Mar 28, 2021 - Passover 2021

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probably know by now if there's anything i hate more than arrogance it's false humility because arrogant at least you know what you're dealing with right but when a person is falsely humble it's insidiously satanic and um so i you know me better than to know that you know false humility and me don't get along um with that being said i feel so i mean i felt like this always but now more than ever today i feel so unworthy um on this auspicious and solemn and holy occasion to share with you and the only thing i could say is um if you're feeling similar um i'm a living testimony to the greatness of god for god to be using me the way he is using me knowing me like i know me you know me kind of but you don't that means god is god i can't make it any more simple so if you feel unworthy it's just a way for you to know god is god and to let his love and mercy abound in your life and stop trying to be qualified because if you try to be qualified that means you got to be a hundred percent and only one person was ever 100 and only one person will be so you'll never be qualified but just because you're not qualified doesn't make you disqualified you follow i'm i tell you these things because i've spent a lot of my believing life doing these things and i just don't want you to walk in that because you tend to walk in so much condemnation and guilt now i'm not a proponent of going the other direction and saying hey you know i'm the only picture on god's refrigerator you know in his abode you know that's the other extreme obviously but there is i don't want to see a happy medium that there's a place where the fullness of grace and the fullness of truth resides and that place is in the heart of yeshua and he has you in his heart for sure i can't make you believe it that's nothing i can do but but maybe you know maybe today will help somewhat you know i've obviously taught on passover for 25 years right and you know you can't change the story passover's passover you can approach it a lot of different ways right obviously a great way to approach passover is looking at passover historically and then looking at its new covenant you know relevance and then looking at its prophetic aspect because there are three passovers there's a passover that was and it doesn't matter if you're jewish or not if you're a believer that's part of your history once you graft it in you're grafted into that history that history becomes your history right you can't deny that and then obviously there's a passover that is which we experience through the blood of the lamb yeshua and then there's a passover that's coming we're not home yet there's yet a final exodus for us right so it's tripartite if you will and of course another approach is seeing yeshua in the passover right what are the what are the three things that you have to have at a passover according to exodus 12. three items who who knows raise your hand if you know all three in hebrew come on it's one word seriously yikes wait a minute wait a minute one you have to know the unleavened bread is hebrew okay okay you got that one and the bitter herbs is mara and all you're missing is the most important the lamb what's that say who said it you get a gift from me judy shockley i didn't want to tell people i was giving a gift because if i did they would have cheated and looked on their phone when i was looking i know it happy passover i love you i do i've been knowing you isn't that how you say it i've been knowing you for i've been knowing judy since we got here right pretty much remember we went to her house do you remember we went to your house before the other house not this third two houses ago and we went there and you had i thought i was in a library you had like a thousand books and just kidding around i go i bet you read them all and you were like yes i did and they went wow it's really really amazing um and of course you see yeshua as the lamb you see him embittered right the morar let's face it i know you know i've been to places where they put up a picture of yeshua laughing and yet the bible says he was a man of sorrows i'm not saying that he didn't have a laugh here in there but his life was sorrowful guys i don't know if you really get it but from the time he was born the devil was perching the angel of death was perching at his crib from birth i know you want to see a happy messiah that's that's to come but he was a man of sorrows that was one of his titles it was prophesied so don't you can come up with your own philosophies but i'd rather you be biblically philosophical because this is all we got this is the manual this is it there's nothing else there's some extra biblical things but it will never trump this okay and so you see that he was a man of sorrows obviously he was the lamb of god and he was the most unleavened bread that ever lived leaven represents sin he was the sinless spotless lamb he was tempted although he never so you see your shoe in the passover i'm going to approach this a little differently okay um i should say i'm going to approach i think god wants me to approach it differently we'll find out i don't have a ton of scriptures but let's take a look at the first little set um exodus 2 it says sometime during those many years the king of egypt died this is while joseph was in israel in egypt and jacob came down how old was joseph when he came to egypt and how and how many years was he incarcerated 22 the