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please 6g is 560 pounds code for two custody sir you did this we pulled your first fire tab no you're not going anywhere you're not going anywhere we have been Danna take it off take it off stop stop why are you arresting [Music] laughs what's up guys I'm patty Mayer welcome to the show today is Black Friday that means big savings at patty Mayo dot TV 25% site-wide off everything hats sweatshirts t-shirts backpacks everything 25% off from now until Cyber Monday just used code Black Friday during checkout and speaking of great deals then Sarah watches the makers of my new favorite watch the rogue sponsored this video they're having their very own Black Friday sale up to 25% storewide check out their collection you're absolutely going to love it my new favorite watch is the rogue it comes in nine different styles it's durable I love the craftsmanship I love the detail on this watch typically I'm not a watch guy but when these guys contacted me I took a look at their products and that they are they're amazing it's a fantastic price for a well above par watch they have everything from luxury watches to tactical watches to watches for different types of lifestyles you're going to love them they have over thirteen thousand five star reviews then Sarah watches is known for their craftsmanship and their attention to detail you're really gonna like these guys check them out link is in the description and now on to the show four-twenty control 4:20 good yeah 4:20 you have reports of a domestic dispute 20 flock are you any good ten for Orville Yuri nice pose up on our cab Margaret grave suspects assaulting another miss gray Bonnie 10:42 now disturbance for 22 birth birth hello Sheriff's Department hey what's your name where's Bonnie yet where do they stay where do they stay they stay in there and what's your name Teresa your tabatha okay where's Margaret or Bonnie hey Bart come speak with me what's going on today let's go on today do you call yeah what's going on with girlfriend and her girlfriend where's your girlfriend dad okay honey go talk to my partner over here and why do you point me in the direction of Bonnie okay why do you stay right there on the porch have a seat right there Bonnie's probably out this way somewhere she's out that way somewhere okay let's speak with you first who are you having an altercation with Bonnie or Tabitha she's your daughter yes so you having an issue with her or are you having an issue with Bonnie Bonnie okay put your hand and she puts her she's Bonnie put her hands on Tabitha yeah okay big red she likes to be called who likes me called big red Bonnie Tabitha what's going on with you and Bonnie today nothing okay well what happened during that argument you got some some marks on your neck is that from her no well I think your mother thinks that it is from her okay what did you see no Bonnie put her hands on Tabitha I didn't see her put her hand on her date you just know that that's what's going on is that what's going on you just want to tell us what's going on so where'd you get the marks from okay I'm gonna go speak with Bonnie why let's hang out here okay okay that's this guy he knows where baniyas no I'm pretty sure that the dude maybe uh watch this building here in case she bolts out of the back it's not like that excuse me sir Sheriff's Department sir Sheriff's Department come speak with me real quick are you Bonnie are you Bonnie that oh well she said we can come in she said if you want to talk to me got to come in here yeah hey Bonnie why do you come out here and speak with me just in case one of them gets frisky now I want you to come over here and speak with me real quick I'm not comfortable speak with you around these bulls oh there's another one over there so can you come this way what's going on today why do you think we're here okay well someone obviously called us here so we were invited here well by tabatha well actually no I'm sorry I got all my names mixed up here sorry I'm not familiar with you all so you me get a second here Margaret called us rather yeah she's lying what she'd be lying about no not really but if you can go over here and speak with me about it we can probably get down to the bottom of it stay okay I'm not worried about the cows but I do need you to come speak with me or this is going to go this is going to go bad for you I'm giving you a lawful order to step outside the cow pen and if you don't it be placed under arrest for obstruction of justice as of right now you're not in any trouble you step on outside no I'm not scared of a cow a little cow I'm a little nervous about three bulls I don't know what I don't know what you teach them so what's going on today why are we here well Chavez his mother called us since you guys got into an argument I didn't say you types Tabitha I didn't say you touched anybody did you get an argument with Tabitha Cheetos okay so you got mad that she wouldn't come out even help you work and where's she get the marks on her neck from herself did she do that often absolutely she done that past sure have you been arrested in the past no