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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/doozur πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

Too bad it’s fake... I’m not sure if it actually is or not but there seems to be a lot of evidence against him

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 24 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
a white male play sixties five eight approximately 160 pounds going forward two in custody sir you did this let me pull you over for inspired tag no you're not going anywhere you're not going anywhere bandana take it off take it off stop stop why are you harassing me relax relax what's up guys i'm paddy mayo and today is black friday that means 25 off everything at petty mayo dot tv 25 off hats sweatshirts t-shirts absolutely everything 25 off just use coupon code black friday during checkout and with every purchase you guys get a personalized shout out you may be wondering where did shout outs go they're going to be in their own video series right here on the main channel starting very soon every shout out will go off with a bang make sure you grab the 25 off get your name in that shout out list so you make it for the first couple of videos i'm paddy mayo and now on to the video can you respond to a welfare check on standby for details ten-foot new dispatch on route control 420. we're in the area do you have a house number on looking for a a male white large build six feet uh wearing a white robe we've been out with him before his name is noah cash thinks he's jesus 10 forget and run him will want some warrants please on scene you lock it up no cash yes have you dealt with this guy before yeah yeah it would have been easier if we just went with noah jesus does he really think he's jesus yeah hopefully how you doing ma'am well not too good what's going on we've got this guy he's a neighbor and he's just been hanging out here and i've just had it he he thinks i need to be baptized he thinks he's jesus christ okay and he's down at the river he's been coming up he's been yelling for me to come down there and i'm scared he's going to come in and get me okay what else has he said to you that i need to be saved and he's he's the one to do it i guess i don't know i just want it taken care of he's been here before we've called him you just want you just want him off the property he's crazy you gotta do something okay yeah we've dealt with them before all right so we'll um i believe he's been trespassed from your property before is that correct okay so we can criminal trespassing today uh where's the egg wanted to show us uh come on you can it's better if you go through the bath okay but yeah he's down at the water he's been coming halfway i see him happy and i just can't take this anymore has he made any threatening statements towards you like he's going like he said he will come in and get me because i need to be safe okay okay and at that point did you fear for your safety and that's when you called us yes okay we'll take care of it control 428 will be in the back of our 20 making contact with noah cash hey noah sheriff's department what's going on today i can't hear you would you say she did invite us yes yeah she wanted to talk to it talk to you about that what's that almost ready yeah yeah she's getting prepped right now she's getting her uh baptism gear on you know what i did that yesterday so i think i'm all right your sims clean come on in no no the only the only problem i have stay up here for me yeah let's hold it hold on stay up here for me i want to show you stay up here for me noah no no no no the water's here noah stay up here for me stay up here for me brother stay up you got to wash your sins noah stay up here but you gotta wash your sins away okay i need you to stay up here i want you to keep your sins up here for me okay okay you step up the ladder for me well sure but you're not gonna be able to get baptized here let me get you if we want to get baptized we can go in the water but i want to talk to you first about it about the process okay i don't know how the process has gone a little nervous oh you just wade into the water it washes your sins away you get right over there to the lord's island yeah and i mean lord island oh this is all the lord's country i mean look around you the beautiful nature yeah it's my university i agree i created all that the only problem i have is that this isn't your property well no it's lynn's property right she right she really needed to be baptized and she and you know why she said she would do it i don't think she's interested today but what i need you to do is just come up here with me okay all right and we can go somewhere else to this bat can you let go of my robe here you're yeah you're gonna come up yeah yeah all right come on up yeah absolutely oh no no no no no no no no no come on noah now that but no no no no come on okay all right it's no no it's that right this everybody is a sinner you all need to be baptized okay all right all right no we're all baptized so there's no need to double baptize us what i need you to do why didn't you why do you bring the book come on over to the island i'll go over the island with you but we need to come up this way first well no but see if you're if you can't come into the holy river we can go in there but i want you up here right now that's your if i come up there i'm with you know heathens and demons if you haven't been baptized i've been baptized my partner's been baptized my camber crew's been baptized what i need to do is just come upstairs for me is that is that holy water what are we drinking yes it is i i always have to drink some holy water before performing a back baptism interesting never seen that no no that's that's one of the old ways that they don't really do anymore out of a flask well in any any metal or silver container in general you know silver is best for blessing okay no where do you live yeah you still you're still you still living over here yeah yeah okay yeah so why don't we take this why don't we take this back to your property and then you can go in the you have a river behind your house too the public river i mean anybody can come in the river you know what you're you're actually absolutely right there well what i need you not to do what i need you not to do is uh you know you know you need to be baptized okay what if i don't want to get baptized sticks i've already been baptized can we come to an agreement can we come to can we come to an agreement can we come to an agreement where you stay in the holy river and not come up on the demon land can we agree to that okay is that agreeable yeah so we can just whose ladder is this lin's ladder well no that's my ladder i brought over for her because she said she needed to be baptized okay what i want you to do then is take it leave that there no this is lynn's ladder it's it's changed did you chain it to the later tree well yes because we don't want demons coming and interrupting our baptism so okay well i want so you you're going to take your ladder and go home or stay in the river but you're not coming back up here do you have a key where's the key to the lock well that's at home so go get the key well i'm not going to give you the key like i said i don't know who you are and you're refusing the lord's wishes here so i mean you know look it's it's perfectly fine it looks fine it looks perfectly yeah it looks fine so all your sims away you're more than welcome to stay in here you've been trespassed from lynn's property in the past okay so i'm letting you know at this point