Defeating SKELETRON to Enter the Dungeon in Terraria!

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guys i know listen here's the thing i'm sitting here i'm watching the countdown it goes like one minute in one second one minute it starts counting down below a minute boom waiting for matt shea like what the hell is that about huh i'm supposed to have a whole minute here and i didn't have that minute and now everyone's all like let's go matt let's go time to stream matt's elite why are you late i'm not late you're late so just take that you hello how's everybody doing sorry for the ad it happens gotta put food on my table guys gotta do it today we're gonna be destroying skeletron absolutely killing him thank you for complimenting my shirt i appreciate that it's the same shirt i was wearing in the video i uploaded today but it was a very different day first thing we get here is uh juchi with the donation thanks bro appreciate you bro i don't go anywhere guys it's about to get hot in here and not just because this castle is in the desert okay that's just part of it let me boot up the old yeah bruh let me boot up the old game here okay skeleton skeletron we're killing skeletron not skeleton it's different all right every time terraria starts it has a different like name on the thing so i have to keep swapping it okay whoa bruh good times it may be a slow day today i'm not really sure people are busy it wasn't a 250 donation it was a foreign currency relax no i don't actually know i don't know i don't know how much that's worth guys i only i only know it's like worth 10 bucks i only know my own currency okay why would i ever know anything else by the way i've been playing as a new character i almost got him to you know top health and uh top health and mana what's this do you have water with you stay hydrated oh that's what the red bull is for that's makes a lot of sense right feeling so hydrated now anyway we're gonna we're gonna keep playing with gramps so as you can see i've been playing i've been on that side hustle guys 14 hours with a new character it's been good i made a couple of different worlds uh vulgar hole of drums i don't know why they called it that was just the the name and i was like that sounds good to me and i tried a little bit of ma master mode but we're just gonna be playing in the smoggy outland things are good here it's all it's all good i don't want to change your mind px you're right all right i want to know what you guys want first okay so please let me know and by the way i'll move my camera i'll move my camera i'll put it down here so you can see my hot bar i i wish there was a way to move the hop bar but i don't know if there is is there uh cursor control no no go back i don't know if there's a way to do that okay thanks xavier appreciate you buddy why is it so zoomed in because i want you guys to be able to see what the hell i'm doing and it's a very the game is very like you know you know what i mean you know how it is it's lagging not on my end is not lagging that's your fault all right there are a lot of punch you can make with skeletron uh perhaps what do you guys think about me making a gravitation potion and then looking for another sky island before we fight skeletron um before we skedaddle skadoodle turn this guy into a noodle don't just type matt please in the chat that doesn't make any sense i don't know what that means thank you for liking my hair though the easiest way to kill skeletron is having the star sword and locking with it in the stars of skeletron very fast are you talking about the um star fury because i have one of those in my on my other character and it's amazing it's such a good sword gravity potion island upgrade my stuff look i'm doing all right i got this b gun i just want to kill things with bees it's amazing the bees just fly out and they just watching for five to six years lover content walk kala konica nakanu was a knack and uh enact a new snowboarding in hawaii what the hell does that mean i mean thanks for the donation but what the hell was that dude you can get wings from islands now i know i have this look at that rocket boots wow um so i'm not doing too bad i have a cloud and a balloon i think we might have got that last time so i can double jump i wish i had a sandstorm and a balloon or sandstorm in a bottle that i could put in a balloon later but i can't and also it was one of you guys who suggested i wear the fox outfit okay i want to wear my uh my meteor armor but my box full of outfits is full man jeez the hell put it in my piggy bank how about that there's nothing in my piggy bank look at me i'm space boy okay should be good right should be good you can combine your rocket boots and hermes boots oh bruh i want to do that um does the goblin guy do that uh no no he he's his thing how did we how did we do the thing before because i did it right because i got the cloud in a balloon which days will i be streaming terraria i don't know which days will be terraria streams uh but i'll probably be playing terraria like once a week or something um you need to get the tinkerer's workshop yeah um i thought i had one though once i put it somewhere else because i already did it once so yeah is it perhaps over here let's find out because i i would love to combine my boots because i have so many things i want to use on my old my old guy i just can't you know [Music] oh spector boots look at that allows flight and you can run super fast double whammy dude ah okay sweet look at that we got an extra slot now and i can actually take my feral claws and put them back on again or my spiked climbing claws 12 increase melee speed it's actually kind of nice if you're doing melee um but i'm not doing melee right now i don't even have like any good melee weapon so i'm going to put the climbing claws on instead okay all right sounds good i agree here's a list of the bosses you didn't list the bosses bro you should have list the bosses but you didn't it's okay i forgive you slimes are flop falling out of the sky shoot it with bees shoot it with bees i love that it's the best oh my boots are different now i like them more i'm not gonna lie i'm all hermes up here i'm just ripping those fat clouds dude try to make lightning boots if you find their ingredients frost spark and tear spark tell you what i'm gonna do okay tell you what i'm gonna do see those bottles up here uh i should have possibly bottled water somewhere if i don't i'll go get some bottled water easy enough to get bottled water and i'm gonna be making some stuff we need fire blossom blink root uh i might have to look this up i'm not exactly sure what we need here that's what the internet's for guys fire blossom no that's not what i need to type in uh gravitation potion what the hell guys i apologize my internet just completely kicked out we're back i see like all the chats coming in now leg leg leg leg leg sorry about that i don't know what that was guys look won't happen again maybe we don't really know but you're back now it's all good the potion is fire blossom death weed blink root feather i should definitely have fire blossom blink root death weed oh there's totally some death weed hanging about here somewhere right there's gotta be deathweed there's the feathers all we need is the death weed look at these clouds in a bottle lucky clown in a bottle hanging out here probably sell them well sugar if i don't have any death weed i can't do this i go find some i don't even have the thing up guys i'm a really bad streamer the baddest the baddest of the bad i'm all i i'm really throwing off my game guys with that big that big lag spike okay we fixed it we fixed it we good we good still looking for death weed though nothing to see here just me looking for the old death weed all weeds are death weeds if you do it right right all right death weed i'm pretty sure i can just click on this deathweed is blooms only during a blood moon or a full moon no way or in the corruption slash crimson all right let's go get some that's what i think we should do guys let's go get some there's uh crimson over here what do we not have any more crimson just the one oh there's a two over there okay let's go run get some death weed we're gonna go up in the sky we're gonna get possibly some wings okay and no more no more problems with this stream not a one sit tight because we're not going anywhere probably i mean i can't guarantee anything guys because my internet service provider is garbagio apparently i was like what am i supposed to do if this happens when i'm streaming like literally trying to do my job and my stream kicks out on me or whatever the guy was all like you could try restarting your router i'm like oh great idea that's really gonna that's really gonna help me in the middle of a friggin stream so basically if it happens i'm screwed so that's good last couple of times we've been streaming though we haven't had any issues so that was the smallest desert in the world guys honestly what the hell because the damn corruption done done got me here have some bees bees is the way to go guys literally the bee's knees just firing them like crazy there's one ha ha death weed is that death deathweed why would i even bother with this full moon [ __ ] dude i wouldn't i remember this boys that's right death weed eat the bees not the bees i love my bee gun so much guys i'm not gonna lie put your money in the piggy bank yeah uh oink quick stack oh i can't wait hold on can't quick stack when when it wasn't there to start with okay oh excuse me okay let's uh go back now we got what we need we can do the potions well except for the water thing if there's no water on your map then you really got bigger problems okay here we go hop in here whatever four is enough oh excuse me but i don't really want to be here with you king slime i have cthulhu brandon fethullah eater of world's queen bee skeletron wildflash the destroyer the twins skeleton prime plantera golem dude i have a cloud in a balloon already it's right here cloud and a balloon good advice i mean i love my cloud in a balloon but i do already have it so appreciate that but we're all good the fleddling fledgling wings yup and i'm going to hopefully find them but we'll have to see so let's go ahead and we got everything we need just walk up here run up here hop up here and we're gonna make battle potion enemy spawn rate how you do that oh the vertebrae okay uh gravitation potion here we go we're gonna make a couple we're gonna make three because we could okay took one we're gonna just go left and we're gonna find some [ __ ] here we go i like that the game mirrors you so that doesn't get too confusing i also like that if you hit the sky if you hit the top of the map you just get flipped back down again you know good times yeah um anyone who's wondering about the world i'm playing on normal classic um whatever oh i see the ladies but they're up in the sky anyway right because there's trees up here oh there's there's a spot right here okay let me check this one real quick oh man jumping so high what do we got oh hurtful stir fury that's what i'm talking about when's the new merch coming i want that hoodie um well we got new merch in the description but i guess the hoodie isn't there yet i don't even know man star fury