bible tells it you know the bible tells us all this information do you know why the bible tells us the year they died so we would have a timeline we'd have chronology it's an amazing book the answers to everything is in genesis and how old was he when he died 110 and it was 144 years till the exodus and then moses was born how many years later 64 because that had to be 80 years to the exodus it's all in there i'm not trying to be a nodal i'm just saying it's in there you're not just you don't have just faith you have more than just faith you have some incredibly incredible evidence internal evidence in this book called the bible incredibly so during those years many years the king of egypt died but the people of israel still groaned under the oak of slavery they weren't enslaved for 400 years or 430. the discrepancy with the 430 and the 400 is that's when god first spoke to abraham 430 years prior in exodus in genesis 12 the 400 years when he was in canaan abraham himself not the children of israel the children of israel struggled though for a good about 200 years 2 15 to be exact but i don't want to just i'm giving i'm rounding during those many years they groaned under the oak of slavery and they cried out now i don't know if they were growing all along sometimes slaves get comfortable in their slavery there's people that limp all the time and you say hey how you doing with that limp and they go what limp because you could get very comfortable in your discomfort so i don't think they were crying out the whole time i don't think they were crying out and god was just like nah nah i think it got to a point you know that point everybody has that point you know what i'm talking about that breaking point yeah we know that point well burning that knife some people they're very patient very passive but they still break even the greatest man that ever lived job and nobody nobody can match what he did but did he break everybody has a breaking point they finally broke they cried out their cry for rescue from slavery came up to god god heard their groaning and god remembered his covenant with abraham yitzhak isaac and jacob jacob god saw the people of israel and god acknowledged them these words are powerful let's take a look at the first word they're not just crying what was me they're crying for help okay that's this cry there's a lot of words for crying the hebrew lots but in this case they are distinctly crying out to god help us and what happened god heard i don't believe that they were crying before this god heard shema you know we say the shema the shema it means to hear but listen the cry first of all you should know the cry for help is a wailing prolonged mournful cry it's not that cry when you take the the tissue and you just go no no no no that's why words are so powerful you know words will hurt you more than fists will ever hurt you and a lot of times you can't take back what you say it stings right and we don't forget words too much there are people that have been cursed when they were young and they live out that curse to this very day to hear doesn't mean just yeah i hear you man i hear you rabbi no no it means to hear with great interest and with the intent to do something meaning i'm just not listening to you woes i'm coming and he acknowledged the word yada this is a very important word this is the same word when yeshua says to people i never you dog you at the end of his sermon remember the one sermon he says i don't you dye you not that he didn't know you existed but you didn't know me no no i knew of you a lot of people know of god there's brilliant scholars that teach god that have never been born again there's people that know all about god but they don't know him because this word to know means to know intimately like a mother knows her babies cry that's what it means in the hebrew these were his people and he finally they cried out to him it says in exodus 3 the next chapter adonai said i have seen how my people are being oppressed in egypt and heard their cry for release from their slave masters because i know look at look at these i wanted you to see these scriptures so you would understand how intricately how and intimately god is involved with you darren spoke yesterday about divine betrayal that's satan's number one tool his number one weapon is to make you think that you're crying and god's having a good time not now not now i'm i'm not interested go cry go soak your head no god is always involved he doesn't slumber or sleep we might want what we want when we want it it's not always a great idea yesterday when i was coming home from florida i had to drop somebody off and as i went out of the gas station you asked my family a call was coming i just didn't see it right and for whatever reason god had me slam on the gas most people when they see something coming i saw it coming right at me what do they do always i slammed on the gas what did he miss us by six inches was it this much timing what if i left a second sooner i wouldn't be here today they would be because he was coming right from my door but timing timing i've come down to rescue them from the egyptians and to bring them up out of that country you gotta you gotta just be patient and wait on the lord because you might want what you want but it might not be good timing for you the children of israel wanted saul and god said no you don't yes we do no you don't yes we do no you don't like the persistent widow okay have saul how did that work out our wills