History of the gods, Ancient Technology & Flood | Intermediate Discipleship #31 | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] we're going to look at Genesis chapter 5 Genesis chapter 5 now it's mentioned before in this chapter you notice that there is longevity there's advancement of civilization and tools and their way of quote-unquote technology and life so because of this advancement of civilization as you might notice throughout our current events an advancement of civilization there is apostasy that accompanies with it as well there is a pride 'no sin men humanism is definitely on the rise during this time there is no form of idols this time you'll notice you'll notice that Genesis chapter 5 Genesis chapter 4 and verse 26 notice how this reads and to Seth to him also there was born a son and he called his name eNOS then began men so that means all the man all of mankind after Seth began men to call upon the name of the Lord so you'll notice right here that there are humans during the time of Seth that were realizing that the one true Jehovah God is God himself there were no idols if you look at the first mention of idols in your Bible the first mention of idols in your Bible will be during the time of Laban where he was hiding his images of stone and Rachel hid them Laban was contemporary during the time of Abraham so idols will be mentioned during the time of Abraham and later on you're going to see why there were so many idols that time but before then these idols were actually imitating the gods at Genesis 6 so Genesis 6 there were notice the wording here right it's God's so they all knew there was the one true God this time mankind now Genesis chapter 6 says the sons of God so these miniature gods were roaming about the earth but people knew that it was one true God so if there were no idols that time and there were and people realized there was one true God that time what's the significance of these beings the significance of these beings is you go back to Genesis chapter 3 and remember what Satan promised Adam and Eve Genesis chapter 3 and then you read verse 4 Genesis chapter 3 and verse 4 that's the key you got a look at that's why Genesis 6 is significant because remember mankind they were at the height advancement progress right just like today do you hear that term it is all of humanism human progress we saw this at Genesis chapter 5 there is longevity there is civilization there is music there are tools technology so to speak okay so this perfectly perfectly perfectly matches with today nothing changed throughout our history you'll notice history is so important because it is a repetition and it is actually a prophecy and a prediction a scientific prediction of where mankind will trend will tend to go that's why it's very important to understand that so oh yeah we don't believe in these idols and stuff like that why because what we are is we don't realize that there is only one true God we can be as better we can be as good notice verse four Genesis 3 verse 4 the serpent said unto the woman ye shall not surely die for God doth know see they realize there is one true God but look what they react to this then did they eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as God's knowing good and evil so notice right here they recognize this but they don't care they feel like well there's nothing wrong with us being gods as well I mean let's all be equality here that's the key that's what's wrong with equality that's what's wrong with tolerance today you know why because that's where you're hitting your hitting Genesis 3 that's the problem with equality so it's not just the one true God we do it his way or you go the high way no don't go by just one religion what he says don't go by one Bible what he says condone all these other books that mankind written condone all these other beliefs that mankind promote promote all these genders and sick sexual fornications and all the colors of the rainbow and the unicorn and the gingerbread man etc so that we can all get along together why because let's all be having equal status like him because we're so smart as well in our education in our music and there's undoubtedly an increase of education when you read Genesis chapter 5 as well there's no doubt the knowledge was totally advanced that time we that a few examples last discipleship the bodies that they had that time in the mines they had that time is totally totally beyond our own human capabilities today remember Adam one quick example was Adam he was able to name all the animals okay can you name all the animals and remember all those names without a pen and a pencil during that time without a computer to keep records that time so there's no doubt you not only out you have to create a name on the spot so undoubtedly their intellectual level was really high that time so this is where we're at this makes a lot of sense all right let's go to Genesis 6 verse 1 and it came to pass when men began to multiply on the face of the earth right and remember we all want to be gods and remember Genesis 5 there was an increase of civilization when you see more so reflect this in your life when people grow in a church when you make a lot more accomplishments in your Christian life in your ministry the tendency is pride kicks in and then you invite these Devils to work in you ok learn from your history but no you don't learn from your history you humans are so stupid and you pastors think that you're hotshots that you're all stupid and you think that when you preach one good sermon that you're all that and you hit the jackpot and that is wickedness sent from Hell and the great greatest evidence is you see that online you see these people who think like oh they they steal grab stuff from Bible believers and then what happens is when they start to accomplish more and they start to increase with people then what happens is