Map to Bloody Armageddon - Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] let's get started today we'll be talking about the path of the second Advent the path of the second Advent so when the Lord Jesus Christ comes down after the tribulation what he's going to do is that he takes a certain pathway when he conquers the world so literally his pathway will be dipped in blood because the Lord Jesus Christ he is Conquering his enemy in his second coming you must understand that when we talk about the second coming of Jesus Christ it has nothing to do with Mercy Grace or love what it has to do is wrath and Justice Holiness and righteousness so that's why when because his first coming what was it it was grace mercy and love and he did that for the world and he put up with their foolishness already for 2,000 years so what he's doing in this coming is that he's going to take back what rightfully belongs to him there's no such thing as human equal rights This Land Is Ours blah blah blah all right the Muslims can say This Land Is Ours whatever this is God's land and he's going to take it all back right and you know what people are going to do they're not going to let it go so that's why he has to conquer it in blood so he will conquer all the world's enemies and he will go down a certain path but you're not going to hear this Doctrine except in a Bible believing Church there's no I guarantee you this in this whole Bay Area there's no church that's going to teach this except the B believing Church all right so now there are hundreds and thousands of us bi Believers out there but we're all scattered see so that's why you're going to rarely find the B believing church so this is one doctrine that they don't teach they believe Jesus Christ will come down and rule over the world but they don't teach this doctrine that he goes on a certain pathway and the Bible shows you that there's a certain pathway he goes through let's look at scripture with scripture here we go first of all go to Revelation 19 Revelation 19 once you have Revelation 19 we will go to Joel chapter 2 Joel chapter 2 so two places Joel 2 and Revelation 19 all right Revelation 19 is is 8:45 8:45 Joel 2 is 624 624 so again 624 and 8:45 In this passage it shows how it's going to start how it's going to start is that the Lord Jesus Christ and the Saints will be up in heaven so here's the Lord God Almighty up in heaven with the Saints down here and the Christian Saints while they're up in heaven why why are they up in heaven Pastor aren't they down there in the tribulation no that's heresy we're already raptured before the end times hit so the Christians already up in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ and so while we're up in heaven the safe Christians we will be coming down with him on chariots and horses so we will be coming down with horses all right I can't draw a horse really well obviously all right so just excuse this one but he will be coming down we will all be coming down yeah that's my horse all right that's my horse all right yeah that's my horse okay is this some new doctrine some weird mutant Horse no no no that's just my horse okay but anyway so we will be riding on horses down with the Lord Jesus Christ look at Revelation chapter 19 and we will look at verse verse 9 and he saith unto me right blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the lamb and he saith unto me these are the true sayings of God so notice right here that we Christians are up in heaven and we are in the marriage supper of the lamb but notice that at verse 11 what immediately happens I saw heaven open and behold a white horse and he that sat upon him was called notice capitalized faithful and true so that's the Lord Jesus Christ undoubtedly and in righteousness he do judge and make war so notice right here that when he comes down out of Heaven all right that he will be leaving up Heaven down on white horses and there's going to be a group of people who will join with him as well we're all going to Jo join the Lord Jesus Christ when we come down with him and we will conquer the world together with him look at Joel chapter 2 Joel chapter 2 so notice when they go down down it's not just one person it's many different Saints who go down with him look at Joel chapter 2 Joel chapter 2 verse 1 blow ye the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in my Holy Mountain let all the inhabitants of the land tremble for what the day of the Lord cometh you see that so it's an end time period you see the day of the Lord so knowing that this is talking about the day of the Lord the end times notice what going to happen a day of darkness and of gloominess a day of clouds and of thick Darkness as the morning spread upon the mountains a great people and a strong don't know right here there's going to be a great people and a strong group of people who are going to come down at the day of the Lord let's keep reading there hath never been the like neither shall be anymore after it even to the years of many generation so you talk about superhumans here no one is like this group of people a fire devoureth before them and behind them a flame burneth the land is as a garden of of Eden before them and behind them a desolate Wilderness yay and nothing shall Escape them the appearance of them is as the appearance of horses and as Horsemen show shall they run like the noise of Chariots on the top of mountains shall they leap so you notice right here that as the Lord Jesus Christ comes down with this horse that there's a group of people who will also join with chariots and horses as well you see so the saved Christians who are up in heaven with Jesus we're the one who accompany with him down on his second coming and we are the Supermen Hollywood have painted a picture like that and little children always dreamed to become like that but guess what that's not fantasy that's reality and that's only saved Christians saved Christians will be those superhuman notice right here