Mandate of Heaven DLC Factions Guide

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when a million peasants pick up pitchforks to pillage and plunder your palaces you know you've screwed up somewhere and this momentous peasant revolt is exactly what the Mandate of Heaven dlc for total war three kingdoms covers when in eighty one eighty four the poor and downtrodden of China decided to show the corrupt Han Empire exactly who dictates the right to rule you'll take part in this historic event and decide whether to burn the empire down or to reform it so it can rise again like a phoenix from its ashes in it you'll play as either the Yellow Turban rebels or loyalists to the Han Empire and in this video I'll show you what six factions from the event are playable and throw in a few historical insights for each to show how they translate into game play first off though the Yellow Turban rebellion actually kicked off in AD 184 and the game begins in 182 mainly just to give you a few turns to get the feel of the world before everything goes to hell in a handbasket it also adds a new starting date for other fan favorite factions of the Three Kingdoms as well and that includes a more aerodynamic dongs whoa the main man stirring up all this trouble is Jon's way a Taoist priest who preached the way of supreme peace but somehow didn't see the irony and burning down local government buildings and murdering Han officials sick of seeing the poor and downtrodden of the Han Empire being starved and work to death he declared that he had seen a vision of a new yellow sky one that would replace the current Han as Iran and the only way to bring about this new heaven was to fight for it and it's from this vision that the yellow turbans get their name though they could just as easily have been called the yellow scarves headbands or do-rags regardless you'll spread the yellow rebellion by ransacking settlements and boosting fervor throughout the land all to free the people from the yoke of Chinese corruption and tyranny Zhang's ways two main supporters in this are his blood-borne brothers Jolene and Jung Bao both of who are integral to your success in a Yellow Turban campaign as for the first time you're unique ziyal resource is shared and generated jointly between all three Yellow Turban factions so each man must generate it and contribute it back to the brothers the how of its acquisition is what makes each of their campaigns unique Jones Way builds eel by causing enemy casualties hacking loyal hunt sympathizers to death because nothing says taoist priest like killing as many people as humanly possible to help you do this you'll use tongs ways unique messengers of heaven melee cavalry and chosen of the eight immortals dual wielding infantry both are designed to cause as much damage as possible but the trade-off is that they also die rather quickly but since all Zhang's ways armies get +8 morale everyone will fight to the last man and even that's not a problem as John's way was a renowned healer or diabolical sorcerer depending on your source and as your zeal increases he gains huge bonuses to replenishment and additional income from peasantry so that you're poised to roll over your enemies in a yellow tide and are never wanting for additional volunteer peasants to go fight your enemies your point man in this campaign though will be John Bao who gained zeal by attacking enemies and not surprisingly as your zeal Rises he also gets increased damage while attacking which makes his ferocious zealots of the way pull armed infantry even more effective as cleavers tied to sticks weren't terrifying enough by themselves and to ensure you can cut through haunt loyalists like butter Chong bowel also gets the alkali hunters literally translated as demons who have guerrilla deployment and poison attacks which in total war is called the I win combination the third brother Zhang Liang was the fighter of the bunch which makes it somewhat unfortunate that the general of beastmode here is a defensive Lord who only gained zeal when defending and his damage bonuses only apply when he is defending which means you're going to spend a lot of time on the campaign map sitting around in your ass trying to con people into attacking you but at least while they sit there arguing they will be taking an attrition damage as that is his unique ability and if someone is fool enough to finally take the bait and Red Rover over they'll be met by the tyrant Slayer shock cavalry and the Gallants of the people spearmen which means that when you play as Zhang Liang you can hammer and anvil until the cows come home the rooster crows or whatever Chinese proverb means the same thing just know that if you ever find yourself on the back foot the rebellion will start to crumble around you and your zeal will plummet so ignore Smokey the Bear and instead burn anything you come across if it sounds like the yellow turbans are poised to put the Han Empire up [ __ ] creek you're right but interestingly there was an exception during this time of revolt the first man on the Han Empire playlist near Chong who as a powerful warrior and distant relative of the ruling family was the prince of Qin you'll begin the game as a Han Empire subject but when the rest of China was a sea of yellow chaos Qin was an island of calm because lu wrong figured out that the best way to stop the turbines was to put archers on his borders and feather anyone that looked at them crossways you'll see this in game with his chin peacekeeper melee cavalry and Qin Royal Guard crossbowmen who were heavily armored and punch holes in anyone that thinks about the color saffron for too long every Lord has a unique mechanic of some kind bitter Chong is unique to all of Total War he has a trophy cabinet which you can fill by completing various quests like recruit X number of guys or have X number of horses and then you can equip these for extra buffs and benefits it's a remix of tech trees and item equipping that I expect we'll see again in future games though I do hope it's a bit more specific in the future like kill lubu or win a victory alongside BAE but even