that's how bad you need it you've already seen without him he can't do nothing that's without him you can't do a single thing beneficial isn't that something we go well general y'all don't guess you know who I am well you didn't have the gifts that Judah said he had Parton lot in the ministry but he didn't make the cut did he I'll tell you what you have a lot of stuff going in your own eyes and God not even recognized that not he remember the guy in Matthew they said in Matthew Lord Lord we prophesied in your name and your name we've done many wonderful works and he'll say to them depart from me worker bee nectary I never knew you y'all have a nice night good did you dream anything you will tonight it's true that one of the ways God is downloading in truth to us today is dreams yeah we don't put much stock in with the early church did Mary would have been divorced if it hadn't been for a dream remember that baby Jesus would have been assassinated if it hadn't been for a dream early church put a lot of stock in dreams and the supernatural but it seems like today we were running away from the supernatural I'll tell you what guys any Church that doesn't have signs and wonders disqualify himself from being a New Testament church any Church that doesn't have signs and wonders disqualify themselves from being a New Testament church did the early church have signs and wonders mark 16:20 and I like when the guys and gals can put it up on the board mark 16.8 says they the early church when Ivan preached and God vindicated invalid validated what was being said with signs following I like science and wonders don't you God does the sign you and I do the wandering going what the heck was that yeah yeah can you believe we've been preaching this September will be 45 years and we've averaged speaking five times a week for 44 years five times a week that's a lot of yakking can I get guess what I've here's what I figured out after all that I figured out if you can figure it out it ain't God if you can figure out what's going on it's not God because the natural mind receives not the things of the Spirit is foolishness to them neither can they know it it's must be spiritually discerned in that what it sits in Corinthians you'll find it is it sits in there rhod y'all doing good do you rest well good there's a little Terry how you doing Terry did you drive down there how far is it from well you're from Lubbock is it that's not too bad you've driven a lot further than that this is Terry Witherspoon ass good this is rod Linville rod Rob used to go to church at Bullard with us and indeed that pastoring didn't you that's good ah that you're doing good if we get into anything you handle it just yeah yeah he was a cage fighter I kept my I was over there rod names place once in a row and I kept popping off sillim you know I've been watching cage fighting I can put a rear naked choke on you and I can you know so I kept popping off so they brought him to see if I want to put a rear naked choke on him and my wife says no he didn't want to put her she said don't even start that you know but you know there's last night at the book table a man walked up me said I'm from Bakersfield I thought oh my god I hope he wasn't in the service I went to the Bakersfield vineyard once Larry Randolph was there and myself and Doug Addison so we're doing a meeting we're doing a meeting that's already you know dynamite right there that's an you see a train wreck coming their cage so it were this is honest-to-god truth we're in the vineyard church they're in Bakersfield in California so I'm supposed to be preaching you know and I look back there and who's this big old tall guy was Shh blond hair and real tanned skin so I said stand up he stands up and he had a attitude just a big attitude so I said now come down this he strutted down there now I didn't know he was a captain of the LA swim team you know so there is about this tall and he's just and he's built funny he's built funny honestly as a swimmer he's not but anyway so I said to him you keep this up I'm going to throw you down and guess what he attacked me right there in church so we started after knocked the microphone knocked my glasses off empty the first five rows but I finally got that kid down good god strong as a ox man yeah honest to god larry was under pew and Oh Doug Addison's drug up in a fetal position and they invited us back can you believe that but the kid you know it was just sort of a horseplay but I was going to get him down one way or the other you know so finally I just jerked us both up Mary and kick your feet out from under sand fell on him that'll do the job you know that's true that's how it happened then we got our stuff back together got the people seated and went ahead and preached but it that's just kind of now I don't recommend that but it's kind of it you know it's it beats just being blase and sleepy during the service you know seeing our services I like expectation don't you I'll tell you what's happened in our problem here in America we're way too familiar with the God we barely do know familiarity is much different than intimate you believe that we know a lot about God in the head but very little about God in the heart but he's about to introduce himself again you want to know what he's going to do in these next days he's about to shock us with who he is we're about to meet the almighty he's about to come