it's criminal trespass so if you come back on lynn's property you're gonna be placed under arrest and you're gonna go to jail well i mean that that's your laws but that's that's not my laws that's not my lord's laws okay hey do you mind if i called you lord jc or where do we do can i call you noah no jesus is fine i mean you know yeah i don't know noah is the you know name that i've been given since coming back but in you know in reality clearly clearly yeah and you're you're here in in human man form correct of course yeah do you i mean i'm just asking you to respect man's law which god also respects so listen man this law requires people to get baptized i mean otherwise you want to serve an eternity in burning in hell yeah that's god's law let's follow man's law right now and just cooperate come on up here well manslaughter is god's law but i mean you know so bring some holy water up oh yeah come on i'm not coming near you guys without a lot of holy water believe me okay and you better not try to do anything i'm not are you gonna you're gonna leave peacefully watching my father's watching you're gonna leave peacefully i'm always peaceful i i have nothing but peace fantastic you're the ones here that are destroying lynn's baptism your hand down hey that's my ball what's in your hand down you can't steal my body what's in your hand down there there's nothing in my hand your hand down nothing in my hand okay hands behind your back just like that relax relax brother died for you relax my father put me on a cross crucified me literally crucified me so that you guys could be saved yeah and now you're attacking his only son yeah well i can tell you you will not like when's the last time you talked to him okay i mean it's i mean you will be judged okay you will no right now you're being placed under arrest for criminal trespass and assault i was invited here you were not invited here lynn you were not invited lynn you're trespassing no you're trespassing and it's criminal because you told her that you were going to enter her house you tell her that you were going to go in there and get her no i i said that you know the lord need needed to make sure that she was saved but you never made any statements saying that you were going to go inside of her house and help her get to the river well because she's an older woman she needed help walking down i offered to help her that's why i brought over the ladder and he said i'm going to come in your house and bring you to the river will you say something to that effect that's what a good christian would do we help our elderly you been drinking today no what was in that flask that was holy water i told you that's you i mean have you ever been to a baptism yes the freeze or in this case me has to drink enough holy water before providing baptism did you drink enough today how much holy water did you have uh just a little just a little it's you know it's not the the amount doesn't matter too much because it's holy one so as long as it's been blessed and like i said a silver container helps why does a civil container help what's up with that well silver is the purest and holiest of metals yes silver's the purest and holiest of and anything blessed that is silver retains its blessing where other things something you know it wears off basically it's yeah it's a there's a lot about christianity a lot of people don't know because i've been forced to live in hiding pretty much or else they're going to crucify me again i'm not going to do that well it's probably not good for your hiding then if you just keep coming out and having to deal with us right for going on other people's property well i mean i have to do the lord's work i have to do my father's work so we have to do our work you you believe so as long as we're all working you believe in your fascist laws well i'm actually trying to help people and teach them the way with god's laws you are attacking and assaulting the son of our lord oh just wait wait for your day of direction we're gonna go ahead and jump in the jesus mobile now okay those don't even look like bulletproof windows i think that's the people away from jesus the pope has bulletproof windows jesus doesn't need that button first button first watch your head gotta be kidding me people you will be reckoned where's your idea at noah i don't have an idea i am jesus christ you don't have an idea they don't they don't you think they gave out ids back in the early 2000 years ago maybe you know no i do when you came back you can see me when you came back you know i'm real you just manhandled me so clearly i'm real you are real yeah you're really under arrest whatever i'll take care of my father will take care of this one day for you yep i know your father all right did you find the flask on it's in here oh didn't see that yeah that's where he got it from oh i was stuck on the ladder there for a second ah well that's nice little flask in there makes sense i mean it's a little cutout bottle it's cool lots of business for him in vegas gonna open the back these don't even have to put seat belts on there captives you want a seat belt on i can put your seat belt on i got your uh your bible back here and uh huh and your cuisinart ladle well maybe you two should be reading that bible while you're i can't read it you cut it all out so you can store your flask oh no it's the the word in the word is always there the bible is always gonna be there it's in your heart the fact you don't understand that means that you are not going to have a great outcome in this life i'm sorry anything else noah my name is not noah you understand your legal name is no you understand what's going on i understand i'm being captive and held prisoner for trying to simply baptize a nice elderly friend of mine okay and you are apparently the religion police and you're gonna now make sure to it that she is condemned to hell and you are condemned to help and that is all your fault all right huh yeah don't be spitting do not spit my car that's gross if you spit my car again i'm going to tase you blessing it with the holy saliva since you wouldn't take your blessing with the holy water hi is it taken care of it's taken care of he's going to jail um we're going to arrest him for criminal trespass since he's been trespassed from your property before and we're gonna trust our wrestling for assault for the statements that he made too saying he's gonna come in your house are you gonna be willing to sign a witness statement for that of course okay we'll be back with you in a second we'll give you that paperwork um where we bring it back down to jail and hopefully it stops yeah we could i'd keep him forever if we could but realistically he's going to be out tomorrow and if he comes back again you know eventually he probably will because he lives so close to you yeah um but we can't keep him out of the river it's a public river we can keep off your property line every time it comes back we can just continue to trespass them and make a little bit worse for them all right all right i'm glad you did what you could do thank you thank you he's giving the car hell look at that no you okay back there see the car shaking there maybe it was my father's rage trying to get me out of here
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 8,723,024
Rating: 4.8603625 out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, season 1, dbso, sheriff, funny, police
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 39sec (1119 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 24 2018
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