Manhunt AVATAR the Last Airbender FINALE! (Speedrunner vs Hunter)

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you thought you could get rid of me well i'm back again for an avatar manhunt challenge i must beat minecraft as the avatar whoa bro hey you can't do that can you dude looks like i'm gonna be hunted by an airbender and a waterbender today i am starting as an earthbender clearly but then i'll be able to master all four elements ah he's already cheating that does so much damage i'm already half health i can't understand you you talk too fast mr cannon okay you talk too fast and you move too fast uh cracking can't hit me yeah what are you gonna say i was gonna say screw you cody we're starting to pump ow okay that didn't work actually fall in that hole hydra oh my god you just hit each other that's hilarious all right come on you want to make a jump cannibal make a jump wait how do i turn this bubble off i can't see anything you don't know how to control your own abilities please no oh my god i just hit that cow uh so yeah i have mastered all of the earth betting abilities guys so i'm gonna be a freaking ow a beast i am the wind i am one with the air i can fly i can fly oh okay i have the new ravine ability um jump oh yes oh i didn't mean to use restore crap i'm still learning my abilities earth spike yes oh my god oh smokes um that was awesome and another thing guys every time i kill one of them i get an ender pearl this is starting off swimmingly now guys if i die well i am going to be out of this freaking challenge we do not want to have that happen i've done this four times and now i know what i need to do i need to use use earth spike because clearly it does a ton of damage um they also can track my location so get a look at this they have red lines that heat seek to where i am um okay i thought that was one of the oh that is one of them cannibals you really want round two this fast you have no armor well now that i get that stupid bubble off i can actually see and move around mike i swear if you give him another free ender pearl i'm going to kill you myself he's in the stone age he's in the hog are there so many mobs kraken what have you been doing huh you better be getting wood i'm an animal we're already down to bedrock what uh i just got full iron i think mike you need to find his location now and take him out of the game oh god yes we got coal he's not catching up to me if he does he's probably gonna fall down to a bit of doom there's some lava down here mike you want some absolutely not there you are come here oh ow actually that hurt uh i can't mind that block there's all this there's diamonds oh i keep mine diamonds apparently um whoops okay we're just gonna make staircase back up hurricane i'm trapped i got him trapped down here cracking hurry i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm tunneling over diamonds i already found diamonds dude is he is he hacking oh yeah he is oh god there you are let's just get ready oh you blocked it the bubble our spike oh god okay you blocked it so this those things are so terrifying uh this thing is awesome but it can only work on actual stone and earth materials okay see what you're trying to do we can use restore this is gonna give me some extra health oh lock herself in he cannot mine i don't believe we're safe down here let's keep moving oops mike if you see any metal on your way uh collect it for me please i'm trying to make a canoba a canopy sure metal uh i'm stuck underneath the ground right now oh yeah so there is some airbender armor and some like each nation has their own armor guys so if you craft that you might be a little bit uh op with the defense now we'll see all right good boy good luck boys i'll catch you on the flip the flippity flip flip all right so i want to talk to you guys without them listening there's some intel that i have here um one of my skills well i think we're safe for a little bit they haven't gotten materials yet uh there's an ability where is it this one that's mine blocks this one ravine if i hover over shaking earth chance to knock armor and weapons off hit enemies that is dope that that is going to be so freaking sick all right now we have uh we can get some diamonds i'm gonna get a diamond sword in case i'm going up against an enderman or something like that we can get uh a set of diamond probably much faster than we can get a set of metal uh well let me just i'm gonna get a pickaxe here because if i do find metal it is difficult to mine uh that metal stuff is what's required to make the tunics i'm going to make earth bender armor okay uh no is that a ravine whatever so i'm going to make earth better armor and then i'm going to get a fire bending helmet because the earth bending armor is a little bit stronger look at the chest plate compared to the other stuff because they don't have a helmet but if i combine the two sets that is the big brain moves now we we've figured that out before in these challenges but i've always kind of forgotten that more diamonds no it's redstone let me just kind of clear out a section like this imagine you were able to mine like this earthbenders are freaking legit i'm gonna make the earth kingdom the only issue is um uh my inventory is getting completely full of just nonsense crap i if i uh chose the other ability for mind blocks let's see what it is uh i would get fortune wait no i do have fortune this one has fortune for mine out war