down and he's going to cause us to tremble before him he says the book of he Hebrews I'm going to shake down everything that can be shaken so the only thing that remains is what cannot be shaken I suggest that's his kingdom don't you that's what he says well anyway we're glad to be here so how long have you been here it's Jimmy or James Jimmy James okay one year at this location we pioneered the church seven years ago in our living room in the living room that's in the Shepherd Drive this year you don't know what the Shepherd's run is for the past 18 years on the Day of Atonement I have a visitation from Jesus Christ he'll tell me some of the things that's going to happen I riding the book called the Shepherd's rod just so happen to have one with me oh there's the water good good this thing it's I need a big one you know I like stuff scattered out but in the Shepherd's write I write that God is going to again use house churches yeah yeah talking about pulpits I went to Anaheim there once and so and I'm really not like this I'm really much more but anyway they brought out a little plastic pulpit they brought out a little politic pulpit about this this wide and I started preaching in us into the pastor loud hey I don't like this Winnie pulpit get me a real pulpit this I don't like this Winnie pulpit oh my goodness and the pastor's a gorgeous wonderful man and so boy he points at his people soon they take off and in a moment they bring out a real nice appropriate line strong so I got hold it I said I like this pulpit man I really like this pulpit I'm telling you I like this pulpit he said you know how you like that pulpit I said no he says John whimpers pulpit that's the last pulpit John Wimber preached in so I like that there's I told you anointing like fragrance can last and linger you believe that I was in Rockford Illinois once and I was preaching there in a Randy Kittles church and he's got a big wonderful wooden pulpit and so got ahold of that pulpit like this I go wow Randy I don't like this pulpit whole house full of people I said no man I really like this pulpit he said yeah I said no you don't understand I like this pulpit I said pack it it for me he said no no you can't have it but I'll tell you why you like it he said that's Billy Sunday's pulpit y'all remember Billy Sunday's pulpit now this is the honest-to-god truth you can check it out with Randy Kettle there Rockford Illinois so I said oh man no wonder I like I had a hold of you just like this and so when I move my right hand my right thumb print was in oil on the wood and then I said Randy come here and look and while we're looking at it it becomes a golden thumbprint and goes under the wood and you can see it so I said listen this man I got a mark on it you know but he didn't give it to me now we're going look here yeah listen you whined long enough you'll get something done you know just these guys here we were off in a blue I'm somewhere Missouri was that right Arkansas and he runs a coffee company so I said to him bring me some coffee he said I will bring me some coke so he didn't get to do it then so he brought me a cup of coffee today they're capping it out here is that true so I got some coffee they grind their own I don't know what is but he said now this is so this'll work yes yeah don't you like that kind of feel stately in well one time I got all wound up and I was in a big ol nice pulpit had a clock inside the thing and I got all wound it went wham and shattered the clock cut my hand blood flying but I didn't didn't stop me you know I fell off of one place once pulpit in Fort Worth they had it built like Spurgeon's you know where it's a there's the flat part then out here's a little mule cage sort of where the pastor would stand like this so I'm out there and I'm standing like this and you know I can't stand while I'm preaching so I took me a step there was no step there see it's your Europe about like that and I'm on the way down the verse hit means the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord but the you know so I had no clue who took that one but uh I really did a fall but uh it was okay I preached my way back up you know well anyway I do hope you'll get get the books this is the Shepherd rod and we'll talk a lot about it maybe even tonight here's what the Lord is offering us hidden wisdom that's been hidden until God could find him a people who were mature enough to be right in understanding say it right in understanding now this is the Bible hey you guys you can you let me let me just show you where to go if you don't mind and it really is the truth God wants to release to us a hidden wisdom a wisdom that has been hidden from us for us and it's first Corinthians chapter two and if you don't mind just put it verse six first Corinthians it amplifies wonderful for me if you've got it first Corinthians chapter 2 verse six and I want to show you this God said I've got a hidden reserve wisdom that I could not release to the body of Christ until I found me a group of people that were mature enough till they were ripe in understanding here it is yet when we are among the Hawtin full-grown spiritually mature Christians who are right in understanding we do impart a higher wisdom the knowledge of the Divine Plan previously hidden say previously hidden previously hidden but is now indeed not a wisdom of this present age are the rulers are the leaders of this