they have this godlike mentality but they cloak it with Bible believing humility of course and then what happens and they become weirdo kook rebels and they think that they're their own God nobody's right except me see they created their own God preached on that for a while you bunch of punks out there man criticizing by other Bible believing preachers when you are the one that learned from them see you know what you became a god now I can preach on that but then we'll never get through our world history if I preach the sermon in every part of our world history then we'd be here till the rapture man all right so Genesis chapter 6 verse 1 see the increase of people right god forbid this will happen to this church that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and they took them wives of all which they chose alright so am I reading that right yeah you're reading that right so these gods saw the daughters of men that they were very fair so what did they do they mingled with the women here keep breeding so notice the latter part of verse 2 they took them wives of all which they chose and the Lord said now look at this my spirit shall not always strive with men for that he also is flesh yet his days shall be see their longevity one hundred and twenty years now look at the result there were giants in the earth in those days and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men and they bare children to them the same became mighty men which were of old men of renown when these little gods these fallen angels mingled with the human women notice that the product and the result were Giants so then there were giants in the earth in those days not only were there giants but also there were notice right there same became mighty men of all men of renown so you get superheroes as well superheroes and legends like the Hercules right so then you get these superheroes that come out and they think that they're all that yes that's the sci-fi that's today's modern cartoon shows of Superman so to speak now this gets even worse keep your hand at Genesis 6 go to the book of Jude Jude it went beyond human and went to a mingling of animals so that's where you get the other remaining Greek mythology stuff that's where you get your centaurs that's where you get your mermaids that's where you get those half-naked men and then goats you get those satyrs as well you also get succubus as well so is there female monsters as well definitely alright let's look at the book of Jude chapter 1 so that's where we get these female succubus and then these male mutants so to speak Jude 1 verse 6 the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation did you read that so there is such a thing as angels who fallen fallen angels left their heavenly state why to live on the earth that's Genesis 6 they came down on the earth to mingle with the humans he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day so notice that God he judged these fallen angels when they died so when they died he put them at a location in hell but look at this continuing the context of these fallen angels even as now what does even as mean that phrase in English if you do know any English and if you don't know you can double check with the dictionary and metaphors even as means in similar to dove in like manner in the same following manner okay Sodom and Gomorrah verse 7 so know Sodom and Gomorrah followed the same manner as the Fallen Angels okay so that means whatever the Fallen Angels did they did the same thing like Sodom and Gomorrah okay in what and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication so we know what what Sodom did with fornication they did homosexuality so you better had these devils they did something grotesque as well so there was homosexuality going on but what else keep reading notice and fornication to fornication and going after what strange flesh did you read that that's bestiality right there you might say where did you get that from alright so notice right here that what they did is that they mingled with the beasts and the animals as well there was bestiality where do you get that from well it says strange flesh right so because it says strange flesh look at first Corinthians 15 we're only gonna look at one verse I can pour out a lot of other verses but I'm just gonna show you one verse okay when the Bible says flesh what will it be normally referring to well at Genesis six if we go back over there and go to first Corinthians 15 right but let's go back to Genesis 6 alright let's double check Scripture with Scripture this is what makes things very enlightening Genesis 6:3 the Lord said my spirit shall not always strive with man correct for that he also is what flesh okay that's not strange that's normal then so notice normal regular flesh is mankind then what is strange flesh well the just read the word as it says right what kind of flesh did it say it said strange flesh is that correct okay what does the word strange mean like stranger right so flesh is referring to man when you add strange with that what does strange mean well strange in any dictionary it means other another why because it's not the same person it's not the normal person you see that's where we get the idea of stranger see in other words in other so notice it means other or another okay so what is another type of flesh or other type of flesh if not humans the only there's only one answer those are animals look at first Corinthians 15 if you don't believe me first Corinthians 15 verse 39 all flesh is not the same flesh but there is one kind of flesh of men see that that's one kind see that's not another kind that's not other kind one kind of flesh has men but look at this another see that on another strange flesh right another flesh of beasts another officious and another of birds there's your strange flesh there's your answer right there what's the other flesh