Pyramid Shape of the Universe - Dr. Gene Kim

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all right today we'll be talking about the pyramid shape of the universe the pyramid shape of the universe so one thing you can understand is that according to the Word of God our universe is shaped like a pyramid actually we're going to look at several scriptures that show this interesting fact first of all let's look at the book of Job chapter 26 please job chapter 26 and we will look at verse 7 job chapter 26 and we will look at verse 7 now in order to find out the shape of the universe we got to go one step at a time we got to go one step at a time the first step you got to understand is that the north stretches vastly over an empty space with the earth hanging on nothing all right so we're gonna explain that one look at job chapter 26 verse 7 the Bible says he stretcheth out the north over the empty place so notice right here that the north is stretched over the empty place alright space their space you see space is an empty place right it's an empty place that's why it's called space it's emptiness so the North is stretched over space and hangeth the earth upon nothing all right so we see right here that the earth it hangs on nothing and then the North stretches over the empty space okay so let's say that this is north then if we are to say that this is north then when the earth hangs on nothing once we have the earth here and then the north there the Bible says the North stretches over the empty place right so then there's space right here okay so we can say right here that this is space simple enough right drove chapter 26 all right that's the first thing we got understand now the next thing look at Psalms chapter 75 Psalms chapter 75 we're going to look at verse 6 Psalms chapter 75 and we will be looking at verse 6 one thing you got to understand is that God lives up in the north that's very important to know God lives up in the north north is very important to God in the Bible because God lives up in the north you're gonna find a lot of times why the head of the universe or why North has a lot to do with God alright so that's gonna be very important to know throughout your Bible you're gonna see that occasionally about God being north north north and north let's look at Psalms chapter 75 we will look at verse 6 now notice for promotion cometh neither from the east ok so it's not in East nor from the West so it's not in West nor from the south so it's not south ok so if it's not east if it's not west and if it's not south then what is it what's the only direction left north right but look what the Bible says the Bible doesn't say north it replaces North width look at verse 7 but God is a judge he put it down one and set it up another you see that they replace the word God with north that's how very close God is with north all right you want remember that let's also look at the book of 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 saying Corinthians chapter 12 we will look at verse 2 st. Corinthians chapter 12 and we will look at verse 2 you know where God lives God lives in the third heaven alright so if God lives in the north what is this location call the Bible calls it third heaven third heaven so meaning if there is a third heaven then there's gonna be a second and a first one - right but let's go one at a time alright let's first notice that God lives in the third heaven so if he lives in the north and if he lives in the third heaven then the North is the third heaven let's look at the book of sand Caribbeans chapter 12 we will look at verse two the Bible says I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago within the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth such an one caught up to where the third heaven so that means are three levels of heaven then alright but who's in the third heaven it's God look at verse three and I knew such a man whether in the body or out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth verse four how that he was caught up into where paradise you see so that's where heaven is you see God lives in paradise right God lives in heaven all right but that verse calls it the third heaven so that means it's gonna be the highest you can't go higher than that alright there's no such thing as seven heavens you know or how many different levels of paradise that Mohammed says alright not all of that is ridiculous nonsense alright there's not twelve levels of heaven thirteen levels of heaven seven levels of there's no such thing there's no the highest you're gonna go is third heaven you see so we do know this that God lives at the north and he lives in Paradise which is located the Bible calls it third heaven then here's a question the question is then pastor if that's the highest heaven and that's the third one what's going to be the second heaven what's gonna be the first heaven all right so let's go lower and lower okay let's see the first second and third levels of heaven we're going to look at Deuteronomy for Deuteronomy for Deuteronomy chapter 4 we're going to look at verse 19 verse 19 you know what else is called heaven outer space didn't you know outer space is also called heaven so that's gonna be one of the two heavens you see look at Deuteronomy chapter 4 we're going to look at verse 19 the Bible says that these certain planets and stars are in heaven you see meaning that they that heaven is face Deuteronomy 4 verse 19 unless thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven all right so you're looking at heaven and what's in heaven when thou see us the Sun and the moon and the stars even all the host of heaven you see that the planets and the galaxies of stars should this be driven to worship them so notice right here that the Bible says where the Sun Moon and stars are located you see so if the heaven is located