present age who are being brought and coming to nothing next one next verse evident watch this doomed to pass away that's the rest of verse six verse seven watch this but rather what we are setting forth is a hot wisdom of God once hidden from human understanding and now revealed by a reveal to us by God that wisdom which God devised and decreed before the ages for our glorification to lift us up into his presence and glory I want to tell you what the I'm screaming the press the coming move of God is going to bring us to his presence for several decades now the church has been argent Li hard after the power of God but this move of God's going to bring us to the presence of God and God will give us something far better than his power he'll give us his authority authority always Trump's power and so that's what this wisdom is for to lift us up this God has devised and decreed before the ages for our glorification to lift us up to the glory of his presence now see this wisdom has been hidden from human understanding but that's what the Shepherd rods about here it is heavens helpers the action of angels and higher wisdom God is going to send we're going to know more in 2013 about angels than we've known their whole life I am Telling You revelations 12:12 says the devil's come down he's very mad because he understands he's got to saw a short time to work in so the devil is doing everything he can to deceive as many people as he can but God is sending out his angels and God is going to teach us heavenly truths you can't imagine what God has got in store for us you believe God hide things from us for us it says wisdom that was previous previously previously hidden and here's a great verse about hiding proverbs 25:2 proverbs 25:2 said it's the glory of God to hide some of the honor of Kings just search it out there it is it's the glory of God to conceal a thing but it's a glory in the honor of Kings to search out this thing you believe God will hide things from us for us here's a great thing about how God reveals his secrets to us Nehemiah 9:20 says he gave his good spirit to instruct us and with not with help not his manner from our mouth I like that verse don't you it's Nehemiah 9:20 I love the little phrase where it says he sent his spirit to instruct us and with help not his manna from our mouth say manna now here's the man I love to feed the people of God revelation 2:17 revelations 2:17 says to him that overcomes I will grant to eat the hidden manna say it hidden manna there it is and you who is able to hear let him hear and heed what the Spirit says to the churches to him who overcomes conquers I will give to eat of the hidden manna and I will give him a white stone whoo white stone it says on the white stone there be something written what's written a new name who knows it no one except the one that received it say identity said God is answering that question who do you think you are your identity is when you conquer and overcome and receive the secrets of God and get your white stone what color stone why white stone remember says the Bible when one went to inquire of the Lord the Old Testament they would go to the high priest high priest had an ephod under the ephod was a pouch in the pouch two stones a black one and a white one and he would insert his hand not knowing which stone he would grasp and when he pull it out if it was black you say the people God is not in this plan at all you stop it but however should he pull out a white one it meant yes God's going to bless it gods behind it so that's good what kind of stone did you get white so what is God saying yes proceed on don't hold back go after it how should we proceed on I think we should proceed on with the boldness and the clarity of Joshua 1:9 I like Joshua oh man if you start out reading the book of Joshua it says people will be baby very courageous and so here it is there it is how about I commanded you be strong and of good courage do not be afraid nor be dismayed for the Lord your God is what with you when wherever you go one translation says go do what you're called to do because you're not going by yourself see the reason he's been bold and brave is what God's with you if he's not with you don't go but if he sends you he'll be with you so we're talking about stuff so get the books jo-ann good to see you I'm working on a date to go to Yuma City honest to god I got up this morning I'm looking through there and so we'll give you something to look at it huh so what do you do tell me about yourself yeah I'm in the G it's G is it's a mapping field oh is it sorta like that when they drive around map e house then they put it on Google yeah you can front listen I found my house in Moravian falls and could pull it down so close I could see my license plate number they're sitting in the yard up in the top of a mountain in Moravian falls in there crazy I google one so I googled in well I just to be honest with you my grandson said people preach have you tried Google unveiled or whatever I go yeah I guess he said now I bet yet and then I was on the US surveillance Google yeah he was he was 9 or 10 when he knew how to hack that honest to god so I said ok if I'm on the US so I thought I'm going to find me some people in the desert you know so I'm searching the desert honestly I found camels walking in the desert now that's a funny side so you're way up here like this and the camel throws the