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turtle might be bobbin will be on across the park control the taking off coffee and send additional help on fighting don't she's at home [Music] you know that's good anything wrong your luggage taking a shower [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] tax free one okay anyone see anyways until dark it's a priority to call that's not they didn't say all units in the area handle or anything like that so it's one unit at a time so everyone domestic address is going to be one two zero six years ten extends available I'd roll 10 X ray 1 auntie was it easier hey sheriff stop stop stop are you here yeah what's your name wish turn around Michael what's going on turn around face the door understand that face the door now turn around turn around on the door come back close your door stop there figure this out hang on hang on you understand where's bunion cuffs right now she can see us out what's going on back there okay won't you sit here good my wife's name's dawn dawn dawn okay what's this guy look like in there big guy big guy how big probably about two okay probably in your pockets any be worried about alright just spread your feet a little bit I'm just gonna Pat you down real quick okay what's in here let's go Finnegan okay all right brother hang tight we're gonna figure this out but first there you go watch your knees where we have partner what's your name what's your name Sheriff's Office understand that what's your name brother what's your name Aaron Aaron you got weapons in there what are you doing in this house ma'am ma'am I understand I understand high level of stress I need you be quiet right now I need you to be calm right now so I can hear what's happening you say Aaron is your name Todd Todd what's going on today okay I understand that you have weapons in there we be concerned about is there a safe place that you can go can you go out to your car can you sit down here on the table and is our you know I want to see and that I understand that no we'll get to that I want to see him out of my house now I'm a my house anymore I understand that [Music] control x10 tonight now get him out all right how do we want to get in we're gonna wait until [Music] yep they just I was on his way Todd talked to me what's going on what do you what do they think they what what do they think you did what are you doing here you let you live here okay cuz one person says your girlfriend's mom okay someone is there saying they may not recognize you they found someone under the bed is that you tell me what led up to this okay that besides that alright brother I hear that this is the family this is Ryan right now you're not in trouble you gotta figure this out don't you understand I know we don't know if he has new weapons he was taking was under the bed hiding and was taking pictures of her you understand Todd do you live here no okay I understand that if you resist you'll come out we have to go back in there there's a high chance does he live here not anymore did live no you guys want to sit in my car and be warm while you're waiting out over here wait my car not yet inside hey partner let's gonna put them in here so who's this that some guy get in your car oh I didn't hear one in custody custody we're gonna figure this out man pull over here lock your doors man pull over here I love you have a seat here have a seat yeah that door open hey we need to get that door open so he had max through the door that's why he's he's in cuffs are do you peez defender he's defender well from what it seems like right now he's rook watch this outside window for me his name's Todd he's in the back room yeah keep saying you won't go back Joe your weapon we unknown Todd you have any weapons in there zero weapons anything that could be made into a weapon that you'd be worried about watch off don't shoot me control x-ray ten I have I that's us right through the side window nothing in this hands hands are free why are you coming to the door brother cuz you don't wanna how but if I want you to what if I tell you to open that door come out of that room all right yeah say unless I'm on the other side of the door I'm less lethal see a suspect is wearing a khaki pants black shirt gray vest short hair hands are empty come outside this door come on side come outside you're gonna get tasered if you don't come outside if you don't get if you don't come outside you're gonna get tasered if you don't walk outside that door you're gonna get tasered you've got a he's got a table let's get a table in front of that door it's just a small coffee table I'm today let's try and talk about all of it well you're looking very suspicious and guilty right now by the way that you're acting well if I won't point the Taser at you if you put that down and come out of here you think I won't shoot you in the pit I will but I'll let it go on you know it'll probably be the last thing that you see but as long be the last thing that I do because then I'm after that we're gonna handcuff you and put you in the back of a police car well because we got a call here of a disturbance we want to investigate it and figure out what's going on when I get everybody side of the story so why don't you come on here and tell us about it because you don't want to why because you have to now you have a warrant well we can get your warrant clear but right now you're fixing to get additional charges do you want additional charges to so what's your plan he was gonna stay in the room all night huh but we don't want to have to do that make sure we're gonna make sure work doesn't have a some cross oh hey she's a little trigger-happy yeah rook go les we're in your crossfire got me just Paul just keep eyes on him but keep your gun down we're in your direct cross what's he doing rook what's he doing I'm gonna pack your ass in my car in a second you got eyes on Brooke what's he doing what's he doing he's just standing there he put the table down anything whose hands anything in his hands nope he's clear Don if you didn't do anything wrong brother white white or defensive don't make me look through the glory hole and talk to you what's going on Todd just come on talk to me dude yeah it's an invite to come on talk to me you want to fight me does he look like