The Limping Man (1953) LLOYD BRIDGES

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[Music] you know what happened to my magazine I had here uh I think The Man Behind borrowed it I waited 6 years on this plane 6 years a whole world has changed in that time can I hope that love and a woman haven't in 1 hour we'll be in London in 1 hour I'll [Music] know [Applause] and [Applause] a [Music] la New York at life 97 has now landed see this gu moving up now he would stand right next to him when Frankton PRI mm we're sorry to hold you all up like this but uh this is rather an unusual event we've had to take place so now I wonder if I could make a phone call we'll try and arrange that as soon as possible I'm afraid everyone on that plane will have to speak to the police first you here as a visitor Mr PR yes for a couple of months this time you see you've been in England before then this passport doesn't show it that was during the war oh I see I expect you'll find things have changed a bit now I guess I have is this right you're a construction engineer yes right now I've stamped your passport for 3 months if you want to extend your visit or conduct any business you'll have to apply to this address ATT now after you've had a word with the police they clear you through customs [Music] may I have your passport sir thank you Franklin prior yes will you come this [Applause] way sir this is Mr PR inspector brag how you doing is you were standing with a man when he was shot weren't you yes I uh just asking for a light for my cigarette I heard a kind of a th and he folded up in front of me notice nothing else no did you see him in the plane at all talk to him well I think he was sitting in the tail section I was up front I see uh I'll be with you in a minut you didn't hear the murdered man mention by name Noe what was his name I don't know we had a passport didn't he identification yes none of it checks it was all expert fory we found a letter on him addressed to Kendall Brown so temporary we call him Kendall Brown Mr prior I understand you tried to leave the building after your group had been quarantine uh yes I was expecting someone to meet me here I didn't show up I wanted to find out why lot of other people in a similar position all the visitors were notified at the circumstances well I'm sorry where can we reach you if we want to talk to you again later well I don't know where I'll be staying I uh wrote my friend to make a reservation for me in a hotel but uh as I was saying a friend didn't show up well can we get hold of you through your friend's address I guess so maybe we have his name her name is uh Miss French it's uh number seven melin Terrace 7 m a l b e r n oh thank you Mr bar we just go through the the customers will look after I uh wonder if I can make that phone call First please huh yeah you use that one over there just lift the receiver and give the operator the number you want what were you saying to I think so hello would you give me flaxon 5483 please 5483 I've checked the photograph taken from the Dead Man's Pocket M it was taken at a bad angle as far as the number Plate's concerned the only thing that we can be certain of is the make of the car any idea who the girl is no sir I wish I did I see what you mean well this friend help us to find out who Kendall Brown was well so we've checked the records but no such person seems to exist thank you that's all we need it to make this case perfectly simple all right you can go don't you want to know the address what address the house in the background it's South Hill Street Chelsea not far from the river you sure oh yes sir the architecture is unmistakably Edwardian with alterations they're mostly Flats nowadays but this one here is number 39 39 all right thank [Music] you come on Cameron come on where are we going sir South Hill Street I'll try it again for me please there should be somebody there hello Miss French's residence hello Miss French there no I'm sorry she's not would you know if she went to the airport this morning did you leave a message will you be there for a while I see well [Music] thanks sorry to trou you madam we're from Scotland Yard Scotland Yard just making a few inquiries we HED you might be able to help us oh yes do you recognize that lady yes does she live here no but she used to be a visitor about a year ago do you know her name I'm afraid I don't you haven't seen her recently well as a matter of fact she was here twice this morning oh what for she was wanting to see Mr Brown Mr Kendall Brown yes he's got a room on the first floor I he well you mind if you take a look no come inside excuse me get inside side will you follow me please oh this is it he only has the one room keeps it pretty tidy doesn't it oh Mr Brown's a model lodger theatrical no not that I know how long has he been with him oh he's been about 18 months now nothing wrong I hope you know much about him no might be a traveler he's been away this last week expected back to today manage I don't think so but um yes well the lady in that photograph you showed me she's been here quite a lot but that's almost a year ago do you know anything about her I'm afraid I don't and you don't know her name no I'm sorry I don't think Mr Brown would like you going through his things that's all right Mrs Brown this Helen who's she I don't know I never was one for shows all right I don't think we need to keep you any longer we'll just take a look around very good