shatter and you're basically picking up very distinctly his shatter you know and so anyway what do you think about all this snooping going on I'll show you what I think about it you ready now I wrote this in I wrote this in a shepherd's rod time which is they have Atonement Yom Kippur in 2012 and let me see if we can find anything about this God's new things coming events we're getting close okay here it is let's see Oh corruption at the highest level exposed God say God God will uncover what many have been attempting to conceal as that happened see this was before your CIA director lost his job because he's had in extramarital affairs you think the CIA director is pretty a high-level and so God exposed that and all this other stuff is just the beginning because it's proverbs 28:13 well unto him that seeks to hide his counsel from the Lord where we at in America you want to know don't you see prophets are supposed to know there it is he who covers his sense or not prosper but whosoever will confess them and forsake them shall find mercy but if we're attempting to conceal them hide them we won't prosper I tell you where America is today right now proverbs 29 verse 1 proverbs 29 verse 1 watch this safety scene ok he was being all from Dubuque and hardens his neck shall suddenly be destroyed in that without room next verse verse 2 proverbs 29:2 watch this one - they're doing good here it is when the righteous are in authority the people rejoice but when a wicked man rules the people want sigh and groan are we there we're there and there's the reason when the righteous rule people rejoice when the wicked man rules the people groan inside now President Obama is not the Antichrist he's a forerunner of the Antichrist he's a prototype of how quick a man with no credentials can willpower I'm telling you guys you go I don't want us to get in politics that's the problem that's the problem we've been asleep at the wheels while the media has run this country and we got a rogue government that must be stopped our forefathers never dreamed we'd be where we're at today the ancient landmarks are being quickly removed I'm telling you guys we better wake up this is happening on our watch I'll tell you we're under a judgment it's a judgment from God you want to know about all these storms all these earthquakes all these fires all these droughts and floods it's because of Isaiah 5:20 I don't care whether you're Republican Democrat God doesn't care a bit about that he cares about your heart here here's what here's America's problem right here Isaiah 5:20 pop that one up there I say a five twenty and again I like this building good what yeah feels good oh here it is what's the first word woe to those who call evil good and good evil who put darkness for light and light for darkness who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter are we there now woe to the nation that's what it really says that walk to the nation that finds it easy to call good evil and evil good okay we're applauding we're plotting same-sex marriages God God pours it I'm telling you guys we got to wake up you go a lobby don't you want to be politically correct I could care less about being politically correct I want to be biblically accurate so should you you go well I don't I don't cause any trouble get out of the church we're headed for trouble all that will live godly in this present world and the word whoa wo e it's a word that means gods pronounce judgment gods pronounce judgment on the nation who finds it easy to call good do you believe we're right there have you watched how the media treat you there's a psychologist a very known psychologist right now and here's what she said he came at Google it came out last week in the papers here's what she says she's either from Harvard or Yale or Oxford well news places like that not some backwoods guy here's what she says mainstream fundamental Christianity is a psychotic problem and needs to be dealt with as mental illness no I'm not kidding you google it Catherine net well it's her name what she is is unsaved and she's a fool the Bible said The Fool has said in his heart there is no God that's what it says you would think with all these agnostics that God has been chapter after Chapter after Chapter defending who he is he uses one verse and then half of it again to talk about those that don't believe in him and I just quoted the foolish said in his heart there is no God he that's you know you have to be a not believing God how do you think all this happened we live and move because of him I'm telling you guys that's what's about to be rectified God is about to step down into our history I'm telling you I wrote about in the Sheppard job we will be very far in here until this mockery and scoffing will come to a sudden silence you let God show up boy I'll tell you what people fall on their face saint and sinner but i'd say before the sinners fall on their face it's going to have to happen with us see people call the prophets see and I'll tell you what we can't survive misdiagnosis another day the church I'm talking to the church we cannot survive misdiagnosis another day what am I talking about remember the Church in Laodicea Laodicea the way to Laodicea means people run run by the people actually means governed by the group a people run Church the one like it's going rapid to America said the people run Church they so govern until Jesus