and other flesh right here these animals listed so Sodom and Gomorrah did bestiality - and the fallen angels followed the same example that Sodom and Gomorrah so there's your answer the fallen angels they did this integration they did this these colors of the rainbow that modern society is promoting see nothing changed throughout our history nothing changed everything's the same as humanism progress is spirituality decreases humanism progresses sin progresses as well so you invite all kinds of sins going on so that's what's going on it's a big fat mess and Genesis 6 was basically repeating the year 2020 okay let's go to Genesis chapter 6 Genesis chapter 6 makes you disgusted right it makes you realize why it's important to attend a bible-believing Church right this history is important that way you can be more careful who you hang around with how you behave how you act and what you believe in you don't want to get brainwashed by this society this is repeating 2020 Genesis chapter 6 now look at this verse 5 and God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth why is this so wicked and that every imagination did you read that imagination imagination yeah there was a lot of imagination going on like the year 2020 creativity uniqueness why because they want to keep imagining things and that's how you progress Genesis 5 showed you the progression so they did a lot of imagination here but notice that with the in an imagination of mankind it will always accompany sin look at verse 5 that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was what only evil continually that's how God sees it as that's why verse 7 and the Lord said I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth but not just man he destroys both what man and beast there's something that happened with the animals there's no doubt scripture with scripture shows that and of the and the creeping thing and the fowls of the year for repented me that I have what look at that it repented me that I have made them it's not just man it repents God that he created all these creatures to see so there's no doubt that there was a beast reality going on so when you get these weird cult pastors coming out who has less than twenty pastors and they keep losing pastors and churches that says the fairy tale of the Nephilim you can unsubscribe from their channel they don't know what they're talking about these guys are novices these guys are novices they don't know what they're talking about all right they think that they can teach Genesis and then they give they give chapter by chapter teachings on Genesis and then they try to attack the Genesis gap they try to attack this thing concerning the Neph and Satan how he's trying to infect mankind seed I mean why why why would they want to get rid of that what spirit would want you to cover those things up peep a lot of people don't think that these doctrines are a big deal but you know now that you think about it when you reflect your history this might be more of a big deal than you think the Genesis gap shows what the history history of what Satan and his beings were doing Genesis 3 Satan you know he wants to attack the seed of the woman produce his own seed as well see that's his demonic activity he wants that covered up - he wants to cover up Genesis 6 where they were intermingling okay let's look back at Genesis chapter 6 but then there was one person verse 8 but Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord there was one man who was clean and that was Noah so we see a great example of repeating repeating history you might say really yeah so no notice right here Noah went through this mess of mankind and went through God's judgment so he survived God's judgment look at Genesis chapter 5 there was another man named Enoch who escaped God's judgment how is this repeating history you'll notice right here at pictures a history of the Christian Church who escapes God's judgment where they get rapture and then the tribulation Saints they survive and they go through God's judgment while the world is intermingling with each other and advancing their civilization see history doesn't change it's repeating what men learned from history is that men never learned from history Genesis chapter 5 notice verse 24 and Enoch walked with God and he was not why why was in he no longer exists thing for God took him see God raptured him God raptured him so notice right here the repetition of our history now as we go back to Genesis chapter 6 let me read you some interesting things here so during this time of advancement of technology then it would make perfect sense to answer a lot of other questions all right so think about it think about a lot of ancient structures that was very advanced with today's modern tools today so let's take the pyramids for example right when we look at these pyramids these are ancient structures yet with ancient tools and ancient civilization how were they able to build such complex structures so think about that not only that think about pyramids that were discovered not just around Egypt but then you can look at certain parts you go to South America and then you go to Asia and then not only that I have an article where there were scientists Russian scientists who actually went down where the Bermuda Triangle area was and then they found pyramids pyramid-like structures at at the bottom of the ocean over there so it's crazy and the Bermuda Triangle is infamously known for the conspiracies of demonic activities and disappearances so you'll notice right here that there's a connection here all of this is connected with something demonic it's not coincidental not only that let me tell you something even more while so when you hear about flying objects it wasn't the Wright brothers and historians actually know that the Wright brothers were not the first to come up with the idea they were the first ones who