you want to fight me you want to go to jail why cuz you got a warrant dude is it really worth all this though they're really worth all this you're not gonna come out we're gonna come in there and kick your ass we're gonna taser you and all this stuff when you think about it when you think about what you're doing here think about the charges that you're gonna accumulate yeah oh yeah you do huh he's gonna there's no point in kicking he's got that flipping on the table it's a closet thing so here's my my thought process originally was only what I do is talk to you partner have you come out civilly and have a discussion with him he's a pretty reasonable guy actually he goes down you guys are gonna bust him and then if he resists I'm gonna hit him again okay well I'm busy at the moment you want you want to align me door you know we ain't going anywhere right Todd get used to four walls no unfortunately we're fixing to come in that room and so I need you to do see how calm and compliant I'm being right now but I need you to do is the same thing and just gotta move that table get back mother that window is coming right out open that door right now open that door right now knock it open the door okay you're gonna get tased if you'd open the door that's how you want to go or I'll give you every chance I can control still non-compliant don't move don't move bro I got a Taser in a brain look at you hiding in this room like a fool relax stay there happen now you got anything in your pockets we need to be worried about know what's back here wallet only say got a prong two prongs lower wrapping them up upper abdomen poor roll this way what's all you got no I got more you want more I don't think you want more Todd what's his name Todd all right Todd the photographer Todd what do you like the photography Oh come say some kind of some kind of improv art and he embodies take a prongs and body yeah hey Todd so we're gonna help you get these prongs out of here as quickly as we can my deputy behind you is a nurse but listen we got to talk to this we're gonna find out what prongs are in your body well we define which one's body which one during your in your eye we're going on circulation okay go one in skin here just gonna take the lead out do you have eyes on the fourth maybe in there let's guess roll your side here Todd yeah just stand them up all right get your knees underneath here we're gonna stand up here mm-hmm got it I think it's the only one in skin said the only one in your skin you get one in your arm see when his arm doesn't he they're all over the place turn right not like we told you to he's got one in the back I think we like tasing people thank you get off on it you go look kidney you're nothing this time you have to catch me it's in the take manner well bird mekt ranzz mom is this what that was in skin is this what in you yep that one's in you yeah you wanna get that one alright on three one two so okay that's three I get three okay I count three under here yeah underwear on underwear what do you feel it left arm right arm might beat my chest though I don't know is it on the ground let me go that's not gonna happen right a good look for it yeah grab those drug water song yeah we need that for evidence stay right here brother prongs are on the on the gonna counter here yeah I just lost one one do you live here Todd you live here not anymore they get moved in my car I have the kid in the girl in a row okay mom and son amusement son okay yep hey what about let's well I guess we'll get him in my car before we let axe guy out what's his story so it's good let's go he's code four he's crazy he put an axe through his door probably lucky I got the Taser guys instead of the axe huh just keeping the front me get them to meet me just move them first stand against the front of the car spread your feet wider spread this beat I don't kick them fresh kicks so I call them fresh kicks man I appreciate good shoes we're green on that you're and you seem to be fighting me on agreement no ma'am if you touch him you go to jail you talk to me can go to jail so stop are you thinking ma'am he can press charges on you with you touch him yes I think in Jude do you want someone like him putting a charge on you know you want to scumbag to get one up on you give you tuck he already did he's gonna get what he did okay he's gonna pretty damn you're gonna make it worse that's how I post them on internet you just gave yourself away my friend good job please go in the house otherwise we're not gonna be case against this guy no you want him out of jail you go inside cuz if you go nuts on them there's nothing I can do you're gonna you gotta screw the case up for us don't screw my case turn around facing me put your ass in first then go inside we'll talk to you one second hang out inside hang outside go chill out hang on inside have a glass of water I know you I know you want to kill hey listen I tased him twice for you twice 200,000 volts my brother he's in your car my keys in your car yes secure yeah hey brother I step out you're alright I want to talk to him about the axe what was going on first I was gay what was up what was up the I wasn't here so yeah so tell us what happened what's I know you're mad okay I understand that so you came out okay and so you were just using the axe to try to get the door to get to him to get him out of your house out of my house okay you were gonna hit him with the axe you just turned open the door now whose room did he barricade himself in wha whose room did Americans it's a spare bedroom now it's my own something okay but it wasn't his room to barricade himself in now he said he lived here does he live here he's been living here yes staying here for how long oh god I didn't marry you sure a few months in a few months okay so it's his legal residence as far as the law is concerned probably so we need to get a temporary restraining order burnsy restraining order on him this is probably only gonna be under one day hold unless he has does he have any access to any money I couldn't tell you do you think he can you get access to a couple thousand bucks okay so there's a chance that he may not be able to bond out so that'll be working inside but if he does we can get emergency ro you just go down to the court I don't want that take