are so strong so powerful i've come down to rescue them from the egyptians to bring them up out of that country to a good and spacious land a land flowing with milk and honey or as they say in israel milk and money the place of the canaanites the hittites the amorites the parasites the hivites and the jebusites okay let's take a look at these words god said i've seen ra ah to see okay not telling me much rabbi i know i understand but it means to look at intently and seriously it's a gaze not a glimpse and it's a hard look with pleasure i mean we look at kids all the time we we look at kids they're kids there are kids i don't know what it is that won't go near anybody will but will go near burning eye you know why because kids are very intuitive and they know if you really like them you can't fake it with a little kid they know if you really like them and the reason why we like these strangers basically is because we miss ours when they were little because there was times i'd sit in their room and stare at them just stare at them for a very long time you know what i'm talking about that's the look that god was given the children of israel these are my children and they're hurting he's aware he's aware guys so he heard again second time right second time now he's saying i hear loud and clear you don't have to cry no more i hear you and because of it i promise you i'm coming to the rescue that should not be to hear i don't know how that got in there the rescue is to save to save you know what it means in the hebrew i'm going to rip you away give me that you understand do you see why words are so important not just save you i'm going to rip you away from egypt i'm coming in this isn't going to be some some covert operation i'm walking in i'm going to destroy you your gods i'm going to rip through egypt and i'm going to rip them out of your hands you understand me and last but not least in exodus exodus 6 5 he says moreover over more than this i have heard the groaning of the people of israel whom the egyptians are keeping in slavery and i have remembered my covenant now does god forget the only thing god forgets is our sins and he doesn't forget him he chooses to not bring them up god is not forgetful they needed to remember the covenant they were far from god they weren't walking with god they weren't obeying god they weren't worshiping god sometimes we need to remember who we are and who we're not for that matter so again he says i heard now what time is this third time what do we know about three it's a very significant number in hebrew there's something called gamatri you know this i've told you a gazillion times right every number has some meaning a word associated every word has a number the whole bible is numerical it's intense it's so deep the greatest minds can't understand it if they want to dig deep how many times did god speak and repeat himself three times in the bible how many three times he repeat himself three times and where would that be anybody know hands where do you speak three times you know young man genesis it's a good it's a good it's a good choice it's a good choice but there's three distinct places guys we just said he heard three times you're sitting here mcfly what's going on you know one we just went over it that's one in exodus it's okay don't feel bad don't this isn't like it's not like that listen there's no question that you can't ask there's no such thing as a stupid question okay the only time it's stupid is the question that's not asked he told me he loved him but he didn't mention it three times john 14 he said if you love me you'll obey me three times and then in revelation he says three times on the alpha and the omega do you see these three distinct times one time talks about justification and deliverance exodus another time talks about sanctification and being clean before god walking through the wilderness and another time is the future the glory land the promised land do you see this it's powerful now i get to keep the gift i won my own gift so this is time three he's saying i have heard i hear loud and clear now it's on i'm coming i'm coming because he remembered his covenant look at this word it's an alliance a treaty an agreement if you will what covenant is he remembering there's only one covenant established at this point it's the abrahamic covenant he promised to deliver to save the world how is there going to be a deliverer to save the world if there's no nation to produce that deliverer they were going to be delivered it's just a matter of timing i told you god makes all these promises in the bible all these promises when those promises intersect with timing you have destiny if god made you a promise the timing might not be right but god has its destiny and you can't fight destiny you know why because it's predetermined and it's inevitable no one could stop god's destiny every promise he made to us it's as good as done not a promise that you think he made to you i'm talking about biblical promises that we can all hold on to look at exodus six six through eight this is gorgeous this is the five i wills what's five the number for grace this is god just graciously gracing us here he says therefore say to the people of israel i am not annoyed i'm the lord i'm god me i'm god i will free you from the fourth flavor of the egyptians you from the oppression redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great judgments watch what i do i'm going to slam those gods those gods are nothing