Della's Journey Home | Compilation | DuckTales | Disney XD

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okay here goes nothing Wow what is up with this stupid library McDuck family DNA recognizer mom why would this not be hidden I got a show Huey and Louie wait what's this Scrooge I've taken the spear of Celine I'm sorry della wait what did she take why is she sorry did she betray your Uncle Scrooge we can't tell anyone about this until we find out what it means [Music] I need to know the truth whatever it is ah got ya hey you're not della you know della where is she please tell me she wasn't an evil family betrayer and spear stealer who are you anyway do we that's Celine the goddess of the moon hi I'm Libby I heard Scrooge and his family were on the island so I wrote a super spooky prophecy on the door to lure my friend Ella they usually does the trick so where's the spear Selene Selene what's B R the one della took from your garden you mean the sphere of saline why does no one get what I'm saying the Sabir of a Selena I've never had a spear do you mean the sword of Celine that's down the hall no the spear of Celine but what my mom took the one that's our only clue to finding her uh your Della's kid I should have realized you're just like her I'm sorry I haven't seen her in years and I don't know what the sphere of Selene is so we're back to she stole screwed his spear and betrayed the family then great what no way she loved her family more than anything in the world Oh della wasn't just a good person she was the greatest and she made everyone around her better maybe the spear isn't an artifact maybe it's something else your mom did love a good mystery here it's not a spear but it is a treasure even della never found don't give up young duck your mother never did [Music] please I got to keep you safe all right who can I get you to listen to me [Music] tell me about the spear of Celine [Music] it was just before you were hatched your mother your uncle Donald that I had been going on Amazing Adventures for years and things working and except we'd be just about everywhere ever The Aviator your mother devised a plan to explore the greatest uncharted territory of all outer space della had already been all over the F she wanted to give you boys the Stars no an old thought it was too risky especially with you three on the way so I did the only logical thing about the rocket and didn't tell Donald or anyone MIT was meant to be a surprise for della to celebrate your birth your mother was always good at sniffing out surprises she found the rocket and decided to go for a little test run in orbit neither of us could have predicted that cosmic storm but we both knew a little plan you lactic precipitation would stop heart after all she was della docked trust me kilts was that girl stubborn I tried to talk her through it don't if anyone can make it it was hard until that very last boat I couldn't keep her safe pocket and your mother were lost to the inky abyss of space your uncle Donald and I never spoke again until you three showed up on my doorstep cool so you're the reason our mom has gone what no guys you built her a crazy dangerous super rocket what she stole addling then you encouraged her to keep flying through a cosmic storm you could have called her down there were too many variables now boys you don't know and you're the richest duck in the world why didn't you send up more ships to look for her I spared no expense Yeah right she bowled Scrooge probably bailed as soon as to put a dent in his money bin guys he may have a point even if gifting an experimental rocket to a mother of three was clearly a terrible idea this is a family matter you are not family see here McDuck you will not speak to my granddaughter that way you will not speak to me that way none of you after everything I do for you you're all nothing but trouble good this is your captain speaking we are forward huh that was weird there we go isn't he even gonna say goodbye we're taking those vacation days if that's all right with you sir fine well you've successfully pushed your family and everyone who cared about you away again I hope you're happy [Music] [Music] you're never in touch in the world why didn't you send up more ships to look for her then you encouraged her to keep flying through a cosmic storm you could have called her down there were too many variables so you're the reason our mom has gone 'chief old Scrooge probably bailed as soon as it put a dent in his money bin well you successfully pushed your family and everyone who cared about you away again hope you're happy [Music] I am [Music] and so just bird is saved thanks to scrooge mcduck and his family boys [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh no no no no no no yes I'll teach you black licorice [Music] [Music] [Music] Feli [Music] I'm coming boys yes haha it works take that sighs okay hey Uncle Scrooge or Donald or literally anybody who can hear me this is della duck right so here's what's up the Freak cosmic storm knocked out most of my systems but because I am an amazing pilot I landed the ship safely for the most part I'm still working on it maybe add some jets or a can opener anyway I've been able to survive in the thin lunar atmosphere thanks to gyros oxy tools it provides oxygen water and nutrition and tastes terrible black licorice worst flavor ever it's fine I'm sure the flavor will wear off soon I've activated my distress beacon so if you're getting these transmissions you'll be able to pinpoint my location and come get me I've made efforts to get off this rock myself [Music] [Music] it did not go great in the meantime I've put together a pretty boss shelter she's got a nice comfy bed a calendar marking the days I've been here and the family room but the boys have hatched by now not even sure