that's a great people strong that they leave a trail of fire behind them we read that before let's keep reading uh verse 6 before their face the people shall be much pained all faces Shall Gather Blackness they shall run like Mighty Men they shall climb the wall like Men of War and they shall March everyone on his ranks and they shall not break their ranks so notice right here that they are like literally like Warriors neither shall one thrust another they shall walk everyone in his path and look at this literally Superman and when they fall upon the sword they shall not be wounded you see that they shall run to and fro in the city all right literally like Supermen they can go that fast they shall run upon the wall that's what the Matrix tried to picture to you running upon the wall they shall climb up upon the houses they shall enter in at the Windows like a thief and that's what assassin Hollywood movies and all these Hollywood pictures they're trying to show you these professional thieves and assassins we're going to be literally like that uh the Earth shall Quake before them the heaven shall tremble see all of the universe chaos at our feet the sun and the moon shall be dark and the Stars shall withdraw their shining who is this group look at verse 11 and the Lord shall utter his voice before his who his army see that for his Camp is very great for he is strong that executeth his word for the day of the Lord is great and terrible and who can abide it you see that so so that's why uh little kids they will sing the song in Sunday school that I am in the army of the Lord that's why Christians sing in their hymns we are a soldier in the army of the king of kings you know I literally going to happen man literally going to happen and we're going to come down and we're going to come in like a plague everyone's going to be in pain before us they will be scared look at habach chapter 3 habc chapter 3 Once you have Hab backook go to Genesis 1 Genesis 1 we will go to habach 3 and we will also look at Genesis 1 habach is 638 638 and then Genesis 1 is don't be a dummy page one all right so Genesis chapter 1 and habach chapter 3 yeah we got a dummy here all right habach chapter 3 habach chapter 3 and we will look at Genesis 1 you know what's going to happen if we're going to come down out of Heaven All right so Heaven is above outer space you know what's going to happen when we come down through upon the world right here we're going to pass we're going to pass the planets here because we're all the way up in heaven right here and then you know what's the thing that separates heaven and outer space you know what we're going to be splitting through we're going to be splitting through a sea of glass a gigantic body of water that's divides Between Heaven and outer space you might say what new doctrine is this ain't no new doctrine that is scripture there are Waters that are literally above outer space and we will go smack through that down to the Earth and we're going to travel through outer space on that you might say whoa whoa whoo yeah wo whoo whoo but let's look at scripture habc 3 we will look at verse three it reads God came from Tean and the Holy One from Mount Paran Sila his glory covered the heavens and the Earth was full of his praise so this is talking about the coming of God now we talk we called this the second coming right but let's see it more clearly look at verse six he stood and measured the Earth he beheld and drove aund who the Nations and the Everlasting mountains were scattered and the Perpetual Hills did bow his ways are Everlasting remember Joel 2 and Revelation 19 when he comes down he will bring chaos upon the world they all nature will tremble and the Nations the armies of the world will be conquered so this is no doubt when it talks about the coming of God here this is undoubtly talking about the second coming here all right what's going to happen in the second coming look at verse 15 verse1 15 the Bible reads right here thou D walk through the sea with thine horses through what what the Heap of Great Waters so God is going to go split through a great heap of waters and when we talk about great heap of waters we mean great we're talking about the waters above outer space go to Genesis 1 Genesis 1: 6 Genesis 1:6 all right look what the Bible says there are Waters above outer space Pastor yeah that's why it's a great Heap look at Genesis 1 and ver vers six and God said let there be a firmament okay if if you don't know what firmament means look at what it means it means opening a space that's where we get the idea and we call this space you see that so what's going to happen right here look at verse six again the Bible reads and let there be a firmament where in the midst of the waters so so God's going to put space in between these Waters and let it divide the waters from the waters so there's one water somewhere and the other wat somewhere it's split but where is it divided verse 7even and God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firment so there's Waters below outer space and then there's Waters above outer space how do we know that's outer space a firmament well not just the word firmament but just look at verse 14 14 showed you that the firment is outer space look at verse 14 of Genesis 1 it reads and God said let there be what lights in where the firment of the heaven to divide the day from the night and let them be for signs and for seasons for days and years you see that God put the moon stars and the Sun the lights where in the firmament so there's no doubt this is time about outer space so there are Waters above the firmament you see and we're going to go split through that that's why the Bible says when Jesus Christ comes he's going to go through a great heap of waters no kidding great heap of waters man right there see scripture with scripture shows you what it means all right let's also look at Deuteronomy 30 uh let's look at Matthew chapter 24 excuse me Matthew 24 Matthew 24 okay