veins okay so this one just mines much further but it doesn't have as much fortune i just don't know why i didn't mind diamonds it just didn't make sense to me it doesn't mind diamonds or that steel let's go so we found some of that steel uh i'm gonna need to pick up a good amount of i think we need like a stack or two of it it does when you're at the right levels it it's very very common so you get these ingots and then you make uh do we need to make a block we need to do something with it oh you have to use a crafting table but yeah just like that you use four and they come in pretty big veins how many we're gonna get right here we just picked out 14 yeah so this is going to go by in no time let's get the rest of this set we're going to be the master of all the elements guys we're going and master of minecraft so i'm going to master all the elements master minecraft and then cannibal crab and kraken kid can never say they're good at airbending or anything like that ever again i've tried this challenge so many times and they talk so much crap because i never can win but this time it's different this time is my time to shine oh and there's another rule i forgot to mention uh so cannibal last time the way he won i was ready to go to the end i was just ready to jump in and ready to jump uh into the portal i think and go and get the dub he broke the nether portal you can no longer break the nether portal that is against the rules and it's an automatic w for the manhunter uh if that's the case or the speedrunner i'm being shot all right let's teach him a lesson these blocks on impact are supposed to explode okay it just did that i'm exploding myself uh regen uh what about ravine how do i use it oh that's earth spike that should do it he just disappeared that does so much damage it's not very quick but like somebody's not paying attention i can hit him they're gonna die in seconds uh i got some iron here let's get ourselves a bucket i'll make a couple buckets that's not a bucket okay there we go uh what else did i get the metal ingots okay 15 metal plates we're actually almost there yo we are like literally almost fully kitted uh wow now i can get other bending abilities like lightning i want to get some sand bending abilities because this one can sand prison people and hold them there i don't know how long it lasts but it probably will tell me when i get it uh i hear another one always oh it's just probably the mobs okay uh but once i get that i will be able to just use earth spike and stuff like that but i gotta kill mobs or maybe like neutral mobs to be able to get the uh scrolls i do have five scrolls that i start with that are universal so if i kill blazes i get fire bending scrolls and that means i can use it on well fire bending clearly uh you know what one i want to get obviously is a go-to the air jump so let's get that one i'll set it as caps lock which usually the best one i just need to make sure i don't type because if i type i'll just be screaming at people creeper oh man hold on i can explode the creeper oh no we can't regen regen regen we have uh another 20 that's so close to enough we just got to stay up here for a few more moments i just got to deal with the mobs cannot die to them oh going down going down is this the way this is the way crafting table i know i just got to craft this 12 more that is enough so we gotta go get those freaking dandelions and then we can go and make it uh now i need to make sure i don't turn all of them into the yellow metal plates because it's no going back because i need some red ones or blue ones whatever i choose i'll take the extra iron did i have any more over here way out i want to take some of that coal just in case i need to smelt again so i really don't need to go back down in the mines uh if i wanted to get one more diamond fine i want to get a sword just in case because the enderman is so annoying i can make an axe oh nope nope built okay there we go i don't think i made this did i make this oh god we gotta go okay i totally did i just didn't think i made it too wide i have no food oh my god so the restore thing makes it so i don't need food i did not know that diamonds oh let's get it i got my diamond pickaxe i'm gonna make a diamond axe uh wow that is a ton we got nine uh we got eight diamonds out of that now we just gotta go to the surface it might be easiest if i just do this nerd pull up and then break let there be like come on i gotta get out of here i'm actually getting kind of claustrophobic okay there we go castophotic any sign of kraken oh my god it's oppa oppa i'm an airbender look at me oh dude we are freaking hippity happening is this even like leveled up i thought it was only level one uh okay every time we use it we train and we get stronger and stronger to tame these guys i will leave i think that you need an apple let me get that shot dude it would be so funny just flying around that would make my life so simple can i mine trees oh no i can't and we oh we gotta get dandelions can't forget about that dandelions and also poppies uh crafting table boom inbound diamond axe to your location near you uh shield i'm kind of struggling what other abilities should i get the lightning spear whoops uh might be pretty sick i'll get a boat just in case i can't tame the oppas if i uh break this hopefully we get an apple to test where's that what is that i hear i hear water i don't see water but i hear water oppa's let me on