was not on the inside but the outside knocking warning in Revelations 3:20 behold I stand at the door knock why is he out there because they've governed it so tight he's not even in If any man hear my voice and open the door I will come in there it is revelation Street well it's still whoa whoa unto the nations if I've revelations 3:20 behold I stand at the door knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in to him and dine with him and he with me next verse verse 21 this is pretty sharp this is stunning really to him who overcomes I will grant to sit with me on my throne as I also overcame and have sat down with my father on his throne I suggest it would be beneficial to overcome to take a seat with Jesus as he seated at the right hand of his father remember it says the visions were seated in heavenly places with Christ that's now not later we're still trying to figure out who we are and what we're supposed to be doing okay well that's good so into this mapping what's your first name you told me once it's a Adam Adam I like Adam the word Adam means red dirt that's true actually red mud but that'll work that's a dumb red murk mud but it's good all of us are just dupatta clay you can paint it Botox it pull it but it still just clay that's true now I'm a Baptist preacher and Baptist preachers always get this what do you think about makeup and I've got in big trouble with that one because I just shot from the hip and I said I think a little pain will do any old barn some good but whew you know well I got in deep trouble with my church once my wife Carolyn and some of the folks here know her she's very wonderful honestly the best best Christian I've ever met so help me God so I'm at my church our church once and so the people love my wife but they kind of tolerated me some up there and I said you know my wife is just like an angel oh boy what people were sitting on the tip of their seat I said you know Carolyn is just like an angel they're all going I said she's always up in there harping about something whoa they turned on me like piranhas man they said you better watch out boy and so I understand that yeah okay so what what time are we in we're in what the Bible said perilous time Hey here's a good thing we need to be doing during these days let's look at Romans 13:11 Romans 13:11 cutting rollers 13 11 here it is it says that knowing the time that is what it'll come hard time to awake out of sleep rouse to reality for final deliverance is closer now here comes romans 13:11 and and do this knowing the time that it is hot time to wake out of sleep for now is our salvation nearer than when we can you put that up an amplified please I'm kind of picky can they do that I bet they can well they've been doing it here lately so here we go there it is I'll show you how I like it lookie there besides this you know what a critical hour this is how it is hot time now for you to wake up out of your sleep rouse to reality for salvation final deliverance is near to us now than when we first believed adhere to trust it in and relied upon Christ the Messiah do you believe that and then the rest of this chapter deals with how to position ourselves in these end times how to get under where God wants to bless us during these crucial times have to truly rouse to reality so pop up verse 12 is that okay see okay well they're doing good a lot better than listen here we go the mat is what far gone the day is almost here let us then what drop fling away from us the works and the deeds of darkness and debauchery and put on the full armor of life verse 13 please here it is this is good let us live and conduct ourselves honorably and becomingly as in the open light of day not in reveling carousing drunk and not in amaura immorality and debauchery lasciviousness not in quarreling and jealousy said don't live like you're lost that's how lost people live is that true it's a sad thing when there's the same amount of divorce in the churches in the world there need to be a there needs to be a distinction between us and them next verse please is this okay I had a position yourself to get God's blessings on you during these dark critical times but clothed yourself with the Lord Jesus the Messiah and make no provision for the indulging the flesh put a stop to thinking about the evil cravings of your physical nature to gratify its desires and its lust beau that'll be good won't it that's good I like that and good thanks y'all did good yeah so alright don't you like technology pretty wild I love this because it puts the message in your heart through two gates I get an ear gate in that's the best way to memorize it did you know the easiest book on the planet to memorize is a Bible number one question I get all of the earth is how did you memorize the Bible I'll tell you how I memorized it I studied it till I wore the print off the page I studied the Bible till the all of my fingers wore the print off the page guess what the Lord told me said you better do that again I'll tell you about the Bible you never see it twice the same way it's just exactly like a diamond you get a diamond out and get different light on it wool you sit in different light that's what it is with word of God we need to read it now study to show yourself approved unto God a workman that doesn't have to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of God oh listen we need to pack our heart full of the