now we've just pass destination number one destination number one from Heaven through the ERS and outer space okay where is he going to land he's going to land right here first Mount Si that's where it begins all right that's where God had the burning bush and appeared and came to Moses right that's where he came and appeared and showed Moses his back so this relates a lot to his coming you see an important place so that's where he's going to start how do you know that well let's first look at Matthew 24:30 here's an important note and then shall appear the sign of the son of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the son of man coming so the coming of Jesus Christ right when he comes he's going to come what in the Clouds Of Heaven with power and great Glory notice it did not say through the clouds he didn't say through the clouds all right that's wrong it's in you know why he's going to be up there for a while that's why it's going to go like this you see he's not just is going to go through the cloud down right here that's it no he's going to travel along a certain route midair along in the clouds all right let's look at Deuteronomy 33 Deuteronomy 33 Deuteronomy 33 so Mount Si is the first destination look at Deuteronomy CH 33 and we're going to look at verse two verse two did the bible really said he would land at Mount sin certainly did how come I wasn't taught that Pastor because they don't study the Bible all they teach you is little diddy devotionals and they don't know much Bible that's why it's so important to go to a b believing Church all right look at Deuteronomy chapter 33 once you have Deuteronomy 33 go to the book of Jude the book of Jude the book of Jude is right before the Book of Revelation it's right before the Book of Revelation go to Jude and Deuteronomy all right notice that Deuteronomy chapter 33:2 it says the Lord comes from Si from Mount peran and he comes down with 10, thousands of his Saints did that ever happen with Moses back at Deuteronomy 33 no that never happened when did the Lord ever come with 10,000s of his Saints in front of Moses at Deuteronomy 33 that never happened you would have gave Moses a heart attack you know God don't kill me with all those people but it's going to happen in the future right because why who are who are the thousands of saints remember Revelation 19 and Joel 2 but let's look at Deuteronomy 33:2 and he said the Lord came from where sin and Rose up from seir unto them he shined forth from Mount peran and he came with what 10, thousands of saints from his right hand went a fiery law for them so there is no doubt this is talking about the second coming there's no other passage in the Bible where it shows that no other there's no other place but the second coming so when he comes down he comes out of Si and when he comes out of SI he comes down with 10,000s of his Saints look at Jude 14 and Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of the saying behold the Lord cometh with 10, thousands of his Saints all right that matches with Deuteronomy 33 right the Lord's coming with 10,000s of his Saints but look at the Timeline verse 15 to execute judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly Deeds which they have ungodly committed and all of of all their hard speeches which ungodly Sinners have spoken against him so notice right here that this is when when God comes down to what judge the Sinners of the earth so when is there a coming of God where it has 10,000 of his Saints and where he judges the Nations no other area except this one you see all right now let's also look at Judges chapter 5 judges chap 5 where's he going to go next he will come out of sear and Edom he will come out of sear and Edom go to judges 5 judges chter 5 we will look at page 189 189 so you will notice right here that he's going to come out of sear and Edom you see that so it's definitely along this route right here he's going to come out of sear and Edom so here's SE right here look at Judges chapter 5 judges 5 we will look at verse four the Bible says Lord when thou wentest out of sear so he's coming out of sear but look at this when thou marches out of the field of Edom the Earth trembled ah chaos among the nature the world if there's chaos among the world in nature in your mind you're thinking second Advent right second coming but let's keep reading and the heavens dropped the clouds also dropped water the mountains melted from before the Lord even what that siai from before the Lord God of Israel remember what Deuteronomy 3 said God will come out of Si in Fire and that verse says when he just like that he's going to go where out of sear he's going to come out of sear now not only that but if you compare with judges 5: 4-5 you're going to notice that when he comes out of SE and Edom it definitely matches with Isaiah 63 go to Isaiah 63 Isaiah 63 look at page 5133 513 so notice right here that when he comes out of seir he's going to come out of Edom too right judges 5 4-5 and it matches because it says he's just going to come out just like he came out of Si but if you look at Isaiah 63 we're going to see that when he comes out of Edom and seir this is no doubt talking about the second coming of Jesus Christ let's look at the book of Isaiah chap 63 we will look at verse one who is this that Cometh From Where Edom with dyed garments from bazra so he comes from Edom and bazra this that is glorious in his apparel traveling in the greatness of his strength I that speak in righteousness mighty to save you see that that's you can tell this is talking about God see I am the one mighty to save the one in righteousness I'm the one in greatness of strength I'm the one that comes from Edom and bazra but keep reading verse two wherefore art thou red in thine apparel and thy garments like him that what treadeth in the wine fat I have Trot in the wine press alone and of the people there was none with me for I will tread them in mine what anger and trample them in my Fury and their