so star fury look at this you don't even need to leave uh where you are and you can actually kill these dudes now i'm gonna get my claws put back on now because it makes this way faster why am i flying around so much here when is the new merch coming out i want that hoodie like why am i like floating around so much is it just because i'm up high because i don't remember that happening and i'm confused now pig i need you pig listen can you take can you take my [ __ ] take the things that i don't need which is pretty much everything here okay just take it all what what oh you hit me while i was looking at my pig give me some rope why not um give me the claws back take the rest all right i'm gonna go look for another one because the wings we've not found them yet bye ladies i'll kill you midair i don't give a [ __ ] take that boom we got 50 seconds left on this thing we got this space grab i guess it was up that high eh um i don't remember that happening before but in the medium world i believe there's more sky don't know you hear that i hear that that's the sound of uh that's the sound of running water i'm gonna grab this one real quick we might even be able to get another one out of this probably not ish bro you're really flying around here wings okay um my metal detector can come off it doesn't really matter we have wings now great we also have uh recall potion danger sense potion and some shurikens um let me just go ahead and do this okay because i'm just gonna try and find myself another place i mean we got a little bit of we got we got wings now i thought maybe we might be able to do it you know no that's okay i could get another gravitation potion but i got what i wanted so we'll just save the rest of this part of the map for later it's not a big deal did i not take the sky mill sorry guys i'll go back and get it later if i want it but i really don't i've had the sky mill before it's kind of lame i don't really need to make sky things man this game is so much easier when you're not on expert mode just saying because i've been playing on expert mode all week but he doesn't take fall damage i take fall damage i think runs super fast uh-huh yeah i take fall damage me see how i don't have to go up to get it what heck do i not take fall damage what's what's what's uh what's stopping my fall damage here wings prevent fall damage no way i did not know that guys i did not know that that's crazy that is really good to know [ __ ] wings get rid of it oh man that's amazing aren't these wings just fantastic guys especially when you got this whole cloud and a bottle thing going on there's a guy patty petty what are you doing up there buddy pedi bye hang on now i gotta go talk to patty that's why i kept me rope i'm up there now come on can i play tear down i might have to man actually seems like a pretty cool game doesn't it patty i missed you patty what is he doing here is this your home now paddy first thing you need to know about us oh this guy too much to too much to talk about here bro i don't even returning a crystal somebody turn your portals mage swordsman remarks when i don't know man should i do a halloween stream oh the light that's too well lit gonna get rid of those lights dude you're not supposed to be here peace and quiet maybe this is a good place for you maybe you can stay here i don't really care that much about you bro let me get these recalls gills potions and [ __ ] um again guys just don't don't be here probably best for me to just fly around i'm not really afraid of getting killed because you know this is terraria easy mode guys just just flying around bumping into [ __ ] don't even care spoiled okay i might be getting hurt a little bit here it's not exactly doing the trick i don't even need to be doing this let's get out of here huh bye ian thanks for coming buddy see you next time uh if i miss the super chat i'm sorry it happened i'm scrolling now i don't see any super chats oh make sure you have these demon scythe water bolt mini shark and bean aids those are important with the star cannon um can't get most of that stuff dude not gonna lie i'm not gonna lie right now guys i'm just kind of using whatever's best whatever i find that's good um the flaming mace is kind of nice i really like that because you know you can uh you can really keep things away from you and you can kind of throw it you can throw it and let it down like that and things will just bump into it which is pretty amazing plus i'm on fire all the time anyway give a lucky horseshoe that makes you invulnerable to fall damage would be combined with the i don't need to worry about it because i have wings now so that apparently solves all my problems i like it when things solve my problems you need 60 gold by star cannon requires a mini shark whatever all i need is my bees okay i don't care about anything else guys i'm gonna send in the bees and we're gonna be good um i have heels i have bottled honey which is also good should we just go fight him should we just go say hi i'm gonna i'm gonna obviously make some platforms before i do that and then we'll knock on skeletron's door unfortunately it's daytime again so we will have to wait oh traveling merchant what's up where you at over there why would you be over there what's that about you're making me work for it aren't you okay i can fly so high now it's amazing hello what do you got anything sake nope hunter cloak vanity item no i don't want vanity items dude and i already got a bunch of phobia give me fomo please no i got six okay if you're on pc type awesome and the bar will go rainbow just tried it it didn't work a-w-e-s-o-m-e what did you lie to me hey yo no talking to each other what do you what do you think you're doing get it stay in your room i want to make like a terrible living conditions building for all these people and stick them in together do i have a net i don't have a net i was gonna i'm just gonna catch the turtle but i can kill it instead it's all good okay we need to do something until night time i could lie in a bed i suppose that could work the bee's knees is a really strong bow dropped by this with queen bee you guys want to go to the um go down here go see some more bees maybe i mean there's probably more around here try again try and get some more stuff from the bees that might be nice uh so a magic conch across magic conch across there we go go to the jungle oh how loud is my music right now 50 it's fine it's fine okay can you not you're going to make me get my b gun out kind of think the b gun might be the best weapon i have right now guys honestly it's amazing and when you run fast enough as uh with your hermes um hermes boots you can actually run with the bees and it's just a wall of bees wallabies we didn't actually kill anything i ran out of mana that's okay give me more thanks hey matt how was terraria honestly most fun i've had in a long time and i've been playing a whole bunch of my buddy nick as well um just you know in my free time so you know you know a game is good when you you don't just play it for views on youtube i don't play this game at all for views i just play this game for fun i don't really know what good views are anymore guys it's been such a weird year especially like a weird like fall with like school and stuff whatever well let's just see if we might be able to find another um another bee and just murder her real quickly i think that'd be cool this is my favorite jam in the whole game guys this jungle song is so good let's go over here so we're gonna go over here drop down down okay where are the bees oh that's a detonator um cool why do you detonate is that the explosives can i have them thank you you can detonate now there's nothing to detonate got him does this mean i'm no longer in jungle guys or just like a fancy part of the jungle like what am i where am i going what is this marble oh [ __ ] my blocks are full already like why does that happen why do you do this killed by your own kind sad rich mahogany oh look at that leaf wand wand anklet b mine cart you know i want the b mine cart yeah baby what do you want what do you want pink fairy show me where are we going oh right here you want me to go right here i'm out you idiot i'm already here guys what is up with the things in this game take the anklet hold on i'm just like i gotta take my pig out and then i got a quick stack into the pig and then i gotta scream just a little bit stop take take take take take take all good whoa is this a jungle temple i don't know how those work because i found one in my other game guys and i couldn't go in you know so what does that mean i got the anklet is am i supposed to use it it gives me more speed but i got a lot of speed already dude um let's see 10 increase movement speed key from plentera what's plantera in hard mode what really is that hard to get there well i won't bother anyone then i'll just keep doing my thing guys don't worry about me it's not like i wanted to do stuff or anything faster boots don't tell me don't tell me i can make faster boots with this thing don't i've got am i just going to keep making my boots faster and what are lightning boots i don't even know big plant boss late game what you can't go in the temple until late game saddest thing i heard all day i need pho then it should say the jungle grows restless come back anytime bro see if i care by the way have you seen any bees don't mess with me dude i'm looking for the bees all right i won't stop until i find the bees i think we might have a good chance of finding them over here guys on the left there's a new spot opening up oh and it looks like there might be something here oh boy that's a big slimy boy you know what we do with big slimy boys send the bees holy [ __ ] bro yeah keep it up keep it up you guys down there you dead what's this seaweed someone's a pet turtle okay where'd he go i have to put him in my thing first and then do it oh wait where did i still have a facehugger say what i got too much stuff there's always too much stuff dude i don't know what to do this is my life come on big take take my [ __ ] jungle bat sure berries cloth i'm gonna need to offload all this stuff part of the ship part of the crew someone just asked if i'll consider playing with viewers probably oh there's another spot over here looks like we're finding lots of loot it's not hard for me to get back here either so part of the ship part of the crew what's this fiberglass fishing pole okay that looks good jester's arrows titan potion archery potion you can have this pig anything else you can yup there you go okay all right this is not journey mode this is classic how dare you i would never do a journey another one dude magic mirror okay okay this jungle is big guys another one go [ __ ] yeah no playing with viewers today but uh eventually look let me quit let me quick stack let me freak your girl all right that's good that's good uh the shroom minecart let me just take the rest of the [ __ ] and put it in here thanks for the f's guys i appreciate that i'm gonna keep my bombs so now i have this thing here i just want to take a look we still can't fight him it's not time we might have passed did we did we pass uh night and go today again i don't think i don't know how fast it works goblin tech look at this dps meter