Manhunt PIXELMON! (Speedrunner vs Hunter)

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atlanteans today we're doing a pixelmon manhunt challenge so i don't have to beat minecraft today i have to level up my pokemon my one pokemon that i'll ever get to level 100. so charmander you're gonna become charizard at level 100 and well then i would win but it wouldn't be a manhunt challenge if i wasn't being hunted bulbasaur go wait you put bulbasaur yeah well i did want to pick squirtle because it'd be too easy to kill you i wanted to give you some sort of a challenge yeah pikachu i choose you so i am starting at level 10 and i do have running boots but these guys uh they have player trackers so anywhere i go they'll be trying to initiate a battle if i die to them or just fighting regular pokemon then i'm out i can't if we find cody and we initiate a battle he has to accept there is no way he can decline it and uh yeah like we we have two people here right now ah get out of the way crack it don't give her the free experience you never win right now all right and i also have some potions and some full heals but that's all i'm getting unless i find it out in the wild by killing a boss all right you all ready three two one go no i want to be the very best like no one ever works yeah like uh fight no no no ah don't fight him yet mike i'll find the line level 22 uh ekkins crap um i forgot to mention we do have ourselves um a 10 times multiplier so it's gonna be relatively fast as we level up oh geez i've taken my first damage why couldn't you have done a dumb ability nidoran no he still lives poison sting please don't be poison please don't be poisoned yes get out of here level 11. i mean um i'm level one guys come fight me i don't want your friends water pokemon gotta find a water pokemon yeah i probably gotta get away from the ocean uh uh wild pokemon they actually can't initiate battles that's something i also changed um this is gonna be a freaking awesome manhunt guys if you want to see another one with jen too hit that like button and subscribe because we will totally make it happen oh let's get it y'all want some dragon breath maybe oh no mike's over there okay magikarp come here i could i could be magikarp magic cop cop cop budget cop cop i love that pokemon episode with the golden magikarp and um was it jesse he just keeps kicking it and then it finally like gets angry it evolves into gyarados uh but can you guys catch pokemon i don't know dude we didn't really talk about that no i don't think you guys can catch pokemon okay you guys also have one but um you can die okay if you guys die you're you're still in it there are pokey centers in such a round so if i find a village i might be able to trade some of my my money that i get from fighting trainers or whatever um yo get over here level eighteen he's not gonna have anything water related now one thing we didn't talk about was um cody actually started off at level 10 and mike and i started off at level five just to give cody a little heads up um i did mention that there's two of us crap crap uh i'm gonna risk it yeah i just killed him okay you're about to die magikarp i don't know how to feel about this come on mike we need you i did almost i do a magikarp as well they don't give much experience even if they're kind of high level it's just how the things work oh yes let's get it we out here bro look at the guys in the distance uh scyther level 15 i'm i have potions so i can use them in the battle i don't have that strong of a fire ability did i poison him i hear something dying in the background i think a pokemon's just suffocating holy flip i think it's mike uh that wasn't good uh no no pokeballs uh go okay that's going to get me up to near full just don't do it [Music] and i can't take another one of those i gotta run okay let me escape that scyther would have been dope experience though come to me poke center oh there's no nurse joy whatever i wish i could pick those up but they actually break so i'm not gonna be able to bring it with me oh and we got some hyper potions and stuff in here that is good i forgot we could loot this area uh well i will mark it and i can check back on my screenshots we gotta keep leveling up i've been there's another one over there i think i saw something or maybe it was the mushroom of this uh level 18 no i don't want to fight that because we don't want to get banged out oh this is the boss no it's a shiny dude well uh you know i'm obviously not gonna be able to catch it oh also you can see in the chat they are healing their pokemon if their pokemon dies they have slash poke heels so it's another advantage that they have i don't have access to that oh yeah i just died to a dodea if you were wondering you did yeah okay that was close uh doug trio you guys are fighting stuff that's too hard what level are you cracking i didn't say doug trio i said dodrio oh oh well same thing dude they got three heads right no it's two heads then that's judo oh do you even know i'd be right pokemon you guys