blood shall be sprinkled upon my garments and I will stain all my reignment for the day of vengeance is my heart compare that with Revelation 19 now jump to Revelation 19 so this being who comes out of Edom and bazra right so along seir bazra Edom this being that comes out out he's going to come out likened treading upon the wine presses correct he's going to tread upon the wine presses and his apparel is going to be red what did he mean by that it's blood of the Nations he's conquering no that can't be Jesus yeah you know why because at his first coming Jesus shed his blood that's right at his second coming he's going to shed your blood that's right look at Revelation chapter 19 believe him now Revelation chapter 19 notice right here that when he comes down verse 11 we read that before right his second coming he's going to come down upon the Earth but look at verse 13 and he was clothed with the what vesture dipped in Blood and his name is called the word of God and the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses right that's us the armies going upon white horses when we come down right but what's he going to do out of his mouth goe with a sharp sword and with it he should what Smite the Nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and he treadeth The Wine Press of the fierceness and Wrath of almighty God okay now you know what that means now you know what that means that means that he's going to you seen them when they tread upon the wine press right and then the wine press the grapes stains the bottom of your garments literally you'll be like that but he's going to do that with the Nations oh yeah okay I don't care how many Catholics and Muslims and Masons and the elite or North Korea and Russia and China and communist countries and all the religions say we want this is Our Land This Is Our Land This we're going to get that it doesn't matter how much you want to take control over that all right God's going to come down and squash you like grapes that's right amen yeah how about that so there's no doubt this is Second Coming see when this being comes from bos with his garments dipped in blood at the bottom at the Hem of His garments that's Revelation 19 his second coming and that verse says when you compare that with Isaiah 63 and judges 5 he comes out of sear and bosra and Edom you see that that's why from Mount Si it's going to go here you see that it's going to go here how about that what an amazing book Let's also look at Jeremiah chter 48 Jeremiah chter 48 Jeremiah chapter 48 where is he going to come out next he's going to come out of heshbon he's going to come out of heshbon and dabon he's going to come out of heshbon and daon so from bazra all right and Edom right then it's going to go along right here dabon and heshbon how do we know that because Moab is going to be judged too and we're going to see how the scriptures read let's look at Jeremiah 48 now let's look at the context look at verse 47 let's look at the context verse 47 page 554 554 it reads yet will I bring again the Captivity of Moab right moab's going to be involved in when the latter days you see that so that's a future time reference uh notice right here thus far is the Judgment of Moab so there's AUD judgement all right what future time period will have God judging a Nations this one see there's no other place no other place but that one but let's keep reading God's going to come down and judge let's keep reading look at verse 43 Verse 43 notice the Bible reads fear and the pit and the snare shall be upon thee Oh inhabitant of Moab sayith the Lord he that fleeth from the fear shall shall fall into the pit and he that GTH up out of the pit shall be taken in the snare for I will bring upon it even upon Moab the year of their visitation sayeth the Lord they that fled so here's the Nations fleeing stood under the shadow of where heshbon because of the force but a fire shall come out of heshbon and a flame from the midst of sihon and shall Devour the corner of Moab and the crown of the head of the tumultuous ones so notice right here these guys are fleeing within heshbon right here they're fleeing cuz they're afraid of this fire that's coming out and this judgment that's conquering them what's that fire well keep your hand at Jeremiah 48 keep your hand at Jeremiah 48 go to 2 Thessalonians 1 2 Thessalonians chapter 1 2 Thessalonians chapter 1 look at page 808 808 I can't believe Pastor there are that many verses on the second Advent how come no one showed me that you know why no one showed you that cuz no one studied the Bible you see all they were studying was under their theological seminar teachers that's all they were studying under and whatever preacher they're watching online ooh John MacArthur ooh John Piper ooh James White ooh Steven Anderson oh these guys don't know anything they don't know anything you know why because they're looking only one there is not one chapter in the Bible that's just going to show you all of this in one shot that's why there's so milky in Bible you see that cuz all they can find their Doctrine is just one passage on the Bible that will show all that no you have to go with scripture with scripture with scripture with scripture with scripture with scripture with scripture that's how you find doctrinal truth look at second Thessalonians going to look at chapter 1 and verse 7 and to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels right Jesus Christ is going to come down out of out of heaven right what's he going to do INF flaming fire taking Vengeance on them that know God that know not God and that obey not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with Everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints so notice right here this is undou talking about God coming down into the world where he'll be glorified and he will present himself in front of the world because it says the presence of the Lord and it says what will he do with the Lost Sinners and the ungodly he