Mandalorian Civil War: Champion | Part 3 of 3 | Star Wars Rebels | Disney XD

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Is this just the season 4 premiere?

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/DarthSatoris 📅︎︎ Dec 19 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] how surely your father is in there well our spies in the capital say he's here and they've been right so far rau I've got a squad of stormtroopers in front plus multiple cannons Sabine doesn't it seem suspicious that the Empire would move your father so far from the capital that may be true but I'd put nothing past these sacks on Clan traitors we're in position spectre-5 copy round over all right clan run check your fire for the captain we're going in the front door on my lead what's wrong with you I wish I had more practice with just a jetpack you're a Jedi I'm sure you'll pick it up on the fly yes on the fly I get a chopper [Music] target acquired sir we have a single target approaching from the north [Music] friction multiple targets we have multiple targets [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not as fun as it looks [Music] [Music] as you anticipated Sabine Wren is leading the attack you may do away with her allies come on des but I want her alive Lord Saxon aah I cannot even guarantee we can hold the tower I know how stubborn clan Wren can be that's why I've dispatched reinforcements to help you [Music] well this just got more and more interesting the word you're looking for is interesting [Music] send out Jedi where she dies Surrender [Music] [Music] [Music] go back to the base where's your father the outpost is empty there's no one here this was a trap set to lure you in your mother received this Intel but she couldn't get word to you the Empire was jamming all transmissions she sent me ahead to reinforce you I understand she's on her way who are you [Music] Kanan and Ezra this is lady Bo cotton of house crease a sister sateen once ruled Mandalore Bogota was made Regent by the Jedi before the end of the clone war she's still seen by many as Mandalore's rightful ruler so what happened after the empire took over I refused to obey the Emperor and was betrayed by the Saxon clan your commitment to Mandalore's freedom is legendary milady this belongs to you I had my chance to rule and I failed I am not my sister I'm not the leader you seek see if you can contact my mother right away [Music] you know your home planet is very different from once upon a time these Plains were covered with grass but I never saw it this destruction happened before I was born and it never grew back never had a chance to this is what continuous war has done to my home maybe maybe this is your chance to help change things mother any news the Empire's changed their plan they're moving your father back to the capital for a public termination [Music] I don't see anything yet just give my mom a chance we were hoping you could have freed him by now what's the outlook the Empire is moving Sabine's father to the Mandalorian capital of Sundari only chance we've got for a rescue is to ambush the convoy before it gets there what's the status of the Imperial occupation Mandalore's under complete lockdown civil wars raging I'm sorry I hate to say it but it sounds like the planet is lost Sabine's father is important not just to her but to her people that's how I persuaded Mon Mothma to let you help but once that's done I need you to come back Oh having trouble overthrowing the Empire without me our team is an important asset to the rebellion an asset is that what we are you know what I mean well you know how I feel are we still talking about the mission that depends on what you know be careful see you soon yep that's my mom blowing things up definitely runs in your family it's RN specialty the prisoner convoy has changed course toward the canyon then the diversion worked there I'm scanning a single passenger no armor in the center trucks the one most heavily guarded if we attack the lead vehicle my father's transport will fall back then someone could sneak up and sabotage its controls forcing it to stop by then the rest of the convoy will be too far ahead to do anything about it so who's going in yeah that sounds like a me plan are you sure you haven't exactly mastered that jet pack yet hey I got you can do it chopper just get ready to jam their comms the traitors are putting up a stronger fight than expected what's your status captain we have altered our route to avoid the battle but remain on schedule Governor Saxon good continue to sundar e with the prisoner I'm ordering the weapon to be readied the rescue effort failed traitor we will reach the capital within the hour I do love the capital it is a masterful expression of our architecture I'm glad you enjoy it it will be the last thing you see go easy on no chance [Music] so be [Applause] [Music] [Music] your speed copy that I'll take the two on the left I got the two on the right great [Music] Oh [Music] I've got a better idea [Music] are you with Sabine yeah with her I mean not with her with her I'm just friends with her are you Jedi let's hope so [Music] take this sir how would you get up trust me I'm better off without [Music] [Music] [Music] 'captain hauk is there a problem with the prisoner the Renegades in that Jedi have ice attacked my convoy they find well withdraw all remaining