actually made the airplanes in today's generation but the idea was not foreign it wasn't the Wright brothers they go as far back as to Leonardo but even before that they even go to Chinese records that talk about it as a matter of fact if you go to Indian Records they actually claimed that during the time when the odds live with mankind that there were flying objects that time actually so let me read you some quotes here now this one is from an Oxford scholar so his book that you can look up and buy if you're very interested it is war in ancient India that's the title of the book war in ancient India and the scholars name is dick sheet our dick sheet are I think I don't know how I pronounce that right but let me write his name down here just in case if you're curious you only have so many hands war in ancient India so if you buy that book he gives a lot of interesting readings here concerning about the flying ships of the gods that the Indians ancient India actually lived that time this can go back as far as ten thousand years ago actually so this this is where one parts read one part reads over here an aerial car is made of light wood looking like a great bird with a durable and well form body having mercury inside and fire at the bottom it has two resplendent wings and is propelled by air it flies in the atmospheric regions for a great distance and carry several persons along with it the inside construction resembles heaven created by Brahma himself that's one of those Hindu Indian gods iron copper lead and other metals are also used for these machines now notice the these following elements were mentioned at Genesis chapter 5 with their tools right all these show how far art was developed in ancient India in this direction such elaborate descriptions ought to meet the criticism that the Vimanas and similar aerial vehicles mentioned in ancient Indian literature should be relegated to the region of myth of course that's what they do all that time why because the pagans that time in a lot of mythologies that you read what's very interesting is that they're talking about what they share in common which is why they're labeled myth by today's modern scholars but what they all talk about is that they claim during that time that gods lived with men and they had advanced technology and civilization that's what you're gonna see a common route with a lot of these mythologies now you got to think about this they don't get these ideas out of thin air I took mythology class even basic mythology class 101 and how they started out with mythology does not come out of thin air it starts from a legitimate source somewhere there's a source somewhere and then it takes a generation and a half or two generation where it starts to transform into mythology after that so that's very interesting so thing about this yes it's mythology but they do have a source somewhere where they get the idea it just doesn't come out of thin air now this is something very interesting what's pretty interesting is that they seem to make a distinction with the with this with these aerial objects from the spirit flying objects of the gods so trying to make these aerial objects more human actually so this is not just something spiritual this is something physical that means so let me read something here the ancient writers could certainly make a distinction between the mythical which they designated diver and the actual aerial wars designated Medusa some wars mentioned in ancient literature belong to the diver form as distinguished from the minutia an example of the diver form is the encounter between some ha and the goddess Durga some ha was worsted and he fell headlong to the ground soon he recovered and flew up again and fought desperately until at last he fell dead on the ground again in the famous battle between the Celestials and the asuras elaborately described in the hairy Vamsi myah flung stones rock and trees from above though the main fight took place in the field below the adoption of such tactics is also mentioned in the war between arjuna and the Asura nimita kavacha and in that between karna and the Rakshasa in both of which arrows javelin stones and other missiles were freely showered down from the aerial regions and notice how advanced it sounds already they even mentioned the word missiles over here now this is so much reading so I don't think I can read all this you might get bored too so I don't think I can read all this this shares the same context so I have to read him so let me read quickly King saw true jet was presented by a Brahmin galava with the horse named Cavalia which had the power of conveying him to any place on earth yeah because remember the gods were intermingling with animals that time so it could be possible if this had any basis in fact it must have been a flying horse there's your Pegasus so to speak oh is that possible yeah because you're intermingling with all kinds of animals and then these animals can intermingle with all sorts of different animals as well because they got the god gene now why because Satan invited them that ye shall be as gods will you take the fruit and if Adam and Eve were so willing to take that how much more with their generations after them alright let's keep reading here there are numerous references both in the visnu purana and mohab raw mahabharata where Krishna is said to have navigated the air on the Garuda so Krishna was involved in this aerial warfare as well whether the accounts are imaginary or they are a reference to an eagle shaped machine flying in the air that's why when you read revelation 12 the Bible talks about the nation of Israel we're given what two wings of an what Eagle why because it's referring to the airplanes where Israel is going to take that fly away and run away from persecution of the Antichrist look at how all of this is lining up alright alright further the Asura Maya by