where the Sun Moon and stars are located then where are the Sun Moon and stars located it's in space right so that means then that space is also called heaven so we found our second heaven here you see that so this is the second heaven then what is the first heaven right the first heaven is going to be where earth is it's going to be your atmosphere it's going to be your atmosphere all right let's open up several verses in the Bible look at the book of Genesis chapter 27 Genesis chapter 27 I'm going to look at verse 39 Genesis chapter 27 we look at verse 39 Genesis chapter 27 and we will look at verse you'll notice right here that the atmosphere is also called heaven so there we found our first heaven the atmosphere is also called heaven look at Genesis chapter 27 verse 39 the Bible reads and Isaac his father dancer danced unto him behold thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth and of the dew of what heaven you see that so it's gonna come so notice right here the dew of heaven that's rain from heaven you see that well where does rain come from the sky atmosphere so notice that heaven would also be referred to the sky the atmosphere so we found our first heaven the first heaven you see is going to be the sky the atmosphere right here you see so this is where our first heaven is going to be located now the Bible says this the Bible says that he made stories in heaven so meaning that there are different levels in heaven let's look at the Book of Amos the Book of Amos chapter 9 Amos chapter 9 if you do not believe that there are different levels in heaven there's no such thing 1st 2nd 3rd heaven that's all made up well then how do you explain where the Bible says that heaven is known to have stories all right you know like three stories in a building or five stories in a building or 20 stories in a building or the Empire State Building how many dozens of stories that they have because every call and high thing is gonna have different levels so just like God's building is going to have stories too so heaven is known for that look at the Book of Amos chapter 9 we're going to look at verse 6 verse 6 Amos chapter 9 we will look at verse 6 the Bible reads right here it is he that built it his stories in the heaven you see that so God literally made stories in heaven so the third heaven second heaven and the first heaven is known to have different stories we're going to see that so here's the first story then you see that so this is going to be your first story right here and then this is going to be your second story right here and then right here is gonna be what its gonna be the third story right here so then there are different stories in heaven let's also look at the book of Ephesians chapter 1 Ephesians chapter 1 okay so we kind of got a more of an idea about how our universe is like okay so this is what we got so far about our universe North all the way up here that's where God is that's the third heaven there's space in between that's the second heaven and then we got the first heaven right here all right which is the atmosphere now let's look at Ephesians chapter 1 verse 23 verse 23 didn't you know that the body of Jesus Christ has a connection with the universe in CH and all that because the body of Christ is the universe itself it fills everything in the universe that's gonna be important to know look at the book of Ephesians chapter 1 verse 23 chapter 1 verse 23 which is his body okay that's the Lord Jesus Christ the body of Jesus Christ the fullness of him that filleth one all in all you see that so then that's proof right there that God's body feels up everything you see that it fills up everything we live in so his body is definitely gonna fill up the whole universe so that's important to know his body is the whole universe itself let's also look at Jeremiah chapter 23 Jeremiah chapter 23 here's another verse that proves it you're gonna find out that his body fills up heaven earth that's what the Bible says the Bible says his body fills up heaven and earth so that's definite proof that his body fills up the universe you see that his body is the universe let's look at Jeremiah chapter 23 verse 24 Jeremiah chapter 23 we're going to look at verse 24 the Bible shows right here that his body fills up heaven and earth can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him say at the Lord do not I fill what heaven and earth say at the Lord you see that so that's proof right there that God's body fills up the universe because it fills up all of heaven and earth you see that so that is proof right there that God feels this up so what's important right here that God's body is all this you see that God's body fills up all this you see that do you see why if you are not a safe person you are not allowed to go here here here here if you here or you or even in heaven you can't go anywhere but outside of it the lake of fire you see that you know I because in God's presence no sin is allowed you see that so you're gonna have no place to go if you're lost that's why it's important to get saved that's also look at the book of Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 Hebrews chapter 12 and we were we're going to look at verse 22 Hebrews chapter 12 and we will look at verse 22 now here are some highlights where we can find out that the shape of the universe is going to be a pyramid a pyramid a lot of people brought up some different guesswork about what the shape of the universe is a lot of them are going with the sphere argument other people are saying you know maybe it's a square some of them are saying it's flat or whatever whatever but in the Bible you're gonna find out that it's mostly going to be pyramid that's the best shape that you're gonna find in the Bible the best shape you're gonna find in the Bible concerning the universe it's not a circle it's not a cube it's not a