MANNY KHOSHBIN GARAGE TOUR! New Speedtail, Chiron, Ford GT and More

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hi guys i'm schmee hello and welcome back to the channel where you join me in california on the wares shmee u.s edition tour today to visit the fantastic garage of my friend manny koshman today we're going to have a bit of an update because manny has been on a bit of a shopping spree some new cars to take a look at since i last came to visit including the bugatti chiron by ms the mclaren speak tale by ms as well the bugatti veyron in the cream and blue the heritage edition for gt and more all in this spectacular garage which has also had a few updates itself so let's head find manny and go take a look around the cars the first thing that i have to show you is the new entrance way into the garage which feels like being in a spaceship a porthole through to the slr but if we come on through the doors will open and we can be greeted by this garage manny how are you good to see you awesome well welcome back to my garage it's been a while it has it's been about a year and a half yes but the collection has expanded yeah congratulations a handful of cars you haven't seen some fun come on in and congratulations also on a million subscribers to your channel thank you thank you well i'm just following you you're doing an amazing job sharing sharing the passion for the cars we're surrounded by all of your slr's here i actually drove one recently oh really how do you like it i didn't realize how comfortable and almost dailable yeah yeah it's a gt car i mean it's really comfortable and it obviously it's a little awkward driving it because the weight distribution and the long hood yeah but that's what makes a different experience right they are very special very very iconic yeah i have five of them my fifth one is at the shop at the mercedes you are getting the service uh the only thing sucks about slr that you know the service is a little yes they have a reputation for being quite difficult yeah but hey you know you get a lot for the you know you get a lot for your money and it's a you know formula one technology carbon fiber body you know more than it's a cool thing well this is new this is new dawn dawn is daily driver this is my daily driver i saw my uh drop head but i love this car it's comfortable you punch a good power and it's got bluetooth and it's got a beautiful interior as well at that but these the heritage edition 992 targa i really like these when i saw one on the road for the first time i thought it looked fantastic yeah you know this is another a great daily driver car it's got i think 450 horsepower but it's limited and you know me i like limited yeah but i love the gold you know it's kind of like the classic how they uh finish the seats it's kind of like old school porsches so it's kind of like vintage meets modern and it has a beautiful lcd screen uh right in the center it's just easy to drive comfortable a lot of options a lot of technology and it's power top which i love i can smoke my cigar it's too chilly you put the top up i mean what i liked about the with the previous generation targa when they reintroduced that silver support around the back like the classic car so it made complete sense yeah that they went and made the heritage design edition is it 992 cars yes and i love the rear too yeah gorgeous this gold yeah with the burgundy the exhaust it just it's a gorgeous car it is porsche heritage i like this it's very very smart numbered car which is also really exciting i think it's a very very stunning spec thank you carefully close it up so should we head over to the uh the big cars not that there aren't some very nice cars over on this side but um i mean where where do we be i think we're going to start for gt congratulations this is actually the first time i've ever seen the new heritage gt of course they as you know they changed deliveries a number of times yeah um from the 1966 67 68 and 69 cars this was the 66 daytona win array slivery but uh i mean what made you go for for choosing this well i love white you know i like brighter colors and you know this car with the carbon fiber white and red it just i was it was love at first sight and it's limited i love limited cars i i don't think they're making 40 of these i don't know is that it would probably be a very small number i like what they've done with creating the carbon outline and again for the the roundel here with the number it's quite a special thing because if you think about it it means all of the panels have to be the exposed carbon and then they just mask up and paint specific sections and then of course it has i paid extra 30 000 for the wheels for the carbon wheels you've got to have carbon wheels so i don't have carbon wheels on mine but i did the lamore style wheels on mine yeah well you know oh and they have this red inside yeah it's got a red uh what do you call a tube you know in a barrel i hadn't spotted that before that's really cool actually cool right yeah that's really very sexy aspect and you know i fell in love with 4gt when i drove yours yes you remember the first one it was before gt it was the first one that you've driven i think yeah the most impressive v6 car out there yes ford really had a home run with the design this whole hollow yeah it's up here the brake lights you know you can stick your