our report number you can go inside all right he's coming we have any his property zero just the axe it's next to the couch okay as you go in the door that'll be on the right hand side all right where's uh this has fallen to restate taking photos on yes by breaking hey Brooke you got the know you want to break all the evidence we're not gonna look at it this is gonna go straight to the detectives I'm gonna shut this off right now yep no one needs to see anything like that uh well he's gonna go to jail if he has access to money he'll be able to bond back out he doesn't have access to money you won't be able to bond back out if he bonds back out you can get a temporary emergency restraining order through the court you can use the case number and then the case number the CAD number I'm gonna give you tonight you can use those taken out of the courthouse I don't know what happened but giving you an emergency ro and if it's late at night we can make the call for you to the judge we can get it and stay it's tonight that's what you already do thank you okay oh that's nice I'll call the DA okay well I don't want that to happen like if I was you I would have done the same thing so we'll take him down to jail I'll get the emergency ro for you and I'll come back here and probably I'll call you or I'll come back here in 3 or 4 hours and let you know the status of and let you know that it's active and it's just good to go and then I'll give you a copy of it and that's all you need you think I was back here if he calls you texts you messaged you on Facebook knocks on your door comes with 100 feet of your property he goes to jail immediately just call us don't screw up the case don't get yourself into trouble could be itself the distrubing as it looks like for everybody right then we have charges getting passed around and you get charges on you you get charges on him stuff wants to get dropped becomes a problem don't create problems for yourself just let them go to jail I'm gonna do now well find out this one thing you can't do is either go to jail get the charges pressed on it and you posted it pictures you on the internet or anything like that but that's my next questions what's gonna happen with that phone that phone's gonna go to the detectives and he needs access to his Facebook or whatever they'll know as soon as I get down to the station they're gonna delete all the photos off of that put them onto a secure server they're gonna be any photos that you posted in social media the delete bolts from his accounts I think that that phone about this app this it'll all get deleted okay I'll get catalog and then we get witnessed and then it'll get deleted but the departmental hold on to the photos for prosecution make sense so is there any way to tell if it's already put my stuff well he's on his phone so they begin look through his browsing history to search history and that will probably lead us to all the different places that if he's posted them at all have you seen him online anywhere I'm looking for my cell phone my ID okay detective Murphy we'll be in touch with you in the morning it'll be this first thing if you have any questions use the caddy case I'm gonna give you sign any questions hey you got taste twice yeah no he's lucky yeah put a couple in his chest no I mean that's how we hope that usually goes but doesn't always go that way come on line thanks locky yeah sorry happened to you what's that we're better kids they're fine they're fine here but yeah they won't hear your kids same thing it would be a hundred feet emergency ro so then he can't come into contact with them or anybody your family won't field a text message call phone call nothing like that can't send you a letter nobody nobody does that let us get out of here so we can get them so if these photos are online any words somebody gonna tell me what happened somebody's like they might mean you something they tell me no no detective Murphy's gonna call you in the morning he's gonna be the best person to answer all your questions all I can do is arrest them take them out of jail what the charges on them give all the evidence to the detectives then they handle it from here make sense as soon as we get down there they're gonna start working on getting it all removed yeah mostly I posted from this phone so that means you get logged in to all those same accounts and he post them with will be able to remove all those posts Facebook has a law enforcement contact to if they're on Facebook that all we do is make a phone call we get it removed immediately all right it's good you guys hey you're welcome hey grab your gloves on 801 I gotta go back pick up those ropes thank you sorry all right here you go yep good to go man oh he's in yours oh you got him tonight first really how's this work what'd you guys get you got you guys take the lead on the call and I got to do the paperwork yeah for once yes I mean we left out tit for tat we lucked out tit for tat you're not allowed you're not even I have a set right coyote okay did you want quiet Cody to six months of course I'm just saying you should do that to me then why you guys Rochambeau that's the fairest way he's in your car you want rook to do it Shambo ready are you ready yeah Rochambeau go ready yep damn job done son different every time okay you win you're fighting to pick the same cards hey how about this we're just us ranch where you want to take yeah this is true I don't want any other yep this is trance room cards I draw right he's not noticing hey Todd you're gonna get you good ever seen you wear on you as it tonight for this property you come within a hundred feet of this property or anybody that lives at this house or text message you call you so much as say their name too loudly you'll be going to jail I'll be the one to take you there you understand yeah I won't take you nicely copy but first bunch of feet how those cops are they tight yeah okay okay are they take a look I'll make sure those aren't too tight here to hurt us as we can go brother hang tight all right let's roll
Channel: Patty Mayo
Views: 4,710,353
Rating: 4.9161348 out of 5
Keywords: patty mayo, dbso, southland bounty hunter, vlog
Id: dHCpk0h7nGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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