stopwatch metal detector slight movement speed damage second and valuable ore let me take everything out so what am i missing if i want to create these uh fancy boots i'm gonna get this because it takes up less room in my inventory now which is nice don't need to worry about it though just hold it there so we got wings specter boots claws cloud in a bottle what's an anglet i will fight skeletron when it's nighttime angle it egg egglet sorry anglet okay so we're getting close surface chests from wooden crates obtained from fishing actually a good chance of finding it there so we should be fishing then is that why would that be like a good would that be a good thing to do it's getting dark guys let's go let's go kill skeletroni brown chests it's also found when fishing so i've got my uh i've got some bait on me let's grab that fishing pole i got a bunch of bait in one of these chests i think maybe i don't have any bait i got five worms okay it's a one in 45 chance of getting it uh honestly guys i think with the star fury the space gun uh i want to just it's a hurtful star fury i can do better so let me just go ahead and tinker a little bit goblin boy oh he's over on the left i didn't even notice hey dude listen can we can we do something about this oh [ __ ] wrong button sorry about that i meant to hit the reforge button can we make this better oh it's a little bit expensive try it sharp do better no better better terrible better demonic how about that that looks good okay we'll go with demonic uh my space gun is good my b gun is good everything is pretty savage two godlies rapid mystic demonic murderous murderous all right let's go skeletor on time mormon star is better bait we're not gonna worry about the bait right now we'll get those boots after and it'll be awesome because you know going faster is always a good thing lightning boots perhaps coming up this is why i appreciate you guys and this uh this little i guess you could call it a series the series of streams i appreciate you guys like helping me out and telling me like hey you could get this good thing i'm like what a good thing bro i should probably get a good thing so um oh [ __ ] did i bring any wood i didn't bring any wood we need wood we're gonna get boreal wood here get a bunch of wood so that we can oh what the hell get a bunch of wood because obviously we're gonna need to build some sort of thing matt chat's trying to get you killed it's okay chat does that chat chat has fun in unique and interesting ways including feeding me lies don't worry guys i understand i gotta check this buzz there's a buzz yeah so my buddy my buddy nick who's watching the stream right now he um he was playing with me and he got the wings and i got the horseshoe what's worse than your ants in your pants your uncle wow okay uh yes i guess that's worse than nonce in your pants way to ruin the joke lady what's worse than once in your pawns all right so don't worry we're not gonna go we're not gonna talk to the guy yet just give me one second okay first we gotta go up here and we gotta just make a bunch of platforms and there's that uh that worm bait i can make now yay an enchanted nightcrawler oh hey yo the bees will keep me safe we throw the bees around like this and then we go back to what we're doing and and it's all good i need a little bit of this back because i'm gonna need to make a campfire okay here we go ah go across here might as well make this like the bottom floor right and i'm not even sure like the the best amount to go up but this looks fine i don't need an arena i have wings well bro i can only do what i know and at this point i know that arenas are good so i'm making an arena anyway it's not gonna be the biggest arena i've ever seen okay oh [ __ ] it's not gonna be world's biggest arena don't worry it's just gonna be a little one just for hanging out in okay dps 300 to keep moving okay and yeah i am gonna i am gonna kill the arms first whoa excuse me this is you're making this awkward bro i hate when this happens stop beast save me thank you beast telling you guys the bees they are literally the bee's knees okay i have not fought skeletron before i don't think i think i might have challenged him briefly but i could be wrong uh it's all good it's all good oh cherry well i want fo okay i want to see how much damage i can do to skeletron with the bees only yeah the bee's knees is a sword whatever what's up dude [Music] oh my god skeletron you're gonna be a joke i got bees on my side dude you think you can beat me when the bees are here look at them go more beasts they're still hurting them man skeletron skeletron you garbage dude i played i've beaten um i've beaten the eye of cthulhu now in uh in expert mode and that guy is such a jerk he does crazy [ __ ] and he makes even weirder noises he goes other than that and he like flies around the map it's awful give me your hands hands where i can see them bro come on i'm just going right for it this is the privilege of playing in easy mode [Laughter] yo we gotta get some more light in here bro i just want to go in the dungeon dude that's all i wanna do what now you're gonna try some [ __ ] with me the bees will take care of you buddy less defense look at him spinning around his head digging into his skull it's amazing let me see it look at him he can't escape the bees dude there's some nicholas cage level [ __ ] here guys look at him he's bleeding the poor guy listen you hang on now i want to get my my magic back so i can send another heaping spoonful of bees into your mouth here comes the choo choo train well i'll be damned guys the bee puns they'll never go away you thought they were just for the last stream nah nah what did i get you give me anything here would you give me any uh anything did he give me anything guys you just been boned bro what's next dungeon high steel keeping the dungeons undead denizens and unlock one of their precious golden chests are you guys ready he's skull head shoots skulls and expert modes sounds bad easy easy stuff now stick around because we're gonna go reap what we've sewn which is hopefully a bunch of good [ __ ] i don't really know bees bouncing around in here dude you're toast all of you were toast come on bees come with me okay go down sometimes gives you a grappling hook he didn't give me anything right he can give me a thing what a selfish piece of garbage this is where i came in before don't worry i died what the hell stop being here you yeah got it that's actually a healing potion eh i saw like shit's decorated with these things and books that's a nice lantern oh wow wow wow wow whoa whoa whoa these things hurt like a [ __ ] okay i should play i should mod and play uh calamity at the end that's kind of the point i'm hoping that if you guys keep enjoying these streams and you want me to keep playing terraria i will do like modded terraria videos later i could possibly do them as streams as well oh no oh bad things are happening in here and there's spikes everywhere and is that the chest that i'm not allowed to get in i'm not allowed to heal down here oh it's because i have potion sickness water candle what look for water bolt yeah dude yeah it's all good i'm just gonna walk across here gently yeah this is what needs the key i'm just gonna get rid of this [ __ ] spikes are nice though eh spikes might be a good little addition to my place put them in a hole wait for someone to come to the hole and kick him in the hole okay how are you bro hold on hold on hold on have you met have you met the bees have you seen my bees i think he died happened so fast i didn't even notice bees get them break the books you want me to get books you trying to say something about my level of smarts i'm just here like putting things away yada yada no big deal oh by the way can the bees just yep oh and there's the key that was easy yikes i thought this is gonna be difficult guys it must be just because i'm playing on this difficulty right that's why oh another one oh my god okay hold on yo peace the bees are coming where did you come from bees i love the bees guys who are you stop it what do we got suspicious looking eye i'll take it chester arrows platinum gold mura masa i will take it okay yo stop stop it guys stop stop what are you doing what are you doing um i'm trying to figure out what to swap out here uh oh boy oh boy what's uh how about how about uh at this point it doesn't really matter a traveling merchant has arrived oh good the next one guys the next one's gonna have something better in it right okay can i have you i can't have him sad okay that's fine so i need another key now how big is this ah whoa what was that now oh it's all falling away okay bro getting a little over my head here guys all of a sudden destroy the books on the shelves oh i want to go up there [ __ ] man i can fly so high with this [ __ ] now and why why do you want me to take all the books free the mechanic where he at though did you see him dying a little oh [ __ ] grappling hook gotta get away gotta send the bees out okay let's just relax all right we're just gonna relax i've got heels i just need a chance ah beast i got heals they just don't give me heels they're like go you don't need heels you're saying there's a chest nearby probably that one one of the book is a magic spell okay that's a book another one over there eh oh there's a key i can't [ __ ] what hat what hit poison dirt okay we'll go back it's all good listen it's a good chance for us to go home i need to open up my pig you loot all and then you deposit all loot all quick stack as much as you can weapons i gotta sell some of this [ __ ] eh [Music] this is getting out of control guys look at all these shackles i really don't need to have all these shackles too much stuff is always my problem in this damn game deposit oh then we can loot all and we can quick stack and we can deposit all again i'm trying to figure out if i need anything from here i don't but i also don't need that boomerang just like i have to you know behind the scenes sell a bunch of crap i don't need i need this stuff though that powder is waiting for me okay look now i have empty stuff we good oh put muramasa into the guide yeah i didn't actually the guide he's really far away hold on can we can we reforge this zealous no bulky gonna run out of money fine i'll go with zealous you jerk that was mean okay the guide is over here yeah i can read this the glitches online equip the claws in my inventory yeah where's that what you got another dps meter where's my um where is my guide why not do i even have him in the world at the moment well how about that eh sheesh well we can how do we no more stefano will it put someone else there we just met with the guy the guide is gone apparently well let's get back we have so many things to worry about guys um we can't we can't do them all but yeah there's no there's no guide piggy bank put the coins in the piggy bank there we go okay back to the old b gun [Music] vermasa ingredient for super sword all right we'll we'll take a look later all good seriously guys i didn't know that the wings did that and i i wasn't alone somebody said put your gold away before you die way ahead of you buddy way ahead of you there are indeed a lot of things that i need to do build a house for the guide