Manny Pacquiao vs Jeff Horn | FREE FIGHT ON THIS DAY

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till the tape is brought to you by Corona Extra born his 9 years younger he's three inches taller and is the naturally bigger man but he is the underdog against the great Pac Man but that is a stadium filled with believers mark Nelson our referee you had instructions in the dressing room the welterweight title you won't know when I expect a good clean fight obey my commands and protect yourself at all times touch gloves good luck the moment Nelson a 25-year veteran rep from Minnesota thrilled you're with us for Manny Pacquiao Jeff horn ringside Joe tessitura Teddy Atlas and the man who once defeated Manny Pacquiao former two division world champion Timothy Bradley settle in folks so the first thing I noticed is that Pacquiao is wet he's got his sweat going he's warmed up he's ready to go he's ready to come out fast horn is dry maybe the president got to maybe really warm up enough but a danger zone early rounds [Applause] but what I can say a tidal wave drawer on the opening bell from 55,000 here can you imagine this young man fought in front of about 1,500 2,000 now stepping into this moment what has been on the floor and two of his last three fights good chance it's gonna be three of his last four good news he has come off the floor to win the bad news he might have to do it again coming forward against Pacquiao tried away as a sound were thriving right hand the punch you want to land against the support in the right hand and the punch that is deporte aboard is his right in that's where his confidence is for wooden scores against Pacquiao although that right hand was pluck Pacquiao flaps it off shakes his head back out right now it's kind of filling him out right now he can't kick he can't catch up with Warren right now his rhythm is kind of kind of different 4-pack out right now though I go to that point the ordinance to me is that to the credit of Horne he's known as Prince of walk around the edges guy who's a little crude which he is but he's using his legs to get over emotion sides inside to try to be as sophisticated as spawn as hard to hit as possible body punched by home he's doing very well right now pack down tries to attack back do an action for a moment for the upset minded horn it's the [Applause] counter puncher it all comes forward he's gonna walk into something like that a space here with still a minute to go in round number one not much of a feel amount as Mark Nelson will gather that mouthpiece one might want to be a sick and destroy missile Pacquiao is a lot more than just a tee we can set traps and as I said you just look in they take it step back let's set that trap and hit counter but Horne took that shot very well and yeah I like his attack right now he's having some success backing up Manny Pacquiao I would describe him as a somewhat confident aggressor unexpectedly in round number one the title suit sense to me that horn Kevin from the Empire State phone he pens depicting applause and he looks in the window he says how am i doing so far so good well so far so good for Jeff horn and you can hear the roar each and every time he makes the aggressive move and now Pacquiao showing the awkward angles that he's been known through throughout his career the power punch for the lefty this up for the left hand that he could turn his back into [Applause] Thank You Glenn rushed in the trainer of Jeff horn said to him when he came over after that first round good job did what you want to do you clearly won that round Teddy you agree yeah I gave it to it I gave it to one little nobody landed any significant punches a lot of clean punches but the busier guy the guy that controlled the pace that round horn horn is extremely awkward he's in your face one minute moving around on angles finding different spots to pop Manny Pacquiao he's bagging him up at times he's getting Manny Pacquiao lunging in right now he is difficult and Tim Bradley usually a treyton characteristic we apply to Manny Pacquiao as you know well missed with the straight right hand Pacquiao defensively sound utilizing those legs he is so gifted with quickness and speed as we've said in the first round get credit so far early on using his legs to keep the punch or Pacquiao off-balance trying to be smart not just clubs trying to show that he's a guy that has more than just will then he can show some skill I could tell you this he better not slow down if he keeps this pace and keep this rhythm going he have a good chance of beating Manny Pacquiao these fighters have been involved with that clashes turned and exchanged there as horn had success to the belt line and then Manny was quick to get on the attack comes in with a right hook to the body of his own does Pacquiao Pacquiao has scar tissue those eyes been cuddle with her thighs matter of fact in the last fight the other guy Horn was caught off his right eye and he was on the floor beautiful right hand from horn and he keeps over to a very merry there's the problem with the beautiful movement in your thousand percent to me it's the kind of fight where I can make mistakes he can still win porn can't afford that one mistake nights over what he's going to take chances to beat a guy like Manny Pacquiao he has to take chances to your point and that's a beautiful point he's not just