Woman Using Paternity Test To Make Man Leave His Wife (Full Episode) | Paternity Court

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Please be seated. -Hello, Your Honor. -Hello. This is the case of<i> Wilson v. McKnight.</i> Thank you, Jerome. Good day, everyone. [audience] Good day. Ms. Wilson, you admit to an affair with a married man, and now, you are furious that he's denying your one-year-old daughter Shakirah. You say your relationship with Mr. McKnight may have been a secret, but your daughter isn't. And once you prove he's the father, you want him to leave his wife and go home with you. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. So, Mr. McKnight, you are in court today with your wife, and you testify you fell victim to temptation, but you weren't the only man. And you are 100% certain you are not Shakirah's biological father. -Is that correct? -Yes, Your Honor. All right. So, Ms. Wilson, explain why today's results are so important to you. Because my daughter is not a secret and she needs to know her other siblings and, um... I need to know, like, where we stand. -Oh, so you say you're confused. -[Wilson] Yes. -You don't even know where you stand with Mr. McKnight? -Yes. Well, Mr. McKnight's standing with his wife, so... How did you even start sleeping with a married man? How did this start? Okay. Well, I was coming in to cash my check, and I see a wallet on the floor, and I pick the wallet up, and I seen his ID and it said "Ramon McKnight." I said, "I seen him at the job." So, when I seen him at the job, I hand him his wallet. And so, after that, I seen him numerous times and then, he just asked me for my number. -Oh, so it started off as a good Samaritan? -Yes. -And once that happened, it started communication. -[Wilson] Yes. And then, at some point, he actually said, "Here's my number." -Yes. -So, how does it turn into a sexual relationship from there? What happens? So, he called me and he was like, "I wanted to see you." And I said, "Okay." This was, um, after work. And he was like, "We're gonna get a room." -[audience exclaims] -So... Wait. So, he just calls you and says, "I wanna see you, and we gonna get a room"? Yeah, we was communicating before, you know... We was communicating, getting to know each other, -and then, it lead to "Let's get a room." -Let's get a room. -Yes. -And did he say to you "I'm married"? Um, he always keep telling me, like, he was tired of his wife. -Um... -I never said that. Yes. Yes, Your Honor, he did. He told me he was tired of her. So, he told you he was married, -but he said, "I'm tired of my wife"? -Yes. -Your Honor. -[Wilson] Yes. -Your Honor, may I say something, please? -That's what they all say. -Your Honor... -[Wilson] Yes, that's what he told me. -Your Honor... -He told me he was tired of her, she don't cook, Um, all she do was be home, watch the kids, she's not trying to work, she's not trying to help me provide with these children. -Um... -So, he told you a series of frustrations he was having with his wife, but that he had a wife nonetheless. -Yes. -But you still decided to go to the room? -Yes, Your Honor. -Why? Because at that time, you know, I was going through a lot. My mom had passed. So, it's like, you know, you need that type of... -You were looking for comfort? -Yes. -And companionship. -Yes. -All right. -[Tiffany McNight] Excuse me, Your Honor. -Yes, ma'am. -[Tiffany] May I say something, please? -Yes. -Um, what she just talked... What she just said in here, in court, that's not what she told me, on the phone, because she was the one who initiated contact. When Ms. Wilson contacted me she said that my husband and, um, her and some other co-workers were all pretty much pow-wowing and, uh... [Judge Lake] Pow-wowing? Pow... As in, like, hanging out. There was nothing sexual that occurred. Me and Ramon was having sex every day. Every day we got off work, he was coming to have sex with me. -Every day. -Where, at your house? At my house, at a room, in her car, the car he bought her. That she got repo'd 'cause she can't pay the note on it. And then, on a truck that she got now. We had multiple sex in that truck, too, as well. So, let's... Come