as is they spice up his campaign this desire to fight and collect is referenced in your songs fortitude resource it grows by fighting and winning battles and you get even more of it with lopsided victories because the object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other poor dumb bastard for his and as your fortitude grows it decreases enemy morale while increasing your own while also giving extra experience and replenishing your troops and as you can't spend it on anything it's a nice meter to judge how big of a badass your alert Rong is at the moment and since you'll be playing the lone rock and a sea of rebellion expect it to hit patton levels when his campaign goes full battle of the Bulge and you find yourself surrounded by turbans on the opposite end of the spectrum you'll find energy a scholarly Han governor who schooled the likes of your Bey and Gong zooms on but don't let that fool you underneath that warm schoolmarm exterior you'll find the black heart of a ruthless librarian bent on using books to dominate the world his faction mechanic is the great library a collection of arcane books used to boost his intellect to better dominate his foes we're like your Chong as he achieves a series of civic feats he unlocks a range of books to populate his library each with their own bonuses and as some of them are a set of books you'll get additional Pokemon bonuses by collecting them all and see I told you that mechanic would come up again lurgy headed one of the first armies to be sent north to fight the turbines and likely would have been successful too if it hadn't been for Imperial posturing and a bunch of meddling eunuchs that called him back early which brings us to the major faction on the map and the one you really want to hear about the Han Empire itself headed by Liu Hong better known to history as Emperor Ling who rules over an empire on the verge of collapse you'll notice that the Han Empire dominates the entire map of China but don't go thinking it means you'll be controlling it all in fact due to Emperor Hong being nearly a puppet at this point you'll only have one settlement at the start Luoyang under your direct control the rest of the Empire our Imperial subjects and unlike vassals and previous games this comes with a give-and-take relationship where you collect 80% of the taxes of your subjects but then redistribute 90% of it back out again so don't expect unlimited in here government's very rarely run in the black after all the Emperor's Court is controlled by corrupt and self-serving eunuchs and bureaucrats who lash out at anyone who opposes them and powerful local warlords seek to undermine the Emperor's authority and carve out their own domains from this we get lu han's unique faction mechanic the imperial court where three factions vie for control of the government you begin with the bureaucrats in charge led by the eunuch faction and you'll notice right off the bat that leaving them in charge here will run the government into the ground so as luhan you'll need to focus on politics in this campaign and work to replace them by spending political influence to remove them from their offices they can then be replaced with either supporters of the imperial dynasty or warlords each of them give their own unique bonuses that focus on either centralizing or disseminating imperial power and as you loosen your grip on the warlords and give them more power you'll gain the ability to coordinate your war efforts and SiC them on anyone who opposes you or conversely you can focus on dynasty which increases your personal power by allowing you to feel more armies and allows you to annex Imperial cities putting them under your direct control though this also cost political influence you'll also start with a full doom stack imperial army under your command armed with uber powerful imperial units and though you can use them to squash rebellions it's nearly impossible to replenish their ranks after battle as the cost of up keeping them will [ __ ] your economy so in this campaign you're going to have to make hard choices if you choose to play as the Emperor do you allow some factions to secede so you don't have to pay for them anymore do you instead tax them all to death or do you try and reform the government before it all falls apart around you the victory conditions for the Han Emperor are straightforward murder those yellow wearing s Obi's posthaste and since you're already the Emperor you don't have to worry about climbing the line but with emerging factions internal struggles and warlord defections you'll find that an uphill battle but if you take decisive action and a few Gamble's it's actually possible to win the campaign and under 50 turns some have even managed it under 30 though it's high risk and reward and I found myself in a campaign that got steadily harder as my empire crumbled around me historically Emperor Ling fumbled the ball at this point and that's exactly what happened he watched helplessly as his empire crumbled around him unable to change anything and when a famine hit northern China at the same time it was enough for many to feel that the Emperor had lost the Mandate of Heaven and the divine right to rule was no longer his thus kicking off the Yellow Turban rebellion that this DLC covers which proceeds the war of the three kingdoms though that's something that neither the Emperor nor the Jong brothers would live to see as all of them had died within a year of the rebellion start but that's a deeper story for another time the Mandate of Heaven DLC for total war three kingdoms will be available on January 16th in the year of the metalrat twenty [Music] and thanks for watching and look for a more detailed history on the Yellow Turban rebellion to land on this channel soon
Channel: Cody Bonds
Views: 86,075
Rating: 4.9511533 out of 5
Keywords: total war, three kingdoms, yellow turbans, yellow turban rebellion, guide, gameplay, factions, DLC, mandate of heaven, total war three kingdoms, game, video game
Id: faHJ3bBrBGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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