name is said to have owned an animated golden car did you hear that with four strong wheels and having a circumference of twelve thousand cubits which possessed the wonderful power of flying at will to any place Tesla's far behind they're gonna catch up we're hitting there and we are gonna get there we are I know we are you might say why because those gods are going to come down at the tribulation and with mankind that progressing and Van Singh and technology and technology is even faster than ever before generation just keeps changing where it went from ten years to five years and now we're hitting like three years so this is crazy fast it was equipped with various weapons and bore huge standards after the great victory of Rama over Lanka vibhu Zhaan I presented him with the pus pocket mana which was furnished with Windows apartments and excellent seats it was capable of accommodating all the Vanaras besides Rama Sita and Lux mana Rama flew to his capital IO Tia pointing to Sita from above the places of encampment the town of kis quinoa and others on the way again Valmiki beautifully compares the city the city the whole city of Ayodhya - a what - an aerial car you see these sci-fi shows and then these cartoon shows of flying cities up in the air these video games you play come on now what did God say at Genesis six the imagination imagination imagination a man see they were increasing what a world we live in this is an allusion to the use of flying machines as transport apart from their use in actual warfare again in the Vic Morrow vasya okay we are told that king pururava wrote in an aerial car to rescue oorvasi in pursuit of the de nova who was carrying her away oh wow there's a lot a number of aerial cars are mentioned as bearing celestial spectators so notice right here that we see so much reading concerning about these gods riding these vehicles up in the air now you know what's very interesting which will make a lot of sense when you read Genesis chapter 6 and notice Genesis chapter 6 verse 13 when you keep reading when you read these texts you notice that these gods and mankind that there was warring against each other violence against each other you notice that right now this way now this is important you might say why is that important that's going to be very important when you read your Bible when you read about demonic activity when you look at and research conspiracy theories it's not as one clean flow as you think and one guy controls everything you know what it is it is a power play that's why you see where who's in who's really in charge of the group in the elite system but then you'll read this group where they are not actually subordinate to this high ranking elite but they try to attack this elite as well so then it's just it's like contradiction so I had a very difficult time and then when I read when I read this one book by Brotherhood of Darkness and then felt spoke Vatican assassins it helped filtered out more but what really solved it was the Bible because the Bible shows here that the sign of demonic activity is is not agreement or loyalty but it is full a fleshy selfishness and sin and betrayal that's why Judas Iscariot he is known as the gritter he did the greatest what betrayal and the Antichrist would represent him you read Revelation chapter 17 these demoniac can Kings betray this other demoniac Babylon the Great that's always a sign that's why it makes sense when you read the Antichrist is having trouble with other rogue nations and some of these rogue nations they actually have some devils and demons supporting them that's why when you read conspiracy theories you see these elites attacking these other elites and that elite that attacking this eally what's what's the explanation here well just like the indian mythology these gods were fighting these gods in their aerial warfare why because Genesis 6:13 God said unto Noah at the end of all flesh has come before me for the earth is filled with what vile and students see there how is their violence unless they're attacking each other unless there's disagreement against each other and not only that these gods were living with them so it's not a one harmonized Kingdom under the rule of Satan you know what Satan's Kingdom is you need to get this in your head it's not a harmony that's where you mess up in this conspiracy stuff you harmonize everything as one clean flow no I see it as a lot of contradictions you know Satan's Kingdom is disharmony violence murder division chaos it's all a mess it's all a mess so when you read right here notice that Genesis chapter 6 verse 13 for the earth is filled with violence through them and behold I will destroy them with the earth so notice right here that there is violence that there is chaos and mankind shedding blood against each other now I know some people might bring up the fact which is a good point where Jesus mentioned the Satan cast out Satan otherwise his kingdom is divided but the simple answer is this we're referring to Satan's Kingdom over here what about people who want to do their own thing and that is mankind that's the nature of mankind and not just the nature of mankind that's gonna be the nature as well very possibly with these fallen angels and gods why they're gonna follow what their daddy does if daddy's so much filled with pride that I'm not gonna listen to what God says what do you think these fallen beings are gonna do they're gonna they're gonna learn from their daddy alright look at an example of these cult pastors online I'm the man of God over a year and then they criticize all sorts of pastors that way they can look like the next legend that everyone looks up to and guess what happens to their followers yeah they betray them and they start their own little cult group how about that see you know what mankind's not doing they're not looking at history you guys don't learn man you really