airflow yeah so everything has function form falls function it just it's just amazing amazing speak the only thing i complain is i can't keep it in race mode when it's off yeah same from real switches when you when you drop it down into track it's obviously held down by the support from the hydraulics on the engine so as soon as you switch off the engine up it pops i'm noticing all of these details though i love having the gurneys painted like this it's just perfect and of course it's so perfect they don't allow you to do any changes the only option is the wheels oh really yeah so you order it as a complete the complete heritage design it's the upgrades because can we have a quick look at the interior absolutely okay okay you get the red oh that's nice i like the red alcantara for the seats it's so comfortable still with the protection on the carbon that's why it's by the way i'm not moving here that gets scratched too easily you can ppf it of course and the redshift paddles i like the red anodized shift paddles yeah what color is yours so my shift paddles were actually done as a bespoke in the same gold as the stripes on my card no way which is really really cool totally unique detail nice touch well i'm told by the dealer to not drive this car until i have full protection so i'm taking it in in three weeks okay they're so backed up nowadays yeah i gotta wait three weeks before it's fully wrapped and to take my first jewelry ride you know but meantime it's a gorgeous car to look at definitely as are some of your other new toys i think since i was last here with you speed tell of course you've only just collected the blue and cream veyron but also the cheer on it was just after i visited you last time nope never seen it i've been away i've been away for that long well this is the big daddy stuff you know 1500 horsepower all-wheel drive you don't have to worry about safety unless you're reckless driver you can just jump in and drive it you can jump and drive it and always use you know a pretty cool spec um we did this with hermes and took about three years but you know it takes a little bit of taking care of uh when you want to get in and out because it's very prone to you know getting spots yeah lebanese protecting yes you know i wear booties and gloves you know when i drive this but this is nothing compared to the speed tail because that is really white and we'll see and you know this is absolutely stunning actually when i was here with you last time we were over at your desk having a little look at some of the renders for this yeah you were telling me all about it and now to see the car in person shiron ms one of one andy the best part of this car i guess the nicest touch is under the wing of course you want something oh nice until you slam on the brakes at 200 miles an hour yeah this thing pops it shoots up into the upright configuration but so it took me many months to convince bugatti to paint the bumper this was a big deal so yes because this section is normally black isn't it correct yeah i wanted the car to kind of be dipped in hermes paint which is this is cray it's called crepe okay and it's a very popular color i guess whether it is uh bags and the rest of the car is pretty much the same as any other bugatti except they have a little pocket for my driving gloves the seats are one off and it's got some engraving in the center console that says dress by hermes in french okay it's very tiny to see it but it's right above the gear oh yes i can see just in front of the shifter and you've got the 110 years of bugatti yeah and i opted for the sky view and this car was originally uh ordered as a roadster but they decided not to the roadster so this was my second best option yeah but even the inside is amazing let me show you the front i mean it looks it looks beautiful yeah with the completely different grille inserts as well yeah this is an edge uh pattern design [Music] of course they put this here do you know why they do this here us spec well in case somebody gets trapped inside that makes it small enough yeah yeah it makes it small enough that no kid could fit he's got a really cool and so he has a really nice arms back i keep at my house yeah um that fits here perfectly yeah but it just like really sweet spec no think about it they should have dipped this in that paint too ideas ideas well from that ms car to this to this mclaren speed tail that you've only recently collected yes um about a week ago and there's been a lot of excitement around this car i mean let me get the keys no worries he waited quite a long time for it to arrive one of 106 mclaren speed tails paying homage to the mclaren f1 with that center seat driving position this is a stunning stunning car but again the uh one of one so it looks better in the sun yeah i can imagine this is the key comes in a little pouch and i love the fact the doors are motorized all right stand back the only other car i had that it was motorized doors was saving s7 yeah i love that about it yeah it's a cool trucker when you're parked in front of a restaurant and you walk up yeah people are checking their car you open the doors there's not much that has more presence and excitement and you've done some amazing details on here this is painted yes this is uh edge kind of contouring in the paint for hermes um i'll tell you what these coordinates are there's two different