have been obsessing about collecting pokemon did you guys do you have any uh rare pokemon cards do i or did i i guess do you no no mike i don't either come on guys spend your paychecks on it what we're not buy you haven't bought anything i don't do that like it's so much money we're talking about the old vintage pokemon cards guys uh i'm going to pop a super potion how do i need it well you launched 350 000 for psa 10 charizard first edition no peasant worthy investment it's that or pay taxes which one do you want die to do oh no do you guys are you gonna even come attack me are you guys just gonna be scared we will just feed you experience that's not happening fire fang let's get it up oh and guess what i may or may not have a chime alien liar i can't see him what no shot yes 16. you're dying to duo so yeah you're probably uh around a level 12 kraken am i right are you scared am i right oh no you're not even close dude maybe level 16 let me see oh crap okay so that ivysaur that would be some pretty good experience i that i am looking for oh you get slapped nidoran okay at least i get first hit right yes i am taking some serious risk here atlanteans we just we need to gain as much experience as possible do i go all the way over here yes i do i would see that red building from anywhere okay uh oh no no heel heel heel all right guys i have an announcement i just got my first electric ability cody i'm coming for you no you're not you're not scared and i skirt in a skirt [Laughter] what's in here any chest dude no shopkeepers cracking no you're not gonna pin me bro you're not stealing my stuff oh why i got stuck how did you get away from me you were like staring right down me hey i found there's joy what's up girl oh super potions more of them let's get it we got ted what is that giant building greg you want to go to the giant building come on sure just fight me let's do it wait you're actually going to accept it not going to run away oh this is a good battle oh dude this sucks who's got the higher speed though oh yeah that ain't gonna work you thought you had me see you later kraken that's a lot of xp whoa level 20. i am officially one fifth of the way is that shiny no it's just huh i'm one fifth of the way to beating you are you sending your pokemon at me again kraken are you really crap they're level 21 now yeah one bang oh crap that was stupid i gave you so much free experience oh my gosh mike you might want to talk to your partner there oh my god dude he's probably like the level 24 now oh man that's not good yeah could just you could just heal so fast like you're like you're spamming and then you're just dying over and over again uh i'm kind of scared to fight you because you have hyperfang maybe and no i'm not fighting any vault up with destruction is this a gym oh my god i think this is a gym beat the gym uh i can't even the gym leader he loves water okay we are in a gym guys level 31 no can you even run away it might be over right here mike we might have just won okay i'm gonna come back here no i didn't even start it i was about to hop over and then the barrier was right there so it uh yeah no i can't fight him wait water pokemon you said i should fight that gym as soon as i get up a little bit more that'll actually be easy for you what was i doing man i was diving right in with fire type i should probably keep running around and looking for maybe a fire gym that might be a little bit better what is the gasoline's tweaking out bro he's having a meltdown level eight come on come out wherever you are i need the chances where do the chanseys live mike are you level 50 yet 50 no i can barely get level 10. shut up you're not that trash are you do you do tanks i i'm just scared i'm gonna get into a fight with like the wrong pokemon that has like a crazy ability slash okay see you later sleeps your pokemon he sleeps my poke well i do have full heels and i picked up a ton of stuff actually why am i telling you about this information full heals oh that's gonna be so hard now actually i think there's a waste of a fire fang oh we got a dungeon under not a dungeon but a little cave system anything spawning gold bats oh club fairy clefairy fairy this is gonna be some good xp cracking you really helped boost me i really appreciate this hey what's up dude what's up oh crap dude go away you're gonna die to idea dude come on kraken wait what you lagged me out of this no i am declining you can't decline but i can oh yeah crap i thought i had you there so there's not much good xp out here besides the fairies graveler i don't want to fight because he might have magnitude the idea is we gotta keep training i can now enter okay so ghost pokemon uh level 21 i think i'll do good i'll do good against like some ghost did i just miss okay i didn't tell if it was effective or not oh dragon breath worked and we paralyzed him with dragon breath i didn't know there's a possibility okay let's keep going oh i'm just kind of scared if we get if i uh if we get caught out with the wrong pokemon and the