forces I am going to deploy the weapon before the end they will warn you before the Duchess thank you young Jedi [Music] when I got word that you had returned I did not believe it and sube you are my daughter [Music] I was pleased then even more now well we would never leave you in the hands of the Empire where that was fine I meant your artwork you've progressed your use of color and line is better better what do you mean better it's great it's getting there your design aesthetic is still derivative of the pre Exile masters tojon was an influence obviously but I made it my own I thought you had a sharper eye now I see where Sabine gets her creative side oh no master Jedi Sabine's artistry comes from her mother Ursa knows how to destroy her enemies in so many creative ways and here I thought we were rescuing another warrior my dad fights with his art we need to get moving we're too exposed here how does Ren we've rescued your husband Ulrich is free then we have two victories today horses are in retreat hold on they're not all running looks like we've got an incoming imperial transport reinforcements to cover their retreat they've deployed a single Scout walker with no other support it's moving into Attack Position laughable destroy it [Music] No let's go chop no hope what happened here where are the survivors of this battle the wounded the victors I see only the defeated Mandalorian armor what could do this a weapon did this a weapon created by my daughter [Music] [Music] there were rumors the Empire was working on a weapon to neutralize Mandalorian armor that hadn't even been tested on our people I didn't believe it not the Empire me this is all my fault Sabine you can't blame yourself for this you tried everything my father said was true Ezra this is my work I created the weapon that did this and because of me the Empire is going to turn my world into a graveyard because of me Mandalorians are going to die my mother and brother are [Music] mother Tristan I thought I lost you we were caught at the edge of the weapons range thanks to your warning we made it out the others weren't so lucky Oh jumpers picked up something survivors no the Empire's coming back to finish the job [Music] [Music] that's the bees mother and father out of here oh you all right better than the bike we have to leave now all right let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I can keep us in the air but we can't take another hit like that where are you going brow seller weapons are down a Mandalorian with a jetpack is a weapon I'm not Amanda Mandalorian I don't want to be a mandible in this recording you will see the first test trial of the weapon used against clan Ren [Music] as you've seen the arc generators energy pulse is drawn to the best car alloy in the Mandalorians armored super heating it and instantly vaporizing the target all the while doing no harm to our Imperial Stormtroopers the weapon is fully operational as promised gran effective yes but you miss the true artistry of this weapon governor Saxon it turns an armored legendary foot strength into a crippling weakness and it strikes at the very heart of your peoples tradition you said the Emperor wanted this uprising dealt with quickly this will end it you're different than your brother how would gar Saxon feel about you betraying your heritage he no longer feels anything I have evolved Mandalore must evolve with me one sure people see their sense of security turned against them do you believe they'll swear loyalty to the Empire no Mandalorian without armor is no more than a common soldier fear will compel them to join the Empire we shall see of course the weapons range is far more limited than you promised or perhaps you thought over the notice I only had pieces of the prototype I've done everything I could you cannot make it work properly because you do not truly understand it you need the weapons creator you need Sabine Wren ah governor I mean no disrespect but what will stop the Empire from using the weapon on us as well unquestioning loyalty captain now find Sabine Wren [Music] you told us you destroyed it I did the Empire must have rebuilt it they you're a Mandalorian why would you create such an abomination this is the weapon of a coward I was young it was a challenge and I was arrogant but when I realized the Empire tested it and actually planned to use it I sabotage the prototype and destroyed the plans I thought that was the end of it I swear to you okay so this weapon only targets Mandalorian armor right so why not make your armor out of something different Ezra the armor I wear is 500 years old I reforged it to my liking but the battles the history the blood all lives within it and the same goes for every Mandalorian this armor is part of our identity it makes us Mandalorians who we are and now it's going to make us dead [Music] Sabine right nope no time weapon in the trade of song or trader to Mandalore lower your weapons Sabine did everything she could to stop this from happening you must believe us any attack on my daughter is an attack on clad red No Sabine what are you doing I'm prepared to take responsibility for my actions it's true I designed the weapon as a loyal student at the Imperial Academy the Empire is using my prototype but it's only functioning at a fraction of its capacity at full power it will destroy armies so you've got a choice to make we can