trying to survive sometimes when you're in this bullet you're trying to survive and just Lance the melon he trying to win and that's probably gonna get back him a better chance to Patrick good left hand to the Beltline from the pack man then he comes up top of the returns fire I'll tell you these first two rounds with the willingness of Jeff horn and you guys just gave him credit for being risk reward these first two rounds there is more enjoyable plating taxing to everything we saw all night long against Boyd Marin don't stop Piron brisket too three and it starts with Jeff horn on the attack again trying to break and split that guard with a straight right hand as mani covers up here so right ahead as we talked about the southpaw Keller that's what alongs looking for back you know this signature punch his sunday punches we illustrated in the fight plan then straight left hand with the power where you can turn it to it way slips all the tools right makes you think something's coming in bang hit you with the left head all legendary fighters Joe Tim they all have four luncheons every while they all have a signature punch Ali's was the champ joke phrases with the left hook Mayweather was dude shoulder roll way who's that lunch on the back he can tease you with the right hand Pacquiao straight left hand when he flips who's right seemed like at the end of the second round seemed like Horan lost his time in a bit and pack I was able to land some straight left on him the Adrenaline's blaring off a little bit how about that here we saw that better than anybody you saw the total punches moments ago through to remember in that first round Jeff horn had his eight to six power advantage but you saw how pakia was able to come back round number three here almost halfway through Horan did some of the partying game playing you said he'd be able to land a right hook he's just laying it on back out I talked about the cuts that you might see right see you around right now in a great corner of the right eye of on he's been cut before with head crunches I said it early matter fact both fighters have horn was cut in his right front he's got a little cut again there's the one corner of the right eye [Applause] that jab from four is Pacquiao looking for opportunities almost caught him coming in with that right hook and every so often Teddy you see just the muscle of the bigger man the physically naturally bigger man and Jeff horn but you see the mistakes also no doubt wait all ten he comes in fat you know we should throw a drug to a butcher and cut some of that fat off for those jobs but he's having success steady clean clean has been Maddie you're right who's throwing punches but he's not laying them clean opportunities for Maddie the quick command to counter and manage having a good finish here as we come to the end of this round we will monitor that right eye of Jeff horn as the cut has opened up on the outside of that right eye great seen here in Brisbane you can see right there horn coming in with two shots but as I was talking about Timmy being blocked not landing you're right he's keeping him defensive trying to make sure that he keeps the respect to Pacquiao but right now there's two clean shots right the left hand the power hand for Pacquiao and again Pacquiao can do more things back out could go catcher go in the trenches but he can also box and he can set traps he's doing more things right now than on the only thing one can do right now is put pressure on and sometimes it's a little reckless little last-minute adjusting of the guard by 20 they are out for round number four teddy has it two rounds to one for Pacquiao horn taking the first round Pacquiao settling in and having success especially in that last round you're right it's great to be aggressive but here's the key word you got to put a word before that and Timmy knows this better than anyone about the progression and Hawaiian is not always effective with the sequential sometimes he throws Pacquiao's work for he walks in calais leaves himself wide open the countess and Manny landed a fight high twenty punches in that third round here we go I'm so surprised that Horan has taken Manny's best shot right now so surprised the don't forget what is real cigarette for the Malians what his real best shot is the one you don't see the one way he slips to his right that we talked about in a fight just did you end it you turns at all watch that little subtle move of Pacquiao a guy who's had a 22 and a half year career watch that little trick he doesn't do [Applause] Pacquiao shook his head after horn connected fired back with a left of his column now they both come in with a strafing attack for a moment again both days coming in there with a body shot by Pacquiao and you just said it to a good body shot by Pacquiao if I'm in that corner because he's got a great trainer in Freddie Roach I'm told him Manny put some water in the basement or you know go down sense to that belly because he wants to use his legs well you know what we're gonna take those legs away from and there's no better way to take the legs away they put a little water in the basement I would like to see Horne go down to the body the weekend Manny a little bit take some air out of those tires those times are hard to meet central to that keeping him in his fight right now those wheels he's he's younger he's