if i build a house for the god i'm building it right outside the um right outside the castle okay he's getting a castle house he's gonna love it and as for pylons i don't know how to make pylons guys that is it's one of the things that's on my list absolutely but yeah all right let's uh let's get in here i wish i had my um my little eye of cthulhu um it's like a dodge sort of thing it's like a charge it's amazing getting all the books for you guys because you never know right [ __ ] of course i hate it twice and again [Applause] can you guys give me health i know that you love giving me mana because i keep hitting hitting you with magic [ __ ] but like health is nice too health is good okay me me over here just being a little bee whisperer man i never played terraria until very recently when i did it for a stream because people have been asking for this game for a very long time and i was like wow this is a game that i could just play forever what's up girl thanks just a matter of time before i ended up like the rest of the skeletons down here what do you got oh my god let me just get these bees over here and now let's chat okay while the bees keep us safe wrenches wire lever switch ruler booster booster track [ __ ] we already go pretty fast don't we engineering helmet what to do with all this guys what to do with all this it's all good that's a bookcase i'll get as many books as i can don't worry doing this for you guys is that a just destroy that okay oh wait oh you can only oh i thought you might only be able to get through if you walk on it but we're going somewhere got a book what there's nothing here oh bro stay out of my way okay don't mess with this guy because he's got the [ __ ] now bro he's got the bees we shoot like a preemptive line of bees over here just in case dude spawns immediately gets owned now i have to get rid of these spikes i didn't say get hurt by him damn it open up recall healing flaming arrow shadow key opens all shadow chests obsidian lock boxes taboo aqua scepter sprays at a shower of water okay that's weird guys is this weird or what okay so just so we're clear i need another key now right stop hurting yourself geez peace thank you beast jump over here oh i got two more keys we're good we're good peace save me don't make me do anything not cool phone welder special crafting flaming arrow healing potion spiked cobalt shield peace peace please help oh i don't even know i don't even know what's happening i don't even know what's happening they keep giving me this stupid magic [ __ ] stop just stop how we doing guys shadow keys for shadow chest in the hell where did i get the name mache uh my mom mostly i think my grandma wanted to name me joshua apparently rest her soul she was a great lady okay heal send out more bees what's this what's that thing oh i need a special key for that one lady are you trying to die lady look out what is that go home go home before you die do it close the door right that'll stop it oh god i gotta i'm trying to save her life guys i don't really want her to die i just saved her i feel like it would be mean to just let her die i already got the skeleton i'm in the dungeon now it's a very fancy place can you stay stay in here don't don't leave the house carl you are carl now there's no arguing over this fact do i got any um i'm looking what's this goodie bag treasure hunter shirt yeah okay wondering if i had anything that would make me um well the faux will make me better oh [ __ ] i flew too high how long have i been playing terraria a whole like two weeks or something i don't know since the first stream that was like the first time ever playing pretty much avoid the spikes i'm still picking up those books for you guys something down here looks fancy what are we talking there's too much to this dungeon man it never ends wood shelf i don't need a wood shell get out of here wood shelf i think it might be time for me to uh get my piggy out and just deposit all here we go what did we get rid of up here i'm mine in the books i'm doing it just like i'm told like a good streamer who is completely beholden i got a water bolt guys that's good right this is what you wanted oh it do be bouncing though find the murasa i already got it it's on my is it on my person i leave it back at the thing probably in the trough you spell you pronounce it wrong not me spelled it wrong or whatever when in doubt send in the bees every friggin time the bees know the bees know boys head across here nothing in here oh that looks fun what is that sorry alchemy table okay that's good no more no more little bottles okay there's another thing over here this place is massive dude i'm gonna find so much good stuff in here open that up put it up oh i put my gold things in there okay hold on finally someone gives me health so nice of you dude okay um take the keys back out of the pig dude stop we need uh key so many dudes in here constantly hurting me stop hurting me the bees the bees will teach you a lesson boy there we go uh demonic aqua scepter that's better than a taboo one right what we got throwing knives water walking recall gold stop how come you can shoot through walls bro stop it oh no oh no no no oh [ __ ] damn it there's a lot of boys in here combine it with three other sword knight's edge blood butcher musa blade of grass fiery greatsword there's a lot of stuff i don't have there boys a lot of stuff it's all good it's all good listen it's time to do that thing again okay i'm trying to 33 chance to not consume potion after crafting ingredients no way sounds nice where can we put it i feel like we need a basement don't we there obviously we'll replace this [ __ ] with wood but you know okay so that was pretty good that got rid of most of the stuff take the piggy now loot all pause it all there goes everything oh we we really need to i really need to pick up these chests as i find them water bolt better than b gun um i don't know i don't know i don't know if i can accept that as truth i'll put it next to the b gun it has its appeal i'm not gonna lie yeah i'll probably do more geometry dash soon so but yeah when the new update comes out it might be a good time use the b gun for wall of flesh um i got a lot of stuff here that i want to just toss i'm running out of space to do so as you can see so i need more chests which means i have to make more chests which means i need wood and i need iron there we go goodbye i will look at the other stuff that i have here cobalt shia looks nice um keep that there you go i'm gonna go back in again we once again have an empty pig okay spelunky might be a fun game to play these games i i don't usually consider these games like in my um i don't know if you call it style like on brand or whatever however i just keep having existential crisis crises so don't really know who i am anymore and i just do whatever i want oh [ __ ] i went so fast the star couldn't catch up to me sorry buddy i hear stars falling from the sky don't care back in again let's try not to die this time sometimes the world just kind of stacks up against you and you have no choice but to die i'm gonna try my water bolt now guys for you it seems like the water bolt will be good if you can just fire right through things you know hook that guy up pretty quick that's nice boing boing boing they go for a while hey what is the doesn't say just just says it casts a slow moving bolt of water that does the trick that's the good stuff it's got good knock back eh that's good that's good oh bro really two can play that game now uh that chest is good she's still running around down here like an idiot let me go down and see what she's up to oh [ __ ] the spikes guys the bees the bees just go the bees just go to whoever needs to die okay but that doesn't exactly happen with the water bowl too much guesswork too much making choices you know i don't make choices i just let the the bees do it okay what's up girl you're really you're really down here doing this [ __ ] eh where we going just this way still collecting books too guys oh double chest let's go ahead and get the bees in here thank you bees handgun that's pretty cool when in doubt when in danger fly away another maura musa no muramasa sorry guys i words what's in here yeah you know something's in here i ain't giving up without a fight bro good for like pat's like this you can just shoot in front of yourself is that santa claus the cursed man okay i i don't know if that's santa claus to be honest guys is santa cursed perhaps you guys just don't give me a break i try to do things and you're like nah not cool um what's this tally counter supplies how many monsters have been killed and how many monsters have i killed 70 angry bones boys 70 angry bones see you later natalie have fun picking up pumpkins happy halloween hope you have a good one i need to pick out a pumpkin too not gonna lie oh that's oh that's a bad boy bad boys everywhere shoot him with the shoot him with the water bouncing around in here okay we're still going i don't know i don't know like how long is this damn thing it just keeps going forever now we got one of these weird guys a dog i need it give me the dog sparky awesome oh guys look at this i need another key for this one golden key in a brown chest amazing i am a little bit sad that i keep finding chests that i can't get into santa claus again what's that one how do i get in there am i stuck i need this i don't think i can get it anyway right it's another one of those things that you need a key for this is not modded this is regular old terraria see you later james thanks for coming appreciate you matt is now in hell yeah i can't get out though wait can i blow it up there we go awesome there's a thing up here that's a very bad place for a thing oh spikes seriously is there something up here can i stand up up here or is it just all spikes it spikes i'm not dying i don't want to die we can do rope right that's bones that's not rope okay um we're just gonna climb the rope it's safer this way what's in here a zealous valor hmm nice looking yo-yo bro i didn't expect this dungeon to be so big guys so big and so scary huh i need a key any key not any key why won't you fire you weren't firing your gun dude asking for trouble i was clicking on the fire button he didn't even take it out he's like i don't want to shoot my b gun today give the bees a break save the bees i am saving the bees dude to hell okay so we have to go all the way back now right has matt ever played terraria not until a couple of weeks ago now i am a terraria veteran not really but i have put like 30 hours in since so i'm at the very least playing what was that ancient necro helmet sixth defense i'm sitting on five right now but i got the set bonus for my gun should probably use it buy a grapple i have a grapple i just don't use it i have a good one it's like a spider grapple is that good enough it's kind of weird i kind of like it i'm in like a web the neck or armor will give you huge ranged buffs yeah i saw that we'll see what else happens we'll see what else we pick up um will a spelunker potion do anything for me right now not really oh well i did the trick was that something down here we'll just keep exploring the uh dungeon gotta get rid of those traps holy [ __ ] look at that up here look at