wrong opponent here yeah we might not be able to do any damage and i'm gonna have to find oh level 27 from that get over here weeping bell level 21 let's get it free xp level 28 all ready uh kakuna kuna matata level 10. um fine i need to do it charlie can you not miss please [Music] wait what uh is that real are you crap crap so kraken seeing issues of venusaur um you know i probably can still beat you oh you definitely couldn't i'm not gonna fight me fight you you're not gonna fight yourself i'm not gonna fight you come on craig and fight yourself it'll be fun no no i don't think so come on dude you found probably a really good training spot i am pretty much struggling finding a good training spot i find rats attached in weedles enough sign of cannibal crap cannibal come out to play a pikachu i think would be pretty good xp ooh what's this going to give us poke loot sweet scent oh yo we could get a tm but i probably need a better tm than this so i am currently only finding zubats it is night time i found this bed when i went to the village oh club fairy level 26. i didn't mean to use dragon breath it doesn't even affect it i didn't i didn't know that okay fire thing almost half health we tank it good job there johnny let's see what slash can do i don't want to waste all the fire fingers oh he's healing back up all right i gotta use firefang and this will finish him off no okay in the burn burn we'll finish him off there was something in my top right it was zubat though anything else okay uh apparently if you sleep pokemon can go oh does everybody need to sleep yeah they do okay uh they would have they would give me full health but uh seeing as cracking getting campbell crab definitely will not uh assist me that is not gonna be useful oh my god a level 39 trainer bro oh that would be awesome is cracking kids probably taking on a gym oh cut oh no okay level 40. uh that could have been really bad but we got out of there i wasn't worried you guys were worried it was just a club fairy right i'm going to see if i died there if i slept tonight i'd be seeing clefairies in my nightmares let's heal yep big guy there we go 73. get back here cody level is that pikachu oh you pulled it back see it can't see it can't see it i need to see it there we go you'd be you'd be very mistaken if you were to fight me right now i see you coming at me uh and i see you coming at me oh there you are all right i'm coming stupid water so you haven't found a thunder stone for that little pikachu how cute a thunderstone what the heck does that do crap involves you do you really not no i feel like he's playing dumb uh yeah i feel like you're playing dub holy crap because you just fell down and went punk he hits his head dude where's another pokey center oh crash lands oh no if i i die i'm good right yeah i'm not i'm not gonna let you heal don't like get him i felt like those zubats were like flying in formation oh good tm good tm defense curl crap you want to defense curl mike tm41 you're gonna want to use that now in a second once i catch it with that poke ball cannonball drowsy level 26 free xp i could just gotta get you a little higher then i'm gonna fight mike no what will you do if i skirt skirt around you mike oh flip okay uh yeah let's just do that come in please don't poison me again yes i dodged it and we still have 10. noice flip thrower oh you were right to i was right to do that come on yes his teacher's out is charmander come here you know what i don't want to fight you god oh my god get him dude i'm trying my pokeball isn't working properly i just wanted to hit him in the face chameleon is now healed you're scared mike you're scared right are you riding your venusaur just catch up i no i'm training still i thought you could take him i'm trying to catch up to him well there's a trainer level 35 uh no not fighting it i don't want to lose down on the i'm staying on the cracking he can't get away now the jedi way is to run and fight when you have a better advantage that's what i that's what i'll do i'll take the chat yes pokey sutter okay so i've kind of lost the crab here guys uh let's get charmander's pvp back up the full uh you know what he can't beat that fine you know what i'll fight you now yes come on like you healed there we go except i got him cracking hurry up i'll delay as much as i can all right i'll try to meet you guys there fire bang kiss him you're confused now boy you're gonna hit yourself wait did it actually confuse me [Music] he got a critical hit on me but he's paralyzed i could potentially win if i just electrically am i paralyzed oh god i gotta crit come on paralyzed paralyzed yes if i crit right here crack it it can all come down to this i almost use the pokeball you got this mic come on come on come on crit crit cr uh where is the full the super potions okay there it is oh no he's using potions crackers i don't even think about that crap what if i get a critter here though oh i don't know if that would have killed him or not another super potion dude he's got so many super