the younger man we can move around for for 12 rounds I hope nine years younger [Applause] Mandie starting to find his mark with that left hand warm better be careful [Applause] right [Applause] what coming from the right eye but porn puns dazed as Pacquiao seemingly in control right now [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] putting the US China Philippines Japan Thailand now let's stand as Australia loved every piece of it Pacquiao looking for that right bull horn still stand right in front of them taking baby steps forward trying to fall away from that right hand good exchange that time short left by Manny Pacquiao is not scored in that guy turnover 78 years I thought coming into this would be the opportunity for Pacquiao to get a knockout to the credit award because he's pretty he's willing he's gonna come forward he's gonna give you opportunities to hit him on the kitchen Pacquiao's enjoying a 56 to 27 great connected punch advantage landing 33% of his punches thrown [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] stepping backwards setting up the top [Applause] horn is not getting back out inching in when he gets close he's he banging him on the side of the head he's hitting him outside with the right hand occasionally stepping right to path to the head it was a left hand from Pacquiao there was a little baby uppercut in the mix as well prior there's a snapping jab from horn almost got caught backing up Tyndale of his plan on plan is to get back to hurt his hands by hitting them I think his plan is to hurt Manny pack out you're right that's the way he's fighting coming with core punches [Applause] champion with all kind of punches when you see them from the pill I'll tell you what pretty sturdy right there and that way exchange again in the center of the Ring my knee is zeroed in on the left and he's looking to learn to clean he's just missing shirts missing [Applause] the punch is a pack they are either strain destroy the puncture go on then round that means there's an opening and that's exactly what Pascal judge spoke he just felt that hole put the lump in water sharp signature punched by Manny exclamation point on the fifth round with that left hand [Music] the thing is seething a question upon and here it comes but what do you also see you see miss punches you see white punches and you see all and that means Pacquiao sees that all and those holes and that means it's going to make a plan to do that to fill those holes [Applause] and right now [Applause] as you see in those replays panicale playing the matador to the volume of horn [Applause] check it out [Applause] American referee mark Nelson making sure everything's cleaned up before we are underway here in round number six there are some including some of the camp of Pacquiao who felt they wouldn't see a six round that's more pressure to the inside into that built line from chef horn as he's trying to smother me act like the bigger more physically imposing man he said it so more pressure but also more block punching [Applause] like the old time he would say the probably one he's game he's willing pretty telephone shots a buck time talk about the glass noodles from heck to the hairline okay so an accidental clashing heads and now there is coming from the hairline of Manny Pacquiao the good news is nowhere near the I bleed all you want that's going to be fine ready to go okay I'm gonna I'll you read this corner okay [Applause] this is one of those that will look messy but unless it impairs the vision the fighters know that's a telling thing right there Matty asked the doctor to look at and to go free that did not take that is telling Joey Willy telling Maggie the kid from the Philippines that grew up on the third floor you know 10 years ago 15 years ago there were three cancer doctor look at it you can tell you to say get out of my way but you get older you make a lot of money you feel your mortality you stop worrying a little bit about those things you didn't worry about when you were younger I agree with you out of the sense any listen in the ring right now is a guy that Ford magazine has put on their celebrity 100 list Time magazine has placed on the list of the world's most influential people he's made a heck of a lot of money so both men have been cut born the right eye they looked like they had that under control and then the clash of heads here and the hair line of Pacquiao has blood streaming down the right side of his face away and it feels like a fight that should have fought doesn't it a lot of action from the get-go said right from the beginning both these guys been involved in that cleanses right might see right we're seeing red and they can we see the concern from Pacquiao that at this point in his career is dad that was in there early in his career [Applause] many times this week we brought up the question in this stage in front of 55,000 would jet horn ride the wave and become a [Applause] I love Jeff horns demeanor he's going for it guys at night I'm telling he's only get all in a ring tonight I like this to be what the result is give him credit for the way he's gone about his business here he came to wind out survivors not just to say I went the rounds I went to distance but he's walking into a lot of counters awesome awesome stuff in round number six Manny was cut horn came charging and land in the right