all that loot can i have that can i is there a way to get it i need that [ __ ] dude oh damn it how would i get this stuff guys is there would there be a way in would i have to go around maybe look at this a bunch of seemingly good [ __ ] place around this after dungeon is hell time go out and go down yeah okay well we're not gonna do that i'm gonna zoom in i won't zoom in completely we'll go to 180. see a little bit better i don't want to make it too small oh [ __ ] i need that begun begun okay all right thank you thank you here we go more exploring another one of these bad boys healing potions really these guys really don't hurt very much do they they're giving me a lot of garbage aren't they uh i'm not really too concerned about the grapples right now so we won't worry too much about it oh [ __ ] okay over here where do i get all these keys guys i got a shadow key which is good where can i get more i like how all this stuff leads me nowhere enemies drop keys all right we'll just have to keep shooting them then what is that why is it this guy can shoot through the walls huh what kind of fancy [ __ ] is that i can't do that oh yeah imagine a large dungeon damn yeah this is just a tiny world man there's nothing to this okay i'm already at the very bottom i'll go to hell after i'm done with this dungeon guys all right wish i had a key is there something up here do you think it's going it's going somewhere all right come on get out of here stop it how many times do i have to send the freaking bees after you how many times we have to teach you this lesson old man oh dude another chest right here another shield [ __ ] okay there's some fancy stuff up here now guys gonna take my time and find out what's what can't get in there what did i just do bewitched increase max number of minions what can i take this what is that bewitching table okay all right use the shield instead of the feral claws not a bad idea another one up there well i'm still getting hurt of course forceful blue moon look at this thing 54 melee damage jesus suspicious looking eye archery bone welder i already get a bone welder something like that whatever dude that was a good pick up right there i am feeling good about that one not feeling good about my health though let's change it blue moon pog you good boys we good oh god there's more they're sending me over here now i love this is like my favorite part of the dungeons just breaking through all this wall find out where you go next i already have a water bowl so does that mean i should just give up on the books this place is massive another blue moon okay all right oh [ __ ] i am pressing the wrong buttons here right now oh man i just love getting more loot in this game guys so exciting right now i'm trying not to fly so hard no need to break any more books good right now i need to chill until i can heal again shoot shoot then i'm gonna go down here so we can continue getting awesome loot uh what's my best heels this one it's just the healing potion down here i'm glad i never had to worry about mana in this game it's never something that bothers me oh i just oh is this guy i thought i got touched by the swingy boy sorry boys my bees were bouncing funny can i use something here anything let's just go with this i just feel like i need to use something guys can't see don't know where i am oh boy anything down here nope oh [ __ ] [ __ ] um come on boy get up out of here get up out of here [ __ ] guys i shouldn't have done this there's 22 gold down there recall potion why didn't i just recall i have a freaking mirror i have worms in my brain oh how much does a blue moon cost how much can i sell a blue moon for one gold nice let me check this thing out oh yeah i am the man now so much better use the money trough i've already used it's all good it's just my piggy bank i just don't know what to do with all my stuff too much stuff always too much stuff let's just kill this guy i feel like killing this guy come on never hurts to uh grind out this boss right guys unless it's getting like daytime or some [ __ ] then it might be a bad idea to do it no stranger to making bad decisions though i need more mana mana okay this shit's really good against the boss because of all that like pass-through damage chrimtainor do give me a sick time crimtain or thanks bud let's get smelton yeah that's the eye imagine cthulhu right okay we've got 73 chrimtain bars now is there anything good we can make with cremtane no i'm not playing in master mode i'm playing on the easiest difficulty because we're having fun there's like nothing i even need here well the bow would be a nice upgrade wouldn't it by far only costs eight to technically forge a bunch murderous that sounds good sell the other ones i know i can also tinker if i need to and that just costs that just costs money they're not even they don't even sell for very much okay play mastermind if you want to die inside yeah and i don't so i ain't doing it i have more of these things just fight this guy again come back i don't know what time it is i need to i don't know i need to get a watch i need my uh my claws put them away gotta stop doing that oh manna thank you poor guy eh really just not saying a chance against someone like me i really shouldn't be getting hit at all by this guy but you know don't hurt him he's good people all right more chrimtain or are you thinking what i'm thinking guys should we kill that guy again let's kill him again i am having too much fun mr cthulhu man um foreign don't even bother don't even bother the bees are coming for you my dude can you imagine being the eye of cthulhu and just getting destroyed by bees you get so much gold for that dude damn alas he gives me nothing of value sad sad person um how do we get the brain to come back how do we make the brain summon brain of cthulhu brain of cthulhu bloody spine that's right oh and that's the vicious powder the powder is too hard to get man i got lots of vertebrae i just don't have any vicious powder bro yeah you need a bloody spine that's um not gonna happen let's get back in that dungeon finish it off go collect my money if we can um we could have grapple hooked out of there couldn't we i didn't even think about that before it would have done the trick no not in here oh you can get powder from the dryad during the blood moon wait just like you just talk to her during a blood moon she'll be like alright here you go you can buy it store my money good idea i don't like your good ideas get them out of here i should have done something with all this crap whatever it's too late now sells it during the blood moon that's that's good that's really good to know because with all the vertebra if i just get some of that powder i'll be good to go what am i placing nothing i don't have any torches left life is tough boys gotta take my torches off the walls oh you don't need this many torches so i'll have some of those thank you very much all right see you later xavier thanks for coming buddy the duck welcome to the stream thanks for coming we're just trying to explore this dungeon and we already defeated skeletron and i had to go collect my stuff because i died like a butthead big butthead um alright come all the way down and go around okay a goodie bag what's in the goodie bag rotten eggs kind of goodie is that it's not goody should be called a baddie bag am i right i'm so right oh [ __ ] don't even that's right that's right it's what you get that's from the bees hey um this place is convoluted these guys didn't happen to steal my [ __ ] did they ah i'm gonna keep murdering you guys until you give me good [ __ ] okay is that cool golden key i don't want a golden key well how often do they drop keys that aren't golden keys guys i got six of them already they're not exactly doing it for me anymore you know just keep getting more extreme with my desires hey you're hurting me bro i might have to start sending you guys water it's a really nice knockback on that i can see why it's good oh sorry bud i like the noises too those are all so good so 20 seconds oh [ __ ] 20 seconds until i can heal again man oh god i'm just trying to chill here man 22 gold no i went home dude did you see that guys did you see that well it dropped in a better place this time but seriously i used the damn thing to go home and you did that to me eat my ass game sad sad times do a big area and place exactly 100 torches why how do i make a void bag with bones i'm intrigued by the sounds of it let me go collect my [ __ ] again guys okay so basically we got this whole plantera thing to do next or something you guys wanted me to go to hell do you still want me to go to hell i could play subnautica for a stream i think subnautica would be a good stream game somebody say a legend ticket in battle cats doesn't sound like a real thing i mean the freaking platinum ticket costs like 10 bucks would a legend be like a hundred hundred dollars for a ticket i don't know if they would do that but nothing surprises me anymore stop hurting me stop it i'm tired i don't want to do this anymore owned almost this game is really good at just giving your mana back when you do things which is lovely i just wish it was the same way for help it doesn't seem to be because don't those mana things give you a hundred mana every time the health does not give you that much it's okay we're good i'm gonna finish exploring this area now guys i'm not gonna die we gotta get can you just stop doing that this guy gets a little over eager sometimes here we go new spot what's up stop hurting yourself there's nothing in here oh they're trying to kill me again aren't they i mean i'll bite i don't know how far down that goes oh it doesn't go down that far where do you live hello i live in vancouver british columbia i live in west vancouver technically but it's all vancouver pretty much the vancouver area we all have the same problems there's something over there right here no what haven't i explored yet or is that the whole thing maybe up top a little bit oh boy okay so nothing then oh [ __ ] no don't hurt me oh god guys i'm so low on health right now the bees will save me the bees will do it the bees will make me make me not die the bees will keep me safe right bees yeah actually kind of but kind of not i'm really worried right now put coins in piggy bank smartest person that i know now i can use another health potion have some foe jump up here don't get hurt and we're going around we're gonna go to hell okay for you guys a lot of people i think have been asking for that this stream they want me to go to hell i don't know if you mean in the game or you just don't like me we'll see we'll see what you mean someone told me to make a lightsaber with meteorite let's go home let me see if i can actually do that i don't know if i have are you guys playing rock paper scissors over here meteorite 69 meteorite bars seems like a good number if a lightsaber is possible i see a meteor hammer space gun and a helmet where is our guy why don't we have the healthy guy anymore do we just need do we just need to build a house form is that it you need gems well i guess we're not doing it beeswax and grenades for being aids i have beeswax i have been aids explodes into a swarm of bees could be good you know what i mean could be good do