Communion: Secrets of the Last Days

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to this brief little video blog that we're going to be doing today gonna be a little unusual a little different blog than what I've done in times past when we were going to schedule this blog today you know my first thought was that I would maybe start some little brief blogs on the Feast of Tabernacles sharing just little prophetic nuggets that are applicable to the end times that are prophesied that are indicative from the Feast of Tabernacles and we will do that but the last two days the Lord began to talk to me about Communion and and I felt this this nudging of the spirit to do this blog on Communion and got to be honest I was a little reluctant not because I don't believe communion is a is something we should pursue in fact I do I'm going to talk about that in just a moment but for me it's personal and I knew the Lord was calling me to maybe share with you just some of my a little snapshot into my secret place you know with the Lord and and you know sometimes things with the Lord are intimate and they're personal you just don't feel like you want to violate that trust you know and so that's kind of the way I felt about it a little bit even though I've taught them communion I've referenced communion many times but I'm gonna go a little bit more personal in this and and at the end of this session I'll give you a little heads up we're gonna take communion we'll close out this little blog taking communion have a few guys here in the studio and we're gonna all take it together now just lead you in communion so if you want to pause the the blog just for a second and get the elements you have welcome to something but several years ago the Lord began to talk to me about Apostolic Reformation and interestingly one of the things he mentioned to me in the coming Apostolic Reformation was communion which is not what you would have thought would have been on the forefront of the Lord's heart and he was talking about communion but that was he began to tell me back then this was several years ago the importance of communion that it will be a secret to the last days that there will be a spiritual transaction that occurs when we take communion mingled with faith and that it will be a platform it will be a catapult it'll be a spiritual transaction that takes us from the natural realm into the spirit realm then for me on January 15th 2015 the Lord told me that start taking communion every night and you know January 2015 my world was kind of turned upside down and some some you know pretty difficult times were ahead of me through 2015 and 2016 and I got to be honest with you communion got me through there were some you know touch-and-go times there you know where it's like I'm not sure we're gonna make it through this thing and in every single night I would do communion the Lord would show up in a special way and I can't really talk about it I'll get emotional already thinking about it but especially through 2015 and 2016 the presence would come and he would you know minister to my heart and it's almost like I'm giving you enough to get through the next day and we'll do it again tomorrow night you know it's one of those things and it was just a very personal time with me and the Lord and so I began doing communion every single night beginning January 15th 2015 and I only missed a couple of nights I had a trip or two where I forgot to take the elements or something but just a night or two here they are I missed over the course of that time and then I hit a kind of a interesting plateau I'll just be a little transparent with you about two months ago maybe three you know one night I had forgotten to take communion I had gotten dizzy in the night and I had gone to bed and he had forgotten it and I realized that once I got in bed that I had not done communion that I and I felt this sense of obligation I said I've got a you know I've got to keep it going I've known I'm doing it every night so I got out of bed and I went in and sat down and and I did communion you know and they went back to beer but then the next day the Lord began to talk to me about the motivation of my heart what was my motivation and I gotten away a little bit from the real meaning of the communion and was had already become like a ritual into a little bit of a degree I had allowed some of that to get into my into my thinking that this was something I sought do it every night therefore I got to do it tonight I can't go to sleep until a new communion well I I appreciate discipline but communion for me is not a discipline it's an opportunity it's an invitation it is something I relish and I had enough skipped two nights I just skipped two nights kind of reboot my whole perspective so that when I came back I had a rejuvenation that I'm doing communion because I want to encounter God it's not an obligation I'm not going to be punished if I don't do it it's not a ritual it's not just some some you know religious duty that we do that has no spiritual meaning I believe the word tells us that when we take communion a transaction transpires in the realm of the Spirit when we mingle communion with faith you know Paul in first Corinthians 11 you know describes his visitation that he had from the Lord when he was given communion the other disciples were there they were there in the upper room and they celebrated the Last Supper communion with the Lord we're in Matthew's account the Lord took the bread and he blessed the bread then he took the cup and he gave thanks to the cup maybe that's important maybe it's not he blessed the bread gave thanks for the cup but then Paul you know in his epistle to the Corinthians 1st Corinthians 11 shares his account of actually seeing that apparently he was taken in the spirit he said by revelation I was shown the communion and sometimes when you see something in Revelation like that you see more detail you see more significant portions of it that maybe even the disciples saw because you're in the in the natural at the same time and he talks about how the Lord gave us this this issue of communion I'm going to jump back in 1st Corinthians chapter 10 and just read this I believe is verse 16 that says this is not the cup a cup of blessing which we bless sharing in the blood of Christ is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ therein is our spiritual transaction it is sharing in the body in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ it says it right here there is a blessing and if you approach communion on the basis of the fact that you're going to experience a blessing that you're going to encounter the Holy Spirit you might say well I didn't see anything doesn't matter believe it anyway because the word said so and keep believing it until you do see a manifestation of the Spirit transformation does begin to happen but then on over in 1st Corinthians chapter 11 he says for I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you that the Lord in the night in which he was betrayed took bread and we had given thanks he broke it and said this is my body which is for you do this in remembrance of me and in the same way he took the cup also this is the cup in the New Covenant in my blood do this as often as you drink it and remembrance of me but here it is here is the fundamental component this is the prophetic application of communion this next verse far as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes you prophesy the Lord's death every time you take communion you identify yourself and prophesy the Lord's death his burial and his resurrection when you take communion with faith you are prophesying to the principalities and powers you are prophesying to the head only hosts that you are a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ that you believe he lived a sinless spotless life you believe that he gave himself as a sacrificial lamb that he allowed himself to be butchered at the hands of his own creation your prophesied that by His stripes you are ill when you take communion you were prophesying that he allowed himself to be nailed to a