on, boo-boo. Let's not get it twisted. Your man be sleeping with me every night. And he was lying to you, calling you saying he's doing overtime, he's with me, in my panties. So, wait. Is that something you're proud of? No, I'm just... No, it's not that I'm proud of it, -Your Honor... -I'm just letting her know the truth. -These were the facts. -Your Honor, see... My position is this, Your Honor. Yes, I am legally married to my husband, and that's why I'm standing by him right now, but as a woman of integrity, I don't have to go back and forth with Ms. Wilson, I don't have to try to degrade her. I felt like some adult in this position needed to be responsible because Ms. Wilson... Ms. Wilson nor my husband was doing anything to find this out. -[Wilson] Your Honor-- -And, and, Your Honor... I'm still speaking, ma'am. Thank you. And I have children with my husband. If her daughter is in fact my husband's daughter, they need to know their siblings. I am not an immature woman. I don't feel the need to try and keep a man away from his child. I eliminated myself from the equation <i> so that if he is the father,</i> <i> he can step up and take care of his responsibilities.</i> -So, there's no-- -Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. 'Cause I have heard a lot of testimony from both of the women, but, Mr. McKnight... Yes, Your Honor. Yes. ...you're not doing a lot of talking. -Um... -But you are the common denominator that runs through this whole equation. How did you end up in a place as a married man at your job, -supposed to be minding the business that pays you... -[Ramon] Yes, ma'am. ...that you end up trying to sleep with Ms. Wilson? It started... As she said, she did find my wallet, but it was a co-worker that used to work with us, he was telling me, like, "Man, you should try to get... -You should try to get her." I was like, "No, man." -[Wilson] That's a lie. You know, but then he was like, -"You can go ahead and get her." -That's a lie. And the same co-worker, you know, me and him was sleeping with her at the same time, me and him used to... Like, me and him used to converse before we left work to find out who was going over there. -That's a lie, Your Honor. -Oh, that's just about nasty. -That's a lie, Your Honor. That's a lie, Your Honor. -Very, Your Honor. -That is a lie. -So, you're testifying in this courtroom that there was a co-worker who told you that you should go try to sleep with Ms. Wilson? -Yes, Your Honor. -But that same co-worker was sleeping with her, too? -Yes, Your Honor. -Why would he want you to sleep with the same woman he's sleeping with? I... I don't know, but a lot of... Is that just how nasty you men out here are acting? Is it, Jerome? Sometimes. Sometimes. -Your Honor... -Yes, Your Honor. Sometimes. No, really, is this something new? -Not me. -No, not in Detroit. -Not in Detroit. -Your Honor. -You said not where? -Not in Detroit. -Oh, hold on. I'm from Detroit. -Not with you. Now, hold on, let's not bring Detroit in it 'cause I'm from Detroit. -[Ramon] Me, too. -And there's plenty of hardworking men that know how to take their butt home -after they got off work. -[Wilson] Thank you. Thank you, Your Honor. Thank you. Thank you. You're married. How do you get from work to in the bed with Ms. Wilson? How do you let yourself think that's okay? I don't know. I just was tempted. -I was just tempted. -How were you tempted? -What was she doing? -Keep it real. It was just real easy for me to be with Ms. Wilson. No, it wasn't. Excuse me, Your Honor. Can I please talk, Your Honor? You're trying to say that Ms. Wilson was promiscuous? -[Ramon] Yes, Your Honor. -No, no. Your Honor, can I please speak? -So, what happened? -Your Honor, like I said, when I found his wallet, he was very flirtatious. He was buying me, um, Skittles, pops, leaving them for me. Where did y'all go to have sex? He paid for hotels, my house, his car that he got her that she got repo'd, and the truck. I've never... I've never been with her in my truck. -Your Honor, may I say something, please? -[Judge Lake] Yes. -[Wilson] A lot of times. -Yes, Ms. McKnight. She knew that he was a married man. And even if he pursued her, and even if he bought her all the Skittles in the world, no woman's integrity should allow them to just sleep with a married man or be with him or continue on with him, or continue on with him knowing that he has a family at home, even if he actively pursued her. -[Ramon] That didn't happen. -In my panties. I really want you to testify as to how you even found out? Uh, well, Your Honor, initially, I found out because, um, Ms. Wilson did, in fact, call me on Messenger about 20 times, and she continued to leave messages. <i> I had no idea what it was about.