I suppose it's all right well I didn't think there's much we can do here this Kendall Brown seems to be too Anonymous to be natural what do you think of this sir h Helen Castle all my love forever Helen do you think that's a clue to follow up Sir pretty flimsy one I'd say very flimsy [Music] sir inspector look at this what isn't that the car in the photograph he hasn't come back the police are in his room now they asked about you the police would you like to have a word them no come on camon [Music] [Applause] quick [Music] [Music] I heard you come down the hall Miss French you have a visitor go upstairs Frank hello Pauline oh I can't believe it I can't believe I gave up hoping I'd ever see you again that I'd ever be holding you on my arms like this again it's been so long I didn't know you were here when did you get in a few hours ago I wrote you in my letter what time I was going to ride oh oh then you you didn't get my cable yes you told me you'd meet me at the airport yes but I sent another one later I I was so sure would arve in time you mean not to come yes but it doesn't matter really it was just some personal matters and I thought that perhaps later I hold down you must have been terribly disappointed I wasn't there to meet you come tell me everything everything I haven't heard for the past 6 years how are you what's going to happen tell me everything that looks like I made a mistake you want me to come did you it's not that it's just that no no it's very simple to go back I haven't unpack yet matter of fact I haven't even got a hotel oh don't be silly [Music] friend I can't tell you what I felt when I got your first letter do you know i' went through three changes of address so many things have happened since you left so many but you look just wonderful just as big and strong and as attractive do you know that this is the first time I've seen you out of uniform same here hi you Captain Ed [Applause] S you are still do the same things besides acting I mean you still fly oh just occasionally you still race well not much with planes now I got interested in speedboats a little while ago I bought myself a motor launch what yeah you know uh I'm getting older I doubt if I'll be able to keep up with a sweet girl anymore oh I'm much more sensible about it now from Planes to cars to boats it's slowing up anything I see you're still the same old Didi get quite a few more new cups here you know the fellas in the outfit they used to kid me about going around with a girl who could outshoot Annie Oakley don't worry darling I haven't shot one of my boyfriends for at least a couple of years now hey speaking of shooting you know what happened out at the airport this morning fellow was shot and killed just after we got off the plane were you there was I I asked him for a light for my cigarette just before he got hit standing right next door him you want to hear all the Gory details no thank you I've already read them in the papers yeah I see Scotland Yard was there I think we was done from The Distance by a sniper of some kind huh hey it must have been we better get going hey beautiful snap into it huh after we find me a hotel I want to take you to that uh Little Greek restaurant in Soho that we both used to like so much all right I'll hurry [Music] take your places for a feast of magic from the Mystic East first defeat you've seen no living man do that only one surviving wizard can do that I hardly need to add is me here's a chest another a thing inside I show it thus and close it thus a magic pass hey Presto and what do we see [Applause] [Music] me every night I'm tily tied in this attitude undignified in the process I've grown fond of this weird negromancer with the bir and the W but oh is he going to notice me when he's so busy doing what come super naturally hey he has said to me is hey preto folks go wild and the I have my dreams but it seems I'm completely [Music] ignored yes is Miss castle in the theater yes but they don't allow visitors during the show Scottland yard oh Scotland Yard and uh you want to see Miss Castle pleas well she's she's just beginning her act is there somewhere we could wait yes Tommy yes show these two gentlemen from Scotland Yard into the wings will you they want to see Miss Castle sure follow me [Music] gentlemen SC yard nobody got killed did they oh I was poor and I was down when a road show blew into town they needed an assistant I I went and old this mystical jerk I give my own write down for the work and he took me at my [Applause] word heever hey he's so formal and smart was polite but you might think he hadn't got a heart or he to is hey I keep up in disgust find me with a wholesome capacity for last with all our secrets to share we make a wonderful beir a perfect and but if he made me his wife he spend the rest of his life he bailing BR all through my middle she ever says to me heyo my aing and sick each little trick must be slick so I'm quick to obey and I'm here watch had [Music] disappear oh Hela these two men want to see L but from Scot y just one [Applause] minute [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey hey [Applause] sorry to keep you waiting right all right we enjoyed watching your act oh good this is my partner Harin the great how you doing how you doing these gentlemen are from scotton yard scotton yard why is anything wrong I don't know no we just want to talk to Miss Castle I'll see you later my dressing room is this way want to