oppa please there's a bad man here he's just like are we taming it like a horse we don't much time oh i accidentally airbanded him i'm sorry oppa we gotta go we gotta go in now we got oppa after us we've made some decision in our life they're not good ones actually crap i gotta fight them i gotta get ender pearls the easiest way is definitely by killing cracking kid but he could have some armor he's only strong unless he has those water sacks which i think he starts with because like if he's water bending and there's no water well that means he's shooting nothing he's shooting his sweat maybe he could have a little icicles that do some damage i'm doing it i'm getting lightning spear i'm gonna put it as x oh my gosh that's pretty dope okay very loud though uh what else can we get check some combustion bending did i like the explosion one so long ago explosive pillar creates a line of explosions it's gonna be pretty similar to the ravine okay i wanted the the ensnarement prison so i'll set that as z so if kraken comes near me i'll use that combo it with uh earth spike and then while earth spike is going off because it's very slow i will use uh the lightning spear which is z no it's x dandelions no sunflowers uh i forget sunflowers give me yellow dandelions uh yellow dye okay got a couple poppies i need five puppies we are in hostile territories there it is again i saw the name oh they connected hello there cutie you got a full armor bro that's ridiculous oh wrong one you're like hold on okay okay okay okay okay true it's true truce i want i want you to win this time cody oh so you're gonna like let me win yeah yeah right kraken actually talks and taunts me days weeks later how he beat me in certain manhunts reckon i'm the avatar do you understand what that means brother you don't have infinite shots you're not even in the water how are you using abilities it's cold sacks of water oh there's crap come on kraken are you conspiring with the enemy i heard that yeah no no no no letting him win are you kidding me hold on no that hurts just watch out he's probably going to dig a tunnel if he gets too scared so oh meerkat good idea what has happened what there's like a million air strikes yeah you're right on your butt just like i am long have i trained i need to find some sand oh right there right there right there many hours in the mountains mike don't push him in underground don't push him on the got ground out of midair that was epic randy orton with the rko [Music] binder oh goodbye cootie it's i'm an airbender i can live oh that was the head have been so lucky you guys really don't want me to use full strength here i come boom oh i missed you've only seen half my power the avatar doesn't have anything back here come come go go come fish your doom oh cody i'm gonna kill me i have a please huh did you guys know that they're coming out with the new avatar what yeah i heard that they're uh going to expand on the avatar universe and come up with a new show avatar the first dude i would love to see like a prequel that would be sick oh there we go damage wait i got a bone kraken's literally just trying to have like normal conversations and being cannibal are just bloodthirsty for each other oh god bubble oh your bubble can't stop you forever or save you forever oh wow that's good ability you can shoot those out that's cool spike attack gotta get through it so what if a new avatar had like uranium bending you're right sorry doggo you got in the line of fire urine bending you're a bit what new ability oh i jumped into that you take a pee and then you can bend it splash it in here oh wait he's hovering he's flying i have released my tether from this world he's literally invisible like you hacking you can't be in there forever kraken are you gonna show up anytime now we had him on the ropes i i i i gotta get some food though i was out of food he's not an air better he really can't walk that fast wait where my bubble go [Music] the pioneers used to ride these babies for miles once they get going they get going and they get speedy look at this we are cruising we were absolutely cruising and i found a crafting table what are the chances i don't see a name pack okay ah all right well let's get back to what we were doing we got a dye five of these metal plates uh how do you do it there we go five metal plates get ourselves a fire bending helmet we're gonna dye these ones 25 uh that should be yeah that's enough we are going to be so strong i think cannibal oh okay clearly you were there claire you were there there you are hiding behind trees oh okay connect it again look at me cracking am i not stylish you ran what happened little girl runs middle of the battle guess who's back back again crab is back if these the ravine attack doesn't like show anything okay he's melee oh he's got the bubble all right we can't hit him at all when he's got that bubble i need to get another ability i think it's something fire oh his thing's down whoa two at once combo attack we gotta get closer pick up a block jump forward he's on the run that was a good hit our spike is it fast enough no he outran it let's go in close with ravine let's knock his armor off oh fade away i just gotta hold him still all right let's go to a beach all right right over here i had him i think stuck at one point but then he managed to break out of it he's invisible what the flip cody i'm learning how to fly you stand no chance well that that