Word of God the Bible said my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge is there any benefit to knowing God Daniel 11:32 be I like that one Daniel 11:32 be it says oh here's something what is this who's this is just sitting you apparently it's mine I don't know what it is my mom said don't take candy from a stranger so I don't know I better not eat somebody's cloudy but it left over from last night and there's nothing wrong with it I'm sure that's right I mean a witch could laid it there and I can break every curse all of it and he didn't like it we can eat meat offered to idols no weapon formed against us will prosper we can send it back on them and they'll Hal and hoop that's true it's a dumb devil sin to wish to church I don't believe in that well I do there's Daniel 11:32 be the last latter part of it but the people who don't do know their God shall prove themselves strong and she'll stand firm and do what exploits for God I'm screaming like I just it says but the people that do know the God will display string and take action they took them well talking about screaming you remember when they used to have the movie on TV called 24 Jack Bauer y'all over watch you they took it off that's my favorite favorite show it was kind of a mystery and a you know every once in while they're gonna blow up the whole world you know somebody in coal Jack Bauer it stopped them but I learned something from watching Jack Bauer I don't practice it but I used to watch 24 and you know when they I mean listen they had Chloe she's the little girl that ran the computer smartest girl I guess on the planet because anyway she could do anything like that but you know here they are they gonna set off enough bombs to blow up the whole earth some fringe group is a little Jack Bauer's in the middle of all that and he's trying to defuse the bomb and he'll text Chloe and say Chloe I'd be gone boy am i doc oh yeah but Jack would whisper you know what God told me said I shot my truce but I whispered my secrets so we need to get our ear nearly up I suspect now they got to go eat lunch in a minute are you hungry me too I've been around these people that are vegan and worse than that I ate three meals with vegetarians listen I improved you that ain't right see it long tooth right there we got a thing you've her a purpose God won't to seaweeds our teeth would be flat like a cow plus in the Bible you remember the Bible don't you then when the Sheep came down and the Lord told Peter rise up kill and eat now I've never heard anybody slew a cabbage you know what I mean so it's okay when we go eat we'll eat something that's been mooing and pecking honest to god I've been with some vegans here I don't know I'll just tell you what that is if it tastes good spit it out that's what a vegan is yep they'll just spit it out but anyway this is a nice place if I've enjoyed it now I tell you what happened to you God's going to pack all these verses in these concepts in you and then they're going to kind of marinate and the devil will not be able to steal one single seed that's what the Lord told me said when you go pray that the devil will not have any right to steal any single seed but the seed will bring forth fruit that remains so that that'll be good for you because a lot of people they come to the hear message and it just fly slides off like water off a duck's back but what what is going to happen is going to penetrate into your spirit we don't go after your mind we go after your spirit and then it'll be inion what the Holy Spirit puts him he'll call back to your remembrance that's true you'll go I didn't know I knew that but you will it'll he'll call it back to your remembrance you believe that a while ago I told you the Bible is the easiest book on the planet for believers to memorize the guy that wrote it lives inside of you the Holy Ghost authored the Bible and here it is I'll show you how easy it is memorize something now this group can help me you know younger generation they leave me hanging on this one but y'all Oh help me here here it is I'll show you how easy it is to memorize something you ready now don't leave me just hanging you ready well y'all help me here it is you deserve a break today oh my god that was 17 years ago a 23 second jingle how in God's name did you memorize it there's not one single second that you shouldn't like God I got to get that down now how did you memorize repetition in through a gate what comes in stays so if we putting junk and pornography in let me tell you it's ruminating it's there in you we need to get rid of it football if you're putting in the Holy Ghost in the scriptures it's growing and expanding that's true so you can memorize the Bible can't you that's right now he'll come up here listen my wife's not here so but I'm not going to get in trouble rod will keep me out of trouble yeah yeah yeah I preach with the cage Fator he's a he's a cage fatter and so he's a preacher also in Canada so one time we're doing a conference and he's a pretty big conference now I don't condone I'm not you know and here's what he said he said Bobby I know it's my night to preach missus I'll start but it may have to tag you in because my round starts after a while I said what does the Lord think about you fighting and he said oh he told me it's okay just try not to hurt anybody now I'll just be kind of kind of honest with you we used to cage fat before