Manny Paquiao 7 Lose Fight (pacman all losses)

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one two three four five six [Music] Zardo don't take the odds and we've been told that he's fighting with a town stuff yeah gloves are not going to help him when it comes to punching he goes out the character of you've already cut down the crowd on its feet because after for example they're really slugging it out there but coming is the Philippine junior panther my component blue torukamu has carried the fight Pacquiao [Applause] [Music] Oh Manny Pacquiao with over it's over manny pacquiao one punch and his eyes across his eyes are crossed on the Campo [Applause] Manny Pacquiao - his first defeat my gosh what an upset Monica Pacquiao is back on his feet now you see this I'll take a look at this slow-mo okay and you're gonna watch the left off of Tonica he's gonna catch him he's gonna walk into that level just one punch one punch flush on the job you touching my lumbini manga neroon release its own porn me pen can Hassan copy symbol of the Empire [Applause] [Music] [Applause] for the sixth time [Applause] has been on the canvas [Applause] stopping Barrera Barrera beating Morales in the last two fights if y'all want to go clean fight remember guys I'm fair but I'm firm what's up they say that what happened both fighters focusing on the body cocktail dances let's say enjoy and decay and the blinding speed a cocktail and Bach but do we factor out the issue at every [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] into the corner Eric disgust a very smart fight fire so far bangs back out with the right hands and Erica's an iron jaw and has had all of his career took a hard left hand landed a body shot and another right hand upstairs sugar Horton excited Peck y'all get back and I think Manny Pacquiao is a one big shock good book on Marilla [Applause] there's another left to pack out to him some damage turn doctor is going to have to look at back out we shared by us as if to say I'm a [ __ ] [Applause] xxx welcome to my neighbor he bring us a fever all right now here again from kicking to this guy [Applause] goes inspector comes back and comes with a straight right hand that is working beautifully for him all right back out back with a jammer right man and he takes advantage of the truth [Applause] can finish his van history hey you see Pacquiao on the attack mirela coming over the top of the overhand right that it contains he comes over to break up everything that Pacquiao is doing right hip X out and blue is all mouth design after a missed punch so there was Alice is using that tab over and over sensing that Pacquiao may have trouble team with the right eye hook straight right hand by Morales and a left hand inside by Manny [Applause] luckily boxing forgetting division is a gift that keeps giving suboxone puts himself in harm's way though against pat downs left hand typical when he switched out pumpkins Duncan father told and don't do anything stupid [Applause] and got requirements what a fight nobody is going to ask for their money back we go to the scorecards Paul Smith Dave Moretti and Chuck Jampa all have the same score here by unanimous decision Gillis Sonnen order 31 America all that fight with Emanuel Steward and Max Kellerman remind you of now this is various signals the official timepiece for the bell sounds round one begins bulbs are at least that's the conventional wisdom Radley with a body shape under pack the moment Radley best punch of the round so far it's another strip left hand on the Bradley's go to big pops it back in and the best punch another fire I told you - what's for the straight [Applause] kaká and that's maybe Pacquiao's best punch here's a guy body shots by Bradley the upstairs stuff Bradley goes back downstairs hammers to the rib cage but they're in room open and your sin and you can stop manny pacquiao straight left half straight right and he was concentrating on taking the left hand away from tackling it Bradley's trying to neutralize it but opponents we're seeing exchange right there were they both were shades of punches and as I've said the tall man is very good at catching quite people within exchanging because he punches and pivots back and forth for well nothing is the land they clean except for that punch there and it still didn't seem like he had that much of an effect but I don't know whether Bradley heard his twisted his angle [Applause] here you see a tremendous level of Manny Pacquiao it seems as if he just physically overpowered Ratliff to stage right now it is just a matter of time because Bradley has not been able to get any respect for manners with any pass he thinks for the moment he might have bothered back yet Pacquiao has a smile on his face perhaps and deeper but now Pacquiao drives him um Bradley you gotta give me