come along thank you thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so seli I suppose you want to ask me about Ken I the B you knew him then I'm his wife but don't let that worry you K and I have been separated for so long that we were almost on speaking terms again I see how long had you been separated oh about 3 years we saw each other sometimes we finally became quite civilized about our differences in fact came still sh a few weeks back you don't mind if I change oh no no no do D we are not in the way go right I've done this before in public without the screen quite you don't know what your husband's been doing lately as no do you know anyone who who might have wanted to get him out of the way no but I'm not surprised that he should have ended up like this he got a taste for excitement when he was a pilot he did what we show people call a double act his was trouble but you can't tell us what sort of trouble it was this time I had to guess I'd say the wrong man's wife oh I that was it you um you happen to recognize this lady yes that's his latest was your name uh Pine French Pine French the actress who did I hear mention that name reason oh you know her she's all the time in the papers rides shoots skis flies anything that moves fast and makes a lot of noise did you find this on Kim yes I see from what you say about your husband those two must have got on well together well very well well thank you Mrs Brown my name is an C I beg your pardon Miss Castle you've been a great help oh there's just one thing I want to identify the body I imagine asure his wife they want to get in touch with you shortly well you can always get me through the theater thank you good night good night good night good [Music] night what next sir well you can do what you like you're young I'm going to bed what about poing friends she'll keep till tomorrow you find it all right sir yes thank you good night gentlemen good [Music] night [Music] well you've seen everything from l m to Jon Gres what's next anything I say anything you say darling it's your day okay I'll tell you what let's just stay in the temps until we hit the sea we'll cross the channel land on the coast of France build ourselves a little Hut out of Driftwood spend the rest of our lives Alone Together no City no people and no past just us what a wonderful beautiful dream you know this is a pretty sturdy boat I bet you could cross a channel on this don't tell me that you've never tried it what do you mean I mean I know Pauline French if nothing stops her she [Music] goes uhoh what's the matter no petrol we've been doing too much sightseeing I knew we should have filled her up before we left well the worst that can happen is that we just keep on drifting personally I can't imagine a better way to spend my time I think I better call someone from the shore oh hello hello there there what's wrong with Miss French trouble yes we ran out of pitol do you think you could te Us in certainly Miss right thank [Music] you well that's all right we'll be in in a minute you know him Mar yes he works for the people who look after my boat over there good thing we didn't drift too long I've got a lot to do for the party tonight oh that's another think I don't understand I'm sorry it's something I arranged weeks ago anyway it'll give you a chance to meet some of my glamorous Leading Men yes I'd love that anyway I want to be able to show you you mean that [Applause] [Music] anything else I can do miss friend up for you no just put nothing together across the dry off I think I'll overhaul and put her up for [Music] sail it's all your boat huh yes it's really much more trouble than it's worth looks like a pub they look for me it's pretty hey how about a drink no really I must get back hello Miss French all the boy tow you in up the river yes we ran out of fuel well come and refuel in here have a bitter on the house we're in a terrible hurry o Jonas I want you to meet a very good friend of mine from America Mr Pryor from America please to meet you Mr pry very pleased indeed can I have a word with you in private just for a minute excuse [Music] us Frank I have to see someone inside for me okay come inside Mr PRI come in and have a quick one no need to wait out there hello Miss French we missed you dear yes I've been very busy wasn't it horrible news yes could I have a whiskey please yes dear What would you like friend I had a same this that you are keep mine warm for me will you I'll be back in a minute American that's right can always you can friend's pretty well known her is she yeah she's a lovely person they take care of a launch back there get all sorts here all the common Old River characters then the ladies and gentlemen like Miss French who keep their boats with us excuse [Music] me [Music] sorry about that darling just some trouble about the boat what made you decide to sell it sudden I just had enough of it I guess what said Al they say that you got in the launch sh to say is it on account of what happened to him no of course not I don't think I want this do you mind if we go Frank all right right in the airport too in front of all those people shocking you shocking you know they have myid in there we must get a [Music] taxi she was talking about Kendall Brown wasn't she yes you knew him man didn't you yes why didn't you mention this to me yesterday was there any need you must have known them pretty well you came here quite often with them didn't you didn't