square it's not whatever shape except a pyramid that's the best shape the closest shape you're gonna find in the Bible so remember okay first thing you understand is that God fills up everything here right God fills up everything here so we understand that this is his body okay the whole universe itself okay if we realize that then what's gonna happen is that you're gonna be able to find out the shape of the universe okay so remember this is God's body all right he fills it let's look at Hebrews chapter 12 verse 22 the Bible says that the heavenly City of God is Mount Zion and it's on the sides of the North Hebrews 12:22 but he are come unto Mount Zion and unto the city of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem okay so we know that Mount Zion is heaven itself okay it's located at heaven heavenly Jerusalem into an innumerable company of angels now compare that with Psalms 48 Psalms 48 go to Psalms chapter 48 okay the first thing that we do know is that Mount Zion is located here at heaven you see so there's definitely going to be a mountain shape over here so Mount Zion so Mount Zion is gonna be located over here now let's look at the Book of Psalms chapter 48 first two Psalms chapter 48 purrs - now here's an important note if you know this note is gonna be helpful - yes a triangular pyramid shape whereas Mount Zion located verse 2 the Bible says beautiful for situation the joy of the whole earth is Mount Zion Mount Zion is located where on the sides of the north so if this is the closest north you can go it's going to be located at the sides of the North right so if this is north and this is a side of north so this is Mount Zion right and it's located on the side of the north then wouldn't it make sense that the rest of it would go down like this so you notice right here that if Mount Zion is located on the sides of the north it would make sense that would go like this you see but let's look at another verse Isaiah chapter 14 Isaiah chapter 14 there is one being who knew about it he knew about the shape of the universe there is one being that tried to get up there there's one being that's still trying to get up there and guess what he's never going up there you know who's going up there wicked wretched lowly fallible corruptible beings called humans now do you know how much angry Satan is with you now he's faded the guy's a chapter 14 we're going to look at verse 13 for thou hast said in thine heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God so you see it's gonna go beyond space see it's gonna go beyond space why because there's something up there let's keep reading I will sit also upon the Mount of the congregation right we know what that Mount is right that's Mount Zion but notice where it's located in the sides of the north you see that that's where Satan's gonna go but he'll never go beyond that he's always gonna be below that mountain we're gonna go up on that mountain and we're gonna live for eternity with him maybe see all right let's also look at Colossians chapter 2 Colossians chapter 2 so what is very interesting to understand is this if you've studied about the pyramids pyramid was connected to lot to a lot of evil spirits and paganism right a lot of demonic things going on with pyramids now here's the thing is that people always conjecture conjectured and guess they don't know who built the pyramids it was built during ancient civilization but there's no way that during ancient civilization those men had the knowledge and the wisdom let alone the technology or tools to build complicated pyramids like that but let me tell you something what beams do you think during that ancient time period would have the power to move those huge blocks would have the intelligence to do those things and those beings did live on the earth at Genesis 6 who would those beings be see the sons of God see the beings of Satan why would they want to build pyramids isn't it interesting it would make sense why they would want to build these pyramids why would they want to build these pyramids because they can never go above the pyramid they can never go on above that Mount Zion you see right they can never go above it they'll always be below it underneath it so they will build these pyramids which would make sense that would connect to the universe that way they can be worshipped as gods once more that's what Satan wanted right I'm gonna go above that mount and I'm gonna be worshipped and God put him down he said no you're gonna go below it so the best thing he can build was these human those humans civilization the pyramids on the earth you see yeah that's the best that's where his worship is gonna be that's where his adoration is gonna be we're gonna go beyond that we're gonna go above that you see don't you see why sit-ins mad at you you see look at the book of Colossians chapter 2 verse 19 Colossians chapter 2 verse 19 so here's something important to note here's another thing where you can find out the pyramid shape of the universe and I think this point is one of the strongest points okay here's something interesting to know if okay we do know the body of Christ is all this right the universe itself well if Christ has a body a body must have a head right a body must have a head what is the head of Christ alright let's look at this Colossians chapter 2 verse 19 for a please excuse me I'm at chapter 1 here we go and not holding the one head there has to be a head and notice that the head is capitalized right so that means that's God you see that's Jesus Christ that's God the head from which what all the body you see that the body of Christ by joining some bands having nourishment ministered and knit together increases notice with the increase of God so God's fullness he's increasing that body is connected to that well we know what that is that's the universe right because God fills