what they look like oh hold on here we go [Music] that's better Donald if you're there put the screen up to the crib hey kids I'm your mom I know I'm on a little trip for now but I'll keep sending these transmissions you'll barely know I'm gone I promise I'm coming home somehow nothing can stop della duck oh man we're gonna go on so many amazing adventures when I get back in fact there's this old song about adventure that I used to sing too good news I am not alone bad news there's a horrifying blood monster out there trying to eat me important life lesson on bug monsters kids you're gonna be worried about the pincers but remember their spit is corrosive to add today 192 the gum has not yet lost its flavor [Music] so it's been a few months I haven't heard back from anyone I need to find some other way to call for help luckily I found this in the wreckage my old junior woodchuck guidebook how to survive a shipwreck create a signal for passing ships rocket ships [Music] hey Scrooge hits me della I'm alive on the moon send help and snacks this come is the worst sincerely della [Music] well that was unnecessary [Music] not enough scraps for a full SOS need something that will get Scrooge's attention [Music] happy birthday to you happy birthday to my boys happy birthday to you I'm sorry I can't be there for your first birthday but I am trying do not mess with me today moonlight [Music] forget cake guess what you're getting for your birthday hey get away from there let's make a deal you leave my SOS alone for like ten seconds and once I'm off this stupid rock you can eat my all dang ship [Music] this space Eagle - McDuck HQ looks like some kind of meteor strike on the surface there are no visible signs of life no wait [Music] okay new plan Plan C I'm gonna rebuild the spear of Celine I mean how hard could it be it's just rocket science focused Stella like Donald always says two things by the book good thing Donald's not here [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay it took a while but I finally did it I rebuild us pair of Celine mother ever alright I'm just gonna start this baby up and I'm on my toe [Music] [Applause] come on starting the engine turn Keith yeah no duh buck wasn't enough the gyro created the most disgusting flavor of gum that somehow gets more flavorful as you show it but then he had to use his stupid goat tech to make the engine run how am I gonna find stinkin gold on the stinking mound okay I spent 20 years with the best treasure hunter in the world if there's gold on this rock I'm gonna find it no gold on the moon tear me turned I'm the richest dog in the world I couldn't possibly spare any backup gold even though the engine runs on it life lesson kids adventuring is tough you know sometimes there's a cursed Idol that turns into a demon or sometimes you crash land on the moon and try to stay alive but a moon might messes everything up keeping you here while your kids grow up with their uncle by day you still got your health the cool robot leg and gum that mocks you with every chew a gold filling I had gold in my mouth this whole time that's why Scrooge made me go to the dentist as a kid it wasn't about hygiene at all I've got backup gold nothing can stop [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] popped in the name of the moon wait what who what don't ignore me when I threaten your life respect my dominance who are you and how did you get here hi della doc I have like 13 million questions but right now I have to get my ship and get back to earth stand down lieutenant Umbra greetings Arthur I am general units of the planets moon planet you will treat the vastly superior moon with respect or you will suffer the ultimate consequence look also for whatever consequences you want after I find the might ah the courageous warriors of the planet moon have been hunting the Beast for more than three cycles so how exactly is a pathetic earth dwelling dummy gonna find it hey I found the might open fire lieutenant penumbra feed the earth or to the Beast while it's crushing her weak bones we kill it listen we both know how this goes first we hate each other then go on a life-changing adventure [Music] [Music] my name is lieutenant [Music] [Music] stop firing lieutenant you'll hit dela you won't stop me from getting home to my kids you're crazy crawling [Music] again [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Wow it the mite isn't a monster it's a mother who cares the mite isn't our enemy it's just trying to survive she put herself in danger faced some known threats scoured this entire planets for any scrap of metal because a mother would do anything for the sake of her kids [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me try something I used to sing this old song to my boys before they had look to the Stars my darling baby boy's life is strange in Vice filled with wonders and joys they seed new Sun weather is clear and true I'm afraid of the unknown because I'll face it [Music] quick give me your gums ooh good plan lull the Beast into a false sense of security only to betray them when they're at their most vulnerable huh maybe we are becoming best friends we fought the mites four cycles and you turn them back now through battle but compassion if we simply share the gold we will no longer be at war with the beasts you have done the planet moon a great service today dela duck there's no way I can fix this sorry boys I tried you might not be able to go home but that doesn't mean you can't make a new owner with us [Music] [Music] for too long the mics have been attacking our home but my people will hide and fear no more neat house huh where I'm from we call this a rock general am I allowed to disintegrate her yet what welcome to tranquility wait this whole time there's been a city here and I've been slumming