you that's right is that what's been bothering you is that what you're holding back look Frank you left here 6 years ago since then I've lived my own life no strings no ties it's just that that there's anything wrong I want a help there's nothing wrong and I don't want any help I just want to be left alone don't you understand that I just want to be left alone [Music] taxi hey mister hey mister mister no very see how I feel tomorrow cyia please do mind don't keep the phone occupied I want to use it oh certainly ma'am I'm just finishing I'll see you tomorrow George thank you have we got enough glasses and drinks and everything yes ma'am good Owen would you bring me up one of your headache powders please certainly hello would you put me through to Mr pri's room please he yes I see yes I would like to leave a message ask him to ring Miss French as soon as he comes in yes thank you not there ma'am no [Music] it's all right I'm go [Music] coming Miss Fringe yes inspector brck Scot on y oh yes may we come in well all right I I hope it won't take too long I'm expecting rather a lot of from you so I see but I'll try to make it as beef as possible we would have chosen yesterday but you were in such a hurry what do you mean did you know Kendall Brown yes you've read the papers yes you were great friends weren't you I knew him but uh quite well quite well did you often visit him yesterday was the first time in a long while who took this F guard he did where did you find this it was found on the dead man oh I didn't think he still carried it around with him funnily enough it's the only picture I've ever liked of myself gave me the negative it in love yes it is very good are you sure that you haven't had anything to do with kendle brown recently no we met occasionally to have a drink but that was just for Old Time sake but you had some important business to discuss with him yesterday didn't you you called on him three times three times the land lady says you called twice tce before we arrived the third time you came you found we were there you left rather fast I felt lonely I wanted to see someone so I went to him is that all yes that is all Miss French if you think very hard and try to help us perhaps we in turn could help you in what way I don't know we have been known to be helpful to some people this is a murder case Mr fr all right inspector I'll I'll try and help you but just at this moment I am in a hurry I've got people coming and I have a headache if only you could have come earlier we tried earlier you were out all day were you with Franklin prior how do you know have I been followed no Miss French app it's a curious coincidence Mr pry is at the airport at the time of the shooting he gave us your address to contact him it was coincidence wasn't it yes he's a friend of mine a visitor and I would appreciate it very much if he were not involved in any of this I understand but uh just in case we do want to contact him is this still his address no he has a hotel now the Sussex but you won't no we won't I tell you what Miss French you think over everything you can tonight and then you can call us tomorrow morning perhaps you'll have thought of something by then will that be all right yes inspector and call you tomorrow good may we have the thank you m Rich good day thank you did you to the young one then wasn't he cozy this is something wrong man did I say something oh no I'm just being silly people will be here in a minute come we must hurry we've got a lot to do [Music] how you doing Mr PR sorry to keep you waiting that's all right come here you take a seat you remember Cameron don't you yes hello good afternoon sir well now we'll be brief Mr pror we want to talk to you about Pauline French we hope you'll cooperate well I'll try let's start from yesterday morning at the airport I'd like to go into this matter of a somewhat unusual coincidence I presume that the person you expected to meet you there was Miss French was that presumption correct yes and to the best of your knowledge she failed to arrive she didn't I take it you know that Miss French was on intimate terms with Kendall Brown and that that connection remained unbroken until yesterday oh it's possible that Miss French was at the airport you know and you didn't see her you realize that no I didn't realize it Ken Brown was shot by an expert at a considerable distance you know that Miss French is very good with the rifle don't you yes we have to think of everything for instance we have to ask ourselves whether it was a simple coincidence that you stopped Kendall Brown to get a light VI a cigarette just by chance or whether that was a ruse to keep him still for a few moments so that he'd be a better Target that's absurd it probably is that's just the sort of thing one thinks about on this kind of job isn't it sir do you know any of Miss French's friends or acquaintances I haven't seen Miss French for 6 years until yesterday I'm afraid I won't be able to help you gentleman very much the cartridge case of the bullet that killed Kendall Brown was found in the grounds of the airport I get to tell you something rather curious Mr prior near that cartridge case was a number of footprints which showed an uneven distribution of weight and associated with them was a series of indentations in the ground which could have been caused by a walking stick or a crutch that seems to ring a bell Mr PR uh no I uh I I was just curious what do you make of it