you got paid for it yeah you know Lee but when we did I mean there's very few rules in cage fighting we could couch pinch pull out eyes you know they won't let them do that but uh we would kick him in the head didn't matter which way the head was pointed you know what I mean well anyway I got a hold my head where a copy with a flashlight honest to god right there you can stick your finger in it you go that's the problem no honestly God honestly God got a hole right there the Bible's right when it says the way of the transgressor is hard I grew up real hard my dad died in a mental institution before I was born my mom tried to abort me she stuck a coat hanger in her tried to pull me out Jesus push me aside absolutely true that's true boy we were poor growing up mom tried to raise three of us and me and my brother he's a year older than me we used to sit in the backyard and shoot cigarettes out of one other's mouths with the 22 rifle honest to god my mom would come to the back door she'd swing the screen on she hollered hey you boys quit wasting them shells they cost money that's the honest-to-god truth didn't say a thing about shooting Bobby in the mouth or Glenn in the nose bless their heart but we grew up really really rough I got converted in the fall of 68 though Jesus makes a different step we used to sing what a wonderful change in my life has been wrought since Jesus came to my heart I'll tell you I thank God for the grace of God don't you here's one you can put this one up if you don't mind in King James or anything if you want to Titus 2:11 Titus 2:11 now I'm a little bit worried about some of the grace messages I'm hearing out there today I'll have nothing to do with those but I want this grace right here for the grace of God the unmerited favor and blessings has come and and forwarded appearing has come forward aperi put it put it the King James appear on this one all this obviously God I can quote it for you for the grace of God that bringeth salvation has appeared unto all men teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously godly in this president world looking for our blessed hope and glorious appearing of Jesus Christ that's what we need we need grace it does that teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly righteously godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ I won't grace like that grace is not a license to live loose but a license to live close to the Lord a commitment the grace of God that bring us salvation so put it this way the grace of God brings salvation the grace of God teaches sanctification the grace of God brings to us an expectation looking for the glory so I want the grace like that don't you yeah well I like it brother when you know once I gave my heart to Jesus oh listen listen you gave your heart to Jesus and you continue to sin you're about to get your life snuffed out God warned you and warned you and warned you but if you continue living a life of rebellion God will take your physical life to save your soul well that's what the Bible teaches well I don't believe it I don't believe in a God little judge well what about Ananias and Sapphira I think that's New Testament what happened to them drop dead in the church why attempting to this be deceptive concerning their devotion if that happened then God is says I am the Lord I change not so there's some people trying to tell you don't worry about any judgment I'm here to tell you worry about judgment where as such to such degree you don't want to get into sin you fling it away from you you have nothing to do with unfruitful works of darkness some people want to see how close they live to the edge don't do it devil to put you off well anyway well that was fun what we got to get out here I mean there's a big old clock it's only eleven fifty six yes I could have been watching that all along but I didn't you heard about the preacher he preached on TV so he didn't want to keep watching the clock so he learned that he could put a throat lozenge in his mouth and preach about 28 minutes and when it is object get in his program so one day he popped it and he preached he preached he preached he spit it out there's a button so I know you're you're going now they're all here I just what do you do this guy right here this is the what do you do former missionary former woman Oh former missionary where were your missionary to that's a band room I want to keep KOCO Japan at that ko toll that's where I went I went there to preach at Kyoto University it's the second highest intellectual place on the earth first highest intellectual place on earth is too big in Germany so the Lord sent me to Kyoto Japan to confront cloning the biggest minds in cloning are there and the Lord told me to go tell them it's an antichrist spirit people trying to recreate themselves but anyway and I went there and preached Kyoto Japan that's good and I said to them to prove well you can look it up on Google if you know how I said to them to prove this as a true prophetic word the mountains going to slide down tonight but it won't hurt anybody to prove this as a true prophetic word the mountains going to slide down tonight but it won't hurt anybody you can pull it up the mountains slid down and they have building some new buildings high-rise buildings and all of the mud went into those buildings and fill the floors up didn't hurt anybody but wreck those buildings the