it in the mood desert I told you you were a dummy and you guys had food and weapons and [Music] Gold it's our most plentiful resource we'll use it for everything sometimes we just throw it in the trash which is also made of gold Wow that is incredibly infuriating but amazing your attempts to rustle me to the ground or pathetic I can't believe you're just gonna let that moon hater run free you've gone earth soft that earth Willard managed to defeat our greatest enemy like it was nothing she could be useful or dangerous watch your back earther [Music] [Music] Oh can't stop so close treacherous spy what are you really up to I do wish you would take up our offer to stable the scene it would be the perfect place to work on your ship oh no thanks the only person I ever managed to bunk with was my brother and we've odd constantly it's better than sleeping over the wastes oh I'm not sleeping I am this close to patching up my ship and getting home to my family I just need a little more gold is it penny but number was our greatest warrior together we held the mites at bay she is a hero of the planet moon which is technically not a planet so [Music] oh hi penny penumbra oh is that moon custom to yell howdy Patti forgive penumbra since the might stop detecting she is a warrior with no war to fight look who's got an extended vacation I better get back to work the spear of Celine's not gonna rebuild itself yes go back to your mysterious project I am definitely not suspicious of you she's a liar let's blast her I think I Spy the green-eyed monster of jealousy I'm not jealous she's trying to convince you all she's your friend to distract you from some devious attack penumbra come with me see that rock my father general meridian was terrified of it claimed to have seen mysterious objects launched off it he was so afraid that he drove us into hiding underground which allowed the mites to become a problem in the first place does Dylan look like a threat to you know she is squishy and easily defeated if you would just let me I will not spend my life in fear of them burn Umbra I hope people will see that in time so we I tell you she will not rest until she wreaks havoc on our planet she's staying with you that's an order hey roommate hey careful you don't want to burn down your garage sorry our Dhiraj lunara's told me he was so generously volunteered to put me up I was like well I can't say no to my new best friend right look at us strangers from different worlds forced to be roommates we're a classic Odd Couple I don't know what that is thanks for letting me stay at your pad penny lieutenant penumbra ah look at your cute little spear that was my childhood training spear I used it to defend my home from unwanted pests oh speaking of Spears I better get back to working on mine hey we both have Spears that's meat no it isn't yes it is no it isn't treacherous impostor no one is falling for your both ways you're the stranger that saved us with your earth ways hey Zenith a true hero living right next door count my lucky stars I heard you beat the might with compassion is that some fancy earth fighting technique no no I'm just a mom trying to get home to see your kids you gave us so much we would be honored to help you in any way really winnings [Music] has everyone gone crazy why are you pumping her Oh so I tied up the Beagle boys and strung them down from the bank rafters like a yo-yo that is amazing what is a yo-yo you do tricks with it around the world and walk the dog that is amazing what is the dog dazzling them with lies about how your pitiful planet is better than ours two can play at that game well look who's coming around greetings roomie do I see a shenanigan in our future yes shenanigans another reason planet moon is more fun than your lame earth oh we can both be great right the earth the moon which orbits around the earth shenanigan anyway the moon is safe and beautiful and is everything you could possibly want right I thought so until I learned of the wondrous dogs and yo-yos tell us more about why you love itself well because my family is there and because the earth has Wonders large and small the pyramids the humpback whale slap bracelets what is a slapping bracelets observe I've never seen anything so stylish hello we have matching outfits made of gold is beautiful when I get back I'm gonna show my boys every inch of it it'll be like I never left we'll conquer Mount Neverest discover the hidden pyramid of Toth brah I'm telling you my family is fearless she sprung her trap the gargantuan kilted man tore through Eldorado dilating everything in its path square and it's cold unfeeling eyes I climbed up his craggy armor burst inside and tore him apart from within bringing his tyrannical mechanical reign turn and [Applause] ever happens in tranquility that's why it's called tranquility not robot monster town Oh is there a robot monster town on earth not once I'm done with it ah penumbra your orders were to see that our guest has a pleasant stay I don't think getting speared would be very pleasant you know just a little no harms that come to villa but she is filling their heads with earth lies and making me I mean us the moon seemed inferior by comparison she's sharing the wonders of her culture like this rocket so intricately it's so simple why all she has to do is flip this little switch to launch the spear into space remarkable you have to think about the big picture penumbra it's working thanks all of you I'm finally getting back to my family on earth if you all think earth is so great why don't you just go already can we please go with you well I've every own dog oh and dress it in slap bracelets I wish I could take all of you but the spear is too small there's no way you'd all fit but the great hero can do anything surely she could do it if she wanted to was