credit he takes a heck of a punch but even still Manny Pacquiao's elegant with too many left hands nine to nothing line supposedly is [Applause] Bradley rhymes for the moment [Applause] [Music] just the tremendous performance against the game in his prime young champion determined to win never stop trying without class well I guess Bradley's quarterman feel as the board scores it 115-113 to the winner by split decision and no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think Harold Lederman is the best scorer [Music] at all times and what I say you must obey good luck touch them up goodness more thing now that that ring is it round one around 37 Pacquiao start off with a straight left hand fires two jabs good left left by Pacquiao Marquez with a left hook up fake followed by the 1 2 and enough hair layers clearly the pump that uses a grain less he's doing just what happened brothers [Applause] that Marquez has Maine [Applause] my back down another good ride nets by Pacquiao right hand they trade shots again to some faiths and walking out [Applause] as he puts Merkel's on or at least for season two touches foot Peck island i strings up break down the pike and down both walk in with his birth touch that's considered a knockdown now to the round oh look your kids being for Italian what kids weren't bad alright honey is okay Peter what you know pinky house and still wobbly and what they're go home yeah Marcus no buckle has got to kids was off balance now gets his feet back and tries to lure back to they'll crack down on the right hand [Applause] right you see that right Ryan he knew he was coming he's just caught his rhythm because death one has called the sport since Sergio Martinez knocked out Paul Williams on November 20 2010 in Atlantic City with a distilled one Marvel did a me [Music] the Philippines the knockout sensation at the plug and this was great fight to the enemies in this fight and Freddie Roach told she was going to trying to cap and then get up early rounds not always been a quick start yeah so Kenny Bayless a long time to get there that was criticized during the Marcos Maidana fight and the car people Paula Potter he arrived hard left hand by clapping we get boards for them ringside students two of them are Steve father-son time and all the way back now seems to be developing a better [Music] the needles power punches might pack I'll be able to get going at some point [Music] and here's the middle of the right-hand another left hand lands for Pacquiao he's got them in this is a reminder at the early rounds of the Oscar De La Hoya fight when Galileo was able to pin Mayweather against the rivercourt that many jabs he doesn't jab as much as people think much as people say lands a game for back down the long James make a pickup [Music] she would be ahead of the smokers it would be it would be because of the jan goes to the left hook again we're because he gets told you down his page it's noble are you gonna keep not care how good you think you are [Music] and then you pack out that cover [Applause] there's effectiveness with the jab this was a jab how about insurance up when he comes into the tulip Floyd Mayweather's - yes but you're wondering wondering what they will be 17 and on 12 Rock fights and back outs 11:00 to 1:00 appointment like you want to make it's becoming obvious no we said it going in its him in the corner starts one of those flurries people and Dave [Applause] Dave Moretti scores about 118 to 110 [Applause] [Applause] [Music] although that right-handers pluck Pacquiao laughs it off crew [Applause] tries to attack back for kids is help them like that [Applause] and he was on the floor every day running out dance to clean shots right go left hand the power hand for Pacquiao it again he walks in countless open [Applause] cause you put me you in China what happened with this class few hours in this business I would like to see will somebody hero screaming from the cut what team after team left hand they get a little bit of reached at from in appreciation a young lawyer and the old all-time here in Brisbane [Applause] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Clasher thunder
Views: 3,321,006
Rating: 4.3404932 out of 5
Keywords: Manny Paquiao All Losses, Manny Paquiao, pacman, Manny Pacquiao vs. Jeff Horn, Manny Pacquiao vs. Floyd Mayweather Jr., Manny Pacquiao vs. Juan Manuel Marquez, Manny Pacquiao vs. Timothy Bradley, Manny Pacquiao vs. Erik Morales, Manny Pacquiao vs. Medgoen Singsurat, Manny Pacquiao vs. Rustico Torrecampo, manny pacquiao vs adrien broner, Manny Pacquiao vs. Keith Thurman, Manny Paquiao Lose To Keith Thurman, Keith Thurman
Id: bNGmc7p8Rv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 52sec (1132 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2019
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