you have anything good here dude no you don't sad right let's go to hell okay don't drop a voodoo doll in the lava or i will summon wall of flesh don't really want to do that so thanks for that advice i'm gonna come down here and we're going to put some more stuff away you don't need this i don't care where things go all right my piggy bank loot quick stack loot quick stack the rest of the [ __ ] goes in here i want this i want that my inventory just keeps getting smaller i probably don't need this right now we don't need this one because we have another one but where did it go it's here demonic all right you think the b gun would be op for wildflash okay what is a hellevator also there's 666 people watching right now so that's kind of good elevator continuous often straight mine shaft allowing the character default character to fall all the way from the surface to the underworld uninterrupted it's allows fast access to all layers an elevator can sometimes be annoying because of the random pools of water and lava you might dig into to avoid this place foreground walls kind of like the foreground walls of the natural dug ones in the lava or water then drain the liquid inside looks like fun doesn't it what do you think guys gonna go for a elevator i've already been pretty far down and i've been teleported once down here it's boring it won't take very long to do and i probably should have one i do have this drop right here i can climb out of this many ways come on let me make some torches let me get some wood oh there we don't need platforms we just we're just gonna take the wood back there we go there we go that should keep us for a bit make an obsidian skin potion too much stuff guys too much stuff we'll just die if we die from lava we die from lava it'll be a great time uh piggy bank one thing i keep doing is i take everything out of my piggy bank but that includes my goal i don't even need to put the rest in just the gold is fine um it won't even take very long to dig this i'm pretty pretty good on the digging here fall right in as for water we'll just take the water with us it'll drain off somewhere right that's right i'm not in journey i'm in classic go go let's go you missed the skeleton fight ready coalesce or whatever your name is ridiculous is that what you were going for yeah you missed it but you can watch it you can go back this stream will be a vod later you want to go that route [Applause] i'm assuming everything is good right guys i haven't like accidentally screwed anything up should all be going the same way yeah we're good fall fall fall pop pop pop and of course he gave me more mana that's what they do guys i really don't know what to be playing for youtube anymore like i just have no idea so like i do appreciate your suggestions i don't know what's actually good to do for the uh for the stream or for the for the videos i feel like i can stream whatever i want maybe maybe i'm slowly killing my youtube channel by doing whatever i want to be honest that would kind of suck but youtube's all always up and down and i would not be the first youtuber who got stressed out about that so i try not to i see blink root that's okay luckily this is a small world so a elevator won't really take all that long and i am skipping stuff obviously still going down the same as before the water will drain are we good i missed dungeon guardian i did what now you're talking about the skeleton okay who's hurting me what's this trident gesture flaming arrows potions getting a little hard to breathe down here isn't a voice yeah i didn't miss him i got killed by him once before i should have brought glow sticks with me guys oh [ __ ] apparently i'm writing a thing there you go i need to be able to see if i want to come back at any point the elevator continues i gotta ride this minecart now guys you know it's like it's a non-written rule in terraria that you have to ride the mine cart you have to then we go back to the elevator by the way may not be draining nicely oh no it's all good the map is the map is just showing it differently we got nothing to worry about well there is you know a little bit of uh this [ __ ] right here that hurts we just drain it i don't have any bottles i would put some bottled water in there got rid of my bottled water oh what was that pre-hard mode wings on sky island that's right for those of you who are curious [ __ ] eh i don't really want to well it doesn't matter if we go back i'm gonna go back and get some bottled water guys i wish i had bottled water in real life where did i put that those are clouds in a bottle which is nice i think we might have to make some uh oh that's the piggy bank i was like why is there so much money in here i think we might have to make some more make some more bottles of water oh wait there's one here wait no we need a bucket of water not a bottle of water sorry um figured that one on my own then i looked at the chat and you guys were already saying it of course where's my iron oh i put that away down here i need to try some of this stuff out okay that's meteorite did i iron that i didn't even take the iron out did i have one iron see how they are other iron up here eyes man eyes use them no it's not here i have lead there we go just need to make a uh bucket right here make a few [Music] to the elevator we go boys here it is check it out no whammies oh [ __ ] we're good i didn't realize that the wings were were like oh [ __ ] of course um yeah i didn't realize that the wings were like that guys i didn't realize that it was like a you know a thing that was only in this new update or whatever oh [ __ ] do i have a bucket of lava here you have a bucket of lava now because i don't want it put some damn light over here and away we go we're back in action unfortunately there is gonna be what the hell there is gonna be a lot of water here followed by a bunch of lava but the lava and the water will cancel each other out see you just go right through it's actually kind of nice i still got really hurt somehow i guess it's not a perfect science it's okay let's try it okay heal elevator continues i haven't tried summons yet i don't know how that stuff works man no idea is that just more water down here like what is going on i should have brought glow sticks man ah the water is being drained folks look at it go goodbye water and we can actually take like stone blocks and we can block it off right good [ __ ] it's said online that it can get kind of annoying with all the water but doesn't seem that annoying to me i think we're doing just fine i appreciate you px having to keep telling people the same stuff again and again we're on classic it's not journey it's not expert it's not master and we're also about to go to hell so i hope you're ready for that bringing some water with us which might help right right because we can get a little bit of a bit of the old obsidian going maybe bring it down boom we've officially made a elevator what do you think oh we're in one of these places i feel like i need to have uh i don't have one if i had a potion that would show me things what is that fire imp eat bees [ __ ] okay we'll probably use water against fireboys owned what's this just a furnace this is demon torch oh yeah obsidian skull immunity to fire blocks now will that be immunity just for my uh just for my just for my head oh it literally just goes in there gotcha now that's fi that does does this what counts is the fire blah blah blah blah the furnace is an upgrade hellforge oh it sounds good i've already got well i don't have a dresser in this one but i do have an obsidian dresser in my other world okay what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna switch this out so the first thing i go for is this all right there's a lot of things i want here i'm not gonna go for it all right get some hellfire arrows look at that well this wouldn't hurt me anyway right no here's some money to blow our movers in battle cats lol but seriously love you and good thank you terraria grinning cat very nice thank you so much i appreciate it um what am i looking for here guys what's uh what's going on here looking to get absolutely destroyed by these guys apparently should should i just explore i think i should just explore hell not much in here damn demons the the old gargoyle dudes okay clearly i'm not navigating very well i ended up back in the same place i was that's okay i don't mind purple chests i can open them with my shadow key well i can open up open up one no opens all shadow chests opens one ah perfect so this is good for a very long time good till the last drop that'll it'll actually be really nice won't it like now we can just open all these chests up let me just grab the stuff up here first sometimes you get heals look at this guys shadow chest open it what we got gravitation potion i will take it brisk treasure magnet increases pickup range for items i was wondering when i was gonna get that tungsten bullets you can use those uh instead of uh musket balls for extra damage in my gun use that i gotta get the the old piggy in here piggy take my things piggy hmm i want the hellfire arrows up here okay hex stone dude is it that stuff owned mine hellstone if you find hellstone lava will spawn so use obsidian skin i don't have obsidian skin i don't have a potion for that suppose i could get me well one not going down there hello not much in here is there well should check these those hellfire arrows potion of return that one's a good one we can use it it's a portal that lets you come back through it so you can go home drop [ __ ] off and come back again all in one go what are these hellstone bricks so whoa i'm a little nervous guys you know because of all the things that want to kill me down here you know what i mean this is a chair sofa so is it this stuff and now it's lava and i'm dying beautiful right beautiful i mean you told me that what happened you told me it could happen but uh you know you know me i had to find out for myself didn't i hex stone plus handgun elevator go burr we just get back in there it's all good open this up again loot stack loot stack hornet staff um that is in a chest somewhere i think it's this the goal in the gold one mythical hornets that forgot about this guy so i have a hornet and i have this guy um we chilling dude we're chilling the organization hurts me uh i if you have any tips for how to organize things better in this game please let me know i'm still in the process of like yeah i know i'm just kind of filling boxes here but like i just have too much [ __ ] like this game there's too much [ __ ] in this game dude pink sword and bow this guy and this guy oh can i have can i have two if i if i do this oh bro it lasts for 10 minutes right all right i feel good i feel good about that make a house for a guide so you can learn how to make it by giving him a water bottle yeah i can just look it up um uh what's what's it called obsidian skin fire blossom water leaf obsidian i have obsidian right because the other two things are easy to make obsidian and water leaf and fire blossom pretty sure i got tons of that water leaf did i use up on my fire blossom guys i think i might have i could have also put it somewhere else it would not surprise me i have to check all my chests now lots of