fight each other or we can destroy this weapon once and for all I understand your anger in many ways I feel the same but Sabine is right now is not the time for us to be divisive she knows the most about this weapon and how to destroy it we need her it's time for you to prove your loyalty not just to your family but to all of men [Music] Saxon has worked hard to keep the weapon a secret so he likely has it aboard his imperial star destroyer outside of sundar needless to say it will be very well guarded once we get inside that ship we'll need two teams one to find the weapon and one to wipe out every shred of data on it from the Imperial computer systems this weapon is there any way it could be turned against the Empire I've studied stormtrooper armor and while the thought has crossed my mind that that isn't our mission no no we have to destroy it I will lead the attack team with respect countess you can barely hold a blaster I'm just as good with my other hand Yes Mother but we'll need you for tactical support so be it if I can get to the weapon I can make sure it's destroyed I'll get you there Ezra and I'll take chopper to the data core alright let's go over our infiltration path I'm surprised to see you so swayed by Sabine Wren you seem to be as impressed with her as I am I had my doubts rau but she came back to face her past and her bold initiative has impressed me she has become a courageous leader she reminds me of the best of who we were and could inspire us to become more than we have been of late I will not allow her efforts to be wasted [Music] [Applause] I can't help but notice the weapons core isn't here Thank You Fenn rau that's helpful that's bet they're working on the Dutchess up there is that Dutchess you named your weapon after my sister the former ruler of Mandalore it was a series of bad decisions okay [Music] those complicate things [Music] look out [Music] there it is it doesn't seem so dangerous like this [Music] stay back captain Sabine red you truly are brilliant except for thinking you could infiltrate my ship unnoticed sadly as much as I would like to end your life I need you alive you are going to upgrade your little experiment and deliver a weapon that operates at its full potential never let's see if I can persuade you governor stop this is too much I understand using the weapon against rebels but if she makes it more powerful how will we prevent the Empire from using it against all Mandalorians I the Empire Palpatine has shown me the way to true power [Music] this is not enough power to kill you just to teach you a lesson that in the end all of Mandalore will bow to me will you hurry up erase everything every piece of data on that weapon they've got Sabine whirring what's your status Sabine she's in trouble go chopper and I will finish here oh I'm moving [Music] I finished my mission now I have to finish yours too the data core was the easier mission where's the beat are you impressed by how well your weapon works I believe you can do better help me to increase the range of the weapon or she will die stop I'll do what you want Sabine don't you're doing the right thing Sabine this weapon of yours it can unite the houses it can bring peace as long as our people are on their knees before you and your Emperor Mandalore must adapt to survive would you rather we destroy ourselves in a fight that cannot be won at least we die free as true Mandalorian it's done the weapon is at full power now but I'm begging you don't use it I'll take that into consideration [Music] [Music] what's happening the weapons been turned against the Empire [Music] [Music] this isn't enough power to kill you just to make you suffer how does it feel Sabine stop Mandalore must be free at what cost to beat the Empire this is the only way it's not our way it's their way you came here to make things right it was a future of Mandal would be one of honour or cowardice hope or fear the choice is yours [Music] for Mandalore for Mandalore no hated power cores been briefed this way don't worry about them because it's entire place is about to blow we should probably go then [Music] [Music] [Music] this is only the beginning the Empire will send everything they have to crush man floor that is why you should lead us my lady you had the courage to make a difficult decision with your guidance you have the wisdom of a ruler there's no one I trust to wield the dark saber more than you and I am not alone [Music] [Music] not miss lies with you clan Brooke is with you fan elder is with the protectors are we can Ren is with you now I understand why the saber came to me it came to me so I could pass it to you I accepted this sword for my sister for my clan and for all of Mandalore [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Disney XD
Views: 1,356,413
Rating: 4.8755722 out of 5
Keywords: disney xd, disney, xd, dxd, mandalorian, civil war, star wars, rebels, disney plus, disney +, baby yoda, dark saber, armor, boba fett, compilation, star wars rebels, lore, instruction, duels, fights, lightsaber, light saber, sabre, obi wan kenobi, maul, ezra, kanan, inquisitor, darth vader, ahsoka tano, sabine, force, jedi, sith, awaken, galaxys edge, ruler of mandalore
Id: -a_s_MaWJu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 30sec (2550 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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