during your past two days with Miss French did you see or did you hear her mention any person of her acquaintance who was crippled or who might have used some such walking Aid uh as a matter of [Music] fact hello now we had cover in Kendall Brown's house has picked up a taxi driver called Henry Stone what was he doing waiting for the dead man you better bring him up I'll be right down huh oh she is yeah I'm right along take that into forensic on your way back see Wheels never stop well Mr pry you were saying well as I was saying um as a matter of fact uh Miss French is giving a party later on this afternoon so that I might meet some of her friends if uh someone shows up using a crutch I'll let you know good do you know anything about Kendall Brown who he was no he's a man with a very bad record I don't like to say this but doesn't speak too well for Miss French that she had any connection with him whatsoever his police history is a very nasty one there are charges against him for smuggling charges for bigamy in fact all sorts of trouble with women you're a visitor to this country Mr prior we want you to enjoy your stay if you could be persuaded not to have too much to do with Miss French until this matter is cleared up I think you might avoid a lot of difficulty all right thank you excuse me one Mr Stone yes sir I understand you were outside number 39 South Hill Street it's a regular caller mine sir you could have knock me down when the copper told me he was a goner why were you so surprised well it was fit enough a couple of weeks ago understand it was all in the papers too you drove him a couple of weeks ago I drove him nearly every week sir see like I take him down to the river and then bring him back again he's a shipping man or something does a lot of his business down at the spread eagle where it's a little Pub down on the river sir do you happen to keep a record of these trips oh yes I've uh I've got them here I think sir yes this is it yes there well I see you've got today's date here Mr St uh yes that's right sir I was to take him today to the spread eagle I see would you like to make up your Affair To The spad Eagle well I wouldn't mind you there good you can take us down there and Sh us around yeah wait few thank well Mr prior I think that's all for you we've checked your V th we know you're all right but we'd like you to stay that way London's a big and interesting City why not look at it on your for you're through with me then huh yes thank you very much thank you Franklin prior leaving the building better put a man on where's Cameron well tell him to get rid of it we've got a job to [Music] do I come on stupid thanks so much for the invitation I said did you hear about baby here she's got the partk oh publicity so far my own of course when did you start rehearsals PA I don't know George keeps changing his mind but why don't you to go and speak to those producers a do yourself some good I have to go out man I don't know for how long right now man yes nobody will notice let them all have as much to drink as they want what is Mr the prior calls I don't think he will so fair using two hands leave Al I do my own way I don't mind about [Music] your oh Mr PRI I'm so glad you came Miss fren is just going out where is she upstairs in her bedroom careful fall did this when I was 4 years old oh you're nice you saved my life anytime oh my hero come mind old CH that's mine we'll take better care of SC F you should have let her [Music] fall FR d I what's wrong my police are [Music] score I have to get out of here where you going oh darling I I tried to telephone you this afternoon to explain frk I must ask you please don't try to stop me now go ahead doesn't make much difference for the right Stu you're not anyway the police will do that what for because they think you're involved with the murder of Kimo Brown that's fantastic is it the police are at the Spread Eagle right now that man that you were talking with her today the one who walks with a crutch they've got linked with the was shooting how do you know this I had a special invitation to Scotland Yard they advised me to stay away from you if I wanted to keep out of [Music] trouble Frank please I've waited too long and come too far you got to tell me what this is all about [Music] I what do you want to know I want to know what you're hiding from me what's separating us who is this kendle Brown why was he killed what have you got to do with it and this this lipping man who is he God yes you can you can don't you understand I don't care what you've done in the past the important thing is us now Pauline I'm not going to let you shut yourself off for me any longer all [Music] right when when you left I was desperately alone I wanted to forget nothing was too wild or too crazy to try including Kendall Brown he was attractive and mysterious and and I fell for him it's as simple as that is that [Music] it no there was more we did dangerous and I thought exciting things together we used my launch to pick up contraband from ships in the channel I did the navigating and I didn't ask questions all seemed to be part of the thrill that I needed but I didn't know how many other things apart from our petty smuggling he was involved in or how rotten he was until later when I found out I I left him that was a year ago go on well he didn't want it that way foolishly I'd written letters that talked of everything we done together he used those letters to