FULL MATCH - 2020 Men’s Royal Rumble Match: Royal Rumble 2020

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[MUSIC] Introducing intrict number one, our comedy cline Paul Heyman, he is the WWE champion Brock Lesnar. >> Ladies and gentlemen, this is unprecedented tonight. Never before in history is the champion declared That he would enter the Royal Rumble Match at number one, but Brock Lesnar has done just that. And my question to you is this, Booker, if you're Brock Lesnar, why? >> I mean, come on, I mean Here to make history attempts to go to WrestleMania. With that chance being that guy, common. >> I think at this point in his career, Brock Lesnar doesn't need to prove anything to anyone. But in the beast mind, this is the final thing that he has left to prove in WWE. >> Remember the winner of the Royal Rumble back Match will main event WrestleMania. [MUSIC] [APPLAUSE] >> You see the stoic look of confidence on the face of the WWE champion Brock Lesnar, ready for a battle, a test of endurance he's not even experienced in the past. >> Brock Lesnar won the royal rumble match back in 2003. >> Let's see who he will square off with to start the Royal Rumble match tonight. [MUSIC] >> [APPLAUSE] >> Hello, I am Elias! [MUSIC] Yeah! >> Houston, we have a problem. >> [APPLAUSE] >> But Elias is here to solve it, see. In the ring we've got a brain-dead gorilla, and his fat zookeeper. They don't seem to understand that there's a truth that you cannot deny. It is a universal truth that I'm sure everyone here knows that WWE stands for. >> World wrestling entertainment >> WWE stands for >> World wrestling entertainment Sing it baby [LAUGH] >> [APPLAUSE] >> They're singing for me Brock, did you here that and now I'm gonna sing for you. A little song called sacrificial lamb. And it would help me a lot. If y'all could clap along. [MUSIC] Attack keep your damn mouth shut. I'll smash the guitar. Baby Brock Lesnar. Read Dr. Elias >> Lesnar is in tense this was not a smart move paid site the beast Elias >> And analyze him to the rank of the first two manuals dr Royal Rumble match for 2020 unless you're gonna take down and hammering away on Elias >> Because the time they entertain it's a time to be serious. Right now Elias is not focused. >> Brock Lesnar is however Elias, who began last year's rumble at number one, it didn't last long maybe on the same fate here tonight and I bet suplex space city is becoming Suplex City wasn't some could say that what Brock Lesnar is attempting to do is beyond confidence. It's downright arrogance. However, if anyone in WWE possesses the skill set necessary to achieve this feat number one, and winning the Royal Rumble, it is Brock Lesnar, the greatest combat athlete in sports. >> My god. A spy. >> Talking about playing a tune. That is what the Beast is all about. >> Now Elias gonna write a new song about that time I jumped head fast into a middragon,becasue that's what this is all about. >> There goes Elais, >> Elias limited by Brock Lesnar >> You can't just coming out here playing games that get y'all hope everybody in the locker room took note. >> I don't know how you can't take note I mean, there you see Heyman showing everybody what this is all about. This is what Brock Lesnar is all about. The WWE champion. And in eight more seconds, entry number three. >> We'll see if somebody else has a new tactic try to get the beast into coming off this game, Elias tried but [INAUDIBLE] [SOUND] [MUSIC] [LAUGH] >> And for Monday Night Raw, Erick Rowan. And still carrying that thing, whatever it is, it has been growing over the past couple of weeks and just drives him insane. >> I'm not really worried about what's in the cage, I'm more excited about Mafia manic humanity about to be in the ring with only two competitors. >> Look at the size of both of these guys. >> Yerah yeah checkout the power walk. That's a man that's looking to cause some trouble. >> Rowan entering his third Rumble match. Brock Lesnar quckily, up to hthe waist lock and Eric Rowan caught him in the- >> The elbow eliminated. >> By >> Block Leicester has eliminated the first two men he has faced in the Royal Runble match tonight. >> And dare I say, it looks easy, Eric Rowan was only in the ring for eight seconds. >> As Heyman continues to gloat with the WWE Championship, >> Just think about it Brock Lesnar is used very very little energy in these two guys right here. >> You're right Booker. I mean this this game is all about endurance tonight. Lesnar had 29 others. >> Superstars at this point has already been taken care of two of them >> He making an easy night. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Entry Number four >> Just think about it. Brock Lesnar just had about 20 seconds to rest. >> Next victim, please. And for the second time in his career, it's >> Robert Roode entering the Royal Rumble match. With Robert Roode is a veteran. He's always very confident, very cagey inside the ring. But there's got to be some trepidation in the mind of Robert Roode, realizing when he's about to experience he saw. Getting close to the Falls Count anywhere match earlier tonight between Roman Reigns and pick Corbin and Roode not in a hurry. Theory to make it to the ring, and do you blame him? >> Look, normally you come out number four there's still a lot of action going on in the ring. He's all on his own right now with Brock Lesnar. >> Theory trying to figure out what do I do to To survive at least until the next competitor comes out. Drew ducks underneath, right hand s to Brock, now trying to drive the WWE champion back. Brock quickly kick to the mid section. Grips him into the corner and Robert Roode caught him in the nose. >> Drew trying to rely on his quickness >> What a close [INAUDIBLE]. Wow! >> [NOISE] >> Good rival has to keep these guys real close to the body tonight. My goodness! >> [APPLAUSE] >> Brock Lesnar has been glorious in his own right so far tonight. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Now The Beast just stalking his prey and Robert Root set over the top rope and out of the ring. >> Wow. >> Brock Lesnar has eliminated three men. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And once again, Heyman happy to gloat. >> Hey guys, can you remember the last time something like this happened, where the first entry is still all at number five? >> He never has no precedent. >> And a champion never voluntarily entered much less than number one. >> [SOUND] >> Now entering at number five, the man who returned to Friday Night SmackDown a couple of weeks ago for the first time in eight years, John Morrison. >> This could be very interesting. We always talk about John Morrison and his parkour style, his ability to utilize his environment. Hopefully Morrison has a completely different game plan for Lesnar than anybody we've seen thus far. >> I think the best game plan, right then just to stall, try to wait on somebody else to come out. >> For that point John Morrison has more experience with the rumble matches than the previous three men who tried to get to the ring and face Brocks. This is Morrison seventh rumble of parents. >> Wow! Morrison tried to catch him with a kick. Now, the quickness of Morrison. And Brock Lesnar sends John Morrison over the top rope. >> Four eliminations for The Beast. Nine seconds, John Morrison was in the ring. This has been an incredible I don't know dominating performance so far, for Brock Lesnar. >> Talking about history, this might be the shortest Royal Rumble in the history of Royal Rumble guys. >> You're absolutely right Booker look at this, inhuman power possessed by Lesnar. >> Ain't a parkour, worked out for it. >> Yeah. >> [LAUGH] >> He landed on his face instead, but still a much shorter night than he would've liked for John Morrison. >> I say about all these flippy guys, man, I mean you got a guy like Brock Lesnar who's a ground and pound type of guy. Just take note, that's the guy that's working in the main event every night. >> Paul Heyman very happy with his client. And again, Brock continues to rest. Now we will wait number six. The number six entry in The Royal Rumble. He got 30 seconds of rest right there but 30 seconds. >> [SOUND] >> Well actually about 85 into 90 seconds but on the last. >> Well this is interesting. Kofi Kingstone. And he has a chance now at Retribution because remember, Kofi Kingston lost to Brock Lesnar in about four seconds. Dropping the WWE Championship to him on the debut of Friday night Smackdown on Fox back in October. And Corey, he hasn't had a chance to get back to prime. >> I've been very open and honest he thought, he doubted himself in the past but Kingstone is all business now. >> Kingstone with a kick to the midsection and here comes Kofi Kingston. Kingstone going after The Beast, look at Kofi go. Picked up by Brock and driven into the corner. >> [APPLAUSE] >> This is a history making appearance for Kofi Kingston. He's now tied for second in Royal Rumble history with thirteen appearances. >> We know Kingston has a history of making magic in the Royal Rumble matches. Kingston's gonna need some magic tonight. >> Turn the suplex. >> He's gonna have to disappear. [LAUGH] He gonna needs some help. >> Make himself invincible right but Booker? >> [LAUGH] >> Brock Lesnar just continuing to pummel the competition. >> And that was one of the Kofi learned anything from that last thought by just running in there. Same thing here man. I think a little too overzealous. >> And he did get some shots in on Brock early but Brock Lesnar with a big old smile on his face. Look into to eliminate Kofi Kingston. Number seven entry will get into this match up in five seconds. >> Is Kofi gonna make it to full distance here, or in between? But. >> [SOUND] >> He does. [MUSIC] And number seven, Rey Mysterio, who has his own score to settle with The Beast. >> Flay of history, flay of bad blood between It will be Rey Mysterio and The Beast opponent. >> Rey Mysterio has not forgotten, what Brock Lesnar did to his son Dominic, in a physical abuse that he put Dominic through. And Mysterio now matches to the ring. It will be Kingston Mysterio and Lesnar in the Ramble match. >> Tell right now, Rey Mysterio better be very careful riding in the Brock Lesnar he's not gonna take any pity on him for any reasons in a match like this. >> Rey Mysterio- >> He's going down low to the kneel of Brock Lesnar, but Brock Lesnar just shoves Mysterio away. >> Lesnar has quite simply overwhelmed every superstar that stepped in the ring with him tonight. >> Rey Mysterio the man who won the 2006 Royal Rumble Match. When he entered number two lasted over one hour and two minutes the longest ever and a 30 man Rumble match. >> Guys right now Brock Lesnar is Beast handling two former world's champions at the same time simultaneously. This is unprecedented. This is unbelievable. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Brock Lesnar checked in at number one for a reason, they want to show everybody in the locker room that hey, this is what you gotta deal with. >> Yeah, because he's questioned a lot whether or not he is the fighting champion. Brock Lesnar showing that he is tonight. >> And I think Paul Heyman- >> What a supplex. >> Woods. >> Wow! >> Made a lot of superstars angry that Lesnar didn't feel that anyone was worthy to challenge for his WWE Championship, but to this point, all Lesnar has done is prove Heyman exactly right. >> Two men with a lot of experience in rumble matches in the ring with Lesnar, Kofi and third team is scary at 11, what a German suplex by Lesnar >> [APPLAUSE] >> Brock Lesnar is making this look easy. >> This is an honest question, if Brock Lesnar wins this Royal Rumble Match, does the Beast even bother defending the WWE Championship or WrestleMania? >> Great question, Corey. >> I want to say Brock Lesnar's put himself in a position to write his own ticket by winning the Royal Rumble tonight. >> [SOUND] >> It's a new day, yes it is. >> Well Kofi gets some backup. Big E the near 300 pounder gonna mark to the ring of the seventh rumble appearance. >> I wanna see this. >> Big E and Kofi the current Smackdown Tag Team Champions. Mysterio and Kingston. Big E manages little assistance >> New day team mate. Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio. >> Big E rallying the troops. >> This is great strategy. >> Yeah, three-on-one situation. Normally, it's every man for himself. But you gotta go after The Beast and try to eliminate Lesnar. Kingston, Big E, Mysterio and Brock Lesnar fights out of it. And Brock goes right after Big E. Trouble in Paradise. >> As tough as Brock is that the end game is the three guys against one who always wins? Big E looking for- >> He's gonna do it. >> He got The beast out off his feet. Big E bang headed Lesnar. You can tell Brock is getting a little fatigued right now, guys. >> This area code has changed to 619. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Brock's in trouble. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And look at this now, Mysterio! >> No! >> Eliminated. >> Elimination number five by Lesnar, did you see that athleticism? >> [APPLAUSE] >> Big E eliminated! Number six! >> Unbelievable. >> I don't know what Brock Lesnar found that Dearing but, I sense fatigue but obviously I was wrong. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Brock Lesnar has eliminated six men so far in this Royal Rumble match >> You look at the, The universe everybody is in shock right now >> Keep the tally going. >> And Kingston is eliminated, seven eliminations for Lesnar. >> Good night, Kofi Kingston. >> The record's 13 by Strawman, Lesnar's almost halfway there, he's more than halfway there. >> Brock Lesnar just took on an assault from the reigning Smackdown Tag Team Champions, and Ray Mysterio. [SOUND] This is gonna be interesting. >> And the man who we always say pound for pound is more powerful than anybody in WWE. The Swiss Superman Cesaro, entering at number nine, heads into the ring to square off with Brock Lesnar. Cesaro trying to do what no one else has been able to, eliminate the WWE Champion. >> Uppercuts- >> See that the knee right there right to the solar plexus. >> And Lesner now, what a suplex to Cesaro. Cesaro back to his feet and Cesaro eliminated! >> Man that knee was debilitating, man. You get caught right there it just take everything out of you. >> Brock Lesnar has been in this match over 13 minutes and he has eliminated every single man who has entered. Eight eliminations for the beast. >> Cesaro connected flush with about a dozen upper cuts. [APPLAUSE] >> And Lesnar just ate each one, smiled, and kneed Cesaro in the liver. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And again, a rest period for Brock Lesnar. >> We've said for years and years anything can happen in WWE, but I never in a million years imagined that this would be a true possibility. It's one thing to have bravado, it's one thing for Paul Heyman to make a ridiculous claim. >> We are watching something we've never seen happen before. >> Cory, 33 Rumbles, this has never happened. [SOUND] Entering at number 10 Shelton Benjamin. This is really interesting, the former college teammate at the University of Minnesota. Longtime friends, longtime training partners, Shelton Benjamin and Brock Lesnar. >> Feel a little bad for Shelton in this position right here right now. Yeah, but he's a veteran, Booker, ten Royal Rumble appearances. Certainly a healthy level of respect between these two athletes, but I got sort of a stupid question. Does Brock take it a little easy on Shelton? >> No. >> And if Shelton expects Brock to take it anything less than 100%- >> I am so happy to see you. I want you to reunite with Brock Lesnar. >> Heymann invited Shelton in for a hug, now he can stab him in the back. >> Don't fall for that Shelton. >> [LAUGH] >> [APPLAUSE] >> Former college teammates reunited here tonight. [APPLAUSE] >> Did Lesnar find an ally? This isn't a bad decision by Brock. [APPLAUSE] >> As they await now, entry number 11 into the Royal Rumble match and Brock Lesnar with a German supplex to Benjamin. Brock Lesnar, turning on his friend, and he eliminates Benjamin, the ninth elimination of this match. >> Lesnar. >> And Lesnar is laughing about it. >> How gullible could Shelton be? This is about business, man, this is about the Royal Rumble. It's about winning and going to Wrestlemania. >> Benjamin probably was going to trust >> Listen, I wouldn't have blamed Brock for taking an ally for a few minutes. Obviously I didn't expect it to last very long. >> You ain't cheating, you ain't trying. I understand what Brock did but Shelton for God's sake [MUSIC] >> The intercontinental champion, and the man who won the Royal Rumble two years ago, 2018. [MUSIC] >> Don't forget the great liberator, Cole, Sammy Zayn! >> Yeah, Sammy Zayn. >> [APPLAUSE] [MUSIC] >> Cheering Shinsuke Nakamura on as he makes his way to the ring to take on Brock Lesnar. >> If you see what Sammy Zayn is doing right now, straight to the back, because he knows exactly what's gonna happen to Shinsuke. >> Nakamura and Brock Lesnar both decorated champions in Japan as Brock Lesnar missed with the right hand, and now Shinsuke Nakamura, the king of strong style, trying to take it to the WWE champion. Missed wildly, kick that caught him on the other side. >> Right on the temple. >> Lesnar's down. >> Right on that temple, that temple shot right there is very deep. >> Nakamura come [CROSSTALK] >> And Nakamura's eliminated. Brock Lesnar has eliminated ten men. >> [SOUND] >> Remember the record is 13 by Brawn Strowman in the greatest Royal Rumble. Roman Reigns once eliminated 12 but no man in history has eliminated 10 straight opponents in the Royal Rumble match. >> Also can't forget, Collin the greatest Royal Rumble there were 50 competitors. >> And Shinsuke Nakamura had knocked Brock Lesnar down with the kick. But Brock Lesnar was able to eliminate Shinsuke as we await number 12. >> Lesnar now with some very valuable time on his hands, able to rest slightly. Prepare for whatever's next. [MUSIC] >> This is a surprise, what? MVP, a former United States champion, a former tag team champion. >> How does Lesnar prepare for something we haven't seen in WWE in years? >> I talk to MVP all the time, this guy has got a lot of unfinished business here in the WWE. >> He can make a name for himself again rather quickly if he can eliminate Brock Lesnar in the Royal Rumble match [MUSIC] >> Lesnar is dancing, the WWE Champion is dancing. >> Why shouldn't he be happy? He's eliminated ten men. >> MVP, he looks like he's just came from Wakanda. >> Where you going? Come back here, come back here. >> MVP taking his time getting in the ring. And that's very wise, very wise. >> And now chasing Heyman. >> Uh-oh, Brock Lesnar's going to bring MVP in to the Royal Rumble match himself. Wait a minute, MVP. >> How about a veteran, that's MVP, and like I said, guy that's got a whole lot to prove here to get to get Brock Lesnar somehow that top rope, he'll do it. >> Brock, you mentioned Wakanda. Does that make Brock Lesnar Thanos? F5 by Lesnar. >> You might be right. >> MVP's return may be short lived. Sent over the top rope, hits the floor. 11 eliminations. Every single man that has followed Brock Lesnar into the Royal Rumble match tonight has been eliminated by the WWE Champion. >> Guess the vibranium didn't work out. >> Number 13. [SOUND] Yeah. >> Yes! >> Yeah. The new North American champion from NXT limitless Keith Lee. >> I can assure you Brock Lesnar has never encountered an athlete quite like Keith Lee, the man who went toe to toe with Roman reigns in an incredible Survivor Series. He makes his first Rumble match appearance tonight. Keith Lee is a very, very unusual blend of size, speed, agility and attitude. >> Yes indeed, big man, very agile, mobile, versatile. Can do anything with inside the squared circle. >> In baseball you'd call Keith Lee a five tool player. Keith Lee has it all. And he's gonna go toe to toe with The Beast. >> I call him the cleanup man. >> [APPLAUSE] >> We hear the Rumble at Minute Maid Park. >> Lesnar almost looks surprised at the size of Lee. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Lee did not look intimidated in the least, but Lesnar on the attack first. >> And in this case a little bit of intimidation would serve Keith well. >> Keith Lee with a shoulder tackle, now Brock goes down. Wow! >> Keith Lee just buried Lesnar and Brock with a look of shock on his face. Lee now a splash to the corner. >> Whoa, look at that move right there. >> The athleticism of Lee. The southpaw with the left hand. Lesnar stunned, Lesnar's in trouble. >> Brock's dazed right now, he's definitely- >> Both men are down in the middle of the ring. What a collision between these two behemoths. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And we now await the next entry, number 14 on the way. >> [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> The monster among men, Braun Strowman. Three huge men will be in the ring at the same time. Lesnar has been in this batch over 20 minutes, perhaps fatigue could be setting in. >> If Brock's going out, Brock's going out now. >> The man who won the 2018 greatest Royal Rumble, eliminated 13 men that night. And Braun Strowman, the monster among men. With a great drop kick. Lee went under the bottom rope, still in the match. You gotta go over the top rope with both feet hitting the floor. >> He's realizing that what is it like right now to be in here with the big guys, the big guns. >> Why is Strowman leaving the ring? >> Because he can do that. >> But why is the name of the game is to get everyone in the ring out of the ring. >> Strowman back in the ring Lesnar back to his feet, Brock follows it up with a clothesline. >> Strowman is like a loose cannon right there he just just mowing down everything in front of him >> History between these two men as well, Strowman just eyeing Brock Lesnar. Will Strowman be the man to eliminate Brock Lesnar from the Royal Rumble match Brock though, from behind, looking for a German suplex. >> Man. >> To thel monster. And now to Keith Lee, are you kidding me? >> Keith Lee dumped on the back of his neck and another for Braun Strowman. >> This is an incredible performance. Perhaps one of the greatest if not the greatest in the history of the Royal Rumble Match. >> I gotta agree. I don't know how you can disagree with that Cole. Not only because of the eliminations that Brock Lesnar has procured to this point, but the pure dominance. Lesnar has annihilated every man that's stepped in front of him tonight. >> He's been absolutely awesome in this match, has Brock Lesnar. Strowman back to his feet, Lee back to his feet as well. Brock Lesnar- >> [APPLAUSE] >> Always wondered what would happen what it would be like if these two big men squared off. Strowman and Keith Lee exchanging blows. And now Brock Lesnar from behind, takes advantage. Eliminates two more men! 13 eliminations for Brock Lesnar, he's tied the Rumble record. >> Opportunity knocks, man, Brock Lesnar's on it. You gotta love it. We always talk about strategy, but Brock's just throwing everything under the window right now. >> [SOUND] >> That was opportunity right there. Lesnar saw an opportunity and capitalized. >> And the one and only Ricochet, from Monday Night Raw, enters at number 15, we are halfway through this year's Rumble Match. This is Ricochet's first ever Rumble Match appearance. And remember what Brock Lesnar did to Ricochet this past Monday night on Raw. Took him out, he kicked a low blow. >> [LAUGH] >> Lesnar catches Ricochet. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Brock Lesnar- >> Backbreaker delivered, stopped any chance Ricochet had of starting with momentum. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Is Brock getting a bit winded? Halfway through the Rumble match here and he entered it number one. >> There is no way Brock can't be getting tired right now. We wonder if Ricochet may have come in at the right time. Maybe he thought Brock Lesnar at that moment. >> Well Brock, one of the most well conditioned athletes in the history of WWE, the history of combat sports for that matter. As he delivers another German suplex, this one to Ricochet. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And The Beast is grinning. >> I don't wanna hear anybody say anything about Brock Lesnar not defending titles. Not spending any time, not wrestling when he needs to wrestle. This has been an incredible performance by Brock Lesnar, a career defining performance here tonight. >> And you're talking about the greatest combat sports athlete in history. NCAA champion, UFC heavy weight Champion, multiple time WWE Champion and Universal Champion. >> Number 16, Drew McIntyre. I would add soon to be Royal Rumble winner, but you got McIntyre staring a hole through the WWE champ, right now. >> McIntyre last year entered at the same spot, number 16. He lasted over 20 minutes and came close to winning the event. McIntyre now locked eyes with Brock Lesnar. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And Ricochet with a low blow to Lesnar. Claymore Kick! Lesnar eliminated! >> Whoa! >> McIntyre eliminates Lesnar! >> [APPLAUSE] >> Brock Lesnar lasted 26 minutes, 23 seconds. But he was eliminated by a low blow by Ricochet. Payback for Monday night. >> Wow. >> And then McIntyre with a Claymore. Heyman's in disbelief. >> [APPLAUSE] >> A little teamwork, chalk up the assist to Ricochet. But boom, Claymore knocks the WWE champion to the floor. This place is still in disbelief. >> But an incredible performance, a record time performance by Lesnar. He eliminated 13 men tonight, tying the Royal Rumble record. Entered at number one, lasted 26 minutes 23 seconds. Meanwhile Ricochet turns his attention to McIntyre. These two men now, the only men remaining in this part of the Royal Rumble match as we await number 17. >> Wait, wait, look at this power from Drew McIntyre. McIntyre eliminates Ricochet! >> Let me tell you guys, a lot of the smart money was on Brock Lesnar, but Drew McIntyre, not too far behind it. Nine to two odds, I will take a day at the end of the week. >> Look at this, this is horrifying strength from McIntyre just throwing Ricochet nearly into the front row. And McIntyre returns the stare at a fallen WWE champion. And think about this, 15 men have been eliminated in this match by two individuals, Lesnar and McIntyre. >> McIntyre just gonna pick up what Brock Lesnar left off. >> At number 17 is The Miz, a veteran of the Royal Rumble Match. Making his 12th Rumble appearance here tonight >> I'll tell you right now Coe, Drew Mclntyre had better get over the fact that he just eliminated Lesnar. McIntyre needs to focus on the guys who are still in this match, such as The Miz. >> McIntyre has not taken his eyes off The Beast. And Miz now, trying to sneak in from behind, trying to go after McIntyre. But McIntyre felt him coming. Miz, the wily veteran, a former, WWE Champion in his own right. What a