Avatar Skywars in Minecraft! (Avatar Mod)

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I'm going straight down we're gonna break rollin right in the crack in space and then I kill him with the axe [Music] everybody go outside your temple and see which element you are fire let's go whoa I got earth you can't even do anything to me fire does it affect onyx oh yeah well I'm a tornado bender and by that I mean an air pooper well just strike down lightning no nervous let's go okay so you're gonna find some tools you can find some steak at the beginning and you're also on your island you're gonna find different Scrolls so right now I have a firebending scroll I need two more to be able to activate firebending for me they'll be hitting up hidden around your map so good luck finding them now they are in sneaky spots so they could be anywhere maybe even on top of the temple so you might need to grief it I got next now hey Kraken so coming right to the middle oh you could do that actually there are Universal Scrolls throughout which can work another one okay that's three I can finally unlock Firebird day let's go but I can't use anything because I need ya see I need the four scroll so which I put a rocket launcher somewhere in this map so it's no shut up you did I totally did that's not go right to it that's basically launcher bender Kraken you have airbending I am firebending so you know oxygen here makes fire stronger how about you and me team up to take down cannibal crab what Kevon rocks can melt at a certain temperature even metal can aren't if he's metal bending here's what we'll do we'll see where I'm at in like ten minutes if I feel like I can beat you both I'm gonna do that I've had enough of this teaming talk I'm going into my own call and I'm winning this competition so they add there are four temples Atlanteans there are you know obviously air water fire and earth now it looks like nobody got to be the waterbender I could go over there in try and become the waterbender but I would have to go and find all the scrolls and there's only three of us so if we had a fourth person maybe baby blooper can join us next time I freaking love the avatar and I've been watching so much of it on Netflix I've been absolutely obsessed we were almost to this new island hopefully we could finally get some new abilities now each scale that you learn with the scrolls you can like upgrade them out did I just take damage no okay you could upgrade them and then they'll be even stronger but to upgrade them you need to train and use them consistently and they like level up okay we're gonna make a leap of faith here in just a second I am NOT a pro skywars players so don't expect too much crazy parkour okay that's pretty good no this chest had nothing wait was somebody here before I don't think anybody was cuz that's the water temple over there universal scroll and we get some more blocks noise and I could probably chop down a lot of these trees get some of that loot here we go I'm gonna learn a small utility type ability lights fired no no I don't want a light fire this is the one I want fire arc okay so I want to unlock that and then I'm gonna set it to the F key see how I'm only at tier 1 fire arc that you can eventually upgrade them if you keep using them but I don't know if we'll have enough time Oh master of the abilities could I set the map on fire I probably should do that I mean I don't I don't know if I'm resistant to fire but if I am well that's weird I just heard the sound all right I'm gonna collect a lot of blocks here and we're gonna go try make our way to the center there we go I've made into my second island we're almost at the middle I have no clue where cannibal or cracking are so they could have mastered their abilities by now or at least one of them I have this firebending our fire arc at the ready although it's kind of giving away my position I'm gonna get rid of it and there's another chest we're those scrolling some more blocks okay so what's this one it generated stream of powerful close-range flames yes thank you very much so we now have two freaking abilities ability to okay I think I can left-click oh what a beauty TechEd okay I'll figure out that ability in just a second but do I have fire arc like fire this is flamethrower that's the one right oh there we go I shoot it out of my mouth pretty much my Charizard weird crack and go okay I think I can get the jump on him let's make our way back to the middle I don't know where cannibal is he could be here already leap of faith baby somebody just fall no I don't think they did yeah that's cannibal okay oh there's a rocket launcher of the get rid of this what a memes d'oeuvre he put don't forget lock rocket launcher down and her pearls that'll help me get around beautiful I'm gonna get on top of here because this will give me a good visual where Kraken is so he builds his way there but he hasn't shown himself come out come out wherever you are oh he's gonna be hiding back there he is I see him hi crackhead oh crap no way for me i'll airbed you you don't want to airbend me because then you know my fire will explode in your face oh this would but it's cool I could like propel myself unlocked why is cannibal over at the water temple what is he doing over there I still haven't mastered this propulsion one what the heck I should be able to like leap forward let's take a look short distance damaging players when you jump it should go okay we're didn't move on that whole tree got burned down by me I heard some building is cracking near me he did come over here well maybe he's run away or there could be a cave let's check for a cave skywars avatar the last airbender yeah I've been watching it so much on Netflix I've been going nuts watching it he made a little home for himself get away from me leave me alone I am out bro what I'm out you just killed me I killed you yeah I didn't know you'd be like facing me oh my gosh I'm sitting there trying to like use some Scrolls that I wanted to hide away from people and then I see like smashing my keys oh my god well you almost saved myself but then I like one forward a little bit yet you're overpowered bro air is gonna be banned from skywars mike is over here he's chopping down some palm trees I don't know what Earth abilities he has mastered right now but for round number two I think what we'll have is we'll have every ability unlocked and then you'll be able to go and upgrade them throughout the map or something like that every ability I don't know man I want it to be freaking chaos I want us to be like masters okay cuz the first round we were the offices and now we have learned the ways wait you died yeah I got knocked over