went through yes oh no no bubble kraken flank them through the bubble number three i didn't see anything dude i'm out i'm out actually what if i bring this with me this is a good idea come on kraken who's the hunted now this cow why would you kill us with your cow ow ow come on we gotta get close with ravine mike how many and this what the heck was that he just felt no he stole all my items he just oh jeez i'm spike i drop powering up oh crap we gotta get out oh something is happening let's use it again try to knock off his armor jump out of there he's like poison me i lost half my armor from that dude what are you doing let me try using our spike maybe that will get me out of the glitch we're fine uh we're not too fine though invisible man over here too high too high okay no damage sounded like elmo right there for a second get back here okay i i think i uh level up something i got time for this i got time oh i don't oh it's in the wrong spot that ability is so cool it just like shoots everything out in every direction i know it's great oh i hit the oppa thing uh the sky bison yes yeah i don't know if he's going to like that crack cannibal come on oh oh dodge at least you're smart enough to run away from the spawn now oh yes oh my goodness where the heck oh what the new ability [Music] why didn't it work was my chi down okay it's a little safer uh let's move this and now let's check it quick quick quick quick quick there we go just beyond looks like crackers oh god there's a hole right here oh my god there's your air blades they're like in the sky just totally like chilling oh no no it won't work keyboard was off rapid fire just call me thor oh god oh oh my god i'm falling back i don't know what that was ellie's freaking sick corrected where are you he's literally throwing lightning bolts i'm i'm getting them i'm getting them oh wow he's throwing them so far away guys yeah i need some more ender pearls it'd be delightful if you just keep helping me mike how many ender pearls have you given him three uh two i'd rather take the chance of me killing him than giving me an enterprise fine we go so much further now i'm so glad i saved that upgrade i was going to get like a fire bending ability but no let's get up there we go let's go to the beach let's go to the beach beach beach beach beach okay you're like a helicopter bro i know it must be terrifying oh oh my god i can't miss okay i missed kraken crack it use my water get over here now i'm trying you guys are too fast when kraken's near water it doesn't get stronger there he is come on wow he hit me in the in the skate over again oh come on ain't you in the boat so we make her stand he has infinite water now oh my god i tanked that though it didn't do anything liar can fire duck weave bob ow time for you to sob oh i i am so good with this lightning bolt hydro pump oh i can't get out of it what's up what's up we're both barely missing you know what's gonna happen cannibal as soon as you land if it works do not die again i can't do it when he's invisible oh god get thor strike him down i got my kanobo 21 attack damage oops ow our spike yes what'd you do to me what'd you do to me keep using our spine holy crap alright so i was gonna use that i can't hit him i'm stuck in an infant loop oh no i'm stuck i've lagged the server out get him like keep spamming where you see him i don't even know what's happening i'm just throwing a bill at his cannibals flying he's actually not flying he's floating at the moment cody you broke the serpent that's what i do that's what i do i'm trying to get you things are happening the abilities are still going though look i'm back it's somewhat back my earth spike is still going maybe my my keybind's stuck oh my gosh what is happening that will add to my collection no things are working just as they should be cracking i got this oh i see him i'm dipping oh i was 16 lag frames before killing it the lag storm it was literally cheating i just spammed our spike in the servos like no thank you cody okay i'm just gonna take some sand with us uh let's check our sand ability though if i want to get this to level two you can catch targets in any earth block by manipu oh my gosh i need to get that one so i don't need to be freaking in sand the coarse grain the prisoner takes damage the sand can't be blown away by air bending ah that's what he was doing he was blowing the sand away and breaking out by air bending but kraken couldn't all right atlantis we got five ender pearls just from slaying those noobs my armor it's holding up pretty well we gotta make our way to the nether so i i really believe my bet best bet would be to go underground uh i'm gonna check over here for some lava just in case but uh yeah that's the next step get some blaze powders and with this armor we should be fine or hopefully we don't die to lava and fire in blazes they're no fun even when you're a firebender a lava pool all right let's make that portal let's get them off our tail for a little bit okay and then we're going to get this sweet sweet dub this is going to feel like the best tub for any manhunt ever just because uh well i've managed to fail it uh just a few times there was an accident i don't want to talk about it okay dude do you mind i killed another zombie and i managed to get well one of those i have three earth bending skulls at the moment uh so let's level this up oh it is so close i should probably try on if i do it on the