get money from me and two weeks ago he said I could have them all back for £2,000 [Music] that was where I was going to collect them when I met the police well then your problem's over he's dead yes but he has a wife Helen castler singer now she has the letters and she wants the money she was the one who sent the man to the pub to find her this morning my maid told her we'd gone to the river the lipping man yes I don't know what all the fuss about him is he's only the stage doorkeeper at the theater where she works that's where I've got to go now buy back my past all sounds very sord and ugly doesn't it that's the way is Frank blackmailing can go on and on you know why don't you go to the police wouldn't it be better that way no Frank those letters were published don't you see what it would mean horrible publicity humiliation perhaps even [Music] jail I could never work again I couldn't face anyone even you especially you that's where I must go through with this there's no other way no isn't there any way out of this building besides the front entrance yes I'm going down through the kitchen to use the fire escape I'm going with you no Frank you're not getting involved in this Frank please come [Music] on [Music] what are we going to [Music] do come on you have a sandwich sandwich thank you okay Joe come on get on with there pleas come on come on don't tell Mommy please tell her what she gets awfully angry if we look at the mysteries on television okay uh you go to bed and uh go to sleep huh and we won't be the word of it to your mother okay [Music] [Applause] [Applause] a will you have a [Music] sandwich you don't have to stand here you know there's some seats over there no thank you thanks you missed this m Jones went to the nightclub room's apartment your Diplomat was there he was dead had a knife in his neck um Brewster the other fell left um tobacco tin that's the only clue they've got so far that's where we are now why he was the other CH who came in first well thanks do anyone come in here not I is lots of people young couple sp there an ethnic store frch is she still here is she's I'm sure they can't come in where' they go police the people who were sitting here live in a [Music] [Applause] kitchen who's that Evan sir did anyone come down here I didn't see anyone sir uh that man there you work here yes sir there a couple of strangers pass you just now no sir I just came now to put this car away is that all right yeah it's all right [Music] oh [Music] yeah but not come on [Music] I couldn't what you say do or who you are SE oh if your love to yes my hearts now aging to no more this I could [Music] together George oh hello Miss um she she's on stage at the moment but she left your message she said would you wait in the [Music] wings [Music] but you didn't say yes when I asked you to stay of course I confess to like well I could I guess I when I felt your Embrace or your lips at my face and I thought I heard you say this would always be careless I get when I let you reach World be the thousand and end of the world for me but now I couldn't You' gone away let you didn't see when I asked you the St of course I confess to W like P well more I couldn't get hello come along with [Applause] [Music] me [Music] where are we going you want those letters don't you yes have you got what you're supposed to give me yes in here where are that's the stage are you afraid what is that the great B in French is frightened that's a trap for the magician you wait here I'll be [Music] back [Music] take over the door for me for a moment with downstairs I want to [Music] collect actually it's quite easy for me to do this because we've been connected with the ropeless one way and the other for so many many years there was an ancestor of mine they showed him a rope trick he won't be here tonight he's hanging around somewhere I guess magic word m you see we've done it again I'll do it [Music] again all [Music] right [Music] of course it must be a Shar I'm not a ghost here feel not dead sounds a little L if you wish I [Music] were what do they say the reports of my death were greatly exaggerated aren't you glad to see me an ex- good friend is still among the living don't wasit any more time with her K I've got to get on the stage for my last cin no wait are you worrying about staying alone with [Music] him I should do the work [Music] how are you my D don't stop that now don't kill me Pauline and not me not Kendall Brown remember us remember or right what do you want that's a little better now listen first I don't know any more than you do about this crazy idea the police had identifying me with a man who was shot it just happens that I don't mind being dead for a while officially that is it will solve a lot of my problems the man who was killed at my photograph on him and letters addressed to you and others I know who he was all right I've WR a couple of deal when I was in Mexico I left some things there and he was bringing them back to me he was a bad boy and somebody was out to get him I got the benefit he got the bullet and theen identified the body L's been very good it's far better than I deserve that's true love ping I wish I had it from you can I've got the money please give me my [Music] letters it's it's not just that simple what else I've got to get out of England and it's pretty obvious that I can't get onto any plane or or ships that I want to you've got to help me and you're going to no you can't