potions i don't have any potion suit oh okay um i i think i could tank you i'm gonna kiss him again on the cheek i'm scared back to full oh my god come on pikachu's like come on charmeleon you don't want to help me do you you realize you shouldn't use that unless my paralyze goes out oh no that's like half health right there mike sorry i got to take a detour there's my hand and i can kill it wait what oh crap crap crap crap just finishes you off slam another potion let's see how much damage this does though not that much not that much see you later no no please no paralyzed you got him no i can't use the wrong thing he's using i'm getting all his potions cracking you better get here i could use a full heal but i just i would have to eat a hit attack i swear yes no oh god gotta get to the thing before he does no healer is busy mike did you lose yes i healed though i healed though we're good that's that's the signal i go out get the heck out of here um crap well whatever this isn't the last time you see the crab i'm gonna go train a little bit more and some water pokemon yeah you better run oh yeah you guys both have a good chance against the water type pokemon uh this village marking it okay oh yes i found it revive but it's really not gonna be useful for me oh ready level 22 yeah we'll be able to smoke them down to the shadow land you go miss donaticate so i think cannibal went over there above the mountain uh not entirely sure what he's fighting but let's let's go after this level 37 trainer he's got a level a 37 weedle oh dude that poor weedle butterfree this one might give me a little more trouble just if he's uh sleep powder okay exactly what could get me in trouble but uh full heal we're using it i used so many potions battling cannibal oh dude this butterfree's dope he's dead though he's dead how many did he have a level 36 weedle i could take it oh we're gonna get char resort now i can fly around oh that's gonna be huge especially when i'm trying to escape uh no not pokeball i always do that yeah let's just heal and make sure that venomoth could have some psychic abilities okay we can tank it relatively well let's try flamethrower oh and i'm confused send him back i wish he got burned though that would have been hype so was i confused or yeah i was confused please use cybe yes tanked we could die here with the combo with his like really strong attack and uh slash oh my gosh we lived we lived how many pokemon this guy have we are level 38 now scary face uh no okay uh i'm just gonna use one more potion i gotta be safe i've been safe this entire time i can't be risking it for some biscuits that potion doesn't get me up very much we're going to find a village with a gym i can take on i i mean i can't i shouldn't fight a water type gym that just sounds like bad news for me oh that's a big boy 38 levels coming my way easy oh i mean a level 38 coming my way 40 let's get it i'm going to get back to that poke center uh i did use a bunch of my abilities but i'm nervous cannibal crab is going to be camping that out okay we came a direction that i did not think we were going to come from what love are you i can't even see you're so fat level 30 fighting them that's some good xp a lot of the mobs or the pokemon now are a lot higher level because i am as well i can't see what level all right hey there cody hey there quicken wait no oh crap oh oh the flying's a lot different now you're afraid of me aren't you uh kind of just because my level starts with a five and yours doesn't i can fly i can fly i can fly wait wait maybe he does what's your level now kraken 50. i i can run i can run i can run dude this is insane he's afraid of us mike oh my god run out of energy to fly with the heck he can just stay in the air the entire time i want to go home it's been six hours but he'll never win he'll never get level 100 if he doesn't that is very true so i can't fly away from my problems forever level 50. no um yeah kraken you know what come find me again now i'll be ready for you wait really yep i won't run this time what do you think mike is it a trap no it's a trap it's a trap close it's a farfetch'd he's got a celery atlanteans i'm very confident i could take him out i mean especially if i get maybe close a little 45 here do that taurus just die um but it's gonna be so much experience for me he's gonna um he's gonna power level me maybe like 48 if i kill him so it it's worth it to stand my ground i mean he's going to be coming after me that and i i won't be able to train i will be able to fly a good distance away much faster than he could run but yeah i'm just gonna try and get 45. a move tutor what can you teach me bro what do we got here fly volt switch i dragon claw oh but i have to have iron bro i don't have that uh no oh crap okay atlanteans wearing a bit of a uh a predicament as i'd like to say uh crap kraken so i know you're right there in front of me but you're going to miss me get him get him oh no mike's here too look at him running dude he's so scared of us oh my god this is