blink route here okay yeah combine the skull and the shield okay i shouldn't have put my my tinker thing all the way over here but that's okay it's not that far i am missing out on so much i'm not ready for progress okay sure dude sorry i'm not perfect enough for you obsidian shield grants immunity to knockback and fire blocks thanks guys now nothing else can be combined right now i like to just make sure because i don't know what's what i'm doing my best guys i don't know maybe i'm not i'm trying to i'm trying to do things that are fun in this i know you want me to like organize like nobody wants to see me organize my house right now and yeah move the tinker station let's go i really ought to do something with this house here too i know my world is a mess guys it quite it quite matches up with my uh my real life so i think it's fitting that's just me all right i will eventually get all this like organized can i stream arc probably won't probably won't do that oh i need to get this again there we go keep my minions around all right minions we're going back we just need um we just need to fire stuff let me just go ahead and make some um something in the bobs get the sand make glass there's bottles there too and i'm legitimately going to uh bring a table with me to hell i'll just craft it down there it's probably gonna be tables around but wouldn't hurt to have one if i can actually get any wood how do i keep running out of wood it's because i keep putting it away right because i'm like i don't need wood and i put it in a box somewhere the organization is hurting me too just so you know um okay so we're gonna make a table and then we'll find some fire blossom down there put my gold away did i do it again i did it again didn't i there you go it's gonna be the death of me now let's go tell him the combinations for knight's edge and terra blade i'm gonna go over here and get my [ __ ] look at this easy dude easy run over here now pop down here set it away you know put this here put the bottles on and uh oh [ __ ] i need to put water in the bottle don't i gotta get water in hell i don't think so i don't think that's happening shout out to my homeboys though for like keeping me safe in these trying times we're all in this together oh dude are you where son of a [ __ ] where did you put your things i had the grabby boys apparently i i left them and now i'm supposed to try and get up here but i can't but i'm going home either to get kdms thank you so much it's good to see you here again um i promise i will clean this stuff up guys i mostly just did this for time okay you only need one bottle on the table yeah i just need oh okay i didn't actually realize that but uh the water is the problem now and there's definitely water on the way down so let's just grab it on the way down and here we go okay it's time hello are you doing that are planning on dressing up for halloween or not do we plays thanks for the donation i will probably not be doing any halloween stuff i don't know i don't know what my plan is i've been a bit of a mess lately not gonna lie it's my initials so like you can kind of always expect me to be a mess but i am usually a mess that was the next place over right keep it up hornets okay so we can go in here now and obsidian skin how long does it last six minutes awesome okay so now we can literally jump in lava amazing hellstone feels good can't die i like how my little dudes are just chilling here with me everyone is just having a nice time down in hell i don't know if gentian impact is my type of game or not i thought about it i almost made a video on it i just don't know what to make videos on anymore seems like i'm damned if i do dan if i don't whatever i play people are like matt why aren't you playing this or why are you playing this bad game why don't you play good games i'm here playing good games but then like good games don't always have the broadest appeal balancing out broad appeal with other [ __ ] gets tricky not gonna lie tell you what let's go exploring some more i got a couple of these potions we'll be all right i'm gonna go where i died at the very least maybe it's so weird that i'm like in the lava right now i was like whatever dude just in lava hornets can you do something about that guy or is that just like not a thing that you're gonna do do it kill them they're just not strong enough how many uh 140 hellfire arrows now that's nice yup swimming down here that's how it's done did i not drop any more than that where's my freaking money dude so i'm gonna collect all the fire blossoms i can i don't know how oh just collected one then collect all that i can and then i can um use them for future because they're super useful like super useful need obsidian to make the bars okay i'll get some obsidian no big deal plenty of that lying around right just destroying this place sleeping in a bed underwater under lava different very different voice the loot the loot and so many of these damn things but there's so many hellfire arrows in here i'm just going up and arrows constantly i love it so what do i do after i've like explored hell like explored everything in my world i guess just you know start a new world eventually but like i don't really know where the progression leads from here so bear with me i mean i'm making progress every time i play that's the fun part right you just you get a little bit better you get a little bit more stuff every time and you don't worry too much about being perfect that's why it's fun to play games on your own without streaming them because nobody complains that you're not doing things their way should probably get this clocky it's nice to have a clock it's nice to know what time it is my potion's still good for two more minutes just gotta make sure i don't accidentally go jumping around without it a lot of hell forges around here oh i just got an obsidian skin potion out of one of these things nice yeah everyone's like this on their first run like nobody is perfect i don't actually know what everyone is like on their first run but i gotta assume they're not all geniuses they're not all instantly good at this game jesus i'm getting a lot of healing potions what magic power increased magic damage 51 seconds on this thing just reminding myself that i will start dying if i'm not careful oh feels good feels good i'm gonna lose my guys in a second okay let's go ahead and take another one there we go we topped up what's in the goodie bag oh the painting anything else just a painting pig hey bro what's up all right okay can you take all this [ __ ] from me yeah your man think b is the hotkey to consume every buff in your inventory that sounds kind of insane what is this pot detected nearby oh yeah see i have this thing that shows me like the best loot in the area apparently there's some pot nearby bro i'm going to smoke it what is this nothing these are not that how is that a fire blossom it was not a fully developed fire blossom hellfire arrows man i got 400 of these bad boys now okay apparently these are fire blossoms even though they don't have any like heads on them they count and that's awesome we got eight of these bad boys now can i make can i make it up here well i came with a grappling hook nothing where are we oh we got a long way to go collecting fire blossoms so many thank you for dying why you guys dislike i'm doing this for you man for you part of me wonders it would be better for me to stream on twitch where you know the streamers go to stream and people ask me why why am i not on twitch and the answer is because people people are on youtube you know my audience is on youtube it's not really any point of me leaving my audience per se unless i'm looking to grow in a different direction which i guess in a way i could be but overall i might seem like i know a lot of things because of my experience on the youtubes but no i know nothing quite possibly less than nothing is there anything down here rock bottom hey i hit it i hit rock bottom boys i thought i had a couple couple of years left before i would have got there but i'm there yeah baby i guess at this point i just go the other way i like the backgrounds here there's all kinds of weird things flying around hurled the guide into lava to summon waffle the hell is that do i want to hurl the guide in the lava how would you even do such a thing thanks robert williams for saying nice stream nice of you to join me today i've honestly just been playing terraria so much guys that like if i didn't stream it at this point i would just be wasting my time because i just can't stop playing this damn game now we have 22 fire blossoms so we can make all kinds of potions with that there are more coming because those things are just blossoming all over the place don't die not that you can right now but don't die more fire blossoms let's go there see this is what i thought the fire blossom would look like i don't know if you saw that or not you're welcome dara names man everybody's got one some of them don't look like everybody else's names some of them are names i don't know it's a diverse world out there folks two minutes left on this so that's good i'm just gonna i'm trying to get back to the middle and i could have used my uh my elevator perhaps i should have but i felt like making the trip back i got some stuff it wasn't for nothing don't care moving on with my life i'm looking for another one of those purple boxes guys i don't have a voodoo doll so i don't need to worry about throwing it anywhere but yeah i hear that summons wall of flesh and i'm not ready for a wall of flesh so oh whoa whoa whoa whoa look at all these fire blossoms nope they're not quite ready they're not mature under the age of consent okay more hellfire arrows guys i now have 500 hellfire arrows crazy well that was lame there's nothing in here let's go mini face monster this place doesn't want us i'm getting i'm uh hold on [ __ ] what what am i doing uh i want to get my pig out here because i need another one of these obsidian skin potions because i feel like i'm going to end up in this boom and i did never hurts to be prepared ain't that right folks so many healing potions like stop i like how we started it was like let's let's kill skeletron and the next thing you know we're in hell just casually flying around kicking ass in hell oh there's another one we found one treasure magnet ornate shadow key a pet mimic i want him where is he pep mimic do i have to equip this somewhere oh there he is oh he's a little chest how cute all right little chess boy we got battle potion here heart reach pickup range for life hearts restoration potion reduce potion cool down no way what's the potion cool down then 40 something seconds all right you think about that yeah i had two wasps defending me a second ago dude but i uh ran out of time on that oh another one there's a bunch down here flower of fire 61 man in damage magic damage dude more tungsten bullets potion of return guys what is this oh that's that's the mimic i thought you were another one dude i don't like you anymore you're confusing me things that confuse me need to be destroyed it's all good it's like see if we can find another one huh they're everywhere they're everywhere more hellfire arrows we now have 600 of those geez louise yeah