you have been arrested for domestic violence in the past yep never had a call here for domestic violence before yep the pressure we've been called to this property before my dispatch is lying to me we haven't been hell year before and again tell me you've never been in trouble before no young probation and parole no nothing okay I'm gonna go speak with Tabitha I want to find out why she has red marks on her I don't think she did that herself Ashley except I still blame you and then so why would the mother call and say that she thinks you put her hands on her okay all right you might come up here and speak with me or up to my car brother you know you're not under arrest what even detaining you has her mother called the police in you before they never showed up how many times she called the police on you just one other time was it a similar situation yeah let me see yeah you see your hands do you live here or do you just work here okay all three of you live here all right honey go hang out by my car my partner now I'm gonna go speak with Tabitha again [Applause] all right Tabitha yes so these red bars yeah where'd they come from myself I get angry you angry to do it to yourself so you just got real frustrated with with Bonnie today over what she said you don't do nothing and so so when she was saying you to do nothing then what you do you just argued then you ain't you you went your separate ways I see your hands is that blood or what's that what's on that what's on this side your hand pretty hands dirty from that is that blood I don't think so I think so I don't believe anywhere you've been working outside today at all oh well yeah I mean you live on a farm right but what she said you're not working yeah well that's what I'm saying she just says never seen me do nothing just don't think I do okay and ma'am what what did you see happen today marks all over will be beside where yeah so you got a big you get Monsieur he had a big claw mark down here down your neck here if she did that to you that doesn't mean no mean necessary she has to go to jail we need to know about it because if you lie to me that's a crime if you lie to me that's obstruction of justice you understand that okay no it's illegal to lie to a police officer okay you're not lying to me nothing else I'm gonna find out okay all right have a seat wait here for me and in ma'am what do you what do you want what do you want to do with her today hey does she live here okay so what would your ultimate resolution be it's getting crazy okay one day and I get scared okay all right so you don't put your hands on her never got physical yeah back Alicia let's keep me from doing that love sometimes these have to disconnect the world today a piece of pizza mistake No get arrested I've had them on the entire time you have I just took them off mm are you depressed at all do you feel like harming yourself not right now do you feel like harming yourself too often I don't I don't I can't predict that you can't predict that so when you did when you did this to yourself yeah is that because you wanted to harm yourself no no is this because I I don't want to harm anybody else you want to have anybody else frustrated and angry do you think you get frustrated angry to the point where you might seriously hurt yourself no no are you too proud for that are you depressed I mean everybody goes to depression sometimes right I used to a Seidel no you're not suicidal I'm trying to take my own life okay maybe I do it to make them feel bad really do to make me feel bad making you that angry okay are you suicidal yeah okay good have a seat in that on the chair go inside for him mom come talk to me I know so unfortunately because you have a witness anything and their stories are the same I don't have there's nothing I can do my hands are tied so you can call again if you think there if they get into an argument again you can call again and we can come out and for the same thing but until you witness her being assaulted and there's really there's nothing we can do you what I mean yes so I'm gonna take the report I'm gonna log it so we'll have you know we'll know that this happened and so if we get called out here again in the future will at least have this to go off of and then maybe we can you know build a build a stronger case down the line that's right now we just don't have enough to you know do anything okay another thing I was gonna try to do was is if your daughter was think about harming herself if she was suicidal we could put her on a 5150 three-day suicide hold but she she seems like she's in the right mind yeah so sorry so funny that we can do and just gonna be on our way okay thank you all right sorry about that hey Tabitha just keep it cool all right if she hurts you she if she hits you you let me know alright Bonnie you're all set I think we all know what's probably going on here but at the same time there's nothing that I can do about it so you're gonna go back to work and do your thing and if we get called back out here you may go to jail so I would suggest that you all start to get along and don't hit each other sound good all right thank