where you level up that's how you level up cody will you get me you missed again i don't know yes i don't want to i want to fight you and i want like cannibal crap as well okay okay you spectating mike i'll be waiting right behind you cody you're gonna hit me bro you gotta not have the delay yes that's some damage come through for me come through for me what happened it missed did you move miss my sleep powder mist that was like the only way i was going to win oh no and curious cracking thinking dude fire spin uh i want to get rid of dragon breath i don't need it yes all right i can take him out with oh my god mike he's still full health why did you do that you didn't hit him at all no i sleep powdered him and i lost get paralyzed come on come on super effect wait what did you just use kraken did you poke peel are you ready yeah oh i'm ready dude no see if we keep getting him before he has a chance to heal dude i no wait i had him what that was weird it like delayed okay come on sleep powder come through for me baby come through for me avoid it yeah i feel like you're your whole plan is just kind of trash guy so maybe just gotta mix it up i mean i like the three oops oh i got him i move like a foot all i have to do is paralyze him come on you guys are helping out so much thank you all right i'm just gonna double edge him i'm not even gonna try oh get him down we can get him down oh dude he's below half health mike i'm gonna break the pokey center get out of the way mike i'm dead you need to get him now like no oh my god oh my god oh my god i got him i got him he healed the crack dude build around the poke center so he can't yeah immediately mikey healed oh my god he's he's gone already we almost had him dude he was below half health and you never saw the cody maverick again and to the right the challenge oh village with a pokey center in a pokemar but no pokemon gym oh my gosh we almost crashed that would have been very tragic let's see if we got any trainers outside the village are you a trainer are you just professor byrd professor bird i hate you i hate you very much oh you're a trainer no is there really no trainers it's an entire freaking town the shopkeepers are just sitting there talking to each other what are they doing this guy's bald you're not nurse show i want nurse joy not you oh what is this coming in hot oh charizard get out of the water who is that this place is crawling with npcs those aren't trainees though it's gotta be a gym of some sort i don't think this is unrelated oh this is a gym welcome to the construction site jim leader is constantly building things uh okay well he can build things and i'm gonna tear them back down oh 46. perfect gym for me oh my god these are not a gen 1 pokemon ah okay i killed metacross amazing cool i just gonna not die oh thank god i was i was thinking he had a lot more pokemon uh we could go to the poke center up here what the heck there's a dude in there i was expecting a villager that some weird dude yo there is a trainer in this town well i'll just kill it pretty quickly level 19 scyther it's not going to give me crazy amount but it's a lot easier than having to go out and hit every single pokemon yo a pidgeotto boss did we get him yes we did okay level 63. i think we should be doing fine against him oh yeah we're gonna do just fine that's some good damage but it's not gonna be enough and i'll be able to heal him back up my potions level 60 anything good uh xp candy i've never seen this item before oh we got 3000 xp i guess that's pretty good let's get the potions down on you just in case we run into anybody 163 health yo what the uh is this why is it level 69 all right i think we should be good yeah we're gonna be just fine i thought i was thinking he's a mega boss for a second um but maybe it was just that level dude that's going to be some good xp i you know level 60 and i just got a rare cane oh it was a mega boss hold up can i mega evolve can i make them all bro i forget how to do it i would have to kill a mega evolve charizard and i would have to get his little thing crap but i i did get a rare candy which i will pop down right now hello 50 pikachu what's up there little pikachu okay for i got a little scared i thought it was mike's pikachu i thought he trained his pikachu to come and kill me uh yeah this place is some good xp right now i was wish i was hoping i could find a jungle but honestly i've been flying for quite a while and yeah i haven't been able to find one so we're just gonna use what we got here hopefully find another mega ball pokemon hello cannibal oh oh i almost reached you is that your pikachu dude i don't wanna i don't wanna hear from you you're just flying away from me i was running for so long oh there we go except blitz was i fighting you or the pikachu uh i think i was just fighting the pikachu i had to ride you get back here no he's flying away i got him oh i got him oh i accidentally declined okay uh i'll reinitiate it there you go cheating oh 50 raichu can't really see anything you're already