coordinates on each motor one's for the factory at hermes and once for the factory at mclaren that's brilliant yeah i did that it has cool oh even here yeah yes made by ms covers that's really nice thank you yeah i wanted to you know not overdo it kind of loudest fake but the small little touches here and there it's you know hermes is pretty conservative yeah right but that's what i like it's not you haven't gone crazy yeah and then we get to the inside is a little crazy because the entire cabin monocot is all wrapped in the rms fabric and obviously it's very prone to spots there's a couple of spots here no this one i have to wear a hat suit to get in here i literally did for my first try from the healer to here so even then i was nervous and you can see i scratched the floor mat already which is again wrapped with the hermes leather all the same leather as found on ms yeah but i think it came out very elegant this leather is a type that will get distressed as you scratch and then this has also another cool feature so all the other sweet tails come with a buckle and this one is done pretty much the same way they did my pagani yeah with the straps to close their straps yeah so there's a okay yeah because normally it has the little pull popper thing exactly there's a little compartment here they put a little pouch to put your cell phone in there oh that's cool other speed tails don't have that yeah and then all the technology displays yeah and then it does have always need that plaque like my other two are miscarried in french it says dressed in air mass 101 but another cool piece that you know you'll won't know this unless you pay attention is this yeah all in it normally it just has the dots the circles yeah this one gives you a little bit more look inside under there it does wow right that level of attention to detail that is phenomenal i i love those kind of things yes i i haven't noticed it's really cool i hadn't noticed it at first but now that i'm looking at it that is stunning have they also done the luggage compartment area yes let me give you a close look under there i think this one may have yeah this is bits and pieces this is done only in our mess yes they put this to protect it yeah with the car cover and yeah and they gave me some sample of very expensive hermes fabric yeah i'm gonna make underwear out of it boxer shorts yeah totally stunning and then back here the flexible carbon yeah you know video me when i'm driving it yeah to see them going up yeah i mean this carbon fiber literally bends up a few degrees towards the rear yeah and then this of course is done in the 1k oh yes of course if you look at this with that extra tiny carbon fiber weave yeah it's a lot more refined and i think it suits the car with all these other details perfectly it is a very very refined car that's a perfect way to describe it this this contour styling along the side is is truly beautiful well congratulations thank you and mclaren is so generous they need a complete ppf on their car before they drop their office yes so you could go straight away and drive it yes perfect except uh they said i think i need to break it for 600 miles yeah no that was a ford gt ford gt needs 600 miles and then a service well i don't think i need to break it in i don't even know how many miles to be honest with you you need to take it a little bit easy to get most things bedded in but outside of that it's it's pretty much good to go yeah well let me turn it on do you want to see the yeah for sure why not all right well let's look at my buddy you've got to get uh get dressed up to be able to get up on board it's the challenge yeah the challenging process until you've learned at all having to be very very very careful you got it perfect all right it feels good being in the center doesn't it amazing everything wakes up that's cool the way it fires up off the uh of the hybrid system yeah really special velocity the only thing you know it's hard when you're driving you don't have no rear view better yeah so if a cop is behind you right up your tail you'll keep going and you will not pull over i experienced exactly the same when i drove the car it's it's very strange because the side mirrors or rather the cameras that project onto these screens yeah and that line is supposed to be like your blind spot after that right but i don't know i think i'm just going to take a couple of passengers to be my rear yeah they that sounds quite aggressive more than i realized i'm pretty impressed it sounds more aggressive than the cena oh you know another cool uh function with this car is how you can change the tent yes the electrochromic glass all of these panels yeah he showed it to me i don't know how to do it let's gets your blood flowing yeah part racing that sounded incredible to be honest better than i remembered out of the speed tail [Music] now yeah over to you for that one the delicate process you made it i'm telling you it's work it is you can't have a dozen of donuts and get in and out not too easy and you haven't seen this either by the way no i haven't it's just a regular 2006 stock bugatti veyron but it is a one of one color the original owner uh you know had specked a car in this color which no other veyron are producing it's kind of cool and then of course you've seen the pagani and you've seen the some of your familiar cars just take a quick