MAP Sensor Cleaning 3.5L EcoBoost HOW TO - Ford F150 - 2012

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hey YouTube what's up skiff in here we're looking at a 2012 f150 today so the problem here is that the map sensors in your air system as air passes by and they get dirtier and dirtier that can cause your air make sure to be a little weird so you start to see a decrease in mileage next cut will be back and we'll be looking at the the air flow sensor locations all right so first sensor location is right here on top of the box I'm gonna take the air box apart and inspect the air filter while I'm at it so take the air box apart you got to loosen this out to take the air box off and I'll show you what the sensors look like when I get them all off but there's the first location it's on the driver's side of the truck top of the air box second sensor location is a little bit weird behind the radiator kind of behind the fuse box below it right here it's a t20 Torx bit and there's two two screws that hold it in and it just kind of pulls out you need to kind of wiggle it out a little bit now the third sensor location is underneath this so I'm gonna get this off and I'll be right back with you okay so now that that covers off I'm gonna do a fly in here and show you that is the final one okay so we're gonna go to this number two one because it's the easiest one to show you I'm not going to show you all three just because you already know where they are there's one there's two and there's three right there but I'll show you how to clean this one how to get it out kind of and they're all kind of similar this is the only one with t20 Torx screws on it the other one I think has a it looks like about a 7 or an 8 millimeter that one back there so once you get the screws out you kind of have to wiggle a little bit and then just pull straight out and as you can see it's kind of this goofy little there's that oring in there that's what keeps obviously keep stuff from getting in but if you look at them closely you could see some dirt and things on them you know it's hard to show you that in the video but I'll show you how to clean it here in a second so what I've done here is I've created a kind of a little pocket of paper towels it's like three shop towels here and I'm gonna hold this up and just spray it down till it's nice and wet the stuff I'm using it's just CRC it's I found I got this at Walmart so can of it you can get it in any auto parts store as you can see here it's kind of dripping still and a lot of people just let these air dry and they say you know don't use any pressure or anything like that I might use like 10 10 psi like 5 psi air just to blow across it to help it dry faster and maybe to whisk away a little particulate or something like that but you can let it air dry you can do one and let it dry and do the other one just try not to let this let this sensor or this area kind of contact anything on the engine particularly anything dusty or dirty I know I skipped ahead a little bit but I took this one out to show you what a dirty one looks like and this is really dirty so this could definitely be impacting mileage that's supposed to be as far as I know white in color and it is not it is black in color the whole thing so I'm going to clean this off real good there's a good view of it and get all this crud off of here and then we'll we'll come back to it ok so we're back now with this kind of partially cleaned I'll bring you back over into the light here but you can see that some of the colors coming out some of that black is coming off ok so we're back under the light here this is still wet as you can tell but you can see look at how bright white that is and just look at the difference you know there's still some blackness on this this is a good time to warn you don't put a q-tip in there anything don't try not to touch that sensor with anything especially anything that can leave particles behind you can I wipe the outside of this with a shop towel and I'll show you all the crap that came off of there and that was just around the outside of it so an air box filter there's a sensor on the inside that you don't need to take out from less you really feel spry you can just spray it while it's in there so you better write all right guys I'm gonna wrap it up there really it's just taking the taking the three apart again summary one here you take off the air box and it's inside of there one on the back of the engine which I currently have outs right there behind these you gotta kind of move there it is I took that one out and that one was really dirty so check yours of that was really dirty and this one was pretty clean for me too the air box one was really clean for me too this one's just two t20 Torx bits that is a seven by the way just for future reference and in my opinion I think you should unplug your battery while you're doing this whole thing let the computer relearn hey thanks for watching guys I appreciate it you can feel free to subscribe or like the video I just really put it out there for info because I was searching on YouTube and didn't find a great video to do it so thanks for watching bye
Channel: Brandon Skifton
Views: 103,669
Rating: 4.9025578 out of 5
Keywords: 3.5L, EcoBoost, Ford, Ford F150, F-150, F150, MAP sensor, MAP clean, MAP sensor clean, MAF sensor cleaning, EcoBoost MAP, EcoBoost MAF, how to clean MAP
Id: PipJqr_KVs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 45sec (285 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2017
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