kip up by the tremendously athletic Drew McIntyre, who still will not take his eyes off the champion Lesnar. >> Drew McIntyre said he was gonna main event WrestleMania. I think he meant it. >> Two, one. [NOISE] >> And now Mclntyre going to eliminate the third individual, here tonight, Mclntyre three eliminations. Lesnar, 13 eliminations as we await number 18. >> Drew Mclntyre once again staring a hole through The Beast. >> [NOISE] >> Drew Mclntyre has never had a WWE or universal championship opportunity in his long WWE career >> Well, he better win tonight then. >> Trust me, you think about all the guys who came before you, Drew Mclntyre is focused. He's ready. >> As Lesnar exits the arena. McIntyre is alone in the ring awaiting number 18. In ten seconds of the 2020 Royal Rumble Match. >> Three, two, one. [SOUND] [MUSIC] [APPLAUSE] >> The phenomenal AJ Styles, who's had some issues with Drew McIntyre. Remember AJ Styles provided us with one of the great Royal Rumble match moments back in 2016 when he appeared on the scene here, Corey, at WWE. >> Now there's no time to focus on history. The phenomenal one would love to step to the top of the mountain once again at WrestleMania, but AJ's path tonight runs through a very ready, motivated, Drew McIntyre. >> As well as it's not about a wrestling match tonight, it's about getting that man over the top rope, it's about winning and I think that's what Drew McIntyre is thinking right now. >> AJ Styles who had company, The OC, messing up a great match between Orton and McIntyre this past Monday night. AJ Styles now goes right after Drew McIntyre, and McIntyre sends Styles into the corner. Styles will sidestep Drew. Watch out for the apron, AJ in trouble. >> Wow, great bounce. >> [INAUDIBLE] forearm now looking perhaps for the phenomenal forearm. >> [NOISE] >> McIntrye ducks underneath it. >> Smart move kicking out the legs. Kick to the hamstring of the much larger McIntrye. >> McIntyre though with a shoulder tackle. >> McIntyre trying to shake off the pain from those strong kicks from Styles. Look at this. >> Wow. >> The power of McIntyre, but a well placed knee by AJ Styles. >> AJ could be looking for the calf crusher submission, but I don't know how well that's gonna serve him in this particular type of match up. >> Take McIntyre off his feet, prevent the claymore perhaps. >> If you got to slow the big man down, you got to slow him down somehow. >> And look at, my God, and there slamming Styles into the mat face first. Number 19 now is Dolph Ziggler. >> [MUSIC] >> And for Dolph Ziggler in historic night as well he ties Kofi Kingston, with his 13th Rumble match your appearance. Number two all time. Cain of course with 17 most prolific Rumble match performer. >> But as we saw with Brock Lesnar, the more competitors are in the ring, the harder it is to dominate. McIntyre now has to worry about Ziggler and Styles at once. >> [CROSSTALK] >> Come on. Styles to the back of the knee of McIntyre. >> Again, normally every man for himself. But sometimes it pays off to have some temporary alliances. >> Well the love affair is over, man, Ziggler and McIntyre [INAUDIBLE] what. Did you see that. >> Now Ziggler with cheap shot to Styles. Ziggler who got involved in the false coming into a match earlier here tonight with Corbin and Reigns, and now McIntyre backed off into the corner, and what a throw by McIntyre. >> That was outrageous distance, about three corners of the way across the ring. That is just a glimpse of what McIntyre is capable of. >> [SOUND] >> Wow. Wow. >> You look at Mclyntre is in great shape. I mean, I haven't seen him look better and right now he's just taken over. >> [SOUND] >> Wow. >> Number twenty, two thirds of the way through the Rumble upcoming. >> Three, two, one. >> Look at this. >> Styles tryna hang on. Styles tryna hang on, and he's gonna have some help. Karl Anderson, of the OC, Styles' friend, heading to the ring. >> Draw couldn't have been any luckier for AJ Styles. Styles is [CROSSTALK] >> Styles [CROSSTALK] jumped up to the second rope, lands on the apron. Style, though, still on the apron of the ring as Anderson was able to get to McIntyre to help Styles stay involved in this match. >> [NOISE] Now it's gonna be a who's who, it's getting a little bit more crowded in there. Don't know who's gonna win now. >> [NOISE] >> McIntyre, if you ask him will tell- >> Dolph with a super kick. >> Beautiful, talk about alliances. >> This is a smart alliance you wanna eliminate the biggest man in the matchup which is McIntyre. There he goes. >> Trying to eliminate McIntyre now Anderson now AJ Styles and Ziggler all trying to eliminate Drew McIntyre. But well Styles when right after Ziggler. That was odd. And now into Anderson and Anderson with a spine buster. >> This Is where egos can be detrimental in a matchup like this. >> [NOISE] >> All alliances are found to be temporary in a Royal rumble match. But look at this Dolph Ziggler now in danger of being eliminated. >> When you form an alliance, you looking over your back, and you still got one eye over your shoulder. >> [NOISE] >> And now, my God, Dolph hanging on. Dolph hanging on. Both feet did not hit the floor. And now Anderson with a kick right to the face. Carl Anderson trying to eliminate Ziggler from this Rumble match. And in ten seconds, entry number 21 in the Royal Rumble. >> Four. >> Dolph back into the ring. Styles, as well. >> Who is it gonna be. >> [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> No, no way. >> My. >> You gotta be kidding me. >> The rated R superstar. [MUSIC] Edge is there. [MUSIC] [MUSIC] [APPLAUSE] >> It's been nine long years. Edge, who retired in 2011. >> [APPLAUSE] >> After triple-fusion neck surgery. Edge is back. >> He shouldn't be in there. >> With a spear. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Edge with a spear. >> [APPLAUSE] >> How long did you say Corey. Nine years, Edge looks great. >> McIntyre bounced off the knee of Edge and Edge now in position again for a. Speared McIntyre! >> [APPLAUSE] >> Now this is a Royal Rumble moment! >> [NOISE] >> The man who won the 2010 Royal Rumble match! >> You could see it in Edge's eyes, the moment just got very real. >> Styles! >> Man, the paylay kick. >> Right on the neck. >> Drops Edge to his feet. >> AJ not here for any nostalgia tonight! >> Spear by Edge! A spear fist at the rumble! >> [APPLAUSE] >> Opportunity is the name of the game, you are looking at The Ultimate Opportunist. >> What a moment, guys, what a moment here in the rumble. >> An 11-time world champion, a former king of the ring, the first ever Money in the Bank Ladder Match winner. >> I didn't think that he'll make it back. King Corbin is back! >> Thank goodness. The King who lost the false count anywhere matchup but a brutal match earlier tonight with Roman Reigns. >> We all just had our feel good moment. Now it's time for the winner to arrive. >> Number 22, King Corbin, and he goes right after Edge in the corner. And he's got Dolph Ziggler, one of his buddies in the ring to help him out. >> I like everything about King Corbin. >> You are the only one, and here is Corbin now. And a backbreaker choke slam, as the knee is driven to the spine of Anderson. >> This is an inspiring performance by King Corbin. >> Wait, what are you talking about, inspiring performance? Brock Lesnar lasted 26 minutes, 23 seconds, and eliminated 13 people. >> King Corbin was assaulted by Roman Reigns earlier tonight and still had the guts, the bravery to come out here and attempt to lead WWE to WrestleMania. >> And now McIntyre, McIntyre trying to eliminate Dolph Ziggler. McIntyre looking for his fourth elimination of the night. >> Ziggler hanging on for dear life right now but King Corbin saving his buddy. He is the benevolent King. >> [NOISE] >> AJ Styles sent over the top rope, AJ eliminated! AJ was eliminated by Edge! >> [APPLAUSE] >> Did not expect that. I mean, a lot of good money was on AJ to win this thing. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Right now, Edge's back into the corner, surveying the scene. >> Number 23 will be on his way. >> [NOISE] [SOUND] >> [LAUGH] From NXT Wednesday nights on the USA network. Making his first rumble appearance, Matt Riddle. >> The original bro has arrived. >> That'll be the original bro, I mean, but he [LAUGH] >> He's the modern day original. He's got a team in the bruiser weights with Pete Dunne in battle in the Dusty Cup final on NXT this Wednesday night. >> Don't be fooled by Riddle's laid back demeanor. Riddle in no particular hurry to join the fray. This is a dangerous, dangerous man, mixed martial arts background. >> And he loves to wrestle in bare feet. And King Corbin now, King Corbin on the receiving end of one of these bare feet. >> And Riddle to McIntyre. And now to Anderson and Matt Riddle, making his presence felt here tonight. >> Been a great night for NXT, you saw Bianca Belair's performance in the women's rumble earlier on. >> [APPLAUSE] >> And now Edge goes after Riddle and Riddle now. >> Wow. >> Record knee. >> You said it's not about the nostalgia tonight with these guys. I mean, Edge has got a problem right now. >> No time for nostalgia if you're Matt Riddle, trying to make a name for years. Corbin eliminates Riddle. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Messing around playing games. >> King Corbin eliminating Matt Riddle. Riddle understandably disappointed but such is life in WWE. This is the Royal Rumble, WrestleMania is on the line. Number 24 about to come in the match. [SOUND] And now Karl Anderson has a buddy, Luke Gallows. >> Look, look, look, if you have any doubts, that's what you call a power walk right there, it's got a serious guy, isn't it? >> Luke Gallows will join Paul Anderson out. And we saw AJ Styles eliminated several moments ago, but this is one of the most dominant tactics WWE has seen in quite some time. And Gallows with a big booth. >> No one is happier to see big Luke Gallows than Karl Anderson. >> When you think about it, it's almost been a tale of two Royal Rumble matches tonight. The first was Brock Lesnar eliminating 13 people and now the ring is beginning to fill up with superstars. >> And these are elite level superstars. You got a WWE Hall of Famer in there, you go the King of the Ring. >> And look at that. >> Wow. >> Deep Six delivered to Edge by King Corbin. Gallows trying to eliminate Dolph Ziggler over the top. >> Uh-oh, uh-oh. >> Ziggler survives again. >> Wait, McIntyre, no. >> King Corbin eliminated by, is that McIntyre who eliminated? >> That was Drew McIntyre. >> Elimination number four by McIntyre, the King's out. Humpty Dumpty the king's down. >> How dare you make such a reference but right now Anderson and Gallows good brothers putting a beat down on McIntyre. Do we have to watch this again? Drew McIntyre unceremoniously eliminating King Corbin. >> Everyone in the kingdom celebrating tonight. And now, there it is! Magic killer by the OC. >> I tell you, Edge is taking a beating right now. I mean, the decision to come back at the Royal Rumble, I don't know if it was a good one. >> Well, 25, number 25, will be heading to the ring. [SOUND] [MUSIC] Here's someone the OC can't be too happy about seeing. You don't want to get on the wrong side of the Piper. >> Randy Orton, one of the very few men who have won multiple awards Royal Rumble matches, 2009 and 2017. Orton entering his twelfth Rumble Match tonight. >> This past week on RAW, Orton had a run-in with all three members of the OC, KO, RKO! >> [NOISE] >> Look at this, rated RKO, Orton and Edge eliminating the OC. >> [NOISE] >> Former tag team champions. >> Temporary reunion, together again as entry number 26 is on the way. [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> Here comes the big dog who won the falls count anywhere match earlier tonight. [MUSIC] At entry number 26 which is the latest entry slot not to produce a Royal Rumble winner over the years. >> It's a great slot to be chosen because let's be totally honest here. The big dog is banged up. Roman Reigns is beat up. He is hurt. He went through help earlier tonight. >> Let me tell you something hurt every night a guy like Roman Reigns, he realms a moment like this. This is the Royal. Royal Rumble in the- >> Spear. >> That means I'm going to WrestleMania. 2015, Roman reigns won the Royal Rumble match. Now he eliminated Ziegler. 2014 Reigns dunked 12 men over the top rope. And now takes the fight to McIntyre. Will Drew McIntyre be the next one. >> I do not know Smart Money is on both of these guys right here. Brock Lesnar is number one. Number two was Drew Mclyntre and number three was Roman Reigns. >> Look at this relentless assault now. >> Chip shot by McIntyre to Reigns in the corner. Roman Reigns just walked out of the corner after that shot. >> Reigns just shrugged off. A hallecious knife edge chop. Reigns has since won a Rumble. He's also been runner up three times. Great performer in the Rumble. [MUSIC] [APPLAUSE] >> Number 27. The Slack goes to K O. Kevin Owens. Who's been in a miserable mood as of late on Monday night Raw. And number 27 is where more winners have come in a Royal Rumble match than any other number. >> And Owens, driving McIntyre back into the corner. Now goes right after Randy Orton. >> Owens unleashing all of his recent frustrations. No shortage of opponents to do it to. Clear the deck, cannon ball coming through. >> And Owens a Loves Houston, Texas. He won his only universal championship here a few years ago. >> Talk about got a need to win to a big a win like this. That's Kevin Owens- >> Powerbomb. And now Owens kick right to the face of Reigns. >> Here goes Reigns. >> Wait for the pop up powerbomb. Reigns [INAUDIBLE] leapfrog. Stunner. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Wow. >> Whoa, keep your eyes on the Apex Predator. Orton stalking Kevin Owens. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Owens now, a stunner to Orton. Bringing back memories of the Rumbles only three-time winner, Stone Cold Steve Austin. >> Kevin Owens looking to eliminate Edge. Spoil the return of the rated R superstar. Edge is in trouble. >> Edge is got to get heavy right here, got to make his body a little bit heavy. >> Number 28 now he's gonna make his way to the ring from Monday Night Raw. [MUSIC] Aleister Black [MUSIC] >> The Royal Rumble environment could be great for Aleister Black. A very proficient striker can turn the lights out with one kick. >> Black goes right after Kevin Owens. Big Shot by Owens. >> Black now off the second rope will land on his feet. >> [SOUND] >> With the unorthodox style of Aleister Black now. Edge from behind. >> Standing switch by Alistair black. Here comes Edge. >> [SOUND] >> And ran right into it. >> Big knee edge drop McIntyre from behind. You will never see Aleister Black in a match like this was so many guys out there. >> Mclyntre with a Glasgow kiss right to the face of Black. >> [SOUND] >> [NOISE] >> He runs right into it. >> Fade to black. >> Educated beat man. >> McIntyre dropped. Everyone's down except for Black. >> [SOUND] >> Take a look at this. >> Bang. >> Such precision, such impact and so sudden. >> McIntyre's lights are still out. Randy Orton had rolled to the outside underneath the bottom row key and edge both still active participants in this matchup. Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens doing battle, and someone else is about to join the fray. >> Number 29. >> Wow. >> [SOUND] >> We're almost there guys. [MUSIC] >> [LAUGH] I love it. Samoa Joe. [MUSIC] Had a great Rumble last year, lasted nearly a half an hour. >> Booker T at number 29. How on earth do you better get Samoa Joe. >> Man, I mean you can. I mean Samoa Joe. That's another guy that just looking for that one big breakout moment. This could be it, the Royal Rumble. >> Of course he has formed this alliance with Kevin Owens on Monday Night Raw, Reigns and Orton now in the corner, Samoa Joe looking to eliminate, and wipe everybody out. >> Yeah, but Samoa Joe nor Kevin Owens are gonna help the other get to WrestleMania tonight. This is about the Royal Rumble and a title opportunity. >> Joe sidestep runs into an elbow by Black. There is the big step up kick by Joe. >> Now meanwhile on the other side, you see Drew McIntyre trying to eliminate Orton. Orton now lands back on his feet. Now, Owen with poke of the eyes. Cannonball in the corner. >> Kevin Owens sacrificing his own body to injure his opponents. >> [NOISE] >> Edge still in the match. >> Hang on. >> So much for those alliances you had said earlier Cory. >> Joe and Kevin Owen going out at the center of the ring. And KO. >> Wow. >> Inverted atomic drop by Samoa Joe. Number 30 is coming, the last entry in the 2020 Royal Rumble. >> [SOUND] [MUSIC] >> Is it too late to change my pick. [MUSIC] Well, last year's Royal Rumble winner Seth Rollins is flanked by his new team. The Monday Night Messiah has Buddy Murphy and AOP Walking out to the ring with him. >> This is as close to bulletproof as a competitor can possibly be. Last year, Rollins won this very match all on his own. Now the Monday Night Messiah has returned to claim what's his. >> He's already the Raw tag team champion with Buddy Murphy after a shocking victory this past Monday night. >> It's only shocking if you don't understand how amazing the Messiah can be. >> Say what you wanna say about Seth Rollins. He got back up but he do not mind getting into a fight. >> Edge, Owen, Kevin Owens went underneath the power up so they are still in this matchup. Then they go right after AOP. Buddy Murphy and Seth Rollins and the chaos of the brawl is on. This has been brewing weeks and weeks and weeks on Monday Night Raw. >> All coming to a head here tonight in Houston. We got pandemonium at ringside and look at Seth Rollins. There will be no more entry entries into this matchup. Seth Rollins was number 30. Now they drag edge under the bottom rope. Edge is still in the match [INAUDIBLE] through the barricade. >> Orton is still in the match as well. AOP having a way with Orton. And AOP, Murphy and Rollins over everyone. >> [CROSSTALK] >> Randy Orton just eliminated for the moment, courtesy of AOP. Stop the Drew McIntyre in the middle of the ring. >> Randy Orton placed right into my lap here at ring side. But Randy Orton is still in this match ladies and gentlemen. >> Not eliminated literally from the match but from the equation at the moment. >> Exactly. Orton is still in this match. Booker is checking on Randy to make sure he's okay, Randy came flying across our announce table. >> [CROSSTALK]. Rollins with a Stomp in the middle of the ring. >> The Big Dog has been stomped, by his once upon a time brother, Seth Rollins. >> [NOISE] >> Aleister Black now. >> [NOISE] >> Been trying to restore some more to the outside. Orton could be hurt bad, guys. But the fact remains, Rollins continues to dominate but Aleister lands a high kick. >> [NOISE] >> Buddy Murphy once again. >> Paying dividends. >> Well, and remember all this is legal because there is no disqualification in a Royal Rumble match. Eliminated is Black now by Rollins. >> You guys are all right after all that. >> Yeah. >> Seth Rollins can taste victory, can taste another wrestle- >> Stunner. >> Another WrestleMania headline. >> Can you imagine if Owens eliminates Rollins, caught by AOP. >> Wow. >> Rollins feet did not hit the floor. >> Wow. >> Rollins is still in this matchup. >> Yeah. But that's the best insurance policy I had ever seen. Hey, come and raise >> And there goes Rollins. >> Wow. Spun a 180 by Rollins thanks to the help of AOP. >> Oh,night, night says >> Coquina Clutch. >> In the middle of the ring right now. >> And Bobby come on now this is ridiculous. >> Seth Rollins tag team championship partner tag by Joe Wallace from behind eliminates Joe. Owens and Joe eliminated by Rollins. McIntyre, Rollins, Reigns and now Samoa Joe gonna take out his anger on Buddy Murphy. And AOP and Aleister Black's in the mix and Buddy Murphy, and Owens is back! And there is a brawl at ringside again! >> It has broken down, six competitors all trying to destroy one another! >> Well somebody better to get some security around here or officials or somebody to separate these guys. >> Owens Black, Samoa Joe, all eliminated from the rumble