up he increases all of heaven and earth that's what the Bible says about his body so if that's his body the Bible says there must be a head right so this body has to have a head now you know what that head is I mean that's why I don't correct your King James Bible look at this look at this okay this is fascinating look at first Peter - first Peter - you know what Jesus Christ is referred to look at first Peter chapter 2 verse 7 you know what the head is referred to look at first Peter chapter 2 all right and if you have a modern Bible I want those people to look it up as well at their modern Bible and when you correct this you're gonna take away an amazing truth right here look at first Peter chapter 2 we will look at verse 7 unto you therefore which believe he is precious amen we believe that we believe Jesus Christ is precious amen that's why there's a song that talks about precious Jesus you see so this is undoubtedly Jesus Christ what is he but unto them which be disobedient the stone who stone which the builders disallowed has to do with some kind of construction building stone the same is made what the head of the corner wow-wow-wow you see what Jesus Christ is called he's called a cornerstone you see that now I don't know if you know this but do any of you know the best building structure of a cornerstone being the head so remember this cornerstone has to be the head right so it's a cornerstone uh-huh that has to be the head the head do you know what the best head of the building for a cornerstone is the best pyramid right didn't you know that the best head of a building for a cornerstone as the head is the pyramid so here is see that's why this makes sense all the verses connect you see that all these verses connect so if God is north and that's third heaven and this is Mount Zion and he is what he is the heaven if he is the head it would make sense that all this diagram would make sense you see that because that's ahead of what the body the head of the what the building you see that so it makes sense so that's why the best shape you're gonna find in the Bible for the universe is going to be a pyramid you see that's also look at Romans chapter one Romans chapter one Romans chapter one it is said it is said that there is not a single building shape or structure that has a more perfect form than the pyramid with the cornerstone as a head you keep there is not a single building out there you see so that is fascinating and God could have picked a more perfect thing because his body is perfect his shape is perfect everything about my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is perfect so the most perfect shape for his universe for his body why not the pyramid then you see that that would fit very well you see it also makes sense why these sons of God are connected demonic spirits are connected to pyramids you see why they have enough actuation of that you see why God's deity is connected to pyramid you see why because God Himself is that you see God himself is like that and those demonic beings which Satan is a master of is always imitating God imitating God imitating God and you see they're trying to imitate God you see trying to imitate God let's look at Romans chapter 1 we will look at verse 20 Romans chapter 1 we'll look at verse 20 here's another thing you gotta understand another thing you understand is that I don't know if you know this but all of creation all of creation of the universe is an imprint of God didn't you know that it's an imprint of God it's an imprint of the Trinity imprint of the Trinity so look at Romans chapter 1 verse 24 the invisible things of him so you can see God his invisible side through what from the creation of the world you see that it's all of creation so that's how you can see God so you can guess right that's why it makes sense why the universe is connected to God it's connected to his body you see that all right now look at this are clearly seen being understood by the things that are made right all these things that are made all right all the creation you can see God there even his eternal power but not just his power and what Godhead and that verses so they are without excuse so there is no excuse so God is saying right here that bottle of creation right here proves a Trinity that's what it says it says it proves the Godhead Godhead is another word for Trinity so they are without excuse so here's the important note right here if all of creation is an imprint of the Trinity that's why it would make sense right here that the best shape to do it would be what the pyramid you see that because it's an imprint of the three you see it's an imprint of the three right so then right here you have God the Father and then right here you got God the Sun and then the next one you got God the Holy Spirit above so you see right here how it all connects that's why why not the pyramid what's wrong with that why not the pyramid that's the best shape for your universe you see that that's the best shape for the universe now there are some people because they dig up too much on conspiracy theories and stuff like that they don't like it when you mention about the pyramid as that because they see that it's connected to New Age doctrine you see New Age demons wickedness and evil that's what the pyramid is so how dare would you mention about God being the pyramid but it shows that see they study too much on conspiracies rather than the Bible that's their problem how do they not know that because God is like a pyramid you see that that his universe is a pyramid that those demons and those spirits and Satan himself was imitating that you see that see they don't think you see you know why cuz they don't study the Bible you see so the dangerous thing you got to watch out about YouTube is that don't let that be your final authority for finding truth amen if YouTube is your