says that he will devour them with flaming fire you see that that's why when you go back to Jeremiah 48 what is hes what is Moab what are they doing in heshbon they're they're afraid of this force that Jeremiah 48 says that shows a bunch of fire you see and it will happen when the latter days Jeremiah 48 come on what's this talking about the second coming all right the only people who won't know it is Stephen Anderson's followers because they don't know any Bible all they know is Matthew 24 that's their life chapter that's it all right let's look at Jeremiah 48 again Jeremiah 48 now look it's going to be heshbon and dabon because look at back at Jeremiah 48 remember Jeremiah 48 is that second coming right but notice what's included in there look at verse 4 uh look at Verse 18 18 it reads thou daughter that does sit inhabit inhabit where dabon come down from thy glory and sit in thirst for the spoiler of Moab right God is that spoiler who will conquer Moab shall come upon thee and he shall destroy thy strongholds wow wow wow wow wow you see that so daon and heshbon why cuz God's going to conquer this nation and he says I'm coming for you you see so this will happen in the latter days so notice right here when he goes he comes down from heaven through the great heap of waters down on Mount Si goes along seir bazra and Edom with a vesture dipped in blood then he will conquer Moab where heshbon and dabon lies so no it's right here if he's going to go from here to here that you notice this location right here you know what that is that's the King's Highway actually if you look at the map that's called The King's Highway interesting why why would they call it that look at the Book of Numbers Numbers chapter 21 Numbers chapter 21 interesting that your King James Bible it titled it King's Highway I would challenge you to look at the Modern Bible versions I would be very interested what they said about that look at numbers 21 think about this church why kings High Highway why you know why you're making a highway for the king that's right you see that that's why properly it's it's good to call it King's Highway the King James Bible worded it perfectly you know why literally it will be the highway for the king that's right and see when you make when you roll down the red carpet for those big shots they're rolling down a red carpet filled with blood because that's the King's Highway because you got the big shot coming he's the king of kings and Lord of lords roll down that red carpet Hollywood where' you get that idea from the Bible was long time ahead of you told you what that red carpet was why was it red red you know why ve vestures dipped in blood the blood of those enemies and you will have a literally a red carpet going down that's right all right let's look at numbers 21:22 the Bible says let me pass through thy land we will not turn into the fields or Into The Vineyards we will not drink of the Waters of the well but we we will go along by what the King's Highway wow until we be pass thy borders so notice right here that he will come along the King's Highway now if you read that whole chapter it's referring to what Moab see Moab see if you read the next verse the next verses after that just read three verses behind it and in front of it if you don't believe me it was talking about Moab see their location properly called King Highway wow how about that that book is so amazing all right we just we didn't we didn't reach the good parts yet man go to Zechariah 14 Zechariah 14 Zechariah 14 amazing man that book is amazing page 648 648 you know why Bible study is boring in your church I'll tell you why cuz it is not a Bible study that's why right all right it's talking about your favorite movie star and hwood star you know who's your favorite hero and they try to match that with Jesus Christ I kid you not to our classes and tracks that I saw that match god with Spider-Man when he was doing the train like this so that's the picture of Jesus on the cross and they were doing and they were doing the force and Harry Potter stuff trying to picture Jesus Christ of his sacrifice and Resurrection wow yeah that's why your Bible study is boring no wonder all right let's look at Zechariah Chapter 14:3 verse three then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those Nations as when he fought in the day of battle okay there's no doubt that second coming right there's no other time period you can put that in no other period so that's undoubtedly talking about the second coming when God conquers the Nations so what's going to happen then let's keep reading verse four and his feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the East and the Mount of oliv shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the East and toward the west and there shall be a very great valley and half of the mountain shall remove toward the North and half of it toward the South I didn't read that before wow yeah you know why cuz they don't teach you that you never read that you didn't read through your Bible Mount of Olives now I'm not sure if it's here or there but somewhere around this region near heshbon and dabon but before jerus it says so when God goes here he's going to go where Mount of Olives what's what did that verse say he's going to land on it and it's going to when he puts his foot on it it's going to split in half half of it toward the west the other part toward the East and there's going to be a very great valley in between that's what God's going to do when he comes down I didn't know that yeah I don't know why they don't teach you that all right let's keep let's keep reading right here let's go to Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 once you have Acts chapter 1 then go to habach 3 we're going to look at habac 3 again go to habac 3 so again acts chap 1 acts chap 1 and habach 3 that's page 743 743 and then habach is 638 638 638 in the passages what we're going to notice is that when Jesus Christ literally literally