don't learn you really don't know learn you don't learn this stuff man this Genesis six is repet eight repetition of the year 2020 alright now let's go back over here at Genesis 6 so we see at verse 2 the sons of God saw the daughters of men so there were many gods throughout that time so let me read over here by frederik widow sins good book a Bible believer looks at world history like I recommended you to get it wasn't mandatory but I highly recommended you to get it so let me read what he wrote here the Greeks called their gods demons now remember I told you about the demons yeah and Plato and others admitted that they were possessed by their own particular demon however they did not look at the actions of these beings as necessarily bad but inspiring and enlightening remember I read that quote from one of the Greek sources before all right they were givers of wisdom which we can see mirrored in Satan's statement about how the tree of the knowledge of good and evil would make one wise if Satan did that Genesis 3 what do you think Genesis 6 what did they do they did the same thing that's why they were like progressing let's keep reading him Zeus the chief of the pantheon of Greek gods we know by the writings of the historian he wrote Herodias thank you to be the same God as bell in Babylon or Bale in Canaan who Jesus called Satan mythologies refer to quetzel Kotal in Mexico and varrock caca in Peru as well as Odin in Norse mythology to be the same get this to be the same as what Zeus but Zeus is also in reference to who Satan so all these gods name there from one root you got to realize it's actually Satan now I'm gonna show you later on that Nimrod Semiramis carried a lot of these female goddesses and male gods but actually these are the human representatives of all these gods but actually there's a chief guy that all these gods represents and even goddesses goddesses to that's Satan let me keep reading here okay this is boring stuff so let me just read more over here now here are some much later myths regarding the polluting of God's creation by these alien beings according to Greek mythology and writers such as Plutarch the author of the biography lives of illustrious men such heroes as the Athenian Theseus were thought to be the sons of God such as Zeus or Poseidon now we know from the words of Jesus and Herodias that Zeus is another name for Satan men of history such as Alexander the Great the Bible's prince of Grisha in Daniel 10 20 were said to be of his offspring by miss surrounding their birth that's the same thing with Egypt Pharaohs they claim to be the children of these gods and goddesses and guess what that's why they like to preserve that royal bloodline so there was a lot of incest going on see the sexual perversion is all connected to these gods homosexuality bestiality all right let's keep reading Aphrodite who is also known as Venus Ishtar Minerva Diana sabelli and ashteroth aka in Babylon as the holy virgin the mother of God and the Queen of Heaven in the Bible had human lovers and offspring Genesis 6 so notice our world history so all these countries South America Asia the Middle East and then Europe etc notice that all throughout all our world where they get the names of these gods is rooted all rooted Greek mythology Indian anthology etc all of that is rooted in one chapter in your Bible Genesis 6 alright let's keep reading over here she is also known now let's look at Africa and the Caribbean islands she is also known as heir zuly in voodoo ocean in the afro-caribbean religion I'm not sure if I'm gonna pronounce this right collapse all k out the aztec mexican religion o Batala and ani in africa and kali in india all right you know what all these are okay look at good old theosophist one of the famous Theosophists leaders madame blavatsky you know what she says she says on page 539 in her infamous book she says this the celestial virgin which thus becomes the mother of gods and devils you know what she said see the celestial Virgin Mother of God's end Devils at one in the same time for she is the ever-loving beneficent deity but in antiquity and reality Lucifer or loosed Safari us is the name Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light the holy ghost and Satan at one and the same time so notice that we're gonna we're gonna cover it later on probably not tonight maybe a little bit tonight but I'm sure a lot more next week when we covered Nimrod and Semiramis you're gonna see how Satan revived Genesis 6 Genesis 6 actually it should have died with the flood but it was revived somehow so that's why these gods and goddesses that came out today who are reflecting Satan at Genesis 6 Satan is using human representatives we're a source from so it's Nimrod for the male gods all these male gods and the samurai ms.fer for all these female goddesses but both of them are representing for this one God Satan he's the guy who all these gods are named after you got to realize it's all Satan when you look at world history isn't that interesting all right so that's what we see going on and then verses 14 all the way down through verse 22 you'll notice right here the LORD commanded Noah to build an ark to take care of all the animals and again you see scientist modern scientists who tried to attack your Bible how are you gonna fit all the animals of the world inside an ark okay well one he didn't have an aquarium alright so there goes a lot of a lot of percentage of your animals actually actually a huge number of your animals are sea life aquatic life actually so there goes so there goes one alright so I'm going to give you some arguments here that you're going to have to keep in mind that way will be helpful for you in the future okay because these evolutionists are gonna or these modern-day scientists are gonna get on you and then try to claim that you can't fit all the animals inside the ark and that's