</i> <i> I thought that a co-worker was trying to reach out to me.</i> <i> Maybe something had happened to him at work.</i> So, I answered. She told me, "I just want you to know because Ray..." 'Cause that's what some of his co-workers call him. "...is not telling you that we're together and we're sleeping together, and..." Basically, she insinuated that he was leaving me for her. When I spoke with him later on, he said that the reason why... <i> 'Cause he said that she had told him in advance she was gonna tell me.</i> And the reason why, uh, she was upset because she had gave him an ultimatum and he told her that he was not leaving his family for her. -So, she was mad and decided to contact me. -That's a lie. So, why did you decide "I'm gonna call his wife"? So, he's telling the whole plant that me and him had sex. So, I said, "I'm gonna call your wife," and so that's what I did. He told the whole plant that we had sex and guys was like, "Oh, Ramon said that it was good." You're telling them about our sexual relationship, that's making me look... But my point is this, you realized he was married, and you realized you were the mistress. So, at the point, at that point, the whole plant knowing, how is that at all relevant -to him telling his wife? -Your Honor, I was never his mistress at the job. He was telling everybody we was together. I'm not no mistress. Oh, at the job, he was telling people that y'all were a couple? -No, I didn't. -[Judge Lake] But how was that true if you were sleeping with his friend, too? -[Ramon] I'm a married man. -Your Honor. Your Honor. -Your Honor. -I slept with his friend way before... Way before I even met Ramon. We were sleeping with her at the same time. No. No, that's a lie. -I slept with him way before I even met Ramon. -All right. So, after you decide, you gonna tell the wife, do you break it off with Mr. McKnight once he says he's clearly not leaving his wife? Yeah, we stopped communicating. -[Judge Lake] So, Mr. McKnight. -Yes, Your Honor. -Do you try to then work on your marriage? -Yes, Your Honor. -[Wilson scoffs] -[Judge Lake] So, how? -[scoffs] That's a lie. -I did. We have, um... Me and her, we did go to, uh... Me and my wife, we went to counseling through our pastor. And, uh, we was... You know, we was working on it. But, clearly, that didn't work because you're here. Thank you. Thank you, Your Honor. Thank you. -[Judge Lake] What happens? -He was coming to my department, always helping me, always flirting with me, always talks to me, I said, "Ramon, look, it is what it is. I'm done with you." He's like, "I'm gonna get you back." So, one day, I was bending over to go put the boxes on the pallet, and Ramon came behind me and bumped his...on me. He was like, "I'm gonna get you back." -That never happened. -Yes, Your Honor, it has happened. -[Ramon] That never happened. -Yes, it was, Your Honor. -[Ramon] That never happened. -So, how did that get... How did that get you back? Because if you were done with him-- [Wilson] Because... Let's get this clear. He's working with a ten-inch, so that's what got me... It brought back memories when he did that, and I'm like, "Oh, wow!" You know what I'm saying? So, you're saying that Mr. McKnight is well-endowed? Yes. Yes, Your Honor. Yes. [Judge Lake] And you couldn't stay away? No. No, Your Honor, no. And then, what happened? We start communicating, then we start having sex every night. This was when he was breaking me off every week, $450. -No, I did not. -Every night he came to see me. I know his payday was Tuesday 'cause he'd get a card... He was paying me $450 every week. [Ramon] No, I was not, Your