hands [Music] dance it right up a punt landing it by a horn splitting the guard the one thing about you can be a legendary fighter or not but when you come up you put those gloves up like that you go into that pickup pool put those in my thong and you don't move your head the god can be split by the uppercut and yours will see the heads in closing there again horn comes in headfirst right there causes the head clenched that caused the cut and the blood and the concern that Pacquiao now [Music] [Applause] I know this is gonna be a tough example I'm gonna throw it out there my mentor the great cuts tomorrow I think was the greatest parts in person and then that I ever knew he used to say that Justin use as an analogy they grew up in a tough area in the South Bronx and you can say it when taxes first come up or came up they do anything they take any chance they didn't care but when they started making money they got more careful they can they worried a little bit same thing you'll find us like a pack yeah they don't care but they started making money 22 years into their career all of a sudden they get a cut that's one they can live right all right let's look at Teddy Atlas his scorecard man Teddy you got it five rounds the one for Pacquiao so you like the body of work in that six round for Pacquiao compared to the one right hand at home I like the clean punches oh yeah I like one day the clean punches the other guy trying but doing a lot of missing Joe tessitura Teddy Atlas and Timothy Bradley who fought Manny Pacquiao three times and one of the few men in the school they defeated manny pacquiao great atmosphere here in Brisbane and Jeff horn for many they have already say he has exceeded expectations he is making it a fight so what do you think about what we just saw I said something about 10 seconds ago I didn't like it for the bigger guy Joe's been talking about right on the button he's a bigger guy and that's one of his opportunities be the pick a guy like he gets inside he gets tied up right well that's just experience of Manny Pacquiao Manny Pacquiao don't wanna working inside so he's on time up but you know it takes two to tango to detangle baby yeah and he's allowed himself to be tied up you're the bigger guy you have to prepare that Jesse's that when you get those opportunities inside you to collect every fighter Dandan you're bigger than you can't get tied up [Applause] pull the hands inside go now to tie you up that's how you that's how you keep them getting tired up and ones not doing that he's allowed himself to be tied up another head crash this is really Betsy this is really ugly but you see the power [Applause] bringing him over to the doctor we're gonna take a look and what happened with this class [Applause] [Music] [Applause] more blood with Pacquiao after the recent clash here in round number seven little late to say what's the head these guys have been in there with the head to career there's a sharp right hand driven downward by [Applause] now covers up to block those punches Travis to a lifting zone now he comes the pac-man with elect alien and tying up I like what I'm saying from horn he's not intimidated oh he see pack out many pack out bleeding he's going for the kill now he's $55 a pillow like it took him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that clash' heads in the seventh round opening up a bad cut on the other side of the head of Manny Pacquiao but that was the attention get her what you saw that punch landed by Jeff horn Teddy who gave the last round to Jeff horn we are in the eighth round and we're gonna have another break here to deal with the tape you could see why these hands in between you can see why I said from the beginning that could change you couldn't see us conscious both guys come forward headfirst specially on his head cut yeah headed the rest of his body he's supposed to bring your legs might get head hurts he brings his head turns he gets top-heavy yes he does [Applause] that standard for packing with the head you see that but it's also advantageous for Pacquiao because he's going to get more opportunities to know Canada when the horn comes in breakfast I think there are a lot of people tonight and not to make too much of Jeff horn because Teddy you have talked about he spat with punches sometimes he's defensively flawed he's top-heavy and coming in but there are a lot of people tonight that probably already think fairly well and a lot better of Jeff horn than they did just a few hours ago he is earning him himself a place at the table to have a future of cashing bigger checks in this business I would like to see him with some of the other welterweights out here if he went out of victory tonight I think he's beat with all of them let me tell you something Sam friendly good TV fighter a clear contender yes heels for six to five [Applause] but that do not forget taking nothing away from his empty that's not forget that he's fighting a 38 year old pack to the park [Applause] no knockdown says mark Nell okay the patio is going to score a significant punch a game-changer it's going to be Lord's coming forward I don't think it's gonna be with Maddie coming for him he's gonna be with like that is going to try to welcome is either a light off both state lux this is good stuff forget against a deeper water final minute of round number eight one guy's