tree until he was dead and he was buried but the grave could not hold him when he take communion you're prophesying that after three days that dead body received new life and was resurrected out of the grave when you take communion your prophesy the resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ that he came out of the grave with glory and honour power and when you identify yourself with that resurrection when you remember his body isn't his buried body and his resurrected body you are pulling into your life the very resurrection power of the Lord Jesus Christ that's what I believe I will take my stand on that and that's why I do communion every night I believe it is a spiritual transaction that has direct influence and benefits not only in my life but also in the life of my family now that's just a very capsule expression about communion maybe one night we'll do a whole webinar and teach for a full hour but I just wanted to give you a few little nuggets too to let you know why at least I believe communion is so important and the closer we get to the end of the age communion will be even more important you mark my words you write this down and put it on your refrigerator communion will be one of the fundamental will be one of the most important things we do as a spiritual discipline as a spiritual transaction as a spiritual promise as we lead up until the end of the age Healing is in it blessing is in it we are blessed we remember the life of the Lord Jesus Christ the zowie life life is in the blood says he is the bread that came down out of heaven that's what the Bible says John the Lord talks about it in John chapter 6 unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood clearly talking about communion unless she because he said I am the bread of life he had just multiplied bread and fish and he was giving them a spiritual lesson about the fact that he is the bread of life if you eat of that bread him then you have eternal life if he eat of that bread you were blessed because he said my unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have no part of me but if you eat my flesh and drink my blood you have eternal life and I will raise you up on the last day for my flesh is true food and my blood is true drink and he who eats my flesh here it is he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him is it that our ultimate goal isn't that our ultimate quest that we would abide in him and he would abide in us and obviously the Lord Himself said this as a fundamental part so yes we receive immortality when we partake when we share in the body and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ but also he abides in us and we abide in him so with that little brief explanation I've got some guys here and Caleb and a couple of Hawking RJ here and we're gonna take communion and I'm just gonna kind of lead you in my communion every night is different for me I don't I don't want to have a ritual I don't want to have a formula every single nice different some nights I'll just take the elements you know and I'll just pray and I'll just hold them five or six minutes just until I feel the anointing because I want it to have meaning I wanted to have substance but then I begin to recite the scripture as I begin to take communion you know you know your Lord this this is your body and this is your blood that's what you said this is your body you are the bread that came down out of heaven and this is your blood the New Covenant in your blood the life that was in the blood of Jesus Christ and just as it says in Matthew and also in Paul's account they blessed the limits the power is in the blessing remember that as we move into the end of the age the power of the spoken word so I take these elements I look right at it and I bless it I bless this bread with what Jesus Christ said it was life his body I bless the bread with resurrection power I bless it with healing I bless it with the zowie life I bless the cup with the very life that was in the blood of Jesus Christ I speak over these elements and then I began to pray Lord Jesus according to your word I'm gonna take your body in your blood and I'm doing as the scripture says I'm remembering your death your burial and your resurrection and I remember all your many benefits Lord that you pardon my iniquities you heal my sickness and pain you deliver my life from the pit you crown my life with loving-kindness and compassion you satisfy my years with good things and you renew my youth like that of the eagle so I bless these elements with these benefits that you said I receive because of your death because of your burial and because of your resurrection as I take this into my body Lord release healing restore my soul restore my strength restore my bones restore my cells my mind my body renew my youth that is what you said Lord you said you would renew our youth like that of the Eagle and I'm going to believe your word I'm going to attach my faith to your word that this is a transaction in the spirit that will renew my strength and renew my youth like that of an eagle now for me personally this is where I always bless my family because communion is about family and so each night everybody can do their own the way they do but I just bless my children I bless my grandchildren I speak into their life as I'm taking communion I speak into their destiny I claim my grandsons and granddaughters life and destiny and purpose and calling and release angels and and covering and protection and all the different things we do but every single night during during communion because it's such a sacred and personal time this is when I bless my family you can do that or you can do something different that's up to you and so Lord we do that we bless our family those that are watching we bless our family we claim their destinies we release the virtue of communion we release resurrection power into the life of our children and our grandchildren and our spouses or anyone else that's out there there's praying for your family Lord we release this blessing we release it in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and now Lord as I close each each session you said Lord he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him that's the word of God so as I take this communion Lord I'm trusting that I'm abiding in you and you are abiding in me you said Lord to abide in you so that when you appear I will have confidence and I will not shrink away in shame at your presence for he who practices righteousness is born of God for he himself practices righteousness so I released this blessing and I take this communion in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ amen now usually I will do a worship song as soon as I finish communion I'll just I have a little worship song on my computer that because that's what they did they did they sang us they sing a song thing of him but you do what you want to do this is this that was a general format of how I do communion you can modify however you choose but either way do it with faith do it with faith believing there's power everything we do in the kingdom is by faith you have to believe that wasn't just a piece of bread that wasn't just a cup we don't believe in transubstantiation like the Catholic Church does we don't believe it becomes a literal body in the literal blood we don't believe that but we also don't believe it's just a cold ritual with no meaning it is a transaction that's the best word I know it is a spiritual impartation it is an invitation to encounter God and I pray the anointing of the Holy Spirit will rest upon you and will give you the revelation of communion in that your life formed because of that revelation grant that Lord I ask in the name of Jesus Christ amen you
Channel: WhiteDove Ministries with Paul Keith and Amy Davis
Views: 194,246
Rating: 4.8931026 out of 5
Keywords: communion, revelation, truth, Lord's Supper, Paul Keith Davis, End Times, crucifixion, blood of Jesus, breaking bread, resurrection
Id: KzZHbi2mqiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 25 2017
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