Honor. -Yeah, he did. -There's no way that that could possibly be true. -It is true. -And I know the amount of money -that he brings home. -He was lying to her. There's no way that he could have afforded... -Unless he was working three jobs. -I have his check stub. -I have his check stubs. -Yes, she does have his check stubs. He was supposed to get me into an apartment. He was paying me -$450 every week. Let's get it right. -No, I was not. -Yes, you was. -No, I wasn't. Let me see that evidence, Ms. Wilson. Yes, you was. It's in my possession in my purse, boo-boo. -You say Mr. McKnight was giving you $450 a week? -[Ramon] Yes. Yes. -[Tiffany]<i> Look at the check stubs. You will see. -Yes, he was paying me.</i> -[Tiffany]<i> Look at the check stubs. -He was paying me</i> $450 every week. He was lying to you, boo-boo, how much he was giving you, but he was giving me $450 every week. -Were you giving her $450 every week? -[Wilson] Yes, you was. -No, Your Honor, it was not... -On my mama's grave, you lying. -...no $450, Your Honor. -Ramon, are you lying? -It was not. -Were you giving her money? -Yes, Your Honor, because... -[Judge Lake] Why? Because, um, it was like she was blackmailing me. -She was telling me... -Lies. ...I need money. 'Cause if I don't get the money, -I'm gonna tell your wife that you got this baby. -Lies. -No. No. -I'm gonna tell this, I'm gonna tell that. When I... Your Honor, when I end up pregnant, I called Ramon, -he pulled up, I said, "Look, Ramon, I'm pregnant." -[Ramon] And I said... I guess he didn't believe me so I took the pregnancy test in front of his face. He was like, "Oh, you pregnant?" I said, "Yeah." Ramon McKnight, he went to the, um, ultrasounds with me. He's like, "I gotta schedule in the morning time because I don't want my wife to know." -I said-- -Oh, you were going to ultrasound appointments? -[Wilson] Yes, Your Honor. Yes. -[Ramon] I went to-- -Yes, Your Honor, he was going to the ultrasounds with me. -I went to one appointment. -He said, "I wanna know what we having." -I never said that. So, hold on. Hold on. Ms. McKnight, I want you to tell the court how do you find out about the pregnancy? Well, I'm glad you asked, Your Honor. I received, like, about 20 phone calls back to back on Messenger. When I looked down and saw the name that it was Ms. Wilson, I automatically knew, "Okay. Here we go again." And she was like, "I just want you to know that, uh..." You know, Ramon's sleeping with me, he's gonna be with me. He gave me his check stubs so that we can get a place together. <i> I have a baby that I had in April.</i> You know, she was messaging me constantly, trying to harass me. -I have the evidence here. -What kind of message -was she sending? -[Tiffany] She was harassing me, I'm like, "The audacity for you to be contacting me about my husband." I couldn't believe it. I'm like... Did you bring evidence of those messages? -Yes, I did, Your Honor. They're right here. -You're looking at me-- [Judge Lake] Hold on, Ms. Wilson. Jerome, let me see those messages. She's very adamant that she wants a relationship with my husband. She wants to be with him. And she made it clear at the end of these messages. -Whoa! -[audience exclaims] <i> -She said, "You lying blank."</i> -[Tiffany]<i> Mmm-hmm.</i> <i> "You just mad he blank this good blank.</i> <i> "Blank you ain't stopping blank."</i> And then, you respond, Mrs. McKnight and say, "Girl, please stop. You're embarrassing yourself. That's not my man, baby girl. That's my husband."
Channel: Paternity Court
Views: 1,112,780
Rating: 4.6601081 out of 5
Keywords: maury, paternity court, full episode, couples court, divorce court, you are not the father, you are the father, dna testing, paternity test, biological father, father's day, baby, dna test, ancestry, 23 and me, season 5, mgm studios, judge faith, judge rinder, judge judy, court show, paternity court full episode, season 5 full episodes, maury show, steve wilkos, wendy williams, season 4, season 4 full episodes
Id: kYpt3ZqRegw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 28sec (928 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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