went up back into the Clouds Of Heaven the angel said when when he he will come in same manner but backwards he's going to come down from the clouds and land on this Mount of Olives they said look at Acts chapter 1 Acts chapter 1 we're going to look at verse 9 verse 9 the Bible says and when he had spoken these things while they beheld he was was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight so there's Jesus going back up into the cloud up to heaven but look at verse 10 and while they looked steadfastly toward Heaven as he went up behold two men stood by them in white apparel which also said ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner so he's going to come again on this Earth as he seen him go into heaven so he's going to come back down they said but they said when he comes back down here so Jesus Christ when he ascended up to heaven he ascended up from Mount of Olives to heaven and those Witnesses say he's going to come down the same way as he left the Mount of Olives well was it at the Mount of Olives Pastor yeah you didn't read verse 12 then returned they unto Jerusalem from the mount called ol of it see they were at the Mount of Olives when that happened wow amazing all right but look at habach 3 now habac 3 so you'll notice in the map right there that when he goes to the Mount of Olives he's going to have to cross the Jordan River the Jordan River right here did the Bible says that he's going to cross through some sort of river yes look at the back of chapter 3 we're going to look at verse three the Bible says God came from Tean and the Holy One from Mount peran silah his glory covered the heavens and the Earth was full of his praise verse 6 he stood and measured the Earth he beheld and drove us under the Nations and the Everlasting mountains were scattered and the Perpetual Hills did bow his ways are Everlasting so you can tell by verse 3 and six this is undoubtly talking about the second coming because all of the world is in chaos he's coming down in power and Glory but look where he goes through look at verse 8 was the Lord displeased against what the rivers was I anger against the rivers was I wrath against the see that thou D what ride upon thy horses and thy Chariots of Salvation wow wow wow so here's the Dead Sea right here in Jordan he's coming down what chariots and horses you see there's no doubt he has to go through the Jordan River because Mount olives is right here and heshbon is right here if he's going to go from heshbon to Mount of Olives he has to cross this you see so look at that your Bible is so amazing now let me show you an amazing picture here go to 2 Kings 2 2 Kings 2 2 Kings 2 page 283 283 you ever wondered why Elijah had to go through certain parts of the city and across the Jordan River to finally get raptured to heaven why did God have to take him through that path ah how about that because that location where he went up to heaven that's the location where Jesus is going to come down out of heaven and he does go through Jordan and Jericho you notice right here that through this path when he goes to the Mount of Olives he has to cross through Jordan River and Jericho that's why Elijah so interestingly when he literally went up to heaven he had to go through Jericho and Jordan see Elijah was going up to heaven so he went backwards right Jericho to Jordan so but Jesus Christ is not going to go up he's going to go down so it's going to be the other way he's going to go through the Jordan to Jericho look look at this this is amazing look what Elisha said I don't know if Elisha realized what he said too look at 2 Kings 2: 11 here's a great picture of what's going to happen at the end times verse 11 and it came to pass as they still went on and talked that behold there appeared a chariot of fire and Horses of fire and Par them both the suer and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven heaven so Elijah when he went up to heaven he came he went up to heaven with horses and chariots who's going to come down with horses and chariots yeah see that but look at this keep reading we're going to look at verse 12 now and Elisha saw it and he cried my father my father The Chariot of Israel and the horsemen thereof and he saw him no more and he took hold of his own clothes and rent them in two pieces he he took up also the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and went back and stood by the bank of Jordan all right and what does he say at the Jordan River and he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and smoked the waters and said what where is the Lord God of Elijah wow you see that where is God that that statement is going that pictured what's going to happen literally he's going to come through the Jordan God woo don't tell me that book is boring after that no no no no let's look let's keep reading look at verse 14 and he took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and then he said where's the Lord God of Elijah now look at verse 15 who saw him cross the Jordan River and when the sons of the Prophet which were to view at Jericho saw him you see that Elisha pictured where is the Lord God of el elah so God coming out of Jordan and the people at Jericho saw it what happened at the Book of Joshua when the children of Israel crossed the Jordan River what city saw it Jericho and they were in great fear because they knew that the lord god Jehovah was going to conquer their city it's going to happen again woo amazing that book that book is so amazing all right let's look at Ezekiel Zechariah chter 8 Zechariah Chapter 8 Zechariah Chapter 8 we're going to look at verse 22 verse 22 yay many people and strong Nations shall come to seek the Lord God of hosts so literally the whole world will seek God where in Jerusalem and to pray before the Lord so it will literally happen God will literally be there all the nations going to gather to see God and pray before God but where's that location it's at Jerusalem verse 23 thus sayith the Lord of