zombie it should work it should give me xp yes can i do it to multiple okay i could just keep holding these guys down i've already leveled up once uh but i can't level up again until i actually do it quick quick quick quick quick there we go and then level three oh my gosh can we do on any block down yes we can that was the one i wanted hold back creeper uh flint and steel do i have any flint on me okay i do and there's a steal go go go go go go into the choppa i could do it on obsidian this next one's gonna be so easy to level up there it's already leveled up if anybody gets near me i love how when i keep playing this mod i just learn so much more about it uh right here what does the third thing do the prisoner receives a slowness effect after becoming oh that is detrimental that is evil love it another for dude one and seven trillion i tell you guys i'm out here doing big plays uh if i kill i think chicken i can get another one of these upgrades currently we are already level three i think but we just haven't had an upgrade yes or i kill in a sheep as well oh it's like lagging i think it's the nether causing like where i kill an enderman and i get a universal scroll just enough blaze spawners right here uh how should i kill the blazes probably just picking up a block can i do that oh no well probably just using a sword uh restore okay that works out nicely shield up yeah we're just going to use an axe are we maybe where are you in the nether are we uh maybe maybe that's not what your achievements say cody reckon i'm winning and you're just scared and you come here to kind of distract me distract people getting the dub that i deserve i'm getting fire bending scrolls right now i'm on fire this is not good dipping relieve a blaze of its rod so you're getting blazer rods right now uh that's what that would be oh jeez what did i just do okay we're fine he's so far away come on dum-dum whoop who's the dum-dum i'm just sitting here outside your portal cody so you can come back any time i feel like i'm getting more fire betting scrolls than i am getting blaze rods that's idiotic so fire bending i i can with fire bending scrolls i can upgrade the spear so go uh faster when thrown and deals much more damage so does this deal damage to blazes because this is my best kind of like range that other one's like gone oh okay it doesn't do like a crazy amount of damage so i don't think i'm gonna keep using it that's four blaze rods eight blaze powder uh i think i'm just gonna get like one more to kind of be safe we've had incidents before i just feel like there's another blaze around here you could be inside the building let's get it now we bouncing so kraken gave me the intel thankfully that he's waiting outside my portal um yeah that's a bit of a problem for me uh well what happens if i quickly use the uh sand imprisonment tool or ability what if i do that and then i just freaking dip and i mine i mine and i mine it and i craft and then i play just minecraft i feel like that's my best tool just to kind of run out of the situation although i need some more ender pearls we need deeper build light and he did he make himself another portal or did he just go through where were my quartz we didn't go far i was like in a cave too right oh right there behind he's right there okay he'll back up okay as soon as we jump i'm throwing this is he down here ah i thought i saw her named oh he's literally blending in where's your buddy where's the you crabman one and no he just got your gold block dude what my goal we're not playing you're not playing uh math wars yes we are uh come on no no no place it g what i can't earth spike i can pick it up at least your distractions they will not fool me come on cody goodbye kraken crap let's be ready mike plan b plan b plan b oh actually hold on oh i can freeze you anywhere mr crab what let me out of here bubble oh that was a clutch bubble like at the last second okay i can do this my game crashed aha i am back and no you do not win it was just a crash i didn't die oh what is that noise oh god heal oh when i used heal last time that's what crashed you guys hear this weird noise too it needs to stop i hear something underneath me i it's not i'm i'm moving it's going to be cracking i got to kill him freaking it's not me it's totally you oh wait you missed crap i'm out of them i'm out were you throwing something at me yes i was throwing something at you you idiot throwing knives cracking watch it what what you got what you got cam cam bell crab cannibal cannon candy cannibal crap crap you take fall damage you realize your invisible doesn't really work oh you're wearing armor did you think of that one number six freeze freeze freeze by cracking oh that was a good move you keep moving it you're curving it what you didn't die from that nope how did you tank that take your armor off oh my god ravine is broken everything i have is broken you're broken oh crap crap crap crap i do so much damage is what i mean there i'll leave your armor for you and we gotta head this way this is the dub they talked about the prophets they said the avatar the penguin avatar would come i thought you were a swamp bender the swamp i am the last swamp ender yo uh i totally forgot i was gonna talk about this episode of manhunt but i've just been so distracted trying to get the dub uh we're gonna bring that back soon guys it was just taking a little hiatus and then christmas happened and then real life