it something I did was it of the new date are you embarrassed by our primitive moon ways no I really wish I could take you but it's just not possible I thought nothing could stop the amazing della duck too bad a failure a liar and she snores how could you or maybe it is possible but no Penny's right I learned rocket science I rebuild my ship oh I can't I fit you all in the spear I don't know why honey she's saying she can't oh thank you helped me this is the least I can do pack your bags it's a mass exodus Oh lieutenant she's brainwashed them with lies and magical bracelets she's gonna get them killed snow dome what's happening she's taking them all to earth she's destroying tranquility our people have to be free to make their own decisions she's a liar she's definitely up to something and she's never washed a dish so you talk about oh sorry I didn't mean to startle you I we weren't talking about you we were talking about another foul beaked Beast you don't know her I found this over by the statue you guys helped me fix my spear it's only right that I fix yours thank you no that's too kind these are my kids their heads aren't really shaped like eggplants I'm not a good artist but thanks to you I'm gonna have a chance to be a good mom I know what it's like to be separated from your people to be forced to trust someone else to protect them no one could ever protect your people as well as you penny but as long as they're with me I'll try with all I've got I promise okay maybe Della's not pure evil but she's still planning to take my people to that planet of Nightmare Horrors tomorrow oh why can't she just know now [Music] launch sequence activated t-minus 40 I told you penny I'll wash the dishes tomorrow the spirit what's going on I don't know their function I can't stop will build more give me the plans for the ship we'll build a fleet and we'll follow you turn shortly you've inspired my faithful dela let me return the favor ten nine eight - killing boys Mama's coming home [Music] sir what are you doing what's going on della betrayed you she betrayed us all she lured us with sad stories and fabulous falsehoods about us so that we help her rebuild her ship then when the time was right she attacked me and all those stories an elaborate deception why because she was just the first wave of a bigger attack she lied to us so that she could get back to tell her fellow others that we are weak soft primed for an invasion what are we going to hide down here and wait to be invaded or are we going to take these plans that I rusted away from the treasure as she fled and used them to build a fleet of ships and invade them fast and prove that the moon is the greatest planet in the universe [Music] [Applause] you wanted this all along you brought her and her ship here got them on her side why because the others not warriors like you and I they needed a reason to fight so I gave them one betrayal and I got her to give me these with a little boot old with compassion but you're risking the lives of our people aren't you afraid that no I will not spend my life in fear of the earth like my father the earth will fear me but why did you pair her with me honestly it was the only way I could get it a movie she actually liked you penumbra the Sadie reminded her of the brother [Music] launch sequence activated from t-minus 60 30 3 2 1 I'm home John earth-gravity won't keep me from the kids okay first impression is the only impression you've gotta nail this greetings children hello Oh simple sincere it's just the most important moment of your life [Music] behold the cartographers quill [Music] a mystical artifact that sketches Maps leading to the world's greatest treasures [Music] imagine all the money during a venture yes wisdom and untold mystery in the world literally at your fingertips could be the most important moves sir party people I'm backing out his own no no it was wrong as soon as I said it sorry that was terrible can I get a do-over by Uncle Scrooge oh look at you standing here I thought you were dead not yet we're the moon you're on the moon I searched the moon not hard enough there were mites and aliens and I had to rebuild the spear with my tooth don't raise your voice at me got a patient lock it to you I missed your screw G in alliteration [Music] lost it in the crash I took a rocket pops brilliant leggo know you're every bit the woman you're where 10 years I go out of my way old man where are my who's the cyborg is that it can't be guys I think that's your mom Huey Dewey Louie meet dela duck uh-huh I bought robot I knew it wait Huey Dewey and Louie know their names were supposed to be jet turbo and rebel I could have been turbo I told Donald I wrote it down in case no one could understand him I could up in turbo hi Huey / jet here how did you survive in a barren wasteland have you adjusted to our gravity did you make any customized modifications to your leg sheer determination to get back to you kinda and no because as junior woodchuck rule 42 states build things right the first time and they won't heat modification oh you really are my mom get in here rebel nope I'm not buying this has to be a trick or occurs from Magica or a parallel universe or or [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Disney XD
Views: 5,522,544
Rating: 4.8128338 out of 5
Keywords: disney xd, disney, xd, dxd, treasure of the found lamp, ducktales, duck tales, scrooge, mcduck, david tennant, huey, dewey, louie, webby, launchpad, launch pad, dani pudi, ben schwartz, kate micucci, bobby moynihan, darkwing duck, gizmo duck, donald duck, della duck, cartoon, animation, dellas journey home, compilation
Id: by5wBY3nGPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 56sec (2936 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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