hosts in those days it shall come to pass that 10 men shall take hold out of all languages of the Nations even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew saying we will go with you for we have heard that God is what with you God will literally be with the Jews why because he's going to land at Jerusalem and guess what all these nations that went up against Israel and they started to go anti-israel and and they start to be sympathetic with liberals and then Muslims and then they start to go point out problems with the Jews and all this kind of stuff and then Stephen Anderson's followers they get all anti-semitic and they all go Israel evil Israel Evil all those Nations they're going to grab on the hold the skirt of a Jew and I don't care who you are one day you're going to go to the skirt of a Jew and say we heard God is with you that's right amen step Anderson's followers the Catholics the Muslims you're all going to do that now you're going to get mad at me for saying that but that's what the Bible says preach the truth that's what the Bible says see that see that so he's going to go to Jerusalem so that's the Final Destination you see is Jerusalem but here's something interesting what happened at Jerusalem go to Ezekiel 44 we're going to turn to two passages and call it a close Ezekiel 44 please Ezekiel 44 Ezekiel 44 4 Once you have Ezekiel 44 then go to John 20 please John chap 20 Ezekiel 44 and John chapter 20 do you know what happened with the Eastern Gate at Jerusalem it shut it's locked you know why the Muslims put a graveyard in front of it so there's no way you can go through the Eastern gate it's cemented shut and they locked it good too so they pretended that it's a wall it's not really a gate it's going to be a wall now God don't think it's a wall man amen all right look at Ezekiel 44:1 then he brought me back the way of the Gate of the outward Sanctuary which lookth toward the East so this is the east side and it was what shut then said the Lord unto me this gate shall be shut it shall not be open and no man shall enter in by it so this is talking about the sanctuary right so that's the temple so this is talking about the holy city where the sanctuary where's the sanctuary the holy ordinance is the temple of God it's at Jerusalem right so notice when it talks about the Eastern side it's going to be locked shut why I'll tell you why because it's not for the pope it's not for the Antichrist it's not for Lucifer it's for the king look at this verse keep reading right here what does it say right here because the Lord the god of Israel hath entered in by it therefore it shall be shut verse three it is for the prince the prince he shall sit and eat bread before the Lord he shall enter by the way of the porch of that gate and shall go out by the way of the same woo look at that the king he's going to go smack through the walls of Jerusalem you're not going to keep it shut all right I don't care how many Muslim bodies or Catholics or the powerful elitist or all these people they try to keep it shut and God's not going to go in he's going to go in man one way or the other how's he going to go in look at John 20 John chapter 20 we're going to look at verse 26 John chapter 20 verse 26 notice right here that the doors are shut just like the the Eastern Gate doors are shut but what will God do you you can't stop the king look at John 20: 26 and after 8 days again his disciples were within and Thomas with them then came Jesus came Jesus right here's the coming of Jesus what the doors being shut and stood in the midst and said Peace be unto you not a problem Jesus just went through the door shut he just came in boom like that like a ghost pH like that that's it and we're all going to go through that wall we're going to go all through it go into Jerusalem I told you Superman I told you Superman this is not fantasy this is reality this is amazing you see that and thus he will reign as king of kings and Lord of lords in his capital city of Jerusalem and no one will stop it no one is going to stop the king you can't stop the King of Kings when he comes right here this is where he will reign forever and ever so in totality what all these verses teach right here about the second adven of Jesus Christ these verses teach the Lord will come down out of Heaven across across the nebulas and galaxies with his Supermen Saints through the waters above outer space come down midair in the cloud not through in the cloud at Mount Si and he will come on SI along seir up to bazra and he will go along Edom so when he goes along Edom that will be through that King's Highway and he will turn onto the north of the Dead Sea at heshbon and daon and then he will go through the Jordan River and Through Jericho land on the Mount of Olives and put his foot down finally and he'll split it in half but that's not his final stop he will go back on his Arabian White Steed and then go through the walls of Jerusalem and there they make their last stand with the Antichrist and then boom he goes through the wall sit down on his throne kick out the Antichrist from the seat and said this is my Throne king of kings and Lord of lords and every other religion out there and Nation out there I don't care what you call it discrimination Prejudice it will be the Jews that is God's Capital people it will be the Christian Church that'll reign as kings in the city and every Catholic Muslim and liberal and atheist whether they like or not they're going to bow down the knee to our king of kings and Lord of lords all these famous elitists and capitalist and people who control the power they will bow the knee to the king of kings and Lord of lords and they will not be worshiping Lucifer or the Antichrist it'll be the true Christ the Lord Jesus Christ and they will along as a side note go to a Jew grab the Hem of that bottom robe of the Jew and say hey where is God we will worship god with you what an amazing Doctrine now go to your church and tell me if your pastor