such an old argument that's such an old argument I'm just tired of hearing it okay so it's easy one you got to realize that it's not all the you got to cancel out a lot of the aquatic animals so they're go share aquatic animal number two you got to realize that at chapter seven he didn't say species over here if you look at chapter six verse 20 it says a fowls after their what kind and of cattle after their what kind and of every creeping thing of the earth after his what kind so there's your answer so notice right here it's not species it's kind so then the scientists they retort what this kind mean and then they'll literally waste one to two hours debating with on what this kind mean you know how stupid that is no I'm really serious that's stupid you might say why because here's the thing if you want to disprove kind then these evolutionists have to know more Bible than we do and prove that the scientific term species mean kind in the Bible that's what they have to do but that's not but that's not what they're doing in debates or arguments what they're doing in debates or arguments is trying to put the burn on creationist what does kind mean what does kinda mean we don't care what this kind mean you know why because we do know this we do admit with the evolutionists yeah you can't fit every species inside that Ark alright so isn't it logical to think that hey it doesn't have to be all sorts of subspecies or species of birds but just a bird and it is a scientific proof which evolutionists believe because they believe in natural selection and mutation and garbage like that so they will admit this that these different kinds of birds that they can a lot of them they can yeah they can't agree with each other dogs with different dogs cats with different cats that's possible and when they do that what happened then you get a different species coming around what a what a man so we don't have to so that's our argument you don't have to debate two hours trying to prove that kind doesn't mean species you don't have to do that because we already admit with them it's not species how you can't fit everything inside the ark so there's our argument over there they have to argue and prove that kinds mean species biblically they not scientifically biblically you know they put the burden on you that you have to prove this scientifically that climbing species no that's not the burden the burden is the author made the word kind right over here so you have to prove what the author was thinking when he meant kind see so tell the evolutionists so when's the last time you read Genesis 6 they put the burden on you how much science do you know right but in this argue it does not rely on science here it's Bible so you put the burn on them so do you know Genesis 6 oh you're about kind o do you know the other stuff about the gods mingling with humans and they're gonna look at you like you're crazy and you tell them our shows that you weren't really reading you were just nitpicking or you heard it through word of mouth that's how you catch them in arguing ok so remember these arguments ok these arguments will come in handy when you debate these evolutionists about Noah's Ark it's just so silly and stupid ok now in Chapter 7 notice how the Lord drowned out the whole earth verse 10 and it came to pass after seven days that the waters of the flood were upon the earth in the six hundredth year of Noah's life in the second month the seventeenth day of the month the same day were all the Fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were open okay so notice right here that The Fountains of the great deep were broken up a lot of people what they're going to try to argue creationists they'll argue that to make up the water for Noah's Flood so here's another argument by evolutionists you need to keep in mind there's not enough water that can drown out all the earth there's not enough water in our atmosphere okay the simple answer to that is this number one there were there were no rain clouds during Noah's time so it's if you're measuring the standard of the rain getting water from the atmosphere of today the atmosphere back then was way different okay so during that time we don't know how much water the Lord may have put up in heaven and it makes a lot more sense if it was a lot more watery that time it preserved the earthly environment which explains longevity of life with people protection from sunlight and as well as huge sizes of animals and dragonflies that they've been discovering dragonflies several feet long why because of a lot of hydro inside a second thing is the second thing is that we don't argue that this comes from the water underneath the ground see that's what creationists try to argue they try to argue what makes up the water from the sky is the water from below but then from a and evolutionists they'll argue well if you're gonna argue that a huge majority of the water comes from the ground below then it's boiling water so that doesn't work now we Bible believers we can admit that there were Fountains of the great deep broken up in the sense that fountains of the earth the ground below that water spurted out and that's what explains the Grand Canyon the volcanoes and etc see this is not geological formation of evolution of millions of millions of years or billions of years this is actually one shot of Noah's Flood ban it can create it like this so that explains all the other stuff but another thing is this another thing you got understand is that we know we don't argue majority of the water comes from the ground below only some of it the verse right here the greater majority of the water it says The Fountains of the great great see that great that's huge great what deep now did you forget Genesis 1 see look back at Genesis 1 verse 2 what did you learn just as 1 verse 2 and look at the law first mention anyways right first time it