subnautica subnautica would be a fun stream i don't know streams are just streams are just for fun to hang out but i gotta get my ass in gear and make some good videos i don't know what good videos are guys gotta go through my list of videos that actually did well lately and do more of that that's the way youtube works i think a lot of viewers don't realize how much like out of control sometimes our content is where it's like i have content that i want to make it's just a matter of can i make it because at the end of the day you just make the content that people want to see because making stuff that you want to make for yourself sometimes ends in people destroying their channels nobody wants to have their channel destroyed because they do a 180 on their content to do what they want but a healthy balance is always good uh one thing i have learned guys as a youtuber for seven years is no matter how many times you have a mental breakdown about your views or your whatever your you know the health of your channel things always things always turn around like if you just wait long enough you just keep working on it you will eventually turn things around so try not to worry too much if you're a youtuber who worries a lot like most of them lovely in a goodie bag rotten eggs who does that oh guys i got the guy voodoo doll i got it i got the voodoo doll what does it do why is it equippable can i just hang onto it i need to see it no whatever i'm not gonna throw it in the ocean or the lava or whatever because i don't really want wall of flesh to come but i have him so that's a thing i'm not gonna throw it another chest down here boys hurtful dark lance platinum bar hellfire arrows restoration potions obsidian skin glow stick gold coins well that's good because we actually are going to need that obsidian skin in 30 seconds i might as well keep exploring hell right guys i can't resist myself at this point i wish i could but i just i need to keep doing this it's just it's a no-brainer there's so much [ __ ] to collect and i just can't stop collecting it and there's the next potion i'm just gonna go ahead and uh keep grabbing these things zealous hellwing bow not that great it's okay a lot of healing potions which obviously come in handy so many potions in general man jesus look at this demon here he wants me okay another one oh he's got a voodoo doll i got it it's mine that's what you guys meant about throwing the guide eh good to know can i heal there you go why was there so many dudes around all of a sudden oh more hellfire arrows how many we got now 880 collecting that [ __ ] like pokemon man oh flower of fire good [ __ ] demonic hell carter nice try [ __ ] more fire blossoms yeah baby can i um just real quick just want a quick stack not even going to bother not looking at nothing don't worry [Music] that mimic is confusing me though guys look i did it i got everything in hell got it all taken care of oh what's that there was a lady up there maybe we should follow her oh no it's not a lady that's a that's an alien i thought you were a woman you go back to what you were doing just kidding he's dead now what's up here what do you get if you go just nothing right just more more hell oh wait what is this it's a different biome right thanks lucas appreciate jeff so we're gonna we're going to um probably go for wall of flesh next time i stream i will obviously be working to make that a possibility oh i don't know what i'm doing now i'm just running around yeah all right let's go back i got a whole lot of stuff i want to open up this piggy bank because i have hailstone and what can i do with hellstone anything can make house don't break i don't need health don't break make an ear for wild flesh you won't regret it also if you find a wandering merchandise some colored team blocks by a lot of them because they're free can't spine you see yeah look guys put down the hell forge oh the hell forge bro that thing that old thing where'd i put it hell forge i'm putting the hell forge right here so get out so hellstone plus obsidian equals a bar okay okay how much obsidian did i even get it wasn't a lot right oh stone bar so i need more obsidian then i can make good stuff right well there's not gonna be any obsidian up here it's gonna have to be in one of my boxes if there's any at all but i think i might have used it all i didn't get a lot of obsidian i mean it's easy [ __ ] to get let's just go grab a little bit more obsidian okay um yeah look we're not too worried about the wall of flesh we're obviously not gonna be doing it today anyway we'll get to it it'll be good right now i'm just gonna hop down here get myself a little more obsidian oh i still have this thing for nine seconds i should not have done that though eh whatever where's all that gonna go i'm just gonna oh [ __ ] sorry things down there probably wasn't my greatest moment gonna go back home again kind of just destroying everything make a house for the god you guys really want me to do that eh you know what to hell with the guide to hell with him i think he's a loser boulder wow now with an anvil let's take a look at our options oh molten helmet eight percent defense breastplate nine defense molten greaves eight defense imp staff molten hammocks pickaxe fiery greatsword 40 melee molten fury 31 damage that'd be good to have wouldn't it what do you guys think what am i supposed to get here make the sword [Music] i think you guys are telling me to make this sword fiery great sword boop now what savage fire greatsword oh it's extra big yeah extra big boy holy [ __ ] jesus yeah yeah it's looking pretty good not gonna lie between that my little thing right here lots of ways to kill things now e sword everyone's like sword sword is the part for the knight's edge okay two down two to go okay knight's edge let me look that up real quick guys uh blood butcherer blade of grass fiery greatsword muramasa um or blade of grass light spain oh we'd have to do light spain right 10 demonite bar okay and blade of grass 12 jungle spores 12 stingers isn't that easy i don't have any uh oh uh no it's a blood butcher of course that's easy to make that's i've made those sorry guys i forgot that this is not my um this is not my world with uh with corruption get you back on the old live stream here so 12 jungle spores and 12 stingers eh one to go 17 stingers but the spores themselves are going to be the part that we have trouble with and there may be spores around here what do they look like again no i gotta i got a mora masa we're good on that um blade of grass 12 jungle spores and i had some jungle spores because i used them at one point to make myself a whip but we get 12 more of those bad boys and we can make the uh the thing we're gonna have a really good weapon the knight's edge okay all right yeah looking for spores is kind of gross not exactly the most fun you can have tell you what guys i am gonna make this place look good okay and i'm gonna organize and next time you see me playing this game you'll be like oh my god since when does matt's place not look like garbage and i'll say since right now [ __ ] owned you know what i mean fight torch god i ain't fighting nobody okay i ain't fighting nobody i got skeletron completed i feel good it's all it's all good you can get corruption between the dryads house in a graveyard cool box is best house i know right and i said just a good starter sword yeah guys it's time for a goodbye i'm gonna i'm gonna wrap it up it's been almost three hours place 100 torches everyone's telling me to place 100 torches you jerks i have 411 is this right can i just do it like this underground underground son of a [ __ ] well this looks dumb where do i place how does that work the 100 torches where do i just like can i just stick them around here everywhere does it matter how close they are together underground in a square so i need walls then are you telling me i need walls should i just start placing torches there's no background here eh this place just place 100 torches will this work tell me this will work cause this is what i'm doing now i don't know how far they gotta be close to each other holy [ __ ] okay well we can put them in here this is close enough to each other okay you guys you're funny you're really funny here you're really funny with your your things that you're making me do area too big okay listen up listen here listen to listen and listen to me i hate you all but i will concede okay give me a second i am going to get some wood and i'm going to use my wood i need more use my wood for this and then i'm going to make stone walls okay and we're gonna do it like this okay is this cool a depth of at least 200 tiles we're at 340 okay so we're in a good spot for it was that all ready was that all i had there i guess that's enough right i know i'm not being trolled but i still feel like i'm being trolled you know what i mean 100 torches in close proximity how many torches is this dude this is it right i've already i've placed enough you guys what's going on now and now we need to wait a little why am i doing this because people are telling me to do this i am underground right now this is underground i'm in a freaking cave it says underground oh [ __ ] it says caverns you know a 3 by 13 is not 100 torches a 3 by 13 is 39 torches you guys you guys you gotta be kidding me yes this is a hundred torches it's gotta be a hundred torches more torches more torches it doesn't matter buy them doesn't matter put more you need more what do you mean i need more you said i needed a hundred look at all these torches you guys are you guys are killing me you're literally killing me i ran out of torches dude i don't have enough torches left literally can't even i literally can't even guys i don't even have the wood to make the torches now be in a dark place i don't think it's gonna be very dark you just think i'm gonna place torches all day for you dude i think i'm just gonna keep placing torches here all day because you guys tell me to because you don't know how to count to 100 i know how to count to 100 there's 100 torches here nothing happened nothing it needs to be in hard mode are you kidding me all right thanks for coming guys thanks for coming thank you katie for the donation appreciate that they said that there was a torch god who was gonna come and now they're like no you can't do it so i gave up okay i hope you're happy i don't know if i've been trolled anymore maybe i was maybe i wasn't i don't care get the hell out of this stream right now also buy my merch also smash the like button i didn't say it once during the stream so how you know that i'm a good guy okay so just go get out of here now all of you and don't come back until i say so which will be in rip lol thank thanks it'll be in like the three to two to two to five days or something i don't know i love you all very much stay safe wear a friggin mask
Channel: MattShea
Views: 43,802
Rating: 4.9302073 out of 5
Keywords: doki doki stream, doki doki full game, doki doki gameplay, doki doki literature club, doki doki lit, let's play doki doki literature club
Id: 6gIcVGKwsxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 12sec (10212 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 29 2020
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