paralyzed this is good we caught him at a good time thunder oh mike talk to me oh dude he's he's like five health left super perspective he's paralyzed gregan it's time i think it's time we end this i trained on so many award totals before coming here and it's time to end his reign on this series come on wait no no you're getting beat by something 12 levels lower than you dude he has a full story again peter he's gonna kill me i'm not gonna die uh oh my god oh yeah yeah you gotta kill me bro you gotta give me one move oh no no no no no i i was faster than you before with flamethrower yes oh my god you need to get a cracker get him get him get him oh my god track him down mike we can't let him heal i'm ready for you kraken i'm ready for my free xp come here oh you're gonna take me on without healing the full restore i i totally just didn't even realize craig i don't need to heal bro i have potions oh man mikey's full health are you are you near mike all these potions room okay i raided all the pokemons me and nurse choi she hooked me up yes yes good good i don't know you he he's three quarters health you got to get him get him now i'm trying i'm trying he's flying away oh i got him okay this is it i can do this if you can do as much damage as you did last time you got this thunder oh i lived i lived please please please no he afforded my attack yes what do i do uh this is not good okay um are you dead yes your pokey heels dude oh pee oh yes mike i got him you cannot escape i love this challenge atlanteans it's actually testing all of our brains and bronze and everything we got i'm gonna die mike i don't even i can't even get a hit off so you're gonna have to get ready with your pikachu all right all right i'm ready it's riot you first of all ah got him i got him don't let him get one hit thunderbolt come on oh two health left come on yeah dude oh my god oh my god we're trying to kiss him no let me attack get him get him i'm trying okay there's a delay look you didn't even get a hit on him dude we might just i he keeps affording my attack he's a wing pokemon it's not fair oh man we're done i'm dead i'm dead i'm dead get back here no get back here oh my stupid pokemon let's go i don't want to work yes no okay charizard we almost had up there turns out he loved buddy uh super potion there you go we gotta go find a pokey center there's a gym over there oh gosh careful are you guys gonna finally let me win in peace uh i think we just found out a way that might actually help us win what nothing what jungle to the jungle i go and i'll get the dub dude like easy i don't know there's many tangles oh my god and tangles are probably so high level let him off don't run away from me level 31 hey okay uh dude i was in uh why did i waste the flamethrower so i was in the jungle and i couldn't find anything that um like i couldn't find any tangles i saw a lot of bell sprouts fighting a victory bell would be pretty dope for experience but another i guess we're fighting a lot of enemies at night that might be the best part about the jungle so we'll stay up in the trees i found tons of monkeys but the monkeys obviously are terrible xp level 62 trainer oh he's got level 62. uh rattata all right dude yeah no he's hit i mean that's actually not bad i think he used hyperfang uh he's got all these crap pokemon aren't gonna give me a ton of xp oh i did not i ah oh no tank oh guys kraken what cannibal we're nowhere near you so we're training i've lost did you die wait what i died to a geodude oh my gosh this is amazing you have a charizard though no uh yeah and i got a level 68 charizard all right betsy has died guys it's fainted this this was fun though we should do another challenge but like not 100 maybe uh yes catching five pokemon first is he catching five pokemon me two seconds no i am i am not joking uh yeah i only had a super potion i didn't have any full restores and had no max potions uh so yeah yeah i'm trying to battle him he says players busy all right because no pokemon this was a fun challenge um let me know if you want to see it again by hitting that like button also comment down below your favorite pokemon um maybe we could do gen 2 if you guys see that 5 000 likes who knows but atlanteans it's time to unite unite unite unite gg boys [Music] you
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 1,904,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedrunner, pixelmon, pixelmon manhunt, minecraft, speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft vs hunter, mod, mods, speedrun, pokemon minecraft, minecraft pokemon, atlantic craft, the atlantic craft, minecraft mods, challenge, manhunt, hunters, hunt, fun, funny, game, games, minecraft manhunt, manhunt pixelmon, charizard, pikachu, team rocket, ash ketchum, pokemon in minecraft, minecraft pixelmon mod, man hunt, pokemon movie, pokemon
Id: JLeGGduYf8w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 22sec (2422 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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