place for finding truth you've got to get right with God you know where you find truth brethren there's only one place where you find truth and it's right here this is where you study in flying truth you see that if there are stuff online if there are scientific arguments if there are conspiracy theories if there are mathematical statistics historical evidence that support this Bible then ya will believe it you see that but if it's the other way around and people do that unfortunately if it's YouTube first that makes you believe the Bible if it's history that makes you believe the Bible science your final authority to believe the Bible math that's your final authority to believe the Bible then what's gonna happen is that when you watch all these stuff on the internet all these mathematicians saying all these historical facts that come out and all these scientific statements that come out then you're gonna believe those guys and when they teach things that contradict the Bible you're gonna believe them right you see that it should be this first and then those things later and you see that so we notice right here that at Romans chapter 1 verse 20 it would make sense that the universe itself is an imprint of the Trinity you see now here's another thing is that not only that there are also historical and scientific arguments that are interesting that would make you think that it would make sense that the universe would be a pyramid shape it would be a pyramid shape so one argument is this is that I don't know if you know this but scientists you know how they measure the shape of the universe when scientists try to measure the shape of the universe I don't know if you know this they use triangles they use triangles to measure the shape of the universe you know that if you didn't know that then you should look it up you should look it up they use triangles to find the measurements that's why see triangle pyramid is a very perfect shape you see it's a very vital shape used for a lot of things you see that the triangle you see so it would make sense why God would choose this one and not a square you know my god is not a square okay he's not a square god okay he's not a loser okay we'll also notice right here that if you study history which is very interesting when you study the pyramids a lot of that is connected to the universe you see when you keep studying about pyramids pyramids a lot of that is connected to the universe itself they built up compartments and rooms and windows and openings that would line up with exact certain stars or planets you see so pyramids definitely you I realize those pyramids have a definite connection to the universe you see these pyramids so it would make sense why the pyramid shape would be the most reasonable shape for the universe you see why why else with the sons of God may build up pyramids they could have built up igloos you know something circular they could have built up igloos they could have built a square Hut they could have made a tall rectangular Empire State Building you see but why is it pyramids to connect to universe you see so then see when you dig up see it's not come it's not seeing this through theories it's by building one plus one plus one plus one equals four you see and that's a mathematical truth whether you like it or not you see so it's by scripture with scripture you see one verse here plus one verse there plus one verse here plus one verse there and then surprisingly you find some historical evidences and then surprisingly you find some scientific evidences and then other kinds of reasonable arguments plus plus plus and then it would equal to this you see that that's right it would equal to this you see so you'll notice right here that this is the most reasonable shape for our universe you see it would be the pyramid this is why it also makes sense why God would consider it blasphemy about the people who went to Egypt you see you know what the Israelites want to do the Israelites God delivered them from bondage out of Egypt to go to the promised land but you know what the Israelites want to do they want to go back to Egypt and what did God say about that no you're not going back to Egypt I called you out of Egypt why because that's where the demons were right that's where all that wickedness was God was not happy to see something something like this in his backyard all right imagine a Jew who's trying to serve God at the Passover that time and then they're trying to serve God but that stupid pyramid is right in front of him you see that was considered blasphemy to God because God said no I don't want you to worship over here you see I'm all the way here you see that's me not here that is not me you see I want you out of this place that's why it makes sense that's why it also makes sense when you read throughout in the Bible I mean read the Bible it's an amazing book you see people don't study the Bible people think the Bible is boring my friend if you haven't read the Bible then you're boring alright that's why okay that's why you think the Bible is boring alright but if you read the Bible you'll find it very fascinating and why God did these things why is it that God made Egypt the big deal why did God say don't go to Egypt don't go to Egypt when Israel formed its Kingdom God pulled them don't go back to Egypt Jeremiah the Prophet said don't go to Egypt I called you out of Egypt what the Jews do they went back to Egypt anyways and God considered that blasphemy what's also interesting is this didn't you know that Israel itself at the book of Revelation is going to be called Egypt look at the book of Revelation the book of Revelation look at the book of Revelation now I believe this well not I believe the Bible says the Bible says that those sons of God are going to be on the earth you know that so those so Satan and his demonic beings you got