they have no power i will take you as my people and i will be your god this is so intimate if you understood hebrew this is so intimate then you will know you will you doubt me i might annoy your god who freed you from the forced labor of the egyptians i will bring you into the land which i swear to give to abraham isaac and jacob i will give it to you as your inheritance i am madonna god is saying i'm so powerful but i'm so personal who could pull this off who could be so infinitely high and so intimately close like god you can't get to powerful people today you can't get to no one today we have so many gizmos but you can't get in touch with anybody i want you to see that our whole life is tripartite that it's egypt that it's the wilderness and it's the promised land right now we are all in the wilderness we are all in the wild not because it's an uninhabited place big mid mar in hebrew doesn't mean uninhabited it's not a detestable place it's not like mid-mid-mar means where god speaks god is beautifying you preparing you for the wedding feast you can't show up like that uh oh you're gonna marry his son his one and only begotten son what do we celebrate on purim who's the who's the famous gal on purim who went through beautification come on esther you're going through it you're being sanctified prepared for a holy wedding to god's only begotten son you're not ready for the promised land yet we're not there yet i'll show you i'll show you just let me show you look at egypt exodus 6 6 from the three verses i just read therefore say to the people of israel i am illinois i will free you from the false labor of the egyptians rescue from the oppression and redeem you with an ounce of strong with the great church this is what god has done he set the people free but look at us as new covenant believers john 8 36 so if the sun frees you why are you still acting like a slave see my mother used to say to me son i i worked my tail off to get you out of the bronx but it's so hard getting the bronx out of you that's what god's doing in this wilderness you're out of egypt but egypt's still in you and me he's working it out but guys when he says i will save you he's saying nobody will be able to take you from me you'll be free forever we have been freed from this life-controlling power of sin whether you believe it or not we don't have to walk that way anymore the old man is dead see we were incarcerated by our sins we weren't in a physical cell our sins was it was a cell a spiritual cell and thank god there's no double jeopardy in god's laws and god's courts but isaiah 43 25 says he blots out our transgressions that word blood is maha in hebrew it means to obliterate to exterminate to utterly destroy even if the devil could there is no cell to put you back in it's been exterminated [Applause] no longer a slave to sin that has happened that's the exodus that was for us that has happened that will never happen again because it doesn't need to it's one time you understand one time next is the wilderness look exodus 6 7 i will take you as my people i will be your god then you will know that i am out of know your god who freed you from the forced labor of the egyptians this means if you look up this word take in the hebrew i'm going to take you by the hand and i'm going gonna marry you israel became god's wife god's wife you know people that disparage israel they have nothing to do with israel do you know what they're saying go ahead try to disparage my wife i dare you i will turn your other cheeks so quick you won't know what happened to you man of god and no man of god you're going to disparage god's wife good luck good luck i'm going to marry you that's his wife and what does he hate he's no divorce amen god's married to her forever his vows are forever you don't have to tell god well in good times and bad times he doesn't need that look at john 10 27 28 my sheep listen to my voice this is the wilderness the midmar where god speaks this is your job to hear god's voice and do what you're told he's not going to speak to every minute of the day that would drive us crazy but when he speaks man just go with it don't even pray about it i recognize them they follow me i give them eternal life they will absolutely never be destroyed no divorce and no one will snatch them from my hands we are being spirit-led safely and securely no matter what the circumstances look on our way to the wedding feast we will make it to the wedding feast we all have the right garment it's destiny [Applause] this is not my opinion guys some of you going it sounds good that's because you're you're biblically ignorant when's the last time you read the bible pal oh i don't need to i just know i'm saved are you and now on to the promised land we're not home yet exodus 68 says i'll bring you into the land we haven't crossed jordan yet we're on our way which i swore to give to abraham isaac and jacob i'll give it to you as your inherited time of illinois john 14 1 3 don't let yourselves be disturbed it's guaranteed he's saying i remember like it was yesterday the first time i read this and i was overwhelmed because all my life i was looking for somebody who wouldn't lie to me and i couldn't find it you know the sad part was i couldn't even find it in myself guys newsflash all men are liars that includes you but when i read this i said i found them the holy spirit quickened me and i believed god you can't lie you'll never lie to me ever it was like one of the greatest things i've ever