mentions then we can figure out what deep is the earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the what deep this deep was divided by what at verse 7 God made the firmament and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament and it was so so I'm not going to expound this we know what what this water is right these waters were referring to this frozen deep at the edge of outer space that is between the second half in outer space and the third heaven the floor of God's throne so see that's where it was broken up right here and that's where it can make a lot of sense where all this water comes from and trust me there's plenty of water you know why because if you believe in the genesis gas then you can believe that the Genesis gap talked about there was a universal flood so you have plenty of water see sometimes these so-called insignificant doctrines can be a great supporter or could be more significant than you think so that's why right doctrine is important because everything clicks it makes sense so remember that all right now so that explains about the part of Noah's Flood and then booboo to all the scholars over there who cares what they say so now we see how wrong that these scholars are now let's look at Genesis chapter we read chapter 6 chapter 7 we're reading this part that the Fountains of the great deep were opened up so that's where all the water came from we know that and then you'll notice right here at verse 21 and all flesh died that moved upon the earth now look at this look what God killed both the fowl and of cattle and a beast and of every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth and every man all in whose nostrils was the breath of life of all that was in the dry land died and every living substance was destroyed which was upon the face of the ground both Man and cattle and the creeping things and the foul of the heaven and they were destroyed from the earth and Noah only remained alive and they that were with him in the ark so notice right here that God killed everything why because there was so much corruption all right now so Genesis chapter 8 we know that Noah he was living through the flood inside the ark he built an altar to the Lord Genesis chapter 8 verse 20 so animal sacrifices are important to God you notice that we saw that with Abel right so the history of animals so you you cannot forget that this was ever since Genesis 3 God made coach skins for Adam and Eve innocent blood is important to God innocent blood why as a sacrifice to the Lord this is a theme throughout all throughout your Bible you notice innocent blood from the beginning of the Old Testament to the New Testament and that's why Satan he wants to corrupt this so he replaces with human sinful sacrifice human blood is sinful blood it's not innocent blood innocent Lambs so Satan corrupts it later on and as a matter of fact when we read later on the children of Israel they neglect his sacrifice for hundreds of years when they were in Egypt so God was upset so he want to restore it okay um I guess I'll cover Genesis 9 next week we're all ready time's up I already passed it but jess is 9 and Genesis 11 will be very important because that's where we're going to talk about culturally the culturally sensitive topic but it's combined with something very important that has to do with the New World Order system so this is what's going to be very important where God believe it or not God originally what he planned to do is that he knows mankind when they're all together like Genesis 6 they mess up and then they mess around with the gods so what God wanted to do was scatter and divide them and spread them throughout the world but mankind didn't do that what do they do they want to integrate with each other so because they want to integrate with each other Nimrod was able to form something so then God had to force the division of races by messing up their language at the Tower of Babel also you'll see this division of the nationality and races when God put the curse on ham and then put a separate ordeal for Japheth and for Shem see all this was ordained for a reason because God knows what mankind is capable of and then you'll see what Satan did with ham to start something and then he did it with Nimrod and then the Lord he scattered them out but then Satan tried to revive it again by Nimrods cleverness of using idolatry that way no matter which nation you're segregated divided or scattered they will all carry Satan's root religion in some way or form that's why Acts chapter 17 God originally he divided put boundaries on different nations why so that they might happily seek after that's why God judged them by their own conscience at Romans two so that way they can find God - the best way that they could but when Matt but did you notice why we're hitting Genesis six one of the earliest reasons is because mankind tried to get together again did you notice that that's undeniable in your history you notice when mankind tried to come together again this is where this started coming out this this this and this and then this you notice that see alright so next week we're going to cover the sensitive topic but also a very eye-opening topic which will be very helpful to understand all right let's close with the word of Prayer God my father I prayed tonight's teachings were a blessing to the here's dismiss us now with your blessing I pray that you'll please bless the next Bible studies in Jesus name we pray amen you
Channel: undefined
Views: 31,314
Rating: 4.8904562 out of 5
Keywords: Sid Roth, Living Waters, Grace To You, Desiring God, Mark Dice, conspiracy, King James, Dispensationalism, end times, prophecy, rapture, Baptist, Christian, Bible
Id: koAJBh1aDGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 43sec (3523 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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