teaches that hello this is Pastor Jean Kim of San Jose B Baptist Church have you ever asked this question that if you were to die today are you 100% sure that you can go to heaven my friend it's so simple to get saved you first got to realize that you can't go to heaven because you've sinned against God and God as a holy judge he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you feel sorry over your sinful condition and if you do there is hope for you you see Jesus who is God left Heaven came down here on Earth died on the cross raised himself from the dead why did he do all that so his blood can wash away the sins for you so you see that's your only way to heaven of what he did on the cross and not what you do in cleaning up all your sins and going to church getting baptized or doing any sort of good work it's faith alone in what Jesus did on the cross if you can do that then all you have to do is say that to God you might say well I don't know how to say it can you help me out sure you can say it this way dear God I am sorry for being a sinner I believe Jesus Is God who died and resurrected so his blood can wash away my sins I trust in that alone and not my good work Works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if someone were to ask you how did you get saved it's very simple right what did you do I just put my faith on what Jesus did on the cross that's it my friend congratulations on your salvation right now because Satan can't Dam you to hell what he's going to try to do now is try to ruin your life and he did a very good job in this world that's why it's so hard to find truth and there are so many lies with a kazillion different churches different Bibles different beliefs different religions so my friend it is so important to grow in truth and get involved in a b believing work that can save you from a lot of trouble there are four things we recommend for you to do which is found in the resources link below number one get involved in a b believing Church near you number two study the King James Bible issue and have only that kind of Bible no other modern version Bible number three study dispensationalism so you can find the right Doctrine and Truth number four study only under B believing teachers my friend this is all explained further in the resources linked below so please click on it and get to work in a b believing word because you only have one life to live for him and you don't want to waste it away by the devil and I'll be inside that great palace and the smoke will be so thick I'll Dr to my knees and I'll drop to my face like those Navy Seals do and I'll start crawling I start crawling and I'll look down that Ivory aisle there and I'll see a a throne and I'll see some feet got holes in them but they got Jewel sandals on then I'll pull myself up to those feet and I'll cry on those feet like that woman that cried on his feet wiped the tears with her hair hey glory to God you're going to let him do the shining you're going to say oh God thank you Hallelujah and the angels will worship and the chair of my worship and the s in the worship and thank God an independent Baptist will worship just the fact folks just the fact that we're in Christ will never see hell it's enough to shout about it the fact F that he covers all sin is enough to say hey I'm glad I there be guilty of sin other song said once I was straying in sin's dark Valley no hope within could I see they searched through heaven and found a sa to save a PO Soul like me glory to God he sit out there m and he's go ho ho ho Jesus serves the Bible say for goel and he preach and and the people that's ringing the bell they go and he'd stand up and uh and people walk up and they said wow Santa Claus preaching what then you enter the Throne of Glory father opens up his arms there's a banner raised under the all the [Applause] Angels it's the name of Jesus Christ it's not through Muhammad he did not do anything for you it's not through Buddha it's not through the Commandments it's only through faith in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ oh I'm I'm just going to stay still I just study at [Music] home I watch preaching on the TV you can turn the preacher on you turn me off [Applause] W feel like your skin turning to go or something you don't know what's going on he about two more steps here's that crowd hi how you doing hey Mom hi Dad hey hey like that way down there at the edge of that street there the Lord up there in glory and down he comes off that Throne he always would come down for a and he comes down there well done my good and faithful servant of the joy of Our Lord that little boy's heart going down there says forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and he laid down on that table and Dr Grace got out the scaff and he removed that old cold Stony heart out of my friend oh he threw it in the trash can and he put a brand new heart into my friend's chest and when he when he woke up he looked around and he said oh my everything has been changed everything looks different oh I'm so happy now that I had of the heart operation hey praise God for there's no other savior like our [Music] AR we got cares we got a God who great we got God where [Applause] [Music] [Applause] going [Applause] yes
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 63,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pastor schreib, bible, church, bible baptist international, king james, kjv1611, bible believer, bible study, sermon, preaching, second coming, baptists, dispensation, pastor geneha kim, san jose bible baptist, bible commentary, old testament, new testament, salvation, doctrine, truth, born again, street preaching, evangelism, Jesus Christ, revival, religion, peter ruckman, ruckmanite, christian, cults, mormon, jehovah's witnesses, joel osteen, steven anderson, rick warren, td jakes
Id: 0PVGRzukGSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 03 2017
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