heard don't let yourselves be disturbed trust in god yeshua says trust in god trust in me in my father's house of many places to live if there weren't i would have told you because i'm going there to prepare a place for you since i'm going and preparing a place you i will make no mistake i'm coming for you you want me to come yesterday i get it but you know what there's a couple of other people that have to come in they're not there yet so be patient but know this i'm coming for you it's as good as done i will not leave you as an orphan i deposited my spirit into you it's a down payment i'm going to make good on this debt therefore we have been delivered yes we are being delivered yes and we will be delivered amen [Applause] now there are tons of cocky mami theologies in the believing world about what happens to you when you die i've heard them all and very few of them are biblical i don't know why you just don't refer to the bible to find out what happens when you die take a look at exodus 12 13 and 15 16. it says the blood will serve you as a sign marking the houses where you are when i see the blood this is god speaking i will pass over you when i strike the land of egypt the death blow will not strike you look guys he did this so overtly so that he put himself on display anybody see the movie billy jack in 1973 god billy jack pharaoh he stepped in egypt said you know what i'm going to do i'm going to take this right foot i'm going to whop you on that side of your face and there in a dawn thing you're going to be able to do about it oh yeah he says in exodus 15 terror and dread fall on them by the might of your arm they are still a stone under your people pass over i don't know until the people you purchase pass over same word totally different meaning passover here is pesach and it means to skip over god the angel of death works for him everybody works for him everybody's on his payroll and he says when i see the blood i will pass over you not lay on you pet we'll skip over me and the slaughterer me and the angel of death no no we see the blood in this house let's go to the next house no blood have at it you got the blood on your house you're the tabernacle of the holy spirit the blood is on the door frame of your heart and when he sees the blood he has to pass over that's pesach that's what we're celebrating but here in exodus 15 passover's arbaa which means to cross over it's called the lord's passover people say well it's a jewish holiday it just shows your ignorance it's the lord's passover and because the lord passes over you get to cross over you get a pass over into the promised land not based on anything you did jack not on your best day are you going to bring that before a holy god look what i've done you know what the bible says your righteousness is like in the hebrew it's menstrual rags there's nothing more filthy than that back in the day it's all about where we're going it's all about our final destination people say well just enjoy the journey what am i what what is this you want me to study yoga class huh a meditation room let's burn some incense no man paul said i pray he didn't say well i'm enjoying the journey you think paul enjoyed his journey you couldn't spend one day in paul's life our journey is easy we have comfortable shoes comfortable cars comfortable mattresses america is one big drive-through you get anything anytime anywhere paul said i press on to reach the goal it's about our destination keep it in view don't look to the left don't look to the right and don't look at your circumstances look to yeshua and look to the finish line and get to the promised land [Applause] look at this um you got a picture of that sunrise i don't take pictures um i'm sure a lot of you take pictures and don't go home and go i got to get rid of my pictures because rabbi said it's not going to take pictures i have one picture in my phone one me and burn that's it what are you looking at me like that you want to look at my phone i have one picture and i just took this picture the morning of my friend's funeral on lake euro and i woke up the lord woke me up and you know i got it right in time because seriously five minutes late it was nothing though and i sent it to his wife and i said god is letting you know that all is well with alex's soul and she said rabbi greg he loved sunrises more than anything but he couldn't get to see him because he had to go to work so early i said guess what now he sees the sunrise 24 7. i'm talking s-o-n rise not s-u-m it was horrible being there i just knew i had to it was in a very rural community very rural cemetery nothing around but some flat farmland and people were in the back about 20 people and then there were five chairs by the gravesite i don't even do gravesides i don't like them they just make me very uncomfortable and there are five chairs you know his wife who's watching and her four children in the chairs and i i hate to see it lowered but i also know the truth a lot of people would say he got robbed he didn't get robbed satan got robbed he got ripped off satan got ripped off not my friend no out of the body present with the lord the bodies in the grave is he dancing with yeshua yeah the last time i checked you can't dance without a body i mean just try it soul dance dance soul why is it not dancing it has no body it's disembodied when you die every body goes into the grave and the soul either goes to a wonderful place with the lord like we know from luke 16 or horrible place