stuff got in the way so we didn't really want to commit to starting the series back up but you can expect that very very soon you guys love avatar the last swamp bender and if you haven't seen it what are you doing uh the playlist should be down in the description check it out about like 10 episodes freaking swamp don't swamp swamp swamps the people of the swamp are good people they're just kind of stupid people oh let's kill these guys sorry sheep oh that escalated very quickly i i believe it's sheep that drop it uh nothing there one more sheep all right now i'm just gonna kill chickens yeah uh for air yeah it's sheep bat parrot and chicken i have the thing on the left hand side so we got skizz amped 15 chance though this time for sure kraken got so many when he was just killing innocent earth nomads in the middle of a village it was quite horrific but he did get them um so let's check we got to go backwards no we got to keep freaking going i thought that was cannibal flying again uh fire bending ability i want to see if lightning can be upgraded nope that's at half what else have i been training we got the lightning bending we got the air jump which is ready to be upgraded the sand prison i i think that's close oh the prisoner takes damage after being uh freed the sand can't be blown away by air bending i don't know do i want to hard counter mike i don't know if he's been able to figure out how to earth bend the sand off though because we can do it so fast and we just keep bending them again so it's i don't know i don't think we need that counter i'd rather get some more dps down i believe these ostriches might be a little faster can they walk on water oh god that thing is drowning i best kill it oh it'll live it'll live there's so many ostriches out here this is where i should have been when i learned how to sandband there is that ability sandstorm and it blows everybody away but i really don't want them to blow away because i want them to be nice and close there was an ability to like pull everybody together i would totally get that i wish there was enderman spawning here man i gotta get a few more we need uh i think at least three more if we get lucky on the draw there um but i can at least kill them two more times if they come so we're gonna need to get uh maybe two ender pearls to be safe we're gonna be hunting this night back the other way all right so we'll hunt for the enemy now they do travel in herds all right we should be fine to just go in go for the legs we'll chop this little tower down please no mr man why did he teleport oh the skeletron skeleton you're not making them teleport again let's go was it an airbending scroll was it universal universal okay i need to be careful with what i use it on yeah he's like teleporting but shouldn't be another universal so i guess i don't need to be too careful this poor chicken i just keep using the earth bending scroll over and over again all right this is the final one we're going for the damage let's get it should i get one of those uh second upgrade on the air jump um here we go so that's even better jumping they've been gone for quite a while i'd say probably like 10 minutes 15 minutes wow we're getting so lucky so yeah they might be around here somewhere i gotta double check where i'm supposed to mine i think it was back in that section that's cool so i just kind of like guessed uh oh no monster eggs get out of here uh let's break in this is a library this is a good start um actually i'm not going to go in the library i don't want to be dealing with that fiasco of cobwebs and everything like that now that we're in gotta find that silly portal oh what's up please creeper don't do it i see the creeper lurking he's gonna blow it up okay i guess i don't need that just gonna keep going oh why is there so many creepers this is not this is not cool okay is that a name tag you guys see a name tag right there oh crap he sees it coming towards him what was that behind me okay let's go up here turn around uh he's a little further down no we have access to him i think here nope come on where is he he's hiding in a cave he's at the portal what why did he just go in all right well cannibal they can't have a trap in there oh there's cannibal free syndrome oh no do i go in right now if i don't go in right now they'll set up a trap that's what i was thinking the only way they would do this is is that they had a trap all right i need a new partner oh um why just pushed me he what he pushed me off the edge he just air bended me off the edge oh um so you you guys weren't going to anything oh oh my gosh oh dude oh so close i'm kind of glad i waited were you guys trying to kill the ender dragon cracker don't put that on me i didn't push you i was no he air bended me no yes you did baby this isn't going well for you guys oh my gosh behind where the coordinates come on we gotta hurry he's probably in there already oh going all the way down i can like double jump i think oh that didn't go well what's up that didn't work why does he say i need to unlock that ability it won't explode uh can i pick up a block okay he does damage restore wow are you smacking me i don't have a bow i thought oh i hit an enderman crack and died again uh let's try this can i pick up a block no let's pick up this one anthro what so i just gotta get a bit close and personal and break them all right my armor is holding up pretty well uh i figured out the issue so i'm like