got a cut around his right eye the other guy is suffer from head flashes with the hairline on the left eye and each is coming forward time and time again I mean you see the little traps that man who's trying to set now every once in a while when horn comes in Manny goes back just a little bit one comes in four inches Manny or fonepad 7 try to get him to reach a little bit trying to get an opportunity to score counter in that process that ties Manny's getting hit the right hands in that process apartments against the lips right in [Applause] you can catch that he stuck it out later like you said get the right in just the tidal wave of noise here in Brisbane this crowd is absolutely loving it and again a little bit of crunch in a little out of control what happens his legs get to scratch he bumps it to mani down on the campus that's from being overly aggressive a little out of control and again out of control little off-balance flailing away not landing but opportunities for Pacquiao to score but opportunities missed by Pacquiao right there to score maybe opportunities that when he was 36 35 he doesn't miss but at 38 did not pull the trigger when those openings were there on that replay we just saw wasting no time for pick up right where he left off round number nine once again with a left hand [Applause] I am so impressed with horns conditioning [Music] interesting statement you make because we stood within just 24 hours ago as there was concern when he stepped on the scale is cutting a little bit of late in the final days before this fight of course 147 qualm pounds no concern for Manik a cow he has breakfast before the weigh-in small guys easy to make if horn did have trouble anyway and we all heard that he did he came in a pile area that he has his last 11 price that seems insignificant but for the peasant particles come here this came in a pattern [Applause] every thank you let me see of it now [Applause] gonna see the responsible he's going to start to melt the Australian Sun Manny Pacquiao sings I guess it's emergency right now he's trying to step up the pace on horn it looks like on is [Applause] searching seeking to destroy [Applause] you can barely hear your set feet ringside is boring [Applause] is on target punch after punch can corn hold up now he has given so much [Applause] I was swinging for the fences here [Applause] the right side of jet board space is an absolute mess swollen what soaked blood streaming from the cut Manny Pacquiao so my punching power here in round number nine stop the referee jokes call to talk talking to the ring he's gonna take a look so here we go what bullhorns show will Pacquiao get after it again I gave it a name and that last round to Pacquiao that's a big document on the plunge and people visit any winces applause probably isn't a plunge but the possible plunge is there backing used a lot energy that we gotta be so impressed by Manny Pacquiao suffering two cuts over the head blood dripping down in his eyes still showing the resiliency of the champion even at 38 years of age that he's a legend in his game nice Shauna's why right now dominant ninth rounds from Manny Pacquiao teddy says ten eight as Jeff horn was hurt so badly back at one shoulders one other thing Tim and open mouth and to your point a 38 year old expended a lot of energy that last round but that's what makes him special that's what makes him special he's 38 he's still in there competing with the youngest guys in the sport still on the pattern of big dollars but a big talent difference you're right but a great talent difference you talk about a step up in class horn went from the wading pool to the ocean tonight so what you saying is ten years ago you think Manny pack out when it got rid of him five years ago five years ago three years ago and he's showing again the results of all those punches he threw the last round he's slowing down PAC help and he's allowing horn to survive no member has been since 2009 close the show that is a long without a knockout for stoppage it is fun to watch but can he get read Oh Jeff horn nearly hadn't gone after the [Applause] Jeff is taking some big shots he is one tough cookie those and look at his face they did a decent job on the cut but the swelling underneath that right eye is fairly significant the look of a weathered fighter after just nine and a half rounds he said show me something to the referee Mark Nelson he has shown us something here in this 10th round as Pacquiao shakes off that right hand he's been allowed taking left it away from that foot on he's better off to show some to those patios time [Applause] all week long we talked about this potentially being like a rocky stretch the unknown upset minded local kid who many dismissed will remember what happened in Rocky one it was that private effort a losing effort but one that earned respect we got an alum respect right now for Jeff horn against an all-time great at the end of nine the referee wanted to stop the fight here he is still slugging into the 11th you know till we made a good point a couple rounds ago he said that the batteries with Peggy I told her go to the body and the reason for that is you got a big guy naturally heavier bigger thigh throughout his career may be able to absorb the shots up top that you start banging them downstairs all of a sudden that changes everything I say it bang them