to understand they're going to be on the earth so when you see these demonic beings being on the earth that's gonna happen at the tribulation at the end time since you know that they're gonna rule over here on the earth look at the book of Revelation chapter 11 so which is very interesting when the demonic beings land on the earth and rule on the earth you know what that the residence is gonna be it's gonna be at Israel where God's capital is supposed to be you see that's what Satan does always imitating God you see that building this trying to imitate God you see that trying to go up here imitating God see he's always imitating God so what you're gonna notice is that when he lives on the earth it wouldn't be a surprise God called it Egypt look at Revelation chapter 11 verse 8 and their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city okay so that's Jerusalem all right what's gonna be at Jerusalem which spiritually is called what Sodom and the Egypt you see that Sodom and Egypt you see you know why because God's residence is over here right this is the right mountain to go to right that's God's residence but the Devils their residence is on the earth you see that and God considers that Egypt you see interesting he chose the word Egypt you see because why because all the way back then they had a history all the way back then they had a history so many demonism so much wickedness so much of satanic influences going on where Satan lived on the earth and then he made his residence and he's going to do it again at the tribulation he's gonna do it again right and then that's why what will God do that's why what God does is that he's gonna what he's gonna burn up everything the Bible says look at 2nd Peter 2nd Peter he's gonna have to burn up everything look at the book of 2nd Peter chapter 3 Satan left here Satan lived there Satan made his abode on the earth and what God's gonna do with all this is that he's gonna burn it all to the ground he's gonna burn it all to the ground he's gonna burn all this up look at the book of 2nd Peter chapter 3 we're going to look at verse 12 verse 12 looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God see when God comes down you see sometime in the future what he's what is God going to do wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat you see he burns up everything because he's gonna make what verse 13 nevertheless we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousness so he's gonna burn up all the earth and it's gonna make a new earth but what's also interesting is that you got to realize not only the earth disconnect contaminated that verse at heaven - he's gonna burn right so he's gonna burn up the whole universe you know why because the universe is corrupted see these pyramids were built what to connect to what the universe and that's why those people they had a problem instead of worshipping God they worship the things you see they worship the Sun Moon and stars they worship the Sun Moon and stars on the planet see they worship the creation more than the Creator you see that and that's what Satan wants to do what Satan wants to do is take the things of God so this was the things of God right see this is his body and that is his head and what he likes to do is take the things of God and instead of you worshiping God himself he'll take the things of God and make you worship his things instead that's why the Jews what they do they didn't worship God they worship the Ark of the Covenant book a First Samuel chapter one two three you see they took the thing of God the Ark of the Covenant and worshiped it instead you see they took the things of God right here his universe's body and they were they worship it the creation more than the Creator you see and what God's gonna do with all this this is blasphemy this is last week all this is blasphemy he's gonna burn all that home you see he's gonna burn all that up and then what he's going to do is gonna have look at revelation 21 we will closer right here Revelation chapter 21 and this is a day where you and I are looking forward to and you and I should be happy about this shouting about this praying to God for this the day that we're looking for my friend is when that day when God takes back what rightfully belongs to him and he's gonna get rid of sin here sin their sin their sin their see it's all infested with sin you see all infested with sin that's why God has to burn it to the ground you see and he's gonna replace it with a whole new creation look at the book of Revelation chapter 21 and I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea you see he's gonna get so notice a new heaven and a new earth is going to replace the first one you see all this burned up and gone and what is interesting is that the Bible says it is likened unto him changing the garments of his body look at the book of Peter well that book of Hebrews excuse me the book of Hebrews the book of Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 Hebrews chapter 1 we're gonna close it right here because remember this is his body right creation the universe's body and that book says that when he changes the universe when he burns it to the ground it's like he's changing clothes for his body see man that book is amazing look at Hebrews chapter 1 look at Hebrews chapter 1 verse 10 the Bible says right here and thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth so here's the earth and the heavens are the works of thy hand so all the universe you've seen heavens what's he gonna do with it you're gonna notice that at verse 11 they shall perish see they're gonna burn up to the ground but thou remain us you see God's gonna show them who the true God is hey the true God is not this pyramid it's not the Sun Moon and stars you know it's not the pyramid shape of the universe it's me and I'm gonna prove it by burning all