get me involved again you said you wanted me out of your life didn't you oh you don't know how much here's your chance tonight I want two things first transportation to get me away a little extra cash to help me get started on the continent I want you to take me across the channel in your launch when we get to the other side you can give me the money I'll give you the letters then I'll be out of your life all together that's that's easy isn't it you don't understand yes but I do you're an actress with a career you you want to build up a life for yourself maybe with with some nice clean living man who doesn't know too much about about your past with me you know Pauline your letters were wonderful to me but everybody might look at them that way you were too Frank too uninhibited and too good a writer and then our little escapades on the river probably the Customs officials wouldn't understand those you see I've got nothing to lose I don't care if they do come out so I've had sets of photo stats made and original to the police a coffee to the newspapers that'll be posted tonight if anything unfortunate happens to me but if you'll help me get across the channel I'll give you all your letters when we get to the other side unless of course you want to stay with yourent we'll forget that part you leave me on the coast of France and your future is assure it's worth it isn't it it's your whole future [Music] put these [Music] things [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] help help help I didn't want anybody to know I was around especially how weak headed fool like this what have you done toing can you'll be all right I'll get him out of here you remember our agreement the [Music] l oh I'm looking for the blonde girl who came in here a few minutes ago from outside I'm sorry sir just come on but Haren Castle I wonder if I could talk sir gent wants to see Miss Castle I can't find it myself nothing dressing room haven't you seen her no sir it's very i' got to find her you got to find her what about me you join in 2 minutes yes you are looking for me where have you been my name's prer Miss French asked me to meet her here who Pauline French where is she I don't know what you're talking about let me go now please sir I know she was here and I know what she came for now where is she I don't know you will you send the commissionaire to the stage door at once please you can't stop a show you're staying here until I get an answer who do you want all right I can see him people aren't allowed backstage like this Scotland Yard Scotland Yard thank God you are here inspector this man is mad he's holding up the show I have to get on the stage please inspector the show leave it alone prior listen inspector Now you listen to me prior I want you to keep out of this you've distracted an arrest already where's P French ask her she knows Miss SC I don't know where she is but I have to get on the stage can I see you after the curtain please inspector the show I'm telling you she knows all right M scar we go ahead hurry hurry please you mind if we wait in the winds oh anywhere anywhere inspector but just keep quiet no prior you're coming with us uh you stay at the stage door you've got a couple of them to the front yes all right get them around there sh find one [Music] police here did you bring them no I swear I got to get out of here you know where to bring her but I'm missing my gon stay with me and follow in a few [Music] minutes we're wasting time you know Mr prior you may think you're helping us but we don't what's the H Miss Castle should be back on stage by now miss Castle didn't go to her dressing room sir the finale costume's still there who's on the stage door I am where's the stage door man he took his crutch and went downstairs did you say crutch yes he's got a bad neck he always uses one living man take the curtain up [Music] curtain fire what's behind you I think this is your liming man in a bad way get you all right you know how this happened yes she's lying we were together we didn't see anything Kendall Brown's alive he did it she doesn't know what she's talking about he's dead I identified him when we check an iael we don't rely on one person that's why we're here you better go an ambulance at this P all right come on take him up on the stage yes [Music] sir Bo can down man at the stage to standby and I want to see all T Personnel on the stage right anyone go through that pass in the last 10 minutes no sir oh yes George George how st's door he went through with his hat and coat on stage St Cameron thr our Chaps at the front of the house and tell him to stop anyone with a limb yes you get on stage for the balcony prank [Music] you [Music] oh I'm sorry did I wake you I wanted to return your magazine you since are preparing to land now you no Bel please [Music] to fast no seat Bel [Music] [Music] please H bride and show up yet no she hasn't don't worry about it have a good time in London oh [Music] f [Music]
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 364,409
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmstruck, Lloyd Bridges, CLASSIC, FREE, classic movie, crime, classic movies, #classicmovies, CRIME, Alan Wheatley, MYSTERY, Moira Lister, WORLD WAR II, MOVIES, The Limping Man, MOVIE
Id: ajdBQii5zSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 41sec (4541 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2013
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