and then there's another resurrection for the believers when they spend a thousand years in the millennium working it out and getting perfect for the promised land when the new heavens and the new earth come in revelation 21 it's it's very simple it really states it very simplistically so my my my friends in the eternal state right now he's not in the new heavens and the new earth because it hasn't come yet that's the final final destination revelation 21 1-2 john the revelator then i saw a new heaven of the old heaven going to disappear it's renewed like the moon when you say i see a new moon that doesn't mean it's a different moon it's renewed right it's going to be renewed people go well the head the earth is just going to explode and where's the new earth coming from fire yeah fire refines the refine is fire it's going to purify it it's going to perfect it for us for the old heaven and the old earth has passed away and the sea was no longer there also i saw the holy city new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god prepared like a bride beautifully dressed for a husband now this is the eternal state it's not the same as in isaiah 65 where it talks about the millennium because there in isaiah the millennium's view here it can't be in view because their death is still present here sin and death of history imagine that no sin it's impossible for you not to have a sin nature therefore even though you want to limit it for anybody to sit here and say rabbi i don't sin you just send by that idiotic statement the key is not let that sin nature rise up got to keep it down that's why you got to present yourself a living sacrifice shut it down don't talk about the old you because you're glorified and say keep talking about it because you know what when you talk about the old you the sin nature goes i want some of that again does anybody know what i'm talking about don't go certain places don't hang out with certain people rabbi you saying we're weak definitely i'm saying that yes without a doubt don't talk about it what's there to talk about well i used to who cares tell me what god's telling you now where you going oh i've been to so many places where you been lately oh back in high school i used to what are you doing now stop living in the past man don't put your hand on the plowshare and keep walking like this look to gloryland look to the promised land look to the finish line look to yeshua and then revelation 21 3-4 i heard a loud voice from the throne it's almost like yeshua's saying why didn't you believe me when did i have a lie to you when did a promise that me and my father have made when the timing was right it didn't come to fruition tell me how many promises have you broken in your life how many unfinished jobs have you not brought to completion how many times did you say no no this is the last time i will i promise you i won't burn that this is the last time name me one promise that god has broken i'm all ears see god shakina he's right with you i mean it's not always easy for me to have a relationship with somebody that i can't touch i mean you see all the kids hug me um i love a hug i love a hug there's some people that aren't like that but my family was i've met a lot of people yeah my dad never told me he loved me i had a my dad was a lunatic he was a scary guy if you were an adult you put your hands on me you'd lose your hands i'm not proud of that i'm just saying he was a tough guy but i had to kiss him night before i went to bed kiss him good night before i went to bed i could still feel that rough rough you know late shadow on his face my mother i don't think there was a time my mother ever didn't tell me i love you when my mother came here and people were coming up to her we love your son you know what her answer was what's there not to love like what are you stupid jewish lady from the bronx what are you stupid right that's what she was saying but it's hard that's why we need each other that's why we need to help each other and support each other and hug each other and encourage each other and stop competing competition is like a sin who's more blessed who's more cursed who knows more who's got it more together who hears from god more stop it you see yeshua running around boasting if anybody had the right to boast it was him stop boasting you know you should boast about that you know god remember jeremiah the prophet he said you that are rich stop boasting about your richness you how rich are you how rich what do you what do you got what do you got a couple million dollars in the stock market and the stock market goes down what do you got nothing what do you got that's real what do you got that you can really hold on to besides the lord your family will come and go sadly enough sometimes they'll come and go i hate to say it to you sweet pea i hope it never happens but i got to go with the bible on everything god rabbi greg you're so stuck on that bible the prophet isaiah says can a nursing mother forget her baby at her breast yes she can i've seen it but i the lord will never forget you israel i've engraved you on the palm of my hand you know bernadette and i met somebody in israel there was a bedouin tribe and they told us that when their kids would go off to war the mothers would literally sow the initial of their son in the palm of their hand so they would never forget them they will be his people and he himself god with them emmanuel he'll be their god i know i believe in this but to me it's