mountains slid down see when you say it'll happen sin when God get you can I show you one other verse yes I say did do this one please in the amplified she goes you're mixed up Saturn on the yo-yo up don't move no do this I see yeah oh I see Oh 46 verse eight I think that's it let me find it go there and if it's not there we'll go somewhere else I know what it says I just have to look at the address real good yeah I see what is it yeah no it's isaiah 40:8 did I say that I see a 48 verse 6 I see I'm 48 per 6 this is good I said 48 verse 6 look up here I'm a little jealous of John he can sing play preach is this yours my god there's more buttons here than the Shh there's more buttons here than the shuttle yes I won't do but I don't know how ok here it is you can see the verses ladies and gentlemen isaiah 40:8 6 you have heard these things foretold now you see this fulfilled and will you not bear witness to it i show you specific new things from this time forth even hidden things kept in reserve which you have not known next verse these hidden things kept in reserve how do you get to know them here it is they hidden things kept in reserve they are created now called into being by the prophetic word and not long ago and before today you have never heard of them lest you would say I already knew that how are these hidden things brought into reserve by the one that's exactly right that's how God does it ok you go we'll all didn't know that I guess we do need the prophetic yeah I think so you know that's a pretty good verse you didn't know it there created now about the prophetic word we got out of here visit the book table our sign books Jesus came to him said I want you to sign books I said I don't sign books he said to me you do now and I sold my wife I said Carolyn we're going to have a book signing she said I didn't know we sign books I said we do now honest to God so help me truth first time I ever signed a book at the book table I'm sitting there so I knew my name I sign did and the lady came up and I said what is your name she said my name is Donna so I put it down do in and a and I wrote the last a there and when the pen wrote a are the ladies watching me and a verse just did like that across my spirit I thought okay so I pinned down the verse that came floating by and when I did that the woman started hyperventilating she started a static laughing and gasping she said that's it that's it that's a verse my mother used to train me and that has happened thousands of times since then so we'll have a book signing you say what are they about there's a shepherd Roger you've heard a little bit about that then here's one legacy and lineage line this shows how to break off ancestral curses off of your lineage line and also amplify the blessings of God and boy I tell you what it can train your descendants it can leave a legacy for them and so I really hope you'll get in here's our newest book just got in maybe three to six weeks ago I'm not sure exactly the date call it empowered anointed for action boy I'll tell you if ever we need the Norn against now because God wants us to take action you believe that si Senor what time's the next service - my god I didn't know is it - so we better pray here's what I'm going to pray for you one more verse and then we're through here's the prayer I'm going to pray for you I fish ins 1 17 and 18 I pray that the eyes of your heart will be flooded with revelatory light you'll have a grasp and a comprehension of the ways of God or I do pray that for every one of us here that you would give us eyes to see and ears to hear you said the hearing ear and the seeing eye both of these you have created bless your people now Lord I pray that you would hide your word in their heart I pray you bring fruit that we would remain and open to them revelation 4:1 an open heaven to draw near to you teach us your way O Lord show us the our word help us to be prepared to advance to the next level in Jesus name Amen let's give Bobby your hand honor him thanks so much Bobby good words ha ha ha do you know why I named it prophetic Mantle's this conference do you know I sounded good that's the only reason I know in that spiritual now actually brandy asked me where we going to name the conference I just said how about prophetic Mantle's it just sounded good so we just did prophetic Mantle's but in the book of Ezra talks about how they prospered through the prophesying of Haggai and Zechariah and how important it is when we're going to build the house of God or be a people of God we have to have the inputs of the prophets we have to have that prophetic input so we need to open up our hearts to the prophetic not be afraid of it just because it's not all accepted in religious circles you understand what I'm saying but it's part of the church the body you know it's the foundation of the Apostles prophets pastors teachers and evangelists so anyway this is lunchtime now if you guys have not been in this area basically what you can do if you're going to lunch somewhere you can get on this road out here and head north and there are tons of restaurants north there are a few restaurants to the west
Channel: Overflow Global Ministries
Views: 28,768
Rating: 4.9160838 out of 5
Keywords: beltministries, bobbyconner, propheticmantles, propheticcall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2013
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