look the uh the fire this was your first car yeah but with with ms right correct yeah 2014 so i can't believe it's been that long well i got the car in 2016 but i started the project in 2014. and this still to me is the most detailed piece of art i own yeah and just the same craftsmanship you can see with the other car it has a lot more bags than my shirana and this video let's see the attention to detail all the girls are again wow and even down here how they leave their bags for the wow so that is all yeah so aromas did everything in and out um it's a really nice touch there we go yeah i'm talking of toolkits we should have a quick look at the speed tail toolkit oh we didn't have a look at that that's a piece of art too it is it is in its own right inside this car up in the storage in the air in the front of it you pop this open inside here there you go beautiful and now i wish it was real gold guys but that gold is now happening so it wouldn't work so well for using it and this was done by hermes yeah so pretty cool it's got a magnetic cover there and uh all that interior even the little strap puller strap down here yeah um i'm pretty happy pretty impressed there's not much more you can do to refine this car and i think it's a really piece of art and not as detailed as my pagani but it is 1050 horsepower so yeah it's a supercar yeah a proper thing and then we'll say pagani is a super cartoon in my opinion i don't know supercar is going to be a thousand horsepower plus to qualify that in my book well the the game with power is very quickly changing i mean when the p1 came out for example it's got about 900 yeah for me you know you know i still enjoy this if i'm going for a jewel ride more than any other car in my fleet all right i'm sure you drove absolutely well we went out in this car together last time around but i also drove one fairly recently as well and i was just reminded how spectacular the p1 is mclaren hit the ball running with that massively and there is going to be an upgrade soon that's going to give it a little more push yeah no we can't talk too much about that all right well i think you've seen this before this is another bugatti it's my football guy so this is hermes edition uh they only did one it's kind of cool piece for a coffee table but he hasn't it to my coffee table yet but it's been embarrassed i think the only car we didn't cover is the rembrandt yup exactly which is my favorite roaster out of all my cars not that you could do 253 miles an hour smoking your fat cigar but i love the finish in this car again it's two-tone exterior two-tone interior with two different color of brown and then you got the exposed uh carbon fiber back seats which i love it's really a piece of art look at that yeah it's really just a finish and of course in the sun the the weave is a lot more exposed yeah and it's a lot more noticeable and more shiny it pops and awesome they only made one i've had two people reach out to me in the past six months they want to buy their car because they don't make it anymore they made three of these as you know yeah part of the legend series but i think you know it it's a super piece of art that also carries the heritage and history of you know gurgaoni so i won't be selling it anytime soon unless it goes up to 10 million bucks i can see you're having your speed tail charger installed yeah so i this this whole thing is a big project i didn't know how comprehensive the charger is going to be i thought it's one of those trickle chargers yeah no no no it's a big pad with a 15 foot wire and it has to get 20 to 20 volt which i didn't have i had to bring in 220 right okay so it's been expensive and uh painful learning process learning process well i'm worried too because they said the battery really drains quickly yeah because it's not one uh it's not one of the hybrids that you can kind of go on an emote like the p1 this one will really is just there to give you that zap of power and for that reason they wanted to save weight so the battery is very small you need to always charge it constantly so i've been nervous i've been waiting to charge it on this pad and well there you have it yeah well congratulations on the new additions thank you thank you ever so much for uh for showing us around thank you the updated game you happen to come every year once a year and hopefully by next year hopefully you come sooner let's see what's going to be in the garage next time yeah i can't tell you there's a couple of you know zipper claws uh agreement but i think you get the idea definitely definitely awesome well thank you very much manny guys pleasure if you aren't already following manny's channel do head over go and give a subscribe to see i guess some of those new cars as and when they're going to arrive for now though that is all thank you very much for watching i will see you again very soon cheers you
Channel: Shmee150
Views: 702,132
Rating: 4.9269524 out of 5
Keywords: Manny Khoshbin, Garage Update, Garage, McLaren, Speedtail, Hermes, New Car, New Cars, New, Update, Latest, Bought, Tour, Walkaround, Dream, Hypercars, Bugatti, Chiron, Veyron, Ford GT, Heritage, Manny, Collab, Colab, Los Angeles, California, USA, United States, Where's Shmee, US Edition, Shmee, Shmee150
Id: gvKnF4kojSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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