you thanks Barney we're gonna be 10-8 in clear four to zero four to zero we appear to have a frequent flyer you're being dispatched for a domestic disturbance again the reporting party is Margaret gray do dispatch control control 42 I'm in the area as well for q2 I'll touch to them control for 2 to 4 20 hands what's your name where's uh where's Tabitha and Bonnie at yep turtle Department oh she's on top Big Red's on top of her big red Sun job inside left you okay you okay come this way put your hands down crawl away crawl away mouse control 421 fight ones day back away back away big red what's going on on the ground on the ground give me your hands on the ground give me your hands give me your hands put her back down give me your hand give me your hand give me your hands give me your hands stop resisting give me your hand there stop resisting give me your hands you're not in any trouble keeping your hand here till we figure out what's going on I need your hands stay there give me your hands you hear me give me your hands give me your hands give me your hands give me your hands it seems you do not go down you understand give me both your hands give me your other hand put it behind your back put it behind your back all the way put them up just like that red you're about to get taste you understand my level voltage through your system do not want to do that so here I'm getting nothing exactly good be good good ladies what's going on hungry see she was hungry separate you called what happened okay I just can't watch them fight anymore who started it they just both together at the same time well together yes yes went right at it yes yes yes okay was the fight over outside you outside of the United people over here outside right there you go who's that she involved no yeah I'm staying that hallway don't come in yeah yeah way down on your face [Music] za'darius just curious what's up you guys can't stop fighting for one day one day stand up get your knees under you hey stand up walk who else is wrong with you guys okay stand right here what's going on what's the Stefan oh you thought no I didn't see it action acquire sod was a part of the start it was going on nothing she's just trying to feed me she's trying to feed you yeah so how to start well you know same won't say more I don't do nothing and I just sit on the couch in the food so she's gonna feed me yeah yeah you know what did I only get a letter okay and then what I ended up on the floor with Cheerios in my face who touched to first cups maybe it was a mutual touch you guys both came at each other at the same time this [ __ ] comes over to you starts at the same [ __ ] again yeah not doing nothing you said the couch he never but she wants to feed you yeah she was coming at you yeah okay started she said I sit on the couch and feed my face too much and I don't do [ __ ] okay do i press charges against no why do you come on stay with me stop stop stand up yeah right stand up yeah I'm good yeah all right stand up not you partner yeah no I'm trying to help you anything on you need to know about I think is gonna poke me stick me stab me no nothing's gonna hurt me what you get on you I got to buy you two lighters in the cave yeah for though I don't wear the light of that which pocket both him right here I think my mom has their lighter actually just one lighter them yeah pull it in this [ __ ] nothing nothing hidden in your bra or anything like that have a seat but in first those cuffs all right before I put you into those cuffs all right there all right okay sit in have a seat we're gonna speak with her okay [Applause] all right what's your side of the story you've been drinking today yeah okay you've been do drugs today ah just pot okay what started all this okay so she ate but you didn't eat so you're upset about that okay so how did when did it turn into a physical altercation good do some food at you and then what happened okay do you wanna press charges against her for assaulting you know what was she saying when when she threw the food at you make your own food and she just talks the edge' to hit you what did it hit you what was it I played the food did you with the plate - yeah okay so she is she throws the plate of food he - you get upset and you grab her and you start shoving Cheerios down throw them so how did you end up in the kitchen on the floor okay so you guys are on the couch she throws a plate of food at you you jump on top of her okay and then from there you all start hustling back and forth and you end up here somehow with the Cheerios okay all right hang out for me you already searched your partner yeah she clear hey mom all right your story what happened here didn't step over you it's the most radiant know that I just can't take it either boom no tell me what happened tonight [Music] Tabitha was making the food and she was making Barney a plate too but I was just being a patient and just written this is Bonnie correct yeah okay great big red yes okay so Bart get impatient Tabitha's try maker food yes and you start flying at me okay sighing Cheerios fly no it's a terrible mess in there and I'm gonna have to clean