wall jumping sometimes so if i hold down spacebar it'll like wall jump and i don't really want that can i make that jump ah let's see if we could do any damage to him where are they going are they mad at the ender dragon i didn't know they got mad at the ender dragon uh back up one two three who broke those ones cannibals did you break some uh well yeah i was trying to kill the enemy dragon quickly yeah that was your guys's big move if there's nothing left you guys want to forfeit because you know i'm going to win right could you do you want to do i want to why would i want to oh wow that actually i should not have encased myself in that that could have went very bad very quickly you will die to the end dragon i'm calling it now if i die the ender dragon i will quit minecraft promise promise this channel would be gone we'll turn it into a runescape channel you could turn it into like hello kitty i don't freaking care bro because it's not gonna happen this is my day it's my birthday today you guys haven't even said happy birthday cody happy not birthday it is my birthday i can't even damage him what i carry damage him mike just gotta try some earth moves well now i can damage him we just gotta get under him i don't think that's gonna happen okay airbenders that's gonna happen though i'm literally lightening him in the face there we go right where we need to be there's water bending abilities kraken's gonna be close he's just staying there that was such a long time am i hitting him right i gotta be all right let's get this ready we can send kraken probably what has he got oh he's got the 20 attack damage weapon i never figure out how to get that shadow lands uh now keep inventory is on that's why they still have their armor guys so if you're wondering about that if he's like flying bike probably couldn't get some damage down he'll back up in prison in prison in prison just missed oh can i imprison the ender dragon wait look call me dude i can't come here earth spike it doesn't work cause i i'm not on earth come on did i do that uh i think so we're the ender dragon it's up to your buddy now oh my gosh let me down i'm gonna try to imprison him on that once it comes ah i didn't even do it i it didn't work uh and he's gone last time we had him pinned in there for so long too long i gotta do it quickly there is a time where i think it can happen let me get up a little higher oh he's he's literally stuck i have him stuck i just need to keep spamming the ability oh yep can't trap the ender dragon 5 000 iq he hasn't tried to leave yet so it it it may not fully work i'm pressing z and then just spamming left click i need to wait you need to be patient there we go he's trying to fly away right now i'm keeping it up airbending don't hit me away he just glitched out of it i swung and there was nothing but air that's the only way to dodge an ender dragon fireball he's coming right at me trapped okay get the damage down just gotta keep looking back down does he suffer the damage as soon as he gets away though i i didn't see him taking damage he did that and i didn't see cracking taking damage either maybe that's glitched oh i stuck him i stuck him i stuck him that actually worked and i was able to hit him no it's not working it's not working because it's like a phantom this restorability is so dope i i've been able to get so many sticky situations and i haven't had to have a bit of luck uh food at all the entire game this is where we win this is where we would after so many tries okay stuck them just in case oh for the last hit mike for kraken oh come on come on no what cracking are you here yeah yeah yeah i'm back i laid the trap but no it caught us all so close greg is one shot away no this isn't good i gotta get him with the canavo water water water i have no water left i have no water left i didn't have time to refill it just stop it no no no no no no dude you don't understand you don't understand you don't understand kraken that was a big mistake why that ender dragon it was just the baby the mom's gonna come to quote the biggest loser in the series um i need a new partner yeah cannonball i'm gonna say you both sucked oh that was clutched by me all right 18 so i hope you did enjoy this avatar manhunt challenge shout out to cracking kid and camel crab five manhunts in the avatar and i've finally done it any words uh besides you hate your teammate yeah maybe we let you win cody cause we felt so bad for you huh yeah i'm gonna go with no guys comment down below if you want to see maybe another one i don't know this is really fun to do this one uh they are just a little bit longer so hit that like button we work very hard on it atlanteans unite
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 1,047,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: speedrunner, avatar, avatar the last airbender, minecraft, speedrunner vs hunter, minecraft vs hunter, mod, mods, speedrun, beat minecraft, avatar mod minecraft, minecraft avatar, atlantic craft, the atlantic craft, minecraft mods, challenge, manhunt, hunters, hunt, fun, funny, game, games, minecraft manhunt, manhunt avatar, aang, firebender, waterbender, earthbending, avatar in minecraft, minecraft avatar mod, man hunt, avatar movie, avatar last airbender
Id: lVjDZBri7aM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 37sec (3097 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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