this and I'm gonna just change clothes you see I'm just gonna change clothes and show you who the real God is if you think this is your God see if you think this is your God then you better change your God because that's gonna go old and burn up to the ground and God's just gonna cast out his old clothes put it in the garbage can and put on his new clothes because look at verse 11 again they shall all wax old that's duck a what garment wow wow wow wow you see that he said that when he changes the universe it's gonna be changed like a garment you see clothes because why he's wearing it see this is his body he's wearing it that's why I look at verse 12 and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail amen and amen and I can't wait when God changes this pyramid and that's what she's gonna replace it with a new pyramid you see and thank God I can't wait for that day for the new heaven new earth and a new Jerusalem and when that new Jerusalem comes down one Bible scholar said this it's gonna be like a double shaped pyramid you see we're gonna see a bunch of new pyramid shapes paneling Father thank you so much for the truth of thy word what an amazing book you blessed us with and we pray amen you feel sorry over your sinful condition and if you do there is hope for you you see Jesus who is God left heaven came down here on earth died on the cross raised himself from the dead why did he do all that so his blood can wash away the sins for you so you see that's your only way to heaven of what he did on the cross and not what you do in cleaning up all your sins and going to church getting baptized or doing any sort of good work it's faith alone in what Jesus did on the cross if you can do that then all you have to do is say that to God you might say well I don't know how to say it can you help me out sure you can say it this way dear God I am sorry for being a sinner I believe Jesus is God who died and resurrected so his blood can wash away my sins I trust in that alone and not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if someone were to ask you how did you get saved it's very simple right what did you do I just put my faith on what Jesus did on the cross that's it my friend congratulations on your salvation right now because Satan can't damn you to hell what he's going to try to do now is try to ruin your life and he did a very good job in this world that's why it's so hard to find truth and there are so many lies with a gazillion different churches different Bibles different beliefs different religions so my friend it is so important to grow in truth and get involved in a by a believing work that can save you from a lot of trouble there are four things we recommend for you to do which is found in the resources link below number one get involved in a by a believing Church near you number two study the King James Bible issue and have only that kind of Bible no other modern version Bible number three study dispensationalism so you can find the right doctrine and truth number four study only under by believing teachers my friend this is all explained further in the resources link below so please click on it and get to work in a by believing word because you only have one life to live for him and you don't want to waste it away by the devil and I'll be inside that great palace and the smoke will be so thick I'll drop to my knees have I've ducked in my face like those Navy SEALs do and I'll start crawling I start come and I look down there ivory eye over there and I'll see her a throne and I'll see some feet got holes hit up and they got your sandals on till I pull myself up to those feet and I'll cry on those feet like that woman that cried on his feet wipe their tears with her hair you're gonna say Oh God take em down lujah the angels of worship and the chair of the worship and the sand in the worship and st. gardening a pen a fabrica workshop is nothing another song said once I was straying in sins dark Valley no hope within could I see they searched in heaven and fell on the state sit out there my Sodom and he's go oh Jesus we might have said for God's or any preaching them and our people that's ringing the bell there we go he'd stand up and I and people walk up they said Wow Santa Claus preaching it's a name of Jesus stripes it's not true Muhammad he did not do anything for you he's not true Buddha is not true the commandments it's only to pay in the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ I wanna stay still I've preached on the TV you can turn the preacher out do you like it was team tournament over something on the what's going on he's about two more set here that crowd hi how you doing hey mom way down there at the edge of that Street they have the lord of said glory and bounty comes off that pro hills would come down prisoners and he comes down there well done my good and faithful strip here the doorbell or not oh boy Bart going down there said forever and ever and ever and he put a brand new heart into my friends everybody funny woken up ain't looked around they said on my everything has been changed
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 51,830
Rating: 4.8580246 out of 5
Keywords: pastor schreib, bible, church, bible baptist international, king james, kjv1611, bible believer, bible study, sermon, preaching, second coming, baptists, dispensation, pastor geneha kim, san jose bible baptist, bible commentary, old testament, new testament, salvation, doctrine, truth, born again, street preaching, evangelism, Jesus Christ, revival, religion, peter ruckman, ruckmanite, christian, cults, mormon, jehovah's witnesses, joel osteen, steven anderson, rick warren, td jakes
Id: xsdNB2pKCOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 22sec (3262 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 25 2016
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