it up again stand by once I'm just gonna turn this off all right don't want anything to burn down you're gonna stay there control 420 we're code four Tooting okay so so call each other names and Tabitha trying to get the facts straight dad was making food it's not going Bonnie's way who escalates the situation from there I'm not talking to you hey whining step outside sheesh again here over saying train your porch [Music] keep your mouth shut while I continue my investigation you're gonna pick up an additional charge okay don't interfere keep your mouth shut try to stay out of jail was this Honey Nut all right so temp tab make food big red comes over gets upset she starts yelling at her she's grabbing her what yeah I want you to her come across they get her and then that's what big red did yeah it's top of the first yes okay and then Tabitha is through the plate at her and then from there I don't know they were just brawling and then curios and I got out of the way okay um and here are you willing to science that what Stein witness statement to that yes okay so we have so in your opinion is big red we sure she was the aggressor okay and Tabitha just read through the plate at her and her reaction yeah as to react to her hit her and pinned her you said cheater in her throat we're here to decide yeah inna side of the neck yeah okay all right gredin hang out inside me to finish up what we got to do here and will most likely be taking a big red to jail alright alright alright you go speak with Tabitha real quick should be interested in a program like that doctor tell me your problem yeah okay walk me through your you're making food you make food for yourself yeah will you making food for for big red - yeah okay and what what happened you were making the food is you come over and you start attacking you TJ yeah so did she touch you first did you throw a plate at her yeah okay and did you throw the plate at her before or after she touched you you don't recall do you want to press assault charges on her no okay well in this case we have a witness that saw you guys fighting so one of yous gonna go to jail regardless for domestic violence we're assault domestic let me see your neck see how that you had yesterday night this big weird is where this big lump come from idea with this big right it come from right there you don't know just be honest with me I don't know scuffling on the floor you saw her your pardon side yeah I saw it no okay [Music] Nadel press charges in a domestic violence situation so right now based on my preliminary investigation nope no where do you keep going where do you where do you have to go [Music] where do you have to go just give me a minute we're gonna figure all that out for you control 422 you warned back here okay the cops aren't bothering you okay good you know she sucked it boost him she she arrested for that [Music] here I have the watch commander give me a chest you want you should be cocking how those cuffs make you tell you let's go back to your bike let's sit down there you go stay there one bolt one or one one of the other bowls is where I'm at okay thanks Sarge all right let me get everybody you both are going this time [Applause] I got one in my car so put her in yours you want to get take off you want to get taste relax you're gonna make this worse for yourself don't pick up an additional felony you have the right to remain silent not say anything which might incriminate yourself anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law you can stop answering questions I ask you at any time you have the right to have a lawyer with you during questioning or before going to court if you get out a Florida lawyer one will be appointed to you each one of you understand your rights what don't you understand any of it well which part in particular okay well then I recommend that you remain silent exercise your Fifth Amendment right to remain silent and don't say anything were you gonna go Bonnie what about you do you understand those rights they understand you understand but don't you understand what II need me to explain to you which part okay well then I suggest that you also exercise you fit the minute right to remain silent and not say anything you might incriminate yourself thing apart you got her yep it's ready feet apart all right um I talked to sergeant we're gonna book them both on domestic violence you chew a combat and then the detectives the DEA will hash it out and drop one of the charges and figure it out from there but they both need to go thanks good my brother because she's well she's saying she's just non-stop so I can't get her to calm down yeah I'm gonna get a witness statement for Mom if you want to get ahead of me go to the station and do all that I'll take care of mom and then I'll meet you down there sounds good hi bro thank you
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 3,221,168
Rating: 4.8738284 out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, vincero, vincero watches, rogue watch, rogue
Id: _G3PjJh8ppM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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