to the body in the chin will fall exactly right and it may be a [ __ ] I had invested a little bit in some bodywork perhaps one's not still there well I think but where the guy's got a good chin you don't test his body there's a left-handed landed moments ago from pac-man and then the counter shots as I said earlier patio is going to score because I'm whoring walking into shots Horton was gonna do some of his work for him coming a little fatter little reckless and give opportunities for Pacquiao to count and that's what he's doing right now [Applause] horns keep kinda dirty in there I guess Manny Pacquiao's not showing manny back out any kind of respect again see Maddie's looking to take that a half step back get your says entice horn to come forward and create an opening right there again no step back look at her create an opening for counter good man he can throw the whole herd mark Nelson say get your scissors ready they're gonna tend to the tape job on that right dwelt again [Applause] here this 11th round the boys in Vegas figured we wouldn't see an 11 draft [Applause] that's what streaming down from that right eye since the third round on has Jeff Horn of course Pacquiao how to overcome clashes that affected him as well game is come on but also recklessness as he comes in [Applause] his corner gave him the chance to fight on left hand to get a little bit of reach there from Pacquiao horn took a little something off that punch by pulling out didn't could caught with the blood force got caught coming out there same thing aggression from horn there's a straight right hand the point you want to use put this on pause he split the car at that time right down the middle [Applause] and the state land at that time for 12th and final round Pete in appreciation for what the young warrior and the old all-time great have given them here in Brisbane Teddy atlases scorecard seven rounds to form Manny Pacquiao on ten eight ninth round subsequent to that referee Mark Nelson nearly stopped this fight he said you got to show me something and that's exactly what porn has done look does he have left here in the 12th round and can the pac-man close the show and finally get a knockout it would be his first since oh nine the board's gonna win this fight he needs around the Big Shot and that [ __ ] should have to come in the form of a pig of a right hand [Applause] once again with all the sweat water perspiration blood that tape is an issue on that right block gonna tell you some joke Tim we talked about the signature points of Maddie they accept is right they do think he's doing something a hickey with the left-hand corner is a little check he slips to his lip and then he jumps right [Applause] better than 40 seconds what exchange against the roach last 90s fight horns still looking for opportunities Pacquiao still trying to meet him as he comes forward there's a late game to try to split the guard wait I think this fight is closer than what we think honestly how do you see a Timmy it's a close fight I don't know it's a real close fight I tell you that I think you could justify it being that way but I think that ninth round to Teddy's point was a dominating effort and you could let it down if you wanted to you think that stopped Royston while you just talked to her father that knows how fickle how scary touches dunces can be on that paper I'm saying that horn put up a good enough fight and a close enough fight and a great enough effort in the bar in Argentina I gotta tell you something I can tell you something Timmy no matter what the judges come back with give credit to Jeff horn he has come to fight there was a willingness and purpose to him tonight in the he was composed after that beat down in the ninth has this place [Laughter] how about it folks Manny Pacquiao he wanted to give a little something to the u.s. fight fans for free chef Ford as much as he possibly could [Music] and Brisbane exceeded expectations ladies and gentlemen before we go to the scorecards a round of applause for a great display of guts and courage in this ring here in Brisbane Australia tonight for took hold and Manny Pacquiao are the score totals well let's go roll down scores at 117 to 111 flores calls it 115 to 113 same score from Romagna karo 115 to 113 all three scores go to the winner by unanimous decision [Applause] Manny Pacquiao has been upset judges always see things differently sometimes simple aggression desire and will can be masked for other things 115-113 razor-thin twice 117-111 is unconscionable and Manny Pacquiao has been defeated by a decision when he almost had the fight won by TKO after nine
Channel: Top Rank Boxing
Views: 11,360,119
Rating: 3.9724801 out of 5
Keywords: top rank boxing, espn, boxing is back, Manny Pacquiao vs Jeff Horn highlights, Manny Pacquiao vs Jeff Horn free fight, Manny Pacquiao vs Jeff Horn, Manny Pacquiao highlights, Manny Pacquiao free fight, Manny Pacquiao, Jeff Horn highlights, Jeff Horn free fight, Jeff Horn, Horn vs Pacquiao highlights, Horn vs Pacquiao free fight, Horn vs Pacquiao, Manny Pacquiao Jeff Horn highlights, Manny Pacquiao Jeff Horn free fight, Manny Pacquiao Jeff Horn, espn top rank, boxing
Id: 3guJ7X3p3bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 21sec (2781 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 01 2020
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