beautiful i mean i just keep sensing as soon as i walk into the the new earth i'm going to feel this heavenly holy divine hand and this finger go like this i'll be crying when i walk in and then that's it no more over rabbi you really believe this what do you believe how's your beliefs working for you yeah i believe it because every promise god has made every prophecy has been fulfilled 87 8 that why would i not believe in the other 12 there will no longer be any death you know as a little boy i've always hated funerals not just going even if i was outside playing where there was a huge catholic church they had a funeral every week at least huge in my neighborhood right grocery from the projects and every time i saw the hearse i'd get sick and now i know why it wasn't god's plan death is not of god it's of the enemy we weren't supposed to die death stung itself to death at the cross because of yeshua's death he is the death of my death there will no longer be any mourning imagine that no mourning no sadness no sorrow no crying no pain no ectomies because the old order a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years to a day i know it seems like a long time i get it it seems like we've been struggling for so long but it's not that long we have an eternity of forever i can't quantify that for you of perfect bliss and you're going to forget all this nonsense it's going to be taken out of your memory banks our future is magnificent the world right now is freaking out the future looks bad you're getting a lot of gibberish from politicians which that's the language they speak gibberish you know they have some speech writer what do they want to hear what do you think they want to hear you think god ever you know said to moses what do you think the children of israel want to hear he's the opposite of a politician if you're visiting you're a politician um stop talking gibberish that's my way of apologizing that's a truthful apology right burn that really gets and she's like that's unbelievable i thought you're gonna say i'm sorry i didn't mean it that way we will enjoy intimacy with the lord closer than we ever dreamed of there is nobody in this room including yours truly that can even remotely fathom what it's going to be like to be at the lord's side that's enough for me though because it's something that i'm looking forward to that i can't explain but i know is going to be marvelous and wonderful and all together good when the lord says i'll wipe away every t it's poetic part of the bible is poetic a lot of the hebrew is poetic song of solomon is poetic it doesn't mean that there will be tears in eternity it's just a poetic way of saying there will not be tears in eternity no for that matter neither will there be any pain or death all the bad stuff all the bad stuff will pass over the lamb will be there sure he'll be there he'll be so happy you know you're gonna hear from him he's gonna hug your neck and whisper in your ear over and over again i'm so glad you're here i'm so glad you're here unleavened bread yeah yeah we'll be full of unleavened bread no sin there's no leaven in heaven who's that guy that sung that song it was real catchy and i know there won't be tears who is he eric clapton yeah one of the most famous guitars that ever lived if if i were to co-wrote that song i'd have been like and i know there won't be leaven here in heaven probably with the soul as well though right but what will be missing right now whatever you say that we have the pesach lamb we have the lamb we have the matzah and we have the mora when the kingdom comes no more no more no bitterness can you imagine and this is for us waiting for us not a good weekend not a great day not a blissful week not a tremendous year of a sabbatical forever and you can't give me one stinking reason to not believe it i am going to live my life for eternity store up every treasure i possibly can in heaven and bank when it's all over hearing well done good and faithful servant enter the joy of your rest let's stand together you guys doing seders tonight yes no the table was set already huh how did you know that and said you show up your time i went out for a prayer walk it wasn't i came back secret it's like a secret yeah i'm excited i'm excited guys i love you very much um i do some of you like you don't even know me um and you don't really know me but i would think that you would love me right i mean the bible says we should love our enemies clearly hopefully i don't fall in that category but i do i love you i'm proud of you um i'm amazed at what some of you uh go through and still find a way through your tears and your pain and your sorrow to bless the lord it's it's a beautiful thing to watch and for those of you that go through some horrific things it's hard for you to bless the lord god has never stopped loving you not a day not one moment the god we serve is a great god there's no god like him keep on fighting keep on pressing you're going to make it i promise now may the lord bless you and keep you may the lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you and may the lord lift up his very countenance upon you and give you his peace in the name of the principle of peace yeshua is [Music] [Music] shalom happy passover
Channel: Getzel
Views: 4,912
Rating: 4.9219513 out of 5
Id: dspvzMc8Ja8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 1sec (3241 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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