by fire or airbending fire buddy yeah he was shooting area you I'm in the middle of the island where is cracking that what is this I think you're kind of late to the little island and I'm not gonna give you a hint where he had the rocket launcher though where's the rocket launcher shoot I throw it off the cliff Mike no my only chance at universe Pro okay he's he's not strong he's an airbender airbenders weak you can pick up blocks what the heck I'm strong okay listen I need to unlock the higher level of this earth floor wing ability I gotta throw them bows at him how do I there we go well if we're gonna do round two like we're all gonna be masters of the abilities Oh God okay so I'm gonna be chunking entire Islands that you guys yeah well I'm gonna be earthbending no I don't know what we're gonna be we'll pick at random I just saw him in the middle somewhere he must be making a base in the middle I'm gonna following me is that way you're laughing no no you don't know how right you were I'm going straight down we're gonna break rollin right in the crack in space and then why kill him with the axe okay become strong I reckon tractor retreat is no way to cover he's down he's down become strong he's panicking pedis ravine okay the air burst Oh throw some rocks at him out bro kick I drop my feedbacks you're blocking from every entrance I choose rejection spell oh my god I think there's one with an axe you've been entered he has earthbending but he chooses to use an axe yeah I've powered it with earth oh my gosh all right round number two we will be masters of the elements no more novices and what element I am let's go it's time to get dirty oh yeah I'm fire you stood no chance is anybody area well nope I'll tell you what I am no I'm a Blastoise I have hydro pump good so right now guys we have all the abilities totally totally unlocked I'm gonna absolutely slap with my abilities guys you have no idea what I'm capable of you think I'm gonna shoot a fiery comet right at your Island as soon as I see where you are baby what crack let me guess you're good at you're an earthbender right you're gonna use an iron axe no I'm not gonna use it iron eggs bro well at least you're not loose you're not an airbender now with the no touch me shield it's a all have shields everything well Kraken said he did run out of uh well I can I mind that he ran out of Chi so it kind of like ended I should be able to break more than this it doesn't seem like that much okay well I guess that's pretty good well I could set a key bind for it if I press a H okay there we go which one's mine I think you are yes you are okay so it's G if I spam G does it keep oh yes there we go much easier okay we got all these blocks to be able to go towards the middle I don't have any like crazy abilities that allowed me to fly so maybe if I was maxed out as a Airbender I'll be able to fly but nobody is an airbender so that's good I think if Mike managed to figure out how to use that like combustion ring he could shoot up into the sky as a firebender so let's see what I could do what else could I do wall you have already tried that one mine blocks are spikes so basically that goes right towards the enemy oh my gosh that will do a lot of damage okay then we have ravine I guess it's pretty similar oh this is the binding one I thought I was doing so mine blocks is not as good as ravine but ravine doesn't do all the ones that you're looking at so we're gonna even more blocks that we can use and then earth control basically allows you to pick up one and then you can fling it and I think if I hit my enemy with that I should be able to get it back so like that the block will come like right back to be like a boomerang almost okay build it out let's get it hey Kraken are you there yo what's up dude so waterbending do you know anything about waterbending I did but I just got knocked off my island really well oh my god I see the fire did he just I don't think he knows though cuz he didn't come to my call so I'm gonna keep praying if I end up winning no I know they'll be laughter fine you can come back it killed you that fast I was into it eyelid did he just hit me and then I fell right off yeah that's uh that's the struggles with skywars here okay what else do I have for defenses I think it's just the wall for defenses oh hey kind of like I want to do to you right now you can't reach me oh I can oh that was pretty close though it keeps it's like splashing right before it reaches me how much you want Bank Cody a lot of money actually if you hit me bro I will quit minecraft forever can you you're just getting me wet a little bit yeah Mike's on the middle your Island oh yeah there he is oh okay let's get let's get uh whoa whoa there we go and I can use restore restores gonna give back bunch of my health and make me a lot stronger okay let's get ravine ready it's gonna smash actually I print I should press shift make sure he can't see me ah restore restore restore move all up wall up now like my cheese might be down what do we got my blocks nope let's harness one of these blocks he's setting everything on fire oh crap I gotta build a wall here clearly things are not working out in my favor use your mining tool mine underneath them make a fall under this guy I should just have run out him with an axe I can see why the earth oh he's right out there ah no okay II got me he just rushed after me girl did you fold she I kept using restore by accident and then by the time I realized I was totally out of everything dude I must be a Navistar stay because I never run her cheap you guys have to see for yourselves I won back-to-back two-time champion baby no you didn't get me what oh well uh okay you're climbing on wood ah oh he's not dead okay that's no problem he fell off yeah you killed him twice he he wanted to come back think you didn't see him the first time well that has been avatar the last airbender sky wars edition I want to do when that's not sky wars because I hate falling off okay dude what about a PR avatar battle royale avatar dude I'm down for that make sure you leave a like if you want to see that and I'll catch you at LAN teens in the next video electives [Music]
Channel: TheAtlanticCraft
Views: 854,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar, avatar the last airbender, avatar in minecraft, minecraft, skywars, mod, mods, avatar mod, avatar minecraft mod, skywars avatar, waterbending, elements, avatar fight, avatar the last airbender netflix, skywars minecraft, epic, battle, atlantic craft, cody, fun
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 4sec (964 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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