match, none of the other guys were even involved, Rollins is going where are you going guys? He's losing all his allies. >> Yeah, his insurance policy just checked out AOP and buddy Murphy who's helped Rollins eliminated. Some men in this matchup including Owens and Joe, Edge slowly making his way back into the ring. Randy Orton as well is not eliminated, Randy Orton is still in this match. Edge, McIntyre, Orton, Reigns, Rollins is in the middle. And the Monday night Messiah may need a prayer right now. Rollin saying hey Roman remember our days in the shield. [NOISE] Superman punch, got your answer Seth. What a power slam by Orton. >> Right now the Monday night Messiah is dinner in a den of hungry wolves. >> It's called a moment right here, Corey. >> Claymore! >> It's called a claymore kick book. >> And Seth Rollins dumped over the top rope, that is the fifth elimination by Drew McIntyre, we are now down to the final four men for the 2020 Royal Rumble. Randy Orton, a two-time winner, Roman Reigns who's won this event, Edge who's won this event, and returns here tonight, and Drew McIntyre, all four square off for an opportunity to main event Wrestlemania! >> McIntyre promised that he was gonna go to WrestleMania main event. That event so you gotta wonder right at RKO plotting some strategy we seen them work together earlier tonight to say now they go off the Reins and Drew McIntyre >> Better the devil you know than the one that you don't. [NOISE] >> Edge into the corner. McIntyre hammering away on the Hall of Famer. Roman Reigns sent to the post shoulder first. >> Backbreaker from Orton. The Big Dog is down. >> Now from behind, goes after McIntyre. This is awesome. [APPLAUSE] >> One thing about Randy Orton, Randy Orton he may not have one strategy but he knows how to win more important than anything. >> This is awesome. >> RKO by Orton. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Much like what happened Monday Night on Raw. >> [APPLAUSE] Come on, come on. Edge ready for McIntyre, there's a spear by Edge [APPLAUSE] >> For Edge and Orton, you get rid of McIntyre, get rid of the Reigns and bring it down to just you two. >> Double RKO. >> That had to take everything out of Drew Mclntyre. >> I still can't believe that we are seeing Edge in this Royal Rumble match tonight. And as one of the final four men? >> Don't trust a snake. [SOUND] And there is Edge. Edge elimination. >> Strike the viper before he strikes you. >> [INAUDIBLE] Two more. [CROSSTALK] >> Well, now we are down to three [CROSSTALK] Orton's [NOISE] >> Orton is frustrated because he should have known better. >> I mean he fell for the oldest trick in the book. >> Reigns, Egde and Maclntyre all that remain. >> One of these three men is going to main event WrestleMania >> [APPLAUSE] >> This is one of those matches you play on 2K to make up a fantasy match Reigns vs Edge. You get to see it here tonight live at the Royal Rumble >> There is no way in the world, I thought I would see this >> Look at Edge and Reigns unloading blows on each other. And a big right hand. >> Big uppercut >> Superman punch. The simple deal right here is nine years removed, some new game. >> And there is a dog running the yard. Trying to pull himself back to his feet Roman Reigns is in position and ready. Went for the spear, Edge able to reflex. >> Wow. >> Spear of his own. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Will Edge do it? Is Edge gonna eliminate Roman Reigns? Roman over the top rope, just hangs on. >> Wow. >> Reigns Just keep the pressure on and keep the pressure on, Reigns just gotta get back in the ring Edge now caught a big kick to the midsection by Roman Reigns, Reigns now struggling to get over the top rope. Into the top rope, Edge in trouble, is Edge gonna be able to survive? Roman Reigns gonna eliminate Edge, both men now on the apron. >> Both men battling exhaustion this deep into a match-up, Reigns already competed once tonight. >> Critical moment here, Reigns and Edge exchanging blows out on the apron, which one of these men is gonna teeter, which one of these men is gonna fall to the floor below and be eliminated? >> Egde just hanging on barely eliminated by Roman Reigns >> Wow we are down to two, Edge lasted 25 minutes in this matchup. Roman Reigns with a right hand to McIntyre, with a superman punch he connected, McIntyre down to one knee, down to two men, the final men of the rumble. >> Here we go. >> Roman Reigns is gonna eliminate Drew McIntyre win a second Rumble. Very few men have won more than one Roman Reigns looking at joining the elite here tonight. >> Wow, there's a lot of power but claymore, claymore! Claymore by McIntyre, McIntyre. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Drew McIntyre is going to WrestleMania. >> [APPLAUSE] >> Here is your winner, Drew McIntyre. >> [APPLAUSE] >> All I can say is Is about damn time. >> Drew McIntyre has never had an opportunity at a WWE or universal championship. He's going to get his chance after winning the Royal Rumble! >> And there's a standing ovation at Minute Maid Park and deservedly so, over 40,000 fans standing in appreciation for Drew MacIntyre, what an effort! [MUSIC] >> For the first time ever, Drew McIntyre wins the Royal Rumble. But it was really as I mentioned before a story of two Royal Rumble matches tonight. Brock Lesnar the WWE champion entered at number one. Lesnar had eliminated 13 before Ricochet and then McIntyre would take out the beast. >> And this seemed to propel Drew McIntyre's momentum that he would hold on to throughout the night in the closing moments, just when it looked like the big dog was headed to WrestleMania, a claymore to the chin of Roman Reigns. And Drew McIntyre has finally earned, the opportunity that has eluded him for 13 years, an opportunity to become champion at WrestleMania. >> A few short years ago you never ever would believe that Drew McIntyre would be made a bet in WrestleMania. >> That is where it's Drew MacIntyre is headed to WrestleMania, a man who was ones fired from WWE and he fought hard to get back in this company, to get back to WWE and now Drew McIntyre is on top of the mountain.
Channel: WWE
Views: 53,035,983
Rating: 4.7445445 out of 5
Keywords: wwe, world wrestling entertainment, wrestling, wrestler, wrestle, superstars, कुश्ती, पहलवान, डब्लू डब्लू ई, मैच, सुपरस्टार, व्यावसायिक कुश्ती, مصارعه, wwe 2021, Royal Rumble, Brock Lesnar, Elias, Erick Rowan, Robert Roode, John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Rey Mysterio, Big E, Cesaro, Shelton Benjamin, wwe royal rumble, royal rumble 2020, mens royal rumble
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 23sec (3983 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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